Love across time

Nov 30, 2010
"Alex, when you said you wanted to teach him to be a better leader while in the past, I didn't know you meant literally."Draco sneered at his friend looking over at the blond, before looking around the great hall. Things looked different from the head table, but the hogwarts great hall hadn't changed in the years between now and the future.

Alexander Medici snickered looking at his friend and fellow death eater before looking at the rest of the staff, then back at the other blond who'd traveled back with him, with the intent of changing what was to come. "You should know by now I mean what I say literally."He said before lowering his voice, looking at the other."You and I know he was fine until this school year, whatever drove tom insane happened here. He was a dark wizard,even now, but sane. We just have to make sure the event never happens."He said.

"You my friend, are insane."Draco muttered looking at the slightly older man, looking him over. With hair so blond it should have belonged to a malfoy and eyes like crushed emeralds, Alexander medici cut a impressive figure, even if no one in this time knew how deadly he was. Standing a imposing 6'6" the death eaters under his command lived in fear not of his spells, or yelling, but of that quiet stillness that just set your teeth on edge. Yet, by far, the most disturbing thing of the man, was that because he'd spent so much time in his animagus form of a serpent, his eyes were forever stuck as a snakes, their normal startling brilliant green, and yet slitted. It was always a treat for the death eaters to listen to voldermort and alex trade barbs in parseltongue, because of his serpent form the man could understand. Impressive was one word that covered the man who'd decided that they'd be teaching

"Nah. Who better to teach defense against dark arts, tehn someone who practices it."Alexander answered laughing softly, glad that they looked like each other enough to pass as siblings for this endevor. Rubbing his face he smirked watching the doors open."Now shut up draconis, the rugrats are here."He muttered smirking as he watched the elder students move to their tables smirking wider when he saw the seventh year tom riddle move to the head to the table. It was going to be a interesting beginning year of hogwarts. Of course, it was mildly odd to be a teacher instead of a student. Even at 25, he was young to be a teacher, but dammit if he didnt enjoy it. Hell,even half the death eaters he'd taught, so teaching children, was right up his alley. "Arrogant little git. He reminds me of you."He muttered at his friend without looking at draco, keeping his eyes on the orphaned tom riddle, who was looking way better these days then the voldermort they'd left in the future.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head as he straightened his robes, as impeccable and ordered as Abraxas Malfoy was, coming down the line. Draco could only be glad that they looked only like close cousins, instead of mirror images. Abraxas was much more masculine than Draco was, who had a very feminine appearance, only made worse by his shoulder length hair, which he kept loose. "Rugrats my ass Alexander." he stated with a sneer. "you know very well how much i hate children." he grumbled scowling at a group of second years, who cowered immediately under his gaze, that which would even put Snape to shame. "i am nowhere near as obnoxious as he is." Draco complained, his eyes narrowed at Tom who glanced up at the table with a sinister little smirk and curiosity. it was clear that Draco was already determined to hate Tom, though that would probably change.

"i wonder who that is, he looks like you Lord Abraxas." Tom teased his only friend, looking over the blond Draco and the blonder Alexander. "in fact they both do in a way, though the smaller one, i'd swear he was your father if i didn't know he was dead." it was a well known fact that Abraxas had hated his father, so Tom felt no remorse mentioning the man...not that he would have felt bad anyway. "well if i'd had to guess, the small one is our new potions master, look he already has the glare down!" he laughed, it was a rich, warm, charming laugh as he settled into place, his Head Boy badge gleaming importantly in the light.

as charming as he was however, there was still something about Tom Riddle that just seamed, not right. anyone well versed with the ability to read aura's would see that Tom was depressed, very depressed and hell bent on some sort of revenge. anyone who could see through clothes would see the scars laid across his ass and back, from a heavy caning. but no one in Hogwarts could do either, yet, and since Tom never showered or changed in front of anyone no one ever suspected. and even worse he seemed to have a deep fascination for Draco and Alexander, his eyes fixed on them intently and without fail as he examined them both very closely. "hmm their very cue." Tom chirped smirking at Abraxas. "i think you would like them, you should try to seduce them into your bed Brax, the small one looks like he could use a good lay." Draco was pretty small, but still, if Draco had heard those comments he probably would have killed the Dark Lord then and there.
Alex's smirk widened, the inner death eater showing through. Arrogance and snark showing in that look as he surveyed his students."Draco, I AM every bit as obnixious, and you still like me. Now don't hate him before you try to like him.Don't be snape with potter.And if you keep up the glare, your going to make them cry before term actually starts"He said smirking, because well, there was nothing better to goad draco over then his godfather.Snickering a little he raised his eyesbrows as he caught the two slytherins studying them."I think your grandfather's checking us out."He said tilting his head, as if inviting the two to say something. Straightening his shirt-he despised robes, and in the process of getting hired had convinced the headmaster to just let him wear close fitting slacks and a dress shirt instead of draco's impeccable robes..... no matter how much Draco complained, he was NOT wearing robes unless absolutely necessary.

Brax laughed smirking as he looked the two over."Yes, he does have the glare down well.And the other must be the defense teacher."He said wisely, smirking. Studying them, because he was already thinking the best way to seduce them, sure that he would be able to do so. After all, he hadn't failed yet. Wincing as the headmaster stood.

Dumbledore smiled, younger and more energetic then alexander or draco had ever seen him, he raised his hand calling for silence so he could give his speech."Welcome back students. Yet another year has arrived, and we are glad to have you back among us. Shall we welcome the professors medici, who will be teaching potions and defense respectively? Welcome to hogwarts gentlemen.Now. Do you wish to say anything to your students?"

Alex stopped...wondering just how sarcastic he could get...and not have draco smack him for it. Shifting as he felt eyes on him, he knew tom was watching him intently, like always it felt like a brand on his skin...though the younger's attention didn't hold the gut fear that came with facing voldermort. Standing he tilted his head."Alexander Medici I teach defense, and I will teach you how death is the last enemy to be conquered.Lets eat."He said sitting down again, snickering a little. Okay, so he knew he was going to get smacked for using the death eater words, but alas, he couldn't help it. And he really would show his students how death was the last obstacle any would face.
Draco snorted a little as he shook his head. "maybe i WANT to make them cry!?" he demanded turning that intense glare on his friend his eyes narrowed, increasing the volume, one of the ickle second years actually whimpered. "and you should be wearing ROBES Alexander, ROBES! muggle clothing is NOT appropriate for a slytherin!" he hissed, scowling at his 'brother with a dainty sniff of displeasure he turned to glare forcefully at Abraxas. "and he had BETTER not be checking me out! he'll get detention till the end of his miserable days!" Draco just liked to bitch, but still, incest was not really Draco's thing, even if he was pretty sure that he was going to end up getting fucked by his own grandfather. from what Draco remembered, Abraxas never failed to get who he wanted.

"god he's chipper." Draco and Tom complained simultaneously, Tom rolling his eyes and Draco simply scowling harder. "i have the feeling that the small one," because professor Medici wouldn't work, they where both professor Medici. "doesn't really want to be here." Tom admitted with a small smirk. "we'll have to make sure that their both welcomed properly." he purred, licking his lips. he had never really wanted anyone before, not like this. he didn't doubt that Abraxas would find it strange, as Tom had often stood aloof and apart from everyone else, from what anyone could tell Tom didn't even touch himself, at least no one had ever caught him doing it, and many had tried.

he looked amused at the words of Alexander and nodded a little to himself. "i like that, very clever, i think i might use that." he admitted licking his lips. "the last enemy to be conquered, VERY interesting words." he stated with a grin examining Alexander even more closely now as Draco deftly smacked his 'brother' over the head and stood. "Draconis Medici, anyone caught calling me by my first name will suffer a slow and painful death." he stated with a glare around the classroom. "i am to be your potions teacher and that is all, I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, even stopper death -- if you aren't as big a bunch of idiots as I usually have to deal with." he stated with another Glower around the room before he sat down. several of the hufflepuff seemed to have fainted, a fact that both Draco and Tom found HIGHLY amusing. "i LIKE him." Tom hissed, snickering a little. "we might actually LEARN something this year!"
brax nodded starting to eat, looking amused."Between the two of them, they seem to know what they're doing."He said before nodding, "Though you are right, Draconis doesn't want to be here....we must make him feel welcome."He muttered looking at his friend oddlly. It was odd seeing Tom so taken in with someone. Hell the boy didn't touch himself, and after sharing a dorm room with him, he'd know. So...this attraction was odd. Staring harder at the two he smiled."Its going to be interesting to say the least."He said snickering as a few gryffindors even wilted under the heat of the glare.

Alex snickered looking at his 'brother' rubbing the back of his head."Ow. That wasn't nice."He pouted cutely, which made his serpent shaped eyes even more disturbing. "Stealing snape's speaches now?"he muttered as draco sat down, starting to eat. Eager to finish, because... well he'd never admit it, but hell, he wanted to see what tom was like up close and personal...and seeing as him and draco had both been put in charge of slytherin for the year, things were going to be interesting."And he IS checking you out. But look at tom. He's staring at me."He whined softly, squirming as he tried to loosen his pants. For once, regretting the skin tight dragonhide leather pants he had on. Thankfully, he wouldn't have to be standing in the near future, and hopefully food would be enough of a distraction to get rid of his...problem. A dark blush stained his features as he thought of that, nearly moaning. Wondering what the hell was wrong with him. Unlike tom, he had a very active sex life, and yet....nothing had caught his body on fire like just being stared at by riddle.
Tom snickered a little. "Draconis..." ignoring the order not to call him by his first name already!!!. "certainly doesn't seem to like his brother much either." he admitted with a smirk. "or maybe a smack upside the head is affectionate in his family?" he sounded amused. "shall i smack you upside the head from now on Brax?" he teased green eyes glittering with amusement as he continued to look at Alexander with intense, wanting eyes. "oh yes, VERY interesting." he agreed licking his lips. he was no doubt going to touch himself for the first time in years. sure he'd touched himself before, experimental sorts of things, but now he was going to really wank, he was going to have to find somewhere private to do it, couldn't ruin his 'i'm perfect' image now.

Draco snorted a little and straightened his tie. "shut up Alex." he ordered snidely. "i happen to enjoy taking after my godfather." obviously. he took a small bite of his food and sighed a little. "after five years of catered food and caviar, this just isn't very good." he complained softly. Draco had always hated the Hogwarts food, and often complained about it, but for once he just sneered at the selection and continued eating, he was too hungry to complain, he'd have his own personal house elves...they...where only about a hundred and fifty years in the future... "dammit." he growled, sulking as he glared at his food. "i blame YOU for this Alex!' he growled before pausing, looking startled. "are you blushing!?" he demanded in a soft whisper, glancing at Tom, who was sharing a soft blush a wicked little smirk spreading across his lips. "oh my, it looks like i won't be the only one getting it up the ass by a student.' Draco had a particularly nasty mouth at times, and he was definitely not trying to help Alex's hard on.
"You smack me riddle, I'll smack back."Brax pointed out, laughing softly studying his friend, smirking as he looked bteween the teacher and tom. Amused by the look on his friend's face.Hmmm...maybe he wouldn't be the only getting laid in the near future."....tom you're looking a little hot and bothered."He teased lowering his voice as he studied his friend. Finding this attraction amusing.

"I am not."He growled glaring at Draco as he ate, shifting a little."And don't blame me. This was your idea."He growled before shifting, before snarling softly."I do NOT bottom for anyone."He growled though it felt like his pants were trying to choke him at the idea. Damn if that wasn't a appealling thought.Bottoming for the dark wizard...nearly moaning at the thought he leaned closer to draco, snarling as he whispered."I am not above torturing you if you don't stop giving me mental pictures. SHUT UP."He demanded, shoveling food in his mouth in the effort to think of anything but tom moaning under him, in him...any way actually.
Tom snickered a little as he shook his head before he went as red as a tomato, not that it was hard to accomplish, Riddle went red at any hint of a sexual joke, which made people beleive he was a virgin, well he was, sort of, he just found the whole thing very embarrassing. Tom went red many times in a day, in fact it was often a competition to see how many people could make Tom blush, and how many times. so far Abraxas was winning, but then Abraxas knew all the best ways to make him blush. "Shut up Brax before i practice that spell i found on you." he growled glaring at his friend before turning away from the teachers and finally eating his food, the blush remaining as he pictured his teacher under him, getting screwed into his own desk. "fuck..i don't feel well." Tom complained, clutching his belly, he'd never felt such lust before!

Draco snorted a little. "yeah well it was YOUR spell." he growled smirking as he watched tom go beat red and turn away from them. "my, it would seem young Malfoy said something, no doubt about how sexy you are with that blush on your face. not thinking anything naughty are you?" he teased smirking at Alex, silently stated 'you don't scare me'. "in any case, what do you teach first? first or third years? i have to deal with the incompetence of first years." but he would be much nicer than Snape in that aspect, he would at least teach them all HOW to cut, mix, and stir, not to mention the actual placing of the ingredients into the cauldron!. the first years, and probably second and third years wouldn't get to actually make potions until Draco was certain they could use a knife properly.
Brax laughed softly, even though he knew tom was serious about that spell. His amusement faded into concern as he looked at the other, he tilted his head."Do you want to see if they'll excuse you to head on down to the dorms?I'm sure professor medici would want to see your room."He stated, okay, even concerned he couldn't help but want to embarass his friend. Moaning softly as he felt magic slide over his skin, raising his head to see what had caused it. Looking startled at the two new professors. Wondering which one had lost their temper.

"As if I'd demean myself in teaching first or third years first. I get them first."He said jerking his head towards the two slytherins who were watching them before letting his temper slip the leash, letting magic flair in the effort to slow his lust. Wincing he stood after making sure that his pants were loose enough-thank god for tranfiguration- that his 'problem' wasn't visble. Bowing slightly to dumbledore he excused himself, "I'm going to go lay down."He muttered to draco,"We have a shared suite. Come check on me later, make sure I haven't died or somethig."he said blushing harder, because at the moment lust was burning him up, and dammit it hurt. Before pausing as he stopped at the table, leaning against draco's chair for a moment, concern and lust showing on his face as he stared at tom. Though concern was the mask hiding the lust.
Tom shook his head a little. "no..." he groaned his hand settling onto Abraxas' inner thigh and then squeezing, HARD, his nails digging into flesh even through the Robes, causing no doubt a great deal of pain, that would later bruise fairly well, a silent warning before he groaned again, feeling the magic wash over his skin, leaning forward, abandoning his punishment for Abraxas much earlier than he normally would and laying slightly on the table, several students leaning over to ask if he was alright, to which he only shook his head.

Draco sighed a little and shook his head as he watched Abraxas and Tom, standing as well. "you go to the rooms, i'll check on the poor student over there, i'm sure a stomach calming Drought will help him." he stated simply, moving over to Tom, pointedly ignoring Abraxas as he carefully helped Tom to stand, the boy clutching his stomach, his own arousal well hidden by the robes that he wore, hand me downs it looked like, it nearly made Draco cringe to see such a fine man wearing such terrible clothes. "alright there?" Draco asked, glancing Tom over. "come with me then, we'll get you some potions to help with that." he ordered, Tom nodding as he glanced back at Abraxas, eyes promising the other a great deal of pain before he followed Draco out of the room, hopefully he could take the potion an still be able to enjoy a good wank later.
"Well damn...this is going to be interesting."Brax muttered watching both professors medici, and his friend leave the room. Shuddering a little at the promised punishment, he wondered what was going to happen now. It was going to be interesting.

The next day Brax smiled as he slipped into the DADA room, tilting his head as he caught sight of tom riddle, anti social being of the century, sitting at the front of the class. Would the wonders never cease.... "You do realize getting that close to him is going to make last night's issues worse right?"He muttered slipping into the seat next to his friend, tilting his head as he leaned over enough to look into the rooms behind the classroom. The two part room had been set up differently from the one that would come later, a dueling arena was set up in the back, and seeing the tall blond man moving around back there, he wondered what the lesson would be for the day.

Alex growled softly turning to face draco, glad that his 'brother's' free period, was during his 7th year DADA least the first one of the year was. At least dueling draco would show not only he wasn't someone to screw with, and would put off the pissing contests he was liable to get in, he was liable to get tom's attention, AND see what he needed to work with the students on.All in all, a good lesson."So. A no holds barred-all go brawl?Of ourse, we cant do unforgiveables. Or killing each other. But..."He trailed off as he'd caught sight of who was already sitting in his classroom, trialing off as he mentally drooled.
Tom glared at Abraxas when he entered, Draco had made Tom stay in the hospital wing all night, so Tom hadn't been able to wank at all! as such he was in a very touchy mood and looked like he was about to rip Abraxas' head off. "shut up." he hissed his eyes narrowed. "don't think your going to get away with teasing me Malfoy." he hissed fingers twitching under the table. "and certainly don't think that only one bruise is going to be enough of your flesh to make me feel better." he spat before turning away from his friend, ignoring him for now.

Draco rolled his eyes, not that he would let anyone see and smacked his brother over the head, pretty hard too. "pay attention, stop staring at his ass." he ordered in a low whisper. "get up there and start teaching and try not to look like a muggle while your doing it! that means no stuttering and no stopping to stare at Riddle!" he ordered, glaring at the other. "no Dark curses either, i doubt Dumbledore would aprecate any blood on the floors or on the students."
"Ow!"Alex whined wincing as the sound of it echoed through the room. Swallowing hard he aimed a absent sercumspectra over his shoulder, not intending to hit the other as he headed out into the classroom, leaning against the edge of his desk as he watched the classroom fill up, pointedly forcing himself not to look at tom. Running his fingers through close cropped blond hair he smirked, watching the last couple students come in."Seeing as you've all lived to come to this class I assume you've actually learned something before now. Well. Okay no. I don't trust anyone's teachings but my own, so that's why we're going to have a demostration day, followed by practice. I'm very...hands on..."Alex stopped mentally following that train of thought before he remembered draco's words."Which is why I have set up a duel, and then I will be seeing just how much I'm going to have to kick all your asses to get the lessons to stick.Now."He stopped, because he didn't believe in log lectures. "Everyone into the duel room."He said waving everyone into the second room, ducking his head and blushing slightly as he looked at draco, knowing he'd been listening in."Draco, swords and wand?Should I teach that to?"He asked sounding amused. Because well, the current death eaters he taught swords to. But he didn't know if he should do it to a bunch of students....though showing a duel that way would be amusing. And...attract tom.

Brax sighed softly shaking his head. Upset that he'd managed to upset his friend. Running his fingers through his hair as he sat down next to the head boy as they settled into the dueling room he watched the two brother's, smiling sweetly at draco. Intent on doing as tom said, and getting the boy laid.
Draco smirked as he calmly got rid of the snake, shaking his head a little as he listened to Alex. "oh, Hands on?" he asked, smirking at the other when he walked back in, before Glaring furiously at Abraxas. "wipe that smile off your face boy!: he ordered sternly. "this is a Dueling room not a playground!" he snapped tom snickering a little as he watched. "i think he's going to be a good challenge for you." Tom stated, already calmed down from his momentary upset. "that's good, you can't have EVERYTHING you want just because you smile." he teased smirking at his friend before watching as Draco slid a silver sword out of a scabbard at his hip. "swords, then wands. they are seventh years now, they should have a way to defend themselves if they find themselves wandless don't you think?" he asked watching the many students intently, waiting for Alexander to explain that Swords where often used in Wizarding battles, because unlike Wands, swords, specially ones made of pure metals, could not be 'expeliarmused' away. "this is going to be very interesting, i've never seen anyone fight with swords before, have you?" Tom asked, excitement in his voice, the same kind he had every time they learned something new and dangerous.
Brax shook his head looking startled, then predatory at the idea of having to fight harder for his prey."No. But there are some more older families that might still. There was a time when all duels were faught with swords."Brax said leaning forward in his seat looking curious and excited, this was going to be a interesting year.

Alex nondded smirking a little."Often, even if its still not wholly popular these days, swords are used because unlike wands, they're pure metal, and you can't summon them away from the weilder.Like his."He said gesturing to the sword draco was holding,along with his wand."This way, he can fight from a distance and up close should he lose the wand. Of course...then there's my personal weapon of choice."Alex smirked casting the silent and wandless spell, a thing of his own creation, because well, he couldn't help it!He wanted tom to be impressed...and well he really wanted to wipe the smirk off draco's face. Let him deal with the results of this spell.

Looking at the illusion sword in his hand, he couldn't lose it, after all it only existed when it was struck. Turning to face Draco he raised the wards tilting his head."Come on pretty boy, I'm so going to make you regret this."He said raising his hand casting, smirking. Casting serpentsortia he hissed softly, forgetting he had another parseltongue in the class. Smirking because he knew his 'brother' hated snakes. Letting it slither closer to the blond he watched for a moment, more then entertained.Just scare him pretty. I'm just having fun, no bites. He hasn't deserved it yet. he hissed softly smirking as the serpent moved closer
Tom leaned forward eagerly, his eyes gleaming with unconcealed passion as he listened to Alex, passion for learning and for Pain, Draco smirking a little as he listened to Alex gloat, rolling his eyes as he cast a cutting charm at the snake, whacking it's head off, several the the seventh years shrieking in horror as Draco darted forward, swinging the blade with a deadly accuracy. Draco looked like he was dancing when he worked with the blade, a fact that, no doubt, Abraxas would notice as the blade gleamed in Draco's hand, his wand flicking as he cast hex after hex, all of them just bordering dark spells.

"Brax!" Tom hissed, grabbing his freinds shoulder hard. "Brax that man just spoke int he snake tongue!" he hissed in his freinds ear. "he's a parselmouth! like me!" he stated looking even more excited now. "and now that i get a really good look at him he has snake eyes! do you think we might be related!?" he demanded, gripping harder, not enough to hurt, just enough to show how excited Tom was. "i have to get his attention somehow! you have to help me!" he ordered his eyes narrowed. he knew now, without a doubt. he WANTED Alexander, he would HAVE Alexander! Family or not, he belonged to Tom now, even if no one realized it yet.
Brax laughed softly wincing as his friend's fingers dug into his shoulder before nodding."Dont worry. I'll help. Though if you go purr at him in serpent tongue, I'm pretty sure you'll get his attention."He pointed out, amused at the idea of his friend being so excited over a man he'd just met.

Alex pouted as draco tossed hex after hex, wincing as he lost his wand, the strike of metal on metal slamming together, his body hurt. Snarling he raised hand, knowing he was cheating, but dammit, he was allowed to.And knowing he was going to break the no dark curse rule, but hell, the spell hadn't been created it, so technically it wasn't outlawed yet."Sercumspectra!"he cursed silently, wincing as blood flowed before waving a hand after letting draco bleed for a few moments, cleaning both the room and healing the blond. Sighing in pleasure at the feel of dark magic curling around his skin. there was...just something so pleasurable at causing pain,even to a friend. "You okay?"he asked stepping across the small space, holding out ahand to help draco up, smirking slowly."Is he watching?"He asked, refusing to turn around and see if tom was watching him.
Draco yelped loudly as the spell hit home, cloth ripping as his robes slithered to the ground, leaving Draco in Dragon hide pants and a shirt made of Silk, which was now stained red as Draco clutched at the wound on his chest, one of the gryfindor females fainting dead away at the sight of the blood, Tom licking his lips at the sight of the red, Draco shedding off his shirt, muscle and bone gleaming in the light before he flicked his wand at it, the flesh melding together perfectly, leaving him half naked in the Dueling room, muscles gleaming in the light, his skin just as pale as it always was, fine blond curls trailing across his chest, and down his navel to his groin. "i'm fine, and that was cheeting." Draco growled scowling at his brother. "you just can't stand to lose can you?" he demanded, feeling sore and annoyed.

"thats true." Tom admitted, watching as Draco healed himself, smirking a little. "well, Draconis certainly has a nice body." he teased glancing at Brax. "are you going to try and make another move? maybe feel him up on his way back to his bedroom?" he smirked even more. "i know where it is you know." ah, Abraxas's punishment had begun. there was nothing Tom loved more than lording information over other peoples heads, and that was, no doubt, information that Abraxas really wanted.
Alex sneered a little, "I'd never lose a duel to a m-medici.Not even father."He said the real meaning there. He'd never cede to losing, much less losing to a malfoy.Even when lucius did manage to beat him, it was by running him into the ground instead of actually hexing him."Cheating is what I normally do.You should be used to it."He pointed out before smirking."Malfoy.Walk Draco back to our rooms."He called over his shoulder , oh he couldn't help it. He'd torture draco for nearly beating him.

Brax gave him a look before nearly falling out of his seat in shock at his teacher's words."B-but.."He sighed before looking at draco, walking toward the door with the blond....well more dragging the elder blond a little."Come on.You probably should be looked at by the nurse."He said seriously, trying not to leer at the handsomely fit man.

"Now. Malfoy."He growled."Class dismissed."He declared before collapsing into a chair himself, ignoring the class as it filed out, not realizing that tom had stayed.
Draco snorted a little at Alex, rolling his eyes as he flipped the man the bird, a muggle signal but one that most of the room knew as he allowed Abraxas to drag him off, staggering a little as his foot caught on something, leaning into Abraxas more than he should have, but he couldn't help it. "beg pardon." Draco stated. "there's no need for the hospital wing, a blood replenishing potion will set me right." he promised shaking his head. "really i should have known better than to antagonize my brother like that." he admitted looking amused. "the man never could handle any real competition."

Tom stared at Alex for a long moment then. you can speak the tongue of snakes. he hissed in parseltongue, advancing on the teacher, eyes narrowed, want barley hidden, curiosity intense as he looked the other over. who are you? a gaunt? related to them maybe? perhaps another heir of Salazar? he demanded, walking around Alex now, looking him over intently, feeling the lust building up again. your fighting was amazing, i'd love to duel you sometime, no swords though, i'd likely chop my own hand off. he laughed at his own joke, warm, rich, charming, trying to seduce Alex...trying to, he'd had plenty of practice charming people, but he'd never wanted to sleep with anyone before. he hoped he was doing alright.
Brax laughed soflty keeping a hold on the elder's arm, to make sure he wouldn't fall before nodding."Well,your rooms then.I assume you have potions there yes?"He said letting draco lead the way, though he kept up to make sure draco wouldnt fall.smirkign a little."I have a friend like that. Break every rule to make sure you come out on top."He said, blushing a little at the mental image that came up with.

No.He shuddered a little, remembering he was talking to the last of slytherin's line. Forcing himself to remember that he couldn't say anything about it.I really am one of the Medici's, born in germany actually. He said shivering a little at the laugh, his heart beat picking up as he studied the brunette through half closed eyes, a smirk quirking his lips.Ah, well, like I said. I'm a...hands on....professor. I could help you learn. He hissed softly, letting the other take what he wanted from that.
Draco snorted a little. "i know many people like that." he admitted rolling his eyes again, though not where Abraxas could see. "Alexander has been known to fight until he was unconscious before he gave up, and the person fighting him couldn't even grin once he won, he just fell over in a dead faint. ridiculous if you ask me, completely and utterly foolish." he stated with a sniff as he approached the painting. "open up you insufferable thing." he ordered, striking the sleeping portrait over the head. "wake up and let me in i say! do you do anything but drink and sleep!?" "hic, yussir!" the painting slurred as it swung open, Draco growling in annoyance as he moved into the rooms. "well come in Malfoy you might as well make yourself useful while your here."

Tom's eyes widened a fraction, his pupils dilating in lust as he swallowed hard, licking his lips a little. i'd love to learn from someone as...skilled as yourself. you must have an amazing number of talents, particularly in the...dueling department. throwing his own sly innuendos around, flirting as he offered the other his best smile, charming and warm, and a little bit mischievous. i bet there are a great many things you could teach me, in the classroom and out.
Brax laughed softly as he followed the other malfoy into the room,sitting down in a chair, tilting his head."Couldn't convince dumbledore to give you another picture?I'm sure Alexander wouldn't put up with the picture..."He asked sounding amused."I'm amazed he hasnt hexed the damn thing."

Alex bit his lip smirking a little, swallowing hard as his cock hardened, almost regretting the skin tight pants he was wearing.Though...he'd see just how brave the boy was."Ahh...I have many talents, and I'm good at using a wand, or a sword."He smirked slowly.And what do you want to know tom riddle?Out of classroom?After all, I'm good at dueling...whatever else do you need a teacher for? he purred as he hissed, before opening his eyes all the way, letting the last heir of slytherin get the first close up look of the full force of those emerald eyes.
Draco snorted." he has, twice." Draco stated simply flicking his fingers at a cupboard. "fetch me a blood potion will you? i need to make tea before Alex takes my head off." he stated heading into the kitchenette area, being very careful to keep the air friendly, instead of arousing. he was NOT going to let Abraxas fuck him, never. he was going to be one notch on the headboard that Abraxas never got.

Tom smirked as he watched the other before his courage suddenly seemed to fail him and he flushed bright red. "ah, well i...uhm.." he stuttered, fidgeting nervously. "parsel magic maybe?" he asked forcefully regathering his Slytherin pride. "among....other things." he stated his eyes trailing down the others body. he couldn't outright say it, but if the message wasn't clear by then, then Alex was an idiot, or messing with him. and Tom did not like to be messed with, so he strode forward and grabbed the others necktie, yanking Alex down to stand face to face. "strong, talented, skilled, BEAUTIFUL." he murmured softly. "i shall make you mine." he hissed before pressing his lips to the others, fumbling and shy, no idea what he was doing, and so it only lasted a half a second before tom went beet red, and fled out the door, giving Alex no chance to respond at all.
Brax laughed softly smirking a little as he got the potion before following the other to the kitchen, walking up behind him,resting his chin on the shorter man's shoulder holding out the potion towards him."Here."He smiled before pressing a kiss to the other's shorter before scrambling back,sitting at the kitchen table.

Alex looked confused watching him go. Looking confused and hurt. Not sure what to think. Maybe HE was the one being screwed with. biting his lip harder he swallowed, looking confused. Maybe this was tom's pastime, seducing and confusing....and he'd thought there was real attraction there. Not understanding that tom was embrassed because he really was a virgin, and not because he was playing a game. Growling in anger and embarassment he stormed back to his rooms, snarling at the sight as he walked in his rooms."Draco.Food."He demanded before heading to the bedroom collapsing onto the bed.

Brax stared after him in shock." he always like that?"
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