Under the soft snow. [ Jugger82 X Ketsu]


Aug 22, 2011
The blue haired girl walked into the office with a sigh, her sensei was in the room, as was her other teammate, It was only the two of them, being the odd numbered chunnin. Her sensei was a gorgeous woman with long red hair and black eyes, not to mention dangerous. Kibishii moved her light blue colored hair out of her dark blue eyes, her usual outfit of black and mesh covering her body along with her knee high ninja shoes. She set her hands on her hips waiting for the people paying them to give up the money, finally after many thanks they handed the money over to Amaya, their sensei and they left. "That mission.. was boring.." Kibishii says with a sigh, closing her eyes slightly. "I know you think so, but wait until the good stuff comes up alright?" Amaya says while turning to look at the other teammate. "You two better go on home now, alright? Its getting dark." She states looking up at the sky as it started to darken above them. "I'll be going to out train a bit more, no one waiting at home for me.." Kibishii states blankly before walking off. Her sensei stares after the girl before looking at the boy of the group. "Why don't you go with her?"

Kibishii made her way to her favorite place to train, it was a simple lake, pretty much frozen all the time, they were in the snow village after all. She walked out across it, starting a type of movement similar to the Hyuga fighting style. Her eyes closed as her mind opened up the layout around her in her minds' eye.
(A little confused lol. Can you post who is who and what who looks like or something lol)

Nathan frowned as he looked to his squad master. "Why? Me and Kibishi never get along. We just don't sync up." He shook his head. "I think its best if I leave her be. She wants to be alone, let her." He shrugged and sat back against the tree, looking to his owl that was perched on his shoulder. He was a beastmaster ninja, able to control his owl and transform it from the small, cute creature into a ferocious battle-hardened bird that could easily hunt any ninja his level or below.
(( Kibishii= light blue haired dark blue eyed ninja, Amaya= sensei, Black eyes and long red hair.))

Amaya glared at her male student. "I didn't really ask you, I told you. The reason I send you is the fact that you two don't get along together. Now go." She says shoving him lightly on the back before turning and making her own way home, where she changed, made herself something to eat and chuckled, her two students just didn't get along very well. "They'll learn someday, just because they don't get along doesn't mean you can just not be near each other." She says with a sigh.

Kibishii was moving in a slow hypnotic way, calming as she relaxed. She knew all that was going on around her, and heard nothing other then the usual. Bird's singing as the sun started to go down, Deer running around in the snow, dogs and cats pouncing around. The night animal, the dangerous ones, starting to wake up. Wolves, owls, hawks, snakes. She shivered feeling more then hearing or seeing a snake sliver against the ground heading away, she had never liked snakes very much.
(What about Kairi? Oh, and the owl is the one in my avatar by the way.)

Nathan grumbled as he began to walk on toward where Kibishii was. He sent his owl ahead to meet her, since it somewhat got along with her since it was gentle and quiet around her, unlike its war form. It landed on her shoulder and cooed gently. Nathan approached soonafter and grumbled as he walked next to her. "Don't say anything cause sensei ordered me to come with you."
(( Sorry Kairi I must have accidentally typed, I had meant Kibishii. I'm sorry about that ^^ I don;t always catch my typos right away. ))

Kibishii relaxed as the adorable owl landed on her shoulder, she smiled opening her eyes and petting him as he sat on her shoulder. Her blue eyes looked up at Nathan as he walked over, she nodded slightly. "I don't care, just stay out of my way." She says before closing her eyes again, she slowed her breathing down very shallow, her body stilling as she breathed the cold wind, she was trying to see what the weather would be like. Her Bloodline limit was water and ice, a bit of snow as well, but she could only use them currently if it was raining. She was checking to see if any clouds would be close by to train with tomorrow. Lately she had bee training on using regular clouds in her supply of water for her rain. "It should be... tomorrow.." She mumbles her eyes still closed before she opens her eyes and looks at him. "I'm heading home, you can go as well."
(lol its fine :] )

He glared at her. "Likewise to you." When she told him to stay out of her way. "Whatever. If you want to go home, then go home. Just know that I followed sensei's orders. Izanagi, come on." He ordered his owl as he called to it with a whistle. The owl pecked Kibishii playfully with its beak, not harming her but still showing playfulness before it hopped into the air and began to struggle in flight before it began to transform into its war form. Nathan hopped onto his lightning bird and saluted off Kibishii before flying off, heading back to town.
Kibishii watched as he left on Izanagi, she got along great with the Owl but she didn't know why her and Nathan never got along. She didn't dislike him, and yet she didn't like him either and he seemed to hate her for one reason of another. She made her way back out into the dense snow covered tree's, it wasn't really a forest, it was more like a grove. She seen a tiny white rabbit, normal for these parts but what wasn't normal was the lack of a grown up rabbit. She picked up the small animal and made her way home, holding it tight. She knew a little girl in the village who loved animals, she would ask the girls mother if she could have the rabbit. The family was poor but Kibishii gave them money, not really needing much for herself anymore, she never broke her kunai or weapons. She made her way back to her house, on the edge of the village, she unlocked the door and turned on the light. "Home sweet alone home." She mumbled.
The next day, Nathan arrived at the meeting place that he, his sensei, and Kibishii were supposed to meet. He didn't know what they would do. He just knew to meet there with his sensei.

(Sorry for a small post. I'm rushing because I have to go do some stuff on my end and get it done as quick as I can.)
Kibishii made her way with the little rabbit and some food to the house, where the girl lived with her mother, they spoke quietly before the mother agreed. She left hearing the squealing of the young girl, she ran to the meeting spot petting Izanagi as she ran by carefully. Soon enough Amaya made her way over with a smile on her face. "You have a mission outside of the village, you'll be going into a small village, you two have been picked for the fact that this a very tiny village, surrounded by animals in the rain country." "Alright! I'm good for training in rain." Kibishii says with a grin, she was a little disappointed because she wouldn't be able to train her own way. "Pack up and head out kids. Here is a map." Amaya says handing Nathan the map.
He took the map and frowned as he looked at the map and then pocketed it. "You aren't going to come with us sensei? Come on...You know how things happen between us. The only thing that's going to keep me and Kibishii from killing each other is Izanagi stopping us." Nathan knew he couldn't hurt Izanagi to the point of seriously wounding him, but he knew Izanagi would attack him to the edge of death if he had to protect something. "Alright...Lets just get going...You lead this time Kibishii...I'll just stay behind and read this accursed map...It just says to head north of here directly."
Kibishii nods and leads the way, walking ahead slightly as she walked through the shin deep snow, leaving a trail, her toes would be cold but by then they should be near the treeline under the mountain the village they were in was located on. "Can I see the map? Once we get a little bit away, I can stop and see how far it is to make sure we're heading the right way." She asks politely. Amaya waited at the village, what she hadn't told them was this would be a test to see if they were Jounin material and she could have no part and if they didn't come back, they wouldn't be alive.
He shrugged and handed her the map. "Just head north like the map says to." He said with a sigh as he continues to walk. "Wait...why ARE we walking...? I have a bird over here. Why don't we just fly above the trees on Izanagi? We'd get there twice as fast and we'd be protected and hidden by the bushes of the trees. We won't fly too high. Just low enough to graze over the trees without hitting them."
"And where out Izanagi? What if we're attacked along the way and you need to fight using Izanagi but he is to tired from carrying both of us and flying?" She says while looking at the map, something about the area on the map was familiar to her but she pushed it back thinking it was probably a place they had went to before on a mission or something.
"There is a reason why Izanagi is a chounin-level fighter like us." He said as he watched the owl as it was still perched on her shoulder. It kept pecking her head for no apparent reason, but it wasn't painful. It was more playful pecks every now and then as it silently, yet audibly, spoke to her in his own avian language that they could only heard as small chirps. "I don't see how he likes you more than his owner."
Kibishii giggled slightly as he kept playfully pecking her on the head, they tickled slightly, and as he began to chirp into her ears she smiled wider. She enjoyed the bird, the master of the bird not quite as much. "Let's just keep going this way." She says before starting to run, wanting to get her toes out of the cold snow faster and on top of the tree branches.
He grumbled as he followed after Kibishii. "Dammit girl. Are we there yet? We weren't that far away from the village when Sensei gave us the map. We should have been there by now." He complained as he jumped into the snow-covered trees and began to look around. "Aye...It must be hidden or something...It looks like we're in the middle of nowhere...." He called out to her in a small whisper as he continued to scan the area, hoping to have found the village soon.
Kibishii frowned, they should have been there by now, like Nathan had said. She closed her eyes while sitting on her branch, she let her senses go while focusing around her. "This... somethings wrong Nathan.. this doesn't even seem like the place on the map. Its feels wrong." She says softly.
"Maybe they all got buried under the snow or something." He shrugged and hopped down from the tree and sighed, sitting down and frowning. "Or, like I said, its just hidden. What do you propose we do?" He sighed. "No wonder Sensei sent us here. We've gotta learn to find things on our own and look through jutsu that conceal people and objects."
Kibishii shakes her head. "No I'm sure of it, we're in the wrong area. Maybe its a jutsu that has been cast since we left the village." She made the sign to banish the jutsu, seeing they were in trees but no where near where they needed to be. She sighed. "Sensei tricked us with this map."
"I don't see what the point of doing that was!" He said with a frown as he crossed his arms. "Okay thats enough. Hop on Izanagi. We are going to fly there. If we're attacked, we'll just stop and fight. It can't be anything we can't handle. So we should be fine."
Kibishii rolled her eyes before shrugging.' Let him do it his way.' She thought to herself, she knew it was useless to try to talk him out of it when he got something into his head. he jumped off the branch and landed atop the snow standing with her hands on her hips. "Do it your way."
"Fine. I will! Izanagi, lets go!" He called out to him before jumping into the air...only to fall to the ground hard after having excepted to land on Izanagi. He grumbled and rubbed his head as he sat up and watched the owl begin to peck her head once more as it ignored him. "My best friend, abandoned me for her." He said with a sigh. "Fine. What do YOU propose we do?"
"Actually use our brains to find the place." She says with a slight roll of her eyes, but she laughed as the bird pecked at her light blue hair. She reached a hand up petting the birds soft feathers. "I think we should head that way." She says pointing to the east.
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