True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and 3ngag3)

Gai was pushing himself hard to get off inside of Yukuko. The effect of his lips suckling her nipples seemed to have a positive effect on her as the muscles around her vagina contracted and squeezed hard on him. That's when it finally happened. With a grunt and a final push, that wonderful feeling ran through the monk's entire body as he released into her. He paused for a moment, allowing the pleasure to take over, his eyes closed and a euphoric look on his face. The moment was fleeting, but satisfying and as the pleasure died down, he rested his hands on the bed, hovering over the ghost girl and his breath lightly echoing through the room. His eyes opened and he looked down upon the girl, wondering what it must have felt like for her to have his seed shot into her body the way it was.
Yukuko's body tightened around him as he came, injecting his the thick, hot seed into her body. There was no danger of conception since she was merely a ghost, but she still felt the normal pleasure and bodily reactions from a climax. Her mouth opened to form a long, loud pleasurable moan as she felt her womanhood contract around him and milk his cock, drawing out every last drop from his shaft before slowly relaxing around him. Her breaths were still labored as she smiled up at him.

"Want to go for another round?" she beamed, rocking her hips slowly against his in order to create friction and potentially maintain his hardness if any.
Gai was surprised that Yukuko wanted to continue despite the fact that he had just had his orgasm and was now coming down from it. "You know, I'd like to," the monk replied, moving his hips just as she was moving hers. "But I just need some time to get ready again. I don't have that special gift that women do what with being able to stay aroused after an orgasm. You understand, right?" In the back of his mind, he was really wishing he could get erect for her again so he could go another round. It was almost like her hormonal desire for sex was beginning to rub off on him.
"Oh, that's alright," Yukuko smiled sweetly, "just take it easy and play with me as you wish until you can get it up again. I can't ask you to do the impossible, right?"

She was pleased that he seemed to be as eager as she was in this and reached up to caress his sides with her hands as she let him warm himself back up.

"So, Mr. Monk... What are you here to investigate exactly?" the ghost girl asked.
The monk, feeling the warmth of her hands on his body, turned to his side and laid himself on the bed beside Yukuko. "I actually don't know much about what's going on right now," Gai started as he reached over with his hand and began to caress the side of her head. "I remember Miss Reimu saying something about being all hot bothered like the 'rest of us'. Whatever that means. I can't really put my finger on it. If I just had some more information, then maybe I could figure out what the deal is." He stopped caressing Yukuko for a second before looking at her and continuing. "Do you know what's going on? I mean, is there anything unusual that you've seen or heard as of late?"
"Hm... I don't know really," Yukuko blinked, actually thinking over the issue for once, "Perhaps you could ask Youmu, since I really don't spend much time outside the underworld so I generally don't socialize with the others that much. I often send her on errands in the human world though so she would be a better person to ask. Would you like me to call her for you?"
"Youmu?" Gai asked, curious to know who this person was. "Sure, I guess you could call her if you want. If she can provide any information, it would be a great help." The monk sat up a bit putting the blanket over him a bit so as to not alarm this 'Youmu' with his nudity.
In an instant there appeared a young lady wearing a dark green dress and a black bow which tied back her short silver hair. She had a katana on her hip and a foxfire hovered beside her. Her intense yet subservient gaze scanned Gai briefly before turning to the ghost girl.

"You called?" she said blandly.

"Yes, tell this monk everything you know about the recient events as of late, and don't leave out any details," Yukuko smiled.

"Everything?" the half-ghost raised an eyebrow with a hint of reluctance.

"Everything," the ghost nodded.

"Well, I noticed that the cats outside the shrine have been more active as of late, perhaps because the oni has been stealing the offerings and keeping Reimu busy as of late," Youmu began.

"No, no, no," Yukuko interrupted her, "About my strange behavior."

"I can't say you have been eating more than usual, since you are always a bottomless pit," Youmu shrugged, "The Oni tried to come over two weeks and a day ago from today, but I sent her away before she could cause any trouble. There was that Tengu that came by a few days ago trying to interview you for some reason, but she ended up asking me all the questions instead after beating me in battle. Then there was that one time when Alice came by asking me if I knew where some of her magic strings had gone off to. I never figured out what happened with that issue, but I think it probably has something to do with the strange events as of late. Such magical strings could be used to manipulate people or create links between them, making it much easier to spread effects among a large number of people at the same time."

"That doesn't help us know who is behind it, however," Yukuko sighed, "very well, that is all..."

"Wait... What is that man doing with you, exactly?" the half-ghost cocked her head to the side slightly.

"Meet your new master and my new lover," the ghost blurted out.

"What the heck?!" Youmu jumped.
Gai jumped back a bit, startled by the sudden appearance of another young lady, a foxfire spirit hovering besides her. She looked almost as pale as Yukuko did as she stood before them, hopefully ready to explain the situation at hand. At least that what he hoped would happen if the lady would stop babbling on about this irrelivant stuff. It didn't take long before she got to explaining the ghost girl's unusual behavior, however and the monk took note of a certain thing Youmu said. Something about a girl named Alice and some missing strings and the fact that it might be connected to what was going on around here. He stared with a perplexed look as if he was trying to decipher the facts at hand.

"I see," he muttered to himself as Yukuko began to send away Youmu but was stopped when she asked what the two of them were doing. The moment he heard the ghost girl calling her servant his new master, he turned to her, a shocked look on his face. "M...master!" he exclamated, turning to Youmu, his overactive imagination going wild again as he envisioned the girl, naked and bowing before him as he ordered her to satisfy him. She did so willingly, going downstairs on him and was then approached by Yukuko who asked in a sweet and seductive voice, "Can I join in, my love?" He didn't need to respond as she joined Youmu at her spot in front of him. All this was enough to get his manhood twitching again as it tried to grow erect.
"Come on, you should have a go at him as well," Yukuko smiled and tugged on the half-ghost's dress, "he can come inside you once while I'm resting, then you can help him while I go for a second round."

"You really should put a damper on your sex drive, mistress," Youmu sat down in a proper manner, feet folded under herself and setting her still-sheithed sword beside her.

"Are you saying no to me?" the snow ghost's red eyes flashed with a hint of anger.

"Of course not," Youmu shook her head slowly, but she clearly was still somewhat reluctant, "What would you have me do, Sir?"
While Youmu looked ready to serve his every command, Gai, like her, was still a bit reluctant to give any kind of order to her. "W...wait a minute," he said, turning to Yukuko. "I can't give her an order like that. I mean, I could if I wanted to, but if I wanted her to do anything with me, I would rather she do it of her own free will. And besides..." he began to get up out of the bed. "I think I should tell Miss Reimu what your little friend here just told us. I'm sure it will be valuable information." The monk began to look around for his pants hoping that a hasty retreat would get him out of this awkward situation.
"Aw, she wants it too," Yukuko pouted, "She's just shy, that's all."

Youmu blushed but remained silent, slightly fidgeting with unease but it wasn't exactly clear wether it was due to her own desires or if she was simply embarrassed.

"You can't expect Reimu to take an interest in you if you don't take the initiative, so why not practice with Youmu? I mean, she might be a bit hesitant, but she doesn't really mind," the ghost girl wasn't going to let him go so easily, "Besides, you promised to go another round, didn't you?"

Even though she seemed innocent from a glance, Yukuko was actually quite perceptive at times it seemed.
Gai flinched at Yukuko's remark. He did indeed promise to go another round and for a monk like him. Keeping a promise was a matter of honor for him, no matter how perverted it might have been. He turned back to look at Youmu who looked a bit flustered. With a sigh, he turned back to lay on the bed, a similarly flustered look on his own face. "Fine, fine," he started. "But only because it's my duty to keep a promise." It was then his gaze locked on the girl who now considered him, as Yukuko put so bluntly, her master. "So, um...Youmu was it? Show me what you are capable of in the bed. That is...if you were do to something in the bed with a man, what would it be?"
"Very well," Youmu nodded and stood up, reaching toward her waist and pulling down her panties as she did so, "But do not expect me to be skilled at this task as I have no practical knowledge."

"Don't worry, its all instinct," Yukuko reassured her, but the half-ghost didn't pay her any mind.

Youmu walked toward him, apparently sufficed with only taking off the purely necessary clothing as she straddled him and placed her hands onto his bare chest, rubbing her womanhood across his hardening shaft. Her face instantly turned a bright red as she did this, turning her face away in embarrassment as she continued. She bit her lower lip in an attempt to hold in her own voice and not appear affected by her own slowly growing arousal.
Gai observed Youmu's movements and noticed that her words rang true. She didn't seem all that experienced with what she was doing by the look on her face, but what she was doing was really working. Much like Yukuko did to him, he ran her womanhood along his shaft which was now getting stiff again. While he was getting pleasure out of this, the monk didn't feel quite right looking at the lady. It seemed as if she were more in pain than anything else. "Um, you know, if you don't feel comfortable doing that, you can try something else," he started again, his mind going back to that little fantasy he was having earlier. "Or maybe you need help developing that instinct of yours."

Gai put his hands on Youmu's legs to stop her for a moment before continuing, his face turning a bit more red. "You know, it shames me to admit it, but I do have some" He turned to Yukuko, looking for some kind of encouragment.
"Feel free to do as you wish, Mr. Monk," Yukuko smiled, obviously enjoying watching the two of them go at it. It was starting to become clear that the ghost's interest in what the other two were doing was adding to the half-ghost's discomfort.

"Do you mean... Me giving it or you?" Youmu paused and looked over at him hesitantly, not sure which he meant as she honestly didn't know what sort of experience he had.

"Both, probably," the ghost girl giggled, floating up behind her friend and laying her onto her back and gently spreading her legs to his full view, "Just lean back and relax, alright? When it comes time for the main event, you need to be good and loose... This should help out a lot. You're not like me after all, so you need to take it a bit easier."
Oddly enough, Yukuko's actions seemed to give Gai a bit of confidence in what he was going to do. It helped even more when he got a look at the sweetness that laid between Youmu's legs. "Yeah...just relax," the monk replied, crawling between the spread legs and lifting up the lady's skirt. "Maybe once you experience this, you won't look like you're in pain the whole time."

He leaned his head in close, noticing the slight arousal she had from rubbing up against his manhood. He took one last deep breath before exposing his tongue and pressing it against the snatch, licking and teasing the flesh. She tasted like a woman should taste, sweet and satisfying and if Youmu reacted the right way, he would be sure to taste even more of her.
Youmu's body instantly reacted to his teasing, her legs straining to close around his head as Yukuko held them apart. She began to squirm a bit as she bit down on her lower lip more firmly in an attempt to hold in her voice although subdued moans escaped from her throat. Her ghost body turned a pale pink color and hovered closer to her human body as the heat began to spread across her skin and her womanhood dampened significantly. Yukuko grinned and began licking the half-ghost's ear.
Youmu's instantaneous reaction to Gai's oral stimulation was all he needed to see to determine that she needed more. He stopped licking at this point and went full-on into her with his tounge. Like a spear, he darted the appendage in and out of her, simulating what it would be like if he eventually got his manhood into her. Of course, his manhood would be much bigger and stiffer than his tongue, but still, the motions would be the same. He eyes Yukuko who was nibbling on her ear and while using one hand to part Youmu's lips to stimulate even more of her vagina, he used the other to caress the ghost girl's cheek, egging her on and wondering if she could possibly do more to help him stimulate the now less pale girl.
Youmu moaned as she felt the monk's tongue intrude into her body, trusting in and tasting her insides as her hips began to instinctively rise up and press into his face, coating it with her fluids as her honey began to dampen her lower lips. Yukuko reached around Youmu and began to massage her breasts through her clothes, pressing against them and molding them in her hands in a slightly aggressive manner, drawing heated moans from the half-ghost's lips as she was no longer able to hold them back.
There was no stopping the two of them now. Gai and Yukuko both had Youmu reeling in pleasure and unable to hold back her feelings any longer. All the monk had left to do was to get her off completely and he had a sort of technique for doing so. He stopped briefly, even as the ghost girl went for Youmu's breasts. He looked up into her wanting eyes, wondering if she was aware he was going to do somethng extreme. He wouldn't give her long to think about it as he muttered under his breath, "Here comes the finale," and upon taking a deep breath, he leaned down and blew a raspberry right into her pussy. He made her entire genital area vibrate violently, mainly in part to Gai's somewhat impressive lung capacity that allowed him to take in a lot of air and release it in a sort of constant stream. This made the vibrations in Youmu's pussy last longer and vibrate harder.
"AAAAHHHHHMMMMPPPHHH," Youmu arched her back and struggled as the sudden vibrations sent strange and intense sensations through her. Yukuko, however, held her firmly in place and she simply had nowhere to go.

"Shhh, its alright, let it happen," Yukuko continued to massage her breasts, "Don't be afraid, just let go."

"No, please stop it!" Youmu protested as the feeling grew inside her almost to a peak, "I... I'm... I..."

She was breathing rapidly and the heat had spread across most of her body as she fought to hold off her own orgasm. But as things were, it soon proved impossible as the two of them forced it out of her and she came right on Gai's face, crying out loudly in protest as she did so. Her body tightened up, and after several long moments she relaxed and lay limply against Yukuko with a pleasured look on her face.
Gai flinched slightly as Youmu's passionate juiced flowed forth and splattered on his face. He licked what was left on his tounge and enjoyed the taste. Heck he seemed to enjoy everything she did, right down to the moaning, begging and pleading despite her body's betrayal. She was limp now, laying her head in the lap of Yukuko, a look of satisfaction on her face from the double teaming that the monk and ghost girl gave her. Upon wiping some of the juices from her face, he looked down at the exhausted girl and then back up at Yukuko. "I think we broke her," he said with a grin, refering to the intense orgasm she had and not neccesarily her will to resist her sexual urges anymore.
"She will be fine. I think she is loose enough now," Yukuko grinned, reaching down and spreading her sensitive lips open with her fingers, "Go ahead and give her a taste of heaven, alright?"

Youmu seemed to be still bathing in her own afterglow and didn't respond to either of them as her body rose and fell with each labored breath. Yukuko took that as her silent acceptance.

"Take her any way you like... Slow and gentle, or hard and rough," the ghost encouraged him.
Inspired by Yukuko's encoragement, Gai readied himself to enter Youmu's now exposed lips. He had grown long and hard again and his manhood seemed to throb with anticipation. With a nod, he moved in and while taking his member in his hand, he directed it into the half ghost's pussy slowly so that he could perhaps solicit a reaction from her. But if she thought he was going to tease her like this, the monk had other plans for as soon as he was about halfway inside of her, he made a sudden forward thrust that he hoped would wake her from her dazed state and enter a world of pleasure she probably hadn't experienced before.
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