Is Blood Thicker than Water? (Razgriz and Ketsu)


Shall we write beautiful stories together?
Jan 27, 2011
Another fine day in the Kelgon region; the light winds made the towering trees appear dance hypnotically, the rustling of the leaves creating a very melodic ensemble that could soothe any soul whose ears fell upon it. The sky was cloudless, bathing all of its creatures in the warmth of the unobstructed sunlight. Two such creatures were quickly approaching a well-defended Team Rocket outpost, intent on capturing a high-ranking Lieutenant. Their motives? The sizable bounty would help procure supplies for Beacon, not to mention it would deal a death blow to all Rocket Operations in this area.

The creatures in question were none other than the Order of Arceus, more commonly known as the 'PokeBrawlers' or even more shortly, simply 'Brawlers'. Their objective had long since evolved from being harbingers of peace and cooperation between the creatures of Arceus' grand design and the humans; now they had a more direct role, attacking Rocket settlements and doing everything in their power to shut them down for good.

One such Brawler, a predominantly Ground-type by the name of J'arock dwe Azurl - known to the humans he'd interacted with as 'Jack' - quickly approached the border between the forest and the clearing where this base resided. Standing at over six-and-half feet tall, his massively muscled form - a trait characteristic of his heritage - was built like a tank; an accurate comparison considering his skin alone was a good two centimeters thick. His skeleton alone weighed over 75 pounds combined; this was owed to an incredibly high bone density and the carbon-fiber that occurred naturally in his kind.

J'arock was dressed in the standard mission outfit, worn with pride by all Brawlers whenever they took on this bunch of villainous heathens: A large white tunic composed of the wool of the Mareep split at the hip covered his upper body, the hood hiding his facial features; the loose pants he wore were of the same material. His hands covered by thick gloves made of Rhydon leather, the same went for the boots that protected his feet. The symbol of the Brawlers, the flag of their people, was embroidered on the back, proudly displaying the warrior's identity that had come to stop them.

J'arock finally arrived at the border and looked upon the building, its gray steel structure rising high above the landscape, the sun glinting off its surface; it was as if Team Rocket was boldly challenging the Order to come after them. A large red 'R' was painted on its side, though it had faded since the last time the Brawlers had cleared out the previous residents. The fact that they were re-using old buildings showed desperation and lack of resources, two things that spelled disaster for any enemy force. And the fact that they re-occupied showed irritating levels of arrogance. "Arrogant fools" J'arock growled, his voice heavy with anger and malice. He could clearly see armed guards patrolling the perimeter; scouts told of high-caliber weaponry, but few guards. Apparently they were still getting set-up here; it was the perfect time to strike.

His pure gold eyes burning with an intense hatred; like rats, the heretics crawled into a burrow previously emptied. A demented smirk crossed his face, his voice deep and full of intent as he pointed to the sky, "Look above, the Almighty One's light shines upon us. Today will be one of victory; more of these vermin will fall and another of their leaders will face holy retribution." He then turned to look at his comrade and say, "Are you ready, Sister? Let us show them the will of the Almighty, the fires of divine judgment that they have invoked by going against His decree."
The woman next to him nodded her head, gray-blond hair falling into her face, her eyes a ice blue color, small flecks of green that never showed up unless she was very angry, her outfit was the same as his. She waddled slightly from the awkwardness of her larger hands and feet but she nearly walked normally with a lot of effort. "Let us go J'arock." She says turning her face to his, her own name was Sahipria. She made her way into the building leading the way under ground, she was alert and listening for anything other then her partners footsteps behind her. It was would have been very easy to just slip pass all the so called guards, she glanced back at her partner wondering what he would do. The large man was very different from her own tall, lean body made for swimming, not walking on land. She didn't enjoy this mission, not because of her company but simply because the land was so very dry, she skin felt itchy, though she knew it was just her mind playing with her.

Sahipria knew just how important this mission would be to Beacon, so she said nothing against it knowing just how much money they could get from this. "Do you know which one we are to be taking?" She asks normally, her voice soft. She was just here to help the other, he knew all the details, she was just here for back up and would nearly stay that way.
J'arock would actually surprise Sahipria; he waited until the outer guards had their backs turned, then crushed them like the ants they were. They wanted to scream, but it was too late; soon red could be seen coating the front and sleeves of his tunic, his eyes glowing with the thrill of the kill. Not a sound was fired; that was good....for Sahipria, anyway. J'arock would gladly take on more; he wanted, no, NEEDED more. "So pathetically weak, but a source of amusement they certainly are. Hehehe" he then said, his deep voice reverberating off the steel voice. He knew Sahipria wouldn't really approve of his brutality; however, she needed to be conditioned to what it meant, so he was going to do what he always did: Push through until all of them were dead or captured and the Pokemon they've stolen were either released or returned to their owners.

Why he was partnered with a Water-type still eluded; they were miles from any inkling of a water body source. Then he remembered; he was to show this girl what going on a true mission into the heart of the enemy was like, with her serving as his aide. Being a veteran Brawler, he was the ideal choice for an assignment like this; it was all fine and good by him. That meant he got to crush more pathetic grunts. But, Sahipria was not entirely useless out of water; she was orders of magnitude stronger than any human could hope to be, and adaptable like no one could believe. So, after he was finished, he followed her down a few levels; evidence of their previous skirmishes still remained. Caked-on blood stains, massive dents and bullet holes marked the scenes of intense combat; it all reawakened vivid memories of this place. Hearing them try to gun him down, their bullets being stopped by his thick, naturally-armored skin, their faces in fear as they tried to run, only to be brutally slaughtered like the sheep they were. His face twisted beneath his hood into a maniacal grin as he felt the bloodlust rise within him.

Hearing her question, he then responded, waiting for her to call out where targets might be, "We're after one Leader.......Goes by Alex the Red. Supposedly brutal, efficient, and bold. I can attest for the last one; he was stupid enough to set up here. He'll learn that was his biggest mistake. However, he could be on any one of these floors; though if he's like any other coward, he'll be the furthest from the battlefield anyone can be, at the bottom".
Sahipria wasn't affected by his brutal way, she had heard about him, who hadn't, his brutality was what made him perfect in the others eyes. She merely followed along, slightly nodding her head, one grunt came around the corner near where she was in front, her hand shot out grabbing him by the throat and bashing his head into the wall until his skull cracked. Hearing the crack she dropping the dead grunt to the floor stepping over him as his blood started to pool out of his ears, eyes, mouth and nose. She wasn't nearly as useless, she continued to walk ahead, many grunts running away screaming, two ran up the stairs the other two ran down the stairs into the lower area's. "Do you want to go down stairs while I take care of the ones who ran up the stairs?" She asks blankly while pausing to look at J'arock.

He was a bit taller then she was, but he made it up in bulging muscles nearly everywhere, she could see his muscles through his outfit, his chest was broad while his arms we're very much full of popped out veins. She didn't know if her was muscle everywhere, unlike the other females, who wanted to know, she passively, could care less. She didn't hope to mate, but knew eventually she would be forced.
J'arock just smiled at Sahipria; she was proving how useful she could be, even out of her element. Not that she didn't know a lot already; she was experienced in underwater trapping, dragging enemies to their death was something she was known for throughout the village. And though she was nowhere near as strong physically as J'arock was, she equaled in his determination if not surpassed him. He just laughed as the Grunts ran screaming, yelling after them in a maniacal tone, "Running will not save you, scum! The Almighty One has condemned you to death, and we - his divine instruments - will deliver you to your fates!"

Looking to her as she posed her question, J'arock paused for a moment before answering "I'll go down.......I want to see the look on the Leader's face when I slaughter his brigade of troops." He then proceeded to walk past the Water-type, his boots sloshing the pool of blood created by her kill and leaving a trail of red, messy footprints. Unlike Sahipria, his mind was nowhere focused on mating; he just wanted to make more blood flow. Unfortunately, J'arock was wrong in his conviction; the Leader was actually upstairs and was lying in wait behind a reinforced door, one that only a Ground-type even had a hope of breaking through. But, if Sahipria were to come up, he had a little surprise waiting for her should she try to open the door.

Soon, J'arock was encountered with easily twenty heavily armed troops; they shouted and began firing while at the same time releasing a few Pokemon of their own - two Houndooms, a Blaziken, and an Electrivire - to combat this one-man-army. This was going to be another interesting fight; J'arock pounded his fists together, roaring "Another round? You just don't know when to give up, do you?!" He then charged, the hostile Pokemon and Grunt rifles firing off; soon, the sounds of combat could be heard throughout the whole building.
Sahipria turned making her own way up the stairs, she walked quietly make little to no noise as she stepped on each step. She turned a corner to find some grunts pounding on a steel reinforced door yelling and screaming. She made her way across the room, she grabbed the back of two of the grunt's head slamming them into the steel door they we banging on. The blood splashing onto her clothes and face, getting into her hair as she kept pounding, hearing the third one screaming, her mind went blank, a smile making its way across her face, until her hand hit the steel door, it jolted her back into looking at her hands. The face of each grunt was not gone, she blinked passively as she dropped the two faceless, bloody grunts to the floor, she turned to the third one who was about to jump into a tree. She quickly made her way to the open window right as the grunt jumped, her hand flicked out as fast as anything and caught hold of the ankle. She smiled again, a bit darker this time as she pulled the woman into the window once more, though this time not all the way in. The woman's head was still outside. "You know you'll die. Why did you try to get away?"

"I-I don't know. Maybe instinct, fight or flight to live to see another day? I knew I had no chance with fighting you, I have no weapon..." The woman states tears leaking down her face. It didn't change the look on Sahipria's face. She pulled the woman back into the building shut the window only to slam the woman's face into the glass, breaking it and slamming her torso into the sharp glass leaving her to whimper as she slowly died. She then turned to face the steel door, she stood back waiting a couple of minutes before looking around for an idea of how to open it.
J'arock was busy cleaning up the last of the opposition downstairs; the Pokemon had all been knocked out cold and only one Grunt remained; his comrades lay in bloody, gut-strewn heaps all over the ground. His outfit was saturated in red, copious amounts of blood lining his face. Jarock's outfit was pocked with holes; the rounds had penetrated slightly into his skin, but not enough to cause internal damage. A simple flex of his muscular body was enough to have them all fall out, clanging on the metal floor loudly. The titan then grinned again and advanced on the lone survivor. The Grunt fell on his ass and tried to crawl away; however, his back soon reached a wall that made up the length of the walkway.

"P....please...don't kill me....I have a wife and children.......I'm just doing this to provide for my family!" J'arock grimaced at this man's pathetic blubbering; he then growled, "Have you considered all the families you've destroyed by being in this organization? All the grief and sadness you've helped cause?" The man just stuttered, realizing the error of his ways; however, it would be too late for him. "P..please, just let me go! I'll quit! I swear! I'm done!" J'arock just picked the man up by the nape of his shirt, growling "You'll have to do better than that. May the Almighty One grant you mercy in the afterlife." He then drove his fist into the man's chest; it went straight through, punching clean into the metal and leaving a melon-sized dent in the wall. The Grunt passed on, falling limp with his body hung up on J'arock's arm. J'arock then made his way to the end of the hall; there was a reinforced door here. He just cracked his blood-soaked, glove-covered knuckles, chuckling as he muttered, "Knock, knock" before slamming his powerful fists into the door, each hit creating an impression of his fist in the metal; it took about three hits before it flew off its track. There was no one here; he just growled, "That little....." and turned to go about upstairs.

Alex had heard the commotion outside; he then heard a feminine, dark voice speaking to them. His lips twisted into a sickening smile; this base wasn't meant for processing Pokemon, like they probably thought. He was known in Team Rocket only for his cunning, so it was no surprise that he'd tricked the stupid Grunts into being bait for him; besides they would have died anyway. May as well be for something useful. This base was modified to function as a capture point for one of them and use them as a slave; that door was rigged so that anyone not using a subdermal transcoder would be instantly shocked with 100000 volts of pure electricity. The fact that it was a female was even better for him; he had a restraint system all set up so that even their strongest couldn't break out of it. He twirled in his chair, his gray eyes gleaming maliciously as he pressed a red button. The door slid open, letting Sahipria and Alex see each other face to face. He then put on his most convincing sad face and pleaded, "Please, please, don't kill me! Look, I was forced into this.....I hate this! Seeing people die! I don't wanna die! Please, spare me!"
Sahipria raised an eyebrow slightly as the door slid open, bringing her face to face with someone. She didn't assume it was the one they were looking for. He looked far to pitiful to be the lieutenant. So she walked across where the door was, soon as she crossed it she knew it was a bad idea, she screamed loudly as she was shocked with 100000 volts of electricity. Her body convulsing her mouth foaming with spit mixed with blood as she tried to hold out, until J'arock made it, she clenched her hands as her eyes rolled back into her head. She wondered if this would be how she would die. Her body fell to the ground, her heart moving sluggishly, nearly stopping as she blacked out.
J'arock heard the scream as he climbed the steps from the bottom level; his body froze for a split-second as he recognized the voice. "Sahi!" he cried, using his nickname for her; he then charged up the steps, his massive form causing the stairs to shake with each thunderous footfall. He had to get to her quickly; what could have happened to her? He couldn't stand the thought of losing another Sister; no, the Rockets took too many from him. He wouldn't allow it.

Alex, meanwhile, smirked as he stood up and walked to the now-immobilized Brawler; he picked her up and placed her in the restraining system he had hidden in a corner of the large room. After checking to make sure the restraints were secure, he pulled out a needle with a gold-colored fluid and injected Sahipria with it; this would help calm her system down after receiving such a large jolt of electrical energy. "Wakey, wakey, little slut......." he said in a falsely cooing voice; the restraint system was a third-stage prototype, using special pressure technology to increase the amount of force proportional to the strain the entrapped places on them - that is to say, the more they struggle, the more they get crushed by the system. Enough force on their part would prove fatal.

"Well, well, well, looks like the tables have turned, haven't they?" Alex said with an arrogant smirk, tossing off the overcoat to reveal his Team Rocket attire - a standard-issue Rocket suit but with an armband displaying his rank in the organization. "You Brawlers think you're so big and bad, what with all the trouble you caused us. Well, once I take you with me back to the HQ, I'm sure every man there is going to have fun wrecking this perfect little body of yours." He noticed that her hands and feet were fairly large compared to the rest of her body; he knew of a couple of guys who would get their jollies from that. "Does that sound like fun, slut? Being used as a Rocket cum dumpster?"
Sahipria was hardly awake as he was talking but everything he was saying sounded horrible, she'd never been with a man and yet here he was telling her she would be used like that. She opened her eyes, they felt heavy as she spit blood and her own saliva on his face, that was all that she could do for the moment. "I'd rather die... J'arock will avenge me if I die. He'll come for me to take me back home." She says softly her breathing heavy, she was still very weak and she knew better then to struggle right now, just looking at the device he had her attached too just alerted her to something being wrong. She wasn't afraid of death and wasn't afraid of being used by men, neither of it mattered, like the others she wasn't able to have children, though she had never had her first mating. She thought back on it, the whole thing was a trap, he would hurt J'arock, and she wouldn't allow it to happen. Her eyes stared to the door, waiting for the moment she seen J'arock making his way near her, she would yell tell him to leave her behind.
Alex grimaced as bloodied spit hit his face; he pulled his hand back and socked her in the jaw. "Fucking bitch!" he growled as he wiped his face off; he then grabbed her chin roughly, "You think you're strong by not showing your fear? You think that matters to me? To us? No, it's just getting back at you, knowing we managed to not just kill one of you fuckers, but break you and make you submit!" He'd heard her mention the name J'arock and grinned, talking to her in a mocking tone "Ah, who's J'arock now? Your boyfriend? Your little lover? Well, let's just see if we can't make him show himself!" He then brought out a knife and cut away the groin of her pants to reveal her nether-regions; it was clear he was intending to rape her to try and get her to scream out.

J'arock meanwhile was making his way up more and more; the faint sounds of his heavy footfalls getting closer. "Sahi! Sahi!" he cried out, his voice echoing loudly as he tried to find his comrade; he wouldn't leave her behind. No, the very thought was unacceptable. United forever, they fought together, no matter what do not leave a Brother or Sister behind; that was what was hammered into his mind by his father.

Alex heard this and grinned more, saying, "Well, that was easy, but not as fun as making you scream." His grin grew, "This will be a nice sight when he comes in.....Oh, wait, I just had a thought, he could be your brother, couldn't he? Well, bitch, is he your brother? And on that note, are you a pretty little untouched virgin?" He stuck his fingers inside her lips, feeling around until he felt that tell-tale barrier. Alex felt like he was going to jump for joy....."Ahahaha! Alright, I get first dibs!"

It was at this J'arock heard the man's voice; he must have Sahipria! He charged forward more, the ground shaking as he thundered closer; eventually his hulking form appeared int eh doorway. He saw a horrible sight: Sahipria tied about to be used by this madman. Alex just smiled and turned to face J'arock, "Well, look who it is, Prince Charming. Come to rescue the fair Princess have you?" J'arock grit his teeth in anger; then he growled, his voice low and warning "Don't you lay a finger on her....Don't you fucking dare." Alex just laughed and pulled a pistol out of his suit pocket and aimed it at Sahipria's head, the muzzle lodged against her temple. "Try anything, fatass, and I'll blow her fucking brains. Now you better just leave while you still can."
Sahipria winces as his fingers shoved into her feeling her hymen, she closed her eyes against seeing J'arock standing in the door way. "Just leave J'arock, and you you asshole, he is neither my brother nor my lover. Use me as you see fit, I won't let you hear me scream you sick bastard." She says opening her eyes again, determination shining. "It doesn't matter if you use me, or kill me. I will never bend and break into what you want. And if I die, more will just come to avenge me." She aid calmly while jerking in the bonds wincing lightly as they tightened around where she was strapped in.
"That ain't gonna work, bitch!" Alex shouted before smacking her with the pistol, J'arock started to go forward, but just pressed the pistol to her forehead again and said, "I don't think so, motherfucker. I ain't fucking around here!" J'arock stopped, glaring at Alex with a death stare. "You spineless little...." J'arock grumbled, causing Alex to smirk, "Whatsa matter, you fat fuck? Don't know what to do? Why don't you follow your little bitch's advice and get the fuck out of here? Not like there's anything you can do anyway." It may have made logical sense for him to go, but he didn't want to leave her behind; there were so few of them left, and plus, he considered Sahi a close friend, despite how pessimistic she could be.

His mind then came up with an idea.......This was going to be taking one hell of a risk, but he saw it as the only way of getting them both out of this alive. "Wait, Alex........Let me propose an offer to you." Alex turned his head to J'arock, "A bit late for diplomacy don't you think? Stupid fat fucker." J'arock ignored his comments - not easy given his prideful nature - and continued, "Look, you want to deal a death blow to the Brawlers, right?" It was this that Alex perked up, "What are you getting at?" J'arock then took a deep breath and said, "Well.....the thing is, you're not going to do much by killing her. Brawlers like her are...oh, what's that expression, a dozen a dime?" Alex just groaned, "It's a dime a dozen, you stupid fuck. But go on, I'm listening."

J'arock just shook his head and replied, "Whatever, the fact is you need someone....more important." Alex cocked his head and asked, "And who would that be?" J'arock then jabbed a thumb into his chest, "Me, for I am the son of the King." Alex's eyes widened before narrowing suspiciously, "You.....the son of the King? I didn't even know you dickheads had a King. But whatever, you offering yourself for her?" J'arock nodded and knelt down, getting the feeling that Sahi would not approve of this; it all came down to the Almighty One at this point. "Promise to let her go, and you may end my life. You will deal a far greater blow to the Brawlers by killing me; you let her go, she lets everyone know what happened. You gain prestige for killing the heir to the Brawler throne. It's a win-win." Alex just smiled; unfortunately, as smart and competent as he was, he was also greedy as all hell, seeking power and fame wherever he could get it. "Alright, fat fuck, you got a deal. I have to keep her tied up though, you understand." J'arock just nodded; he prayed to the Almighty One that this would work in his mind, hoping that his bodily features would stop an otherwise fatal wound.

Alex just smiled and said as he pulled out a switch; this owuld trigger a lethal shock in the restraints if pressed, "Put your hands on the ground; any funny shit and I fry this bitch." The switch in one hand and the pistol in another, he approached J'arock from the side. J'arock looked into Sahi's eyes; his expression told her, "Forgive me" before the shot rang out, the bullet burying itself into his temple. J'arock's form fell to the floor with a heavy thud, blood leaking from the side of his head. Alex just laughed out loud, his cackling reverberating down the empty halls. "Oh, man I am a fucking genius! I get a fine bitch to fuck and I killed the King's son! What a stupid motherfucker!" Little did Alex know that Ground-types were known for their resilient skeletons; the bullet only would only serve to knock him out, but Sahi would think he was dead from the amount of blood he was leaking.
Sahipria stared down at him, hearing Alex's words she had already guessed his plan, it wasn't a very complex one. She watched the blood pool around his body before glancing up at Alex. "He wasn't the son of a king, you dumbass, he just duped you, though he's right. Killing me would have got you nothing, fucking me will get the same result. No one will care." She states blankly as usual, she was still tied up, she knew moving would be stupid, she sighed already accepting the fact that she would be raped, and if she lived she would kill this bastard with her own two hands. The thought of that made her smile, she would enjoy that.
Alex just shrugged his shoulders, "Meh, still got to put a bullet in his head........And now, I believe we have some unfinished business." He then saw she was smiling and his face fell; the fuck was she so happy about. Did she hate that guy or something? Maybe she enjoyed watching him got shot; well, he was already dead, a few more bullets in his corpse wouldn't hurt. "So, you like it when I kill one of your own, huh? You like seeing their bodies filled full of lead? Well, I think I can oblige you on that." He then walked back over to J'arock's corpse and placed the pistol against his arm first; he then fired off a few rounds, leaving small pock marks in his body. "Does that turn you on, bitch? Well...." he then said as he placed a fresh clip into the gun and placed the muzzle against J'arock's chest, firing more rounds into his body, watching Sahipria's face as he did so. J'arock was still unconscious; however, it was unlikely the bullets would hurt him regardless.
Sahipria just kept smiling, if he thought it excited her maybe it was better for that, she leaned out slightly wincing as the restraints pulled against her. "I thought we had better business? I thought you wanted to fuck me? Do you get off on putting bullets in him?" She asks jutting out her chest slightly. "Why don;t you come back over here and pay attention to me, I'm starting to get a little jealous of all the attention your paying his dead body. Won;t you come touch me?" She asks seductively, anything to get him to untie her, she would do anything even allow her first time to be stolen like this, used as a tool. How come she had never thought of this before? The easiest way to kill each of them would be to have a woman seduce them and have a man sneak in not long after they start to kill them, it was brilliant but she questioned just how many of the woman would be up too it, it didn't matter though, she would use her body as a weapon.
If there was one thing that surpassed Alex's greed, it was his lust; he saw her chest jutting out, her ample bosom practically calling to him. Oh, how the poor fool fell; he just grinned and strutted back over, like he was untouchable. He just placed his hands on her still-covered chest, "Aw, don;t worry, baby girl, your daddy's gonna make sure you feel good. But Imma leave you tied up; makes it so much hotter in my opinion." He then took his knife and cut her tunic away from her chest, freeing the prize within. He latched his mouth onto them, sucking and rubbing them harshly, tweaking her nipples as he worked to get her off. He'd show her that he was a great master to those that acted like she did.

He pulled away from his nipple-sucking to say, "Be a good girl and remind me who your daddy is. Tell me, slut, who's your daddy?" He then shoved his fingers inside her slit again, rubbing them against her maidenhead but not hard enough to break it; no, his cock would take care of that. The tent in his pants grew as he continued to rub and stimulate Sahi's body, getting her ready to get pounded like nothing she could imagine.

He was so caught up in molesting Sahi's body that he didn't hear J'arock wake up; however, when the titan looked up, his right eye's vision clouded by blood, he nearly snapped at what he saw. Still, this had been J'arock's plan, but that didn't mean he had to accept what he saw 100%. He staggered to his feet, feeling a bit woozy; however, it would be too late for Alex to react. He felt a massive form slam into his right side, causing his own body to fly into an opposite wall hard. The force of the impact was enough to render him unconscious; J'arock staggered over and smashed the lethal shock switch in Alex's hand. Coming back to release Sahi from her restraints, he quickly had her undone.

He then realized she was naked; he then removed his own gloves before ripping off his tunic and tossing it to her. "Show some modesty" he grumbled as he sat down; he reached to his right side and felt where that shithead shot him. It wouldn't kill him, but it would sting like hell the rest of the way. It was the head wound that was affecting him the most; the bullet had cracked the skull plate just above the right temple and it was pressing into a motor center of his head. He couldn't stop from feeling dizzy; he hated it when he felt like this. But he'd just need a few minutes and he could be fine again.
Sahipria tried hard not to be affected by his touching, but being a woman, it had happened anyways, but she took the tunic from J'arock without saying anything. She glared back at Alex. "What were we suppose to do? Can I just kill him?" She asks her voice hard and cold, she had made the decision to use herself as the bate to get to him, but she didn't have to like it. "And you, I told you to leave you thick headed rock." She states while turning to face him as if nothing had happened. "I don;t understand you, lets hurry up and leave of something, I need to get the feeling of him touching me off me." She says shuddering lightly, what she needed was lots of water, she didn't care where, but she needed it soon. She felt very gross, but she knew just by washing she would remember it all, she gritted her teeth, now she knew what it felt like to be horny for the first time. "Do what you have to to him, I'm going on ahead." Sahipria says while walking down the hallway and back down the steps to wait outside, while things had never changed between her and J'arock, he was male and all the same her body was crying out for the touch of a male which was hard to ignore when one was right next to you. She slammed her hand in anger against a wall, nearly collapsing the wall, so she kept walking.
J'arock just let Sahi rant; she knew damn well they couldn't kill him. Didn't mean the sentiment wasn't shared; he desperately craved to just cave this man's head in and be done with it. However, with so few Brawlers left, there was little forging work to be done. This meant Beacon had to start to take on what were essentially mercenary jobs; they needed the money for supplies. "Tch, you know I don't leave my own behind, Sahi" he then shot back, angry at her for being so disrespectful despite him having saved her; least she could do was show some fucking gratitude. She was so unlike a lot of the other Water-types. She was serious, whereas most Water-types weren't; what the hell was her deal?

J'arock stood up after a few minutes and picked up Alex; he then walked out and saw that Sahipria was gone. "Hardass" he grumbled; he then slowly made his way through the forest into Khishkin Town. Naturally, his presence caused a stir; not a surprise, since they were all midgets compared to him. His heavily-formed glinted in the sun, the blood from his fresh wounds adding to the effect. He still couldn't see out of his right eye; no matter how much he wiped the blood away, it just kept coming back to cloud his vision. "So frickin' annoying" he grumbled mentally. Naturally, there was one figure in town who always went into a tizzy everytime he emerged from the forest wounded to deliver a bounty; any second now, he would be hearing from her, having her tell him off for not being careful and blah blah blah.

(Hint: Pink hair)
The pink haired woman did see him wounded, she stomped her way over to him, staring up at his wounds. "Why can't you be careful when you go out?! Jesus Christ man! Your so fucking reckless what do you think this is? A Hospital?!" She says before sighing and rubbing her head. "Go deliver the bounty and then get yourself treated." She says shaking her head and going back to what she had been doing before. That hardheaded man, why couldn't he be careful once in a while and stop scaring her!

Sahipria made her way to her home, where there was a pool, she stripped down and began to swim like crazy, her water pokemon swimming with her. She could still feel the touch of that mans hands on her, his fingers inside of her folds. It was uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. She pushed it to the back of her mind before getting out and going into her home to put her own clothes back on instead of wearing J'arock's giant tunic.
What the hell was with all the women treating him like he was some fragile infant? His eyebrow twitched in annoyance as she chewed him out for getting hurt; this Joy seemed to be even more radically different from the others he'd met. He just watched Joy as she stormed off; what the hell was her deal? "Guess everyone's an asshole today; feh, whatever. Time go collect the bounty." He'd treat his wounds when he got back to Beacon. After a bit of searching he found the police station; he entered, streaks of red going down his side and face as he approached the Jenny on duty, dumping Alex on the floor in front of her. "So, Officer, what's the bounty on this fine example of society?" he then asked, his massive topless form glimmering in the low light. He knew of the police's plight to try and catch this guy; hell, they were the ones who put the bounty on him.
Officer Jenny looked up surprised as J'arock dumped Alex on the floor, her mouth dropped open slightly seeing the condition they both were in. "You look like hell kid. As for this bounty? I can give you a nice little amount, let me go get what you get for this." She says before turning and clicking off down the hallway, when she came back she had a suitcase full of money which she handed over. "Its about 3 thousand, this guy gave us hell, I can only imagine what you gave him and why. Thank you, have a nice day." She says before sliding the case to him and having the other officers take Alex into the back area where they would do whatever they needed too.
J'arock took the case; three thousand was good. This would help the Order out immensely, as funds had dwindled despite the step-up in campaign against the Team Rocket scourge. Naturally his eyebrows twitched when she pointed out his injuries; he wasn't some helpless infant. He was J'arock dwe Azurl, son of the King of Beacon and one of the last three remaining Ground-type order members. But he calmed himself and replied, "Pay it no mind, Officer. Happy to help." The red tattoos on his massive forearms, symbolic of his rank in the village itself, gleamed as he bid her good day and walked out with the suitcase. He then looked around before crouching and giving a massive leap; he was about three football fields away from Khishkin before he landed and took off deep into the forest where Beacon laid.

It wasn't long before he reached the gate; he slowed to a stop before watching as the village boundaries itself seemed to materialize out of thin air. This was the illusion created by the fairly large number of Dark-type gene-dominant members of Beacon, a measure necessary to prevent Team Rocket from finding where they lived. Not that they couldn't defend themselves, but they would rather not have to fight in their own home. The wrought-iron barrier was soon lifted, allowing J'arock access to Beacon. His booted feet thudded heavily as he made his way to the treasury to deposit his bounty.

Walking into the mortar-and-brick building, he saw an old comrade, an Electric-Air hybrid by the name of D'rrio. "Ah, J'arock, welcome ba.......In the name of the Almighty, what happened to you?" J'arock just groaned and replied, , "Don't worry about it. I've got a present." J'arock then threw the suitcase down; D'rrio picked it up and opened it, his teal eyes widening in surprise. "J....J'arock, how much is in here?"

"Three thousand"

"Three thousand? Who did you nab this time?"

"Alex the Red; he's the reason I look the way I do. He and his goons were pathetic, but they managed to get some shots in."

"Speaking of that, you might want to get those wounds looked at."

"What am I, some weak little Trainer? I am a Ground-type; I would hardly classify these as even little nicks."
Sahpira looked up seeing the boundaries move to let someone in, it had to be J'arock who was coming back with the money, she briefly wondered how much he had gotten for his nab of Alex. She just dove under water again, her body wasn't as powerful as his was. But he wasn't good at stealth like she was, she stayed under water, being able to breath, she didn't need to come up. She closed her eyes feeling her pokemon friend swimming with her, around her. They cared about her. She opened her eyes before kicking off the bottom and heading to the top, where she pulled herself out of the water and went into her small house where she changed her clothes. She then headed out, she needed a couple of things from the market near by.
After J'arock dropped off the bounty money and had D'rrio process it, he excused himself to go to "The Pit", a 300-foot-diameter dirt ring in the village where the stronger of the Dark-types would create a near unbreakable barrier and have the remaining Ground-types exercise there should they request. This was done for obivous reason; Ground-type 'training' sessions could get rather rowdy and if left unchecked would have a fairly high chance of leveling the village. His two remaining Ground-type comrades, V'win and T'mmir, were training there almost constantly; there still relatively young, V'win was eleven and T'mmir was twelve. J'arock himself was seventeen, five years T'mmir's senior. He remembered that T'mmir's birthday was coming up in a few months; the little rascal had his target all picked out. A Steelix pack leader in the Northern Gjorn Mountain Range; he was the meanest of the bunch and that was who J'arock took on for his Manhood Ritual. He never felt more alive than he did that day; even the extreme pain from having nearly every bone in his body broken couldn't compare to the joy he felt when the Steelix lay defeated before him.

When he arrived at The Pit, sure enough those two were going at quite enthusiastically. While human boys their age were often skinny and lanky-looking, these boys had incredible muscle mass; humans would call it 'unhealthy' but this was part of their physiology. The best part? They were almost pure Ground-types, a rare feat in this day and age. They also happened to be J'arock's students; being the only one besides them with over 90% Ground-type heritage, he was the most qualified to teach them about who they were and the awesome power they held. More importantly, he taught them how to control and maximize the force of their techniques available to them. His chest swelled with pride at the sight; these two were going to be fine members of the Order. He could just feel it.
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