Demon Weaopns Other Use (closed can be deleted)

RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

Soul knew that sound all to well. Rain returned with bags of food. Handing one to each of them before looking at Luca.
She frowned holding out two bags for him "I wasn't sure what you liked so I just got you a little of everything." she rubbed
the back of her head looking away while black*star said "Dude I think your meister has a crush on you." Soul smacked him saying
"Never mind them, it aint your concern." soul merely hoped things would work out for luca and rain. Rain said a bit faking a smile
"So have you made friends with them yet Luca?"
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

After being shoved into a cell for a few years with little food if any he would eat just about anything
so he takes both bags and begins too eat them then says " any thing tastes good when you in a prison
cell for a long time and soul is alright and black star is lucky I have not killed him yet for being a idoit"
finished the food then threw the bags behind him in the trash can.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

Soul, Black*Star and Tsubaki were a bit shocked at hearing he had been in jail.
Maka looked at him a bit interested "May I ask why you were in, Luca?" Rain remained
silent not caring about his past but felt if he wanted to talk he would but if he wanted
to stay quiet he would say not her.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

"Why was I locked up that's kind of a dum question sense most people are lock up for eat human souls mines just more complex"
He said as layed his head in Rains lap trying to get use to her as his tail rubs her leg as he was talking " I was owned by a how
do I put this A demon god and boy she a hottie but she is dead now nothing I can do about it and here I am now after a thousand
year sentience
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

Rain stroked his hair as he laid in her lap. Black*Star felt bad
"Man that's worse then me being the last of the star clan." he
looked at Rain "Hey Rain how come you don't seem effected by this?"
Rain smiled as she let her eyes lock onto Luca's "Simple." She smiled
down at him "Someone's past doesn't matter when one is crushing or in love."
Everyone's jaw dropped at hearing her admit to liking him, Maka taking Soul's hand.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

when she said that she liked him just to tease her he layed on his tail were no one could see it then used
the fluffy end and slide it up under her skirt inside of her panties rubbing her small soft cunt with the tip
of his tail as he just layed back letting rain stroke his hair with a grin on his face sense he gut was full
as his tail slid in deeper as it wiggled inside of her.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

Feeling his tail she shivered saying nothing as there was a slight breeze she blamed it on the wind.
Leaning down she whispered in his ear "Luca, as much as it feels good now is not the time or place."
She smiled kissing his cheek before adding "Maybe in private." in truth she was ok with him teasing her
but thought if he wanted to do anything more they should leave.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

He sits up and gives he a look that said out fine I will stop then said after rubbing his head
" Rain dont we need to get some sleep soon were we can do are job at night" dragging her out
side then once they were out of range for the the others to hear he said to her " If you wanted
it so bad from me why did you not just ask " as he quickly pulls his tail out of her
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

Rain looked at him blushing "That's ...." she sighed and
said "Luca, I never asked because I knew you don't get close
to anyone. I felt it would be wrong to ask." she walked to their
place and once home she sighed again sitting on their couch
"If I had known you would have given it I would have asked."
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

Luca sits next to her and lays back and says to her " what do you mean feel wrong you want sex have sex
its all the same even if you do it in a bathroom or a fancy hotel its still only sex so you don't need to close
to anyone to have it and the doctor say I need to more sexually active were I am healthier " he had said
as he started to slip off her pants looking at her panties " I didn't know you liked those kind of things" he
said to her as her began to rub her cunt.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

Rain blushed as she sat in a thong "Its just underware." she looked away blushing.
SHe was getting nervous and said "Luca, would you do it to me?" she did want him
but wasn't sure exactly how to ask her weapon partner for something like that. She
also felt a bit unsure since she figured any possible love would only be one sided so she
never said that she wanted him for more then sex.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

As he rubs her cunt he says to her " I am a little devil I don`t think a permanent relationship would work
and plus I live a lot longer then you do a hundred years is like a hour to me he said as he remove her shirt
soon he had his pants down then grabbed her head sliding his big hard cock into her mouth bobbing her head
on his cock as his tail was between her legs rubbing her.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

"Well you never know if you don't try." she said softly
before gladly sucking on him. She moaned from pleasure
while spreading her lips for him loving how his tail felt as
it fucked her. She loved the feeling and wanted him to take
her right there and not even care if someone walked in on them.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

sense he was so much shorter then her he had grabbed her by the hair then bent her over to his level as
he slammed his cock into her mouth soon he had cam a large thick sticky load into her mouth then before
she could do any thing he bends her over and slide his cock into her small cunt as his tail slides up her ass
with both thrusting deep in side of her holes
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

she swallowed when he came in her mouth.
But when he moved to fuck her and she felt
his tail fucking her ass rain let out pleasured
moans. she looked at him and said "Luca, more
it feels so good I want more." she was loving both
the fucking and him.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

He spread her legs farther apart were he could thrust deeper into her with his cock and tail
soon he cums inside of her and falls over tired out with his face falling flat into her breasts
he had did so much yet he was so small he was fast asleep in her breasts with his hard cock
continuing to cum even after he passed out.

(sorry late have had things to do)
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

(its ok)

Rain smiled holding him and just let him stay
where he was whispering "Night Luca." she gently
kissed him before passing out her self "Love is here
when you want it." with that she was out holding him
with a warm smile on her face.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

He had awakened pulling his face out of her breasts then tried standing up tying to remember
were he was but as he stood up he tripped feeling his face crash into her large soft breasts
then looked up at rain then said to him self as she slept "so that's were I feel asleep and I
fucked her I guess that's good " he said then layed back down using her breasts as a pillow.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

Rain woke looking at him "You ok Luca?"
she figured he might be nervous or something
over what happened but just smiled at him
saying warmly "Last night was great. Thank you."
She kissed his lips before going back to sleep.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

He stood up and walked to her bathroom that was fill with her girly thing once he stood in the
tub then yell for her as he jumped for the show nob " hay woman can you help me I cant start
the shower" he said as he jumped up and down trying to grab the nob in the shower with no luck
starting to get mad.
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

She walked over and smiled at him getting the shower before saying "If you need anything just call."
Rain then moved back to her bed and layed down as she let her eyes close replaying the event from
last night over in her head and smiled saying softly to herself "He is the best weapon partner ever."
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

He had taken a shower for a hour or so before he got out so the room was steamy and left as a puff ball when he had gotten out of the
shower dry and as soft as a new born kitten then said to her when he had dressed him self "I am done so you should turn that off now"
he said trying to flatten his fluffy hair as he he made his way into her kitchen to get some food to fill his gut
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

Rain smiled and took a quick shower before turning the water off.
She then made ehr way to the kitchen wrapped in just a towel that
barely covered her. Opening the fridge she bent over and took out the
bottle of vodka and 2liter pop making a drink "Want any Luca?"
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

He looked at her then looked at the bottle thinking that it sounded great right now then looked at her again and then said to her
"wow were in the world did you get that I know for a fact that your not old enough to buy that were in the world did you get it
also yes I would like to have some with no soba" as he walked over to and started to rub her ass with his tail waiting for her to
give him a glass
RE: Demon Weaopns Other Use

Rain smiled giving him a glass "You can thank maka's old man.
I got drunk with him one night and he let me have the bottle we did not open,
said he enjoyed drinking and talking to me." she moaned softly at her ass being
rubbed and said "Last night's fuck was amazing Luca."
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