Heroes in exile (Tatcon x Sana)

Sep 4, 2009
Canada, b'y
Everyone knows the story of the Jedi Purge. Across the galaxy the news of the destruction of the Jedi Order and the formation of the Galactic Empire spread like wildfire and many, if not all knew that the elite force which had proctected them for millenia was now no more, a fading memory of a fantastic force that was apparently destroyed by corruption from within and without.

There where those, however that had not been in the wrong place at that time, solidary Jedi who had been sent away on distance missions alone, or at least not with a detachment of Clone Troopers who would betray them. This is where one Jedi, Rayne-Sunn Winne had been on that fateful day when Order 66 was set in motion.

Since birth it was known that Rayne-Sunn would be a Jedi. His Force potential was obvious, but there was a need, should he join the Jedi order that his name be kept hidden. The reason for this was his father, Jun-Kun Winne. Another powerful Jedi, he had abandoned the Order when he found the power of the Force was not nearly powerful enough to ignore the power of love, and during some of the battles of the age, he made rash, irresponsible decisions that would guarantee his return to his wife and child but would brush him along the borders of the Dark Side, and even betray some of his fellow Jedi. However, he had never killed one of his own, and the Order allowed him to leave forever soon after the events. He retired to Bespin, becoming a moderately successful Tibana gas mogul in relative peace and quiet.

Rayne-Sunn's growing potential, however, disturbed Jun-Kun and he had little choice but to let him go to the Order so he could control the Force within him, and learn to use it responsibly. Jun-Kun presented Rayne-Sunn to the Council personally, and from that day forth the only people who knew of the relations were the members of the Council, and his name changed to Rynin.

Rayne-Sunn grew into a strong, broad shouldered young man, with hair of the darkest black but with calm, gentle ocean blue eyes that betrayed just how kind he was in spirit. He focused heavily on the martial side of the Force, honing his powers to assist him in defending himself and others physically rather than with an outward display of the Force. Because he was so strong and physically capable, he took to dual wielding his lightsabers and despite his size was able to control them with grace and excellent care. Because of his strength and talent, one of the members of the Council, Mace Windu took it upon himself to guide Rayne-Sunn properly and uniquely (Windu being a similar Jedi of martial strength and prowess).

Once he became a Jedi Knight, Windu and the Council knew the quiet, strong willed Guardian would make an excellent Jedi Master, a paragon of the Light Side who in his twenty five years of life had never stepped into the clutches of the Dark Side. He had an excellent example. In the quiet times, Rayne-Sunn would visit the library and read of the triumphs and failures of his own father, and began to understand why his old man was so cold, jaded...and a fantastic business man.

When the Order came for the destruction of the Jedi, Rayne-Sunn had been on an investigative mission to Zirtran's Anchor, a strange space station which served as a type of trading post for intergalactric traders. Keeping his Jedi identity hidden for fear of ruining his chances of finding the required information, he heard the news of what was happening in the Inner Rim and felt that his master had fallen. He knew that if Windu had died, then this was a battle even he could not win, so in silence he left and returned home to Bespin, shedding his Jedi garb and taking up his birth name as he helped his father with the business until such a time as the galaxy was safe for the Jedi once more.

For four years he has been living this life, travelling to and fro delivering Tibana gas to his fathers customers which thankfully didn't include members of the Empire. The return to his birth name and his willful supression of his Force abilities had allowed him to live in relative peace, despite his personal wishes to attack Lord Vader and the Emperor himself.

An order came in for Nar Shadaa, and taking it reluctantly, Rayne-Sunn bordered his freighter and departed, and while meditating he had the feeling that there was someone on that planet who might share his situation. Curious, he continued onwards in interest, though his defenses were on high alert because you can never trust what you feel on Nar Shadaa.
The fall of the great Jedi Order, an order which had existed for literally tens of thousands of years irrevocably altered many lives. One of those lives was, Kailan Turmak, who had her life not only altered but destroyed by the destruction of the Order. Up until that point her entire existence had been defined and shaped by the Order, but afterwards she was left to find her own way through a harsh and unforgiving galaxy.

Kalian had only ever known the embrace of the Order, it had been her mother, her father, and her family. As an infant she had displayed an affinity towards the use of the force, that affinity had shocked and dismayed their parents as soon after the Jedi had shown up to take their daughter away, and take her away they did. For nearly the next two decades Kailan grew and prospered under the care of the Jedi, first as a youngling and then as a padawan under Master Tal-Vaughn Almrik who had dragged her through the Clone Wars from one end of the Galaxy and back.

Kailan had grown from a small babe, into a toddler and gangly young girl. As she stretched into her teenage years her awkwardness passed as did her innocence of childhood left behind on many different planets that were ripped apart by war. Growing into a young woman, Kailan was rather small, shorter than even the average height for human women and petite, her long black hair and hazel eyes only served to offset her pale skin. As she grew so did her abilities with the force which were mixed, centering around combat, her abilities were twofold.

First Kailan would never be as strong as most of her opponents but by manipulating the force she was faster, more agile than almost any opponent she’d ever met. That mixed with her second ability, and possibly in the time following the war more important ability, which allowed Kailan to manipulate all but the strongest of minds, pushing their thoughts, and forcing illusions onto those she tried to manipulate.

Kai’s ability to manipulate the mind was the only thing that allowed her to survive the purges. Master Almrik had brought her to Coruscant to take her Knight trials which put them in the center of the destruction for the first few days as the clone troopers that she and Master Almrik had led into battle time and time again turned on them, she’d seen her master fall, blaster bolts tearing into him as he created enough of a diversion for Kailan to slip away into the crowds and take the first ship leaving Coruscant.

Which was what left her on Nar Shadaar scrambling on the dirty planet four years after she had arrived trying to stay off of the new Galactic Empire’s radar, burning for the chance to fight back. Every day she had to fight the anger and hotheadedness which had delayed her knights trials for nearly two years according to her master. But with his death and the destruction of the order Kai was unsure of the point in holding back her anger, her need to do something, anything to fight against the Empire which had slain every Jedi, Padawan and youngling she had come to think of as her family. And for four years, Kai had done planned and hoped for just such an opportunity, but she wasn’t sure where to start, and so as each year passed she found herself staying on Nar Shadaar, working in the offices at the docking station, waiting, hoping and planning things that she feared would never come to pass.
It would be a slow, cautious approach that the armed freighter would make into one of the thousands of docks that formed the vast majority of Nar Shadaa's skyline. Within a few moments the heavily laden ship would touch down in its assigned landing block and slowly the engines would whirr down as the various mechanical droids milled about the new arrival, refueling and checking the ship for any external damage.

The ship was an immaculately painted piece, a contrast of orange and black stylized to appear like the rising sun over the Bespin clouds and the Winne platform. And from the middle of the picture a door slid open and a ramp unfolded, the first three items going down the gang plank being droids. They were obviously military grade droids, and were probably used to man the turrets of the ship. After them stepped out the broad shouldered young man that was Rayne-Sunn Winne. Naturally, he was not wearing his Jedi garb, no one did anymore, instead replacing it with a relatively formfitting flight suit which matched the styling of his ship. Throwing a long coat over top of the suit, he proceeded out of the ship slowly, stopping at the bottom of the pedway to look around slowly. It was obvious he was measuring something, and if she was close enough, she could sense he was feeling the Force levels of the planet. Satisfied that they were more than strong enough to mask him, he took a long, deep breath and the air around him almost appeared lighter, less oppressive. For him, it was just a means of stretching his (Force) legs.

There he would stay for a short while as he waited for the trader he was dealing with to arrive, scanning the area frequently, his mind sensing that there must be another Force user around, he could just feel it. Seeing it however, with all the hustle and bustle of the docks however, was a different story entirely.
Kailian grumbled at her supervisor, the little Rodian’s high pitched voice carrying over even the loud sounds of the loading docks. Listening she heard his squeaky annoying voice telling her to get over to Dock 7591 where a shipment of Tibana gas needed to be unloaded. Grabbing her overcoat and protective helmet Kai twisted her long braid up and into the helmet before sliding it down onto her head making her look indiscriminate from any other human. The large overcoat made her body look lumpy and genderless, which was the way Kai liked it.

Too many times she’d gotten into fist fights with males when she’d worn her tight fitting uniform pants and only a light shirt with it. That was the reason she’d taken to wearing the coat and the full face helmet rather than only a hard hat. Stomping her way over to the dock that she’d been assigned to Kai decided that it was a crummy way to make a living but at least she wasn’t starving like so many of the Nar Shadaar gutter rats.

Looking at her manifest on a flexpad, she walked up and stopped at the ring of droids that stood at the base of the gang plan and looked at the tall, well-built mam on a long coat and suit that stood behind them. There was something familiar about him, something that she felt she should recognize but at the time she’d been hiding her abilities and shoving her own knowledge and power over the force deep inside of her to stay off of the Jedi hunter’s radars. Shaking her head Kailian walked up to him demanding in a bored voice, “Manifest card and registration?” Holding out a gloved had she waited for him to get on with it so she could do her job.
Rayne-Sunn would not appear hurried, impatient or annoyed, even though he had been waiting for a bit. When the small-ish girl appear and asked for his manifest and registration, he handed over the two data chits with the required information and smiled softly.

Those gentle blue eyes were observing her quietly, looking the heavily covered girl over for a long moment before he quirked his smile a bit, and said just a few small words after he had released the small disks.

"Emotion, Ignorance, Passion, Chaos, Death. Do these things mean anything to you?" He would ask as he crossed his strong arms over his chest, eyes shifting away from her for a moment as he took a fresh scan of the area. Whispering even a small part of the Jedi Code was dangerous these days, but the strange feeling he was gleeming off of this girl was noteworthy, and since it didn't have a Dark taint to it he figured he might as well take the risk. At worst, he could defend himself against one Sith Assassin.

Slowly the eyes returned to her, and he tried his best to follow her body language, and see if there were any tremors in the Force around her once the question was asked.
Jerking to a halt the data chips halfway to the flex slate Kailian stopped moving, breathing, thinking for a moment. Either this was a trap or the man before her really was a Jedi, a man from the Order. Slowly she let a little of her control on the force leak out trying to sense anything about the man, all she could feel was his presence and controlled nature, nothing that said if he was a Jedi, Sith or anything else in the galaxy.

Slowly she raised her eyes her face a mask even as her left hand dropped to her waist slowly settling over her hidden lightsaber. Biting her lip for a moment behind the face shield she decided to risk it, she was tired of hiding, living alone, afraid. If this was a trap and it was an assassin she would either kill him and start her resistance or be slain and return to the force with her fallen Master and fellow members of the Order.

“Peace, Knowledge, Serenity Harmony, The Force” She knew that her emotion especially of fear was something that the order had tried to rid her of but had never truly been successful. She had always felt emotions, anger, sadness, fear all of those things especially as she grew up during the war watching many of the poor clone warriors die, and then as she watched her master fall to save her. This was the start of whatever would happen and she reached out to the force fully for the first time in four years and felt her ability to manipulate it settle around her, infusing her body with energy and strength as she waited to see if she would meet a companion or start a fight to the death.
The analysis was careful, Rayne-Sunn's eyes watching her movements and the way the Force swirled around her so carefully, so masterfully especially for someone of her age. 'She wasn't too old when the order was given...' he thought to himself as the calm smile returned to his lips and he nodded a couple times.

"Fascinating." That was all he said as he turned his attention away from her towards a tanned skin, well dressed noble. "Bail! So good to see you on such a dark and foreboding planet." He would say to the man as he walked away, extending his arms to the man and embracing him. Apparently the two would set about their business, talking about how Alderaan was dealing with the presence of the Empire, and setting a price and location for the sale of the containers of gas that Rayne-Sunn had brought.

He would keep looking over his shoulder to the girl though, a subtle but true smile of happiness pulling at the corner of his lips as he was happy of finally finding someone of his Order. It was a dream he never figured he would realize. Shortly after his departure, one of the droids would approach Kailian, and say in a typically metallic droid voice, "We can handle the offload of the shipment. We want to avoid human contact with such a combustible gas. Master Winn commands it." It said with a nod, before turning and returning to the base of the gangway.

"Gentlemen!" Rayne-Sunn would soon say on his approach back to the ship, speaking to his droids, "Get the gas prepared and packed. Once it is ready take it with that man. Do not discuss him, do not say his family name." He said quietly once he had closed the distance. Saluting and nodding, the three droids went back up the plank to begin the unloading process.

Should Kailian still be there, he would turn back to her and place his hands on his hips. "Did you ever know a Knight by the name of Rynin?" He would ask, twisting his face into a quizzical expression as if he was trying to hunt down some information instead of inquiring whether she knew him in his previous life or not.
His reaction put Kailian even more on edge as she watched him turn to a business partner greeting the man and ignoring her. Palming her lightsaber with her freehand as she saw the large man look at her over his shoulder repeatedly she felt exhilarated and afraid at the possibilities of what could happen in the next few moments. Working to bring her manipulation of the force under even tighter control Kai sent more power surging through her body, feeling the force’s power speeding up her reactions and strength, making her ready for whatever may happen.

Momentarily she felt distracted as the droids stepped up to her and told her that they would handle the gas shipment. For several minute’s she’d forgotten the purpose to which she’d actually come down to the docks, and the droid’s statement had her stepping back a half pace keeping her eyes on the large man who she now felt, definitely had an affinity towards the force, though to what degree she wasn’t certain. Acquiescing to the droids knowing the volatile nature of the gas Kai stepped back a few more paces giving her more room to maneuver come what may.

She watched from the side as the droids were given orders and the man approached her and stopped hands on his hips to ask her about a specific Jedi. That question more than anything else the man had done made her nervous beyond belief. Instantly her hand tightened on her saber ready to bring it up to defend herself. Taking a moment to study the man’s face she watched as his twisted in a carefully controlled way to show inquiry, but Kai wasn’t fooled. She’d mastered the art of disguise, manipulation and knew that any good assassin, spy or agent would know how to control their facial features at any time to display what they wanted, and this man’s force levels meant he was no ordinary man.

Keeping her answer as general and broad as possible she pulled her saber handle up along her arm sliding it from her pocket but kept it hidden from view. “I knew of such a man…his name is in the public Imperial record as a criminal that wasn’t captured four years ago.” Waiting she watched his hands and his eyes wondering what move he would make and if she would live to see the next day.
Rayne-Sunn would chuckle softly at her response, crossing his arms over his chest as she gave her answer and his face softened. "I would certainly hope it is still on the list. As far as I know I haven't been captured." He said quietly, almost a whisper to her as he looked up the plank to the ship.

"Listen, it is going to take a while for them to unload all the gas on the ship, and I haven't been to Nar Shadaa in many moons. Care to show me around?" He asked, before nodding towards her hand. "You might want to work on making your movements more subtle by the way." He added with a wink before starting up and in to the ship to retrieve his carry bag. Should she choose to follow him, she would see him pull two lightsabers from the bag and slide them into specially designed pockets in his jacket sleeves that sit about his triceps.

He would say no words either way, collecting his items and personals before exiting the craft and returning to the platform, ready to travel.
Kailian stopped shocked again at the man’s casual admittance to being a Jedi. Shaking her head she realized that she needed to think of him as Rynin rather than that man, or the ship owner as she had been. Dumbly nodding at his request to show him around Kai flushed when right afterwards he told her that she needed to work on her subtlety in movement.

Today seemed to be full of shocks as she stumbled slightly following him after letting her force senses reach out trying to detect if the man was lying or was masking himself with the dark forces but found no traces of any treachery and decided to at least give Rynin a chance, and if it proved he was a liar she could deal with him at that time. She watched as he pulled two sabers from his bag and hid them in his sleeves similar to the setups she had on some of her personal clothing she wore outside of work.

Following him again as he walked back to the platform she stopped, “Rynin? If I am to show you around I need to finish work first and change into my street clothes rather than work clothes.” Gesturing with one hand to indicate the bulky grimy clothes that she wore around the docks rather than ruining any of her decent clothes that she’d purchased with her hard earned credits.
When she asked her question he would step back towards her, placing a finger to her lips to shush her. "Mind the name miss. The only reason I am still alive is because no one calls me by that name anymore, and nor should you. My birth name is Rayne-Sunn. Pleasure to meet you." He said with a soft smile as he then offered his hand to her in a gesture of greeting. It was apparent that he was trying to cover up an action from prying eyes. Looking around for a moment he would straighten up and nod.

"Take your time. I have some work to take care of anyway. Just pay attention, I get the feeling someone may be watching us more intently than they should be." He said softly was he walked back on to his ship to leave her to her tasks and changing. In all honesty he was going to mediate for a short while because something had caused a faint flicker in the Force, and given the way she had said his name, it might have fallen on hostile ears. If that was the case, they were both in serious trouble.
Gently taking his hand Kai nodded, “Um here I’m called Lia.” She gave him the name that she used on Nar Shadaar to hide the one that was still in the Jedi Codex’s. Kailian was sure that she was on a list of wanted Jedi as though her master had been slain she wasn’t and her lightsaber was never recovered. Giving another nod she broke contact and went back to the administration building letting the annoying Rodian foreman know that the gas shipments were being unloaded and that her shift was ending. She used a little bit of her power and pushed the moldable mind of the Rodian into thinking that she was supposed to get off of work at this time rather than in a few hours like it was scheduled for her.

Racing back to her shabby apartment Kai went through her things changing out of her work pants, coat and boots. Glancing at her sparse wardrobe she chose to wear a pair of tight fitted pants with several pockets and straps on the outside where she attached a leg holster and a blaster that she had picked up for protection. Pulling on a shirt and a form fitting overcoat with pockets along the sleeves she slid her lightsaber into a pocket along her inner arm designed to hide the long cylinder. Grabbing everything that she thought was essential Kai left the apartment unsure if she would be coming back to it at all.

Walking briskly she found herself back at the docks and staring up the ramp into Rayne-Sunn’s ship before deciding to simply head inside. Once inside the cavernous cargo space she stopped, trying to determine where in the ship Rayne-Sunn was and eventually giving up, unable to find his force signature. “Rayne-Sunn? I’m back!” Finally she decided calling out down the passageway was the best plan of action to find the man.
It would take a few moments for Rayne-Sunn to become aware that her voice was passing down the passageways of his ship to his ears, and with a heavy concentration he was able to break his trance and come back to the living world. Taking the strain to stand up and move out of his small meditation chamber, he coughed a bit and shook his head. "Lia. I'm here. I'll be there in a moment." He said as he cleared his head and rubbed his eyes. After a few moments he would grab his carry bag and head on out to where she was.

Seeing her in normal clothing he would tilt his head a bit as he analyzed her. "I remember you now. Didn't see you much, you were still young by the time I reached Knighthood. Master Almrik was your teacher, wasn't he?" He asked softly, knowing as well as she did what had happened to him on that fateful day, which caused Rayne-Sunn to lower his head. "At least he is one with the Force now, as he would have wanted. And you're alive. He always said how proud he was of you." He nodded, before walking towards her and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Come, show me what there is to see or do in this little cesspool of a planet." He said with a small smile to show he was teasing.
Wincing when she heard Rayne speak her master’s name Kai only hopped that he didn’t know her real name. She wasn’t sure why but after four years of trusting no one it was hard to trust this man, even though he claimed to be Jedi and even had the force presence to support that claim. All in all Kailian felt that trust was something that had been destroyed for her four years before and it would take a long time for her to rebuild it. When she heard him talk about her master being one with the force and being proud of her she felt herself getting angry and had to reign in her emotions ignoring his hand on her shoulder.

Stepping away quickly she felt his hand fall away from her shoulder and tried to keep her face blank of her emotions seeing as Jedi weren’t supposed to have them. Yet another thing that had been hard after four years she figured. It had always been her weakest point her emotions, tendency for attachment and a quick temper were the traits that her Master had always admonished her to keep a careful watch over. The lack of his guidance and support or that of any other Jedi for the past four years had made that tenuous hold on her emotions even sparser.

With that in mind she shoved everything she was feeling into a box inside of her mind and pushed it away. She would deal with it later, the same way she’d been doing for years now, since her master had dragged a sixteen year old girl off to war she’d learned to bottle her emotions, and now at twenty two, she’d bottled six years of anguish, pain, grief, fear and anger along with her attachments inside of herself. Kailian knew that eventually the bottle could hold no more and it would break shattering, she just hoped that it wouldn’t get anyone else killed. “Let’s go, this place really is a cesspool, but it’s great for disappearing. I can guarantee that by experience.” She gave a bitter laugh as she led him away towards the markets, bars, and gaming houses that were the norm for entertainment on Nar Shadaar.
Rayne Sunn would not react negatively to her shifting swirl of emotion and the way she moved from below his hand, obviously scarred by what had happened four years ago. It wasn't something he could hold against her, every single Jedi who had survived the Purge lived with the echos of the screams of their fallen comrades and it had taken its tolls in different ways. Nodding once she said 'Let's go" he would walk along beside her silently, eyes constantly scanning here and there and everywhere. That bad feeling had to have an origin somewhere, even if he couldn't feel it at the moment.

He kept trying to think of something to say, knowing that she was so on edge with his presence, however his time in isolation had voided him of the necessary tools in order to help others process grief and fear. The Jedi Order was not a sentimental place most of the time, and his master had not always been the most compassionate person, so it didn't come as any surprise that Rayne-Sunn was unable to conjure up anything meaningful to say. He had lived as the sword of the Jedi Order, the group of Guardians who were called when words would not stop injustice, just the swing of a blade.

He would become so lost in thought that he wouldn't notice where she would have led them, though he was becoming slowly aware of them mess of downtrodden people that started to surround them. Starting to look around once more, he would then look to Kailian. "Lai, tell me how it is a relatively unassuming girl like you manages to live here in any sense of peace. Has it forced you to use your skills, or more importantly, your blade?" He decided to query, wanting to know if there was a remote chance she might have compromised herself to the agents of the Emperor.
Keeping her head swiveling back and forth she noticed as Rayne seemed to lose himself in thought. She decided to take him along the safest paths just to make sure nothing could sneak up on the distracted man. For a Jedi he seemed strange to Kai, everything he did was detached, not the sort of one step removed from the problem attitude like she’d seen in some masters, but rather a cold emotional detachment that seemed deeper than that. Giving a mental shrug she watched from the corner of her eyes as different gangs, pickpockets and other less savory members of the Nar Shadaar society moved about them.

One hand resting on her pistol she was watching a Duros who had the same distinctive scar across his face of a Duros she’d heard talking about his murders in some sectors of Nar Shadaar. Walking along she passed a market and finally it seemed that Rayne was paying attention again and asking questions. Barely suppressing the urge to roll her eyes at the older Jedi she tapped one finger against the blaster that her hand rested against. “It’s probably better you don’t mention those again at least in the open. And no I use my blaster, I’ve learned there are times where you have to act like a local to fit in. To that end most of the gangs, thieves and other criminals of the area have learned the hard way that I am more skilled with a blaster or vibroblade than almost any other person they’ve met.”

Giving a shrug she stopped on a corner and turned to Rayne. “Alright what do you want to go see, there’s the main market, the casinos, the houses of ill repute, and the bars. Other than that there’s not much on Nar Shadaar other than black markets, slavers and criminals.” She put her free hand on her hip without letting her other hand stray from her blaster before she suddenly turned to her right pulling it free and firing without hesitation burning a hole into the upper arm of a Weequay thug who was aiming a scatter blaster at the two of them from an alleyway, more than likely with the intent of mugging the off-worlder. Stepping forwards Kai kicked the blaster behind her and motioned down the alley and the Weequay ran off. “I’ve generally survived like that, I try not to kill anyone and if I have to, I have to. That’s as peaceful as I get.”
Rayne-Sunn had been about to answer her question before she decided to stop the dastardly Weequay with a well placed blast. He had to smile to himself to see that her reflexes had not gone soft in the time since the end of the war. Giving a small nod of approval he turned towards her and started to walk, before his deep blue eyes shot upwards for just a moment, and then he went flying, the victim of a rather vicious Force Push which landed him in a heafty pile of garbage.

The originator would make her presence known quite quickly, dropping down a few meters away from Kai. It was a tall, platinum haired Miraluka, her eyes covered by a blood red sash and her form, in typical Emperor's Hand fashion was covered in a form fitting black outfit, one that obviously did not restrict her movement.

"I knew that simple minded Weequay would do the trick. They way you sensed his intentions, and those reflexes. Surely you are not all you appear to be miss...Lai." The woman said with a sneer on her lips that exposed her obvious intentions.

"Though I can see the Force flowing off you like a gown, I cannot quite make out your face. Treyvar, Kalmair! Identify her!" She ordered and from two adjacent alleyways came two male Nagais, looking Kai up and down intently as they appeared to be trying to figure her out.

"Kailian Turmak my lady. I am sure of it." One of them said, as the trio drew their lightsabers and held them at their sides patiently.

"Ahh, Kailian, the hotheat." The Miraluka said smoothly. "Oh, and so sorry about your friend, but we only kill Jedi. We leave the Force Sensitive ones so we can train them to hunt the likes of you." She continued, apparently interested only in monologing as the three assassin's surrounded Kai slowly.
All of Kai’s thoughts and worries stopped as she watched Rayne being pushed back into a pile of garbage. Turning she kept her blaster in hand and moved the other to her waist waiting as she watched the Miraluka step forwards. Shivering she stared at the platinum haired woman and shivered, the Miraluka had always given Kalian the creeps. A force sensitive race that usually chose neither side but when they did had the tendency to be dark, such a species always was a worry to the Council.

She sensed the others even before the female called them and suddenly the two pale Nagai were stepping out into the street. Another shiver, this one from fear passed down her spine as one of the recognized her and had her letting out a little growl as anger seeped through her control. Dimly she sensed pedestrians running away from the three figures with drawn lightsabers that had moved to surround her.

The only things she seemed to have on her side were that these three could only be force sensitive or maybe adepts but the Emperor would never allow very many true force users to be allowed to live and the other was that they believed Rayne to be a simple force sensitive like them.“Really? You think he has even enough force sensitivity to hunt Jedi?”

She decided that talking, buying a few moments to allow Rayne to do something as well as to size up her opponents would be to her advantage. The Nagai to her left the one she’d called Treyvar was taller, but thinner and seemed to favor his left side, probably covering an old injury there. To her right the one called Kalmair seemed to be balanced, graceful and fluid in his movements. And finally the Miraluka seemed to be the most calm, relaxed of the three and probably the biggest threat followed by Kalmair and finally Treyvar. “And what is the name of the one who is going to slay me?”

Waiting she planned figuring that she would kill Treyvar first, a few blaster bolts fired at his head and left and weaker side would leave his right exposed for her to throw the vibroblade. After that she figured it would come to lightsaber work and the force would decide who would survive.
The Miraluka chuckled softly to her questions, shaking her head a few times before placing a hand upon her hip. "Any Force Sensitive creature could be used to hunt your type, especially when they are obvious as you." She retorted, taking another few steps towards her. The Nagai also took a few steps forward and chuckled shortly after the Miraluka, showing that they were definitely her subordinates and were probably not going to take part in slaying Kai.

"Of course, I will be the one to kill you, for I am the true Emperor's Hand here, and I hate...no, absolutely despise you and your kind. So, without further adieu, Let's--" She stopped mid way through her threat, and then ducked as a rather heavy looking pallet flew over her head.

From behind her, Kai might hear Rayne-Sunn's voice carry down the alley. "Do your plan Kai! It should work!" With that several more pieces of debris came flying towards the midnight clad members of the Emperor's assassins. With that business out of the way, Rayne-Sunn's hand would tilt back, the Force unzipping the two pockets on the back of his arms and dropping the lightsabers into his grasp. In one fluid motion the two blades would be ignited as he closed the gap to them, one purple and one orange blade humming through the air as he approached.
For a moment Kai was shocked by Rayne telling her to act out the plan that she had only vaguely figured out in her mind. She’d never known someone to read exact intentions through the force, only general intentions and that side thought froze her for a bare moments before she burst into action. Firing at the Nagai’s head she flung the vibroblade embedding it deep into the alien’s upper thigh and without watching she knew arterial blood had begun to flow out around the blade. Without a doubt she knew that he would be dead within a few minutes and if he tried to fight back the blade embedded in his leg would severely hamper him.

Kailian crossed her arms and from her left sleeve the long handle of her lightsaber slid into her hand. Thumbing the switch and the elegant golden-yellow blade slid forth with a prevailing ‘thrumm’ of power. Turning slightly to the side she stepped up next to Rayne facing off with the Miraluka and shook her head, “You truly are a rather ignorant creature aren’t you? I ask for your name and you give me that ridiculous rant?”

Squaring her shoulders she didn’t wait for a response but swirled in swinging her blade quickly flashing it in from direction to direction trying to gauge the Miraluka’s defenses. Her strokes were swift and sure, flashing and blazing as they connected against the other’s red blade. Both fighters were twisting and striking, moving several paces away from Rayne and the other Nagai as they fought. Dodging a swing from the Miraluka she jumped back flipping and landing on top of a sign connected to the building. Balancing there she took a moment to take in the swirling fight below her.
If asked, Rayne-Sunn could never admit to having know what her plan was, especially that it was an excellent and well planned execution. All he knew is her mind was busy processing something, and he figured he would make a gamble and get her in motion as he recovered from his 'flying' accident.

He closed the distance to Kai quickly, and it was an unspoken agreement that Rayne-Sunn would deal with the Nagai, and Kai could handle the the monologuing Miraluka who seemed intent on bringing an end to Kai's life. Turning to face the palid aggressor, Rayne-Sunn attacked immediately, a move which sent the Nagai reeling, for not only was Rayne-Sunn a physically strong opponent, his Force training had been focusing on making him even stronger which coincided with the lightsaber training he had received from Master Windu, a vicious, disconnected series of attacks that simply confused and overwhelmed the insufficently prepared assassin.

"By the Emperor...you must be Rynin. I would recognize those movements anywhere." The Nagai said as he sat on the ground, recovering from the initial assault. He scrambled backwards, staying away from the outstretched beam of one of Rayne-Sunn's lightsabers.

"Apparently you were not sufficiently prepared for such a meeting. Stand up, and fight me." He replied, stepping back and lowering his blade and waiting. The Nagai slowly stood and acted as he prepared to duel, and then bolted, trying to flee down the alley away from the Jedi.

If Kai was watching, she would see the air around Rayne-Sunn darken considerably as his shoulders heaved under heavy breathing, and in a roaring voice he would call after the retreated enemy. "You shall not live to kill any more of my kind!" and he threw both of his lightsabers, attaching so much of the Force to them that they flew incredibly fast before effortlessly slicing the assassin into three parts. Turning away he caught the sabers as they returned and he looked up to Kai before returning to their previous alleyway to face the Miraluka.

The arrogance had disappeared from the sash covered face of the Emperor's agent, having not expected Kai to still be as talented and powerful as she was, and most certainly not expecting to have run into one of the most promising Jedi Guardians before the Purge. But she knew she could not retreat, that would only end in her dishonourable death.

Facing the two Jedi, she sneer, and with one quick stroke of her lightsaber she decapitated herself in ritualistic suicide, refusing to give her enemies the satisfaction of defeating her, and never having to admit that she retreated in the face of a superior enemy.
Kai barely noticed anything around her during her fight with the Miraluka she was taking the moment as she balanced above the fight to check on what was happening. Off to her left she took in the fact that the Nagai with the knife in his leg had stopped moving and was surrounded by a pool of its own blood, sensing no life presence from it she counted it as dead before. All those details she took in in a few bare seconds before her eyes swiveled far to the right to take in Rayne-Sunn and watched as the air around him darkened quickly followed by his thrown lightsabers.

With a hop she landed lightly in front of the Miraluka, her landing barely making any noise as she brought her blade back up in a guard position. Kai watched the thought process flashing through the assassin’s mind as she realized no matter what, against two Jedi she was guaranteed death. Wanting to end this servant of darkness herself Kai rolled forwards in a lunge but was too late as the Miraluka took her own head off and tumbled leaving Kailian’s saber thrust into the air where she had just stood.

“Firefek!” Beesga!” Breaking out the Huttese that she’d learned in the cantinas and around the docks Kai tried to show her displeasure at the Miraluka taking her own life rather than letting one of the Jedi deal with her. Grumbling under her breath she snatched up the lightsaber that had fallen and bent to search the Miraluka’s body finding several thousand credit chips in small denominations. Pocketing them she kept her fingers probing the clothing and body of the Miraluka until she found a set of false documentation, several knives and a few bits a pieces that she tossed back down onto the body.

Turning to Rayne-Sunn she raised an eyebrow at him. “Nice throw, but we need to leave now. You have any suggestions as to where and how? Oh and did you search that Nagai?” Even as she spoke she walked over to the Nagai she’d thrown her knife at and knelt down. Yanking her knife from its thigh and wiping the blade on the dead Nagai’s clothes she sifted through his pockets finding a few little odds and ends and only a few cred-chips before snatching up his lightsaber as she stood again. “If you’re ready we need to get out of here.”
Rayne-Sunn would give no overt reaction to the actions of the assassin, his lip twitching once as he looked down from a short moment and then up. It seemed like he was sniffing the air for an answer or other possible threats as she rummaged through the fallen Miraluka's pockets. "We'll have to leave the planet, that much is clear." When she asked if he had cleared the alien's pocket, he chuckled.

"Sorry, I don't make a habit of stealing from my enemies. It's not a very Jedi act to commit, though I can understand why you would from a survival standpoint." He added the last sentence to avoid it seeming like he was chastizing her for her actions. Though a strick follower of his beliefs, he was not a man to exist solely in black and white. The Force didn't work like that.

"We will go to your apartment first, get your stuff and I will leave before you. Take a tour through the city, say goodbye to those you have to, then meet me at the hangar. The safest option is for you to come with me, but we can't go together until we're at the ship." He explained, manipulating his sabers back into their pockets slowly before extending his arm. "Lead the way."
Shrugging at his telling her that he didn’t take from the enemy she thought of all the times her and Master Almrik had taken from the dead in order to survive or in order to gain the credits to do something useful wherever they were, typically something that aided clone soldiers, or as Master Almrik called them, slave soldiers. At the time she’d had no opinion and didn’t understand why they were slave soldiers, but now she knew very well, force to obey orders, no stake in the system they defended, and nothing to live for except following orders. They were slaves, but in a way so were Jedi.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, that was a road she’d been down many times in her thoughts, and she dare not dwell on it too long lest she examine herself and find answers she didn’t want. Kai felt less and less like the Jedi, about to take her trials, that she’d been when she’d had that last breakfast with Master Almrik. Turning she knelt next to the Nagai that Rayne-Sunn had killed and looted him as well, searching through his things and taking that which was useful as well as his saber before standing and turning to Rayne-Sunn. “I feel less and less Jedi like daily.”

Without waiting for a reply she turned down the street and started walking towards her apartment block. “I have everything I truly need but there are things to get if we have time. Also is it wise to go to your ship? They have seen you know and I am sure others were watching in case these failed. Would that not lead you back to whoever you work for and live with putting them in danger?” Kailian thought about the potential problems and futures if there was another imperial agent watching them even as her swift stride brought them closer and closer to her apartment.
Rayne-Sunn would contemplate her feelings as they ran, especially with how she was feeling less and less Jedi like as the days pass by. He sighed lightly to himself, knowing how being seperated from the world they had known would cause an eventual detachment from the teachings and philosophy which had been the cornerstone of their life since childhood. But there was a more pressing question to answer, and that was how they were going to get back to the ship safely and without a tail.

"That is why we must seperate. Even if someone follows us, a smart tour of the city, going every which direction and sliding in and out of crowds can easily fool even the most Force Sensitive assassin. You just have to plan properly, and make sure you're now being followed before committing to getting on the ship. I have faith you'll know when you're safe." he said with an assured nod.

"Worse comes to worse I can ask if my father remembers any tricks for erasing peoples memories." he teased, looking around a few times just to make sure they're not being obviously followed at close proximity.
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