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In the King's service (wolvenrogue and nightsorceress)

"Not for long, I hope," he said. " The teenager has an insatiable appetite, and the man, well ... now you know why I don't let him out often." he said laughing with her. " we might both be pretty sore." He sat with her and watched her nurse for a while, but then got up and cleared the dishes, and washed them. When she had finished the feeding he carried the cribs to their room then returned to the living room, and scooped her up, and carried her off to bed. smiling at her as he walked up the stairs. Even with her full breasts, she was still light as a feather to him. It was hard fro him to imagine a better life than he had, and thoughts of his former kingdom, couldn't have been further from his mind. They were awaken in the middle of the night by frantic knocking on their bedroom door. "Robert! come quick! Liam is in trouble!" It was Lilly, and as Robert bolted out of bed, and answered the door she looked panicked. He had never seen her look this way. "Where is he?" "In the big house, at the bottom of the stairs, he fell. Robert, he is unconscious! I don't know what to do." Robert turned to Aurora, "get the doctor!, I 'll see to your father!".
Aurora nursed the children watching as he picked up. She smiled a little thinking how wonderful her husband truly was. he returned to move the cribs back upstairs with out her even asking. She giggled when he returned and picked her up and carrier her off to bed. She slept peacefully until the knocking came to the door. When he mother said her dad fell she was afraid. She got out of bed and rushed to the doctors getting him to her dad, his wife offered to stay with the babies while Lily and Aurora were at the big house.
Robert Liam on the floor at the foot of the stairs. He wasn't breathing and had an awful grey color. He listened at his chest and heard a faint heartbeat. He wasn't dead he wasn't dead at least not yet. Trying something he had seen on the battlefield he sat Liam up and leaned him forward. As he did Liam exhaled, he then placed his knee it the small of Liam's back. By then Aurora and Lilly had arrived with the doctor. Robert repeated the maneuver three times. The third time, Liam coughed, and sputtered, and began to breath in ragged fashion. The Doctor asked Robert where he had learned the technique. "An old soldier trick" he said. Robert stepped back and took each of the women under an arm and held them, giving as much comfort as he knew how. The situation was better, but still grave, and he knew it.
Aurora wanted cry when she saw her father. She was so across she was going to loose him. She clung to her mother who was shaking. As they watched Robert and Aaa that Liam was breathing they both were happy about that but still they sought comfort from Robert when he offered it.
The doctor worked on Liam a bit more, though there was not much he could do. Liam remained unconscious, but breathing, and his color soon returned. The doctor asked that they get him into bed and keep him warm in the hope that he would wake naturally on his own. Robert lifted him into his arms and carried him to his room, as the women hurried ahead to turn down the bed.
Aurora moved to her parents room and got it ready for her father. She then got a chair and put it next to the bed to allow a place to sit. As Robert carried her father to the bed she watched as he laid him down in the bed and she quickly covered him. She hoped that her father would wake soon.
Robert knealt beside her chair, and held her hand. You stay here with him. I'll bring the babies. You wont want to leave but they will need feeding. He kissed her softly and Hugged Lilly as he left for the other house. One at a time he carrie the cribs to her fathers room when Aurora and Lily were holding vigil for Liam.
Aurora had her mother sit. She was happy that Robert was going to get the children so she would not have to leave her father.

Lily sat beside Liam holding his hand she looked so afraid, she had always been a strong woman, but now she felt weak and helpless.
Once Robert had all three children safely in the room in their cribs, he went and sat beside Aurora on the bed as she sat holding her father's hand. He could see thememories tugging at her heart, and he prayed the Liam would recover. They had been there an hour when Liam stirred, and quietly asked "Lilly? where am I? Lilly? It's dark."
Aurora looked up as she heard her father's voice, she was almost in shock.

Lily looked to Liam and touched his cheek gently. "Shh my dear you fell, its ok, Robert helped you, and the doctor" Lily kissed Liam's cheek so happy that he was awake.
"Lilly, tell me its you! I can't see!" "Yes of course its me, but Aurora and Robert and the childen are here as well. You will be fine." Robert could see the worried look in Lilly's eyes, but her voice was firm and unwavering. Robert saw a lot of Aurora in her mother right at this moment.
Aurora moved closer to her father and touched his hand. "It will be ok Daddy, Mom is right as she always is you will be fine, your sight will come back" she tried to sound just as strong and positive as her mother, but inside she was just as worried as her mother was. "You should rest now father, Robert, the Children and I are going to stay here tonight"
Robert went down to the kitchen, and started some dinner, and left the women with Liam. He was thinking about what Liam's disability would mean. It seemed likely that his days of nothing to do but housework would soon be at an end.
Aurora sat with her father for a time but once he was a sleep again she went to find Robert. She found him in the kitchen. She walked over to him and just wrapped his arms around him her face buried into his chest. She just broke down in that moment worried about her father.
Robert put down the knife he was holding, and just held her, letting her cry. "It will be alright dear, he said, at least he is alive. He might have died. I think he had a stroke. Were lucky he isn't paralized as well and he still has his mind and speach. I will help him with his duties, and he can relax. Lord knows he deserves it."
Aurora lefted her head and looked at him, "I know it could have been wrose but it doesn't stop the worry i feel. He will move past this thing with his sight i know it" She drew a deep breath trying to dry her eyes
"I will be there for you and for him. Don't worry." He said hugging her tight." Let me help you here, I have been through this". He picked her up in his arms and just held her tight. It was just a moment later that the boys woke needing to be fed. "take care of your children, I will care for your parents, he said.
Aurora smiled at him. "Thank you honey, it means so much to me that your willing to help now" she kissed him before disappearing to feed the babies.
Robert finished dinner and took plates up to the women on a tray. Lilly looked dismayed to see him serving her dinner in her own house. "Now Lillian! how many times have you carried a tray for me.? Its my turn. "He said.
Aurora was sitting near the cribs a blanket covering the boys as they nursed. She smiled at her husband and put the children back in their cribs once they were done. She however didn't touch the food she did not feel up to eating right now. Her mother the same way picking at the food but not eating a lot.
"Ladies" he said admonishing them"It wont do for you to be hungry. You need your strength, especially you Aurora, you have three hungry mouths to feed. My cooking may not be great, but it isnt that bad.
Lily did eat a little more food, however Aurora shook her head. "I am sorry honey i just don't feel like eating, my stomach feels like it is in knots right now and if i eat i might throw it back up."
Alright , he said, and took away the trays. Liam had been sleeping and when Robert sat the tray on the bed to stackthe dishes, to everyones amazement he reached out and took some food. Could it be he could see. "Are you hungry Liam?" Robert ask. "Hell yes!" he answered and then quickly said "excuse me ladies", with a smile.
Aurora looked at him in amazement, how did he know the food was their. Lily moved closer to her husband. "Can you see the food my dear?" She questioned him softly
" Just as clearly as I can see you!" he said "Let me get you your own plate, and a glass of wine," Robert suggested. "I'll be right back." he went to the kitchen, and got the plate he had made up for himself and brought to up to Liam, who started in on it hungrily. "MMMMM Lilly you outdid your self!" Liam said.
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