Is Blood Thicker than Water? (Razgriz and Ketsu)

Saphira made her way to the market, where she bought her stuff, she made her way back home before she started on dinner for herself and her pokemon, unlike J'arock, she didn't teach student's. Not that she couldn't, it was just there were few water types just like the rock types, there was no one for her to teach, being the only water type here, in this village. She fed her pokemon and watched the water of her lake ripple with the two young rock types training.
(Gah! Sorry for the delay! Lotta stuff came up and I had a huge writer's block with this RP)
J'arock watched as his students continued to train; soon, they had quickly tired each other. He just let out a booming laugh as they tried to push their bodies beyond their physical limits; they certainly possessed the characteristic audacity of the Ground-types. "Ok, you two, that's enough for today" he finally said, making his presence. The two boys looked over at him and said near simultaneously, "Master J'arock!" before bowing deeply. J'arock laughed and waved his hand, "No need to be so formal, young ones. You are progressing in your training very nicely. But T'mmir....." T'mmir stiffened up and replied, "Yes, Master?"

J'arock replied calmly, "Remember, don't try to counter every blow; as Ground-types we're slower and notably less agile, but we're far more durable than the others. Let your body absorb a few hits; it gives the opponents false confidence, and that makes them sloppy to give room for openings." T'mmir bowed, "Yes, Master." V'win just chuckled; J'arock snapped, "And as for you, V'win, you let him land too many blows and try to throw high-strength punches every time. Remember, the Grounds are the warriors, that means we must be smart on the battlefield. You may be a pure Ground, but you aren't invincible. If you were to fight like that for real, not training, you would be dead in a matter of seconds. Yes, let him land a few hits but use his own momentum against him, then land a high-power blow. That is but one key to assured victory. And most importantly.....Never give up. Never back down, never surrender. Now run along, the both of you." T'mmir and V'win both bowed again and ran home to their families.

J'arock sighed; he then remembered that Sahipria had his tunic. "For Almighty's sake" He walked to her house, thinking she might be there and saw her sitting at the edge of the lake. "Sahi! I need my tunic back!" he said as he approached her, he then added, "Oh, and we got three thousand for Alex's sorry ass hide. In case you were wondering." He was completely oblivious to Sahipria's sudden awakening of a desire for a male's touch, so she would have to approach him if she felt so inclined.
Sahipria looked up as J'arock walked up, mentioning his tunic. She nodded her head slightly while getting up, pulling her feet from the lake. "I just finished washing it." She says before heading back into her house, after pulling it out of the drier, she noticed it wasn't quite dry yet and put it back in before making her way to the door. "It's not dry still. Want to come inside to wait for it? I can make something to eat if you would be interested." She offered, it was the least she could do. He had saved her life and virginity. She stood in the doorway waiting to hear his reply.
J'arock cocked his head; she never invited him into her house. Come to think of it, why would she even bother washing his tunic? These thoughts were quickly forgotten as she offered to make something to eat. An offer of food was too good for a Ground-type to pass up; Sahipria was an excellent cook in her own right. "A Ground-type pass up an offer of food? Such a thing has never been heard of. I'll take you up on that offer." he then said with a slight smirk. He made his way to the door; his height forced him to crouch quite low to get through it. "You didn't have to wash my tunic, Sahi......But thanks, anyway."

The side of his white cotton pants were streaked red with the blood from his abdomen, shiny red lines streaking down the right side of his torso from his untreated bullet wounds; luckily the bullet in his head had already fallen out as he made his way back to Beacon, surprisingly still intact from when it was shot into him. "Today was a good day, wasn't it, Sahi? Well, except for you nearly getting raped by that disgusting Rocket, that is." he then said, the word 'Rocket' added with a bit of heat as he recalled that bastard's hands on Sahipria.
Sahipira nodded slightly before sitting him down on her couch, she frowned slightly. "Your going to get blood all over my house. Let me clean up your wounds a little bit, then I'll make you some food." She mentioned before walking away to her bathroom, she gathered her first aid kit before making her way back, wet cloth in her hand. She kneeled down in front of him, lifting his arm up to wash all the blood off his abdomen, she slid the wet cloth across his chest and sides. She didn't realize by being this close to him, her vagina was getting slick, it made no sense to her, why would it be doing that? After all the blood was washed off she put some medicine on it before turning to the kitchen and making her way in.

She washed her hands before looking into her food stock. "What would you like? A lot of meat?" She wonders aloud, he was a rock type, being strong and built like he was.
J'arock just heaved a sigh as Sahipria sat down and started fussing about his wounds; even if it wasn't in regards to his personal health- she knew damn well these didn't even register with him - he still felt like it was a lot of trouble on her part. But he was surprisingly docile as she lifted his arm and washed his body of the blood, the muscle-bound flesh becoming clean once more. He felt a very slight cold sensation as she applied the medicine to his wounds; though relatively unnecassary, any added protection against infection was much welcomed.

However, he noticed something in the air; his nostrils flared as he inhaled deeply, taking in more of the faint. It was a strange scent, but also one that he recognized it almost immediately: the scent of arousal. "Well, well, no wonder you're so uptight, Sahi. All you need is a good fuck, you naughtly minx." he thought to himself as a satirical grin spread across his face. His trained ears caught her vocal musing, making his grin even wider and his loins begin to stir. He decided to tease her a little; however, a Ground-type's teasing was about as blunt as the sharp edge of a sword. "Seems like I'm not the only one in need of some meat." he said out loud for her to hear; if she looked back at him, she would see that his teeth were bared in a knowing yet devious smile.
Sahipria blushed deeply and she glanced back, trying to keep her usual blank, calm look. "I have no idea what your talking about J'arock. What did you want for food." She stated blankly, nearly being able to keep her tone steady, nearly icy and cold as it usually was. The only thing that completely gave her away was the huge blush across her face, how did he know? She hadn't quite realized her could smell her arousal, let alone she was that turned on at the moment. She turned away from him, knowing her blush could have, and probably did give away that she was flustered. She made her way to the fridge opening it and looking inside, her body bent over at the waist, her ass sticking out slightly.

She moved a couple of her steak's around, before settling on the best, thickest steak she had right now. Which was saying something, the meat she got were thick no matter what. She set them out on the counter before bending back over and pulling out carrot's, stuff for a salad, stuff that she would eat. She mused softly seeing a couple of beer's in her fridge. "Would you like a beer J'arock?" She asked curiously while pulling one out for herself at least. She stayed in the fridge, eyes scanning what was in there, she would need to go shopping soon.
J'arock just grinned even more widely as she denied knowledge of what he meant; he could tell when she was lying. Hell he could tell when anyone was lying; an advantage of being a Brawler was an enhanced understanding of the body's natural reactions to speech. Being a Ground-type, any body movements related to combat were their area of expertise. They were the clan's true warrior race after all, so they needed to learn quickly how their opponent's bodies moved. Her retreat into the refrigerator and her huge blush were the two giveaways that she was feeling it alright.

J'arock stood up, her couch creaking as it was relieved of the load it was holding up and made his way behind Sahipria, laying his hands on her rear and letting his hips rest against her ass, his increasingly hard member tenting his pants. He then gave her another demonstration of how blunt the Ground-types were, "Oh, don't you go denying it now, Sahi. I can smell your excitement, your arousal. Food can wait, can't it?" He then pulled her ass closer against his groin, letting her feel how much she was exciting him. "You forget, Sahi, we are masters of the body......both on and off the battleground."
Sahipria gasped, her body tensing as his hands rested on her ass, his hips pressing slightly against her. Her eyes closed feeling how turned on he was. "J'arock, please don't... its just the after of having been touched by that rocket scum earlier. Its nothing.. it will go away..." Her body was still reacting, despite her willingness of it, her breathing was ragged of his body pressing against hers. "Just.. let me cook you something and you can leave.. I mean you wouldn't want some water brawler like me anyways. I'm sure another rock brawler would be suited for you." She mumbles out slowly.

He felt so go pressed against her, she couldn't deny it to herself, though she could try to deny it to him. She knew in the end it would mean nothing. He could smell it, hell right now she could smell how aroused she was. She didn't know what to do, could she really just let J'arock have her like her body wanted?
"Then wouldn't the touch of one of your kind make it all better?" he then said, the slightly perverted smile never leaving his face. He then continued, his voice a low whisper, "Like I said, the Ground-types have mastered the every sense of the word. I can touch you in ways that would make any future suitor of yours seem like a hapless child." When she tried to play it off, her resistance only served to make him harder and he was sure to have her feel it. As much as she denied it, he could smell her arousal growing, the intoxicating aroma of a Brawler in heat filling his senses and driving his mind crazy with lust.

"You forget Sahi, there are only three Ground-types left in the village, all of them male including myself. And I certainly am not attracted to them; it's you I want, Sahipria. Being a Water-type has no bearing on that; if one's type dictated who should be attracted to who, then the Meeting of the Six would have no meaning in today's world, would it?" His thick fingers found her breasts, reaching under the clothes she wore to grope them. "You've certainly grown up, Sahi......there's no denying that." He pressed harder against her, pulling her from inside the refrigerator and standing her up so that her back was against his torso. "Now just yourself go, Sahi; it is my duty as the King's son to ensure that everyone here is safe and happy; let me make you happy, Sahi. Just give in and I'll take care of you."
"J'arock... I can't... as much as I want too... I can't... I won't do this just out of lust nor need." She gasped out as his thick fingers went under her clothing to her breasts. His strong hands against her breasts felt amazing, her nipples perking up as his rough, calloused hands caressed her. "The whole reason I won't do this with you J'arock is because your the Kings son." She says softly while pulling away from him, ripping her dress in the process. She closed the refrigerator's door, placing her back against it while staring up at him, her arms covering her breasts, now exposed.

"I should have never invited you in J'arock, I didn't know my body would react the way it did..I think its time for you to go... before something happens between us." She says while lowering her eyes to the ground, she knew he truly didn't have feelings for her and she didn't want just sex, she wanted something with more feeling then just sex, no matter how much her body wanted him to continue touching her.
"But I want something to happen between us; you and me, going at it like wild dogs." he then said as he approached her, resting a hand on her shoulder and continuing, "And I really don't see why my being the son of royalty has anything to do with it. It's not I'm any more important than anyone here: I fight, I bleed - well, that part not so much - but I shed sweat and blood to keep our people safe. All I'm asking......" he then took her arms and removed them from her around her chest to expose her breasts to him once more as he continued, his massive body pressing hers against the refrigerator more firmly but not enough to cause her pain, "Is to let me help you, Sahi. Why should it be any more difficult than that?"

A thick digit went down to between her legs, feeling her dampness and heat, causing the grin on his face to seem to stretch to impossible limits. "Your mouth may say no, dear Sahi, but your body is screaming "Yes, take me now!" Why would you deny yourself the mind-breaking pleasure you know I can bring you?" He then shared a surprisingly insightful part of his personal philosophy, "Sex doesn't have to be just sex, Sahi............Even if two people don't love each other in the conventional sense, they can still share intimate feelings for one another. The Brawlers......we are a unique brotherhood, our bonds tighter than blood itself. What we share even those pathetic Trainers can never hope to accomplish; we look out for each other, take care of other's needs. Now, I ask you again, will you let me help you?"
She gasped loudly her body shaking as his finger ran against her wetness. "J'arock... I can't.." She says shaking her head again, she lifts her arms up to cover her breasts but with him so close and him touching between her legs, she closed her eyes enjoying the feeling. "Why... J'arock, why do you want to help me so badly? Do you just want it as well? Are you that in need of your own pleasure?" She questioned curiously, opening her eyes and staring up at the hulking man before her.

She lifted a hand to his muscled shoulders, trailing her fingers down his arms, feeling his strong body under her fingers. "I know your kind is said to be great with the body, I would enjoy figuring it out... but it won't be easy for you." She said softly, teasingly. She slipped out under his arm, putting distance between her and him. "Come and get me if you want to help me." She says while fleeing into her house, making her way to her room with a smile.
Well, duh, of course he wanted it; he just figured the massive tent pitched in the groin of his pants was enough to show it. He paused when she ran her hand down his well-developed arms; he had a feeling she was finally giving in. He was about to respond to her question when she ducked out from under him; a fairly easy feat when he wasn't expecting it. Her challenge to him confirmed his theory; and the way she said it, made his libido jump like no one would believe.

He watched for a moment as she fled deeper into the house, then said out loud for her to hear, "Trust me, Sahi, when I get through with you, you won't be able to walk straight for three days!" He then lumbered after her, letting the suspense play out even if her intent wasn't to hide. He didn't know her house at all, but her arousal led him to where he needed to go; he found himself in her bedroom. His grin was still as wide as ever, "Are you ready, Sahipria? Once we start, there's no turning back." he added as a playful warning.
Sahipria peeked out from behind her door, which she pushed shut behind him. "That would be welcomed J'arock." She says while walking around him a smiled on her face. She sat on her bed and stared at him. "Should I take my clothes off, or would you rather enjoy ripping them off me some more?" She asks while laying back on her bed, teasingly, playful. "Come now J'arock, you better keep your work and pleasure me as good as you say you will." She sat back up motioning for him to come to her with her forefinger.
J'arock turned around to see Sahipria close the door behind him; this little minx, she was certainly asking for it. "I think we both now the answer to that, Sahi. We also both know I never go back on my word" he replied as she told him to keep his word and motioned for him to come to her. While there wasn't much left to rip off, she would find her remaing clothing torn clean in half and thrown to either side of the bed, exposing her body fully to him.

He could her lips, pink and puffed from arousal, her thighs glistening with her juices and her breasts, high and firm with puffy nipples capping the peaks. He got to his knees and said, "And you said I wouldn't want you; I'm surprised you haven't been already married off to someone." J'arock took two fingers and lightly stroked her puffy pussy lips, his calloused digits being surprisingly gentle with her. His other hand went to her full breast, fingers kneading the plump tissue and running over the perked bud on the top of it. His mouth closed around her free nipple, sucking it and letting his rough tongue lightly swirl on her areola.
Sahipria arched her back softly as two of his fingers stroked her puffy lower lips, her eyes closed as she gasped out. His fingers playing with her breasts, his mouth around the other, his tongue stroking her nipple as she groaned out. "Ohhh J'arock, your tongue..." She mutters softly, with his fingers rubbing softly against her wet folds. Her fingers digging into his hair roughly pulling in her need. "J'arock! I need you, please, you know I need you.." She cry's out in need.
J'arock pulled his head free of her grasp, taking his mouth off her saliva-covered nipple and letting the cool air surround it. "Tch, tch, Sahipria, I thought you said weren't going to make this easy on me. If you're begging for me now, I think I need to show you just what I can do. Then you'll REALLY need me; besides, I promised to bring you mind-breaking pleasure, didn't I?" His ring and pointer fingers delved inside her cunt, stroking the walls just in front of where her maidenhead was, taking care to not break it with his fingers.

His middle finger went to her clit and started circling it, letting the rough edge of his finger just barely brush it. He wondered how many times he could bring her to climax before she really started begging him to fuck her. He smiled a bit at that and enclosed the other nipple in his mouth, sucking on it firmly and letting his thick tongue stroke it nicely. His fingers worked her tight sex, massaging her walls as he waited for those tell-tale contractions to start.
Sahipria started to moan happily, his thick fingers in her folds stroking while his tongue took care of her nipples. She laid back enjoying the feeling, his other finger rubbing around her soft sensitive nub, which made her body twitch. She fought the on coming feeling of tightness, her folds tightening around his finger as she gasped loudly, she couldn't help it. But she could try to hold it off, her gritted her teeth slightly, refusing to give in to J'arock so easily. "I won't make it easy on you.." She growls out softly opening her eyes to stare down at him.
J'arock just smiled, liberating her nipple from his mouth and replying, "That's the Sahi I know......Don't worry, I'll have you screaming my name soon enough." He knew she would give in; he loved a good fight, even if it was in the sack. Maybe it was just the inheritance from his Ground-type nature, but something about conflict just got his blood pumping. And right now it was pumping into the small monster hidden by his pants; it would get satisfaction soon enough, but he wanted to have Sahipria get her mind broken with pleasure.

"Even though you say you won't make it easy on me, just look and listen to how you're responding, Sahi. I never realized you had such a dirty side to you; I must say I'm impressed." he then teased her as she stared at him, a devilish grin on his face. Feeling contractions, he stopped rubbing her clit and started upping the pressure and frequency of his stimulations in the walls of her pussy, letting her feel his rough fingers against the smooth walls of wet velvet that awaited him. His tongue then licked from the base of her breast, slowly traveling up and up to her erect, puffy nipple that so awaited his attention.
Sahipria gasped her head dropped as her eyes closed from the pleasure of his fingers rubbing up against the walls of her folds. She wiggled around softly, still trying to keep from giving into him. Her body couldn't keep from climaxing as she cried out softly, her folds clamping around his fingers while her cum flooded out past his fingers. Her body trembled under his touch, his tongue on her breast, her nipples drove her crazy in a way she liked. "You don;t know everything about me J'arock." She groaned out huskily.

"Let me taste you J'arock, let me see how hard you arm from me." She purred while sitting up and looking down at him. She wanted to touch him. She taste him. She wanted everything about him right now. She hardly cared that it wasn't right, that they shouldn't be doing this. But he was helping her, and she enjoyed every minute of it.
J'arock felt her womanly cum run down his thick fingers, coating his hand as her body trembled with pleasure; after putting them into his mouth, tasting her sweet, sweet nectar, he smiled, his teeth baring deviously. "You came so easily, Sahi; you really are a virgin, aren't you?" he then said, his voice teasing. "You're right, I don't know everything about you, but I bet I can learn a lot from doing this."

He paused as she asked to taste him and see just how hard she made him. Oh, was she in for a surprise; even with his huge body she would find him to be quite large down there. "If you insist, Sahi" he then uttered before ripping his pants off his own body, revealing a twelve-inch pulsating member at full hardness. The damn thing was like a spear, pointed straight at her as he stood tall and proud; its purple bulbous head leaked clear drops of pre-cum, clearly excited after catching wind of Sahi's sex pheromones. "Here it is, Sahi. The beast your horniness awakened; I think he'd like to meet you very much."
Sahipria stared down at him, it would hurt her when he pushed in, and knowing him, he would be rough. She bit her lip softly while her hand reached down, she trailed her finger around his huge purple head, playing in his precum. After coating her finger in it she brought it to her lips, licking at his taste. He was musky, salty but it tasted good. "Mmm J'arock... I couldn't have done this to you.." She says softly shaking her head, but her hand was back down, wrapping around his cock, starting to rub him softly. She bent over taking the head of his cock into her mouth where she began to suck, licking the precum off his head.

Her other hand grabbed his thick digits again, placing them near her still soaking pussy, while she was still sensitive she wanted him to please her more. She was horny and she knew J'arock, with as rough and needy as he seemed to be as well. He would more then satisfy her. She pulled her lips from his cock head. "Mm J'arock.. finger me more, please? Get me ready for your huge cock." She says huskily.
J'arock smiled down at Sahipria as she sampled the clear liquid; he could from her expressions and noises that she found him acceptable, if not delicious. "Oh, but you did, you naughty little girl." he said as she wrapped her delicate hand around him and stroked him softly. This kind of irritated him; his cock needed a firm handling. Hell, she could bite it as hard as she wanted and she wouldn't even have a hope of scratching it. His heavy balls, the skin lined with prominent veins like his shaft, hung loosely beneath him; ladies didn't say he was like a fire hydrant for no reason. The virility and amount of his releases were probably the sole reason as many children had been born in the village as they had. And he was eager to fill her pussy and bloat her belly with his cum like he'd done so many other women.

Feeling her hand grab his digits and place them near her wetness, J'arock just smiled as she told him to get her ready for his huge cock. "Damn, you must really want it, Sahi. Fine, I'll give it you; I'll make you gush before I pump that tight pussy of yours full of cum over and over again. How's that sound?" he then said with a demonic, lust-filled grin; Ground-types were masters of the body, which meant naturally they were more hedonistic than the other types of Brawlers in the village. His thick fingers rubbed her lips and inner walls, simultaneously stimulating her clit with the same hand and kneading her bountiful chest with his other hand.
She moaned softly as he began to rub her pussy lips and clit at the same time as his other hand began to caress her chest. "Mmm you can't cum in me J'arock.. I won't be another whore for you to play with." She said while wrapping her fingers around him harder and beginning to pump him up and down. She wasn't stupid, she knew he would just fuck her and nothing would come of it. But she didn't want to carry his child when he had fucked other woman. "You'll be the first and last man I'll ever fuck, it this will only happen once." She told him. Sure, she was horny as hell but she wasn't stupid and wouldn't set herself up to be hurt.

"I swear if I find out you came in me J'arock.. you'll regret it." She warned trying to make the point clear, not that she would tell him what she would do if she was pregnant by him. "I'm not a whore like the other woman in the village."
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