Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkhart101)

"I was told to be prepaired to fight, was never told just how much!" he shouted back split his bow into two swords again. He held them up and the begain to glow a brilliant yellow.

Holy Power Evoke: Blessed Blades "Blades of Light"

Jayce swung his swords in an X shooting forth an arch of holy light blazing tward Patcholi. The X shaped swath moved quickly at its target cleaving books and tomes that were in its path. He watched thing unfold and he had a feeling the sorceress would be very upset
The bubble around her body absorbed the attack before bursting, but Patcholi's horrified face told a much more difficult story. Her eyes grew wide, and she was someone rather difficult to surprise let alone upset to such an extent.

"How dare you!" she glared at Jayce, "I was going to let you off easy, but not anymore!"

Spell Card Invoke: Fire Metal Sign "St. Elmo's Pillar"

Patcholi held her hands above her head as fire and metal element magic started to swirl and condense over her head, forming an enormous vortex of energy that she would soon hurl down toward the two of them with the intention of obliterating them both in a single blow.
Jayce flew infront of Reimu and gripped his wing like a shield. "Reimu! Stay close!" He ordered the pirestess. He positioned his feet as if to he were about to block a spear. He griped his other wing in a similar fassion as if he held two shields before him.

Holy Power Evok: Devine Sheild "Aegis of Heaven"

A large etherial sheild formed infront of them bathed in holy light and on the front, the Sceal Of Heaven was emblazened. He stood bracing himself for the cumming hail of fire and metal. Jayce begain to mutter some incantation, almost as if praying channeling the shield spell to brolong and strengthen it for the comming storm
With a thundering crash the sphere of energy landed on top of the shield, but to thier astonishment that was only half of the actual attack. True to its name, a pillar of fire also erupted from the ground below them, but the furious elemental magician was far from finished with them. Without pausing or hesitating she pulled her second most powerful card from her sleeve.

Spell Card Invoke: Moon Sign "Silent Selene"

A large magic circle encompassed the entire room as a beam of light descended from the roof of the mansion and protected Patcholi while beams made of water and wind magic formed and began to rapidly move about the room in a circular fashion, almost as if they were stuck inside a food processor with nowhere at all to run.
"This is getting hairy..." Jayce said and tooke to flight. HIs dazzling eagle wings flapped once, heavily lifting him off the ground. He shot forward attempting to dodge the pillars of water and air to try and get in close to the caster. However while dodging he got himself caught in another pillar which swept him up and spun him around liek a ragdoll throughing him into a bookcase.

"AHHHHHGGG!" he groned as his back smashed into the shelving and fell to the ground. He stumbled to his feet and brushed himself off. "*Sigh* ok fine! lets dance..." He said and his form shofted again to that of his demonic self. The twin swords previously in his hands shifted and twisted into a more corrupt version of their former selves. The now demoinc man inhailed deeply and arched back.

Demon Power Evoke: Shreak of the Damned "Fel Flame"

The piercing howl like the sound of 1000 toutured souls rang out again, amplified by the accustics of the large room as the corrupted flames spewed from his mouth again evaporating the water in their evil heat and redirecting the wind
Reimu was knocked back as well, but was trying hard to keep out of the way of the swirling water spires that spun and sliced across the room in a circular motion like blades in a grinder. She had mostly been shielded from the St. Elmo's Pillar attack, but as Jayce was dodging and acting on his own in an attempt to land a blow on the powerful elemental magician, Reimu had to look after herself.

Patcholi smirked as the sound waves bounced off the magical shielding that formed around her, the sound waves bouncing off without effect and continuing to echo around the room. Just then, Reimu slid in behind her and launched a point-blank burst of her ying-yang spheres directed at a single point, sufficient to weaken the shield and allow some of the sound to break through. She turned and tried to plug her ears to drown out the sound, but such a minor inhibition to the shrieks did little to damper the sound.

By then, her spell was starting to wane and she was considering wether she should simply recast it again or if she should pull out her strongest card. However, her time was up as the door to the library burst into splinters, large red shards sticking into the pieces of wood as they scattered about the room. A small silhouette stood in the doorway, large bright red eyes gleaming out from the dimly lit hall. Her wings were spead to either side of her above her shoulders... Then suddenly...

"Reimu-sama!" the vampire tackled the shrine maiden with a full-body embrace, "Why didn't you say you were coming over?! I would have prepared some tea and rice cakes! Its so great to see you!"

Patcholi sweatdropped, realizing that she couldn't continue the assault on the two of them with her friend clinging all over Reimu like that. She canceled the spell and walked past them out of the room with an irritated look on her face.

"Whatever... I'm tired of this anyway, so just do as you like," the magician waved her hand in the air and took her book with her down the hall.

"Ramilia, cut it out!" Reimu protested in vain as the vampire hugged and petted her.
Jayce retracted his form so only his wings were visible. And watched as the spell caster left and the vampire tackled Reimu. He cocked his eyebrow and was still vexed about this strange place and their stange battle habbits.
"Again...just...over...just liek that..." He asked lookign at the vampire and Reimu. "I'm starting to think this assignment is just a huge farce..." he sai dhis wing slowly fading away. He wandered of out the door they entered hunting down the mage. He figured it might not do him very good but he'd get some answres even if he had to do this towns odd song and dance of fighting for shit and giggles.

"MAGE!....Where are you you little book worm!?" he called wandering the halls of the mansion. HIs wings materialized on his back again preparing himself for round two with the spell caster. "I have questions! And I'm not leaving till they are answered!" He shouted again, his fists balled in anger.
"Relax, this isn't the oddest assignment we have been on..." The soothing angelic voice said within him. Jayce stopped ang growled.
"FOR CHRIST SAKE! Every goddamn time! Can't I be alone with my thoughts for one, fucking, second!?" He shouted out seemingly to himself.
The elemental mage was still in the hallway, but she turned to face Jayce when he called out to her, "What do you want?"

"I already told you, I haven't been able to complete my research on why this is happening to us," she seemed irritated, but not particularly interested in fighting him again, "All I know is that there is some sort of chemical imbalance inside our bodies which is increasing our drives while at the same time lowering our inhibitions. That means we are much more likely to engage in fights than before and we are more likely to..."

Patcholi actually looked a bit embarrassed as she walked closer to him and set down her book against the wall. She looked up at him in a strange manner and gently wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him close to herself. Her body was burning up, the heat radiating from her soft body spreading outward into her robes.

"G-go into heat, I guess could be a term for it," she closed her eyes and simply hugged him, seemingly enjoying the experience as she embraced him, "B-but like I said, I don't know the source, so until then... All we can do is stave off the symptoms."
"In HEAT you say!?" The demon said in Jayce's head. With the mage still wrapped around him he felt temptations building and subsiquently feeding the demonic side of him. It began getting harder and harder for him to loose his nutrality like this.
"You can't give into this lust! it's not right to do so when she is vulnerable like this!" the angelic voice tryed to say but faded slowly as the demon dround him out.

"I...errrr.....I...Can-...I" Jayce stammered. His arms moving to around Patcholi's. he could feel her tone body its elegant curves, none of which helped his situation any. "Hmmmm a mage right? she must have some really wold fetishes!" the demon continued tormenting Jayce's mind pushing him to take advantage of the mage
"Go ahead, I don't mind," Patcholi smiled, her hips rubbing against his slightly as she leaned against him and held him a bit more tightly. Her hands began to massage his back, her fingers tracing little circles around his sides. A soft moan escaped her lips and her face grew more evidently filled with heat as she reached up and took his hand in hers, guiding it toward her right breast and letting him feel her through her clothes.
Jayce felt himself slipping. His conscienceness twisting and warping. "HAHAHAHAHA! Oh this is going to be great! Your body is mine!" the demon said. Jayces eyes flashed becoming a darker haze of their already dark brown. His actual self pushed to the back becoming an echo in the back ground as his darker side assumed controle.

The dark Jayce smiled slyly, his hand now on Patcholi's breast. "Well then, if you insist..." he said his voice a bit deeper and slightly gravely. He gave her a rough grope, squeezing her firm breast the her clothing. HIs other arm wrapping around her lower back holding her close to him. "Quite the rack you have mage." he said smugly, a look of lust smeared across his face as he contuned to fondle her.
"Ahmmm," the elemental magician seemed to enjoy his sudden aggressiveness, her hands clutching his sides as she let him play with her body. Her mouth curved into a blissful smile as she pressed into his hand slightly, "Oh? So you like them do you? I've never let a man touch them before, so you should be grateful..."
"Is that right?" He growled. He groped a little harder "Does that mean woman have?" He asked a sly smile splitting his face as he looked at her using her words agenced her. HIs other arm moving lower, his hand finding her shaply bottom giving that a firm squeezing as well
"Mean woman? I don't know who you are talking about," Patcholi squeaked when he grabbed her butt and squeezed it, casting a slightly frustrated look back at him as he continued to tease her, "Just look at me right now. Its extremely rude to be doing this to a woman while thinking of someone else."

She squirmed with discomfort and desire as he groped her. She wanted to strip down and just jump him right there and then without caring that they were still out in the hallway, but her pride demanded that she let him do the undressing of her body lest she seem to eager and forward.
"Hahaha what I mean is, you said you never let a MAN touch you. Does that mean you have had women touch you?" He asked slyly. HIs hand stopped groping her and came around her back starting to undo her dress. He skillfully untied ties and unbuttoned buttons. His other hand still had a firm grasp on her butt and he slovely moved close to her. She could feel his warm breath on her neck just before his teeth bite at her lightly.
"Of course not!" Patcholi seemed offended, "I mean, sure it seems that why given that this entire area seems to be inhabited entirely by women, but that doesn't mean I'm not straight... Sure, people make it seem like I'm interested in Marisa, but that's not how it is."

She wiggled her hips a bit to help him push the dress off from her body, leaving her in a thin nightgown-like garment which was partially see-through. Her lacy undergarments were visible from through the fabric, her secret place was already damp and heated, some of her juices soaking into her panties as he grasped his butt firmly in his hand and held her close to himself.

"Mhm..." Patcholi moaned as he gently bit her neck, bending her head down and kissing his neck as well as she began to rub herself against him with a bit more enthusiasm.
HIs mouth moved to her ear nibbling that now as he growled siductivly in her ear, saying "Relax, it was a joke." His now free hand slide slowly up her thigh pushing up the sheer fabric of her dress. "Interesting to know this place is made up mostly of women." He continued, his other hand moved up her other thigh pushing the dress up more till her moist panties were exposed.

He smiled to himself feeling the moiture and soft lacey material. He hooked his thumbs into her waist line pulling them down a bit. "Hmmm so prim and proper. Refined and elegant. But I bet you have some rather dark and lustful desires." He said in the same deep gravely growl. Deep with in him his actual self and his angelic self faught to drag the demon back where it belonged, but all the desire and lust in the air were making it vertually impossible. "Tell me your desire..." he whispered, his fingers caressing the curve s of her butt pushing her panties down more exposing her soft firm bottom
"Y-yes, even though I don't want anyone else to know about it, I'm a bad girl... I would sometimes fantasize about someone watching me as I please myself. I... Its nowhere near as good as when someone else does it for me," Patcholi shivered with delight as he pulled down her panties. The air around her felt cold against her heated skin which burned with desire and lust. Her butt tightened slightly as she placed her hands onto his head and guided his face down toward her freshly exposed womanhood.

"Lick me, please," Patcholi spread her legs slightly to give him better access, her right hand holding the back of his head while her left hand reached up toward her mouth. She suckled and licked her left forefinger in an lustful manner, her face burning crimson with arousal as her hips slightly shifted from side to side with anticipation. She couldn't hold it in much longer. She needed her desires to be fulfilled.
The dark minded Jayce slowly followed her plee. Kneeling down infront of her pulling the rest of her panties off letting them fall to her ankles. His eyes narrowed and his lips split into a wicked smile. He sweet scent fille dhis nose as he moved in olny making the demon's hold stronger. In a final act of tormenting the heated young sorceress he deverted to her thighs. His warm soft tongue licking up her smooth lyth thighs.

"Mmmmm delicious..." he growled tasting her. He slowly moved upwards inching his way twards her hot quivering lower lips. His hands slide up her thighs again to her hips his thumbs extending and spread her wide reavealing ehr warm moist inner pink. "Had enough tormenting yet?" he asked teasingly, yet almost forcefully. Finally however, his tongue met her slowly dragging along her soft sweet nethers, letting him taste her moist disire
"Oh, yes... Yes..." Patcholi moaned and using her right hand pressed him forcefully against her delicate flower as he brushed his tongue across her heated folds. She bucked her hips against him, coating his face with her fluids as she threw back her head and let the world know her pleasure.

Meanwhile, Reimu had managed to get the vampire to calm down and actually have a somewhat civil discussion with her. The maid had brought in tea and cakes for them, but she kept giving the shrine maiden warning glances as if to tell her to escape while she still could. Reimu merely ignored her and continued the conversation.

"So, you said that you received a delivery of meat buns some time ago, correct?" she raised the cup of tea to her lips and tasted the warm, ginger-flavored liquid.

"Yes, that is correct," Scarlet replied with a shrug, "I don't know who sent them to me, but they were very delicious. I even gave some to Sakuya and Patchy."

"She means she force-fed them to Patchy," the maid clearified.

"Same difference," the vampire huffed.

Just then, Patcholi's cries of pleasure started to reach the ears of those sitting down around the tea table.

"It sounds like Patchy's doing it again," the vampire giggled, "I told her before that I could help her out, but she's so damn shy."

"No kidding," Reimu's eyes narrowed, realizing what was probably going on.
Jayce laughed a bit hearing her scream in pleasure and teased, "They probibly heard that you know..." he smiled again. His lips pressed to her sensative pleasure nub and he sucked in flickign the tip of his tongue at it rappidly. As he did this he slide 2 fingers into her soft tight folds and slowly but forcefully slide them in and out. With his free hand he took one of her slender legs and hooked it over his shoulder, keeping her legs spread while he toyed with her. It almost was like he wanted her to get caught in such a lude and compromizing position.
Patchouli didn't seem to care if anyone heard her, her mouth gasping for air as she moaned in time with his slow thrusts, her body tightening on his fingers as he inserted them. The position she was in didn't bother her as long as she could continue enjoying this pleasure he was giving her. She closed her eyes and bathed in the sensations, the burning desire for him only growing stronger and sexual demands crying out for yet more.

"Please, do it more... Tease me more until I cum over and over again!" she begged him.
His lips broke their sceal and were replaced with a switched sensation, more sharp then before as his teeth took over. They nibbled and rolled her soft pleasure nub as his fingers shot up deep into her and slowly dragged their way out coating in her sweet juices. All he did was driven by her crys and plees for more and the demonic Jayce was more then willing to oblige.

"HMmm yes! tell me more!" he growled more demandingly. Her body and sensations at his mercy, or lack there of. "Give into your wants and desires!" he continued egging her on teasing and tormenting her, making her think only of the lust and pleasure.
Patchouli was practically screaming as she felt him nibble and bite at her with his teeth, the sensation being more intense than with just his tongue. Her flower was overflowing with nectar which ran down his face and her thighs. The leg on which she was still supporting most of her weight was starting to loose strength as she fell over onto her back with a thud, but her tightly grasping hands simply brought him down to the floor of the hallway with her, holding him in place as he continued to stimulate and tease her body which was writhing in pleasure.

"Please do it, give it to meee!" Pathcouli wasn't holding anything back at all as she cried out, desperately pleading for him to ravish her fully and completely.
HIs mouth left her hot dripping nethers as he crawled up her body pinning er under him. He begain unbuckling his pants till he could free himself. She could feel him tease her more as the head of his length teased threw her dripping slit. He smiled down at ehr as he watched her writh with desire and slowly pushed himself into her making sure she felt every inch. "GNNNNAAAAAAH! Such a!" he groned as her inner walls stretched to accomidate him
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