Star Trek TNG: The Wormhole

"What's coffee?" Kyrea asked. One of the other things they didn't have. Tea, sure, but not coffee. Earthlings were strange creatures, drinking alcohol so much? Hungover, not something she was looking forward to. She decided to stop after one cup of this stuff. She took another sip, drinking it slowly.

Though it was ironic that so far apart one thing or some were the same, such as unwinding after dinner, if time allowed it, the small table as it was called here existed there under a different name.
Picard listened to Kyrea's question about coffee. "Well, Kyrea, it is a beverage that comes from a coffee bean, that is grown on a coffee tree in tropical areas of Earth, Central America, Asia, Africa. The beans are then processd into granuals that when you add water, you can drink it after you mix it in with the water. When you do that in a machine, it is called brewed coffee, when just in a cup and you add hot water it is called instant coffee. Earthlings drink a lot of coffee in the morning for its stiumlation, to help them wake up. It is also drank with meals as well, especially when we unwind after dinner. On earth, it is even consumed more than alcohol."

He watched her sip on the Andorian ale as he continued to talk. "Earthlings also like to drink tea as well, people will drink that instead of coffee but also they can enjoy a cup of tea as well as coffee. It is widely consumed on Earth as well, and you can drink tea hot or cold." He smiled as he watched her listen to what he was saying, and he hoped that she could understand the concepts he was trying to explain to her. He moved closer to her as he talked, by now they were right beside each other.
"But if it's a stimulant wouldn't it be foolish to drink it only a few hours before going to bed?" Kyrea asked. She wasn't sure which ingredient helped people wake up, but there was obviously something stimulating in it.

Well she drank tea sometimes, but mostly fruitjuice or lemonade or water. He was getting closer, what was he up to? Though she dind't really get the part of he difference between brewed and instant coffee, but that wasn't important.
Picard looked at Kyrea as she asked more about coffee, "On Earth there is coffee with the caffeine stimulant, we call it regular coffee, and there is coffee without it, called decaf for short. I wished I had the data base on the Magellan available to help me explain things better about Earthlings." He noticed that Kyrea was getting a bit nervous about him being beside her.

He moved back away from her and smiled softly, "I'm sorry if I made you afraid, when two people get to know each other on Earth, they move closer together like I did to you, means they are becoming friends.......and.....umm...sometimes this leads to intimacy or sexual Hanadians do anthing like that?" Picard tried to ask the question without being too awkward, but really didn't know how to ask without being direct.
"I see. Well of course we do." Kyrea said. Hanadians were known to have rather active sex lives. Maybe this had to do with the fact that monogamy at least in the sexual sense wasn't expected. When two got married the first born had to be from the man the woman married to, any childeren after that could and many times did have different fathers. couples would raise the kids and form a stable home, but sexual relationships were not expected to be monogamous. Though one of course could choose to be.

"So why were you moving so close to me?" She asked him with a sly smile. She could faintly smell arousal in the air and knew it wasn't her own.
Picard smiled, and looked back at her, "Well, ummm...I was, let's say making a move to let you know that I felt something between us, but I was afraid that maybe you were not into sexual encounters, but...umm...." he continued to fumble around with words but at the same time, he moved back close to her until he was right beside her.

His eyes looked deep into hers as his right hand moved along her head, and his left hand touched her right cheek He moved his head closer to her and his lips touched hers. He smiled and then kiss her lips again softly as now both his hands rested on her cheeks, and his eyes focused deep into hers. Even though they were quite different, species wise, he had grown fond of Kyrea and wanted to show his appreciation for her kindness and help. He continued to kiss her lips softly, and then started to add some more feeling.
It was sweet, the way he was fumbling around with words. When staying here for a while he'd soon learn about the more free sex life of Hanadians. It wasn't negativefor a woman to sleep around, neither was it for a man, in fact it was common place. Besides that STDs no longer existed.

She looked into those blue eyes, quite beautiful they were. She could see he was a man who bared a lot of pain within, someone with many experiences, someone strong and living to enjoy life. She felt his hands move and returned the gentle kiss. She had no idea how humans did this, but it sure would be fun to find out.

She moved her right hand behind his head and the other around him as she enjoyed the gentle kissing with just lips. Then she deepened it, bringing her tongue into it. He'd soon find out she had the teeth for a carnivorous diet, fangs to a degree, molers sharp with cutting edges not unlike an Earth's lion. She played with his tongue, slowly, sensually. They were in no rush after all.
His eyes looked deep into hers and he felt she had no inhibitions as he continued to kiss her lips. He saw the enjoyment her eyes as it had to be the first time she was around a human, but so far the encounter was like an Earthling male and female would be doing at this time. He felt her right hand behind his head and her left around his back as they started to add some passion to their kiss.

His tongue met hers and they danced together in their mouths. He could tell she was enjoying this experience, as Picard was too, and he was in no way going to hurry things along. He was in no rush as he continued to kiss her passionately.

Their passionate kiss continued, and no sign occurred that either one of them was going to break it off. Picard continued to keep his hands on both her cheeks as he looked deeper into her eyes. His hands moved from her cheeks to both sides of her head as his breathing started to increase as well as his heartbeat, the longer they kept kissing each other passionately.
though after two minutes she had to break it for air. Even if you could breathe while kissing it just wasn't enough. Though she didn't hesitate to kiss him again, he was awfully good at it and it would be fun to take their time, they had plenty of it. She pulled their bodies together and wrapped her wings around them both, sort of creating a little cocoon.

The dance of their tongues increased in pace and power, the taste of the meal and ale combined with one that was just his was quite intoxicating to her.
Picard watched as Kyrea broke their kiss only for the purpose of coming up for air. He smiled as he breathed normally, and his hands continued to touch her face on both sides, "You kiss so wonderful Kyrea, my what the Andorian ale does." He smiled and he resumed kissing her again, softly at first and then again passionately.

His eyes caught sight of her wings forming the cocoon around them. It was different, but quite effective. He was sure this was not the first time she deployed her wings in this fashon. It actually had protective yet romantic feeling to it. As he kissed her those thoughts crossed his mind and he stored them so he could eventually retrieve those thoughts again and enter them in his tricorder. But enough for that, Picard thought, as his mind went back to the encounter that he was having with Kyrea.
She looked at him a bit confused, what the hell did he mean about the Andorian ale? She returned the kiss happily, tongues beginning a slow dance that soon sped up again. Having hands for feet was quite handy, though equipped with claws she began to untie his shoe laces on the feel. It proved to be quite easy.
Picard saw the confusion in her look about his remark concerning the Andorian ale, "It is nothing bad Kyrea, just that it has such a stiumlating and relaxing effect." He felt her starting to untie his shoelaces, then kicked his shoes off after she had finshed. As he kissed her, and their tongues begin to dance again, their kiss picking up with the passion that it had before they had both come up for air. In Picard's mind, he should also be taking an article of clothing off her as well. But since this was the first time he had been with Hanadian, because of the bird features, he had to think things more before he was to make the same moves as he would if he had been with an Earth woman, or another female from a species with more humanoid characteristics than were possessed by the Hanadians. Still, Picard was enjoying the passionate kiss he was engaged in with Kyrea, his hands carressed the sides of her face gently as he enjoyed the touch of her skin.
another kiss, this time sparks seemed to be flying off. she realised that with sitting and her wigns spread, taking off clothes would be impossible without ripping them. So for now she folded up her wings and pulled her shirt off, leaving her in the Hanadian version of a bra. The straps in front reached around her neck and there was a strap from there reaching between the shoulder blades to a band that was around her below her breasts and it closed in the front. This particular one was designed to press breasts against her chest so they wouldn't be getting in the way.

She reached in for another kiss as her hands began to wander around his body, feeling it through his uniform, looking for things he would enjoy. Though the kisses had been great she was curious about the rest of him and began to trail kisses to the side of his face to where his ears were. Humans had something on the outside of their skull there, that was intersting, a feature Hanadians had lost a very long time ago during the evolution. She licked over his ear, trailing the skin with her tongue carefully.
Picard watched her fold in her wings and take off her shirt, and followed it down to the floor. He looked back up and saw her bra, his hands found the band in the front that held it together. Soon he was able to slide her bra off and let it drop to the floor, and admired her fully exposed breasts. His hands started to explore her breasts and fondle them, as he started to kiss her again in the lips, and the sparks again began to fly.

He enjoyed the touch of her breasts and his breathing and heartbeat began to gradually increase. He pinched her firm nipples softly, and then he started to kiss around her neck on both sides. He did notice the absence of human ears, which he supposed was part of their evolution. Even still, the experience he was having with his Hanadian friend was most gratifying. A tingle moved through his body, a sign of pleasure that he loved when Kyrea started licking near and around his ears. The old earth phrase, "blow in my ear and I'll follow you anywhere," ran though his mind. A soft moan of pleasure escaped his lips as he paused and removed his uniform top as he felt her exploring his body. He let his uniform top drop to the floor, and exposed his chest as well as his abdomen, his navel in full view and chest hair fully showing.
He was quick to undo her bra as well. Her breasts which had been pressed against her now showed in their full glory. Kyrea closed her eyes as he began to touch her breasts. She returned the kiss with equal passion as their tongues seemed to fight for dominance over the kiss. She moaned out when he played with her nipples which grew hard under his touches.

she tilted er head back, giving him access to her neck before continuing to explore his body, rght back to the ear she'd been exploring before and she liked the moan an dlicked over the same spot again, the earlobe. Then she sucked on it gently. She knew that with nipples blowing cold air could be great and decided to give it a try so she gently blew some air in his now wet ear. She watched him undress and smiled when she saw the view.
Picard moaned softly when Kyrea blew around his ear. He felt the tingle of the air and the soft moan was his favorable response. His hands continued to explore her breasts and nipples and then found her way down her belly and started to massage around her navel, a deep inny the size of a quarter, using the index fingers of both his hands. He noticed that although she had many characteristics of avian species, she was still quite human, and knew his next stop was in between those two beautiful legs of hers. His manhood was also responding to all the foreplay, firming up and becoming ready for action.

Picard paused and then lifted Kyrea into his arms. He looked deep into her eyes as he carried her into the bedroom and laid her down gently on the bed. He then unbuttoned and unzipped his uniform trousers and let them down off his legs, letting them drop on the floor along with his underwear. He was now totally naked, not hiding anything from the Hanadian female. His eyes looked deep into hers as he started to straddle her.
Kyrea smiled, those ears were sensitive. she loved how he played with her breasts, she wasn't sure why he was playing with her navel though. Like with many bird like species her bones were strong, but hollow and she was much lighter then one would expect. She was surprised he was carrying her into the bedroom though. But she let him, curious by what he was going to do next. She watched him strip with a smile and studied the end results, seeing a big very hard cock. As he moved over she tookt he rest of her clothing off and kicked it to the floor. Then he straddled her...
Picard smiled as he watched Kyrea take off the rest of her clothes. He could tell that she was happy with what she saw after he had taken off the rest of his uniform As he straddled her he spoke softly, "Many Earth men admire the navel as much as they admire the breasts and buttocks. The navel is also a place of stimulation the same as the ears and earlobe." He then started to use his tongue to lick around her breasts and cleavage and then bit her nipples softly. He enjoyed the taste of her skin as he licked inside her cleavage.

His hands took over fondling her breasts and nipples as his next stop was her navel. He noticed it was in a vertical oval as his tongue started to lick slowly clockwise around her stretched navel, her stomach rising and falling with each breath she took. His tongue then found its way inside her navel and continued to lick in a counterclockwise motion. He enjoyed its taste as well as the taste of her sweat from their foreplay in the living room.

He then started to touch the inside of her thighs with his hands as he started to lick up near her crotch, and the location of her love canal. He enjoyed the taste of the soft skin as licked around her crotch as well as along the inside of her thighs. His manhood now fully firmed and ready for action, his breathing increased as well as his heartbeat, Picard was ready to continue to the next level as he explored intimacy with Kyrea.
"Never noticed that." She said. With Hanadians the navel really wasn't all that sensitive. But she did like the feeling of his tongue on her breasts. She moaned a little when he gently bit them, any harder would hurt, but he got it just right. Though she enjoyed the feeling of his hands on her breasts, what his tongue was doing wasn't all that exciting. Though in this position she couldn't so much to him, well she'd get her turn, for now she would just enjoy. She arched her back into his touch when he grabbed her nipples, now that was good.
Picard stopped licking with his tongue and slid beside Kyrea on the bed. He smiled at her as he laid on his left side and looked into her eyes. He could not really tell if he was exciting her or exactly what turned on Hanadian females. He did see her enjoyment when she had arched her back as he grabbed her nipples. It was clear to him that though possessing humanoid features, she had a different set of turn on's than the usual Earth woman, and clearly different from other females he had the pleasure to be intimate with. He then laid on his back and moved Kyrea on top of him, as he waited to see what she would do with this opportunity. His manhood remained firm from all the foreplay as his hands then started to fondle her breasts again and pinch her nipples softly.
Kyrea was surprised when he stopped and looked at him. She followed his lead and straddled him and smiled,a preditory smile. Any previous partner would know she was a huge tease and having her on top was something they both loved and feared. But now she had all night to tease him. She was aroused, very much so, her pussy wet from the touches and kisses so far.

She softly moaned when he pinched her nipples again and began to trail kisses down his neck, softly kissing and licking the skin, looking for his pleasure spots, carefully studying his reactions. she decided to try his other ear to see if it was sensitive, gently lcking over it before sucking on the earlobe and blowing cool air over it like before on the other side.
Picard smiled, "I am enjoying this Kyrea, and I have all night if you do," as he moaned softly as she kissed down his neck, the moans increased when she tried his other ear. His hands fondled her breasts and nipples as he looked up into her eyes. His breathing started to get heavier and his heart beat faster as the night wore along. His manhood had responded and was firm and ready for action and he could feel the wetness around her pussy as he straddled him.
Kyrea merely smiled when he said he had all night. She could hear his heartbeat increase and knew he was hard. She kissed down his neck, gently nibbled onhis collarbone before kissing down and sucking on one of his nipples, wondering how he'd respond. Obviously the ears were very sensitive, nipples too? She wanted to make him squirm, beg her to fuck him before she'd consider putting that lovely cock in her. She spread her wings somewhat, mostly to relax.
Picard smiled as he started to squirm a little as she kissed down his neck, "Mmmmmmm...that feels so good, Kyrea, you're really starting to turn me on." His hands continued to fondle her breasts and nipples as he watched her wings spread. "Your wings are quite beautiful," and then he really started to moan and squirm when she started to lick and then suck on his nipple. "I...uh..think we are quite ready to go to the next step." He smiled and looked up at her as his heart beat faster and he breathed heavier.
"Well thank you." Kyrea said. So his nipples were sensitive, nice. "Are we?" She asked him with a devious smile. His moans were like music to her ears, seeing him squirm like that as well. She licked over his nipple as she used one hand to start playing with the other. She was such a tease and she knew it, she just loved to tease.
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