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To the Highest Bidder Goes the Prize (Chuckeles/butterfly040

A the haze of pleasure clouded her vision in the moments after her ultimate moment of pleasure. Kiana found herself lost in it and struggling to find her way back to a place that made some kind of sense once again. When at last she reached at least a hint on consciousness once again, she asked herself what she had just done. She had abandoned all her principles for a moment of pleasure. Why? Why did she do it? She turned her face from his, biting her lower lip as she sighed.
He lays on top of her for a few moments before slipping out of her pussy. He moves to lay beside her clearing his throat as he holds on to her. He leans into her wrapping his arm around her waist. "Kiana...Kiana are you alright?" He kisses her cheek softly as he strokes her head brushing a strand of her hair back trying to look at her face fully. He grabs a blanket with one hand gently pulling it over them both.
She didn't think she could face him at this moment. Not after what she had just done with him and how her response to it all shocked her. "I'm fine," she whispered softly as she moved to turn over, her back to him and snuggling her head into the pillow, her body still now and her lips silent, yet inside her heart and mind were racing wildly.
He blinks softly as he looks at her slowly caressing her face. He nods to her answer as he gently moves closer to her. He presses his body against hers nuzzling her shoulder softly. His eyes slowly slip closed as he begins to drift off his arm still around her gently.
He whispers her name once more as he finally drifts off.
Kiana lay awake a while longer, just staring into the night, listening to the sounds around her. His breath near her ear, the crickets out in the night, people walking by the tent. Her thoughts just a total jumble of what she did not know really. After a life dedicated to peace and virtue... to throw it away so willingly and so swiftly.... did it make her a whore now? Eventually her thoughts calmed enough to let her sleep an hour or so later.
His arm stays around her waist as he snuggles close to her during the night. He sleeps peacefully as if showing his trust in her completely. He sleeps through the night only beginning to stir as he hears the rest of the camp moving around them and a bit of sunlight streaming through the small opening in the tent flap. He raises himself up on his elbow as he looks down at her sleeping face.
She didn't look fully at peace in her slumber, but before he could even think on any kind of reason as to why that might be, a man's voice came from outside the opening of the tent. "Lund. Lund my friend are you up yet?" It was the voice of Grego, the solider that the boy had mentioned last night has having bought the village dressmaker that Lund had wanted to find the night before. As the man spoke again, he held a bit of amusement in his tone, "Did you tire yourself out last night?"

Kiana started to stir from the sound of the other man's voice, eyes opening and when she remembered the night before and where she was now, she shot up and looked about. Realizing she was naked she tugged on the blanket to cover herself.
He smiles gently hearing Gregos voice calling to him. "I was feeling rested till you come around barking outside my tent old man." He laughs as he gets himself out of bed tugging his pants on. His smiles brightens as he sees her sit up and he leans in to plant a kiss on her cheek. "Good morning Kiana." He strokes her cheek before turning to the entrance sticking his head out slowly. "What can I help you with this morning Grego?"
"I think it's more what I can do for you," the battle scared, but still strong looking solder said. He as a big man, but had a pretty soft heart if you could find it under all his muscles. "A lad came by my tent last night saying you had a need for the village dress maker..." he moved a little to the side to reveal a woman by this side. She was a plump little lass in her likely early 30's, but she honestly looked like a good fit for the big man. "What luck you have for I have myself the dressmaker. I'm willing to make some coin to lend you her services." He narrowed his eyes in thought, "It made me wonder however what need a man like you would have for a dress maker..." Grego tired to look past Lund into the tent. He clearly knew that Lund have bought himself a woman just as he had, but was curious to see what kind of woman Lund had gotten and if she suited the solder he still thought of as a lad compared to himself.
He smiles as he keeps himself in the door way of the tent trying to give Kiana some kind of privacy. "Well I do have the need for a few fine dresses to be made. If you would give me but a moment to make myself proper Ill let you in and we can discuss such things over a good breakfast." He turns giving the dressmaker a slight bow before shutting the tent flaps fully but not before Grego is sure to catch the slight sight of Kiana in bed still. "Kiana you need to get dressed. We have guest this morning it seems."
She had overhead the conversation and was a bit confused. Kiana was with Grego on this one. What did he have need for a dressmaker for? He certainly couldn't mean he needed one for her. They have been over this already and she was not going to go accepting his charity. But that was not the time for that right now. Not with another solider so near. She feared fighting with Lund around others, not knowing how others would react to her being so bold. And since it was clear the this man was coming in no matter what, Kiana swiftly got out of the cot with the blanket held around her while she went to get her simple garment, swiftly donning it once again before returning the blanket to the cot again.
He smiles planting a soft kiss on her lips as she dresses. "Just trust me on this Kiana please." He touches her cheek softly before turning and inviting grego inside the tent. "Come on in then Grego and we can discuss this business of mine." He sits down beside Kiana holding her cloak. "I want your dressmaker to make at least three dress for my girl here. ANd one of them I want to be the color of this cloak." He holds up the cloak he bought for her smiling.
Grego could not help but look Kiana up and down, giving her an approving grin. It did not make her uneasy however for the smile was a true one. Sincere. And though the man was big and broad, he had kind eyes that Kiana could not be afraid of. It also helped that the woman at his side did not seem afraid of the big man either. Still Kiana's cheeks were a little flushed over Lund wanting to buy not one but three dresses for her. Hey would need to talk about this later.

Meanwhile Grego looked to the woman, "What say you Tessa? Can you do this job for Lund here and his woman?" It was nice how he did not demand of her but asked instead.

"It would not be much of a problem if I had the proper tools. All my things were in my shop when the attack happened. I have no idea what is still there if anything at all."

"Well then, perhaps will, the four of us, need to go take a look see what we can salvage from the place? But first," he patting his belly, "I believe you mentioned something of breakfast Lund?"
He smiles dipping his hand down to give Kiana's a gentle squeeze noticing the blush on her cheeks. "Of course breakfast. If you two want to wait here Kiana and I will fetch us something." He stands reaching for his shirt slipping it on gently. He keeps his eyes one Kiana smiling still as he buttons his shirt slowly. He reaches his hand out to Kiana's taking it gently. "Lets get ourselves and our guest some breakfast. And we had best be quick before Grego starts eating my tent." He turns throwing the older man a smile.
Grego gave him a hearty laugh, "Don't tempt me lad."

Once they were outside, on there way towards the food tents to collect plates for everyone, Kiana spoke to him in a lowered voice, "Three dresses? I could possibly permit you to buy me one... but three? That's to much money for you to be spending on me. I don't need more then one more and the one I wear now." Even though she spoke of her dress, it had most definitely seen better days.
He laughs softly as he walks with Kiana. "Please Kiana you will need more then two dresses to live in. And consider it a gift from me to you." He leans in and kisses her lips softly as they walk. "Besides I dont consider it an expense that is wasted at all." He smiles as he picks up two plates filling them with food. One plate he fills up with double for Gregor." Gregor will eat all of this and probably still be hungry." He shakes his head as he grabs two cups to drink from staying close to her.
She moved her lips a little to only catch a part of his lips, not fully comfortable showing such an intimate affection publicly. Still she was careful not to drop the plates. "Fine, but I will not accept anything more from you Lund. No more gifts. And this is all if there is even anything still left in Tessa's shop. The place could have been ravished by now."
He smiles softly as she gives in to the dresses. "Your not going to let me shower you in gifts now Kiana? I guess that cuts most of plans in half." He laughs playfully at her as they begin heading back for the tent. "And even if theres nothing left I know a few people I can ask around for to find the tools she needs."
Kiana shook her head a little, "Tools are one thing. Fabric is another." With that comment the entered back into the tent as she brought the two plates to the table. Grego smiled and made himself comfortable at the small table, sniffing the food on the plate placed before him, "I could eat both plates by myself," he stated. Kiana had to give Lund a little smile after he had predicted that reacting in advance. But Grego went on to have both women in the tent blushing, "After all, I worked up quite the hunger after last night." Her smirked at Tessa who bit her lip and blushed, turning her eyes from his. "You hungry lad?" Grego asked of Lund. The man was smart. Trying to feel Lund and Kiana out of information in a coded way, collecting facts. It was always good to know everyone around you.
Lund turns sharing the smile with Kiana at Grego's comment throwing a wink in her direction before sitting down. He pats the cushion of the seat next to him wanting her to join him. "Well if what the boy I sent after you told me is correct you might have to refill your plate at least three more times." He laughs before handing Kiana her plate. "I could definitely eat. And if I dont you might have to watch my nurse spoon feed me." He laughs once more giving Kiana a gentle almost loving nudge. "Shes been keeping me in bed since I was hurt the other night."
"OH!" she said as she gently lifted the side of this shirt to poke a little at the wound, "I almost forgot! It doesn't pain you any does it?" Her fingers worked lightly over his bandages, forgetting for the time that she was showing a bit more care and concern for him then she really should in front of other people, but she had not checked his wound after what they had gone the night before. It could very well be bleeding once again.
He lets out a gasp of surprise as she pokes at the wound slightly. "It still abit sore Kiana but nothing to bad right now." He lifts his arm to give her free access to the wound. She can see it has bleed slightly into the shirt wrapped around his waist as he sucks in a breath. "Its not been bothering me enough to mention it though." He takes a quick drink from his glass turning his head to watch her as she works. A small smile spreads across his face at the concern she is showing.
She let his shirt fall back down over the bandage once again, her eyes meeting his a moment before she turned to the food again, picking lightly at it, "I will change your wrapping later. I should like to go herb hunting in the woods for it later. There are some along the northern side of the village that I can grid into a paste that will help it heal faster and without infection."

"Now I know you..." Tessa said from across the table, speaking as if she had just been enlightened. "You mother was the village healer years ago and you were the healer from the temple."

Kiana nodded lightly, a little embarrassed that more about herself was now known to Lund and it was not by her own choice.

Tessa smiled at Lund, "You are in good hands with her. She has twice the talent her mother did. And since her mother was the best healer of her time, you can guess how good she it now."
He nods softly. "Of course well go hunting for the herbs later then." He lifts her hand kissing the tips of her fingers softly. He turns as Tessa speaks smiling gently at the woman. "Well it will let me sleep better at night knowing my health is in such good hands." He keeps his hold on her hand rubbing the fingers softly. "DId you two grow up together Tessa?" He turns to face the dressmaker fully hoping to learn more about Kiana.
Tess smiled and started spilling information quiet easily. Grego did nothing to stop the woman at his side from spilling her story to Lund. Both because he could tell that Lund wanted to know more as well as that big heart inside already had a soft spot for his own woman like Lund had on for his.

"Well not really. I'm no spring chicken sir. I must be at least 7 years older then Kiana, so while we didn't grow up together we did both grow up here. Her mother saved my life and much of our village during that horrible illness that spread through the land, but..." she trailed off a little, "Not even the best healer could save everyone."

"Even herself and her family," finished Kiana, knowing that Tessa wanted to say it but didn't dare with her there. So she finished the thought for the woman.
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