True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and 3ngag3)



The intense rays of the midday sun shone brightly down upon the thick, sticky air that hung above Gensokyo shrine, causing it to waft about in a slow and lazy manner. The haze of irritation was so thick, Reimu could have cut it with a knife if she had one on her person, but she was only holding a bamboo broom at the moment. She reached and swiped her long sleeve across her forehead, dabbing away the drops of sweat that had formed from the brief amount of time that she had spent outdoors. It wasn't much better inside the shrine, as it was not air-conditioned, but at least the roof could keep the sun off her face.

She continued sweeping, however, as she always had, brushing the dirt and few stray dried leaves into a neat pile before scooping them up into a dustpan. She let out a barely audable sigh and looked across the valley toward the mountains, wondering if someone was artificially tampering with the weather again.

She was surprised to see a figure approaching her at a rapid pace from the mountains. Her jet-black hair and the distinct sound of her wooden sandals as they clup-clupped against the hard surface of the path leading up to the shrine made her identity a dead giveaway: Aya Shameimaru, one of the local Tengus. She had a somewhat odd look on her face (somewhere between concern and excitement) as she approached the shrine maiden with what appeared to be a tabloid ripped from a newspaper.

"Hey, Reimu," Aya waved the piece of paper in front of her face, "Check this out! This is a HUGE development!"

"Development of what, exactly?" Reimu had little patience for the Tengu's foolery, "Are you testing to see how much my patience has developed, or are you talking about breast sizes again?"

"Neither! It seems like there is a ruckus inside Scarlet Mansion," Aya continued without missing a beat, "What's more, there seems to be a blizzard forming on the other side of the valley"

"Woah, woah, slow down," Reimu took Aya by the shoulders and held her down before she could run off again, "What's up with the weather, again? Excuse me, but I'm burning up over here if you haven't noticed."

"I'm sorry to break it to you, but the heat you are feeling doesn't relate to the temperature at all," Aya held up a thermometer which showed the current outdoor temperature was a pleasant 65 degrees, "We don't know what it is, but everyone's getting on edge and starting to take out their frustrations on everyone else. I'm surprised you haven't noticed by now."

"Well, excuse me for being slow on the take-up," Reimu sighed, "I guess I will head out to see if I can figure out what's going on this time."

"Suit yourself, but you might want to get some help on this one," the Tengu shrugged.

With that, Aya sped off down the valley to spread the news, unaware that she was probably just making matters worse...

The Shrine maiden just turned and looked back at the shrine grounds, just then realizing that Aya had spread leaves all over her freshly swept courtyard...

Marisa swooped down a short while later and landed beside her friend. She stared across the courtyard beside Reimu, mimicking her stance and even the way she sighed.

"What's eating you?" she finally spoke up cheerfully.

"Oh, just the usual... It had better not be the oni again is all I have to say," Reimu groaned.
It had been awhile since the earthquakes rocked the Gensokyo shrine, leaving naught but piles of rubble and debris strewn all over the place. Fortunatley, the place had someone capable of cleaning and repairing most of the damage. His name was Gai Ikari. He was a monk who had been staying at the shrine to better himself physically and mentally through rigorous training and intense meditation. But most of all, he came for the beautiful shrine maiden he had heard rumors about. Powerful, beautiful and elegant were all words he heard that described her and when he looked upon her for the first time, those words were not simple exaggerations. He hoped to one day court her in the hopes of establishing a relationship, but with his status as a monk and hers as the head of the entire shrine, the idea of a relationship seemed like a fleeting dream.

So, Gai was left to these menial tasks. Cleaning, cooking, repair work. They were all part of his daily routine. Even when the earthquakes came, he continued to work hard to help the various guests that came by and perhaps gain the attention of Miss Reimu Hakurei. Today was no different. He had to finish up rebuilding one of the guest houses that was jarred from its foundation in the last quake. While he got the thing standing straight, there were still some loose ends like the broken windows and dislodged doors. This was probably going to take all day now that the volunteer workers had decided to take the day off. But it wasn't so bad for the monk. It would serve as good training for his body and mind.

Gai had just come back with a door when he spotted Reimu walking about with a Tengu following close by. She was looking at a newspaper intently and overheard something about investigating a mansion. He didn't know much about the changing weather but did notice that it was kinda warm out today. He didn't have a thermometer on him to check, so he assumed it was just part of the normal weather pattern. But why would Reimu go to this mansion the Tengu mentioned? It didn't make much sense to him. Maybe this was where she went every time she took off for one of her journeys. In fact, despite his little crush on the shrine maiden, the monk knew little about her personally. Sure, they would greet each other once in awhile when they crossed paths, but other than that, they never really talked much. And by the looks of things, he might not get to see her again for awhile. The least he could do was see her off properly.

So, even as Reimu was conversing with another guest of the Gensokyo shrine, Gai set down his things and approached the shrine maiden, kneeling before her as if to a queen. "Pardon me Miss Reimu," the monk said in a proper tone. "You'll have to forgive me, but I overheard that you'll be leaving soon. Will you be needing anything done before you leave?" He kept his head bowed, only glancing up momentarily to look the maiden's beautiful face. It brought a slight blush to his cheeks as he looked back down quickly.
"Please just call me Reimu," the shrine maiden seemed a bit taken back by his overtly subservient demeanor toward her, "Just because you work under me does not make you a personal servant or anything. I suppose you can check up on the sake cellar and see if we have enough rice in stock, but I was planning on doing that myself anyway. I'll be out seeing if Yukuko is responsible for the blizzard, since that's the sort of thing she often gets herself into."

"Oh my, Reimu, I think he's blushing!" Marisa giggled, holding her broom up next to her face as she wiggled back and forth, "So cute..."

"Cut that out, Marisa, it isn't funny," Reimu placed her hands onto her hips and huffed at her friend, "He's probably suffering in the same way the rest of us are, all irritated and itchy like you just want to scream for no particular reason at all-"

"Sounds like you really have it bad," Marisa's eyes narrowed in a playful manner, "Where I come from, they call that hot and bothered. If you don't want him, could I have him? I've always wanted a personal monk to answer all my biddings. It would almost be like having a butler, only he shaves his head and wears robes all day long and jiggles beads."

"Keep your delusions to yourself," Reimu crossed her arms in front of her chest then turned to the monk, "Um, your name is Gai, right? How about you forget all that stuff I said to you earlier and you just come along and help me?"

"I thought that was my job," Marisa raised her left eyebrow slightly.

"Nope, you're going to check on the sake cellar and the rice stores instead," Reimu smiled.

"I'm not your personal slave!"

"Then start acting like a normal human being," Reimu huffed and started walking toward the shrine's gate, motioning toward Gai to follow her. Marisa ran after them a short while later, not willing to let the two of them go off alone.
Gai listened closely to the shine maiden, making sure to take in every word so that he did not forget his duty. But it seemed a little more difficult when he began wondering what she meant by 'the blizzard' and who this 'Yukuko' was. Then there was the matter of the other girl next to Reimu. He had seen her before walking and talking with the maiden like the two of them were on good terms. If that didn't annoy him enough, she was laying into him with her mocking comments about him. He had a mind to put her over his knee and give her a good spanking! Heck, he could just imagine it now, the girl screaming for forgiveness as he used his own broom to spank her bottom repeatedley. He would even go as far as to lift her skirt and pull down her panties to do so.

The monk tried to put the thought out of his mind. Things like that were one of the reasons he came to Gensokyo. If he could just rid himself of such perverted thoughts, he would become the strongest monk alive. But with such comments as having that 'irritated' and 'itchy' feeling, it was beginning to be really difficult. The way these two girls were talking, it was like they were on their period or something. He had to be careful not to say or do the wrong thing, otherwise he would be on the recieving end of a butt kicking like none other.

After all that though, a surprised look came over Gai's face as Reimu asked him to accompany her on her trip. To him, this was almost like a dream come true! Finally, he would get to be at the shrine maiden's side protecting her, having her watch him and maybe even having her fall for him as she saw the way he would protect her using his extensive training. Even the presence of Marisa wasn't enough to stall the monk's determination to go. "Ah, yes! I would be honored to go with you Miss Reimu! I mean...Reimu." Gai stood upright and came to her side just as she beckoned with Marisa following right behind.

As the three of them walked, Gai began to express a bit of curiosity as to where they were going and for what purpose. He turned to Reimu, an inquisitive look on his face. "If I might ask, Reimu. What is the purpose of our journey?"
"Its not like I can just leave things as they are," Reimu shrugged, "If I were to, how could I live up to the reputation that I have built up for all this time? If something is going wrong, or if someone is being a pain in the butt, or if someone is trying to take over my shrine again, then for goodness sake of course I am going to do something about it. The problem is, over half the time I go off on these expeditions I really don't know what I am getting myself into. Its not like I wouldn't go on them anyway, but it certainly puts my mind at ease knowing what to expect."

"Reimu's good like that," Marisa smiled, "She's always worrying about things and trying to make things right again... As well as warding off stalkers."

"Don't get me started on that," Reimu sighed, "Those are the sort of adventures I would rather forget."

Due to her beauty and fame, Reimu had countless admirers of both the male as well as female variety, but few were bold enough to act upon their infatuations. Regardless of their intentions, Reimu would try to put them off as gently as possible, not particularly interested in a relationship of that sort and especially not one with another girl. She might have been a bit eccentric, but she was most certainly straight.

By that time, the sky had begun to turn a dingy grey color and the wind had picked up, sweeping bits of dust from off the road and into the girl's faces. They held up their arms to keep it from getting into their eyes, but before long they realised that this was the edge of the bizzard that the tengu had spoken about. A few stray snowflakes started to drift down from the sky and far off in the distance stood a girl in a pale blue dress and a matching hat. Her short pink hair flowed with the wind and her large dark-red eyes turned to focus upon the three travelers.

"I'm still much too hot," the ghoast known as Yukuko spoke in a slightly labored manner, "Why do I feel so hot, when everything around me is cold?"

Reimu blinked and looked around herself at the piles of snow and the thick blankets of snowflakes that she was laying down all around them. True enough, they SHOULD be freezing cold right now, but for some reason both herself and Marisa seemed perfectly fine... If anything, they still felt uncomfortably warm.

"Don't ask me, but could you please cut this out... Its irritating the others," Reimu sighed, "So, I take it that you don't know why everyone seems to be feeling this strange heat either?"

"No, I don't know why," the ghost replied softly, but a slight twinkle in her eye spelled danger, "But... That man does look tasty. Can I eat him? Can I?"

A look of base lust and hunger glazed over Yukuko's eyes as she flew down to him and tried to push him down and sit down on him, working to take off his clothes as she attempted to do so.

"W-what are you doing?!" Reimu waved her hands in the air in protest.

"Looks like someone has a rival," Marisa stood beside her in shock, but even so she did not miss the opportunity to make a snide remark.
Gai still didn't clearly get what was going on, but from what Reimu told him, but whatever it was seemed important to her reputation. It was one of the things he really admired about her. Regardless of where she went and what she did, most people had great respect for her and her abilities. If it meant protecting that, then this monk, at least, was going to go to any lengths to make sure that happens. That was if she didn't mistake him for some kind of stalker should he reveal his feelings and intentions for coming to Gensokyo.

He said nothing more about the matter and continued along until he realized that it was starting to get really cold. He really didn't keep track of how far they traveled, but such a wild change in the weather pattern was very unusual. He looked up to the sky to see that the clouds had grown dark and stormy. A glance ahead revealed snow as far as the eye could see and the hints of an approaching blizzard. Gai wondered if this was the thing that Reimu went out to investigate and turned to question her about it before a peculiar girl came into his view.

The monk had never seen something like this before. A pretty girl floating from the sky like a ghost, her red eyes eerie and piercing. He could not look away from her even if he tried. She came down to them, complaining of being hot. Was this girl for real? Any normal person would be freezing their butts off in this kind of weather, but by the look on her face, something was clearly bothering her. And while Gai was beginning to feel a little chilly, he turned to Reimu and Marisa and noticed that they didn't look the slightest bit cold either. There was a creeping feeling that he might have gotten himself into something he didn't understand or couldn't handle and, soon enough, his suspicions were confirmed to be true.

Ignoring Reimu's question, he saw the girl's gaze directly set on him. The look on her face changed and suddenly, she charged him. He didn't know whether or not to move out of the way as he was unaware of her intention and this gave the girl enough time to get him to the ground, mount him and start trying to remove his clothes. "H...Hey!" Gai exclamated as she reached for his pants. This girl must have had a screw loose if she was trying to undress him in this kind of weather. Regardless of her intentions, whether they be sexual or not, there was no way he was going to be naked and freezing, especially in front of Reimu and Marisa. Besides, in this freezing weather, he didn't know if he was even going to get it up or not for her.

Reacting quickly. He grabbed her arms to keep her from undressing him. As he did, he could feel that she was warm to the touch. Enough to the point where he almost wanted to hold her close and allow her to undress him and do naughty things to his body. But in front of Reimu, he had to remain resolute. He tugged on her hands and thrust his hips from side to side, turning over on her. This left him in the unusual position of being on top and getting her hands pinned to the ground. "Now cut that out!" Gai spoke down to the girl. "What's going on here, huh? Why are you burning up like this?" He turned to Reimu and Marisa to see if they were going to come over and help him out here.
"Oh my... I'm being pinned down," Yukuko smiled and didn't resist him, turning her head to the side in an inviting manner, "I don't mind if you want to be on top, so there is no need to be hasty."

Marisa was much too interested in this strange development between the monk and the ghost to be of much help, but Reimu was clearly objecting to letting the ghost have her way with him. She walked up to the two, Gai pinning her down on the ground before him, and pulled out a stack of magical seals from inside her robe. She began spreading them out between her fingers as one would with playing cards, her fingers running over the top edges as her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Shall we seal her right here and now? How about we make her into an earth-bound sprit so she can't cause anyone any more harm," Reimu's eyes gleamed with a strange fire, perhaps base, unmitigated jealousy, "It will be simple if you just hold her down for a little longer."

"NO!" the ghost cried out desperately, finally starting to struggle against the hold Gai was imposing upon her, "Please help me, Mr. Monk, a crazy shrine maiden is trying to harm innocent little Yukuko!"

"Innocent, my butt!" Reimu glared.

"C-calm down everyone, lets just think this over before doing anything rash, alright?" Marisa was drooling a bit, but she seemed to be the one with the clearest mind at the moment.

"Yes, lets just make love not war," Yukuko reached up with her legs and clasped them around Gai's waist, pulling herself closer to the monk's body.

"ENOUGH!" Reimu reached forward and pressed one of her seals on the ghost's body, causing her body to become somewhat limp but she was still breathing irregularly and struggle to grasp at Gai. She really, really wanted to embrace him with her entire being.

"You are so mean, Reimuuuuu..." Yukuko moaned, "I really, really want to eat him right up..."

"What do you think is wrong with her, Reimu?" Marisa wiped some of the drool from her lips off with the tip of her skirt.

"I think she's just got a few screws loose from staying out in the heat for too long," Reimu huffed.

"Aw, well that's no fun," Marisa was now standing beside Gai and rubbing her thigh against the monk.

"Wait, you too?!" Reimu shouted.
Things were beginning to get a bit awkward now as rather than beginning to struggle against Gai's grip, Yukuko actually welcomed him as if she wanted him to have his way with her. For a moment, the thought crossed his mind, as he imagined her moaning with pleasure as he reached from behind and groped her breasts. That thought quickly faded as Reimu approached, her special seals being flipped around in her fingers. Gai was beginning to feel a bit guilty now as the shrine maiden threatened to seal the red eyed girl away forever.

"Please wait Reimu," Gai objected, wondering if he should release his grip on the ghost. As soon as Marisa spoke out and despite the interested look on her face, the monk replied again, "I think Marisa is right. Why don't we just talk this over. There's got to be a perfectly good explanation for all of this." But the time for talking ended when Yukuko cried out and wrapped her legs around his waist so that they might be closer together. This move was so surprising to Gai, that there was no resistance whatsoever on his side and his face somehow ended up sandwiched between the girl's breasts. For a fleeting moment, the monk found himself in a warm, squishy heaven to which he did not want to return. The girl was so warm like a blanket that he wanted to become one with her much like she did him.

Reimu, however, seemed to have other ideas and placed one of her seals on Yukuko, causing her body to become limp and the grip on his body loosening to the point where he could lay her down back on the ground again. This gave Gai a short reprieve from the ghost girl's clinginess and he let out a small sigh. "Okay, I think she's calm now. So can we please talk this thing out already?" Again, however, things became awkward when Marisa suddenly came up to him and ran her thigh against his body. He turned to the girl and looked up, wondering just what the hell she was trying to do.
"Sorry, just an itch," Marisa stuck out her tongue in a playful manner.

"I can see talking with the ghost isn't going to get us anywhere, since she clearly doesn't know anything and is just taking advantage of the situation," Reimu took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down, "Alright, Marisa... Fine, be that way... You three just fuck each other for all I care. I'm going to get to the bottom of this wether I have to do it alone or not."

She packed away her seals and started walking off, while silently fuming. She didn't know why, but every time that Yukuko pressed herself against Gai she felt really ticked off.

The seal on the ghost was starting to weaken as she grabbed back onto his shirt and pulled him down on top of herself again. She rubbed her soft cheeks against his and cooed trying to urge him on while Marisa showed no signs of stopping her. The blizzard had vanished by then and the sun shined through the clouds and began melting all the snow. Yukuko didn't seem to care, though, as she had other, more perverse, thoughts on her mind at the time.

Her body was nearly unbelievably soft and soothingly warm, and her large, wanton eyes grazed across his body as she continued to try to tease him into submission. If she was asking before, she was demanding it now, as it were, and wasn't going to take no for an answer unless he forced her to withdraw.

"Yes... Yes... Please make me all yours, Mr. Monk," she said, her movements lacking much force as the seal was still in place, but she was still trying her hardest to keep him from getting away from her.
"Please Miss Reimu! Wait up!" Gai yelled out to her as Yukuko pulled him back down towards her again. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy all the attention, but he didn't want the shrine maiden to get the wrong idea about him. He wasn't some sex starved pervert like the situation was making him out to be...well, not entirely anyways. She entrused him with her company and he couldn't go back on that. It would be a discrace to his teachings as a monk to abandon her in favor of this very affectionate ghost girl.

Mustering up his strength, he pulled himself to his feet, the red eyed beauty still clinging to him like some kind of child. Just to make sure she didn't fall off of him due to her lack of strength from the seal, he put his arm under her to keep her up. This left his hand in the rather awkward position of clinging itself to her rear. She might have been wearing a dress, but Gai could feel the softness of her tush. It was like touching her breasts, but her butt was somewhat firmer, yet still maintaining the warmth her body excreted.

"Now look here," the monk spoke softly to Yukuko. "As much as I would love to return your affection towards me, I have a mission to accomplish with miss Reimu over there. Besides, the weather is unfitting for such a..." Gai's words stopped short as he looked up in the sky to see that it was no longer cloudy. Everything seemed to clear in an instant as the sun shone brightly on the two of them, the snow melting all around. "Well, anyway, I'm not used to doing it outside, if you know what I mean. I'll tell you what. There's a mansion up ahead where Miss Reimu is going. Why don't you come with us and we'll go inside and then...well...we'll see what happens. What do you say, huh?"

Gai gave Yukuko a warm smile hoping that this would be enough for her to trust him. In truth, though, he didn't really want to do her if it meant upsetting the shrine maiden. He just needed the time to figure out what he was going to do with this amorous little ghost girl.
"Um, alright," Yukuko finally released her grip on him, her feet not touching the ground as she hovered beside him. She was still quite close to him, and her bright smile spread across her face never let up. She followed behind him like a puppy, Marisa leading the way as the three of them headed toward the mansion. Reimu was already there and discussing with the scarlet mansion's maid, Sakuya.

"I told you, Mistress Remilia is not fit to have guests at this time," Sakuya replied in a firm tone, "She is feeling a bit strange as of yet and I am afraid that for your own safety that she should be left alone until the cause is determined."

"And I am trying to tell you that I am trying to investigate that very thing," the shrine maiden huffed, her patience growing short with the dagger-wielding maid.

"Miss Patchouli is already looking into it, so I thank you for your concern but I really must insist that you leave," Sakuya sighed.

"At least let me talk to Patchouli then," Reimu waved her hand in the air, just then noticing that Gai, Yukuko and Marisa had rejoined her, "Well, its about time you guys got here... Already tired of having some alone time with the ghost?"

"He said he would do me when we got inside," the ghost girl declared bluntly, making some obscene motions with her hands.

"Um, you are a ghost, right?" Reimu glanced over at Yukuko in a skeptical manner.

"So? It will make me feel good," Yukuko smiled, "You should try it sometime too, Reimu."

"I think I will have to pass for now," Reimu blushed then turned back to the maid, "So, can we come in?"

"Just please don't make a mess of the place," the maid sighed, realizing that there was no possible way she could fight all four of them at once in order to keep them from coming inside, "I just finished cleaning."

She stepped aside and let him in, the dimly lit halls stretching out until they were shrouded in darkness where the light hardly penetrated. She led them down the south wing toward the library, but Yukuko would tug at Gai's sleeve every time they would come across a seemingly unused room.
Gai's tactic seemed to work to perfection as Yukuko finally released her grip on him, though she was still very close to him. Finally, he had the chance to catch up with Reimu and when he did, he stood before the great mansion before him. Just looking upon it gave the monk a sense of uneasiness, like something big was going to be happening here soon. He approached just as Reimu was having a conversation with someone at the door, a maid by the looks of it. He didn't pay much attention to the conversation as he continued to gape at the mansion. That was until the shrine maiden commented on how he and Yukuko were having some 'alone time'.

"Well," Gai started before he was cut off by the ghost girl. "W...wait. I didn't say that exactly," he continued, his face turning red at the thought of the two of them 'doing it' together. He said nothing more as the group was finally allowed to enter the mansion. As soon as the door closed behind them, the monk could barely see anything around him witht he place so dimly lit. It gave off a vibe like the place was haunted or cursed or something to that effect. He looked from side to side at the many unused rooms. He turned to Yukuko who was tugging him in either direction, trying to lead him into one of them so they could get it on.

Trying to get his mind of such perverted thoughts, Gai moved a bit closer to Reimu to ask her a question. "So, have you been here before Reimu? You look like you're familiar with this place."
"Of course I have been here," Reimu shrugged, "The vampire was causing trouble so I had to put a stop to it before things got out of hand... But it turns out all she really wanted was some company or something to stave off her boredom. That seems to happen a lot around here."

The maid bowed and motioned toward the closed library doors and stepped away to let them inside. In the back of the room sat a fluffy frilled hat. Well, that was all that they could see of the silent, nearly anti-social elemental magician flipped a page in the book she was reading (which almost completely obstructed thier view of her due to its large size). She was so quiet, one could almost swear she didn't even breathe, the erie silence sending chills down Marisa's back. Either that, or she realized how ticked off she would be when she realized she wasn't here to return the books she had "borrowed."

The ghost, however, had no intention of waiting much longer and she quietly and quickly pulled the hapless monk into a nearby room and shut the door, freezing the lock with a quick flick of her wrist. She floated over to him and tried to push him down and mount him again, her red eyes glowing with desire in the dimly lit room.

Reimu didn't seem to notice that Gai was missing, and approached the magician, "So, what have you learned about this... strange epidemic that we are in the middle of?"

"Not much, really... I would appreciate it if your friend would stop stealing my research materials, though," Pathouli sneezed, "Excuse me, I am feeling a little under the weather myself lately."

"that's good to hear," Reimu shrugged, "So what are you stuck on?"

"I really don't know how it spreads or even how it influences us so efficiently since we were all in different places and didn't really have any activities in common at the time symptoms began to appear... My only guess is that whoever it is planned this a long time in advance and that it has only recently begun having symptoms," the magician replied, casting a glare at Marisa.

The ghost girl, meanwhile was busy trying to undress Gai in the locked room across the hall. She giggled and pressed herself against him, the warmth of her body surrounding him as it were as she clung to him in a demanding manner, "Oh please... I can't wait much longer."
Gai was somewhat taken aback by Reimu's words. He knew she had to deal with simple things like exorcisms and ceremonies and whatnot, but dealing with vampires? Just what was this girl into? She was becoming more and more interesting to him by the minute and part of him was excited to find out what it was. But he wouldn't have the time to do that now as Yukuko, desperate and wanting, pulled him into a room unseen by either Marisa or Reimu. Before he knew it, the door was shut behind him and frozen by the girl's strange ability.

Again, Gai found himself mounted and undressed by the ghost girl, her eyes piercing the darkness that had now surrounded them. At first, he tried to resist, pulling and tugging at Yukuko's arms. Then he made the mistake of trying to push her off, his hands placing themselves firmly her breasts. He paused suddenly, feeling how soft and warm they were and again, those perverted thoughts came into his head. He tried desperatley to fight them, but Yukuko's desire and his own growing arousal made it almost impossible to resist.

With a sudden burst of strength, he grabbed her by the waist and flung themselves on a waiting bed. She had already pulled off his top leaving his bare, well conditioned chest exposed to her as if she didn't need any more insipration to cling to him anymore than she already was and now she was on top once more, free to gaze down upon him. "Geeze, you really are persistant, aren't you?" Gai said turning his head to one side as if he were almost ashamed of what he was doing. "You know I'm probably going to get in trouble for this, but if it will help you calm down, I'll do whatever I can to help."
Yukuko cried out in surprise and joy when he placed his hands on her breasts, a thick blush formed across her cheeks and spread all the way to her ears. She felt herself lifted and thrown down on a bed, gazing down at his well-toned muscles. She licked her lips in a sensual manner as she bent down and began to kiss and lick his neck. She didn't seem to be at all interested in calming down, but she took his actions as accepting of her advances at least for the time being.

She began to undress herself as well, pulling off her robe and slipping off her shoes as she continued to kiss his neck, soon followed by her fluffy pants which she wore under the robe. She kept her hat on for now, as it didn't obstruct his access to her body, hesitating slightly before working to unfasten her lacy bra. She finally laid down on top of him, wearing only a thin pair of panties on her soft and warm body as she curved her body against him, begging him to take her for his own.

"Ah... I feel so warm," she reached own and eagerly tried to pull down his pants to release his member which was starting to rise to the occasion, "Come on, just three or four times... You don't have to worry about anything, since I'm just a ghost after all."
Gai hoped Yukuko would listen to him, but she was so consumed with lust that the only response she gave to him was to kiss him, lick him and take off her clothes. He could see her full, pale and ghostly form now, nude save for a pair of panties with such little fabric that she might as well have been naked. This warmed him up considerably, for the recent snowy conditions outside left him somewhat chilly. And as she reached for his pants once more, he was all too willing to let them slide down, revealing his flacid member to her which twitched at the thought of them doing it three or four times.

"Wait, three or four times?" Gai asked with a surprised look on his face. "You must really be aching. And I don't know if I have the stamina to go that many rounds with you. Really, it's not the fact that you're a ghost I'm worried about." In actuallity, thanks to his training, the monk did indeed have the stamina to go three or four times with Yukuko. Maybe even more. Gai felt he would be in for a long session with this one and worried a bit about Reimu. He wondered if she had realized he went missing yet...
"What else is there to worry about, love?" the ghost girl went right to work as her hands grasped his member and began to work it with her hands, trying to get it sufficiently hard. She bent down and licked the tip with the end of her tongue while her wide crimson eyes stared up at him.
"Well, for one," Gai muttered between light gasps and moans as Yukuko began to work over his member with her hands. They were so soft and warm that just the slightest touch would probably be enough to get any man off right away. But for the monk, he still struggled a bit to understand what was happening and how he should approach the situation. "You did say you wanted to eat me up. I kinda understand what you mean by it right now, but I just wanna make sure you aren't going to litterally try and eat me. I don't want to be forced to get rid of such a beautiful young woman such as yourself."

Gai's hand reached forward to stroke the ghost girl's hair as if to tell her that despite his words, he still had quite a bit of admiration for her, especially with what she was doing to him now. He was fully erect now, the thing twitching every time her tounge flicked the head sending shivers of pleasure up his spine.
"Oh, don't worry about that, I don't actually eat people in a literal manner at least," Yukuko pulled back and reached down toward her only remaining piece of clothing, sliding it down her soft shapely legs and tossing it away as it was no longer necessary. She scooted forward and began to rub herself against his member, placing her hands onto his shoulders as she rocked herself back and forth and teased herself. She started out slow, building up momentum and coating his shaft with her honey.
Yukuko's movements seemed to indicate that she wanted Gai to enter her as soon as possible and that's precicely what he wanted to do as well. For a moment, though, he enjoyed the feeling of her snatch rubbing up against his shaft, her lustful juices leaking out and lubricating his member all over. The feeling between her legs was actually warmer than that of her body, a sign that she was burning up inside. She burned for him, for his body and for his sex.

Finally, when he felt the time was right, the monk stopped her from rubbing against him. He slid the ghost back a bit, positioning his member directly in the crosshairs of the folds between her legs. With a slight tug, he motioned for her to come forward, the head of his cock slowly pressing into her womanhood.
Yukuko moaned as he entered her, pressing her hips forward as she pushed herself forward and impaled herself on his member. Her burning, wet and demanding insides instantly enveloped his cock, the tight inner folds tugging on him and pulling him in deeper toward her core. She kept going until their thighs were pressed against each other and his balls stopped at the entrance to her womanhood. Just as soon as she felt that he could not go any deeper she drew him out, leaving only her tip inside before driving her hips forward once again in a somewhat erratic pace. She was much too excited, but gradually calmed herself as she rode him, easing into a rhythm and timing her moans to match it.
A light moan of pleasure escaped the lips of Gai as his length entered all the way into her. He could feel the muscles of her vagina compressing and relaxing, trying to coax the optimal ammount of pleasure from his body. So desperate was Yukuko that her pace began rather quickly, sliding in and out of him with an excited look on her face. But soon, she calmed down and the pace slowed. Now the rhythym was perfect as she began to ride him like a horse.

The monk, intent on trying to draw as much pleasure from her as she did him, decided to take an initiative, his arms wrapped around her back, pulling the ghost girl's body close to him. What he wanted was to have her breasts within arms reach so he could take hold of them, massage them, and stimulate the nipples with some gentle pinching by his fingertips.
The ghost girl obliged and let him pull her body closer to him and take her beasts into the palms of his hands. They were very soft and warm, easily conforming to the shape of his hands as they massaged them and stimulated her further. She leaned into his hands slightly as she slowly rose and fell, each motion bringing pleasure to both of them. She leaned forward and hungrily stole a kiss from his lips without pausing her movements for even a moment. She continued to rock her hips back and forth, her lubricant juices coating his member and running down her thighs.

"Does it feel good, love?" Yukuko asked, her breath coming in sharp gasps, "Give me more, I want more..."
"I have to admit, this does feel quite good," Gai confessed, gently tugging on Yukuko's nipples so that they would become rock hard. "And so did that," he continued upon recieving a passionate kiss from the girl before continuing to grind against him. And if she wanted more, she was going to get it. Nearing closer and closer to his orgasm, he once again took the initiative, twisting his hips and putting her on her back, there, he would begin to thrust into her harder and faster, his desire to get off inside of her growing and growing. But he didn't stop there. This time, it was his turn to lean in and steal a kiss from her lips, kissing down her body and suckling hungrily at her nipples.
Yukuko could feel his eagerness as he pushed her over onto her back and began to aggressively thrust into her sex. His cock began to grow slightly larger and throb, desiring to release inside her as she felt her own body increase the speed and strength of her contractions around him, stroking his length each time he entered her. She moaned into the kiss as he clasped his lips over hers, and she twisted and wiggled under him as he captured the tips of her breasts in his mouth. She loved every moment of their lovemaking, and wasn't planning on letting him go for quite a while.
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