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A greek mythology roleplay

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Jul 27, 2010
No need to post a profile just post a pic or describe what he or she looks like in your into post. Starting this with rules no power playing even gods can get hurt and follow blue moons rules for roleplaying.

A beautiful hind was walking throu the forest. She had long light brown hair and two golden horns. Her dark brown eyes watched the forest around her for any sign of danger or Aries's dinner. She also listened for any noise. Her golden skin made her stand out. She was half human half deer and the pelt of the deer half was a light tan color. She can take on a human look to hide her true from which she uses to go into town. She served Aries well. Her human look was long dark brown hair and the same brown eyes. She wore a simple brown skirt with a black top that was sleevless and showed her belly. She had on brown boots as well.

Serena swam beneath the waves of the ocean, temporarily fleeing from the home of her sisters and their mothers the sirens. Surfacing from the inky depths of the sea she looked up to the sky with slight longing, once again cursing the Muses for taking away her mothers, and in return her own, half bird form, forcing her to take that of a human or a human fish. The only thing she found reassuring was the idea that she still had her claws, fangs and eyes of a lioness. She dove beneath the waves again and set to swim towards land, she wanted to stretch her legs for awhile.
Tina Had soon come to the big lake near the forest for a drink of water. She thought she saw something in the water so she backed up. she watched the water closely and with a arrow nuked in her bow in case it turned out to be a sea serpent. She also listened for man as well for they wanted her golden skin her kind was hunted by man and with Aries's help she was able to fight back. She also heard hoves near by and knew by the sound it to be deer if they was coming to the waters as well she not only will get Aries's dinner but she might be able to kill the sea serpent as well. she stayed hidden behind some bushes so she would not be seen.
Serena pulled herself from the sea with a shudder. As her tail left the water, it morphed into legs. Getting to her feet, she looked around the small island before she reached over her head to stretch. Her body bare for all to see, she didn't care, she was accustomed to nudity and didnt see why human covered their bodies so much.
Tina watched Serena and knew she was no threat but still she watched her. She saw the herd of deer come to the water for a drink. Tina had to admit the woman was pretty. she aimed her arrow and shot a deer by the woman to see what she would do. She wanted to tell the woman she was going to defend herself if need be.
Serena's head shot to the side as she caught the hiss of something sliding through the air. Blinking she watched as the arrow stuck up and out of the deer that had been fairly close to her. "Huh." She mumbled before her eyes turned to try to find the source of the arrow. The siren daughters eyes narrowed as she saw another women. How...pretty... The raven haired girl stayed where she was as she watched the other.
Seeing the girl did not run but stood there watching she knew she was spotted. She walked out of the bushes near by and said in a sweet voice but it was not in friendly manner "what are you doing here in Aries's temple grounds"? she then raised her bow again hoping she would not have to shoot the girl for she was cute and pretty. She was still in her hind form seeing how much of a threat this girl was.
Serenas eyes narrowed further, she did not like it when weapons were pointed at her. "I am stretching my legs." She responded as she casually stepped to the side to see if the girl would follow her with the weapon. "What are you doing Aries's temple grounds?" She asked even though she knew the girl probably lived there, but she wanted to see how the horned girl would react to the challenge. her head tilted to the side and her long dark hair fell over her shoulders.
Tina looked at the girl then said "I work for him". she then put down her bow and said "i see you as no threat but be warned if Aires's commands it i will have to kill you ". she then walked over to the dead deer and picked it up and looked at the girl one more time before she left her and headed to the temple of Aries.
(going to play the god of war as well )
Serena blinked as she watched the other girl leave with the dead animal. "if I perceive you as a threat I'd have to kill you to my dear." she murmured tot he wind as she looked around and picked a random direction to walk of in even as she wanted nothing to do but to follow the other girl out of sheer curiosity if nothing else. She wondered how long she could stay away without someone coming to look for her, she crinkled her nose. She'd rather not go back to the crowded cove. Espically while her cave was full of rotting men. She needed to get it cleaned out, usually the crabs did it for her but they seemed to not want to this time around.
Aries waited in his temple for tina. He also waited on reports from war generl on the progress of the war.

Tina got to the temple carring the deer on her back. She gave the deer to the cooks and went to see Aries.

Aramis walked the grounds, the young god looked over the grounds, he saw that things were in peace, it was far different thenthe last time he had visited this mortal world. His eyes scanned the area around himself. His dark eyes focused looking over the land, and the trees present in the area. Interesting, a decision to come to the mortal realm would be most interesting. The dark haired immortal was in a very mortal form, he would see the state of the world before his return to the immortal world. He figured, it would be interesting to see where the mortals had changed since his last trip, many many years before.
"Ah Tina I trust the hunt went well any humans give you trouble "aries asked tina.

Tina smiled and said "the hunt went well meet a woman in the forest nothing I can't handle ".

Aries smiled and walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek and said "good I have tought you well go and check on my war genarel and make sure he is doing his job if not kill him he can be replaced and make sure the near by town is warshiping me if they are not kill a couple of them and hang them up for all to see ".

Tina did not react to his touch. She changed into her human form and said "as you wish aries ". And left to go find the war genarel with aries laughter in the background.
Aramis looked around a bit more, he wasn't sure where he was at the moment, though, he knew he had to find a town or city. He had to evaluate the people of this land, then he would have to visit with them. He figured that he should find a village or town, if he headed though the forest. Being in mortal form was different, but he figured he would adapt to it in time. He knew that it would be good to stretch his legs, and maybe he would find a surprise in the forest to make it worth his time, to take the route in his trip.
Tina left Aries's temple and went into the forest and headed to the camp the war general was said to be at. While she was on her travels she thought she heard someone walking in the forest. Well she was in her human form therefore she could climb trees. she climbed up a near by tree and watched the route this general was not to get his way with her if he was trying to take her from behind it wont work now.
Aramis walked the path,, as he did he noticed a woman sitting in a tree, he blinked as he looked up at her. It seemed rather odd to him, that she would be doing such at thing. He blinked as he looked at her, and then shook his head, as he figured he might as well talk to the dark haired woman up there. He was curious as to why a woman would be out in the middle of nowhere like this. "Hey up there", he called out from the base of the tree as she stood against it, looking up, smiling.
Tina looked down at him and said "what are you doing here in the forest of Aries "? she had one hand on her bow as she looked at the boy his smile did nothing for her for she was not interested in friendship or finding someone to love . She just wanted to work for Aries for he had saved her life so she owed him her service till he freed her. She would deal with this man then get back to doing what Aires wanted of her.
Serena was still walking around aimlessly but seemed to hear a familiar voice so changed her direction to follow it. She had about an hour left before she had to get back to the sea she had decided. She walked 'till she saw a man and a familiar, yet unfamiliar women. She blinked before she leaned against the tree nearest her to watch the interaction.
Aramis looked up at the young woman and blinked for a moment, she wasn't really what she appeared, he thought to himself, picking up on a certain vibe from her. He shrugged his shoulders, "I am only here exploring and looking for the way to the next city," he said with a smile, Aries huh, that long winded idiot, was having his minions do so much, then again, did all the greek gods do such. He had to deal with them a lot sharing the heavens with them. "If you could point me to the nearest city I can be on my way," Aramis commented, he noticed another presence nearby, but wasn't sure about it either yet, or who it was yet."
"Alright but I'm only doing this to help Aries he might not want you around and i do not want to waste my arrows". she jumped down from the tree and walked over to him and said "follow me please". she then looked behind and said "any one else that wants to come along might as well i heard anther coming this way anyway". she then walked on head and stopped short when she saw whom it was up in the distance and said "you are the war general that is suppose to be working for Aries". The man yelled back "Yea well he wont let me have what i want and that is you you golden hind and till i get what i want i wont work for him". "Alright suit yourself" Tina said and put a arrow in her bow and with one swift movement the man was killed. she then looked back at Aramis and said "come along we do not have much time". She then headed towards the town that was near by.
Aramis followed the young female along, he shook his head as he had a good idea of the situation that the young woman was in. He was confirmed to this thought as he saw the death of the general, the poor fool of a man. Aries, was always a person who needed things his way, or the highway as it were. He figured that this woman was an true believer or at least a enforcer of his. He walked behind as he still felt the same presence somewhere around. He was curious as to who the other was. Yet, in time he hoped to figure it out perhaps.
Tina soon came to town and turned to the boy and said "here we are ". She turned to her hind form and walked into town. She called for the mayor of the town and told him what Aries to her. The man shook head to toe and promised her they would do as she asked.
Tina left the town and headed back to the forest. Once she was back into the forest she changed to her golden hind form and headed back to Aries.

Aries had known she did her job well for he had been watching her and said to himself "I Love what i do and I love that servant of mine doing my bidding".
wildkat said:
Tina left the town and headed back to the forest. Once she was back into the forest she changed to her golden hind form and headed back to Aries.

Sammael- tall, black-haired and musclebound monster-slayer

Sammael had been given a hefty deposit, to be followed with an even greater reward, to track and capture a Deer-woman that had been spotted in the woods. He knew not how he could capture her, knowing that she could change her form. Despite this, he set off into the woods.

(Since sweetling doesn't seem to be playing anymore, I just edited this post).
[oh okay that works for and i know ]
Tina heard someone in the woods where she was at and knew not if they was friendly. She had to get back to Aries he would like a report. She took the same route to Aries as she always did and kept a look out for the person in the woods bow in her hand ready to fire.

Aries sensed thou his servant that something was wrong and that a person was in the woods and he knew cause he was a god that the person was hunting his servant. "no one hurts my servant and better not be my half brother ether i shall go find this person and deal with them myself if they hurt her". Aries left his castle and headed out to find his golden hind.
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