Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkhart101)



The intense rays of the midday sun shone brightly down upon the thick, sticky air that hung above Gensokyo shrine, causing it to waft about in a slow and lazy manner. The haze of irritation was so thick, Reimu could have cut it with a knife if she had one on her person, but she was only holding a bamboo broom at the moment. She reached and swiped her long sleeve across her forehead, dabbing away the drops of sweat that had formed from the brief amount of time that she had spent outdoors. It wasn't much better inside the shrine, as it was not air-conditioned, but at least the roof could keep the sun off her face.

She continued sweeping, however, as she always had, brushing the dirt and few stray dried leaves into a neat pile before scooping them up into a dustpan. She let out a barely audable sigh and looked across the valley toward the mountains, wondering if someone was artificially tampering with the weather again.

She was surprised to see a figure approaching her at a rapid pace from the mountains. Her jet-black hair and the distinct sound of her wooden sandals as they clup-clupped against the hard surface of the path leading up to the shrine made her identity a dead giveaway: Aya Shameimaru, one of the local Tengus. She had a somewhat odd look on her face (somewhere between concern and excitement) as she approached the shrine maiden with what appeared to be a tabloid ripped from a newspaper.

"Hey, Reimu," Aya waved the piece of paper in front of her face, "Check this out! This is a HUGE development!"

"Development of what, exactly?" Reimu had little patience for the Tengu's foolery, "Are you testing to see how much my patience has developed, or are you talking about breast sizes again?"

"Neither! An outsider is coming to Gensokyo to investigate the recent strange behavior that has been causing havoc throughout the area," Aya continued without missing a beat, "What's more, he wants your personal assistance during the investigation, which you have personally accepted! Why didn't you tell me this earlier? The public has to know!"

"Woah, woah, slow down," Reimu took Aya by the shoulders and held her down before she could run off again, "I haven't noticed anything particularly strange around here recently, other than the weather that is... And what's this about an investigator? Since when did I sign up for this, too?"

"I'm sorry to break it to you, but the heat you are feeling doesn't relate to the temperature at all," Aya held up a thermometer which showed the current outdoor temperature was a pleasant 65 degrees, "We don't know what it is, but everyone's getting on edge and starting to take out their frustrations on everyone else. I'm surprised you haven't noticed by now."

"Well, excuse me for being slow on the take-up," Reimu sighed, "When will this investigator be here anyway? And who accepted him for me?"

"He should be here sometime today... I heard it from Suika," the Tengu shrugged, "Ask her if you have any more questions."

"No thanks, I think I will pass on that," Reimu laughed a bit nervously, not wishing to pick a fight with a hot, bothered, (and likely cranky) oni.

With that, Aya sped off down the valley to spread the news, unaware that she was probably just making matters worse...

The Shrine maiden just turned and looked back at the shrine grounds, just then realizing that Aya had spread leaves all over her freshly swept courtyard...
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)


Name: Jayce Eullrytzi, Schizophrenic Neutral

Type: Human, Neutral

Personality: calm, collected, smug, optomistic

Fighting Style: Jayce is a well rounded fighter know full well the arts of close and ranged combat. He calls appone the aide of his split soul to fight. In one moment his apponent will find themselves in a hail of devine light arrows, the next finding themselves feeling the bite of demonic claws.

Other Information: Sent to investigate the strange happenings in the Gensokyo area. When he finds himself in a confiction of morality he can often be seen talking to himself as if he has three seperate personalities.
Jayce arrived in Gensokyo slinging his solitary backpack over his shoulder. From where he stood he could see the Shrine he had been told by his supiriors was where he could find the Shrinemaiden who would help him.

As he made his way tward the shrine he could feel that various energies surrounding and enveloping the town(?). "I've never felt such an odd mixture of energies before..."[i/] a voice spoke within him. Jayce sighed heavily "Can't I go, one day with out either of you putting in your two cents?" he growled. It was clear the atmosphere of this place make his split soul stire. "HAHAHAHAHA! Fat chance, we are you and you are us and.."
"Yes! I GET IT! now shut up, GOD you make it hard to think!" Jayce shouted cutting off his inner demon. To anyone around he must have looked rather odd shouting at the seemingly nothingness, but Jayce's gift was also his cures. A tragic power he was forced to live with.

After some time of walking he came to the gate of the shrine and begain knocking on the large wooden door. "Helloooooo? I'm looking for...Reimu...Hakurei...I'm the agent sent to investigate this place..." he called and began knocking again
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

A loud creak answered Jayce's summons, and before him stood the famous shrine maiden of Gensokyo shrine, decked out in her signature uniform. She placed her left hand onto her hip and sifted her weight slightly as her eyes scanned him from top to bottom. She closed her eyes and let out a slight sigh, but the redness in her cheeks (perhaps from her elevated temperature and nothing more) was impossible to mask.

"I presume you are Jayce, then," she held her right hand out toward him, offering a handshake in good will, "You can just call me Reimu... There isn't any need for formalities."

She rested her shrine maiden staff against her shoulder and turned toward the shrine, "Come in if you like, but I warn you that you are likely to be pounced on if you wander around by yourself. Things are probably going to get pretty rough around here very soon... Any idea of where we should head off to in order to begin this investigation or whatever this is supposed to be?"
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

Hesitantly Jayce shook her hand. He wondered if she would have been able to sence the confliction and ballance within him. "Ok then Reimu." he answered and followed in behind her. He was on his guard readying incase some one or something were to pounce.

"I'm not sure. To be honest I don't know much about whats going on here myself. Though i can sence a rather large array of energies in this place. Is that normal?" he asked looking her over. She seemed so young and wondered if she was really the powerful Maiden he was told about. Then again he was only about 23 himself and one of the best in his department
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

Reimu certainly felt the strange mix of choas and order within the young man behind her, but she kept her concerns to herself as he had come specifically to help them sort out their current dilemma, "Yes, it usually is perfectly normal, considering the high concentration of yokai around here... Its sort of unsettling to think that I have become accustomed to being around them to such an extent that I didn't notice the subtle fluctuations in that power, however. I'm thinking that its the ones running at peak energy that we will have to be worried about, or are at least the ones suffering the most from whatever is going on."

She showed Jayce inside and closed the door behind the both of them, motioning for him to take a seat on the floor for a moment before stepping out of the room. It was a small tatami-mat room with a short tea table in the center with a cushion on either side of it. The walls were built in the traditional fashion, thick paper with wooden frames holding the paper in place to divide the numerous rooms from each other while allowing for ease of cooling. It rarely got hot enough there to warrant an air conditioner due to the cooling effect of the elevation and the mountains.

Reimu returned a short while later with a tray of two cups of tea and a small teapot. She set one cup on each side of the table and the teapot in the center, scooting herself over to the tea table and picking the cup up with both hands and taking a sip. She then nodded as if agreeing with some unspoken observation.

"Very well then, we should probably head over to the mansion to see if Sakuya knows anything about what's going on. I doubt the vampire has anything to do with it since she hates sunlight and warm weather," she mused, "What do you think?"
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

"An interesting group of people you have around here that s for sure." he said sitting down. He kicked off his heavy steel-toed boots and sipped the tea. It was slightly bitter then he liked but drank it as is reguadless.

"She's now half bad looking for a temple girl."[i/] a voice spoke within him. The dark nature of it all made it clear who it was. "I wonder what she's look liek under all those offical robes and trapping?" The more the voice spoke the angerier Jayce grew till finally he shouted out,
"SHUT UP! JUST KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS TO YOU SELF! GOD! I'M GETTING SICK OF THIS!" his voice echoed throughout the temple and he slammed the small ceramic cup down on the table with such force it cracked.
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

"What is your fucking problem!?" Reimu swore, standing up abruptly and taking Jayce firmly by the collar in her right hand. He had seriously ticked her off, first by screaming at the top of his lungs at her (at least she thought it was directed at her) then breaking one of her tea cups! The cup was the last straw! She pushed him down onto the tatami mat and glared down at him, the heat in her face even greater to such an extent that it gave a reddish tint to practically all of her exposed skin. Perhaps she was really THAT angry, but it was more than likely the growing side effect of whatever was causing the imbalance.

"Apologize right now or I swear I will kick your sorry butt all up and down this valley until your own mother wouldn't recognize you..." the shrine maiden's eyes narrowed slightly and her breath grew somewhat heavy as she held him down and she slowly sat down on him. Her firm, butt rested on his thighs and her legs clamped against his as she let her weight rest on his body. She wasn't particularly heavy, if anything she was surprisingly light.
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

Jayce hit the mat hard and her grunted. "I..gnaaaah...appologize priestess. Gnnaaaah...But my aahhh....mind is farm from...gaaah...solitary. You no doubtingly felt the confliction within my soul when you gnaaah shhok my hand..." he said groning and grunting under her. as he spoke his innder demon took controle of his hand making it slither tward Reimu's thigh.

"It tends to get the better of me sometimes and in order to make it stop i feel its better to just shout at them..." He says and without knowing his hand groped the pirestess thigh
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

Jayce's words suddenly snapped Reimu's thinking back to normal, and she realized how much of a compromised position the two of them were in at the moment and quickly worked toward dispelling the situation before things got too much out of hand.

"Fine, whatever," Reimu jumped back off him before his malignant hand could get a firm grasp on her thigh, "Just try to keep it together, you are seriously creeping me out,"

She was more concerned about her own behavior than his, as she should have expected him to be a bit eccentric from the strange duality of his energies. Why had she pushed him down in such a manner? More importantly, why was she so excited, perhaps even eager, when she saw his hand reaching for her? She shivered slightly, wondering how far she would have let things gone if she had not regained control of herself
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

Jayce got up and gripped his letcherous hand tightly and growled at himself "Do it again and i sware to GOD I'll do something we'll all regret." after a moment he composed himself "I will do my best. But like Schitsophrenics, sometimes the voices get to hard to ignore. Only diffrence being...medication wont shut these two up."

Jayce pull his wallet from his pocket and took out some money "Here, for the teacup..." he said holding up a large bill.
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

"You have two additional personalities other than your own floating around inside your head? Geez, and here I thought being a half-ghost was bad enough," Reimu accepted the bill with a grateful bow, "Come on, lets head over to the mansion before something else weird happens."

To be honest, she was more worried that she might do something strange rather than him...


The mansion stood at the far end of the valley, but even so it didn't take very long to get there. It stood amid a thin blanket of mist, which helped keep the intense sun from penetrating into the dimly lit interior. The building itself was quite large, nearly four stories tall and made entirely of stone, with only a few tall thin windows to let in some light, and even those were quite sparse. Reimu walked past the open iron gate and loudly knocked on the large wooden doors to the mansion.

A few seconds later a grey-haired maid answered the door. She wore a simple maid uniform and a somewhat irritated expression on her face as she recognized the shrine maiden and clearly did not wish to deal with her at the moment.

"I am sorry, but my master is not available to be spoken to at this time," she said curtly and was about to close the door when Reimu shoved her staff into the crack in the door and prevented it from closing, "Is... that all?"

"No, I wanted to talk you to, not Miss Scarlet," Reimu rolled her eyes, "Do you know anything about the strange energies that have been disrupting things around here lately?"

"I really don't have time for this-" the maid tried to push the staff out of the door's way but Reimu remained firm.

"No, I think you will have plenty of time to talk when I lay you out on a stretcher!" Reimu declared aggressively and forced the door open, causing it to swing on its hinge and loudly slam against the door frame.

Battle warning: Reimu and Jayce vs. Sakuya!

"Very well, then..." Sakuya stepped outside the door and pulled out knives between each of her fingers, "You leave me no choice."

She jumped into the air with surprising dexterity and flung a spread of knives down toward both of them, Reimu easily deflecting them with a magical shield.
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

Just before the battle started the spilt soul begain talking within Jayce.
This isn't looking good..." the angel said, Jayce begain backing up knwoing something was about to happen.
AH finally! A fight! the demon said. The distinct arua of the conflicting soul started geting stronger. Jayce's eyes closed for a moment, and when they reopened one was jet black with a blood red cornia, the other a briliant bleached white.

When the maid threw the knives Jayce jumped back and landed with a skid. his legs spread and one hand on the ground. Two diffrent wings had appead from his back. One A dazzling white angelic Eagal like wing with the other wat a tattered corrpt looking bat wing.
"A poor dissions maid! You know not the forces you envoke!" he said his voice resinating as though three diffrent and distinct voices has spoken
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

Sakuya's right eyebrow raised slightly as she pulled a spell card from her sleeve, realizing that she wouldn't be able to defeat them both by normal means.

Spell card invoke: Speed Sign "Illuminous Ricochet"

A bright burst of light shone around her as five lines of knives appeared around her and sped forward, attempting to slice through them before reversing direction and slicing back the same way again back and forth several times at an increasing speed on each pass.

Reimu dashed to the side, evading the first pass, but the second she had to block with another shield. As the third approached her, she had to turn and block from that direction as well, but the speed of the passes was making it harder and harder for her to concentrate enough power to protect herself fully. She panted as there was a slight pause in the barrage as the maid powered up for a second round, Reimu having taken some damage from the successive attacks from the last wave. She raised up her staff and quickly pressed a magical card onto the tip, the pattern on it expanding and forming a ward which rotated and sped toward Sakuya. It hit true to its mark, as the maid was immobile while casting her spell, but it didn't even make her flinch. Reimu then flung a wide spread of cards at her, but by then she had fully powered up for a second barrage...
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

Jayce's angelic wing wrapped around him makign him spin as he ran into the fray. As the spin finished his form was fully that of an angelic being, white tunic, golden blond hair, eyes like white holy fire. He drew the two Shamshirs (middle eastern style sword) at his hips and bound them together at their butts turning them into a bow. He reached behind him as if drawing an arrow froma quiver and made a drawing back motion and aimed tward the sky.

HOLY POWER INVOKE: Multi-Shot "Holy Rain"

He fired off one shot that looked like a ray of sunlight into the sky. Moments later the maid found herself in a volley of raining arrows imbued with holy light. after the shot Jayce split his sword-bow and his wings flapped lifting him off the ground as he dashed forward
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

The raining arrows struck true to thier mark, the combined force with Reimu's barriage was sufficient to knock her out of the concentration necessary to maintain the spell!


Reimu rushed in and grabbed the maid by the collar and launched another ward at point-blank range but by then she had already recovered and vanished before the attack could connect, appearing behind Reimu and kicking her with force into her back. Reimu then pulled out her own card from her sleeve.

Spell card invoke: "Concealed Orbs of Light"

Large spheres with ying-yang symbols drawn on them hailed down upon Sakuya, which she was able to dodge, but this was further complicated by the barriage of cards that Reimu followed it up with. Sakuya dodged Jayce's dash attack, then slipped to the right in order to gain some distance

Spell card invoke: Illusion Sign "Killing Doll"

Sakuya thrust her hands backward and four large spears bathed in light drew out from her back like wings, then exited her body, flying at an alarming rate and twisting in mid-air , forming a circle around Jayce which would then quickly pierce him through and follow him if he attempted to dodge. However, as this was simply a weaker version of her final attack it was not a sure end to the fight.
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

Jayce fell back with one o fthe spears in his chest. One of his wings fell over him and he transformed once again. This time his skin was ashen, his wings tattered and rotten and bat-like. His hair het black and spikey, his eyes black and red and corrput looking. He stood up and grabed the spear and ripped it from his body, black blood sperted forth and dribbled down his chest. "Hmmm nice shot..." he Jayce said in a growl. His voice gravely and dark. "My turn..." he smiled evily baring jagged fang-like teeth

Demon Power Evoke: Shreak of the Damned "Fel Flame"

The demonic Jayce inhailed deeply and reared back and roared. A cone of green and black firey breath spewed from his mouth as his roared an ear splitting and mind numbing shreak like the sound of 1000 tourtured souls, all focused on the knife weilding maid
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)


Sakuya clutched her ears in pain, falling to her knees as Reimu rushed in to finish her off. She first teleported herself behind the maid and grasped her by her skirt and pulled, swinging her closer to Jayce. Just as she flew toward him, however, she pulled a card from her sleeve and froze time, spinning in mid-air and hurling a flurry of knives toward Jayce to cause the debilitating cacophony to cease or at least give her ample time to recover her composure. Reimu found herself unable to so much as blink as she waited helplessly for the spell to wear off, which it did a few long moments later.
RE: Touhou Project: True Scarlet Rhapsody (Wing and Darkheart101)

As the spell wore off Jayce saw the hail of knives zipping tward him. He closed his wings using the tough demonic skin webbing as a large sheild. The volley of knives clanged as they hit the wings and fell dead to the ground although one managed to slip threw and caught him in the shoulder staggering him.
"GRAAAAAAH!" he roard the black viscus blood dribbling down his arm as he held the wound. He cupped his hand as the blood ran down the wounded arm and he pooled it into a ball in his hand.

Demon Power Evoke: Dark Pact "Blood Dance"

Jayce thrust his seemingly crippled arm forard throughing the blood ball at teh maid. In mid air the ball burst like a granade and shot crystalized shards in all directions. Those hitting the caster turned to liquide again but all others were not so lucky
Reimu, who still stood behind Sakuya, launched another volley of cards and ying-yang spheres toward her back as the shards pierced her from the front, pulling a painful cry from her lips as the attacks both connected simultaneously. She pulled the shards from out of herself and held up her hand.

"Enough, you have made your point," the maid conceded defeat.


"I really don't know anything about the strange energies you speak of, but my master has been a bit on edge as of late, which is why I was trying to send you two away," the maid explained after she had somewhat recovered. She was still beaten pretty badly, but all the girls (herself included) did not seem to suffer any long-term side-effects of their constant fights if they were given time to heal.

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place?" Reimu sighed, "I would have understood your concern."

"Then you would have promptly disregarded it and gone inside the mansion anyway, wouldn't you have?"

"Of course."

"I would ask Patcholi if I were you, she might know of something in the library that could help you," the maid suggested, shaking her head slightly in dismay, "I won't stop you from going in, but I can't say I didn't warn you if things go sour in there."
Jayce pulled the knife from his shoulder and dropped it then reverted back to his human state and staggered a bit "Jesus..." he muttered to himself a bit warn more from the shifts then the drain of power.

As JAyce and Reimu entered the mantion. "Just like that huh? he said refering to how easily they jsut brushed off the fight like it was a small scuffle "Thats new..."
"What do you mean?" Reimu blinked, "You mean you don't have fights like that at least three times a day? You seemed like you were getting into it pretty well back there, but you really don't have to take it so seriously. She probably would have told us even if we had lost."

The shrine maiden shrugged as she led him down the tall, wide, dimly-lit halls toward the library where the famous elemental magician and resident bookworm lived. She turned the knob on the thick oak door and stepped inside without knocking, the sight of stacks and stacks of books built around a little bonnet in the exact center of the room. The shelves seemed to be only half-filled with books, as the rest were stacked up around Patcholi or strewn around the room in a seemingly random fashion. She didn't seem to notice either of them and kept quietly reading, nearly making no sound at all except for the sound that the book's pages made as she turned them. The stillness in the air was getting to Reimu as she began to fidget a bit as she approached the magician and tapped her on the shoulder.

Patcholi jumped in her seat and turned toward them, blinking a few times, "What are you doing here, Reimu? Didn't-"

"Yes, Sakuya told us to stay out, and yes we just beat the living daylights out of her to get inside," Reimu interrupted her, "Now can we ask our questions?"

Patcholi didn't seem amused, but held her peace.

"Do you know anything about the strange energies that are collecting in the people around here lately?" Reimu got straight to the point.

"I have actually been researching just that for a while now," Patcholi replied in a slightly cross manner, "until you so rudely interrupted me."

"Do you mean you are the culprit?" Reimu accused.
"No actually...usually when i fight its to keep myself from getting disembowled by some attrocity." Jayce said and followed her deeper into the mantion. He was shocked to see the extencive amount of books on just about any subject imaginable.

He watched intently as the two women went back and forth with their banter. But he could sence another battle comming on. "Here we go again..." he muttered to himself prepairing himself for another duel.
"No, stupid," Patcholi returned, with a significantly offended tone, "Do you think you can just walk up to the actual culprit and expect them to answer truthfully anyway? How old are you again?"

"So... are you or aren't you?" Reimu blinked, pretending not to know.

"Urgh, you are really getting on my nerves..." Patcholi stood up and the books all scattered about the room, the tall stacks crumbling as she began to hover half a foot above the floor.

Battle warning: Reimu and Jayce vs. Patcholi!

Patcholi opened her grimore and chanted a short phrase then pointed her right pointer finger toward the ground. Fireballs leaped from the end of her finger and curved in mid-flight, five of them honing in on each of them.
"AAaaaaand there it is..." Jayce said, the wings forming on his back again. He again lead with his angelic form, the purity raidiating from his form again like sunlight. He grabbed the swords and made them abow again and and started fireing off a few light arrows at the sorceress.

"Is this going to be a regular occurance?" he asked Reimu. His voice soothing and clean. He aimed his shots for the grimore in the other womans hands hoping to quash this fight before it got too far
The shrine maiden countered the fireballs with a flurry of cards, neither side harming the other from the exchange of attacks.

"What do you mean," Reimu blinked, "You didn't know this when you signed up to investigate?"

Patcholi turned the book around and a much larger fireball flew out of the pages, burning the arrows and continuing on its path toward Jayce. She then held her right finger upward for a few short moments then pointed it at Reimu, dozens of water missiles flew out toward her. She didn't seem particularly interested in fighting with Jayce or even seriously harming them as she had yet to attempt to use any of her powerful spells. She was probably just trying to punish the shrine maiden for her cheekiness.

Reimu attempted to block the barrage of missiles, only for her barrier to break under the strain and her body was pelted by a few of them as she fell. She let out a slight groan of pain and jumped back up as if nothing had happened, hurling a fresh volley of cards toward the mage. The magician pulled crystal shards up from the ground and deflected the cards, then formed a thick bubble around herself by drawing a circle around her body with the palms of her hands.
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