Unexpected Detour (Razgriz x Wingshadow)

Undine would not get the chance to finish with Sam, for as soon as she gave him permission to fill her, his manhood pulsed even more strongly as he unloaded his sperm deep inside her. His mouth latched onto her breast, his tongue rubbing fiercely over the wet nipple as he pumped her womb to the brim; soon, her normally-clear stomach was becoming a nice opaque white, his sizable release filling her insides. Sam could feel the heat emanating from her belly as he injected her womb with his cum; his tool remained firm and hard as his climax died down.

His well-defined chest rose and fell as he looked up to the eyes of his new lover, saying, "S..sorry, but you just felt too good inside" The fact that he had not softened showed that he was still ready to go at least another round; he smiled gently and added, "Why don't you set the pace this time.....that way we finish together....."
"There is nothing to apologize for," Undie closed her eyes and shook her head slowly from side to side, "I asked you to cum inside me after all... Feeling your essence spreading through my body is the highest pleasure I could even imagine. Please, let me taste more of your sweet release."

Her entire body began to flow around him, gentle caresses and kisses rippling across his skin while her watery womanhood once again began to suckle on his hard member. Her hands stroked the sides of his head, brushing his hair and running her fingers through his locks as she dampened them with the moisture from her own body. She gently yet abruptly pushed him back down onto his back as she mounted him once again, raising herself up and down on his cock and shivering with pleasure with each passing stroke. As his previous release spread throughout her body, it seemed to dissolve and vanish while her physical mass increased significantly, a surge of power coursing through them both. The sensation pulled a heated moan from the water elemental's lips, her eyes sparkling with pleasure.

"S-sam, you are so wonderful... I can feel the bond between us growing," she arched her back toward him, pressing her breast into his mouth with a bit more force for him to kiss and suck, "I want to be even closer... Give me more, please!"

Her body warmed even more fiercely, and her pace increased with it as she bounced herself up and down upon his thick member, which slid along her constantly flowing walls. Undie was starting to loose herself to the sensations, reaching toward that coveted yet still distant peak of pleasure.
"Yeah...but..still....." Sam uttered out as she brushed off his relatively quick trigger as if it were nothing. "As much as you need, Undine..." he then said, conforming to her desires so easily. Anyone else would call it shameful, but Sam called it smart, if somewhat tiring. Though thankfully his enhanced endurance from so many encounters would enable him to keep going until his partners were satisfied.

He groaned out as he was placed onto his back, feeling Undine's passage continue to stimulate him while her wet body raked her fingers through his hair; he had to admit, feeling the dampness of her watery form over his body did feel nice, but he hoped that she wasn't hurting herself. Then again, they were still near a spring, so it was likely that Undine was drawing water from it to replace that which she lost. In fact, she seemed to get bigger; it was almost the same with Ruby, what with how her body was reacting.

Sam wanted to reply that he was feeling good too, but instead found himself with a mouthful of her breasts before he could even form the response itself. So instead he would focus on bringing her pleasure, making sure that she would climax this time, in time with his own release. His hips thrust upward, driving his length into her at a slower pace this time so as to slow the build-up of pleasure from his own actions while helping to enhance her own.
As Sam's hips rose up and met hers, Undie responded by slightly increasing the pace of her movements as if to draw more of him into herself from mere force of will. The greater the connection between them, the larger she would grow and the more demanding she would become for his attention (both sexual and otherwise). From the point they had reached, Gnome was already starting to feel more than a little uneasy. Just how long as she going to monopolize her contractor? She could only imagine how busy Sam would be when there were four of them all trying to vie for his affections, desiring him to fill them up with his seed. Contracting all four would grant him god-like powers once mastered, but it came at a steep price... Well, steep at least in terms of time and physical exertion.

Undie's hips began to grind more insistently against his as her hands clutched his shoulders, her body writing and twisting in pleasure as her excess mass which did not form her human-like body began to swirl around them like a thin-walled cyclone made up of water as if to create a makeshift barrier between the two lovers and the outside world. She held him tightly against herself, the pressure of her grasp inescapable by any normal means as she clung to her lover, letting her pleasure and desire for him known to all those around with cries and loud, heated moans. Her inner walls sucked and tugged at his member while caressing him with each stroke that drew him in and out of herself, his tip pressing against where the opening to her womb would be if she was not rather homogeneous in her make-up. She could feel her end approaching quickly, the agonizing denial of this peak of pleasure driving her to beg for his release. She had to have it... At least once more.

"S-sam!" Undie drew herself around him until only his face remained exposed from her body, ensuring that he could not draw away from her and fail to fill her, "Do it! I can't wait any longer!"
Sam of course was still somewhat oblivious to the true implications of contracting an Elemental Spirit; he figured sex was their way of 'recharging'. And given his current state of bliss and pleasure, he was also unaware of just how much time he would need to devote to this exertion once all four spirits had formed a contract with him. That of course was assuming something didn't happen to him on his journey, whether it be death or him becoming the sex toy of some monster girl that could overpower him. Which probably wouldn't be that hard if the monster in question had sufficient strength and durability; truth be told, he still hadn't fully mastered his Earth control yet, and now he was going to have to learn how to control water. To say he was in a precarious position was an understatement, even if it wasn't fully obvious to him yet.

However, none of these thought crossed the contractor's mind as he continued to stimulate Undine's body, his manhood now pulsing within as both of them began to reach that blissful peak of pleasure. Undine's grip had tightened on him rather noticeably; her slick channel continued to pull and suck on him, driving his mind blank with overwhelming sensations of pleasure. "U..Undine" he groaned out as the familiar heat once again, his bloated balls starting to tingle and tighten before his hips shot up into her one last time.

His impressive climax shot thick ropes of his heated sperm deep inside her, turning her once-translucent stomach cloudy and white with his release. His mouth clasped firmly over her breast, licking and sucking the perked bud at the tip with heated fervor as the jolts of pleasure wracked his body, filling the elemental with copious amounts of his juices.
Undie moaned softly in pleasure as she felt his release pour into her body once again, the sensation of energy and satisfaction filling her as she relaxed against his him. Her mass increased yet again as she metabolized his semen, enlarging herself and spreading out along the surface of the ground upon which they lay. She cuddled up beside him in contentment, drawing little circles with her forefinger on his chest as she let herself cool down from their rather intense session together. Her hair pooled up beside her as she gently caressed his body and held herself close to his side, much to Gnome's silent frustration.

The small earth spirit appeared beside Sam's head and looked down at the two lovers. At first she didn't say much of anything, merely watching his reaction to the water spirit's evident desire to shower Sam with post-coital affection, "So, uh, Sam... Do you feel any different than before?"

"He won't notice any difference unless he enters a state of Clear Mind, which is how he can draw upon my powers... If he doesn't fully let go and read the flow of the land and life around him with the utmost concentration, he won't be able to do much more than use my water energy to slightly strengthen his attacks and increase his endurance. My true power lies in my ability to effortlessly avoid and counter attacks by following the flow of their movements. It will let you maintain a state of near invulnerability, while increasing your ability to land your own attacks," Undie smiled sweetly, "But none of that matters right now... I just wanna be all cozy with Sammy... Can't you see that?"

Gnome recoiled slightly, but tried to hold her ground, "I've already had a child with Sam, so you don't have any more of a right to him than I do. In the very least you should respect my seniority in this matter."

"Hey, Sam... Would you like to give me a child, too?" Undie completely ignored Gnome's point and sought to use it to spark some conversation between herself and her new contractor instead.
Sam's body began to cool down from the intense climax as well, his back against the cool rock and feeling the sun beat down on him from above. He could feel the cooling touch of Undine's finger against his heated skin, though for some reason he felt uneasy. His chest rose and fell from having two relatively powerful climaxes in a row, the mark of the Water Contract burning brightly on his forehead for a brief moment, much like Gnome's mark of the Earth Contract had burned brightly on his right palm, before fading away. This signified the end of the contracting process, at least, in its first stage. Like with Gnome, each Elemental had a second stage to the contract; though Sam of course was completely ignorant to this detail as it had never been fully explained or even mentioned.

However, these thought were the furthest from Sam's mind as a shadow appeared beside him; he looked up to see Gnome standing over him, but before he could reply, Undine seemed to do it for him. His head then turned to look at her as she explained the nuances of her power; Clear Mind? Like what he did to get her contracted in the first place? He didn't even know how he did it; well he knew the basics, but his mastery was far from perfect. But the thought of near invulnerability sounded nice; truthfully, he thought Gnome's power already made that a possibility, but having a back-up for that always came in handy.

But then Undine poked the proverbial lion; all he could get out was "Now, Undine......" before Gnome then shot back with what she clearly believed to be her ace-in-the-hole in this matter: Sam had already given her a child, making the poor man sputter and redden, "G..Gnome!.." However, the surprises just kept coming, as Undine then asked him if he could give her a child. "Whoa, whoa, let's just all settle down here....No need to get ahead of ourselves...." Sam said, trying to defuse the situation.

He then took a deep breath as he sat up, shaking off the slight shock he'd received from each Elemental's words before adding, in a slightly sterner tone, "Look, I realize things are going to be awkward now that I have two of you contracted. Hell, I can feel it already that this won't be easy. But, if I'm going to stop the Pharaoh, I need you...." he stopped her to place a hand on top of Gnome and Undine's heads before continuing, "......both of you......to help me. OK?"
"I understand," Gnome nodded solemnly, feeling a bit foolish for trying to get some leverage with Sam over Undie. She knew that she shouldn't be acting so possessive of him, as things would only become more complicated when Ignus and Sylph eventually joined them as well. Yet, she couldn't shake the feeling that things wouldn't quite be the same between Sam and herself again... as they had shared a special bond before which he now shared with Undie as well. Granted, Undie didn't have the same level of attachment as Gnome did, but it was probably just a matter of time.

"Of course, why else do you think I agreed to let you contract with me?" Undie smiled and stroked Sam's cheek lovingly, "I've always had something out for that sand-obsessed Pharaoh, and its about high time someone gave her a dose of humility. I think we are just the ones to deal out that sort of punishment, don't you agree?"

"You have always had something out for her?" Gnome repeated, raising her right eyebrow slightly.

"Well, not always... but I never really particularly liked her," Undie shrugged, "Anyway, wouldn't you like to try out some of your new powers, Sam? Try using them on the spring... just make the water do something."

Gnome rolled her eyes, thinking to herself how the water spirit could have possibly been any more vague.
Sam ruffled Gnome's hair, smiling at her sincerely upon seeing her demeanor falter slightly; this was going to be difficult, he couldn't deny that, but he would let her know that she would not be forgotten, no matter what. She was the first spirit he contracted and was the most familiar with. She helped him so much to improve his Earth power, and she proved time and time again how excellent of a mother she could be. Of course, he already found himself growing attached to Undine; it was an unavoidable yet very necessary part of the contract, as contractor and contractee hearts and souls would become intertwined.

Though her words surprised him as much as they did Gnome; at first it sounded like she had a rather intimate knowledge of the Pharaoh. But before he could even think of asking a single question, she blew that theory right out the window. Sam sweat-dropped; she didn't like her and yet she was so set already on bringing her down. Well, at least things wouldn't get dull. Though the suggestion of using his new powers on the spring sounded good, even if he was a bit tired. Though her suggestion was fairly open-ended; he assumed - erroneously - that the ability of Water and Earth control used the same methodology.

"OK, make them do something" he said, focusing on the water and trying to make it move; he would soon find that Gnome's rather direct method of teaching would counter-act Undine's style. Not to mention that Water Power wasn't based on will like Earth was, but something a bit more abstract. After a while, he looked over at Undine and said, "Nothing's happening...What do I do?"
"You can't move the water by willing it to move," Undie nodded in a sagely manner, "The water moves because it is meant to move... Water always follow the path of least resistance, so, you basically just have to give the water the impression that doing what you want it to do will be easier than arguing with you about it. Its pretty straightforward once you get the hang of it, and it doesn't tire you out as much as trying to bend rocks and earth to your will like you do with Gnome's power."

"Don't act like you even know how my power works," the earth spirit huffed, to which Undie merely shrugged.

"Well, no I don't really... But the way you are going about it, Sam, is entirely wrong... You must unlearn what you have learned about earth in order to learn about water," Undie shook her head from side to side slowly, relaxing on the shore as she watched Sam toil fruitlessly over the water, "When you know you have it, you know it, you know?"

"Perhaps I should put it a different way... Its not really the water that you are trying to manipulate, its the form of the water. You are influencing the wateriness of water, without changing its nature. You are trying to flow with the water, not exert any sort of natural or artificial force on it," Undie nodded, as if her words made perfect sense.
Sam just stood there, trying to make sense of what Undine was saying; though the more he listened, the more confused he got. Water always follows the path of least resistance? From what he was hearing, she was suggesting literally talking with the water. He knew that was absurd and it was a metaphor, but the implication made no sense whatsoever. As much as he tried while Undine was explaining, he couldn't even get the surface to ripple.

"OK, so then.....I'll just know that I've got it? But when will that be? How will I know when I know it?" he asked, feeling like she was talking in circles. Her logic was like saying a circle's a circle simply because it's a circle. "I'm influencing the form.....But don't I have to....Ugh, this is making my head hurt". Sam sat down, trying to make sense of what it was Undine was saying. No matter how he tried to look at it, her words just didn't add up.

"The form of water.....The wateriness of water......I'm trying to flow with the water......But I have to apply a force to get something to move, that's just how things work......." he said; it was a bit overwhelming trying to think of a solution. He then decided to take a rest, he was probably too tired after that session with Undine. "I think I need to rest before trying this" He wondered how the spring would feel; maybe a soak would help him, and he was already mostly naked from his session with Undine. He slipped the robe off his shoulders and stepped into the spring; he could feel his exhaustion fading away almost as soon as he stepped into the water, feeling....relaxed. "Ah....This is nice" he commented; he then looked to his partners, saying "Would you ladies care to join me?"
Gnome didn't have to be asked twice, her eyes grazing over his naked form as he entered the warm spring waters. She quickly stripped down as well, hurrying over to his side to join him and relax with her contractor. Upon reaching his side, she slid herself up against him comfortably and let him feel her soft, smooth skin. Granted, she was feeling rather clingy so this wasn't the least bit surprising, but even so she knew he most likely wouldn't be feeling up to giving her energy as well after having released so much inside of Undie. Rather, she wanted to be close to him and simply enjoy this brief respite following one of the most dangerous challenges they had stood up against to that day.

Undie, who was still laying on her side amid a large pool of her own mass around herself, did not seem particularly inclined to move herself back over to the spring. It had been the place she had stayed for several months now, so she was probably very well acquainted with it... Then again, Sam had rather politely offered to bathe with her, so it wasn't like she would outright deny his request. The water spirit slipped over to the water's edge and dropped herself into the spring, her entering hardly disturbing the water at all before her head popped up on the side of Sam opposite of Gnome.
Sam sighed contentedly as he rested in the hot, refreshing waters; it wasn't long before he felt the familiar form of Gnome against his side, nestling into his body. Sam draped an arm over her shoulders, holding her even closer to him; he would make sure that Gnome realized he would never forget about her. Even if he couldn't as much time Gnome as she might have liked, he would work hard to make sure the quality of the time spent wouldn't drop. He then looked over as he heard a slight 'sploosh'; Undine's head and shoulders were sticking out of the water next to him on his right side.

"I see why they call this spring the Cleansing Embrace; just makes you forget all your troubles" Sam then commented; though he then had a question that he felt like asking. "Hey, Undine.....Did humans or monster girls ever come here? To just....relax in the waters?" He of course was asking under the presumption that this was during the more peaceful times on the planet.
"Yes, in fact before the outbreak it was a very popular vacationing spot for young lovers... Humans with other humans and monster girls alike. Everyone that came here tried hard not to judge each other based on their appearance, and would spend long afternoons talking with each other and making love," Undie sighed, sinking a bit lower into the water and blowing bubbles using her mouth, "I spent most of my time those days maintaining the springs for the tourists, so they mostly treated me like the landlady. I didn't mind the work, and I met lots of interesting people... Sadly, those days are long gone. Recently, the only people who have approached my springs were those who tried to form a contract with me."

"What I don't understand is... If that's true, then where did the stories about you spread, exactly? Didn't you absorb all of the humans that tried to contract you?" Gnome asked meekly.

"Well, I had to get some help in that area... A few monster girls still come on various occasions, and I simply asked them for some favors," Undie replied with a nod, "I asked Poseidon in particular to be on the lookout for someone who could become my contractor and to send him my way."
"Sounds like this planet was a nice place" Sam commented after Undine explained about how humans and monster girls came here, often together from what she was saying. Why would the Succubus tarnish such a nice place like this? He didn't get what her goal was, what she hoped to accomplish from all of this. But, they first would need to deal with the Pharaoh. When she commented on how only those interested in contracting her, Sam was about to ask her a question himself, but listened as Gnome posed a very relevant one.

"Wait, Poseidon came here?" Sam asked, a bit surprised that someone of her size could fit in here. But, he decided that it wasn't all that important; though it did explain how Poseidon knew about this place. Same went with Sasha; he guessed Sasha must have made a trek here every once in a while to know where Undine would be. "Well, regardless, I'm glad she told me where to find you, Undine..." Of course, Sam found the two easiest spirits to contract.

"Hey, Undine, Gnome....Poseidon said to deal with the Pharaoh, I had to use a special seal that resonated with the elements regarding her nature. I don't understand how that works.....Do either of you have an explanation? Sorry if I'm asking so many questions, but this is a lot to deal with for me, even though I've been here for some time."
"No, of course Poseidon didn't come here herself," Undie laughed, trying to imagine the giant leader of the seas stuffing herself into such a comparatively tiny puddle of water, "Just because she cannot come up onto land does not mean she's clueless about what goes on up here. I had a water dragon carry my message to her for me. There are a few leaders that make the journey here for old time's sake, but as of late its pretty quiet around here."

"I can read some of the runes that form the seal, but I can't make much sense of them," Gnome shrugged, "It sounds more like some sort of poem than an incantation or list of instructions."

"I could explain it to you in detail, but I'm afraid it would most likely just confuse you... Suffice it to say that you will need to infuse some of both our energy into Pharoah in order to seal her, using my water elemental energy to flow into her body and soul and resonate with her, basically allowing you to make a temporary connection with her. Once you do this, you have to use Gnome's power to bind her to her own pyramid, making use of her own powerful protection magic that she cast on her abode against her to prevent her from escaping from the seal once it is placed," Undie waved her finger in the air, "Does that make any sense to you? At least, this is what I think its supposed to do... Its a very old spell, one that is much older than even myself. Perhaps you could ask the Goddess about it once you rescue her. Its very likely that Poseidon and the Goddess worked together to invent this spell in the first place."
Sam grinned sheepishly, feeling a bit embarrassed at thinking someone Poseidon's size; of course the sea goddess wouldn't fit in here. And it was only natural that she had what could be considered an equivalent to scouts roaming the surface; she needed to keep in the loop so that she would know what was going on. But he quickly shrugged it off after Gnome and Undine started giving their own perceptions of what the seal meant, though he was a bit surprised Gnome interpreted it as a poem of sorts while Undine gave it the instruction-like description. "Yeah it makes sense" Sam replied, leaning his head back and looking up at the blue cloudless sky that hung overhead.

He then seemed to chuckle for no apparent reason; this was all so crazy. How in the world did he end up here? Not that he really minded, but he realized just how crazy his life was now that he was here "You know, they say to expect the unexpected, but I doubt they ever landed on a planet like this. To think I was on my way to see Rachel and meet her family.......Talk about one hell of a detour, hehehe. Well, at least I can add "planetary savior" to the list of things I've accomplished in my life, right?"
"Rachel?" Undie blinked, unsure who he was taking about, "Who is he referring to, exactly? That isn't a very common name on this planet, so I presume you are talking about a human woman, correct?"

"Yes, Rachel is Sam's human lover," Gnome replied with a nod, "She must be quite the amazing person for Sam to hold her in such high reguard... Perhaps she's one of those ladies that literally glow when you are in the same room as them."

The water spirit giggled and slid over toward Gnome, wrapping her arms around the earth spirit gently and placing a kiss on her forehead. Gnome gave her a confused look, but didn't protest against the friendly gesture as she didn't seem to have any ulterior motive in it.

"It sounds like you are worried about her, little Gnome," Undie smiled and rubbed her cheek against Gnome's, "Have some faith in Sam... I doubt he could part from you again even if he wanted to. In fact, I'd be more worried that she would be jealous of our relationship with Sam, as we will be spending so much time with him before we can rescue her, that is-"

"Wait... What are you talking about?" Gnome blinked, "Rescue Rachel? Is she in some sort of danger?"

"You mean, you haven't heard about that? Well, I just assumed that since they have the same name that they must have been talking about the same person... You see, the doppleganger stopped by the spring a little while back and told me about a new toy that she managed to catch wandering around above the planet. She's been in the Succubus' care for nearly four months now," Undie shrugged, "I wouldn't worry too much about it, since she wouldn't physically harm her, but if she gets tired of her she might do something unspeakable."


"Yes... That's my way of saying that I don't know what she will do," Undie giggled, apparently not at all concerned with Rachel's well-being. Undie wasn't a cruel person, but she could be a bit insensitive at times...
Sam was tickled at Undine's little display of affection; it was nice to see the two of them getting along. "Even if I do go back to Rachel, you two will always be a part of me, so you don't have to worry about me abandoning you" Sam said; he would find some way to make it work. Though he doubted Rachel would find it amusing or good in any way that Sam had four elemental women inside of him, literally. But that was a worry for another time; right now he had to focus on beating the Pharaoh.

It would seem fate had decided to give him some extra inspiration, though, as Undine opened her mouth. "Wait....what do you mean...." Sam started to ask, Undine's statement not making any sense until she revealed that the doppelganger had been by here. Sam's relatively dormant anger started to flare at the thought of that witch, the one who impersonated his lover for her own gain. "Toy....Rachel is no one's toy...." the man growled silently, the knowledge that the Succubus had been holding her making him all the more upset. He had no idea Rachel was here, and for four months to boot.

Sam's energy began to fluctuate as Undine then stated, rather insensitively, that the Succubus could do something unthinkable to her. "If she does anything to Rachel......I'll make her regret it....." Sam growled again, his energy becoming more and more unstable, causing the water and earth around them to shake and swirl. How could he be so blind? Rachel was here, and he didn't even have a damn clue. Some husband-to-be he was, letting her put herself in danger like this.
"There you go!" Undie smiled, "You managed to move the water without even realizing it. I knew you could do it... You just needed a gentle push in the right direction... My explanation doubtless helped as well."

"However you figure that worked out, I'll never know," Gnome sighed, "In any case, Sam... Please do not let this get to you. The Succubus didn't tell us herself, so she might not even know about her connection to you yet. She isn't interested in women anyway, as all she wants is you at this point... If we can take Sasha's word, that is."

"Oh, that old hag is still up to her old tricks, is she?" Undie laughed, obviously referring to the succubus, "I'm surprised she is going to such lengths to obtain a husband... I mean, couldn't she have simply taken one of the human males while things where still more or less normal? I'm sure at least one of them would have even gone with her willingly if she had just asked. She might be rediculously old, but she certainly doesn't look like it."

"You are one to talk, Undie... You are at least as old as my mother, aren't you?" Gnome shrugged.

"That's not my point," Undie seemed mildly irritated for once, "I mean, why go through all this trouble just to get Sam? Is she bored or is there something more to this?"

Gnome simply shook her head, unable to think of a reply. There were too many unanswered questions floating around in her head to say for certain... She knew even less about the Succubus than Undie did, yet even she didn't know why the Succubus wanted Sam in particular. Was there something unique about Sam? Gnome certainly thought he was special, but the Succubus most likely couldn't give a fig about his personality. There had to be something they were missing.
Sam just sat there, fuming as his energy kept fluctuating, cursing himself and the Succubus as Gnome and Undine continued their conversation. He'd taken too long to get off this planet, and now it was likely that Rachel would suffer because of it. The water wasn't moving because Sam wanted it to; the earth beneath them that made up the spring was beginning to shake rather violently, stirring up the water around them and making it look like he was moving.

Eventually, Sam stood up rather abruptly, snapping at them in an aggravated and elevated tone as his energy erupted into a fire-like aura around him, "Enough! How can you two just sit there so casually?!" He first turned his attention to Undine, "You.....How can you talk of her so casually? As if nothing was wrong? Rachel was the woman I wanted to give my life to, the woman I wanted to protect and shield from harm! And now she's in danger because I took too long trying to find a way off this planet!!"

He then turned to Gnome, "And you......How could I not let this get to me? Rachel came looking for me because I screwed up, and now she's in the clutches of the one I have to destroy! Don't you get the severity of the situation?! What if that woman, if you can even call her that, is torturing her right now? Doing the 'unspeakable' thing that Undine claims she might do? Huh?!"

After his strangely angry outburst, he just stood there, his chest rising and falling dramatically as his aura enveloped him. Of course, neither of them really deserved to get shouted at like this, but getting hit with the news that the woman he wanted to marry was in the hands of such an obviously dangerous threat was a bit too much for him to take all at once.
Gnome shrunk back, obviously intimidated by his intense aura and shouting. She had never seen him so worked up before, and didn't know what she could possibly say to him to get him to calm down even for a moment. She knew what he was saying was right, and through their bond she knew how much he cared about Rachel... And yet, although she knew that getting upset wouldn't help Rachel in the slightest she understood that Sam wasn't in the state of mind to be told such a thing.

Undie's pride, however, seemed to get the better of her and she decided to meet Sam's agression with some of her own, "Oh really... Now if you were strong enough right now to take on the succubus we could challenge that bitch right this very moment. But that is clearly not the case. This is not the sort of thing mere humans can take care of for themselves, which you doubtless already know. However, contracting two, let alone four, elementals is not something you can accomplish within a month... perhaps not even a year even for the most talented elemental users. If you want to save her, then you need to focus on your training and become strong enough to save her. I fully understand how severe the situation is... She doesn't want Rachel, she wants you. The moment you forget that is the one when the Succubus can begin to get her foot in the door. She wants you to be reckless, but that is not a luxury that we can afford-"

The water spirit reached out and took hold of Sam's shoulders, bringing him closer ot herself, "Listen, I know this is not what you want to hear, but we cannot do anything for Rachel right now other than to have faith that she will be strong for you. If you truly love this woman as much as I think you do, then trust her to be able to take care of herself for now. You are doing the best anyone could have done considering your circumstances, so there is no need to blame yourself in this regard. She came looking for you, yes, but she doubtless understood the risks. You are doing all of this for her, aren't you? Remember that, and work even harder to master all of the elements so we can kick her old, sleepy butt."

Gnome jumped back again. Just what sort of person could switch their personality so quickly? Undie certainly was a bit of a nutcase... however much sense her rebuke may or may not have made to anyone else, Gnome understood that she had a measure of truth in what she was saying.... although it remained to be seen if Sam would accept it.

"I'm sorry I had to say all that," Undie slid up next to him and rubbed against his skin gently, "I don't mind being yelled at, Sam, but oh... I love it when Sam talks all serious... Please don't be upset at Gnomey, she looks so scared of you right now. I mean, I think she looks cute even when she is scared, but she must feel awful about being chewed out like that."
Sam just glared at Undine as she started shoving everything he said right back in his face; so what, he was just supposed to sit idly by and do nothing? What kind of husband, or even a husband-to-be, just sits by and lets the woman he loves be held prisoner by such a clearly foul creature? Then again, he might also ask himself what kind of husband sleeps with as many women as he did when he was supposed to pledge his heart to Rachel and only to Rachel.

He was about to chew her out some more when he felt her cold, wet hands on his shoulders, her eyes peering into his in an attempt to calm him down as she continued, telling him about how they needed to believe that Rachel would be strong for him, that she would be able to hold on for him. He knew Rachel wasn't exactly the daintiest woman in the world, but he doubted she would be able to hold up under the influence of someone like the Succubus, if the tales he'd heard regarding her strength were to have any merit. Her question caught him off-guard, but he just looked at Undine with a slight amount of disbelief: Yes, he was doing this to get back to Rachel, but he wondered if he would even be able to leave once everything is said and done.

Sam could feel himself starting to calm down as Undine rubbed herself against; her comment regarding Gnome made him look over towards the little Earth spirit. Gnome indeed looked scared, and that just made him feel terrible. Neither of them deserved that, but the thought of Rachel being treated as a toy - like the doppelganger apparently told Undine - made his blood boil. After a few moments, Sam's heart rate and breathing both leveled out, his mind at relative ease once more. "Undine...You're right; I can't let my emotions overpower me like that. Rachel's a tough woman, she can hold off that filthy Succubus." He then turned to Gnome and said, "Gnome....Sorry for yelling at you like that. I just feel so overwhelmed now, knowing that Rachel's here and that filthy demoness has her......."
"Its alright, Sam... I'm just glad that I'm here to help you through this," Gnome hugged his side gently, resting her head against him as she peered up at her beloved contractor, "I know you are worried about Rachel, and to be honest I'm worried about her too... I just hope that when this is all over and done with we can find some way of working things out with her so that you can be with her."

"Of course I am right," Undie giggled, "Try using those raw emotions to your advantage, guiding your soul along the spirits of the waters... Let your own consciousness fade into the flow, and use the sudden surge of strength and emotion to contain your will. Using my abilities is not a matter of molding the element with your conscious will, its about letting your intuition take over. You already know what you have to do in your mind, but if you have to think about it, it will take too long for you to react properly."

"This had better not be your idea of training," Gnome cast a suspicious glance at the water spirit.

"I'm many things, but one of those is not a liar," Undie shook her head, "I just decided to use it as an opportunity to explain it in a slightly different way... I'm not trying to be cruel."

"Good job," Gnome rolled her eyes.
"That's what I hope for too; I just hope she can overlook everything I've done trying to make it make it back to her. And I guess having four new houseguests as well." Sam replied to Gnome's statement, ruffling her long purple hair gently. Things certainly were going to be awkward between him and Rachel once everything was said and done; he wondered if she would even take him back after all of this. She was a forgiving woman, but this....this was something a bit different than she might be used to. But that was neither here nor there; he'd cross that bridge when he got to it. Right now he needed to get stronger and he wasn't going to do that sitting here and moping.

Sam gently pulled himself from Gnome's grip and climbed out of the spring itself, standing on the edge and holding his hands out in front of him. "Fade into the flow......" Sam uttered as he closed his eyes, trying to replicate what he did to contract Undine. He tried the ice in water metaphor again; soon enough, the fuzzy waves that emanated from everything made themselves known to him. Ok, this was good; though trying to do this during a combat situation would be exceptionally difficult.

"Don't think, let your intuition take over" Sam said to himself mentally; this was proving to be a lot harder than it might seem. But then again, Sam was used to having to actively think, leaving his intuition behind more times than not, so it wasn't like he was a natural at this. Gnome's powers complemented his mentality much better, but he realized that he needed to learn how to do this, else he couldn't win.

He heaved a heavy sigh and tried to let his mind go, to not have it actively think. Each time he would try though, he felt like he was being overwhelmed and was forced to sever the connection. "Damn it..." Sam growled, feeling himself growing more and more frustrated.
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