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The Monster School (Always Accepting! - OOC)

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Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Note: I know this isn't where we will be RPing, but I just want to go ahead and type up the whole RP main page to have it ready to create a new thread in the Group RP.

On a remote island in the middle of nowhere lies a school of secret origin...The school has one purpose and one purpose train. Who exactly? The students...And who are the students? Anybody and Anything. The school trains students of all races and species to become the best of their abilities...From humans to vampires to shapeshifters to angels to even aliens from another planet, the school will train you...But the secret of the school's purpose is hidden and clouded in a shroud of mystery...All you know is that you are a student, and for your first will get to know your friends and your enemies...though the funny thing is, your enemies might be more of an ally than your friends could be...​


So being simple, this RP is what I hope to be a two part series or even a small trilogy. The first part of this series will be you to get you to know your fellow classmates for one whole year, scouting around the island and picking fights and even findings lovers (or making love/defiling others). The possibilities are endless, though know that the first part will be mainly to interact with your classmates and teachers...the second part will have more action in it.​


-No God Modding
-No Power Playing
-No Mind Controlling characters
-In the 'Other' section of the form, include your character's name in Bold, even if you do not have anything to put in that section.
-Everyone has to be fair, lose if you lose and don't get up if its clear you've been beaten.
-Be sure you establish a post order for your scenes! It makes things so much easier.
-Don't just jump into a scene, request if it is an appropriate moment and then establish how the post order will go.
-At most three characters are allowed per user.
-No killing of other characters with the user's consent.


Account Name-

Position- (Student or Teacher)
Race- (Anything you want, from something real to something made up)
Weapon(s)- (Optional)
Image/Description- (No RL Pics allowed. Use a description then.)
Special Ability- (Don't create Godly powers)

Biography- (Doesn't have to be long, but at least explain a reason for being to the island other than to train.)
Is a- (Dom/Sub/Switch)


Well thats it pretty much. If anyone has any questions let me know, or if they have any ideas or advice for the RP, let me know. I am always up for suggestions.
RE: The Monster School

Honestly? It's a little Gaia Online-ish. It reminds me of some of the rps that you'd see start up and die fairly quickly. I like group rp's, but without a little more direction, I'm not sure this will go well. It's a mix of a ton of things right now. Maybe narrow it down a little bit more.

I've seen enough of this kind to know that there's a bit of a risk involved if you don't have a lot of interest built up before hand. *nods* My advice would be to pare it down a little--give it a tad more focus and then recruit--especially teachers.
RE: The Monster School

I was planning on being a teacher and a student. And I never really thought of it being Gaia Online-ish. This used to be a successful RP with over 10k posts on an old site that isn't around anymore. Though back then I was only like thirteen... *Shrug* I just want to see if I can bring it back lol. I may have left out a lot of detail that used to be there but its been like five or six years since I RPed in it.
RE: The Monster School

Oh, it's fair enough, and the idea is usually pretty popular when it starts. I'm not saying it's bad, but I have been on Gaia lately, and this kind of thing is still popular and short-lived there.
RE: The Monster School

Well, Gaia has children there even below the age of 10 so I'm sure that RPs would die out quickly. However here, we're literate and mature RPers. Though...I haven't ever done a group RP similar to anything like this on this site for a group RP so I'm wondering how good it will be.
RE: The Monster School

lol, so true. I still think my constructive criticism has basis, but you're right. There's no reason this shouldn't stay up if people are interested enough in it.
RE: The Monster School

Alright. Tomorrow, when I get a chance to, I'll start up the actual thread. Tonight is too late and I'm heading out now.
RE: The Monster School (OOC)

Monster School Profiles

There's the link to the actual thread. Be sure you PM me your profiles for approval first before you post on the Profile page.
RE: The Monster School (OOC)

oh okay sorry well i shall be checking back to see about the thread starting
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