Catch you, Catch me! [[Haruki /Ketsu]]


Aug 22, 2011
Anna felt very odd walking down the street in her cosplay, her good friend had mentioned a long time ago, that she would make a very good Sakura Kinomoto, from Cardcaptor Sakura, cosplayer. So in secret, she had learned how to sew, among actually making the dress all by herself. The wig she also styled on her own, the wig was a brown red color, her eyes held contacts making her eyes more green then her usual blue. She had made the frills all on her own, making the bright pink dress fluff out so well, she was so proud and she knew she looked so very close to the anime. She jumped across the street, her dress bouncing up and down as she did, she was actually eighteen of course. Her red shoes, which she had to special order were shiny in the sunlight, she held a hand made and painted wand as well, another pain in her rear end. Her little bonnet covered most of her hair as her giant red bow around her neck kept hitting her in the face as she jumped along. It was soon going to be convention time and she couldn't wait any longer to show Matt.

She ran up to his door, ringing the door bell before pulling on her bright pink gloves a bit better as well, she fixed her bangs slightly while she clutched a Kero plushie in her hands. She rocked up and down on her tip toes, her dress swishing against the back of her legs, the tulle was itchy on the sensitive area behind her knee. She rang the door bell a couple more times, impatient.
Matt had no idea what was going on. He just got the rather excited call and text message from his cosplaying friend, Anna, whom he suggested take up one of his favorite females from the anime world for this years convention that was coming up. He didn't think she'd actually be wearing it.

Yet that's what he finds when going to answer the door. He was just in simple beige khaki pants and a sweatshirt, and she was looking so close to the spitting image of one Sakura Kinomoto, he couldn't even tell it was Anna at first.

His eyes look her over, taking in the hair, dress and shoes, but also looking to her legs, curious how they looked and moved. "W.well, this is a nice surprise." he said, smiling and nodding, stepping aside to let Anna in. In staring at her, he also was curious how tall she was to his 5'8" height.
Anna's smaller frame was about 5'1 as she looked up at him, a wide smile on her face. She walked into his house, the dress swishing again as she walked. She turned around, twirling slightly, her dress lifting up, nearly showing the bloomers under it. With the high amount of tulle she had to have bloomers, as awkward as they felt to her, she beamed at Matt. "So~ How do you like it?" She asks in excitement, he was the one she had to impress the most. She nearly started to bounce up and down in her spot again, she didn't know why but the dress made her feel like she should be bouncing. It was so light and airy, it was hardly heavy at all, which would be good for running around in at the Convention.
Obviously, Matt took a liking to the cosplayer's smaller frame and the character she was dressed as. He caught a quick glance of said bloomers.....she was either unintentionally teasing him or she was serious. When she bounced in place, Matt stepped closer and pulled Anna into a hug, snuggling her small body. "Of course, I love it, Anna. It's like Sakura jumped out of my TV. Though of course at least you're of age to have fun with. Plus she's a strong-willed girl. Thank goodness you stay away from the airheads that are so popular."

As he kept looked Anna over, Matt grew more impatient. He wanted a way to take some advantage of Anna, to act out a fantasy he's had for a while, especially with someone cosplaying this character. To force himself onto her was his desire.
Anna, not knowing of the thoughts in his head, laughed as he snuggled her into his body. "Quit playing around Matt! You wouldn't take advantage of me!" She giggled, he would never be about to do that to her, they were friends. "You know I can't stand the airheads that are so popular, I like strong willed girls, just like Sakura! Now careful! Your going to squish my dress." She says, half mock scolding him as she pushed him away from her. She turned around fixing her skirt in places, as she turned her back to him. "How's the back look? Its not pulled up and showing something it shouldn't be, right?"
Matt never thought this time would come, but now here it was. Right before his eyes, Anna turned to show him her backside as she fixed her skirt. He stared for a long moment before he approached from behind. "No no, it's fine Anna. Oh, wait, you missed a spot."

He took his chance and got up close behind Anna. in truth, her cosplay was just fine. Nothing was out of place. He just needed a damn good excuse to get close enough for his next move. Without warning to Anna, Matt reaches up and grasps onto her shoulders, jumping up and mounting the Sakura cosplayer's back for a ride.
Anna squealed as Matt jumped on her, arms flailing out as she nearly screamed her head off, as her hand flailed around her hand opened, throwing her wand away from her. "Matt!! What the heck are you doing!" She says nearly falling forward, toppling over forward onto the ground with him pinning her to the ground. "get off me! I'm so much shorter then you! You should know better then to try to take a piggy back ride!" She yelled flailing around under him more, she was angry, what he had now messed up her dress?! What would she do!
Despite Anna's complaining, Matt still wanted to attempt a ride upon the cosplayer. He 'had' seen it done before, and it was a deep fantasy of his.

"Uhh, oops? Sorry!! I just always wanted to do that. I seen it done before. Maybe I was just too quick and you weren't ready." Slowly and hesitantly, he moves off Anna's back and helps her up to her feet. His hands go about, fixing up her dress, straightening it out. He then turns her around and smiles down to her. "Do forgive me, please."
Anna was hauled off the floor by her friend, he went around fixing her dress as she pouted slightly, that had squished her breasts against the floor, which hurt. As he asked for forgiveness, she could only loose her pout, replace it with a smile and nod. "Alright, I'll forgive you this once." She says waggling her finger out to him. "So you like the cosplay. Your the first person to see it. I made it all on my own. I can't wait for the convention!" She says excited.
Matt stops once he's behind Anna again. He knew he couldn't really be upon her in that first way he wanted, but he still wanted to be close, and to have his hands on her body. "Just be ready for that sort of thing at the convention." he points out in reference to what he'd done. His hand takes hers and he gazes down to her. "So what do you want to do now?"
Anna tilted her head slightly. "They're jump on me?! If that's the case I'll need to be able to be careful.. I don't want to fall and rip my dress... Matt you'll help me right?" She asks blinking her pretty eyes up at him. "Help me be able to at least carry you for a couple of minutes.. I don't want to fall.. I would hurt myself for sure!" She mentioned knowing it would actually happen with her small frame, she wasn't that strong physical wise.
"Ah, but you just said you couldn't do it. Or perhaps maybe I was just too fast for you. Let's just wait a bit, maybe I'll try later."

Still holding onto her hand, Matt walks over towards the nearest chair and then looks to the Sakura cosplayer. "How about taking a load off your feet for a bit first?" He looked down to her feet, then up a bit, wanting to see how she'd go to sit down.
Anna skipped over to the chair and sat down, her thighs closed, her knees closed together and her calves closed as well, slightly off to the side. She looked up at Matt smiling as she did, she was pleased with herself. "I'm able to pull her off pretty well right?" She asked while standing up slightly to fix her dress and have it puff out around her body on top of the chair cushion.
Matt waited and watched Anna as she went to fix her dress before sitting back down like she had before. He nods and smiles down to her. "Yes, you are, quite well Anna. You're the cutest Sakura I've seen."

Once she was settled back down, Matt went ahead and took his seat. Obviously there was no room in the chair, so he just goes for it, taking a seat upon the cosplayer's lap.
Anna looked up as Matt sat on her lap, it was a bit of a surprise but she didn't mind to much. "Your sitting on my lap Matt. You seem so very different today, can I ask why?" She asked looking up at him. Her little hat was tilted back slightly, no bobby pins holding it against her wig, she was lucky it was still on her head after they tumbled over onto the floor. Her dress was soft to the touch, almost a silky touch the pink part was, while the white of her puffy shoulders were a soft cotton.
"Different? Oh, well....." Matt hesitated for a moment while he squirms some upon Anna's lap, getting himself comfortable upon the layered dress. His hands go down to hold onto her knees for a moment....mostly to feel whatever it was covering her legs there. He then turns his head slightly to look down to her better.

"I have a thing for those who dress up like this."
Anna's jaw dropped open slightly hearing him say he had a thing for people who dress up like she was. It took a couple of minutes before she put two and two together. "Is that why you told me I would look good as Sakura?" She asks eyes wide. His hand on her knees came in contact with soft white stockings that were under her dress, as he shifted around to get more comfortable he ruffled her dress up.
Matt winks at Anna and squirms a bit more, basically taking up her whole lap. He shifts upon her legs some more....comfortable now, but trying to push his luck to see how she'd react. "You look good either way, as Sakura or normally. Hehe, now, I still wanted to try having you carry me of course."

He was watching and listening for any reaction to him shifting on her. He was always curious if he was at all heavy for her legs.
Anna wiggled slightly under him as he took up all of her lap, her dress was being pushed up slowly as well. "M-matt.. your squirming is making my legs hurt.." She says while opening her legs slightly to lower the presser of him sitting on her. Was Matt hitting on her by the wink? She couldn't understand what was going on.
Matt was indeed hitting on Anna. He squirms more at feeling her legs move under him, but after a moment, he rose up to his feet and turned around to face Anna, smiling down at her. "Come on, may as well try what I was going to earlier. You did say you needed to get used to it in case some fan of Sakura came running and glomped you." he said, nodding.

Reaching down, he grabs the cosplayer's hands and pulls her up to her feet.
Anna was pulled up after he stood up, she blushed deeply red, her white bloomers had been exposed from his squirming around on her lap. She nodded her head slightly while turning around. "Alright, I'll be ready this time." She says with a nod, pulling her dress back down slightly.
Matt waits and watches Anna as she straightened out the dress. Once she turned around and said she'd be ready, he steps up closer and puts his hands onto Anna's shoulders. He then did what he'd longed to do for a while now (having seen it done by other cosplayers in general). He hops up onto Anna's back, wanting another try of riding on a cosplayer.
Anna grabbing a hold of his legs, staggering forward slightly a couple of steps, her little red shoes glossy as she stared at the ground trying to find her balance. Anna's little hat fell off her wig and to the ground slightly, she shuffled it out of the one with one foot while making small steps around his living room. "See? I told you I could do it! I just.. needed to be warned before hand.." She huffs out slightly, his larger body was heavy but she was managing to do this. The white tulle of her dress started to itch through her white stockings, she ignored it while his hands held her shoulders, the white fabric puffed up on her shoulders, soft to the touch. "A-are you happy now?" She was starting to struggle again.
Happy was not the word for it. All this physical activity was making Matt quite aroused. He could easily feel Anna's body....her hips still having that slight sway despite his heavier weight upon her back. Her small steps didn't make him bounce, but at least he's able to keep his legs close against her waist as she held onto them. Leaning forward slightly, Matt couldn't help as a soft moan escapes. Then she would feel something else....a pulsing motion against the small of her back.

"Mmm, you can stop and let me down when back at the couch, Anna. And yse, you can do anything if you try, though again I should have warned you earlier with that first attempt. Sorry for that."
Anna blushed feeling something pulsing near the small of her back, she tired not to think about what it was but was hard to not know what it was. Turning around she made her steps back to the couch and turned around ready to let him down, the pulsing on her back was distracting her and slightly arousing since she knew what was going on with him. She let her hands go of his legs so he could get down and lowered her body slightly, her rear end sticking out slightly to let him down. "It's alright."
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