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The Enemy From Within (A MLP: FiM RP)

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Dr. Nibbles

Oct 20, 2011
Your Pants
((OKay,I know I said it would be up Saturday and for most people its Monday, but I've been swamped with work and sick so work with me a little. Now Its finally up, just a few rules before we start:

-No Sexual Pony Stuff (Its not that kinda RP)
-Cannon Ponies must be claimed BEFORE your first post, and you need to PM me to take control of one before claiming.
-However, OC's and Background Ponies are UNLIMITED and OC's can be generated at any time without GM discresion.
-The first few posts after the prologue are simply introductions, you litteraly don't have to do anything related to the plot line, the world will bring the elements together.
-I'll act as the GM for purposes of controlling plot and bad guys, but everything your characters do is completely up to you, you in no way have to act according to my expectations, or you can follow the plot to the T, the world will keep evolving with or without your character's direct involvement.
-If you could, make a pony picture for your OC's using personal drawing or this flash program.

other than the above its pretty straight forward. Nothing more to it than that. So without further ado, I present to you James Lee Jeeves's My Little Pony: The Enemy From Within))

Twilight Sparkle looked out the window to the grey sky from her isolated sanctum within the mountainous forests Illithan. It was all that remained of her once peacefull life. Ages ago she would have appreciated such solice to relish in her studies, but since her friends had all but been expunged from the history of Equestria, she had never felt lonlier. Even the books she once claimed to hold all truth in Equestria have seemed to wither to lifeless paper.

It felt wrong calling the modern world Equestria. It was blank and dull. A wartorn rock of sorrow and suffering. One on rare occasions would the forces of darkness rise to challenge hope and harmony, now thats just a tuesday afternoon. She'd never immagined immortality could be so horrific. She'd seen the rise of the Goblin King; the first mortal to achieve the unholy status of Daemonkin. She'd lived through the great Tarus Rebellion against the Dragon Tyrant, Norr...a war that took the life of her dear friend Rainbow Dash. And worst of all, she'd seen the Cataclysm of the Chimeras and Ponies. The one event that forever changed the fabric of Equestria and the Universe itself.

Twilight sighed and bowed her head in shame, thinking that if there wasn't something she could have done all those millenia ago to change the way things are now... maybe...maybe she'd still have her friends...maybe she'd still have the Equestria she remembered.

"Ms. Sparkle" spoke the soft voice of a small boy "I've gathered the herbs you asked me to."

She jumped at first but understood it was just her knew assistant, a young Minotaur by the name of Alfonso. She smiled and rellished in the presence of a friendly face.

"Please, put them on my desk, Al." she turned to him with a slight limp in her right flank "I appreciate you doing this for me, the old flank has been acting up again, I'm not a ripe young 2,020 year old any more now am I?"

The two laughed, something that was hard to do... it reminded her of her old friend Pinkie Pie.

"No, I suppose not." he smiled setting the pot of flowers and roots on her desk, littered with papers. "I recieved a message from my Father, he says the campaign in Kithenica is coming to a successful and peaceful close. He should be home this month."

"That's fantastic, Al!" she said not looking at his solem expression, too busy using her magic to rearrange books "It would be nice to see the Cheiftan again."

"Yea...about that..." added Alfonso, rubbing his brown, furry arm nervously "He said in the letter that he wants me to stop apprentice ship under you. He says that magic is no place for a Minotaur cheiftan's son. He said its a science only for unicorns and fawns."

"Is that so." sighed Twilight, she knew the Cheif would never let her train his son in the ways of the peaceful ether. He was born to be a warrior. "I understand, your father is right, to a point. You must learn to be a strong fighter in these cruel times. You are a member of the Peacekeeper race and it is your spiritual duty to protect Equestria."

"Until the fey take over" scoffed the boy. "Pointy eared freaks smell like cabbages and are far too scrawny to survive a real war."

"Alphonso!" scolded his tutor "Thats no way to talk about another living creature"

A lesson once tought by her long-lost friend Fluttershy.

"The Elven peoples are extremely gifted. I have watched them from their rise to power eons ago, they will be wonderful peacekeepers when the day comes." Continued Twilight

"Yes, Ms. Sparkle..." he blushed shying away from his mentor "But what if I want to be a spell caster, just like you? Don't I get a say?"

"I wish I could help but you know the Cheif... he's as stubborn as a bull..." she blushed realizing her bull-faced apprentice's odd expression. "No offense."

"None taken," he replied " thing... why do you call it Equestria? It hasn't been called that since, since-"

"The time of the ponies?" she said, her demeanor changing instantly

"Well yea, thast been millenia!" he began "Besides, my dad says alot of the stuff from the Age of Equestria is fairy tale."

An old spark of passion toward her fallen brother and sister ponies, flew into her heart with fiery vigour. She turned to him with angered eyes.

"Fairy tales?!?" she barked "How dare he?!? I was around when his ANCESTORS were in diapers! How dare he claim that my life is Fairy Tale?"

The small, dark brown minotaur reeled back.

"Hey don't shoot the messenger! He just said they were glorified...thats all." he cowered at the powerful stance of his Unicorn mentor.

She bowed her head in frustration, she shouldn't take out her anger on such an innocent mind. He was the future afterall.

"You want a glorified story?" she began "I'll tell you glory... 6 true friends weilding the elements of Harmony to defeat multiple enemies in the face of sheer destruction, chaos and evil. We were not only reknown but respected by our fellow ponies and Princess Celestia. We were the representation of true friendship and even in death our bond is stronger than any steel formed in the deepest Dwarf forges in Byr. We are ponies, and we will always be the purest of the pure in this stain of a world you call home."

"W-what happened?" asked the boy, his curiosity deflating his fear "Why, if your land was so perfect, did you fall."

Twilight turned away from him and pulled a book from the shelf, a book of daemons, used by only the most strong hearted and willful beings to research the Shadow Lord's nursery of beelzebubs and monsters. She oppened it to a picture of a lumpy fleshy creature devouring a ponie the child gagged at the hooror but soon his eyes widened as he saw that the beast was transforming into the very pony he absorbed.

"W-what the hell is that??" he asked his 4 fingers clutching his snout.

" a Chimera..." she spoke with great, deepseeded disgust "Changelings as your people call them..."

"What are they?"

"They, my student... are the kin to ponies."

Alphono's eyes widened and he burst into uncontrolable laughter.

"You're kidding me!" he cried "Those ugly things are related to the majestic beauty of ponies? That's rich!"

The boy continued in his laughing fit, but Twilight's stony face was unmoving. The boy soon stopped, controlling himself as he now understood there was no jest in that statement.

"Ponies are the representation of good, harmony and love..." Began Twilight, reading the book through memory alone "Ponies were not born of the Gods' will. They were created by the elements of good. But the universe must be balanced... and thus, good could not exist without evil. Chimeras, the second spirit beasts. They too were born against the gods' commands, though their birth is the representation of evil, chaos and hate. They are in every way ponies' kin and hated enemy, andvice versa... it is their king, Vlitch...the First... that brought the Age of Equestria to a close."

"Tell me more!" begged the boy with glossy eyes.

"Alright young one, if you insist" Twilight chuckled laying down, curling up next to Alphonso and his book of Daemons "It all began ages ago...back in a town we used to call Ponyville..."


5,000 Years Ago​

Chapter I:
The Slothful​

"Come on, Twilight!" barked Rarity, tugging at Twilight Sparkles tail "You slothful little pony you."

"Rarity! You couldn't have waited!?!" trudged Twilight after her, still trying to look at her notes that magically floated after her "I know I promised we'd go to sugar cube corner today but I'm litterally in the middle of something."

Today was like any other day in Ponyville, the everypony was humbly going about their daily routines as they always did. Though town seemed a tad bit quieter than usual, Twilight didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary on this peacful summer afternoon. Excluding the extremly agrivating Rarity. Of allthe ponies to disrespect the importance of Twilight's work, Rarity was easily the LEAST most likely. Rainbow Dash, probably, Pinkie Pie, definitely but RARITY!?! She was a busy body herself and with her knew line of clothing coming out next month, Twilight was shocked she'd be so willing to pull away for a cupcake, not to mention (quite literally) drag Twilight along.

After several minutes of tugging, pulling and flustered arguments, Twilight finally gave in and followed the over exstatic Unicorn to Sugar Cube Corner. Rarity seemed almost to prance with gittiness, something Twilight wasn't necessarily used to seeing from such a elegant pony. When they reached the door, Twilight stopped and took another glance at some of her notes.

"Hey can you get the door, Rarity?" said Twilight distracted "I'm almost done with my notes, and then I'm FINALLY all yours."

Several second passed and nothing happened.

"Rarity?" she looked up to see the white and purple pony just grining nervously looking at Twilight then the door and repeat. Twilight grunted in frustraiton at her oddly acting friend "Fine! I'll get the door. Whats gotten into you, Rarity?"

As Twilight pushed open the door she saw a completely dark room on the inside. As she stepped in she heard a pony whisper "now". On cue with the whisper the lights spung on and confetti cannons fired, covering Twilight in streamers and glitter.

"SURPRISE!" shouted everypony inside Sugar Cube Corner in synthesis, with a quieter, delayed "surprise" coming from Fluttershy

Twilight looked around the spritely redesigned room, obviously in the Pinkie Pie fashion, a massive banner saying the with the words "Happy Birthday, Twilight Sparkle!" written in big, multi-colored letters. Twilight put a hoof to her forhead and laughed.

"Oh my goodness, everypony." she blushed and smiled "I had completely forgotten! I'd been so busy with my work!"

"We know" answered Apple Jack

"That's why we took care of it for you." continued Rainbow Dash

"Hope you like it." mumbled Fluttershy.

"We've been planning for two weeks now!" shouted Pinkie Pie seemingly coming from no where blowing a noisemaker.

"You know how hard you are to keep a secret from?" said Rarity coming up next to her friends.

"Awwww, thank you, girls!" she lept forward engaging in a large group hug.

"Um, cough cough" spoke bay dragon out of the girlish circle. "who do you think TOLD them your birthday was coming up?"

"Oh and of course thank you, Spike!" said Twilight gleefully, squeezing her assistant in a big bear hug.

"Don't mention it!" choked Spike

"Let's Party!" shouted Pinkie Pie "Crank up the tunes Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy seemed to be nervously looking about her band of birds. "Where's Falsetto?" she worried "He's never absent? Has anyone seen a big blue jay anywhere?!?"

"Nice one Fluttershy," teased Rainbow Dash "You had one duty, make sure the music is here on time"

"I know, Rainbow Dash," she said back deffensively "He was here thats why I'm worried"

"Oh I'm sure the music will be fine." interjected Twilight "I'm just happy you guys did this for me"

"Thanks Twilight," smiled Fluttershy "I still wish I knew where Falsetto was."


Outside of the Sugar Cube Corner, unheard by the partying ponies of Ponyville, a blue jay named Falsetto cried out. Its body cut by barbed, lash-like tentacles, ripping its wings. The bird chirped one last time, before the red mass of flesh absorbed him through its fanged maw.

Germaney was very industrial, but not relevant to my interests. Derbyshire and the Half-Flanks were of minimal significance. Trottingham somewhat, then it's sister city, Stalliongrad. Though I think it best I not visit Stalliongrad again. Going South I hit New Saddle. All the way from there I caught site of fireworks. After inquiring I learned there was a Royal Palace built in the far off range, on one of the mountain sides. Choosing to investigate I have arrived in Canterlot. They welcomed me most kindly and I was allowed into a few of their libraries. I requested audience with their monarch, though was politely refused and informed she was away, a small nearby town called Ponyville. Finding it interesting that this, Princess Celestia, would take the time to visit such a place, I decided it was worth a look for myself. Fable Dexter finished his update and packed his Quill and Journal back into his bag. Picking the strap up with his horn he slid it back on around his neck. He smiled and trotted down the hill toward the valley where Ponyville lay. It seemed a quaint and simple rural town. No harm in looking into it.
Thresh sat in the main square of Ponyville. Life here was diffrent than in Nieghbraska. There was more roads and he had only seen one farm. His black coat shimmered in the sun and his cutiemark definately drew attention. A bushel of wheat was one thing but the scythe that crossed it looked more than unfriendly. Many ponies back home had called him Nopony, back when he was a tiny colt. So far he only one pony was the same height, a red stallion with a green apple cutie mark. Soaking it once more he smiled, the wind through his mane always felt good. He wandered up to a stall and traded some bits for a few figs, nibbling on them as he trotted to find a place to stay the night.

Purple Fantasy was always day dreaming there was trouble someone she could help out. When their was trouble she jump right in and try to save the day like the hero's and heroin's in her books but something always goes wrong. she left her town she grew up in cause she got tired of people laughing at her or getting angry with her. She went on her way down a long road which seemed to end no were till she came to pony ville. She found a stable and went on in and saw two other pony's in there one black with a wheat and scythe cute mark on it and orange mane and one all white with a horn with black mane. She traded her bits for some grain and place to stay. she walked over to stand in the middle of the two and said "Hi I'm purple Fantasy".
Thresh looked up from his daydream. He looked to see a purple pegasus standing next to him introducing herself. He smiled
"Names GoldenHarvest, but my friends call me Thresh."He said extending a hoof for a shake. Pegasi were rare as were unicorns in Neighbraska seeing as how most of the farmers were earth ponies but he liked Purple Fantasy on sheer principal. Pa had always said strangers were friend you hadnt met yet.
"So what's a filly like you doing here." He asked hoping to break the silence. The stable was a rustic number called the Bramble Haus and was run by a nice couple who had rent him a room. However He, a unicorn and Purple Fantasy were the only ones in the stable at this time.
"Nice to meet you Thresh I do not have a nickname but if you want you can just call me Fantasy or Wonder pony i do not know any good nick names for my self do not have any friends ether to give me one" she looked sad for a moment then shook his hoof. she then cheered up real fast when he asked what she was doing and she replayed "finding someone to rescue or help I'm trying to be a heroin like in my story's but the only problem is i mess things up so i had to leave my old town cause everyone ether just laughed at me or yelled at me for helping them". she looked away for a brief moment to hide a tear then turned back to him and gave him a smile trying to hide the sadness and hurt she felt at being alone . she just wanted to be a heroin like in her books those pony's always seemed to be liked by everyone.
What a homely place. Fable observed as he entered the stable. Similar but more tame than the stables in the East. Rural and friendly as opposed to the grungy almost harsh atmosphere they had adopted to strangers. It reminded him of Derbyshire in that respect. He stood beside a tall burly looking fellow, who from the look of his Cutie Mark is likely to be a farmer. Fable and he were about the same height, though this other Stallion was considerably more muscular than he. He kept a respectful distance and nodded politely at the mare that entered and began speaking to the farmer.
((Hey everyone, just to let you know there's a Character Profile thread up. You guys should post your character pics and profiles up theres ASAP. Please and thankyou. ^_^ Also, here's the link:


When the purple pegasus awoke he only felt pain on his skull. He stood, looking around, not remembering a single thing. He saw a small smear of blood on the rock where he hit assumable hit it. He rubbed it with his hoof; dry. He managed to gather that he hit the rock and lost his memory. But how? Why was he flying so blindly that he couldn't see a rock. He couldn't see a thing, and he didn't remember having bad fact he couldn't even rememeber his name, so this came as no surprise. He tryed to fly up but only screamed as the cut on his wing reopened. He looked at his injured wing and groaned. It didn't take him long to realize he was in a forest though, with no eyeglasses, a broken wing, and no memory... he backed up to the rock and whimpered, fearing the worst of the worst monsters and beasts lurking in the rural forest. All the hope he had now was to walk in a random direction and pray for civilization. Not a good plan, but what choice did he have. He couldn't even remember what way he came from to begin with.

So after making a short sweep of the ground he found an area that appeared to be walked on frequently and followed the trail. As he walked for a few feet he heard a crunch beneath his hoof. He looked down and saw a bit of broken metal and glass. He pushed the twisted metals and glass onto his face. One of his eyes had clear vision again! Yet, the other lense was completely destroyed. These must have been his glasses. Figures, the nameless pony thought. But thanks to his newly giftedsight he saw a sign off in the distance:

"Ponyville: 3 miles" it read.

"Well, at least there's a town around here." spoke the pony to no one. He thus began his long trek, attempting to remember even a fraction of what had happened prior to his accident as he went.
"Well I reckon since you were kind enough to tell me why your her Miss Fantasy, the least I can do is return the favor. I'm here hoping to find a nice patch of dirt to start me a homestead. I've been on the road far to long for my liking and would like to start a family. Maybe find me a mare and have a few fillies and colts." He said with a smile as if he was seeing it as he spoke.
"But enough about my pratteling. I beleive the gentlecolt next to me seems a bit left out and I'd hate to be rude." Thresh turned to the slender pony and with his best smile asked,
"So what brings you to Ponyville friend?" Thresh noted the horn and the bag. He moved so that Fantasy could see him as well.
Musing mentally on where he ought to visit first, (though who was he kidding? He was going to the library!) Fable's train of thought halted as he realized he was being addressed, "Oh no, please, you've done me no crime. I am just a simple traveler, but I thank you for taking such an interest." He beamed with friendly demeanor. By the sound of their conversation these two are new as well, so there'd be no use in asking them where the Library is.
Purple Fantasy looked over to Fable and said "so MR do you want to tell me your name If you want you can call me Fantasy short for Purple Fantasy". she hoped she could make friends with him to like she did with thresh. When thresh mention about having a family some day she grew kinda sad for who on earth would want a family with her no she was doomed to spend the rest of her life alone for all she did was cause trouble trying to help people. she then quickly push that thought to the back of her mind for she was going to put on a front in front of these to colts.

(if no more people joins and we need two more mares let me know i can play up to three characters but i will give it some time)
Thresh smiled and turned to Fantasy. He noticed her subtle change in posture. He had seen that look before and even felt it.
"Pardon my abrasivness Miss Fantasy but from the way your looking I'd hazard a guess that my words hurt you a might deep. I apologize for that. Let me make it up to you tonight. I hear theres a lovely place nearby that makes a mean muffin." He offered giving a sly smirk. He could tell that the poor thing was not used to having people around, something he knew all to well. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a hastily drawn map of Ponyville and pointed to the place with his hoof.
"Here, Sugarcube Corner, apparently it near a library and a haberdashery." He said matter o factly.
Fantasy walked over more closely and said "did you say muffin and a liberry oh i hope they have fantasy books in there and muffins are so good to eat and thanks your words did not hurt me everyone i have ran into has wanted a family why would you be any different i want those things as well but not right now I have to save the world first". she beamed at him then added "lets invite the unicorn with us it be sweet to have friends dine together".
The pony chuckled, "Fable Dexter, Miss Fantasy. A pleasure to meet you." Her question answered he resumed to his thoughts, though when Thresh produced a map he took interest. He looked over and observed the location of the library and figuring it's distance and placement based on where he was now, "I certainly didn't take you for a cartographer, Sir. Not bad, if I may say so."
Thresh beamed and spoke, "its just a hobby but i'm glad that my scribbles could help you Mister Dexter. If you'd like I'd reckon I'm heading to the library as well seeing as the two of ya right perked up when I mentioned it." He squirlled away his map and dropped a few more bits on the table. "Wouldnt hurt to get some new parchment and ink as well. Besides I'm feeling a nice muffin would do me for the evening. If you'd like I'd be more than willing to pay for the both of ya as well." Thresh offered. He didnt mind paying. Money was easy to come by and he found himself liking the unicorn and pegasus, almost seeing them as new friends.
"That is a very kind offer sir. I respectfully decline, though I may see you both in the library. I thank you for the directions." Fable trotted out of the stable, "Good bye, and good bye to you, Miss Fantasy." Once he turned the corner he disappeared. His mane and tail suddenly stood up and flapped and waved wildly.
In order to match up what he saw on the map, Fable had appeared above Ponyville to scout the location and find the library. It didn't take long and he was instantly back on the ground outside the tree building.
Fanasty said as Cable was leaving " bye see you at the liberry". She then turned to threash and said " lead the way ". She decided she will walk becuse threash could not fly.
Thresh smiled once more as he led the mare to the library as the pair walked Thresh spoke, "so Fantasy you don't have to walk with this old stallion. I'm positive I can keep up "he said as he flexed his flank and smirked.
She looked at him and smirked saying " okay then lets see if you really can". She streched her wings then went aire born. She zipped a little ahead for fear of getting lost .
Thresh galloped at a brisk pace keeping uP with the The Pegasus. They arrived at he library after a few minutes, Thresh having already memorized the map and applying it. The library was housed in an old tree and thresh looked on in awe
"Hello again!" Fable greeted as they approached, "I had thought you were visiting the sweet shop first, my mistake. I did not mean to seem rude, refusing to accompany you." He apologized graciously. Looking at the door next he was perplex, extremely unsure of whether it opened out or inward. He prodded the door open with his horn and entered. Shelves lined with books were all around, but it also seemed to be a living quarters of sort.
After a few hours or so, the nameless colt had finally found his way into the cute little town of ponyville. His wing ached horribly and his hooves were sore from the long walk. He saw a water fountain in the town center and spritefully gallopped toward it. He drank from it, the sudden thirst overpowering his manners.

He scanned around for a while looking at the town trying to map out where a hospital or healer might be. Hell, even someone with a sewning kit could aid him. Though a large tree caught his attention, several ponies gathered out front, or at least what his good eye could see. A large dark brown colt, a royal purple pegasus and a white unicorn all gathered and seemed to be enjoying themselves.

He thought it over for a second and decided to trot overand take a quick peak inside, it appeared to be a library of sorts. Perhaps a scholarly type that resides within could aid him somehow, or at least know where to go. With a groan of pain, the nameless pony hobbled his way into the library.
Fantasy beemed when she saw all the books and squeled with and even did flips in the air. She then saw a purple colt that was also a paguses like. herself and he had her color she thought it might have been her brother but when she got a closer look she saw it was not. She flew and landed next to him saying " your hurt but Iam no healer".
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