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The Enemy From Within (A MLP: FiM RP)

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The nameless pony gimped into the library only to be met by a pegaus whose attitude was as bright as her hide. She swooped down close to him with a worrying expression. He simply smiled modestly admiring his collection of wounds.

"Why yes." he groaned weakly with a smile "I... I suppose I am."

His voice was soft and frail, but not from weakness, more from shyness. He blushed at feeling as an inconvienience and his ears dropped in guilt.

"I don't want to bother." he said softly "But I am hurt badly... do you know where I can see a doctor?"
Fantasy shook her head no and said " sorry i do not but maybe you see if there is one on Thresh's map ". She pointed to a black pinta with a wheet cutie mark.
Thresh moved closer and inspected the damage on the pony.
"Hmmm. Seems someone has taken a few hits. Luckily any damage isnt all that bad and I know something that might help with the pain." He reacheed into his vest and pulled out a vine covered in gray berries. "Here eat this, its a mild painkiller. The doctor is a few minutes this way," He began heading south taking it slow fort the injured pony.
((Gonna pull some Tarantino timeline-fuckery here))

With violent hunger, the unnamed one devoured the vine of bitter berries feeling his wings numb shortly after.

"Thank you so much," smiled the pony with raven hair and pink highlights. "But you do not need to lead me to the hospital, I would never wish to interupt your guy's trip to the library. Even so I was just planning on taking a look myself while I was in."

Suddenly a purple unicorn with a book floating, magically, infront of her walked out from an upstairs chamber.

"Oh! Hello, everypony" she said surprisingly, dropping the book "I didn't know anyone was in! Usually my baby dragon assistant watches the downstairs when I'm busy. He's out though, taking a bit longer than I expected it."

The pony trotted downstairs to assist the four ponies.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle. Is there anything I can help you ponies with?" introduced the regal unicorn with a genuine smile.
Fantasy remarked " the color purple is getting populer around here". She then walked up to the purple unicornio and asked " got any fantasy books mrs.twillight my name is purple fantasy". She gave the unicornio material a now.
Fable gave a similar bow, "Thank you, I'm just browsing." He said and resumed examining the shelves. The other two could take care of the injured pony if they so desired.
"Oh, I see," Twilight smiled at Fable "I'll leave you be then."

It was then the purple pony caught her attention, his wing gashed and his body cut and bruised.

"Oh my goodness!" she yelped running to him, "you're badly hurt, you need to get to the hospital right away."

She noticed the map on by the black colt and turned to him.

"You seem to know your way around ponyvile, can you escort him to the hospital?" she said concerned, but before Thresh could respond the door was slammed open, a white unicorn with a pruple mane standing in the door way.

"Twilight Sparkle!" she barked "You said you and I would go to sugar cube corner today!"

"Rarity, this isn't a good time, this pony is injured and I need to-"

"There's not time Twilight" said Rarity pushing Twilight along by her flank.

"Rarity wait!" protested twilight grabbing a few scrolls and a book from her desk as she was pushed against her will "I'm sorry everypony."

"Library's closed!" barked Rarity closing the door behind her, the lights going out.

"Well that was strange." spoke the nameless one softly.
Purple fantasty said " they said surger going to be sweets iam so following them". She ran into the door in the dark saying "ouch " as she opened the door. She then took to the aire following twilight and rarity.
Thresh looked at the pony and nodded. "Miss Sparkle was right. If you can hoof it, the hospital isnt that far away." He shoulderd the purple pony and began to lead the way once more.
"Name's Golden Harvest. Friends call me Thresh." He spoke as he opened the door. He looked back in the dark and spoke,
"I suppose your going to stay here Mister Dexter? As far as i can see (which aint all that far) you might be a bit left in the dark here." Thresh nickered in amusement at his bad pun. Humor was humor. The mystery pony was a bit on the creepy side Thresh noted but he doubted the colt had any ill intentions. He stepped out into the bright light blinded for a second and gathered his bearings before plowing on ahead.
" I reckon your going to want a name Mister." He stated as the pair continued down ponyville, with Thresh closely supporting the mystery pony. Thresh recieved some strange looks, no doubt ponies thinking he was a colt cuddler the way he was proping up the pony. It did look like they were more than friends, so he couldn't really blame them.
"Your mark there is a rook so maybe Blackbird? or Crowley? Had a cousin named Crowley though...terrible harvester, needed me every year....Sorry bout that Mister. I tend to ramble when I get to thinking."
"I'll be fine, sir," Fable informed with a smile as his horn began glowing, providing more than enough light for him to continue his browsing, "I wish you good fortune on your recovery." He told the injured pony then returned to looking over the shelves.
The unnamed pony turned to view his flank, amungst all the commotion of the morning he hadn't given himself much time to veiw his own alien body. He notices the black bird that was his cutie mark and smiled a little.

"Looks more like a raven to me." he smiled "I like Crowly too... how about Crowley Raven? No wait Raven Crowley! That sounds like a chacter from one of my stories."

He then turned to the large colt with a modest smile, he ears still down from modesty.

"You needed worry about rambling, I perfer to hear others over myself anyway." he said with his constant smile seeming more strained and uncomfortablenow. He felt nervous around other ponies, and he didn't even know why.
Thresh smiled and stopped when they reached the hospital. It was built to lookmore like a pleasant home than any hospital Thresh was used to seeing. The two were greetedby a pair of unicorn mares wearing white coats and funny hats with a red crosson them.
"Hello stranger, what seems-"The nurse had started to ask but upon seeing Nameless she noddedto the other unicorn and lowered there horns. A dazzling white glow blinded Thresh and the sound of magical discharge filled the air. When he looked to Nameless the pony looked fully healed.
"Sooo...How many bits do I owe you kind fillies?" Thresh asked reaching into his bags.
"None." They said in unision. "Medical ponies work for the goodof all ponykind and besides Mayor Mare takes care of our salaries."
Thresh nodded tilted his head in a show of gentlecoltly respect.
"So there fella, have you picked yourself a name or am I gonna have ta keep calling you Nameless?"
Nameless watched as his ponies healed his cut wing and forehead. His eyes watered with joy as the pain vanished with the Mares' magic. Even his glasses were repaired by the heealing magic.

"Th-thank you... thank you so much!" smiled Nameless, "I am so greatfull!"

Nameless lept up and flew around the hospital his violet wings spread wide, revealing his massive wingspan. He circled the sky for several minutes feeling the air rush through his pink and black mane. Finally, he dropped to the ground, his hooves digging deep grooves into the dirt as he halted himself.

"THANK YOU!" He beamed "If there is anything I could ever do to aid you mare's I'll be here... since I really have nowhere to go. And Thresh, I can't thank you enough for your hospitality and kindness.From now on, if you need anything let me know."

He smiled brightly at the ponies and bowed in respect then turned to Thresh and began hovering close to him.

"I don't know," he smied at Thresh "Raven Crowly sounds good but I do like the sound of Nameless."
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