RE: Drunk Journal
Uh... anyways, dropping a small rant. Something that doesn't really anger me but sorta annoys me, at work, we provide 3 different types of bags for groceries: a regular, medium sized plastic bag, a smaller plastic bag about half the size, and large paper bags that you can get basically anywhere. Well, the store is only supposed to go through 2 boxes of the big plastic bags a week. We go through 2 PER DAY. And it's all because people don't know how to use them.
Granted, customers come through the lines sometimes and request certain ways of bagging their groceries that can account for how many are used, but we get so many customers coming through with their own bags from home that I think it evens out somewhere. For instance, an elderly woman comes through and asks to have things packed lightly because she has a bad back.shoulder/knee. You can use the smaller bags for that because it's a waste to put one or two things in the bigger bags but leaving so much unused space in them. Or when people want their gallons of milk bagged, you can also use the smaller bags for that, and 2 two-liter sodas can be bagged in small bags too because they fit perfectly in the bags with no wasted space. It is ridiculous to see them try to bag 4 two-liter soda bottles into a big bag and then double bag it because it's too fucking heavy. You've wasted twice as much space there(it's my personal opinion that if you had to use a double bag, then you've just packed it too much; they have to be able to carry this shit inside their house, people) and you could have easily used two small bags with 2 bottles each and had no wasted space leftover AND made them carryable.
Just a little aggravating getting my ass chewed out by the manager because all of my cashiers seem to think there's an endless supply of plastic bags out back and it doesn't cost anybody a dime to empty a box of them.