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[Anansi x Izzy] Make Love to Me Beneath the Harvest Moon

Betsie, the cow, nuzzled her side affectionately, and Kasumi could not help but giggle. With no brush, it was hard to shower a cow with affection, so she simply pet its head again. Her blue eyes scanned the foresaken farm. Their were holes in roof, broken fenses, fallen trees, rubble and mayhem. But! As her eyes fell on Akira, she felt warm inside. To him, this was his home, his diamond, and he would certainly work hard to bring it to its former glory; or make it even better! She smiled softly to herself, then tilted her head. He was already finished! With her basket underneith her arm, she strode over to him in the feilds.

Smiling up to his sweaty face, she adressed him, "Mako-san, I bought the seeds! We'll have plenty of turnips, and potatos, not to mention juicy cucumbers for pickling! Cabages, and strawberries." Her mouth almost began to salivate at the sound of food. She tiltedher head, "Where would you like to plant what?"
He stood in the field sweating heavily under the high sun. The plow lay behind him the straps still attached before he pulled it off to one side and then walked back to her. "Well we still need to furrow the land properly then we'll split it up, strawberries need vines to grow on so I'll get to putting down posts a bit later, as do cucumbers, but as for the rest, we'll divide up the field by the number of seeds you have." He said to her. "But today seems like its extra dry, lets head back to the house. The effort had gotten his blood pumping hard so now he had a bit of a hardon sticking up beneath his overalls but he didn't notice it.
She shook her head, "Its alright. If you wish, you can retire, but I will finish the plot. When you are feeling more rested," Kasumi smiled to him, "... then come and help me." She stepped away from him, and set down her backpack. Her waterbottle clanked amungst her other few valubles. Humming softly, she pulled out her tool and began to get to work at clowding their land.

What a funny thing to think... their land.
"No its fine." He said as hen stretched. He soon turned and walked off to the far section using two tools to break up the clods of dirt. It being a hot day it made it easy and soon he'd done half the field. Sighing he walked over to her once he was finished. "ITs too hot and dry today to plant dear, maybe we should pack it in?"
She was almost finished her portion; she was so much slower than him! But her work was thurough. Kasumi rested her tool on her shoulder, and a loud huff of hair escaped her lips. What was he talking about. Whiping her forehead on her arm, she closed her eyes in thought, "Hm..." Squinting softly, she looked to the current hight of the sun. No wonder it was so hot! It was high noon. Sighing, the impaitient Kasumi shoved her hand into her pocket, "Yeah... its hot out. In a few hours we can plant the rest... I'll get the baskets out for the strawberries."

Baskets? Strawberries? What? Well, the one thing she had learned was the best way to grow strawberries was in baskets; that way they could be moved inside during colder months to keep them away from frostbite.
"Dear, we are in this together, do what suits you best." He said to her slowly before he turned. "I'm heading back to the house for something to drink and to rest." He said to her before he turned walking past as he undid his overalls. It was rather hot for no reason but he intended to return to work in a while, his father had always warned him of the perils of heat stroke and it made no sense to die just to get a few plants in the ground.
"Dear..?" She muttered to herself. Why does he keep calling her that? The other day he hated her, and now... he was calling her dear. She shook her head softly and shrugged. Walking over to her backpack, she put on her floppy straw hat, and took a long drink of water before finishing the plot. She spent all of the early afternoon spreading manuer on the feild. She'd stop for water breaks here and there, but the day still had light to it! And she wouldn't stop until she was well on her feet again. They had to go make rice patties too! Lots of work, such little time. She looked over the plot, sitting down on the soft grass. Tomorrow, they would plant. Sighing softly, she got up and walked to the house. She'd pull out her hand woven baskets and assemble them later. Right now, she was going to take a bit of time to entertain herself.
He returned to the house and slowly ran his fingers through his hair. Opening his fridge took out a large metal pitcher then poured himself a tall glass of lemonade before placing the pitcher back. Drinking it he made his way back outside and as he walked out the door picked up a straw hat. Laying across a hanging bench he covered his eyes with the hat as he swung softly in the shade. He didn't hear her approach the house due t oth e creaking of the old wood and the chain.
She sat down by the tree where the bench hung. In her lap was a little paper notebook. On it, she sketched the current picture of the farm yard. She would make a secondary picture with adjustments to them. As she sat and drew in the shade of the tree, there was a soft rustling from the bushes, then a small yip! Out hopped a timid tea cup bunny. Its body and fur was that of a chinchilla, and it would never grow any larger! It hopped along, its small ears flexing about as it sat on the grass. Kasumi obversed from afar, flipping to a new page to draw this little creature.
Returning once the sun had retreated behind the clouds he made his way along to the fields. Stretching he yawned as he looked back and forth along the rows. "Mmm" He groaned to himself before he walked toward her. "What are you up to?" He asked her slowly as he made his way over to her.
Kasumi looked up from her note pad, waaaay up to the handsome face of the man she owed a great deal of graditude towards. She smiled softly, as the baby bunny lay in her lap, sleeping soundly. She whispered, "I found a bunny!" She had this childish joy to her face as she told him about her little friend. The small creature nuzzled her leg before curling up closer.
"Ah, that's cute." he said simply, in actuality he was slightly concerned for their crops. Rabbits for as cute as some thought they were were still rodents. Rodents who would consume their crops without the slightest of hesitation,.
Kasumi lightly scratched behind the little creature's ears. "Hm." She thought, looking down to the soft fur. She spoke softly, "Perhaps we aught to put a fence up, and possibly set some traps? Pelts would fetch a high price, and rabit stew is rather filling." She gave an innocent smile. The rabbit, unknowing to her schemes, enjoyed the affection.
"It takes a sick woman to plan to kill a creature and its kin while showering it with such caresses." He said with a slight smirk. "I think I'm in love." He added jokingly before he made his way past her. "There should be some wire around here, my dad had up a fence previously, and honestly I think we only have a few I think we could just hunt them down, how are you with a rifle?"He asked her simply.
She gasped in horror, "Oh no! We could never kill poor Flopsy. No, no, she is much more special." She nuzzled the small bunny, "I plan on breeding her, since her pelt is so fine.. a coat made of the fur of such a soft creature will fetch a nice price." Kasumi scratched behind Flopsy's ear. She looked to the creature softly, "I'm.. alright... with a rifle." Lifting her hands, she nuzzled the bunny. She looked up to him with large eyes, "Can we keep her?"
"But then you need to keep a male alive, and if they escape..well then we'll likely have an infestation on our hands and we'll need to either have a quick turnover or lots of space to prevent inbreeding." He said to her simply. "You can keep her, but you're responsible for her and her offspring." He said simply to her as he continued to walk. He made his way to a shed at the far end of the field and could be heard swearing loudly. He returned carrying a large coil of fencing on his shoulder. "They took all the rifles, I guess I'll need to go into town and stock up on more than I thought."
"That's alright. Since it is too dry out to plant anything, I will fix up the old rabbit cage!" She smiled as she pointed to the brown box attached to the barn. Scooping up the little Flopsy, she smiled, "Come along, my little Flopsy, and we will build you a new home." Her intentions were simple. Place a fenced in pen for her rabbit friend to roam some-what free during the day, and fix up the old rabbit cage to keep her in at night, and keep the fox out too. She headed inside to grab her hammer and nails. Oh yes! And she would plant cabbages and turnips to feed her little creature beside the area.
"Ok then you do that, I'm going to head into town." He said to her simply before he began walking off after dropping the fencing wire. "I'm taking the truck so if you need to leave there's a bike near the barn." He said simply to her. "Maybe I can get a few tools while I'm out too, I mean if I can get a good deal on a combine why not." He said with a slight laugh as he headed off and soon was speeding down the road toward town.
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