New recruit (Maxy x Darknezz)


Mar 9, 2009
Sasuke Uchiha had been thinking on this for a while....his plans weren't progressing as well as he had hoped...not as quickly as he had hoped. Part of it was that the Hidden Leaf Village was more determined than he had given them credit for....and part of it was down to the simple incompetence of the three companions he had foolishly brought with him. They had been useful at first, but now they were beginning to wear out their usefulness....beginning to bicker and argue, starting to doubt him, question him, even outright challenging him and claiming that what he was doing wasn't the right thing to be doing after all. Well.....they could all leave as far as he was concerned...he had a new plan.....a new...companion in mind. Someone who could better understand him, someone who knew even slightly some of the pain of being outcast, of being the black sheep of your clan, of being outright rejected by those you might once have called friends. Oh yes....someone else was now in his sights...a Kunoichi he had been tracking for days now. Hinata Hyuuga....the outcast of the Hyuuga clan. The village overlooked her, always looking either to her cousin Neji or her younger sister Hanabi. Even her own father had always favoured the younger sister, then the previously outcast cousin....but Hinata had simply been left and forgotten about. Perfect. Sasuke knew that beneath all of that shyness and politeness.....resentment was brewing...seeds of doubt had surely taken root after all these years....and that was exactly what he would exploit...what he would twist until she would follow him in his cause.

She had barely stopped travelling for days, seemingly having been sent on a solo mission. After the near destruction of the village recently, able-bodied ninja were in short supply and anyone with even a little experience couldn't be wasted in teams when just one person would be able to cope. But now....tonight...finally Hinata seemed to have stopped. Sasuke was still in the trees, out of sight, but he could sense Hinata was there. He knew about her Byakugan, how it should allow her to see him even when hidden if she were to activate it....but he had taken precautions against that....besides, what reason did she have to activate it out in the middle of nowhere when there should be nobody around for miles?
With a slight smirk, Sasuke waited until Hinata seemed to have been settled in one place for a while, then slowly began to approach, moving slowly, silently through the trees towards the Kunoichi. He would observe her for a short while, then make himself known....and make her his offer...
Hinata was an outcast ever since she was little people didn't like her and she thought that nobody would ever undertand her. Everyone hated her so why would be like her? Naruto wasn't an outcast any more but he didn't even like her so he couldn't relate to her. Hinata always did solo missions because who's ever team she was on they would just complain. She didn't want to be on Neji's team she wouldn't be able to deal with him. She never lost her cool but Neji soon would make her. Hinata just got a new mission and she had to travel to a village really really far from here.

After two days of traveling she finally used her Byakugan and she found a space that was free of anyone finding her that she knew of. Hinata then set a fire and she set up a sleeping bag. She put food over the first and read a book she brought a long knowing she would get bored she was prepared and she began reading it.
Sasuke continued to watch Hinata for a few more minutes, she was reading a book...good...that would mean she was relaxing, lowering her guard. He already knew she had surveyed the area and determined she was alone...that would mean he would have the element of surprise. Good.... He was already confident she would at least listen to him...but still...he wasn't going to take chances, he wasn't going to give her the oppertunity to try and fight him. It wasn't that he wasn't confident he could win, he simply didn't want to have to injure the girl simply to get her to listen to him. It didn't exactly build trust after all.

Waiting behind her at the edge of the small clearing, Sasuke watched her for a short while longer, then swiftly and silently he moved, pouncing forward, directly behind Hinata without even making a sound. In less than the time it took to blink, one of his hands was covering her mouth, whilst the other was restraining her arms, keeping her in her sitting position to prevent her from using her legs either. "Good evening Hinata....I presume you know who I am. I have make to you....if you agree not to fight me....then I can promise you it will be worth your while...." Sasuke gave her a few moments to think about it, before slowly he released the hand covering her mouth, though kept her arms restrained. He knew the kind of damage her Gentle Fist technique could do...
Hinata felt her mouth be covered and she wanted to yell but then was about to use her feet but Sauske held them down. She looked up at him saying nothing and not moving. Hinata knew that she couldn't defeat him even if she tried with her fists or her Byakugan. Hinata nodded she wanted to hear what he had to say and she closed her book while letting them slide off her knees. She then started to think of a way to hit him but she also knew that probably knew much about her then she knew about him. Hinata didn't like to fight she just knew how to defend herself or fight someone if she ever got into a fight.
"Good girl...." Sasuke smirked slightly as Hinata nodded to him, the hand covering her mouth slowly moving away, though he kept a firm grip on her arms, he was no fool after all, he was going to be ready for her to try and trick him. "Now then Hinata....I assume you know what I'm trying to do....I'm sure news spread rather quickly of my ambitions to destroy the Hidden Leaf Village. Well....that's not entirely true....I don't want to destroy it exactly...simply....remake it the way it was meant to be. My family was meant to rule the village....but our rightful place was stolen from us...I intend to set that right. And....I want you to help me" He leaned around her a little bit, his face getting a bit closer to hers. "Think about it Hinata....what has that village done for you? Your family has cast you aside, the people you thought cared about you would sooner abandon you for others..." He was referring to Naruto clearly choosing Sakura over her, he knew that would hit a nerve. "The village has only ever caused you pain. But I.....I can give you a chance....Join me and we can both rule the village...." The hand that had been covering Hinata's mouth had moved a little lower, now resting on the top of her more than ample chest. "....rule it....together"
She listened about everything. Sauske.....................and hinata rule the Hidden Leaf Village? Would she even be able to do it there are many people that are stronger then her. Hinata then shook her head saying. "N-no no I can't " She said shaking her head. When he then she listened to him saying that the village has only ever caused her pain and that is very true. She couldn't deny him and she nodded. Hinata then felt his hand on her chest and she heard Naruto she jumped a little and looked away. NAruto really didn't love her and chose Sakura she hated that about Sakura, that she got NAruto even though Hinata worked so hard to show her love. When Hinata looked into his eyes she knew he would just want to rule the village would make a lot more sense then the rumors being spread around.
"You can't? Oh but you have so much potential, you just need to stop believing what everyone tells you....stop believing that you're as worthless as they all say..." Sasuke smirked as she jumped at the mere mention of Naruto's name....oh he was going to enjoy teaching that little reflex out of her....soon enough she would only ever want to hear Sasuke's name....she would jump at his name for a different reason. "Join me Hinata.....join me and we can rule...." His hand slipped down beneath her chest, cupping one of her large breasts and lifting it slightly. "....together. Wouldn't you like that Hinata? And the village is only the start......" He leaned a little closer to her now, close enough for her to feel his breath against her neck. "I'll never think of you as worthless....never call you pathetic...."
Hinata looked up at him saying. "R-rule...?" She thought while saying it. When she felt his hand cup her breast she panicked and in a split second pushed him off. "D-don't do that........I will r-rule with you my parents will be proud of me" she said. Hinata then stood and she put her hands together looking up at Sauske speaking quietly still shy like she always has been since she was little. "Sauske wouldn't be mean? I will not be a burden on you either?" She asked him while looking down at herself.
((Mizuki? :p ))

Sasuke laughed when she pushed him away, releasing his grip on her. He had to show her she could trust him at some point after all. Still, he wouldn't put up with resistance for too long, but he would break her down slowly. "Why do you care if your parents are proud of you? You think forcefully taking control of the village will make them proud?" Sasuke slowly stood and folded his arms. "You wont be a burden on me, provided you can learn to realise your true potential. Stop caring so much what others think of you....stop thinking that you can do this just because it will make others proud. People will hate you for it at first, but soon enough they'll see that my way....that our right. I'll bring order to the village, to the world. No more ninja fighting amongst themselves over petty squabbles like land. They'll bow down before us or die" He wasn't going to lie to her, this wasn't going to be some nice saving the world. They would be dictators, rulers. Admired and feared in equal measure.
Hinata shook her head as she then listened to what he had to say. She wanted to speak but the questions he asked just kept popping into her head at her. 'Why do things to make people proud if they hate you regardless?....................Why don't you just realize your true potential?' They would rule together...............Hinata didn't know what else to say and she nodded saying. "O-Okay I will help you" She said. Hinata then thought of his last words to herself. 'They'll bow down before us or die' Hinata kept her hands together nodded she would except his offer.
"Good....I knew you would..." Sasuke smirked when she finally agreed...she knew what she was getting into, knew that people might have to die by her hand, but she still accepted....good....very good...the seeds of darkness had been they just needed to be cultivated, and the first step was to start bringing her out of that shy, withdrawn shell of hers. "Now....Hinata..." Sasuke started to move closer to her once again. "Come closer....we should....cement our new....partnership" The boy couldn't help licking his lips as he looked the voluptous Kunoichi up and down. Naruto was a fool to turn this down for someone like Sakura....the blonde had been blinded by childish crushes...overlooking Hinata just like everyone else had. But not Sasuke...oh no....he saw her true every single way.
Hinata looked up at him saying nothing until he started asking her to get close to him. "o-okay" She said. Hinata then got close to him hoping he wouldn't hurt her and she wouldn't hurt him in return. She went closer to him and looked up at him saying. "S-sasuke how are we going to make all of this happen?" She asked. Hinata wanted to know everything about what was going on even if she would have to wait a little and help him figure it out she didn't want to be excluded from what was going on.
Sasuke smiled as she got closer, continuing to move closer to her as well, until he was finally stood right infront of her, not much more than the length of Hinata's chest now seperating them, though that wasn't an inconsiderable distance. "How? Well....first of all we need to deal with enemies.." That was right...Sasuke's enemies were now Hinata's enemies, Hinata's enemies, if she even had any, were now Sasuke's enemies. One way or another, they had to be dealt with. "Though...first of all...we need to learn to truly trust each other..." He smirked, then suddenly raised a hand to cup one of her ample breasts again. "I suppose you always imagined Naruto to be the one to do this didn't you? He was a damned fool not to....."
Mizuki loooked up at him saying. "O-our....M-maybe w-when you are facing your enemies they could think I am someone you kidnapped and if they are s-someone from the village we could trick them and I attack them w-when they least expect it" She said. Mizuki felt him cup her breast she back up until she heard Naruto's name. She stopped and her bangs covered her eyes blushing. Mizuki listened to the rest of his sentence as well while she slowly looked up at him.
"'ll become our spy hm?" Sasuke smirked slightly at Hinata's suggestion. "An excellent plan...your would-be rescuer comes and takes you back...and then....oh yes....they're stabbed in the back in more ways than one...." He chuckled, then raised an eyebrow as she backed up again from his groping, though he followed after her when she looked up at him, his hand wrapping around her waist this time to hold her in place, then pull her against him, squashing her chest against his. "This is going to be a wonderful partnership....I can already tell..."
Hinata blushed at him putting his arms around her. "Y-yes" She said. Hinata was shy period but Sauske made her as she was with NAruto. When he followed her backing up she couldn't help but blush as a shiny red apple. "U-umm sh-should we sleep or travel?" She asked. She put her hands on his chest trying to keep some distance from him even if it wasn't helping she got some face distance form him.
She was still so shy and nervous....that would need to change...if she was like this then she would never be able to follow things through with them. Sasuke kept his grip on her waist tight to prevent her from pulling away. "Oh.....well I think we should sleep...well...sleep in a little while anyway...." Whilst one of his hands was around her waist, the other one went back to her breast, squeezing it a little more roughly this time around. "I think we need to teach you a few things though can't be so....shy...all the time..."
Hinata listened and she nodded saying. "Y-yes sleep" When he continued she wanted to back up but he kept his hands firmly on her waist. She then felt his other hand on her breast and she moaned a little in surprise. "a-ahh" she said looking down at his hand. "T-teach me what?" Hinata asked. Hinata didn't know why she would have to stop being shy it was just something that happened in her personality.
Sasuke couldn't help but grin at the moan she let out, so cute...he wanted to hear more of that. "Oh don't worry...I'll teach you everything you need to know...." He chuckled, squeezing at her breast again as he moved her slightly to push her against a tree, allowing him to remove his arm from around her waist, the hand now coming up to grasp and squeeze at her other breast, a little more roughly this time. "It's time we learn to....really work together..."
Hinata felt the tree come behind her back and listened to him speak. "E-everything I need to know..........." She said When he used hi other hand on her other breast. Hinata blushed and said. "W-work together?...... Y-yes" She said. Mizuki didn't understand why Sasuke was acting like this but didn't know how to stop him.
((I'm guessing your characters are normally called Mizuki? ^^;; ))

"Yes, that's together....closely...together..." He squeezed at her breasts a little harder, then moved closer, squashing her chest against his own. One of his hands released her breast, starting to move down her stomach, then gently started to rub between Hinata's legs through her clothing. "Just follow your instincts Hinata.....don't be shy....let yourself go..."
((Sorry well ya I usually use that I am sorry I keep messing up!))

Hinata looked up at him and when he said to not be shy and let herself go she looked away saying nothing. She couldn't stop him but she never did any of this before since NAruto kept rejecting her. Hinata then looked into his eyes saying. "W-what if something bad happens?" She asked. She didn't want something bad to happen if they did such a sin.
((Hehehe, no problem! ^.^ ))

"Nothing bad is going to happen....we're going to make sure of that...we wont allow anything bad to happen" Sasuke rubbed her a little harder between her legs, then slowly started to move his hand up to the waistline of her pants, pushing his fingers slowly inside to start rubbing directly through her panties instead, whilst his other hand had moved to reach up under her shirt. Sasuke had to admit....he was curious...did Hinata even wear a bra? Could she get one for her ample assets? Or did she go without as Tsunade seemed to do? As his fingers crept slowly upward he was sure he would find out...
Hinata looked up at him saying. "Y-you won't?" She asked. Feeling his hand she moaned a little again then covered her mouth. When he continued to rub and he reached to find herself wearing a bra. It was a bit small but it fit her. Hinata looked at him looking down at her. She was still kind of scared about everything that would happen.
"We can't only rely on others Hinata....start to take what you this..." He smirked, then pushed her bra upwards, forcing it off her breasts and allowing his hands to grasp the bare flesh, thumb flicking across her nipple. "Mmm....they feel as good as they look...." He licked his lips, then leaned in to start kissing at Hinata's neck, letting his tongue run across her skin.
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