The new girl

Sep 3, 2011
Tess made her way through the slytherin common room with a smile. She could feel all eyes on her but she refused to let it get the best of her. Her eyes roamed the room and stopped on a blonde boy giving her his full attention. She could tell by the way he was glaring at her that he was very unhappy she was her. She knew that it would not be easy to adjust here not only being a muggle, but an American as well.

Dracos eyes didnt leave the muggle as she moved through the common room. He was well aware of how beautiful she was, but he was more concerned with the fact that they were allowing muggles in slytherin. He knew he would not allow her stay here to be pleasant no matter what. Malfoy's have always been a sucker for a pretty face.
Draco wanted to look away from the interloping muggle, she had no right to be at Hogwarts, let alone in Slytherin, but he couldn't take his eyes of her. Perhaps there was a way to really have some fun with her.
Tess smiled brightly at him as she walked past. She wasn't going to let him get the best of her. She looked back and blew him a quick kiss before leaving the common room. Tess laughed to herself as she made her way down the hall. He's going to be fun, she thought to herself.
The history of magic lesson dragged on as always, but Drako was finding it even more difficult to concentrate than usual. His mind kept wandering toward the new girl Tess. He was tring to think of new ways to wipe the smile from her face and replace it with the look of respectful fear he had become accustomed to from the Slytherins. However he could not get away from the shapely curves of her body that her robes coud not conceal and her red lips as she blew him the cheeky kiss. The more he tried not to dwell on her the more he felt the stiring in his loins, this was troubling for him, as a young man he noticed girls all the time but this girl was starting to dominate his thoughts. That evening he sat alone in the common room, dismissing any who approached so he could try to clear his thoughts. However he had also sat in the best seat to view the door, so he would see when Tess came in, he was confused. He needed to gain the upper hand with her, but was starting to wander if it was her open defiance and indiferance to him that was making him so interested in her. He had given himself a headache trying to understand, he barked a command t a startled first year to fetch him a drink and was rising to head to bed when Tess finly walked in. She was popular already and was accompanied by friends, probably as she's a novelty from America he thought in his superior manner, she caught his eye and they stared at each other.
Tess went through her classes being paraded with questions. She had to admit she enjoyed being the center of attention. Her mind was elsewhere as she smiled and answered everyones annoying questions. Tess was more concerned with the blonde boy who was glaring at her earlier. She wanted to see him and talk to him. She could tell by his rude looks that she was going to be his center of attention. She smiled to herself at the thought.
Tess made her way into the common room followed by group of slytherins who had been interested in her all day. A smile spread across her lips as she saw the blonde. Tess made her way over to where he was sitting and sat down next to him. "Hi there." She crossed her legs revealing her long legs. She was going to get the best of him whether he knew it or not.
Draco was taken aback by this muggles behavior, when she sat down next to him and said hi, he had to swallow before he could speak, his rapier tongue deserting him. He stared at her long shapely legs making him feel unfamiliar turnings in his stomach. Eventually he realised that most of the common room was watching how he reacted to the new girl, how he dealt with her would determine how they should treat her, if they wanted to stay in his good books. Realising this he composed himself and replied "good evening mudblood, the sorting hat is evidently loosing it's touch!" He (probably for the first time in his life) regretted his words as soon as he spoke them, neverless he contiued "I refuse to believe you dont already know but my name is Draco Malfoy, i'm the house prefect and, as is my rightful place, my word in here is law. I dont know how it's done in america but here we show due respect to our superiors" He wanted to take it back, wanted to spend all night admirig those legs and smile. However maybe she'd tow the line and he could have the best of both? He was just about to get up and leave, but paused and looked back at her.
She smiled at him and let him speak. She could tell she had an affect on him and this was going to make things even more fun for her. Once he got up to leave she got up as well to follow him. "Well as I'm sure you already know my name is Tess." She could feel everyone was watching them so she chose her words carefully. "I haven't had the pleasure of being shown around and since you seem to believe you run this house why don't you give me a tour." She smiled at him waiting on his reply. Her smile was genuine. Although he seemed to be a total jerk, she kind of liked it. Tess also couldn't deny that he was really cute.
Draco had absolutely no idea how to react. She could have cried, she could have gone for her wand or even just tried to kick him in the nuts, but to give him a sweet smile and request a tour was entirely unforseen. Again this enigmatic beauty had left him speechless, all of a sudden having all eyes on him wasn't a nice experience. "er ok very well" he stamered "this way" and turned to lead her from the common room. It was quite late now and technically they shouldn't be in the dark deserted coridors, Draco had no idea where he was leading her. He was very consiousof her along side him as he strode with a purpose toward an unknown destinaton. He could smell her delicate perfume, and hear the swish of her skirt those simple things almost overwhelmed him. He was trying to think of something to say that would impress her when they turned a corner into a wide stone columned hall and caught sight of Mrs Norris the caretakers cat. Instinctively he reacted like lightning and pushed Tess into a dark alcove pressing his body against her so they wouldn't be seen by the damn cat. "ssssshhh, musn't be seen" after a moment he became aware of the situation. he became very consious that his body was pressed against hers, he felt electric and her scent seemed to fill his world, he felt the contours of her body and even if the cat wasn't there he wouldn't pull away from her.
Tess was more than happy he accepted to give her a tour. All day guys had been asking to give her a tour of the school but being alone with Draco seemed more exciting. She walked along quietly not so sure what to say. She looked over at him from time to time and smiled to herself. He was very attractive and the more she looked at him the more she noticed. As they turned a corner Draco pushed her into a dark corner. At first she thought he may actually be trying to do her harm. He shshed her quickly as he explained. He was pressed against her and she was enjoying it. Tess leaned forward pressing her soft lips against his ear. "I thought you would at least ask before trying to have your way with me on some dark corner" she whispered against his ear.
The soft touch of her lips against the sensitive skin of his ear was almost more than he could bear, he leaned out to check if the coridor was clear, he hoped it was otherwise he ran the risk of poking her with more than his wand. The cooridor was clear and he stepped back "why would i want a mudblood" he part sneered and part stammered. But again he couldn't turn away, she was just so gorgeous.
Tess moved her hand to his chest and push him back against the wall gently. "Maybe because you think I'm stunningly beautiful" she said with a quiet laugh. Her hand began to push open his robe. She wasn't too sure what she was doing but being this close to him was doing something to her. Before things got too out of hand Tess backed away. "So is it safe to go yet?" Even though she was enjoying the closeness, she knew he was a jerk and refused to let him have her. At least not this easily.
Draco blushed and realised that this girl was different to any he knew, she had made him blush for a start and that was a first. "yes it's safe to get going" he said and added "lets get back to the common room Tess" He deliberately spoke with no scorn and used her name. It came to him like a flash that if he wanted this girl, and he did, she wouldn't just fall into line for him. He led her silently back to the common room, it was deserted when they got there. He didn't think he'd be able to sleep, in fact he wanted a cold shower, but he turned to Tess and said "goodnight Tess and er.... welcome to Hogwarts"
Tess smiled as he blushed and walked along with him silently. She liked him and she liked the little fights and rudeness that they had together. Once that got tot he common room she began to walk off until he said goodnight to her. She looked back at him with a smile. "Goodnight Draco. I'll see you in the morning." Tess turned heading off to her bed. She wanted him and she knew she was going to get him.
Draco quietly entered the dorm room and got ready for bed, he wasn't being courtious to his bunk mates but i'f they wern't awake they couldn't ask questions about the new girl that he coudn't answer. Laying in bed he thought of her, her scent, her smile and the touch that had thrilled him so, his body responded as it would in a red blooded male, it was times like this he particularly missed the privacy he enjoyed at Malfoy Manor. As his sleepless night continued his resolve also hardened, e would have her and he would not sacrifice his position at the top of the tree! Tomorow she woul meet the real Draco Malfoy.
The next day as Tess made her way to class she searched for Draco. She didn't see him in the common so she headed off to class. As Tess walked into potions she smiled as she saw Draco sitting at a desk by himself. Tess took the seat next to him without asking and smiled over at him. "So I'm going to assume you missed me."
Draco had mixed emotions when Tess sat down next to him, his stomach flipped but head hurt, his normal control was gone around her. He enjoyed potions and wanted to concentrate especially to impress his favorite teacher. "why ever would i miss you mudblood?" he said in his more famiiar sneer. As he said it he turned to her and looked at her big beautiful eyes and silky hair, he held her gaze for a moment before looking down and admiring the way she filled her uniform. He would try and concentrate on his lesson and not think about Tess.
"I like this you the best" Tess said with a smile. Tess looked forward as she cross her legs and pushed open her robe a bit. She knew the effect her body had on him. She scooted her chair closer to him. Tess looked Draco over as he payed attention. His eyes were beautiful she thought to herself. How could such a jerk have such beautiful eyes. The robe he was wearing covered everything. She could tell that he was slightly built. Her eyes followed his arms down to his hands. He wore a big bulky ring. Her lips spread into a smile as she thought about what those hands could do.
"if i must have you as my potions partner, i'll expet you to follow my lead" Drako insisted as he tried to take his eyes away from the tight blouse he now saw beneath her robes. "i like this subject and i wont let a mudblood like you mess things up for me, can you do as your told?" he asked just as the door swept open and the proffesor strode in.
"Oh yes i love being told what to do" she said with a smirk. As the professor walked in Tess looked up towards the fun. She decided to play with Draco after class since he seemed to think he needed to pay attention.
He tried to concentrate, and Tess was entirely obedient to him which surprised him, there was no reason for the potion to turn bad. Everyone else had a sweet smelling bright blue elixir for use in healing, however he and Tess had produced a thick brown sludge. Draco was furious and embarassed, probably more because he looked silly in front of Tess. The faliure earned them a detention that evening to be spent cleaning equipment in the dusty potions supply cupboard. Draco turned to Tess as they filed out of the classroom, "you stupid idiot, you made me look stupid, and you'll pay for it" he grabbed her arm and pulled her so they were nose to nose, she looked alarmd for a moment, but soon regained her composure. He had intended to continue the threat, but having her so close was electric, she was a head shorter than him and he looked down into her eyes.
Tess followed every direction Draco gave her. She knew their potion was going in a bad directions early in, but Draco wanted to be in control. She looked around the room and noticed everyone else's potions looked much better. For having such a horrible potion they were both given detention. Tess didn't really care but she could tell Draco was extremely pissed. As she made her way out of class Draco grabbed her arm forcefully and pulled her to him. He scared her for a second but she quickly replaced fear with anger. He begin to be-rate her. He seemed so angry but once he looked down at her he just stop speaking. Tess looked up into his eyes. She noticed he was only a few inches away from her. Once again she noticed those beautiful green eyes. She could get lost looking in them she thought. As quickly as she forget, she remember he called her an idiot and threatened her. Tess pulled her arm from him "Do not talk to me like that." She turned to walk away. She felt a little light headed. Being so close to him made her feel... She didn't know exactly how it made her feel, but she new it was dangerous.
As draco made his way toward the potions room that evening, he was startled by a large man stepping out of the shadows into his path. The man was wearing a long black cloak, but his arms were bare, revealing his death eater tatoo. Grabbing him by the lapels, he hissed at Draco "you know what you must do, so do it, quickly!". The man then let Draco go and strode away. The small amount of colour in his face drained away, he wasn't even safe in the school from them anymore. He took a moment to compose himself, looking up he saw Tess had seen the whole exchange. Contiuing along he strode toward her, as he went to pass her he reached out and took her hand and silently started to lead her almost pulling her along toward detention. He wasn't sure why he did it but the human contact and the fact this girl made him feel so different to anything he had experienced before, seemed right.
Tess saw as the man stepped out of the shadows to stop Draco. She over heard what he was saying to him. She didnt speak or make a noise in fear that the man might see her. Tess could see that Draco obviously was worried but he walked over and took her hand leading them to the potions room. She held his hand silently. She didn't know what to say to him after seeing that. Tess finally decided to speak. "Umm are you ok?"
he almost blurted the whole story out to her, he so desperately wanted to tell her. She was an American and new to the school, what harm would it do? But he wasn't really that naieve, instead after a pause he said "I have powerful friends and you'd be wise to forget you saw anything"
In the supply rooms as they scrubbed the rusty old cauldrons, he could tell she wanted to know more and was trying very hard not to ask. He knew because she was quiet instead of her usual talkative self. he glanced down at her as she knealt on the floor scrubbing a particlarly stubborn stain, his eyes lingered over her shapely bottom and wandered why life had to be so damn difficult.
After Draco spoke she remained quiet. She could tell this was something she needed to leave alone and she would. For now.
Tess was way beyond annoyed with cleaning after a while. She looked back to see Draco staring. Tess laughed as she threw her sponge back at him. "It's rude to stare Draco." She got up from the floor and shoved him gently. "How would you feel if i was staring at your ass" she said with a smile.
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