For the Light (Zal x Himeko)


Jan 14, 2009
Another quiet day in Bloodmyst Isle. Too quiet. Vhuuty wasn't too fond of it herself. As a Paladin, she offered her shield for the Light in order to protect her people and their kingdom. Even though her kingdom was in fact, still a crashed spaceship after all these years. Regardless, it was enough to allow her to have a sense of duty while patrolling the nearby isle. It wasn't uncommon to spot the occasional Horde spy, especially Blood Elves. It seemed that even after they had chased them to this world, they were set on trying to undermine the Draenei people.

That wasn't something that Vhuuty was particularly fond of herself.

The Draenei sighed while walking down her patrol path, letting an armored hand move to take a wisp of her navy hair and push it behind her pointed ear. Vhuuty wasn't fond of heavy armor. She was much more suited towards thinner, more flexible plate that made it easier to gain an advantage on her opponents. Of course, the armor was in traditional Draenic colors of purple lined with a wispy silver, and tailored specifically to fit her own toned, yet curvy body type alone. With her shield wrung around her back, and her sword at her side, she was free to sway her arms as she walked with a bit of a swagger. No one was around to look after all, not that she ever thought anyone would mind.

Despite being a Paladin of the Light, Vhuuty did have her previous life before she discovered the Light. The over exposure to arcane magic had a toll on her people, and she was lucky enough to be only slightly... physically mutated. However, mentally she often found herself having to control herself quite a bit while in the company of others, which had often proved difficult on this new world, with so many races like those Night Elves and Humans who were quick to tease. She was often left very frustrated, and remained in that state for extended periods of time. Even just thinking about it now had left her aching with a slight need. She sighed and bit softly into her blue lips with her fanged pair of teeth, trying to focus herself while she continued her patrol.
It had been years since the fall of her people. Sesshi was once a High Elf before everything had been stripped from her during the third war. Her and her people had became what is known as Blood Elves, the name Kael'thas Sunstrider gave them in memory of their fallen brothers and sisters who gave their lives to protect their home. Sighing to herself she kept herself hidden from anyone's view. She was sent out here to spy on one of the Horde's enemies, the Draenei. Garrosh had given the order and therefore she had to obey, despite the fact that she hated him more than anything, even more than her enemies the Alliance. To her he wasn't fit to be warchief, but what could she do about it? Her ears twitched as she heard some noise in the distant and remained silent. Could I have gotten lucky? Is today a good day for me? She thought as she watched and waited in the bushes for whoever to come within view.

She had been out there for weeks and had finally ran out of food a few days ago. She was starving and was lacking sleep, but she wasn't allowed to sleep on the job. She was a Paladin and was proud of her rank, she however, had earned the rank of 'Blood knight' for all her hard work and many long years of training in the ways of the light. She could see someone approaching where she hid and noticed it as a female Draenei. Well hot damn! It is my lucky day after all! Finally one of those space goats came out here by themselves! She thought cheerfully as she readied herself for the attack. Her and her people called the Draenei space goats for a simple reason, they looked like them. Drawing her sword and shield she jumped out of where she had been hiding and attempted to do a stun-surprise attack. "You're mine now Alliance dog!" She yelled in her Blood Elven language as she ran towards the Draenei.
The sound of the leaves on the ground crunching, before the the tree branches shook violently. Vhuuty turned around suddenly and was greeted by the sight of a Blood Elf ambushing her from behind. She yelled a warcry in her native language before running towards the Draenei. She paused for the briefest moment. Her armor and weapons were definitely those of a Blood Knight, she recognized them from having crossed blades with the Paladins before. More importantly however, why was a Paladin of all Elves ambushing her? She was much more used to catching a rogue or one of those rangers... A Paladin seemed like an odd choice. Perhaps the Blood Elves had found themselves without any men or women to do the job.

Vhuuty shrugged the thought off quickly before reaching her for shield. As the Blood Elf readied herself for an attack, Vhuuty raised her shield with her left hand, reaching down at her hip for her sword. The Blood Elf's movements seemed a bit jerkish as she ran towards him. She had enough time to get a glimpse of the Paladins features and form. Her face was much fuller than the usual frail and scrawny Blood Elves she had caught before, and that just slightest bit of skin exposed between her leggings and girdle... Even though it was truly nothing, it was just enough to make the Draenei's mind wander, and her body stir as well...
Sesshi was the only one Garrosh could send out here, after all he had several of her kind out to other places and she was all that was available for this. "You will die like the rest of your miserable mutated kind!" She yelled out this time in common, so that the woman would understand her. She spoke all the languages, after all she had once been a High Elf who had once served the Alliance. Her sword was against the shield of the Draenei's as she raised her own shield to block the incoming attack from the side. "Garrosh will have fun interrogating you! As much as I hate working for the bastard I still have to serve my faction! Why you got into the Alliance when WE had once worked alongside them when we were High Elves were forsaken! I will never understand it!" She snarled as she pushed the woman back and began chanting a few words, hoping she'd be able to make the woman unable to move.

After she finished her ears twitched as she knew it hadn't worked. "Fuck... What is up with this chick?" She asked herself in her own language as she held her shield to block the incoming attack. Pushing the woman back she jumped up into a tree and put her shield on her back and sheathed her sword as she drew her bow. "Before I became a Paladin I was a proud ranger! I honestly didn't expect to run into another Paladin. But... You leave me no choice but to use my ranger abilities, which I still can use." She sighed as she pulled back her arrow and readied to fire.
Vhuutys eyes flickered for a moment as she looked down with a glare. As a proud Draenei, she wasn't particularly fond of being called a miserable mutant. With a snarl she bared her demonic fangs before stepping pushing the Elf forward with her shield, before slashing her sword across her side. The Elf was lucky enough to block with her own shield before she could deliver the blow. The Elf seemed to have a lot of emotions behind her words, which were filled with not only malice and hatred, but sorrow and jealousy. While the Draenei wasn't too caught up on her Azerothian history, she was at least able to recall that the Blood Elves were once allies with the Alliance as well. From her tone alone, she couldn't help but pity and feel for the Elf slightly.

After some more gibberish in her own language and pushing Vhuuty away she retreated towards and up into a tree. She was definitely caught off guard by this. For a Paladin, she was surprisingly nimble for someone wearing plate mail. Suddenly she pulled out a bow, and the Draenei blinked for a moment. What could a Paladin possibly do with that? She never knew a Paladin herself who was capable of using any kind of ranged weapon successfully. Yet as soon as the Elf explained herself, Vhuuty let out a short "Oh." before raising her shield again in preparation for the arrow, all the while stepping forward towards the tree, and the Elf as well.
She had hatred for the Draenei, she envied them so much for being allowed into the Alliance when she and her people were forsaken and casted out. She was fast with her plate armor, after all she had trained herself to be swift even in the heaviest of armor. "You disgust me! I who was of pure blood and fought for the Alliance's freedom was forsaken after the third war. I will NOT forgive the likes of you or anyone from the Alliance! Not ever!" She snarled as she pulled the arrow back further. The tip of the arrow had a slight blue glow to it, a special invention she had made, frost arrows. As she let the arrow fly it hit the womans shield and froze her in place. "Well at least that worked." She said as she jumped out of the tree and smirked to herself. "Oh don't worry... I've only frozen you temporarily. You'll thaw out eventually... But for now you must stay like this for when I take you back to Orgrimmar with me." She replied as she put her bow away and reached into her bag for a rope.

"Now where did I put that..." She asked herself as she walked over to another tree and pulled out her sword. "I'll leave my mark, something that I have to do when I capture a dog of the Alliance." She said as she drew her sword and marked the tree with her blood knight symbol. "There, that should do it." She said as she stepped back to examine her work, yet leaving her back fully exposed. She didn't think the ice would melt anytime soon so she was safe for now, or so she thought. She kneeled down by the tree as she started tying the rope she found in her bag so she could bind the woman up.
It seemed Vhuutys intuition that this Blood Elf carried a lot of emotional baggage was in fact correct. She frowned and sighed as she continued pressing forward, now at a quick jogging pace towards the Paladin. She was almost within range before the Elf readied an arrow and released it. There was an odd blue blur to the arrow but she didn't think much of it. She moved to quickly knock the arrow away, but the moment it made contact with her shield the arrow stuff, before ice seemed to practically explode and grow on her shield and then expand across her whole body, the ice froze her in her steps and let her immobile except for her bust profile. She growled and wiggled her neck, trying to get free but to seemingly no avail.

The Elf hopped out of the tree and seemed quite content with her handiwork. Vhuuty growled again and flexed her arms slightly, the ice thawing quickly, and cracking slightly. Even ice wasn't enough to truly keep the Draenei rooted for more than a moment. She kept her lips tight on the matter though, watching as the Blood Elf turned around and began to carve her mark into a tree. A rather silly exercise, she thought, since it seemed to her that it would be smarter to leave without a trace. Well, it certainly would be to her advantage, as the ice was soon thin enough that she could crack out. As soon as the Elf was distracted and leaning down to fetch something, she growled once more and shattered the ice surrounding her, raising her shield once more to quickly strike at the Elfs head to knock her out in a single motion.
Sesshi was well known for her skilled arrows. Though she had never tested them out on Draenei before so she didn't know that it would thaw faster than normal. Normally the ice lasted for hours, but apparently not on Draenei. She looked better with the ice covering her non the less, couldn't really tell the difference since her body almost matched the color of the ice. "Try as you might you're stuck in there till I deliver you to Garrosh." She spat as she left her mark on the tree. Yes normally one who kidnapped someone wouldn't leave traces, but that was what rogues were for. She left her mark to drive fear into her enemies hearts, or at least she hoped that was the effect it would have. As she was tying the rope her ears twitched when she heard the strange cracking noise. "The hell?" She said as she finished the knot and then heard a growl and as soon as she turned to see what it was she saw the woman and then the shield made contact with her head.

She looked up at the woman with confusion in her fel green eyes as they then closed and she fell over onto the ground. The tables had turned on her and she didn't understand as to how or why the ice had broken so quickly. As she laid there unconscious she was left there completely vulnerable. This wasn't how it was supposed to be... Her mind said as her breathing was starting to become stable now.
Her shield made a satisfying thunk noise to signify that proper contact was made for her shield bash. Vhuuty purposely did not put too much strength into the hit, to ensure that she didn't accidentally kill the girl. For one thing, the Alliance wouldn't appreciate murdering a prime interrogation subject. Second, Vhuuty wanted to hear more of this Elfs story and the reason she was so filled with hatred for her race.

The Elf stumbled for a moment before she collapsed, unconscious. Vhuuty sighed, taking a relaxing breath before sheathing her sword and slinging her shield back over her shoulders. The Elf was now completely vulnerable for her to take back to her post. It was a small little outpost, just to herself. She would have a little time with the Elf herself first before handing her over to the main branch located in the Exodar. She lifted the Elf with relative ease and slung her form over her shoulder. Her frame was warm, even through the cold metal armor she wore. Vhuuty bit her lip and growled, feeling her body start to ache even more now as she hurried to her outpost. She would be able to get the Elf into the single cell in her post, and keep her restrained before she woke up. Then she would need to... satisfy her own needs first.
Sesshi didn't even notice her body was being moved for she was out cold. Her breathing was even and calm as the Draenei carried her off. She dreamed of the old times, before the third war had broken out and how she had lost everything. She had lived a peaceful life till then, she had helped the Alliance out during the first war as well as the second. She had been a proud ranger general for her class during that time and everything had been going well for her. But when the third war broke out everything was stripped from her. She chose the path of the light so she could help heal the wounded, something she hadn't been able to do before when she was a ranger.

It had been awhile and they had finally arrived there she had started to slowly wake up. Her head hurt horribly and she had almost forgotten what had happened. "Ugh... What the hell hit me..." She grumbled as she rubbed her head and slowly opened her eyes. Her eyes landed on the Draenei and then everything came back to her. "How in the hell did you get out of the ice?! No one has ever gotten free of my ice arrow!" She snarled as she reached for her sword and noticed it was missing, same with her bow, arrows, and shield. "Where the fuck are my weapons?! Give them back now Alliance dog!" She growled as she glared at the woman, clearly pissed now.
When they arrived at the outpost, Vhuuty stripped the Paladin of her weapons and belongings before removing her armor as well, leaving her only in her clothing underneath. The process was slow and tantalizing, and just as arousing as she expected it to be. No longer adorned with plate armor, her natural frame was free for Vhuuty to see, and it excited her in ways she would have never expected a Blood Elf to. Even so, the Draenei did her best to keep herself in check. She wanted to have the Elf awake when she had her fun.

After stripping the Elf, she set her in the tiny cell located inside of the outpost. Stone walls, and a bed were all that were available to prisoners, along with a few rings for restraining any prisoners. Vhuuty took this opportunity to chain the Elf up to the wall, by placing a metal clasp around her neck that would chain her to the wall. Her arms and legs were free, but she could never step beyond the cell itself.

As she stirred, Vhuuty felt herself grow with excitement. Of course the Elf was still quite feisty, and she couldn't help but chuckle a bit as the Elf spat swears and insults to her, before she spoke in her Draenic accent, "I am quite strong for even a Draenei, ice is nothing to me. And besides, we Draenei are very, very... warm..." There was a slight purr to her words as her eyes lingered on the Elf again before she continued, "As for you weapons, as you are my prisoner, do you think that I would be so foolish to leave you your weapons? It would be the first thing I do, which is something that you did forget earlier, yes." Vhuuty nodded to herself before stepping into the cell, walking cover until she was standing right in front of her at eye level. Her eyes and expression were still composed, but her body was going wild with lust and desire.
While she had been unconscious she had been stripped of her weapons and even her armor. Her armor had been made just for her when she had became a Blood Knight, it was a special armor that was just for her. Her bow was hand crafted by her great grandfather and her sword and shield was passed down to her by her parents. Her ears twitched as she woke up and rubbed her eyes. She didn't notice that there was a shackle around her neck with a chain on it till she got up and felt the weight from it. "The hell is this?! A chain?!" She snarled as she walked over to the edge of the cell. "I'll remember that for next time. To make better arrows that'll freeze even fire itself! Which I can do just that! I WILL get out of here! You forget what I am!" She snapped as she glared and spat at the Draenei in Draenic.

"You were frozen, I couldn't remove your weapons when you're encased in ice, I woulda had to thaw you out myself." She spat as she turned her back to the Draenei and walked over to the wall where the chain was. She smirked slightly and grabbed the chain and held it in her hands as she closed her eyes and started chanting. The chains would weaken enough for her to break them, should she get interrupted then it would fail. She of course didn't think the Draenei would catch onto what she was doing, but she hoped she'd be able to weaken the chains so she could attack the woman, get her shit, and flee.
The Elf seemed to be in a constant sour mood. Of course, Vhuuty could certainly see why since she was stripped and now chained to a wall. Regardless, the girl was being rather quite rude, and she thought that such behavior wasn't to be expected from any prisoners. She sighed and shook her head. It seemed that this girl just did not understand that capturing someone was a good bit of hard work, and that she herself had messed up as well. Hopefully the Draenei would be able to prove this point later on more convincingly in one way or another.

Her eyes watched as the Elf turned around and walked towards the wall and faced the chain that was holding her in the cell. She raised an eyebrow before stepping towards her. Of course, Vhuuty had planned to only see what the Paladin was up to; to see if she was tinkering with the chain to try and get free. Certainly she couldn't allow something like that. Yet the closer she got, the more her eyes fell and focused on her rear backside instead of the chain. The small of her back, the curves of her hips, and that cute, tight little butt, it all enticed and called to the Draenei in near mesmerizing ways. The closer she stepped, the more her mouth drooled with desire and need. By the time that she was right behind the Elf she had completely forgotten about the chain or why she originally had stepped towards the elf, all she remembered was the Elf and her growing sexual desire for her.

Her right arm quickly curled around her waist, pulling her Elven body to her own armored form. Despite her arousal, her girdle did a good job of hiding her throbbing erectio; even though the hard armor made it near painful to have one, and made her all the more frustrated in this situation. She purred in approval when that taut rear was pressed against the spot. Even just having her ass be so closer to her member was quite satisfying, although absolutely not enough for the Draenei. Her left hand slipped under her arm before snaking between her clothed breasts and making her way towards her neck. Once there her hand sensually ran up and across her jawline, neck bone, and shoulders, as she groped and examined the Elfs fine, strong bone structure. The stroking and the soft skin of the Elf caused her to have a shiver of pleasure run of her spine, making Vhuuty softly bit her lip in approval. She sighed with content before smiling slightly and whispering ever so softly into the Elfs ear, "Don't you think that you are protesting too much... Yes? We should be quiet, we should be good. You are, after all, MY prisoner~" She put special emphasis on the prisoner part, particularly enjoying the idea that the Elf was now her property to do with as she pleased. Her lips lowered towards her cheek, as her neck slowly curled so that she could place a soft, sensual kiss on her cheek before she began to slowly lick at the spot with her warm tongue.
This was the first mission she had ever fucked up on, so of course she was pissed. She had never failed a mission such as simple as this before and it irritated the hell out of her. But how was she to know that Draenei had hot bodies that could melt her prized ice arrows? Well now that I've gotten myself into this mess I need to get out of it and fast... Who knows that that space goat will do to me. She thought as she concentrated on her chanting. The chain would weaken just enough for her to break it and then flee, after all it was much easier to flee for her without her armor. She could move silently and swiftly in her armor, but it did weigh her down and minimize what she could do. She was so wrapped up in getting the chain weakened that she didn't even notice the Draenei was getting closer to her. Almost there... She thought as she could feel the chain weakening in her hands just as she felt the chain start to weaken she felt something very warm, yet hard wrap itself around her body.

She tried to ignore it but then felt something poke at her rear and then she felt a hand begin to grope one of her breasts. Snapping out of her concentration she then noticed that the woman was having her way with her body. "The hell is this?! Is this how you Alliance dogs treat your prisoners?! You rape them?!" She snarled as she tugged on the chain and felt it snap off the wall, however the woman had her and wasn't letting go for anything. She could feel her body starting to grow slightly warmer than normal, but thought it was due to the womans body heat. She had never had sex before, knew what it was, but never was interested in it before. But to think she might end up losing her virginity like this, and specially to a space goat, disgusted her to no end.

She could feel the woman exploring her body more and spoke in her ear, which made her ears twitch. Any elf's ear was sensitive and their major weak spot. If this woman just stayed away from her ears she'd be able to keep fighting and keep trying to find a way free. Just stay the fuck away from my ears and I'll be able to break free and get the hell out of here! Her mind snarled as she began squirming to break free. She could feel the Draenei's lips against her cheek and then felt her kiss her before licking the same spot with her tongue. "Get the hell off of me! You will NOT have my body! No one has ever had my body and no one ever will!" She snapped as she continued to squirm and try to break free.
Of course, Vhuuty didn't expect the Elf to just moan and cooperate without any resistance at all. Thankfully she had little to no trouble keeping the Elf in her grasps. After all, a strong Blood Elf was only relative, and couldn't compare to a strong Draenei. In fact, the more the Elf struggled the more that it excited the Paladin. This was the first time she was truly acting on her sexual drive, and it was a strong high that she refused to get off of. She heard the sound of the chain snapping off of the wall. She wasn't surprised by this, since the Elf was clearly up to something when she approached the chain. How she broke it didn't matter to Vhuuty, as she growled once more before letting her left hand glide towards her right breast, her slightly sharpened nails just gently grazing her skin, teasing her nipple through her clothes.

With a soft purr of approval she chuckled when the Elf claimed that she was going to rape her. She shook her head before leaning in close to her ear once more, calling out in that same husky seductive voice, "I would certainly hope it would not be rape. After all, it would be good for you to enjoy it as well, I am thinking..." Those long ears seemed to almost twitch with urgency. The Draenei had always found the long ears fascinating, and couldn't help but tilt her head towards the tip of the Elfs pointy ear before bringing her lips closer, and suckling the tip in gently. Her cheeks pressed in as she suckled on the ear, her tongue gently swirling against the point.

All the while her right hand held her body even closer, curling her arm into the Elfs waist until she was hugged even closer to her waist. Her member was throbbing with anticipation now, and even her girdle couldn't hide the soft throbs she had against the Elfs body. She finally let her ear out of her lips with a slight lewd pop before she grinned and leaned down once more, "I am thinking you do call up dogs a bit too much now. After all, you are the dog right now, just my little puppy to play with... My little puppy to have." With a soft playful growl she leaned up once more to take that same ear tip and gently bite into it, just enough to tease and excite the Elf.
Try as she might Sesshi just couldn't squirm herself free, instead she could feel whatever it was poking her rear twitch slightly. She didn't know what it was nor did she care at this point. She just wanted to be free. The chain had broken easily but she couldn't shake the woman off of her. "Get off of me now!" She snarled and then heard the Draenei growl and then her hand moved over to her right breast, she could feel the nails grazing against her skin as she began teasing her nipple. Her face was red right now as she tried to escape but finding it impossible. Her ears twitched again when the Draenei spoke in her ear again, but she could hear the seductive tone very well. "What you're doing is considered..." She was cut off when the woman pulled the tip of Sesshi's ear into her mouth and started suckling on it.

Her body went still as her eyes closed and a slight moan escaped her throat. "S-Stop... Leave... Leave my... Nnnn... Ears... Alone..." She panted as another moan escaped her throat. She had hoped that the woman wouldn't touch her ears and put her in this position, but to her dismay, she had. Her only weakness was her ears, it was the only major weakness to all elves after all. The woman held her closer and she could feel something throbbing against her rear, she still didn't know what it was but right now she didn't care. Her body was starting to grow hot now the more the woman toyed with her ear, which was causing her to get slightly aroused.

She felt the woman let go of her ear as it made a slight pop sound, leaving her panting as she spoke once again. In many ways, she was a dog of the Horde, after all they rode wolf mounts. But this was different, much different. She was about to protest again when she felt her ear being pulled into the womans mouth again and she felt her body start to weaken and slightly go limp. Another moan escaped her throat, but this time slightly louder. Her knees was starting to give out on her as she could feel herself start to slowly lower to the ground. She could feel her panties were starting to get slightly wet now from her arousal, which wasn't good, at least for her.
Of course, Vhuuty expected to get some kind of reaction from chewing and teasing her ear, but not as much as she ended up receiving. The Elf was practically getting weak at the knees from just the slightest nibble. She didn't mind of course though. Her moans were like sweet melodies to her body. She thought it was fascinating, to have a spot so sensitive to the touch that it was almost another erogenous zone for the Elves. She would have to keep that in mind if she ever found herself with another Elf again.

Her left hand continued to tease her breast, letting her nails drag a little closer to gently graze and redden her fair skin before reaching up to tease her tiny little bud between her index finger and thumb. All the while she continued to gently bite, with every louder more she progressively began to bite a little harder, growling all the while. With every bite the Elf seemed to resist less and less. She fell her resisting body weaken as she slumped slightly. Her knees quivered as she began to lower herself more and more.

Vhuuty no longer needed her hand to hold her waist any more. Instead she snaked her hand down towards the Elfs sweet sex, and raised an eyebrow in surprise and satisfaction. With a smirk she let the ear free once more before teasing the Elf, "Hmmm, it seems my puppy is getting quite excited now... Do not go trying to hide this, no." Her index finger glided down towards her panties before giving the lightest touch along her moist lips, before moving to tease her other ear, this time with a much firmer nip.
Sesshi closed her eyes as she began panting heavily now, she needed to get on the ground before her knees gave away fully. Her body lowered more and more the more the Draenei toyed with her ear. "S-Stop... Ahhh... Not... My... Nnnnn... Ear..." She moaned as she then felt the woman continue to tease her breast as her nails dragged closer to gently graze and redden her skin. She felt her nipple was now being teased, which was now more sensitive than before due to her ear being bit and suckled on.

She could hear the woman growl the more she bit her ear. She could feel her biting her ear a little harder the more she growled, her body was completely weakened now and the woman was pretty much free to do as she pleased with Sesshi. Her body was burning and she could feel her panties were starting to get slightly wetter now as they lowered to the ground more. She felt the Draenei let go of her waist as she let that hand snake down towards her sex and then let her ear go once again to speak. "I... Nnnn... Stop... Teasing me.... I'm not... You're damn... Puppy...." She panted as they were now on the ground.

She felt her touch her moistened lips as she then felt her other ear was now pulled into the womans mouth and was nipped more firmer. "Ahhh!" She moaned loudly as her body started to shake with pleasure. Her body was completely vulnerable and was craving for more now, craving for her to not stop. "My body... Is burning up... Nnnn..." She moaned as she could feel a little sweat drop from her brow as she closed her eyes again and panted heavier.
Every single moan that the Elf made caused Vhuuty to respond accordingly with another throb of her member against her body. She allowed herself to let out a moan as well before leaning down to the lobe of her ear and giving a long sensual lick. With a sigh she let her middle finger join her index finger in teasing along her sweet sex, pressing in a bit more firmly to really let her fingers wet with her sweet juices.

Vhuuty tutted and shook her head when the Elf refused to allow herself to be the Draenei's puppy. She sighed and the finger teasing her nipple pinched firmly, squeezing and tugging at the sensitive bud. All the while she sternly said, "It is not good to be denying yourself this. Accepting it would make it feel much, much better for both you and me, and I am certain that you would like this as well, no? She continued to tug, while her other hand reached towards her clit, before rolling it quickly between both fingers.

The Draenei herself was also throbbing with desire now. If she hadn't been too distracted and addicted to teasing the girl and listening to her sweet moans, she would have stripped naked by now and ravaged the girl. But no, she needed to tease this girl more, convince to be obedient and good for her...
She moaned more when she felt another finger enter her sex and began teasing her more. She was having a hard time keeping herself under control now, she wanted more and was entering her breaking point. Her juices were flowing more now with the more the woman continued to tease her. She moaned louder when her nipple was pinched harder and was squeezed and tugged on. "Nnn... Y-Yes... P-Please... Don't... Don't stop... Ahhh..." She moaned as she was practically begging for her to do more and to not stop.

She wanted more and she couldn't control herself anymore. "I'll do... Anything... Just please... Stop teasing me!" She moaned as she now needed this now more than ever. Her body felt like it was on fire and she needed to fix it. "I won't try to escape... Just please... Calm the fire inside of me..." She panted as she pulled away from the Draenei and began removing her cloths so her body would be able to be more free. Once she had removed all her cloths she laid down on her back and left her naked form fully exposed to the woman.

"I'm no stranger to sex... But this is my first time..." She panted as she looked up at the woman and waited for her to strip next and then finish what she had started. By just glancing anyone could see just how wet she was now and how much she was now craving this. She needed her release and knew the woman wouldn't deny her of that. After all she could now see just how hard she had been fighting back the urges to just take her and ravage her body, which at this point she didn't care. She knew she had lost completely when the woman started toying with her ears, it was all over and she was now completely submissive to the Draenei.
She could feel the juices flowing out and onto her fingers. Vhuuty smiled in approval and let out another soft moan, barely audible because she was so close to the Elf's ears. When the Elf finally was coaxed and obedient she purred in approval, her tail gently swaying back and forth in satisfaction. "Don't stop? Of course my little puppy, I would never want to do that..."

Her tugs were less forceful, and much more sensual. She still pulled with a bit of force, but just enough to make her body ache with pleasure. The more than the Elf pleaded, promised, and begged, the more satisfied that Vhuuty was with her results. She smiled and replied, "Of course my sweet puppy, I will please you in ways you can not ever imagine..." She placed another soft kiss on her cheek before gently helping the Elf up and guiding her towards the cell bed. She was careful and tender, making sure her new pet was completely safe along the way.

She gingerly set the girl down on her back, before splaying her legs open so she could be free for the Draenei to see whenever she wanted. Having the Elf sit there in such a vulnerable position was just too much for her, as she quickly hurried to remove the rest of her armor. She first unfastened the clips on her breastplate, revealing a pair of firm, plump azure breasts. A single hand wandered up to gently tease her own nipples while her other arm hugged to undo her leggings. Slowly and teasingly she slipped them off one at time, until all she was left in was her girdle. With a smirk, both hands went to both sides before unfastening the final clips. While holding the girdle up, she gently swayed her hips back and forth until the armor was able to slide down her firm supple rear.

Once the armor hit the floor with a clang, her own member stood up and erect immediately, still needy after having no attention at all. Her head spilled out a single bead of precum, and she swiped it up with her finger before she sucked the finger into her mouth hungrily, the taste exciting her even more. She grinned and let her other hand stroke and prepare her length for the Elf. "Do not worry my puppy, I will be very gentle with you, it will feel amazing inside of you, I promise..." She grinned and bared her fangs before climbing onto the bed herself, her length throbbing as it leaned against her inner thigh while she climbed closer and closer towards her pet.
Her ears twitched again when she was called a puppy again. Yes, even now she was starting to accept the new nickname she had been given. It was driving her mad with all the teasing. Her body ached with pleasure and she just wanted more and nothing else. She didn't care if she lost her virginity to her enemy, after all, she had once been a dog to the Alliance as well. Thus she truly was this woman's puppy in many ways now. She was led to the cell bed and it seemed the Draenei was being very careful to make sure she was safe along the way.

It confused her seeing as she had never expected her enemy to be as caring as she was. She was on her back as the woman splayed her legs open so the Draenei would have full access view to her body. Her fel-green eyes looked up at the Draenei as she watched her remove her armor in a hurry. She blushed when she saw the woman's breasts, which she noticed that they were bigger than hers and it made her blush more. She watched the woman tease her own nipples as she began removing her leggings. She removed them slowly and teasingly as she was then left in just her girdle, which made Sesshi tilt her head in confusion as the woman smirked.

She watched as she unfastened the final clips, yet held the girdle up as she gently swayed her hips back and forth until it slid down her perfect figure. The girdle hit the floor with a loud clang and then her eyes landed on the member that was now staring at her. Her jaw opened slowly as she was in shock. She knew males had cocks, but didn't know women could have them as well. It didn't matter to her though, she was craving it. She saw a bead of precum come out and watched as the woman swiped it up with her finger and then suckled on it.

Her ears twitched again as she watched the Draenei stroke her member and prepare the meat for her. She had seen cocks before, but never this big. "But... Will it all fit? I looks like it could rip me in half..." She replied as she saw her grin and bare her fangs before she climbed onto the bed and started making her way over to Sesshi. Lowering her ears slightly she awaited for the member to be inside of her. "Nnnn.... I want it inside of me. I don't care how badly it will hurt me!" She groaned as she spread her legs open more so the woman wouldn't have a difficult time entering her. She could see the member throbbing as it leaned against the Draenei's inner thigh and made her want it even more.
Vhuuty grinned with approval at the girls reactions. Of course she was surprised, but more than surprised, she seemed curious and eager to see more of her member. Of course the Draenei would gladly oblige her and show her all of the wonders of Draenei sex. Her slender fingers curled around the tips of her panties before pulling them down her legs. Her moist sweet sex was now free for her to see, and to use as her own.

The Draenei sighed softly as the head of her penis pressed against her entrance. She was wet and ready for her now. She smiled warmly and curled her hands around the Elf's ass, taking a firm grasp of her cheeks as she leaned in close so that their faces were mere inches away from each other, and their breasts gently pushed together. She stared deep into her eyes before saying almost dreamily, "Do not worry my puppy, I will be gentle with you the first time... You will soon be asking for it faster and faster more often..." She closed her eyes slowly before locking lips with the Elf, slowly penetrating the sweet girl for the first time.

Vhuuty shivered softly while pushing in. She was surprisingly tight, even for being a virgin. The sensations were causing her member to twitch within her warm inner walls. Elven sex truly was something to behold, it seemed. The Draenei sighed and let her tongue press into her lips, before playfully lashing against her own tongue, while slowly pushing in until she was in to the hilt. The tightness alone was enough to make Vhuuty pant with delight.
Sesshi didn't care that the woman had a cock, in fact it excited her. She watched the Draenei pull her panties down her legs and Sesshi looked at her very well noticeable wet sex. Lowering her ears lowered more as she almost whimpered for her to just take her right then and there. She didn't know if female Draenei's with penises could reproduce, but it didn't matter to her, in fact nothing really mattered to her but this woman and what she had to offer her.

She moaned when she felt the tip of the head press against her very wet entrance and awaited for it to enter her. She was more than ready for her now. She moaned again when she felt the Draenei's hands curl around her ass as she firmly grasped her ass cheeks and leaned in closer. Their faces were merely inches away from each other now as their breasts gently pushed together. She nodded as her ears lowered as far as they could go and kissed the Draenei back as she felt the penis enter her slowly.

She arched her back slightly as a small moan escaped her throat and began panting heavily into the kiss as she wanted it more inside of her. Of course she was tight, this was her first time after all. She could feel the member twitch inside of her as it went in deeper. Oh gods it hurt but it felt so damn good! The pain was bearable, after all her body was burning up with desire and she wanted to be taken by this woman. Hell she didn't even care if she was turned into this woman's sex slave, pet, or whatever she wanted her as. Maybe it was best that she had been captured by this woman instead of the other way around.

If she had captured the woman this isn't the type of treatment she would have given her, oh no. The Orcs who had traveled with her would have interrogated her, but in a more harsh and brutal way. They would have beat her, abused her, or did whatever they saw fit. They were, after all, Garrosh's prized Orc warriors. But this woman was being fair, and even pleasuring her. They were mortal enemies but their factions and differences were being pushed aside completely now. "I'm... I'm all yours... Free... Free me from Garrosh's control please..." She pleaded as she opened her mouth and let the Draenei slip her tongue into her mouth as she kissed her back and let their tongues dance together. The member went in deeper and deeper, slowly but surely it was almost completely inside of her now. Fuck Garrosh and his war! I don't care about any of that bullshit anymore! All I want is what this woman can give me! Her mind screamed as she wrapped her arms around the woman's body.
If the moans that the Elf gave were any indication, then she was quite ecstatic with the pleasure of being penetrated for the first time. Slight winces and moans indicated that there were still the slight tinges of pain from it being her first time, and Vhuuty did what she could to comfort the girl, rubbing her ass softly in a soothing motion, while pulling herself out for the first time.

She groaned and shuddered. Pulling out against her tight walls had a much different sensation than what she was used to. So much that she twitched rapidly inside of the girl. Once only her head was inside of her wet sex, Vhuuty pushed back in at a slightly faster pace, thrusting in and out in a steady motion. The continuous sensations were enough to make her moan into the Elf's mouth and thrust her tongue in and out at a similar pace.

When they broke their kiss to catch their breath for a moment, she felt her body tingle when the Elf had admitted herself to being the Draenei's property. Those words were music to her ears, as she ran a hand up her back before cupping her cheek and replying, "You are now mine, my puppy. I shall take good care of you, do not worry any more..." With that she locked lips once more, thrusting in slightly faster while her other hand grabbed at that taut, firm ass greedily.
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