Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkhart101)

"Oh, Yes... Mhhhaaaahph," Patchouli arched her back up into him as he penetrated into her body, her womanhood contracting around him as his member reached into her and stretched her around his length. She reached up and grasped his shoulders and helped stabilize herself as he took her, her legs wrapping around his back and pulling him even deeper into her core.

"Don't be shy, go ahead and move as you like," she smiled seductively, the pain of her virginity being taken from her not even registering in her mind as it was too full of lust to accommodate any amount of additional information.
He smiled back, almost evily. He started slow at first, moving his hips rythmically. His length glidinging in and out of her tight vergin womanhood with some effort. But just as he though she had become complacent with his rythem he speed increased pumping into ehr harder and rougher with each thrust. He kept her pinned under him and burried his face in the nape of her neck again roughly bitting at her. She could hear his lustful grunts and grones of pleasure as he ravaged her their in the hallway for any and all to see had they been passing b
At first he started slowly and gently, the friction between them pulling soft moans from her lips as he withdrew from her body and pressed inside, her fingers gripping a bit more firmly as she grew accustomed to the pace. Her womanhood relaxed around him and accepted him, contracting in time with his trusts in order to massage his shaft and bring him more pleasure. When he suddenly increased the speed and power behind his penetrations, Patchouli cried out in pleasure, enjoying every moment of it. She whimpered when he bit her shoulder, her body slightly tightening around him as he continued to somewhat savagely ravage her. The sudden aggressiveness was somewhat painful, but she found the slight pain even more arousing as it excited her and left her wanting to feel more of him, and for him to feel more of her. The head of his cock slammed against her cervix with each thrust, the force, discomfort, and pleasure causing her to arch her back into him and press up against his arms which held her down against the ground.
The dark Jayce grunted and growled like a primal beast as he ravaged the young sorceress. He thurst himself deep and hard into her felling her soft tight inner walls squeezing his length. He could feel himself throbbing more and more with each powerful thrust as his climax built deep within.
"GNNNNNNNNAAAAAHHH! Don't much..aaaaah...i can hold baaaack!" Jayce growled as his nails clawed up her sides. HIs mouth returened to her neck bitting at it hungrily as he growled like a beast
"D-don't hold it inside, I don't mind," Patchouli flinched as his nails dug into her soft skin and his teeth bit into her sensitive neck. She was starting to feel a bit scared of him as he was acting and sounding more like a feral creature than a human, but the pleasure he was bringing her and the relief from her desire that he was satisfying was nearly overwhelming so that her fear was merely background sound to her mind as she felt him throb inside her. Her body was reacting to his and squeezed ever more tightly around him as she felt her muscles start to tighten and her breath grow shorter and quicker. The tingling sensation around where the two of them were joined spread across her body and caused her to feel anxious. She knew her own climax was approaching, but she did not wish to cum before he did so she fought it off as best she could.
He throbbed a bit more. His thrust became harder and rough as he growled. His teeth gritted and his nails dug into her soft skin as he finally released. His this hot cum errupting from his length "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" he growled deeply almost roaring as he released his pleasure flooding over him.
"....Well i hope you enjoyed yourself you bastard! The never ending beratement and reprimanding that will surely come of this is totally your fault you know...!!" The actual Jayce said, angrily finally able to get his voice to be heard. "MMmmmmm, yes that was glorious!" the darker form said to the actual. "I think I'm going to enjoy this assignment." he said in a deep gavily voice partly to himself.
"....GIVE ME MY FUCKING BODY BACK!!!!!" the actual Jayce shouted within the recesses of his own mind but as usual when the demon assumed controle, he was reluctant to give up the consciancesness
"...Assignment?" Patchouli was floating in a pleasant haze as she felt him pump his hot, thick seed into her body. She didn't seem to completely comprehend the gravity of the situation nor of the possible consequences of her actions as she bathed in the afterglow. She gradually began to relax beneath him and recover, but she was still quite aroused as so looked over his body in a lazy manner.

"I don't know anything about that... but damn..." she muttered a few nonsense phrases and her arms dropped to her sides, "I've never felt quite this way before... This amazing... What was your name, again?"
"Name's Jayce. Happy to blow your mind..." he said to her climbing off and fixing himself. "I'll be in town awhile so don't be shy and look me up if your feeling...needy..." he said slyly smiling at ehr with smug look on his face. He occationally cokked his head roughly to the side before quickly composing himself.
"When i get my body back im sleeping in a church....just to hear you scream!" The true Jayce said withing his mind. Jayce was getting ratehr upset and was wondering why this time was so difficult to regain controle of himself. Was it that odd aura surrounding the town? He couldn't say for sure, but he desperatly wanted his body back.
"Where the hell is Reimu!? I'm sure she could help fix this...." he continued. Jayce stood up and strightned himself up a bit more looking down on the writhing mess that was formerly a sorceress.
"I'm Pathouli Knowledge, but I guess you already know my name," Patchouli smiled and let herself simply lay on the floor and recover, her body slowly rising and falling with each breath she took,"I'll be sure to get in contact with you later... You are quite the passionate fellow."

The magician's hair was all in disarray and her body was sweaty, sticky, and coated with their combined fluids. She was quite a sight, but she didn't seem to care about that at present as she looked up at the man that had brought her unrivaled pleasures. She somehow managed to push herself up into a seated position and might have asked him if he wanted to go for a second round when someone kicked the door a short ways down the hall.

"Are you two done yet?" Reimu peeked out from the library out into the hall, looking embarrassed and slightly irritated. Their heated moans and cries had echoed throughout the hall and made it quite impossible to focus on any meaningful discussion with the vampire.

"I can hardly hear myself think with all that ruckus," the shrine maiden huffed, walking up to Jayce and placing a small seal on his forehead to restrict Dark Jace's ability to hold control of his body, "Here, that should do the trick."
Jayce's eyes glazed over as the sceal was placed on him. "Why you little bit-....RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" he cryed out, cut off as the sceal to affect. Jayce seemed to be fighting back and forth with his two other souls, mainly the demon. "GIVE....ME...MY...BODY BACK...!!!" the true self shouted. The demon having more power to him then the maiden probibly thought. However after some forcing and extream will power the demon was repressed back into the subcosciance.

Jayce fell to his knees panting heavily as he finally regained controll of his own body. "GRaaaaah! lack of ...controle." he said catcihng his breath after the sceal did its job. "I...was not...myself...."
"Don't apologize to me," Reimu shrugged, placing her hand onto her hip, "I'm just glad you are acting normal again."

"Just ask if you need any help, alright?" Patchouli smiled at Jayce in a weary manner, "I feel divine right now, even though I should probably take a bath... Hey, Sakuya could you help me with that?"

"I always knew you had odd taste, but he clearly wasn't in his right mind when he did that to you," Reimu sighed and shook her head, "Try to keep a hold of your hormones, alright?"

"Hormones... I suppose that might have something to do with it," Patchouli nodded to herself as the maid helped her to her feet and started to lead her down the hall toward (presumably) the bathroom.

"Apparently Scarlet doesn't know much about where these effects are coming from, but I have a feeling that if we ask around a bit more we might start seeing a connection," Reimu continued, "Lets head over and ask Aya if she has found anything else out, alright?"
Jayce picked himself up off the ground and stretched out and cracked his neck. "I should hope this wont happen again. However...I again appologize for any paradigm shifts that may occure." He said. He looked over at Patchouli.
"Hahaha you know you enjoyed every second..." The inner demon snarled. He felt a shift approch be quickly silenced it. "GRRRRRRAHH!! Damn it! NO! Not again! NO!" he shouted to himself. he looke dover at Reimu, "Can we get out of here before something bad happens...again..." HIs muscles were tence and his fists balled so tight his knuckles were white.
"Sure, lets go look for Aya," Reimu took Jayce's arm in hers and led him out of the Scarlet Mansion. Patchouli seemed a bit dissapointed, as did the vampire as they left.

"Take care, you two," she called out as they left. Her maid seemed to be glad to be rid of them, and quickly went about to clean up the mess that Jayce and Patchouli had made in the hall

"Savages..." she moaned.

A short while later, Reimu and Jayce found themselves at the foot of the tengu mountain, which was almost always blanketed in a thick cloak of wind. This was mostly due to the Tengu who lived there, but there was a certain amount of natural wind movement across the frigid peaks. Aya wasn't too difficult to spot, as she was running about with a hurried expression on her face.

"Oi, Aya!" Reimu called out to the tengu, "I want to talk with you for a bit."

"Nope, I got some great scoop I need to attend to," Aya winked, running off past the two of them, "I hear that Alice is fighting Marisa whom she accused of stealing some of her magic strings."

"Magic strings?" Reimu blinked, "Wait, get back here and explain it properly!"
Jayce sniffed the air like a beast, "Ya smell that..." he said with a short pause. "Smells like...we're getting dragged into this fight..." he finishe dalmost jokingly. He couldn't help but cock an eyebrow at the woman running around like a 3 year old who just ate their weight in candy.

"Is...she always liek that?" he asked Reimu as Aya skittered about with a gleam in her eye. "Cuz...your friend their is giving me a contact high...i think..."

As the two asended the mountain Jayce's two angelic swords formed on his hips. He was getting an odd feeling climbing this mountain that was making the hair on the back of his neck stand on end. He learn one thing thus far from being in this small town was that things could get weird very fast. The swords were a little bit of something to put his mind at ease. Although things so far seemed to be fairly friendly and level headed, the odd aura surrounding the town might not have every one in the same mood.
"Yes, she is almost always like that," Reimu sighed, "Just be glad she hasn't taken an interest in you yet... Or we may be in trouble."

The shrine maiden waved her staff in the air and formed ying-yang spheres which flew toward Aya, cutting off her escape route and forcing her back toward them. The photographer/tengu pulled out her leaf and sliced through the air with it, creating a tornado which swept across the rocky mountainside toward them. Reimu rushed forward and slid beside the tornado, dodging it and flinging a spread of cards directly at Aya's chest. She deflected most of them, but some of them struck her shoulder and one smacked her right in the head. The Tengu then fired a wind blast directly at Reimu, unfazed by her attack, knocking back the shrine maiden even though she managed to block the attack in time to prevent any damage.
As the tornado whirled twords Jayce he formed his wings and lept intot he air flapping his wings hard. The force hurled him over the tornado and on the other side of it.
"Hey look at that...I was right..." he said snydly. "Did you have to instigate this?" he called over to his counterpart. He blinked and his eyes fazed a blinding white and a golden quiver appeared on his back and he prepaired to fight
Aya grinned in a cheeky manner and created two more, larger tornadoes which each honed in on one of them, "If that is all you two have, then beating you will be a walk in the park! Come on, put your backs into it you lazybones!"

Reimu flung a pack of seals above Aya's head, which spread out and flew toward her like homing missiles. Aya deftly dodged each of them, punching or smacking them with her leaf as she pranced about with great agility.
Jayce's angelic wing wrapped around him and he to his angelic form. He locked his swords together by the hilts with the blades facing opposite directions and begain twirling it like a staff.
"You want tornados? How about trying this on for size." He said spinning the double blade faster.

Holy Power Evoke: Devine Storm "Blade Spirle"

The sunlight cought the gilding of the swords flashing light as the spun. The air around Jayce begain to spirle as he twisted and spun like a top till he became a whirlewind of devine blades moving rather quickly twords Aya. The Holy tornado climbed quickly up the mountain path pulling the others into himdispelling them and using them to his own will
Spell card invoke: Wind Release "Greater Whirlwind"

Aya held a spell card in one hand while she swirled her leaf around herself and in an instant a strong gust of wind wrapped around her like a mantle and she sped forward toward Jayce as if she had become part of the wind itself, although in actuality it formed an uninterruptible rush attack which shielded her from harm while performing the attack. She sliced accross Jayce's tornado and dove toward Reimu who barely had time to dodge the attack. As Aya finished her charge, she briefly appeared in order to wind up for a second pass, which is when Reimu took her chance to attack, throwing another barrage of seals at her. Aya deftly deflected, them, but this left her somewhat open.
When he stopped spinning Jayce twisted his swords to a bow and drew a light arrow and took aim waiting for the tengu to stop her whirlwind.
"Come on...come on...." He said to himself waiting for the cyclone to stop. Just when she stopped he let his arrow fly and quickly knocked another readying to react to Aya's next move.

"Let me fight! I know i can take this one no problem!" The demon chimed in from within. "Not on your cursed, pathetic excuse for a life!" The true self replyed. After that stunt you pulled at the mantion your lucky I don't have you purged and kept in a flask of holy water..." Jayce growled. He was still very pissed about the resistance of the demon to giving up the body
The arrow struck true to its mark, but Aya didn't seem to have taken much damage from the attack. Instead, she simply dove for Jayce instead, knocking Reimu away in the process. The powerful swirls of wind magic enfolding her, the tengu's grin spread across her face. She was obviously enjoying the fight, but the thrill of combat was most likely overshadowed by her desire to gloat over the victory. On the other hand, she probably wouldn't be too hung up on it if she lost, since she was a rather easygoing person.
Jayce grabbed his wings and pulled them infront of him. He took a defencive stance readying for the impact.

Holy Power Evok: Devine Shield "Agies of Heaven"

The wings became a shield liek they did earlier in the day take the blast of the wind from the tengu's attack. "You're a tenacious one, arnt you!?" he called to the Aya. The ground shifted under him as the wind pushed him. The etherial shield fluxuated and pulsed as it straigned to fend off the gaileforce wind. Finally he jumped back and used the force of the wind to carry him into the air. He flew up into the air over the mountain pass. The wings shone brightly with goldent light and he gave one hard flap.

Holy Power Evok: Holy Rain "Eagle's Pinion"

Feathers rained down from the sky in a golden flash. They raced to the ground below like dozens of throwing darts, peppering the mountain
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