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A greek mythology roleplay

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Sammael continued in his search for the Deer-woman, before he noticed amulet bearing the symbol of Aries.

"Oh no" he said out loud, realising what the local people had gotten him into. He continued anyway, knowing that his reputation depended on it.
Tina was still making her way to Aries's temple She could not ahaje the feeling of being watched. Her grip on the now tightened.

Aries could feel both his hind and the prence of her followed. He grew more angry by the minte.
The Deer-Woman was finally within Sammael's sight, but he didn't know whether or not to go through with this hunt; he had killed monster's before, but not monster's protected by the God of War. Not monsters this... feminine. He noticed that she carried a bow, which surprised him, as monsters aren't intelligent enough to wield bows. He decided to conduct a simple test; if it fled or attacked, it was a monster, but if it did nothing, it wasn't. He pulled his bowstring back and revealed himself.
"Halt!!" he shouted.
Tina came to a stop and turned to face sammael. She saw his bow and with quick movement turned her now on him saying " you shoot at me i will shoot back. " she did not relise the arriesga she aimmed at him but she was ready if need be.

Aries knew his hind had been aportes and that she was in sangre. He snaped his fingers and a horario appeared then he jumped on it and drawing his sword he took off to retrocedería his hind.
"I'm going to be honest" said Sammael "I was hired to capture and kill you".

Both bows were drawn and facing each other. At any moment could both bows release and kill their wielders enemy.

"My name is Sammael, I'm a monster-hunter, but to me, you don't seem like a monster; You're a servant of Aries. I was hired by the people of a village nearby to kill you, but if you can prove to them you divinity to them, they will call off the hunt."

Sammael took a deep breath and waited for her reply.
"I can't inless Aries wills it and right now i Must get back to his temple " she said with a tone of voice that was clan. She did not loseta her now she kept it aimed at sammael.

Aries felt his hind close now and could hear talking but could not make out what was being said.
"Aries?" said Sammael, lowering his bow.

"Fine, go see Aries, but meet me here as soon as you can so that we can call off the bounty on you."
Tina put her now down and said " dont hold your breath on it Aries might fix it for me its up to him on what i do next". She left and soon ran into the god of war.

Aries looked at her and said " you okay tina"?. He then nodded his head at what she had to say and said "okay me and you meet this sammael guy togather and work this bounty out for i do not trust him".

Aries and tina went to go meet up with sammael.
Sammael was shocked at the appearance of Tina and Aries, he God of War. He had never seen the gods before, only their handiwork and their servants. Without thinking, he bowed.

"Aries" he said. "Forgive me, but we must sort out this mess with the locals."

As he said this, he looked at Aries and Tina. He was awestruck by Aries, but without thinking it, he realised how beautiful Tina was in her own way. Her golden skin was becoming increasingly sexy for him, as were her two horns. He caught himself staring at her chest but stopped himself, fearing that they would notice.
((Sorry to interrupt kiddies but everyone needs to post a profile for this thread in the character profiles section. I pm'ed wildkat about this. If it's not done by Saturday, I'm locking this thread until it's done. Thank you. :) ))
(do not worry making a profile thread and then posting the link to it on here later. here is the link please post your character profiles
Aries looked at Samuel and noted were he looked and he had to smirk for Tina did have a nice chest but she was his servant and a darn good one and sense they was hard to come by he protected like her like she was more to him. Aries said "Alight we shall short this out if they do not back off Tina will kill them all". He then jumped on his horse and said "Tina when your done report back to me". He was then gone to his castle.

Tina looked at Aries and nodded her head then turned to Samueal and said "shall we head out now". She did not seem to show she noticed him staring at his chest but she had but it did not bother her. she knew she would soon be in her human form.
wildkat said:
Tina looked at Aries and nodded her head then turned to Samueal and said "shall we head out now". She did not seem to show she noticed him staring at his chest but she had but it did not bother her. she knew she would soon be in her human form.

"Yes we shall" said Sammael. After they had been walking or a while, Sammael started to speak.

"Listen, just explain that your a servant of Aries, maybe show some magic, and leave, that's all we need to do okay? These villagers are backwards, but they won't go against the gods."

After a moments silence, he decided to make small talk.

"What is it like serving Aries?"

PS Profile posted.
Tina was not much for small talk but she decided why not she turned to him and said "first off i do not do magic for show and tale i heal others that is all the magic i can do so unless you plain on shooting someone for me to heal i will just have to explain things and threaten them". she eyed him some more then added "do not know how to answer that he protects me and i serve him its not bad serving him once you know how to stay on his good side all the time".
wildkat said:
Tina was not much for small talk but she decided why not she turned to him and said "first off i do not do magic for show and tale i heal others that is all the magic i can do so unless you plain on shooting someone for me to heal i will just have to explain things and threaten them". she eyed him some more then added "do not know how to answer that he protects me and i serve him its not bad serving him once you know how to stay on his good side all the time".

"I didn't know Aries had a good side" he thought to himself.

"Maybe they'll already have someone you heal" Sammael said. "Wait, but you can shift your form can't you? Transform into a human being? Never mind."

Sammael and Tina reached the outskirts of the village.

"Okay, how are we going to handle this?"
As soon as the village came into sight she grinned as she took on her human form. She was no longer naked. She then said " lets just go into town and talk to them first".
wildkat said:
As soon as the village came into sight she grinned as she took on her human form. She was no longer naked. She then said " lets just go into town and talk to them first".

As soon as they entered the village, the elder, the man who hired Sammael appeared.

"Sammael" he said. "Were you successful in you hunt?"

"No I was not, and this woman can tell you why."
Tina eyed the told man and said " you be Eusebio to leave the golden hind alone she is protected by Aries". She looked at the village and knew by their wealth they could become a problem.
(sorry my phone does this weird thing were it sometimes changes the words i type here let me retype that)
Tina eyed the old man and said "You better leave the golden hind alone she is protected by Aries". she looked at the village and knew by their wealth they could become a problem for her".
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