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Unexpected Detour (Razgriz x Wingshadow)

She did have a point; going into The Flow was indescribable. The only way he could describe it was......he felt like he was everywhere, feeling everything around him. Though he was immediately hit with Undine's next words: that was right, he had to combat the Pharaoh and her hordes of minions. He had a hard enough time trying to learn how to do it in (relative) safety; how on earth was he supposed to try and do something like this in a combat situation.

The thought of invincibility seemed to visibly relax him though; maybe this was what Poseidon had in mind by pressing him so much to go and contract Undine in the first place. Even after all this time, Sam wasn't used to such heavy praise; his cheeks flushed at Undine's words and touches. However, now was not the time to let himself get distracted by such thoughts; he gave Gnome a pleasant smile before closing his eyes once more. He would try again to go into The Flow; he thought of Terra, Luna, River, Rose, Tutan and all the others. "For them....For everyone" he muttered, honing his determination and letting The Flow course through him, feeling its infinite embrace wrap around.

Once again, the blue aura of Undine's power roared to life around him, the twin serpents reforming and resuming their strange yet graceful dance; Sam, however, then felt something......It felt, angry...Sad, even. This of course broke his concentration and he was ejected from the flow, the serpents bursting into a shower of cold, fresh water that drenched everything in a twenty-foot radius. The force of the water explosion sent him reeling back, landing on his butt. He coughed, having accidentally swallowed some water down the wrong pipe. After regaining his breath, he then said "Gnome....Undine....I felt something...." He then pointed across the river into a patch of bordering jungle forest, "Deep in there.....I felt anger, sorrow.....Someone's in there.....We should...probably go check it out. Go into spirit form." With that Sam rose back to his feet, squeezing the moisture out of his robes before extending his hands and creating an earth footbridge over the river. After walking across, he then went into the jungle, seeking out the source of pained anger that he felt from his experience.
The two elementals nodded and promptly returned to spirit form as he asked, without pressing him for an explanation. Undie probably had a good idea of the origin of the strange aura that Sam had felt, but she fell strangely silent. Perhaps she knew what it was and decided against speaking to him about it directly. It was something that she herself most likely found painful as well. Gnome, however, couldn't say for certain since she could only detect general temperaments and distinct presences of people that she knew when they were in contact with the earth itself. This feeling was quite unusual... and very strong.

Passing through the thick undergrowth, they soon found themselves standing in a small clearing, on the other side of which stood a spider-like monster woman wearing a soiled yukata, the fabric of which at one time had shone with a elegant beauty unrivaled by any material on earth. Her long, spider-like legs had thick black and yellow stripes, but her movements were uneasy and unsure, almost as if she were greatly fatigued from long travel or perhaps fighting. Her tired, rage-filled eyes glared at Sam when she noticed Sam, the distinct presence of tears wetting her cheeks giving her the appearance of a vengeful woman in mourning.

"H-human... Why are you here? Didn't you take everything from me already? What more can you take... You took my future, my one and only joy in life! Do you wish to take me as well, and use my body like some sort of instrument for sating your lusts? Think again... I would rather take my own life than allow you to subdue and humiliate me in such a fashion!" the Jurougumo hissed at him, her two front legs pointing out toward Sam in an aggressive manner. All at once she dashed forward with terrible speed and fierceness, aiming for his neck as she sliced across his body with the tip of her legs.
Sam trudged through the brush, heading in the direction that he felt the strange presence in. He felt what he thought was sadness and anger, but he wasn't all that proficient in reading emotional states yet. Still, if there was someone in need, he felt a desire to try and help them, no matter what it might have been. Besides, it could end up yielding an opportunity to train and help enhance his power even more. Little did he know that he would be getting some additional combat practice today whether he liked it or not.

Sam paused as soon as he stepped into the clearing, the sunlight casting a near-perfect circular glow of its light on the form of a spider-woman, clearly having been assaulted. Though the true depths of her rage and sadness were made apparent when she turned to face him, chewing him out for taking her pride and joy in life. Sam's eyes narrowed as she then accused him wanting to simply use her to sate his lusts, like she was some sort of object. Like she wasn't a person, someone with free will; if there was one thing he hated, it was being deemed something he wasn't by someone he never even met.

"Now wait just a minute...." he started to say; however, she then charged him, causing his Earth powers to activate just as her front legs tried to pierce. His arms soon covered themselves in a thick layer of stone, rising up to block her sharpened leg tips from injuring him. Their gazes met each other's for only a moment before Sam pushed her off him, causing the spider-woman to slide back. He just glared at her; what the hell was her problem? "That one was for free.....I don't even know who you are!" He then added, the volume and tone of his voice rising to a near-shout, "So why don't you calm the fuck down and tell me what happened first before you just up and fucking attack me?" He felt irrationally angry at this woman, but he didn't know or even care why; the green fire of Earth around him started to blacken little by little, unknowingly making his aura increasingly similar to the one who assaulted this woman.
"Of course you don't know me... You stole her while I was away, you coward! Do you even have enough of your humanity left to understand the pain of a mother bereft of her one and only child? You took her, and probably murdered her in cold blood you vile creature!" the Jurougumo's eyes began to cloud with fresh tears which ran down to cheeks, "Don't bother denying it! I can see the aura of corruption all around you, filled with demonic influence and evil... I will purge this world of you before I will allow myself to mourn for the loss of my beloved daughter, now prepare yourself to meet your maker!"

Clearly irate and unwilling to listen to reason, the irate spider woman raised her right hand in the air and began to chant, swirls of potent magical energy collecting around her, "Iisha... Maten... Mutagen... Ishmas... Riz..."

"Stop her from finishing that incantation!" Undie's voice indicated that she recognized the spell that she was attempting to use, "She's using a thunder technique which will likely be too powerful for your earth armor to defend yourself against. You need to go on the offensive if you want to win this fight."
Sam was shocked and outraged at the spider-woman's claims; him steal a child? Sam's hands clenched, feeling his blood boil at this woman's words of ignorance. She had no idea who he was, that he was himself a father of many children to many wives, each of which he loved and cared for deeply. "How dare you.......You have no idea who I am....." Sam growled; his aura seemed to turn almost pitch black, the green of the earth having been almost completely concealed. His reactions didn't help the situation, either, but what this woman was accusing him of was unforgivable.

"Gladly" Sam replied flatly; as the spider-woman chanted her spell, Sam's Dark Earth aura coalesced into his right arm; little did he understand just how much power he was putting into this attack. A towering column of rock jutted from his stone-covered arm, the whole contraption roaring with the black flames of his rage. "I'm going to shut you up, you eight-legged freak!" he then shouted, clearly becoming irate as well. Gnome and Undine would see that Sam was acting quite unlike himself; he normally wasn't this violent. Within moments, he was in front of the Jurougumo, his stone-covered fist cocked back to deliver a truly punishing blow.

"Earth Technique: Mass Driver!" he bellowed out in a strangely deep, gravely voice, sinking his stony fist into the spider-woman's gut; he then called out "Sudden Impact!". What happened next would instill a sense of awe or even fear into anyone who was watching; the column of rock from his elbow drove itself forward at incredible speed, creating a concussive impact so massive in scale that the shock-wave from its force blew the bark and leaves off the trees around them, every ounce of his frighteningly dark power being delivered into the unfortunate Jurougumo's body.
The spider woman flew backward with terrible force, the speed at which she traveled causing shock-waves to rip through the air as she impacted one of the large nearby trees. The trunk of the tree itself cracked from top to bottom, slicing the old arboreal edifice clean in half down the middle. Her body was wedged between the two halves, which she somehow managed to pull free and weakly stumble forward toward Sam. She coughed up a fair amount of blood, the impact doubtless causing significant internal damage to her soft human upper body, and yet she seemed determined from mere force of will to continue although it was clear that she could not match his strength in her current condition.

"Sam, please stop this!" Gnome appeared by his side and clutched his robe, begging him not to harm the Jurougumo any further, "If you hit her again like that, she will die... Even if she did attack us, you don't want that. Listen to me, Sam!"

The Jurougumo took several steps toward Sam, her jointed legs suddenly buckling under the pain and falling to the ground. She held herself up with her human hands, taking several heavy breaths as she pressed against the earth below her. She gripped a moderately sized rock in her right hand, but even hurling that at Sam seemed to be too much for her to muster up. Even Undie began to feel sorry for her, and appeared beside the spider woman before laying a hand upon her shoulder.

"Miss, I think you have mistaken Sam for someone else. He would never do something so horrible as steal your child," the water spirit tried to speak to her, but it wasn't clear if the Jurougumo was even listening, "Please, tell us what happened and perhaps we can help you get your child back."

"Three days... It happened three days ago," she spoke weakly between labored breaths, "I was out hunting when I returned to see my nest empty, my precious unborn daughter snatched away from me... I have no husband any longer, so she was all I had left to comfort me in my solitude. I have been tracking him for these last three days, not stopping to rest or eat... I will ever see her again, will I?"
Sam just glared at the weakened Jurougumo, contempt for this woman gleaming in his eyes as she staggered towards him. "Guess that attack wasn't strong enough" he commented blandly, a hint of what seemed to be annoyance in his voice. He didn't even flinch as red streams sputtered and streamed from her mouth, staining her already-soiled yukata even further. His fist clenched as his aura roared to life once more, the corruption of his energy more prevalent than ever. "Maybe this will teach you some respect" Sam growled, the column of rock rising to jut from his elbow once more and the familiar black fire covering it and his stone-coated arm.

He cocked the power-saturated appendage back, clearly intending to strike her once more; however, he soon felt something tug at his robes and heard a familiar voice call out to him. He looked down to see Gnome pleading with him to show the spider-woman mercy. His cold gaze traveled from the Earth Spirit to the Jurougumo, who seemed hell-bent on taking him down. He watched, a sneer coming across his face as she collapsed and dragged herself towards him. The stone on his arm creaked and groaned as his fist clenched, his eyes watching as she picked up a rock, clearly intending to throw it at him; however, even in his current enraged state, he could see she was no longer a threat. The stone armor on his right arm hadn't fallen off yet, but the black aura surrounding it was reduced to smoldering embers and he had lowered, showing that he was not going to attack her again

"So you assume just because I'm human, I stole your child.......Yeah, that makes so much sense. That's like saying because you're a monster, all you want to do is fuck every human you lay your eyes on, isn't it?!" he spat venomously at her; whatever pity he felt was pretty much gone when she accused him of something so heinous. "I'll have you know that I know what it's like, to not know what happened to family, your OWN family........" He still felt his outrage thrumming within him, glaring at her so coldly, "I happen to be a father, you know......I had to sacrifice myself, to save a wife I had and children I sired from being devoured by a genocidal beast". His hand clenched as he added, the anger still so very present in his tone, "So don't you DARE accuse me of something so disgusting and foul!"
Gnome kept a firm grasp on his robe, unwilling to let go even for a moment lest he take that opportunity to finish the poor woman off. She was certainly tenacious, but quite rash to have attacked the first human she encountered merely because he was a human... Just what had caused her to assume it was Sam who had done such a horrible thing? The answer was soon quite apparent.

"Whoever it was... He left a trail of dark energy, the same sort of energy that is pouring out of you this very moment," the Jurougumo continued, although she seemed to lack any sense of actual fear of him as her voice only faltered from lack of strength, "When I saw you, it was much fainter than it is now... But I suppose it doesn't matter either way, anymore. You have a family to look after and protect, and they are doubtless very important to you. I'm simply a bereaved mother, seeking some sort of momentary relief from this horrible pain... It wouldn't do me any good to kill you if you aren't the one who stole my child."

"Do not despair, for there may yet be hope," Undie tried to offer words of comfort to the spider woman, but she didn't respond to her any longer, merely laying over on her side in evident pain from that single yet powerful blow to her abdomen, "There can't be that many humans with auras similar to Sam's out there. Perhaps we can find her before its too late and return her to you. We can just forget this entire thing even happened, kay?"

"Wait... What does she mean by dark aura? Was she referring to that stuff that was coming out of Sam earlier?" Gnome turned toward the water spirit.

"Yes... Unfortunately its a natural side-effect of bonding with monster girls while the planet is saturated with the Succubus' dark energies. I don't know of any way to purify it with my current abilities, so I wasn't going to say anything about it," Undie shrugged, "No use worrying about something that can't be helped, right? Worrying all the time isn't much fun, now is it?"
"Oh gee, you think?" Sam retorted sarcastically before adding "And all it took was me kicking your sorry ass to make you realize it". Whether or not she feared was inconsequential, but he wouldn't be labeled a baby thief just because some grief-stricken spider woman couldn't tell one human from another. A bit cold-hearted, perhaps, but she attacked him for no good reason and he was forced to defend himself. Though he could have held back on the amount of power he was using, at least a little.

What Sam didn't realize was that the dark energy saturating the air tended to infect those with elevated energies of their own. And Sam, being a contractor of two elementals, was especially vulnerable to this unfortunate effect. Nor did he seem to mind that the dark energy was coursing through him right now; while it was still in its infancy, left unchecked, it could eventually corrupt him permanently. But they were a long ways from that point; this was evidenced by Sam letting out a heavy sigh and saying "You know, you're lucky I didn't kill you. Undine there...." he paused to motion towards the water spirit, "told me that little spell you were about to cast could have shattered my earth armor and potentially killed me". He then crossed his arms in front of him, "I understand that you're upset, but that doesn't excuse you from doing what you did". He then gave a small sigh and added, "But I went overboard too, so I'm just as much as fault here".

He thought about what the woman had said; only one person came to mind when she mentioned dark aura. And given the actions he'd seen in the past, this was certainly the work of Silus Vakarian. He then looked at the spider-woman; checking his Wrist-Comp, he found it was a Jurougumo, a normally kind-hearted spider-type monster girl whose high-quality silk products were highly prized in markets. Her kind laid eggs, just like an Earth spider would. No surprise there. Closing the display on his wrist, he decided to try and make amends with her. Naturally, he would help track down and take down Silus and retrieve her egg if possible. That bastard certainly had a lot to answer for.

The dark aura slowly dissipating to nothing around him as his stone arm crumbled and sank into the ground to reveal the bronzed, toned flesh of his human body, showing that he had calmed a bit. "You can let go, Gnome; I'm fine now that the danger's passed. For the moment". He then knelt down to a placed a gentle hand on the Jurougumo's shoulder, "Look, I can't promise anything, but I think I know who it was that took your child. He's someone I've been searching for myself, and if I can, I'll bring your daughter back". He then asked his elementals regarding the Jurougumo "Undine, Gnome......Is there anything we can do for her? Even just easing the pain?"
"If you can bring that man to justice, that is the most I could possibly ever ask for," the spider woman looked down toward the ground below her and released her grasp on the rock, letting it fall and land silently beside her, "I will probably never find another husband, either... Most humans refuse to so much as speak to someone like me, and I can't blame them..."

Gnome nodded and released Sam from her grasp, turning her attention to the battered Jurougumo and the despondent look on her face. In response to Sam's request, she considered channeling some of their earth energy into the woman directly, like they had with the mermaid before but Undie had a different idea. The water elemental raised her hand to grasp Sam's attention before speaking.

"Ohh, I know something that would work just dandy," Undie squirmed with delight from merely considering her unspoken plan, "I can simply stimulate The Flow around her in much the same manner as a basic healing spell, which will work well with her natural regenerative abilities and allow her to get back on her feet in no time at all. Just watch me."

Undie stood up and spread her arms to her sides, her excess body mass forming two spirals on either side of her which rippled and swirled vigorously like water spouts. She closed her eyes and held her hands out toward the Jurougumo, whose body began to glow dimly while the water elemental stimulated The Flow to hasten her healing and allow her to recover from her wounds and fatigue.
Sam looked over at Undine upon noticing her hand being raised; he nodded to her plan and said, "Alright, Undine, I'll leave it to you then". Sam would have offered to do it himself, but he knew his level of 'oneness' with The Flow would have rendered it impossible for him to do such a thing. He would need to work on that, but that would have to wait for the moment. "Don't worry about justice, Miss.......He'll get what's coming to him. That bastard's made it personal on more than one occasion" Sam then proclaimed, his mind recalling Silus punching Gnome and attacking Talbor's group.

Sam watched as Undine created small cyclones - minus the gale force winds and destructive path carving - on either side of her; to be honest he was amazed at her power. Within moments, the Jurougumo's form lit up, Undine's magic going to work on repairing the damage she'd suffered up to this point. He would have to thank Undine in his own special way for doing this later; the same went for Gnome. Were it not for her, Sam probably would have done something he'd have regretted.

As she was being healed, Sam continued to speak to the Jurougumo, "But I wouldn't worry about finding another husband.......Someone like you will most definitely find a significant other". He then grinned as he ribbed her, "As long as, you know, you don't attack them right off the bat. That.....tends to drive them away". He would wait until the Jurougumo's healing was completed; when that was done, he then asked the spider-woman with genuine concern, "Feel better?"
"Yes, thank you for your concern," the Jurougumo nodded, "I should apologize for what I did before... Simply because I was upset and desperate does not excuse the fact that I attacked and accused you wrongfully. I am grateful to you for your kindness despite how unworthy I am to receive any... Its been such a long time since I have spoken to a human who didn't try to drive me away from the mere sight of me."

"Wait, so your husband wasn't human?" Gnome asked, slightly curious concerning her statement.

"No, he was a very old Jurougumo, one of my own kind... He must have known that he was dying, for he was very kind and loving toward me to the very end. Of course, our rather aggressive nighttime activities most likely didn't help his physical state much at all," the Jurougumo blushed, "Oh, and where are my manners... I have gone this long without even properly introducing myself. My name is Hannah, and I am very pleased to have met you three even if it was under rather unusual and outright hostile circumstances."

Gnome simply sweatdropped, knowing full well how outright brutal Jurougumo lovemaking sessions sometimes became over the course of the night. It was like they transformed into entirely different creatures when the sun set and their night eyes gleamed out from the darkness. There was more than one reason why they often cloistered themselves up at night, and it was a well-known fact that visiting them during such hours was akin to declaring oneself to be a masochist. Undie knew this as well, but managed to retain her composure slightly better.
"No trouble at all" Sam replied before adding, "It's not that you're unworthy to receive kindness, it's just that...Well, you know". The rest she could figure out on her own, so he cut himself off. The news of her husband being a Jurougumo didn't really surprise him; however, her admission of their 'nighttime activities' was. Even after all the 'activity' he'd had during his stay here, it still amazed him how casual the talk of sex was, like asking someone for the time.

"Likewise, Hannah......My name's Sam; I do wish our meeting was under better circumstances. But it helps to know your plight" he then responded after recovering from the slight proverbial smakc across the face. Truth be told, Sam would have offered to become her husband himself had he not: 1) been on a journey himself to liberate his wife-to-be from captivity, 2) been already married to several other monster girls already, and 3) had just beat her up fairly badly after losing someone precious to her. So he kept his mouth shut on that one, just to be tactful.

"Well, Hannah.....If we're done here, my partners and I must be off. There's someone we have to go see. I can only offer my condolences and the knowledge that I will do what I can to bring your daughter back to you". After a rather warm-heartd goodbye, Sam and his elementals set off for the Deadlands, where they would meet their first real challenge: The Pharaoh and her hordes of minions.

*About a week later*

The journey through the dense Ztir Grove was arduous at best; not because of any fighting that had to be done. In that respect, it was relatively quiet; it was just that the forest itself was so large, much larger than Sam had expected. It also didn't help that Sam had had to stop several times to refill the flask he'd crafted from carbonaceous rock with water to keep himself hydrated; he'd used his recently acquired control of water to pull in some moisture from the surrounding air to sate his thirsts, but it wasn't anywhere near enough. There was also the matter of training to ease his transition into Clear Mind, not to mention trading energy with both Gnome and Undine. They would have several of these sessions along the way; though Sam was sure to limit the number of times he went with each of them, lest he physically drain himself too much to even move.

Eventually, after leaving the Grove and crossing the Golden Plains, he arrived at the border to the Deadlands: Before him stood a seemingly infinite expanse of sandstone and obvious heat; he could practically see the heat waves, creating mirages even before he set one foot onto the scorching rock. Checking the map on his WristComp, he tried to see if there was a location for the Pharaoh's hideout; as he expected, there was none. All he knew was that her hideaway was somewhere....Out there. "I hate deserts......" Sam groaned as he closed the wrist-mounted supercomputer; guess that means they would have to search. Unfortunately, climate data showed that there was close to zero percent humidity in the Deadlands and geographical notes showed very few locations of natural coverage. "Gnome, I'm going to need your help to create a shield from the sun; I'd rather not die of heat stroke before finding this Pharaoh...thing, woman, whatever. Undine, I still can't use The Flow to a high enough effectiveness to track the Pharaoh; I'm going to rely on you for guidance, OK?" He of course was assuming her mastery of The Flow would allow her to track the Pharaoh in the first place; he didn't if she had some kind of trick that stopped her from being found in such a manner.
"We should limit our traveling during the daytime hours, as the intensity of the desert sun is terrible," Gnome, who was in spirit form at the time, crossed her arms in front of her chest, "I'll make an earth dome for us to rest inside during the worst part of the day and it should keep us relatively cool. I though it went without saying that we should only move about during the night if we can help it."

The heat didn't particularly bother Gnome, as she was well acclimated to extreme temperatures, but she understood that humans such as Sam did not share her tolerance to such harsh environments. The last time they had traveled in the desert they encountered the exiled Lamia Mist and Flo, who (along with their daughters) were now a part of Sam's steadily growing family. This time, however, Gnome highly doubted that they were going to convert any of these monster girls to their side as they were clearly siding with the Pharoah for the time being and wouldn't even consider parting from their powerful, god-like leader.

"Sure thing, Sammy," Undie saluted Sam in a comical manner, "I'll track down that rascally wabbit! Just leave it to me... She's known for her ability to move her pyramid about at will anywhere in the Deadlands, which is why its never marked on any map, but that won't be much trouble for me since no matter where she goes she is always subject to The Flow."

The water elemental closed her eyes and calmed her spirit, a sudden surge of her power indicating that she was letting her energy emit out of Sam's body into the world around them in order to tap into The Flow directly. Before long, she pointed toward the west and nodded, indicating that she was in that direction.
"No kidding; I can feel it even now" Sam commented as he took a few steps forward and stuck his arms out; he could literally feel a wall of heat energy in front of him. The intensity of the sun must be ridiculous, even more so than the the desert sun on Earth. He agreed that moving during the night would the best option; though he had a feeling that there were going to be times when moving during the day was going to be unavoidable. Still, he detested having to even go into this hellhole, but he knew it had to be done.

Undine's humor was not lost on Sam; her little remark brought a smile to his face. At least she helped to keep things entertaining. Upon the water elemental's humorous confirmation of the direction they were going to be headed, Sam nodded and after creating a pair of sod boots to help protect his feet from the scorching stone that he had to walk across, formed a parasol-like covering over his head and began his long trek. "Urgh...." he groaned as he felt the immense heat wash over his body; he needed to make some headway into the Deadlands at the very least. The sod boots sizzled a bit with each step he took, the moisture being evaporated due to the extreme temperature differential; soon, they were making a clacking sound as he walked, the bottoms having been baked solid at the surface. At least now he had good protection against footburn; though he knew that was the least of his worries, he at least wanted to be moderately comfortable.

Thankfully, they managed to start the journey before the sun had reached its peak; they had a few hours of respite before they would have to seek shelter. Little did Sam know that he would face soon face an opponent that was particularly dangerous if he let his guard down.
(I'll try to make her a bit less terrifying since I know you aren't all that into insect-type monster girls ^_^")

The arid environment was harsh, so harsh that few monster girls so much as stepped out into the aptly named Deadlands except for the Pharaoh's minions, many of which had a natural immunity to many of the deserts debilitating heat. There were some monster girls, however, which not only felt completely comfortable in the desert but actually preferred it to other environments precisely because the harshness itself limited the competition for prey and mates as well. One such monster girl was silently lying in wait just below the sand's surface, concealing her presence by allowing her own vials to drift into a sort of hibernation... Even Undie would have difficulty picking her out even if she was looking for her. Each of Sam's footsteps brought him closer to this unknown danger, but even when he was within five feet of her they remained ignorant of her presence and she likewise remained motionless until escape was essentially impossible.

In a single swift motion, a five-foot-long scorpion-like tail jutted up out of the desert sands from behind Sam and jutted forward toward his backside, the sharp tip strong enough to easily pierce through his earthen shielding unless he significantly strengthened it before impact. Two claws reached up at the same time and grasped his ankles, holding him in place lest he try to run away from her. She was swift enough to chase him down if necessary, but she preferred to capture her prey swiftly and with a minimum of effort expended. Finally, the Girtablilu allowed her human upper body to emerge from the sands behind him, her human arms grasping his hips as a giggle escaped her lips.

"I've caught you..." she whispered in his ear.
Sam was glad that he made the sod boots before making this journey; he was soon upon an area of desert where the fragile sandstone gave way to large plains of hot sand. Luckily, he didn't sink too far into the sands; though it was certainly harder to walk through because of its looser consistency. Though Sam was unfortunately about to be trapped by a natural predator whose body was well-suited to the harsh climate of the Deadlands.

Within moments, Sam feel a sharp stinging in his butt; however, he was so absorbed with trying not to sink in a particularly deep section of sand that he wouldn't have time to react even if he wanted to. He soon felt a warm liquid being pumped into his body; the fast-acting poison paralyzed him where he stood, causing the heat shield he'd constructed to fracture due to his inability to conjure Gnome's power, placing the burden of keeping it together on the Earth Spirit herself. As the sweet voice whispered in his ear and he felt the hands on his hips, Sam knew he was sunk; how did he not even notice she was there? He felt like such an idiot.

As much as he tried to struggle, he found it increasingly harder to move; what he didn't know was that his struggling was accelerating the paralyzing effects further. "D...amn it" he growled, angry at himself for getting caught. He should have been more aware, more careful; all he could say was, "L...let me go....."
"Nope... I won't be letting go of you for a while... At least not until I've had my fill of a fine specimen such as yourself," the Girtablilu licked his neck and shoulder, placing hungry kisses on his skin while her hands slid up under his robes and reached around toward his hardening member. Regardless of his emotional state of mind, the fluid that flowed into his body would cause his body to stiffen up, particularly in his lower region, and increase the amount of semen that his body produced in a short period of time. She pressed her soft breasts up against his broad back, enjoying the sense of powerlessness that filled his mind as she practically toyed with him. She eased him down to the ground, while Gnome managed to maintain the earth dome above them with her own force of will taking control of his earth powers for the time being. Gnome knew better than to materialize in this situation, as did Undie, but that didn't mean that they appreciated this newcomer putting the moves on their contractor.

The Girtablilu crawled up out of the sands, letting the rest of her body be revealed to him as she laid herself down on top of him, her right hand gently stroking his dick as she waited for him to come to full hardness. Her tail pulled out of his back and hung above them in the air, ready for a repeat treatment should it be necessary. She was practically eating him up as she watched him struggle fruitlessly, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to insert him into her ready and waiting body.
Sam hated feeling this helpless, being completely at someone else's mercy; small shivers racked his body as the woman's tongue ran over his flesh, feeling her dainty hands tease his groin before wrapping themselves around his stiffening flesh. He could feel her sizable chest rubbing against him, her pert buds grinding slightly on the fabric of his robes. He could only be played like a marionette as she laid him on the sand, the shade from the dome having cooled it off surprisingly quickly. Sam's body was betraying his mind; Gnome and Undine would feel that he was hating this as much as they were, if not more because it was happening to him.

When he caught a glimpse of just what this woman was....well, she should be thankful her poison was so good at doing its job. Her human half was gorgeous; however, the scorpion lower body combined with the fact she was raping him made her utterly disgusting. It also didn't help that she had an oversized stinger pointed directly at him. "Ugh, you revolting creature" he thought to himself, his jaw having been frozen as if he had a severe case of lockjaw. Soon, his manhood rose to full thickness and hardness, its purple, veined length throbbing in her hand and inviting her to place it within her body.
The Girtablilu smiled in an ironically sweet manner as she drew herself forward and began to tease herself with the tip of his manhood, testing his reaction to the stimulation her tight entrance could give him as she pushed her hips forward so that he was just barely inside before drawing him back out fully. She clutched his shoulders firmly, her grip strong enough to keep him in place even if he wasn't paralyzed by her poison. As she continued her motions, her womanhood grew damp and ready for him at which point she dropped her hips down onto him, fully burying his length inside her, her wet inner folds which were hungry for his cum clamping down around him. She let out a pleased moan, pausing only for a moment before rocking her hips back and forth. Sam would find it very hard not to feel the urge to cum inside her, as her poison not only numbed all feeling in his body except for sexual stimulation, but it also heightened his sensitivity to such stimulation.
Sam just laid there, feeling the scorpion-woman's sex teasing the heightened sensitivity of his cock and sending shivers throughout his body; whatever this poison was, it made the urge to cum all but impossible to resist. Though he was doing a pretty good job so far; thankfully for him, he possessed exceptional mental fortitude, but even that would only delay the inevitable for but a few moments more. As her walls tightened and relaxed around him, her hips grinding against his to try and get the semen from out of his body, Sam quickly felt the heat growing within him; he knew he was going to lose eventually, but he would hold out for as long as possible.

Which, sadly due to the effects of the Girtablilu's venom, wouldn't be all that long at all; her motions made the throbbing head of his cock pound against her cervix, tempting him to release his sperm into her. Eventually, it became too much for him to handle; as she came down for the final stroke, his length pulsed hard against her wet walls, filling her insides with plentiful amounts of his hot, potent seed. Each successive jet of sperm made a muffled grunt escape his sealed lips, the combination of heat and extreme - albeit forced - pleasure making his body flush. He just hoped she would be satisfied now....Oh, how he prayed.
With each spurt of semen, she let out a soft, pleased moan and in response to his release her inner walls instantly reacted and drew in every last drop of his precious seed. She relished in the heavenly sensation of being filled with warm, potent seed from this strong and highly desirable mate, who wanted nothing more than to be released from this sweet torment. The Girtablilu, however, seemed far from satisfied with only this much. Sure, he had already given her more than she probably needed for her purposes, but it had been a long time since she had found a mate, let alone one whose volume and potency was unmatched by any that she had so far encountered. Fortunately for Sam, however, someone else was still watching him... Someone who wished nothing more than to take this opportunity to obtain his affections for her own.

"Wind Slice!" as if out of nowhere, a blade slashed across the Girtablilu's armored lower body with such speed and force that it knocked her right off of Sam and out from under the dirt dome onto the searing hot sands that surrounded them. She let out an angered hiss at her attacker, who had interrupted her when she had barely begun her mating. If there was something that annoyed monster girls, it was when someone stepped in and snatched away their mates from right in front of their eyes... That was precisely what this Lizardman had in mind. Her reptilian eyes narrowed slightly as she dove forward, slicing across her body repeatedly with brilliant speed. The Girtablilu tried to stab her with her poisoned tail repeatedly, but without avail. Her strength was in her art of surprise, not her speed or power in a direct conflict. As she was battered about like a rag-doll she quickly became aware of the fact that the Lizardman was not intending to kill her, but rather drive her away as she could have easily aimed for her soft upper body rather than attacking her armored lower half. The difference in their power was quite apparent, and before long the Girtablilu realized that it would be pointless to continue to lash out at the Lizardman as the tenacious female would not relent. Reluctantly, the scorpion woman slunk off back under the sands to await another possible mate to walk by...

The Lizardman then turned back toward Sam with a triumphant smile and sat down next to him, slightly blushing when she saw that his member, still under the influence of the Girtablilu's poison, was standing firm and at attention, coated with a layer of the female's love juices. She made several attempt to speak to him, but she found herself at a loss for words, deciding instead to take the initiative and clean off his tool. She bent down and began to lick him clean, paying special attention to his head as she did so.

"Please... Will you accept my love, my dear husband?" she asked as she licked his shaft, trying to be gentle with her caresses.
The fact that even after cumming that hard inside her she didn't get off of him didn't bode well for Sam; sure, he would survive the encounter, but he would rather have not had to deal with this in the first place. He tried to move his body; the poison still kept him rigid, unable to so much as even lift a finger to defend himself and leaving the man completely at this woman's mercy. "Damn it all" he grumbled mentally, feeling utterly disgusted at receiving pleasure from being violated by this creature. Fate would see to it, however, about reminding him that he was not alone in this world.

Upon hearing the voice, his eyes - the only part of his body he still had any voluntary - moved to see none other than the Lizardman begin to fiercely battle the scorpion-woman. Over and over again, the armored carapace of the tail and the hardened blade of the Lizardman collided audibly, the Lizardman clearly possessing a distinct advantage in battle as she battered and bruised her arachnid opponent. Upon seeing the Girtablilu's retreat, Sam felt like he wanted to hug the Lizardman; if only he could move or speak.

Sam's eyes followed the Lizardman as she sat down next to him; he could tell where it was she was looking. "Ah, hell" he said, quickly realizing where this was going; he let a stifled moan as she licked and stroked his still rigid cock, his tension rising a little because of those claws of hers. When she asked him to accept her love, Sam was indeed torn; though he still couldn't speak, he felt a need to answer her question. She did save him, but he didn't feel it fair for a love to be one-sided since he didn't really love her in return. He was grateful, but there was a point where over-gratitude could land him in hot water. "Gnome, Undine......What should I do?" he asked his spirited elementals, seeking guidance for this rather divisive issue.
"Drive her off with a stick, of course," Gnome huffed, although her words lacked true force behind them as she clearly felt a twinge of guilt for replying in such a heartless manner, "She might have helped us out this time, but if you give her too much she won't ever leave us alone... Just when I thought we were finally rid of her for once and she turns up out of nowhere."

"Aw, look at her... She's so adorable," Undie giggled, "This is clearly her first time and she's quite nervous, but she's still trying her best to please you. Can't you see that she would probably jump in front of a train for your sake? Lizardmen are so faithful and devoted that they are practically idiots when it comes to love. The poor thing has probably been aching for you for nearly a month now."

"So you are taking her side? We didn't ask to dual her or anything, it was all her idea about the marriage stuff, too..."

"That's just how they choose their husbands, who are we to judge? After all, the way we elementals find mates is by contracting ourselves, so I don't see how that's much different," Undie shrugged, "One form of love isn't better than another if you ask me."
Figures.....Stalemate. Undine voiced the thoughts of his compassionate side, Gnome voiced the thoughts of his rational side. Well, this was a real pickle he was in and he wasn't any closer to figuring out a solution than he was before. On one hand, if he sated her desire for his love, she would become an ally, but ran the risk of getting in the way. On the other hand, she would hound him to the ends of the earth, trying to make him love her. hit him. Undine's words were actually the ones that made it click in his head; however, there was still the issue of the lockjaw from the scorpion-woman's poison. But he hoped this would work at the least. "Gnome, Undine.....I'm going to need your help to communicate since I can't move my mouth. I need you both to come out of spirit form and voice my thoughts to this woman" He figured having both of them present to back each other would help reinforce his decision to the Lizardman; he, in a sense, was stalling for time, but also preventing his conscious from guilting him too much. Part of his reasoning was to protect her as well; she may be strong, but if Sam was able to beat her, then the Pharaoh would very likely wipe the floor with her. And he couldn't have the knowledge that he might have been able to save her and ultimately failed resting on his mind.

Once they were outside of his body (still under the cover of the dome), Sam then communicated mentally to his contracts, "Ma'am, I appreciate you wanting me to be your husband, but the truth is I am currently preoccupied with a very important matter. It is of such great magnitude that I ask you to wait until after I am finished before I can give my answer. If I were to marry you now and you were to get hurt, or worse yet killed, it would break me. Please, if you do love me, wait for me at Ztir Grove and I will give you my answer there." He knew she would be able to handle herself there; she'd done it for this long and she'd been able to overpower his Spike Wall technique with her sword when they first met.
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