Old Wounds Never Heal (Rogue and I)



Call a daiyoukai old fashioned, but he always enjoyed reading the paper. In the new age of electronics and the internet, some things shouldn't change. And the newspaper, Sesshoumaru often mused to himself; was probably the best human invention he had ever enjoyed. That, and suits..he had grown to appreciate the fine feeling of an expensive suit in the past few hundred years or so.

To tell you the truth, he couldn't really say why he enjoyed the feel of a newspaper in his hands or the smell of ink. Perhaps it brought him to bygone days where things were as easy as beheading a fool who disrespected him and that was that. Now, humans had political alliances...a care for people they never saw or rarely seen miles and miles away. Part of him was disgusted that human innovation had paved the way, and yet here he was..taking advantage of every sweet benefit.

"Lord Sesshoumaru!" His eyes closed a moment, a small rise of his lips formed as he folded the paper. Something reminiscent of a smile traced on his lips, it was a bit foolish for him to feel nostalgic, but Jaken had rarely changed in the four hundred years when he felt more in his element. The scent of green herbal tea filled the air as Jaken made his way over to Sesshoumaru's fine oak desk and set it next to him. Jaken dressed in the same traditional robes he always had..not that it mattered, the little youkai was rather hard to hide.

"What news do you have for me, Jaken?" He asked, taking the hot cup to sip carefully. At that, the little youkai seemed to fidget under his gaze, which narrowed slightly at his lack of an answer.

"F..Forgive me, my Lord." He said, bowing low. "The..woman you requested to be sent away has returned again." A fine, silver brow arched at that as he settled into his plush leather seat. Again? That was the fifth time this month...he had no idea what could possibly be so worth a human woman wanting to be his personal aide, because what he did was hardly something that required a mortal woman.

He took another look at her resume, somewhat impressive..he supposed. But ultimately lacking in the one thing he truly needed. Regardless, he had to admire her stubbornness..something that could be used for him in some shape or form. No sense to turn away willing help.

"..Send her in, Jaken." He finally said, taking a smooth sip of the green tea as Jaken's wide yellow eyes stared at him a moment. "At once, my lord." He said dutifully, quick to head out of his office and have someone less youkai in shape to summon her up.

The newspaper was boring, so perhaps this would provide his normally slow mornings with something to do.
She had been after this job for a while now, and had essentially been turned away each time, but Kestrel was not a woman to be turned down so easily. She knew the job was as good as hers, no one was more qualified to work under the Daiyoukai. Not quite like she was. She knew what he was thinking, knew he assumed that she was a human woman. Being anything other than such was not exactly something one simply slapped on their resume, but this was beyond the point. Today, she was going to get in. Today, was her day.

Standing at a healthy five foot nine, without the stilettos, she stood in the lobby with her arms crossed over lustrous breasts. If there was one thing to be said visually about the woman standing in the lobby, it was sex appeal. Kestrel had dark, exotic skin matched with light blonde hair and a set of piercing lavender eyes. She had large breasts which molded themselves into a slender waist, and finally down into a toned and well worked abdomen. As one's eyes trailed lower, they would rest upon a set of wide hips paired with two long athletically toned legs. She was dressed in a dress suit, in a sense. Over her torso was a white, corset like top, professional as it might be, concealed beneath a black suit coat that was currently buttoned at the waist, hugging the coke-bottle like figure nicely. From her hips hung a skirt, relatively short, and relatively tight. And finally, a pair of professional, open-toed stilettos. The long blonde hair was tied up, in an elegant bun, curls and whisps of the hair floating around her face and neckline.

She had waited for several minutes before the small green Youkai had finally returned to confirm something that she had known since the minute she had woken up. A smug smirk tugged across full glossed lips before she began to follow him. Hips swaying as she moved, so say she caught attention was an understatement, however, she was a high maintenance woman, and not just anyone would do. Anyone who knew her personally knew that she was a rather stuck up individual. One had to be deemed worthy, and if you were not, you did not get the time of day. No, not her time of day.

Finally, when they reached the office, the little man threw open the door, providing her entrance. She continued to trek comfortably iside, and waited to be offered a seat before she finally set down, crossing the long legs and eying at the male in front of her. Pure-blood, just as she had always known. This explained in a bit of detail as to why she hadn't gotten the job before, but she was sure she was a shoo in this time. She had a few new... methods up of her sleeve, methods she knew that he would be rather pleased with.

She watched him for a moment, the grin remaining on her lips before they parted to speak. "Lord Sesshoumaru... you're a hard man to get a hold of... My name is Hideyoshi Kestrel. I'm hoping to finally be able to convince you I'd be a proper aide, and an asset to your company." She spoke, leaning back in the chair and clasping her hands at her waist. She scanned him, head to toe. It was no doubt what it was the women were crazy about, who didn't like a powerful, attractive man in a suit?
Lord Sesshoumaru?

If he knew anything, his face said nothing as he reclined back impassively. His golden eyes returning her stare with a boredom one would assume from a king after hearing the suffering of his people from the dirty serfs themselves. She was appealing, perhaps. Her scent was different, but even if she was a youkai..it mattered little. She would not be what he needed and that would be the end of it. Still, this woman was confident in her posture..and her beauty was indeed something worthwhile if you were in to lower breeding or mortal flesh that would grow sagged and wrinkled.

After a moment of silence, he finally spoke. His fist resting against his marked cheek.

"And how do you plan to be such a use to me, Miss Kestrel?" He asked. "What sort of credentials do you offer that your resume does not?"
And with his question, the grin widened. She unclasped her hands, the button of her coat. She leaned forward, slowly, as if she were about to reveal some kind of secret. He seemed oblivious to her first clue, although she hardly expected he was a man who lacked intelligence. But no matter, she was rather excited to be offered the opportunity to show to him her... assets.

"I thought that was a question you might ask..." She spoke simply, discarding the coat to reveal the thing beneath it. The tight, white cloth, held in the front was very low cut, sleeveless. The large breasts were pushed together and up to provide ample cleavage for wandering eyes. She set the coat in her lap, her legs remaining crossed and leaned back once more. As eyes wandered along supple, bare flesh, they would notice something off, uncharacteristic of a human. Four stripes, two on each shoulder, raced along her collarbone and down her breasts about halfway, the points of the stripes barely reaching the neckline of the corset she was wearing. Perfect for the interview, perhaps not safe for work. Her expression remained confident.

"Only a few of my more... attractive assets." Of course, she could have been referring to her breasts themselves, but obviously he would be more interested in the markings of a Daiyoukai, standing slightly lighter than her darker skin tone. Her eyes remained trained on his face, gauging his reaction. She wanted to see it, when he realized it.
For only a second, golden eyes focused on her ample bosom before trailing back up to meet eyes in a soft lavender shade. The glance was nothing sort of pure, intense desire that passed over as soon as it came across. Her beauty became less of a minor trait and more of a incredible glow to her. Her posture, her figure. It all made sense and Sesshoumaru had never expected it for that split second of interest to glide across his face and dig back into a passive mask as fast as it came up.

"..I see," He said. "Lady Kestrel, was it? What makes you want to work for me?"
That smug look of satisfaction on her face was suddenly wrought with something. That gaze, something about it seemed to intensify. It bore through her, almost like a drill, and she could feel it reverberating in her chest. And immediate primal reaction, almost an ache. However, she did what she could do visually obtain her composure, although the heat between crossed legs could not be denied. But as the passive mask once more covered his face, she found she was able to breathe again, despite that lingering tension she felt in her belly. She uncrossed her legs and recrossed them, hoping to rid herself of a bit of that ache before he responded to her.

She licked her lips, noticing instantly how dry her mouth was before she was responding. "Lady Kestrel, you're correct. Lord Sesshomaru, I feel like I could be an asset to you. You're a powerful man with lots of dark little secrets. And as powerful as you are, you are also equally as busy. An office aide would take the stress of minor errands off of your shoulders. And for whatever else you could find me useful for." Quite a suggestive comment indeed, although they were in a professional setting. She was sure he would take it professionally, but the pun behind it would surely sting in her own mind. "This also being said, I'm quite capable of handling myself. Thus meaning, rather capable of keeping your little secrets." She pressed her hands into her lap, over her coat and waited patiently.
He settled back softly in thought, the scent he was picking up was clear as day..and Jaken's face split into a horrible leer as those large, bulbous eyes tried to find a visual cue between her legs. Sesshoumaru's expensive shoe nudged him in a passive warning of respect, regardless of her current..situation; she was still a Daiyoukai and she would be treated as such.

"I LIKE her, my lord!" Jaken grinned.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, Jaken." Sesshoumaru said idly, taking stock of the Daiyoukai in front of her. "I'm going to be leaving for Osaka in three hours, Lady Kestrel." He said, tossing a manilla folder on the table. Inside was detailed information regarding Kurosawa Zaibatsu and many of their activities, which was rather important when in Sesshoumaru's employ..half of what he did was to make the CEO of that company suffer and burn.

"Read this over," He said. "I expect you to be up to date by the time we're ready to leave, Lady Kestrel."
She could feel the weight of the room baring down on her. However, feral impulses could not be controlled. It was not uncommon for a woman to become attracted to a man such as the Daiyoukai sitting so nonchalantly before her, and soon she realized she had no reason to be embarrassed. She was a highly attractive woman herself. She assumed. She remained her regal composure, a light brow quirked, as if the tension in the room confused her. Her arousal was surely no reason to stop the turning of the Earth.

As the croaking of the small green Youkai reached her ears, her lavender gaze darted towards it. It was... overbearing to say the least. She was very well capable of figuring out exactly why he liked her so much. However, she found that the arousal of less... noble youkai was quite the turn-off. And instantly, she felt her stomach beginning to settle.

She glanced down at the manilla folder that he offered her, reaching forward and picking it up, the action causing a bit of an unintended, and rather teasing angle. Of course, if anyone bothered to look at it. And currently, she had been more focused on whatever was in the folder. She flipped through the pages, as if it was something she'd already read.

"Ah, the weapons company... Faulty weaponry, terrible showmanship and an awfully unattractive shade of envy." She'd done her fair share of snooping around. However, she closed the folder and glanced up at him, a pleased smile on her face, although it was far more courteous than previous tugs of those lips. "I promise not to disappoint, My Lord. I'll be ready." And as he offered her the leave, she did so, sliding on her jacket as she stood. The top, being as tight as it was, bared a bit of skin along her midriff, just enough for him to notice a bit more of discolored skin, surely more markings. And she made her exit, returning promptly two and a half hours later, impressively informed and waiting patiently.
She did her homework, did she? He supposed he wasn't surprised. All of it was a front, regardless. Naraku never sold bad weapons, but japanese firearm laws made it impossible to export firearms..unless it was illegally. Not that it mattered, he made a tidy business elseware for manufacturing contracts and other hobbies. The entire reason that Sesshoumaru had even founded his business was to counteract Naraku. Which, he would ruefully admit..was where humans had an advantage over youkai. They lived for only so long, and a business that kept families going offered loyalty in it's own way.

Humans, mortal though they are. Give them the proper weapons and they would fight anything they were paid to do. Youkai lived too long to have such loyalty. And for that..he could respect the humans under his employ a fraction; But only those humans.

Regardless, he already made sure that there were men and women on standby in Osaka. Nothing Naraku did was clean in Japan, and that usually meant dirtier business than humans wanted to believe. Anything he was interested in, Sesshoumaru was going to stop it.

"Jaken," He finally said. "Prepare the limo, I'm sure Lady Kestrel will be joining me. Hold things down until I return." He said, moving over to grab his coat.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, I'm not coming with you!?" He said, almost in hurt. Jaken always took things so personal, but he hardly cared as he smoothed down his long coat.

"Your comments are rude enough to another Daiyoukai," He said pointedly. "And humiliating to your ruler. Your eyes are best left staring at a computer screen and not trying to peer between her legs, Jaken." He reminded. "Do it again, and you'll find your eyes are missing."

"A..At once, my lord!" He stammered, bowing low in his shame and humiliation. With that done, Sesshoumaru had to ensure his loose ends were tied before he it was time to join the limo, where he expected Lady Kestrel to be soon.
She'd learned quite a bit in the little three hour time frame he had given her. She was sitting, rather patiently in the lobby as he exited. She slapped the manilla folder closed and stood, making her way towards him and then walking along side him, being sure not at all to interrupt his stride. "The two of you have an interesting relationship..." She mused as they walked. It seemed like both companies were Hell bent on destroying the other. "But you've got each other backed into a bit of a corner." She found she could occupy her mind with little fantasies here and there, and keep her business composure. After a few days of working with him, she'd become accustomed to him. She feared she'd go crazy until then.

She eased into Limo, crossing her legs. She set the folder next to her before shifting her eyes to his face. She could think of things to talk about, but she decided not to. She had three hours to mull over that one look. It set her teeth on edge. She ran her tongue along her teeth behind her lips before she unbuttoned her coat for comfort and sat in silence, her eyes cast away from him. Away from him was in her best interest.

Her lips finally parted as she found something relevant to speak about. "I'd like to take a look at your schedule, handle your appointments and things of the like. You'll find things are much simpler with a... capable aide." Of course, she was referring to the fact that Jaken may not be quite as... efficient.
"Jaken settles things fine," He replied, glancing at her with the same expression he seemingly gave everyone; passive indifference. He chose to ignore her first comment, because her opinion on it hardly mattered much to him. He was doing this for a reason, and if people couldn't see that..then they weren't as useful to him. But then again, she was a Daiyoukai..he would give her time to see another way. Or maybe to learn to realize he didn't much have an interest in hearing what people thought of him.

That was simply because he was better. He had done this for thousands of years, and he wasn't going to stop now. If ever, until Naraku lay buried into the ground.

"You will handle my more active engagements, the jobs are separate. " He had been with Sesshoumaru since his first rise as a ruler in Japan, to say Jaken was incapable of his job was an insult to the longevity. "Being a daiyoukai, Lady Kestrel..will make things easier for the both of us. Naraku does not play fair by any sense of the word...he will use every tactic known to get his goals achieved. Humans are only so capable against the demonic..what can be done by four humans can be done by one daiyoukai in half the time."
His indifferent expression just... annoyed her now. How long had it been since she had to prove her worth to anyone? It twitched at her insides, now replacing the burning ache with a large sense of insecurity. She tapped her fingers in her lap at the feeling, before allowing an annoyed expression fade into her own mask of indifference. "If you say so, My Lord." She returned, clamping her mouth shut after this. What good was she if her opinion was nothing? She had come into this wrong, it seemed. This had thrown her off her game.

"Understood, My Lord." She answered simply and quickly. She kept her gaze away from him, watching the scenery pass them. Her stomach was tight, her breasts heaving occasionally in her current mental distress. She was fighting with her pride. What needed to be done and what her pride wanted done. Her pride wanted his respect, screamed at her to obtain it. However, it seemed like she had done little more than put her foot in her mouth. "Of course, your enemies are my enemies. I don't like to disappoint. Although I suppose that is also irrelevant." What she liked and didn't like to do.

Maybe if she stopped acting like a dog in heat, or maybe less like a puppy who had pissed all over the carpet, she may get somewhere. Again, that one gaze, quickly given and just as quickly taken away was plaguing her. She tore down her hair, running her fingers through it once or twice before lying it back up. It was long, at least to her hips, but she had managed to tie it above her shoulders quickly and in a professional bun. Something she'd been at for a while. She decided to stop gazing in his direction all together. The fact that he was disregarding her, ignoring her, was going to break her.
Her movements gave away her displeasure, and a small manner of understanding could be gleaned from it all. Sesshoumaru was expecting it, whoever it would be to feel this way. But that was simply the way of things. But she tried so obsessively for this job, only to act like a pampered princess when her way wasn't given. He found it rather funny, but he also wondered what sort of people she used to socialize with that got her so flustered against his lack of interest in what she was doing.

He could almost say her desire to have his attention was..cute, if not pathetic for someone of her position.

"Naraku is smuggling artifacts through Osaka, to take them to his personal headquarters." He said, golden eyes glancing back over to hurt. "I've been hired by the Japanese Government to prevent that, at all cost, and with no damage to the items in question. Doubtful that he has just those artifacts, so mind yourself once we reach Osaka."
She could practically feel his respect for her dwindling. Kestrel was not at all used to this. She was respected where she was from, people gandered, moved out of her way. She was sure this job was going to be similar. However, it was proving to be... very different from what she had in mind. Regardless of this fact she hardly backed down from anything she started. Like it or not, she would see this through. It was a personal vice.

She lifted the folder, opening it again and seeming to refamiliarize herself with the information inside. Reading it would take her mind off of everything else that was driving her off of the deep end. She knew he knew. She knew it. She ground her teeth together before his speaking caused her to stop doing such and become attentive to his words.

She was obviously listening, however her eyes did not lift from her documents. She wasn't going to fight for it. 'Grace, Kestrel. Good things come to those who wait. Just... wait... grace.... "Of course, My Lord." Yeah, real smooth. If anything was going to catch his attention it was the same phrase she'd repeated a million times earlier. Who was this woman sitting in her body right now?! It made her skin itch.
"Good," He said simply, his golden eyes settled on her fidgeting form. He found it amusing how much it bugged her, and he was hardly doing anything to annoy her. She clearly expected him to curl over her like a horny animal, but the very thought filled him with disgust and almost made him bare his fangs at her. Almost.

"I trust you can handle yourself against Youkai, Lady Kestral? Or are you always so simple in your actions?"
She could practically feel his thoughts of her. How he looked down on her because of how her body reacted to him. As if she was some kind of stray that he's scraped up off of the street and given a box to live in. She hadn't expected him to curl over, per se. However, she had expected a bit of respect from the male. Not that the ever-so-popular Lord Sesshoumaru was ever very well known for offering anything respect. She could already feel her attraction for him dwindling. A want for his body would always remain, but the want for his attention was quickly being replaced by something she would soon learn to deal with.

"Thank you for the vote of confidence, My Lord, but I hardly think you should refer to me as 'Lady Kestrel' if you're constantly belittling me in your thoughts. Although I appreciate you've brought your disgust to light. Yes, I can handle myself." He made her hot, and infuriated her. This was going to be a very long day.
He inclined his head to agree. My, had all Daiyoukai gotten so easy to anger? He had spent little time with his own people since the beginning of his company..and he was beginning to wonder if that was a good thing. The reign of Daiyokai in affairs was sadly over, and they had to lick their wounds where they could..but unlike many who shunned the usage of such human innovation, Sesshoumaru thrived from it. Your name meant as good as you were anymore..which is why Sesshoumaru was obviously the best.

"If it is what you wish, Kestrel." He said. "As long as you do your job, I care little of what you think of me."
She quirked a brow and rolled her eyes, although she continued to keep them away from here. "And here I sit shocked, that the ever melancholy Lord Sesshoumaru cares not what a lowly little Daiyoukai in heat thinks of him. Thanks for clearing that up, I could hardly tell." She muttered, although to no one in particular. She was not usually very easy to anger at all... unless she was being needlessly looked down upon, and this was what he was doing.

After having gone over the papers for the third time, she closed the folder and shrugged off her coat, setting both things on the seat beside her. Aside from the unquenched heat, the coolness of the leather against bare skin was calming, and welcome. Her shoulders were far less tense, and her eyes closed, as if she would nap the way there. Perhaps even nap some of this discomfort away.
"You have my apologies that I'm not a sycophant that caters to every woman who wants to be mounted." Sesshoumaru replied just as dully, glancing out the window. "You should hold yourself to a higher level of self-respect, your anger at my lack of interest is pathetic and demeaning to your blood. I will respect you, when you learn to respect yourself." And they had another hour or so to go before they touched down in Osaka.

Who knew such miserable wastrels were in the Daiyoukai?
She scoffed at his comment, nothing more than a snide, disdainful grin gracing her lips. He knew nothing of her. Nothing. Women had needs, and she had gone without for quite a while. And currently, she expected to go much longer. All Daiyoukai were the same, the men anyhow. Always better at everything than everyone. And he was no different. The same little plot in the same little field. Respect like his, she wasn't sure she wanted. And that was it, that unbearable heat he had previously ignited in her stomach was gone. No doubt she wouldn't mind trying him out, although she couldn't at this point imagine it being anything more than rough, angry sex where the only words out of his mouth were not words of encouragement, but quite the opposite. She could get herself off just as well. Imagine those eyes, and drown out his voice in tasteful classical music.

"I think we're quite done here." She spoke, sharply.
"As you wish," He said simply, content to stare out into the vast green and blue of Japan until the busy streets of Osaka came to them. Lights blinded out much of the scenery, so Sesshoumaru reclined himself back. She could think whatever she wished about him, it didn't matter..in the grand scheme of things, she didn't matter. He had his own ways of satisfying his urges, ones that were far easier to deal with than a stuck up princess who couldn't handle someone not kissing her feet.

"..excuse me, sir." The limo driver coughed awkwardly. "We're here." Poor man had to hear two daiyoukai bickering the entire trip, doubtless that he was on pins and needles and happy to see them both leave the car.

Any normal think this was hardly a government authorized operation, given that there was a mass of men and women in black combat dressing; their faces obscured by ski-masks and goggles and carrying military grade weaponry. Like assault rifles with underslung grenade launchers and so forth, one of the humans came to him with a respectful nod; tugging down his ski-mask.

"Sir," Nomura Shinji said softly, hand on his assault rifle as it hung lazily on around his chest via a sling. Sesshoumaru nodded, already smoothly unbuttoning his no doubt expensive suit jacket.

"What's the situation, Shinji? He asked, rolling his shoulders back to expose a tight fitting dress shirt and a matching black vest for his jacket.

"Same as usual, sir." He replied, with no amount of sarcasm. "Naraku's men are already inside, I think they're waiting..scanners picked up more than just humans in there too." He said, his eyes glancing as respectfully as possible to a beautiful daiyoukai with a huge rack..in Shinji's own thoughts.

"Lady Kestral will be going with you, Shinji..I expect her to respect your orders and chain of command." Shinji looked utterly dumbfounded, scratching the back of his head. "Uh..sir?" He said curiously. Why in the world did he get stuck with the pissed off looking Daiyoukai? And now he had to ORDER her? What did he do to piss his boss off lately?
She could practically taste the awkwardness of the chauffeur's words. She imagined it did have to be a nerve wracking experience to be on the wrong end of. She sympathized with the poor man, briefly before she exited the limo, jacket in hand. She stood straight and tall, still proud, but her pride was obviously quite wounded. So it was no doubt that the woman was pissed, purely.

She glanced about at all of the military personal hanging at the tips of Sesshoumaru's fingers. Waiting on his word. And then it came, he knew it would bother her, knew it. "....respect your orders and chain of command..." something in the woman's face cracked. She pinched the bridge of her nose and inhaled deeply. 'Calm, Kestrel. Don't kill anything... yet. Just wait... Calm. Beethoven... just... imagine the orchestra. Ignore him. Don't look at him. Don't think about him.'

She offered Shinji a dry smile, respectful but obviously laced with the world's largest amount of metaphorical venom. She could tell he was just as surprised as she was, but to say she was surprised would be a lie. "Please, call me Hideyoshi." She offered him a chaste bow. It... felt restricted, strained even.

Now, there was no attempt to hide her irritation. She ran the tip of her tongue along sharpened canines before she glanced about. She was not in the best attire to fight in, to do much of anything. Perhaps she should have brought a change of clothes, but it was no matter. She could manage. She would have to.
Well, as usual. Sesshoumaru headed off to oversee the plan of battle...which left poor Shinji with this furious Daiyoukai who was offering him the most minimal of respect simply because Sesshoumaru ordered it. God dammit, he was really hoping he was getting extra pay for all this...still, he at least put on a friendly smile.

"Well, Lady Kestrel..would..you like something more..practical for combat?" He said. "We do have some extra clothing, if you would like." She was damn attractive, though..typical of his boss to completely blow her off in every way possible. Which left..him to deal with it, he really hoped she liked humans. Or at least competent ones, he liked to think himself reasonably competent.
She appreciated his apprehensiveness around her. It actually washed away a bit of the irritation. Her muscles relaxed, the tension subsiding when Sesshoumaru decided to take his much awaited leave from her. Although, she did admit she felt awful for him, being left to deal with a furious pure-blood.

His offer had pleased her, in fact, she had been hoping he would have offered her something more practical. "You read my mind." She mused, before following him to change. As she stood behind the door, discarding her 'professional' garb and putting on something more akin to a black, skin-tight catsuit, she spoke to Shinji. "So, is he homosexual? That would explain a lot. It's not often that I meet someone who is more of a princess than I am." She opened the door when she was done, a sight to behold. The zipper was left low, still revealing the ample bosom she was so very proud of. And everything seemed to mold together, as if the suit was made for her. She awaited his answer.
"Er...beg..pardon?" He said, he was..of course..only human. And seeing a dark skinned youkai showing nothing but toned figure and skin was a little..distracting. "Lord Sesshoumaru? I..can't speak on that, respectfully, ma'am. He is the reason much of us have work, and security...he treats us well...none of us are really familiar with him, though..but he's never tried to take advantage...I never much thought youkai could really be..worth respecting..but here I am..my sixth year working for him." He mumbled.

...Seeing her, though. Dammit, how DID he turn away the women he attracted?
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