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A Lesson in Babysitting (Tyr & Katy108)

RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jenna wasn’t kidding herself. She knew that Candy would look much more ‘professional’ in what she was doing; she knew that she would look smoother and more relaxed... more natural and easy in her movements. But even so, Jenna wasn’t feeling completely out of her depth and the way that Mark was smiling at her suggested that she couldn’t be doing that bad a job. As she lowered herself down onto his lap and felt the hardness beneath her, she was even more certain that she was probably doing pretty well. Still she followed Candy’s instructions, lowering herself and leaning back, her hips moving left and right in the figure of eight and lightly grinding her ass into Mark’s groin. As she leaned back, without thinking about it, she reached her left hand up and back, slipping it softly around the back of Mark’s neck and pulling herself more firmly against him.

Hearing a reference to her Dad made her feel a little strange and the image of Candy and her Dad was not one which came easily in many ways; but then it fitted entirely with the man she had heard on the other end of the cell-phone the previous evening. Her Dad. Her Daddy... a man that Candy also called Daddy. It was definitely a strange idea for her to get her head around. But she was soon distracted by the man who’s lap she was effectively sitting/dancing in.

Jenna wasn’t dressed in a way that was quite as appropriate as Candy for the job they were doing; her dress, whilst short, tight, and relatively revealing, obviously covered significantly more of her body than any outfit designed for lap dancers or strippers ever would. She didn’t let that restrict her dancing, but there was also no simple way for her to undress as part of the dance they way that Candy had done. But that didn’t stop Mark from bringing his hands to her hips and then moving them off of the fabric of the dress and onto her thighs. They felt good. Almost as good as Jake’s. She didn’t know why it was only almost as good... what was better about Jake’s touch she couldn’t have said. But Mark’s touch still felt good and when his hands then started to move up, she didn’t hesitate for a second in the continuation of her dance.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

As Jake and Candy both became more aggressive in their interactions, Mark was slower and more cautious letting Jenna set a bit more of the pace. Yet, with her not resisting his touch, he continued to make further advances, testing the water. Mark wasn’t sure of the relationship that was going on between Jake and this girl, but if he brought her to a strip club and asked that she be taught to do lap dances, he suspected it was rather open. Now if Jake or the girl protested, he just apologize, how did that saying go, “It’s easier to ask forgiveness, than permission.” Across the small room Jake began to actively fondle Candy’s tits, her hands still on each side of him, as she ground her ass into his groin, feeling his hardness as she basically dry humped him. While Candy did it she started to play her daddy game with him, which Jenna could just catch.

Do you like when I sit in your lap daddy? It makes me feels all strange daddy, it tingles down there. Do you like touching my titties daddy, my nipples are getting hard.

Candy moaned as she spoke, clearly she was enjoying this strange interaction as much as the special men she did it for did. Her voice was more childlike and innocent, which was in direct contract to her movements and attire. Jake whispers something back and she moans again, as his hand cup and play with Candy’s exposed and aroused nipples, his fingers and thumbs working them. While this was going on Mark continued to rub the sides of Jenna's legs and each time they went a little further, a little closer as he let his hands explore. Because, Jenna might not have understood what was going on, Mark tries whispers to her, trying to give an explanation.

Some guys fantasize about their daughters, and would never do anything, but they come here and for a moment live it out. Candy is one of the girl’s that has the same fantasy I think, and lives it vicariously out through certain men who for whatever reason she feels can me most like her daddy.

Mark did nothing to remove her clothing or to even directly touch private areas, though his hands were getting ever closer. Like any guy, Mark too was turned on by the motions and gyrations of a sexy young woman, but he also knew that it affected most of the girls too. They were better at controlling it, but they weren’t immune. Candy just gave into it with certain guys, and Mark watched Jake’s girl to see if she too was enjoying the dance. While he caressed her, he whispered into her ear.

Would you like a daddy to touch you too?
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jenna listened to Candy and then to Mark as she continued to dance and move in Mark's lap. Was this what she had been doing... in letting Jake 'educate' her, introduce her to a very particular approach to sex, to a very particular lifestyle, had she really been looking for a 'Daddy'? Did she want her 'Daddy' to fuck her? Her mind flashed back to those pictures again... how she felt when she heard what her Dad was saying. No. That wasn't what it was about. At least she didn't think so. Jake was certainly old enough to be her father... just about, but it wasn't that that made her want him. That he was older was probably a big part of it though; it was his confidence... perhaps even arrogance. It was his self-assuredness and his ability to take control... of everything, but particularly of her. Something about how he spoke to her and how he touched her made her want him and want to please him. The fact that he could do that though was probably a consequence of age and experience. It wasn't that she saw him as a 'Daddy'. As for her own father... again it was what he said... how he said it that made him attractive... not to mention what she had seen on the cell-phone picture.

And the same was now true of Mark. 'Daddy'.... No. A man in control... willing to take control of her... that was what she had been responding to for the last couple of days. She eased herself up and turned around, still swaying but with no instructions to follow now, she was doing her own dance albeit still based on the brief lesson she had just had. She leaned forward, bringing her mouth close to Mark's but not allowing her lips to touch his.

"I don't know about a Daddy... but I'd like you to... very much" she whsipered, her breath brushing over Mark's lips as he stared back at her.

RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Mark had lots of experience with girls, he seen so many, and though he had a twisted or at least skewed perception based on his employment, he did know a bit about them. There were some girls that fought against, almost denied their sexuality and then there were those that embraced it, lived it, and accepted it for what it was. He didn’t know much about this girl or her background, but it was clear that she was coming into her own, seeing herself as a sexual woman, and more importantly realizing the joys of the flesh, accepting them and wanting them. Her body moved, and moved not because she was forced to, but because she wanted to. Any girl could be a stripper but it was the girls that enjoyed it that did the best, it came across in the way they moved and acted, and this girl Mark thought would make a great stripper. Mark listened as she spoke to his question, her body touching his as she whispered that she like him. Of course Mark answered back in the same affirmative fashion.

Oh I think I like you too, and I think Candy also likes her new daddy.

Candy was already sliding her skimpy little g-string down, so that it wouldn’t get in the way of her and her new daddy. She moaned as Jake slid his hand around and between her legs, she was mumbling to Jake about how she liked her daddy touching her there. Her new innocent voice asking about the lump in his pants and did it hurt, and could she help him. Mark could hear the exchange going on, and though he was familiar with Candy’s deep desires, and had no issue with them, he wanted to let the girl in his lap know she was okay.

If you want me to I can ask Candy to stop, otherwise, she’ll just keep going.

Mark’s hands continue to explore a little more, not as bold as Jake’s but still more than could ever be expected of a man she just met. Candy was already the embodiment of male fantasy, and had done everything in her power to be a object of their desires and attention, so Mark knew he needed to make sure this young thing didn’t feel intimidated by her.

Don’t worry though Candy won’t keep him, she might want him again, but it always only a temporary thing. So when she’s done, he’ll be all yours again, no worse for the wear or ride.

Mike chuckles a bit, as his hand now comes fully between her legs, and discovers her lack of panties, and jewelry. He of course doesn’t realize how knew the piece of jewelry was, for he can’t directly see it.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jenna was a little puzzled for a moment at Mark's response and then she guessed that maybe the music meant that he hadn't heard her properly. He had obviously thought that she had said she liked him... which she did... as much as you can like any many that you have only just men... when actually she had told him that she wanted him to touch her. His mis-hearing or misunderstanding however made little difference as she started to feel his hands moving to the more intimate part of her body. For the first time that day she regretted her choice of dress. There was no easy way to remove it. But at least it was short enough and unlike Candy she had no underwear to get in the way.

She kept smiling at Mark, kept her body moving. "I dont mind what Candy's doing... its for Jake to decide what he wants..." She shook her head a little. "I can't tell Jake what he can and can't do... that's not my place." Almost as the punctuation to her comment, she gasps and then groans. Her clit was obviously still tender but there was nothing to tell Mark the reason why. Behind the pain however was the pleasure of feeling Mark's hand ready perhaps to help satiate an ever growing need.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Mark figured the sexy thing didn’t mind what Candy was doing or even him as she continued to remain in his lap, and not protest his advances. The groans were the real answer, and Mark planned to see how many more he could get, as his hands continued to work her young body, loving the feel of her soft skin beneath his touch. There was a smile on his face as she said it was for Jake to decide, which really said so much. The finger trialed through her wetness, and then rubbed the little piece of jewelry that adorned her pussy, and now that he understood, or thought he did, one of the major dynamics of this girl's personality, he looked over at Candy and Jake. At first he felt almost guilty about interfering with them what by now seemed like mutual lust.

Just across the room, Candy was now rubbing her naked ass and pussy against Jake’s crotch, and specifically the substantial growing ridge that hid in his pants. Jake was reciprocating her efforts by having each of his hands on one of her augmented tits, aggressively playing with them. Candy and Jake both had gone beyond what normally acceptable behavior even in a strip club, not that anyone was complaining or cared. Candy continued with her daddy play, by first questioning what was it that she felt in her daddy’s pants, and then starting to beg him to see it. While this was going on Mark leaned passed Jenna and inquired with Jake’s about Jenna.

Yeah Jake, do you mind if I show your girl here, what really goes on in the private rooms?

No go right ahead she’ll probably like it, and if nothing else I told her I would feed her.

Feed her?

Don’t worry she’s knows what to do.

Jake starts to chuckle, as he reaches down and starts to unzip his pants, Candy squealing and moaning.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jenna blushed a little as Jake told Mark that she would know what to do. She stepped back as Mark eased himself up out of the chair. Once standing, he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her into him. Jenna didn't fight against him. Quite the opposite. She couldn't deny that there was a tinge of jealousy at the way Candy was pleasing Jake; she wasnt that confident though or that forward and the 'daddy' game really didn't appeal to her. That Jake was a... the controlling figure in her life was the real attraction. But Jake was obviously enjoying what Candy had to offer.

But Jake giving her to Mark was exciting too... it reinforced his position over her and presumably - she thought - the fact that she found it so meant that she was happily subservient to him. But then she already knew that. This time though, she was conscious of a distinct lack of hesitancy on her part. She slipped her left hand behind Mark, resting it at the small of his back, whilst her right hand moved onto his chest, caressing softly. She looked up at him expectantly, guessing that her first lap dance must have been at least an acceptable performance.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Candy seemed to be in her own world, as she drew her temporary daddy’s cock out of the confines of Jake’s pants. She said something to her new daddy about how big it was, and she wasn’t sure if it would fit, all the while rotating her hips against Jake’s length, coating it in her female nectar. Jake continues to aggressively play with Candy’s tits while the young woman continued her roleplaying, her body always moving.

Mark wrapped his arm about Jenna's waist and pulled her in, her young body sliding and nestling up against his. The young woman may not have been his, but at this moment and in this place she was definitely making herself available, and he wasn’t one to turn down such a delectable opportunity. So as he stands his hands rise up in tandem moving to cup her tits, and to hold her close, as Mark does so, he leans in and instructs her.

Never stop dancing, always keep moving. Use your body, show me your desire. See Candy? She never stops, till she’s done. Her body is beauty in motion, you can see the need, the want with her every movement.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jenna smiled wide, flashing bright white teeth behind full lips. Slowly she began to dance again. In her senior year at High School, she had gotten together with some friends in the weeks before their prom and they had taught themselves to... 'dirty dance'. They very nearly got themselves expelled as they decided to give their then boyfriends something of a surprise; the staff at the School had been equally surprised. Now, here with Mark, it wasn't exactly possible to do what might be described as a full on demonstration as he walked her towards the door of the private room but she moved her body in front of him, facing him, turning her back to him, brushing herself against him. Her movements where smooth and fluid; sexy; erotic. When his hands touched and caressed her body, she moved into them, wanting to feel his touch more. The more she danced, the closer they got to the door of the private room, the more her excitement and anticipation grew. Any sense of impropriety had long deserted her; any sense that she wasn't behaving as a good girl should simply never entered her head. At that moment, there was only one thing in her head... being with Mark; making Mark want her.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jake and Candy continued her game or their game as Jake was definitely going along for the ride. Candy reaches down and takes Jake’s hardness, carefully playing with it, and asking her daddy if it hurts, and can she do anything to make it feel better. All the time she is talking in a small girl’s voice her body is moving as anything but.

While Jake played with his new found daughter, Mark continued his instruction of Jenna. So far the young woman had shown a complete willingness to comply with his wishes, and it only emboldened him to continue. When she moved he kept close, so their bodies were one, as Jenna got more and more into it. Some of the best dancers were those that got lost in the moment, her body now conveying more and more her feelings and desires. There were girls that could separate emotions and dance without giving into them, but they were never as good as those that felt it all.

Oh your feeling it I can tell. Keep moving, tease me with your body, and make me want you.

Mark’s hands continued to touch and play with her as Jenna danced. He knew that the proximity and physical contact they were sharing would only add to the intensity of the situation.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jenna did want him. She wanted what he seemed to be offering. What Jake had given him permission to do. She turned and twisted her young, tight, lithe body in front of him, showing herself off. Dancing for him. Only for him. Was that the mark of a good dancer in this kind of club? To make every man feel that the dance was just for him...only him? She became less aware of her surroundings with each passing moment. She was conscious of being vaguely guided through a doorway, of walls appearing around her, of the door being closed. But beyond that her focus was on Mark. She moved into his hands, increasing the firmness of the contact or the duration. She didnt touch him though. It wasn't a conscious decision; it was just the way it was. Her own hands moved over her own body. A soft smile played around her mouth. The room was many eight or nine feet square. The lights were soft; the colours in the room were warm. The music that had been playing outside was piped into the room through four speakers attached to the walls, one in each corner. Along one wall was a couch. In one corner was a small cabinet containing a few glasses and a selection of alcohol.

"Don't stop" Mark said as he stepped away from her and walked to the cabinet. He poured himself a drink, a large scotch in a heavy crystal tumbler. Then he walked over to the couch and sat down. He draped one arm along the back of the couch and stretched his legs out in front of him. As he watched Jenna and sipped his scotch, he smiled.

"I was right about you. Perhaps Jake would let you dance here sometime... I mean out there... On the stage. Would you like that? Dozens of men watching you? Wanting you? Going home and fucking their wives or girlfriends but thinking about you...imagining that they were fucking you?"

Jenna thought about it as she continued to move and sway. Pictured herself on the stage. But she said nothing. Mark smiled, seeming to recognise what she was thinking.

"Take your dress off. Strip for me. Show me what I'd be paying for."

Jenna hesitated for a moment, but then her hands moved up and as she continued to move, her hands eased her dress down.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Mark issued his command for Jenna to disrobe, and for just the slightest of moment she hesitated, and he wondered if he’d pushed her too far, but that moment passed as she began to work her dress down. For the briefest of seconds, she stopped her dancing, but soon resumed it, as she forgot about or disregarded that they were not alone. Mark relaxed and enjoyed the show, for she was truly giving in and taking on the role. It was a role that he really felt suited her well, and that she would do well with if she decided to pursue it further.

Candy had trapped between her legs, Jake’s cock, and she had been tenderly stroking it, and questioning her daddy if he was okay. Jake playing along had told Candy that it would feel better if she let him put it in her. She faked a sound of fear, and said she couldn’t imagine that something that large would fit. Her new daddy, told her he’d never hurt her, and that she’d be very happy little girl, if she did. Trusting her father, she helped guide it into her wet little pussy.

Mark too was ignoring Candy’s little game, he’d knew it well, and at times enjoyed it, as did several others, but right now what mattered and had his attention was the young nubile thing swaying with the music, as her dress hit the floor.

You’re sexy, you’re hot! Turn me on baby! Dance! Strut your stuff, show it off! You got it flaunt it! Don’t be shy; every cock in the place is going to be hard watching and fantasying about you.

Mark egged her on, complimented her, as she moved. None of it a lie, as the ridge in his pants gave testament to the truth, and he’d seen lots of hot girls before. He let her dance, let her get into the moment, as he watched and observed.

That tattoo looks brand new, what’s that say? Jake’s Slut? Are you Jake’s slut?

The words weren’t cruel or mean, he seemed to like what her tattoo said, all he seemed to be asking was for affirmation, that it was true.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jenna didn't rush. Something told her that she needed to take her time. Not too much obviously; there had to be some indication that she was actually going to ultimately finish up naked but whilst she had never done this before, she was intelligent enough realize that it was supposed to be a tease. She was surprised by her own response to the circumstances in which she found herself. Another first for her. Another step away from being the 'good girl' to being... not good! She eased her body out of her clothes; smoothly, slowly, facing Mark, watching him. She was vaguely aware of Candy and Jake, but her focus was on Mark and the every growing bulge in the front of his pants. His words served only to encourage her. She did as he said. When she turned her back to him, and bent forward sliding her dress down over her ass, she revealed the tattoo. She didn't respond to his question immediately. Slowly, with the music, she stepped out of the dress once it was on the floor and then she turned back to face him. She took a step towards him. And another. She nodded.

"I could be your's too if you wanted." She didn't know where that had come from. She wasn't aware of thinking about, considering whether to say it... she just said it.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

The girl was doing her thing and Mark, just took the time to enjoy the view and her feminine form. She wiggled out of her sexy attire, sliding it right past the firm cheeks of her ass. He smiled and didn’t say a thing as she nodded in the affirmative to his question about the tattoo. His smile and grin grew when she said she could be his.

Make every guy feel like he is special, he is the one. Make him know that you are the woman of his dreams and fantasies. Be the woman he has always wanted.

Now that he had told her what she should be doing, he wanted to compliment her, as he knew a woman never minded a few compliments, especially when they were sincere.

You’re hot, so fucking damn sexy!

The two of them now in their own world completely ignoring the pretend daughter and father playing hide the salami at the other end of the room.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

As she moved, as she listened to Mark's voice and watched him, it was as if she was becoming intoxicated by him. But it was more than mere intoxication. She could feel her want and desire growing. Mark made her want him in the same way that Jake could make her want him. Jenna wanted Mark to be pleased with her; she wanted to make him happy... making him feel special. Jenna moved and swayed and turned in time with the music. There was nothing tentative or hesitant about her actions. Her body was firm and lithe and toned and fluid. She eased her way forward, stepping closer and closer to where Mark had sat back down. She moved back so that she was stood once again in that small triangle of space between Mark's knees, raising her arms loosely over her head, displaying herself entirely, inviting his touch. She wondered whether any of the woman on the other side of that door at that moment, dancing on the stage, ever felt what she was felling at that moment. Did they ever crave the touch of a stranger? Crave more than a touch?

When he didn't touch her, she stepped closer, leaned forward bringing her face towards his, bringing her mouth towards his. Stopping milimeters away from kissing him. Her mouth was a little open and her tongue rested against her upper lip as the hint of a smile was visible.

"Will you fuck me... fuck me like your slut? Please."
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

The young woman didn’t have all the fine tuned skills that some of his dancers had, but she had more heart than most of them. The way she moved showed her desire, her want, and the sexuality of it seemed to naturally exude from her. Even with all his years working the club, Mark didn’t find himself immune to it. Mark’s cock still nestled within his jeans had thickened and hardened the more the woman danced and moved. He wanted her, and that said a lot about her ability to arouse a man, as he really did have all the opportunities a man could have. Still he didn’t move forward or aggressively try to grab at her as she danced, letting her have the freedom to dance and choose. Still he was a little surprised when she moved closer to him, almost kissing him, as her body danced. However, what really surprised him wasn’t her actions, but her words. Where some guy might have hesitated or given her a chance to reconsider what she said, his own interests and passions were now the same as hers.

So his hot breath caressed her lips as he clearly and confidently answered her back, without the least bit of hesitation. His hand reaches not for her waist as he’d done before, but instead rising right up between her legs to feel her heat. As he did, he answered her back strongly, while staring right into her eyes.

Of course I will fuck you slut!

Rather than wait for permission or even ask forgiveness, the hand that had moved up between started to rub her sex, his skilled and deft fingers now performing a different but very similar dance for hopefully the same effect she had had on him. His lips never touched her, as he returned the favor by rubbing her as he talked.

Keep dancing, don’t break eye contact. Don’t look at anyone or anything but me. Now reach down, and get my cock out. Let your fingers dance on it.

There she was right in front of him, only a little ways away from her man, naked and exposed, and now offering herself to a stranger.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jenna felt her stomach flip with excitement when Mark told her that he was going to fuck her. She couldn't help but smile, her eyes bright with anticipation. Her mouth opened a little wider in an almost silent gasp was she felt his hand on the inside of her thigh and then felt his fingers sliding up... slipping between the folds of her flesh. When his fingers reached her clit, she did gasp. The recent piercing meant that she was particularly sensitive at that moment.

As he did it, she kept her body moving, perhaps a little slower than before, not necessarily staying with the rhythm of the music. Her mind was becoming a little distracted... her concentration on the music was waining. But her body did keep moving and she most certainly kept her eyes on his... locked into his gaze. Still leaning over the chair... over him, she reached placed one hand on his chest and then slowly slid it down. She found his hardness quickly but took her time undoing his zipper and easing his cock out. her fingers wrapped around the shaft and slowly began to stroke it, exploring its length and girth. She let her fingertips graze gently againsthis flesh - feeling every ridge... every contour. And all the time, she did as she was told and kept her gaze locked onto his.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Mark’s eyes followed Jenna as she moaned, looking into her eyes as she stared up, then down to her hand as it trailed between her legs. Though he knew little about her, more than a simple introduction, what he saw exposed before him, was probably seen by a rare few, and if his guess was right, more of who she really was or really was becoming. His eyes returned to hers as her hand found and freed his hardness from his pants. The widening of her eyes as he said fuck, accompanied by the flare of her nostrils had not missed his notice. What he saw wasn’t reluctance, maybe a bit of fear or hesitancy as he pushed her with is words, and there was more. A fire, a hunger lingered there as she waited and looked to him for, as if asking for the next instruction.

So as her hand danced over his hardness, his hand moved to between her legs to feel the warmth and wetness of her soft folds. His own fingers perform a similar but different dance as they moved skillfully through or over her moist petals. The whole time, his eyes met hers as they now did a very different dance together.

Turn around. Bend over. Don’t stop keep dancing.

With his legs spread and his manly spear sticking out, it was clear what it intended for her to do. Mark however, didn’t leave it to doubt as she continued to tell her.

Back up, get your head all the way down. Now grab those ankles.

The position intended to bring her sex but inches away from his face. His cock sticking straight out, and rock hard. Mark leans in his mouth but a few inches from her heat, his breath caressing it as he give it his full attention.

You’re going to like my cock when it parts this sexy little flower.

As he says it, his tongue lashes out to greet her wetness.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jenna did what she had been doing from the time she came into the private room; in some respects she was doing what she had been doing almost from the moment she met Jake. And as time moved on, compliance and obedience became more natural. There was a paradox here; an irony. The more she complied with what men like Jake and Mark - but particularly Jake - wanted he to do, the more relaxed she became and the more ordinary her behaviour felt. It was as if, unbeknownst to her, her actions and her attitude before... that presentation of herself as a strong self-determined young woman was an act. Jake had tapped into something that was the real 'Jenna'; he had seen something and he had acted quickly and he had gotten a response that he might have expected even if Jenna couldn't have possibly imagined it at the time.

And so she bent over and she kept dancing... moving her body... enticing... encouraging without saying anything. She leaned forward and stepped backwards.... left foot back right hip out... right foot back left hip out... everything slow. She slid her hands down her smooth toned legs. She moaned softly at the feel of his tongue and sighed letting her head fall forward.

"mmmm... Im sure I will... Im sure it will feel sooooo good."
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Even if Jake was busy fulfilling Candy’s fantasy, his eyes would go over and check on his slut’s activities, and from what he saw and heard she was performing quite adequately. Even as he fucked this big titted girl, who wantonly craved her daddy’s cock, he smiled inwardly at young Jenna’s performance. He considered he might just bring her back on an amateur night, or other occasion, and see how she did, but for now he was pleased with her.

Jake wasn’t the only one that was pleased, for Mark was the recipient on the young woman’s attentions. The incredibly sexy sight of her pierced sex, nestled between her firm legs, dancing and moving for his pleasure and as she was discovering for her own too. So his head leaned in as each of his strong hands took a hold of an individual cheek of her ass. This wasn’t the most comfortable position, but the view and taste was to die for, so he ignored the inconvenience of it, and feasted. His skilled and experienced tongue lashes out to taste and play with her pussy. At first teasing the edge, and then moving inwards, the tip parting the moist petals, till finally it discovered the little nub of her clit hidden within. This having been far from the first pussy he ever eaten, he teases her clit, circling it with his tongue as they once again dance together in this depraved wanton encounter.

Mark gave pleasure, and yet he was talented enough, to deny it too, and this time he did. He’d give her everything but an orgasm, purposely taking her to the edge, and then letting it recede. This dance wasn’t over, and he wanted to draw it out, and for it to build and build, to see more of what the tattoo said was true.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jenna couldn't see Jake from where she was standing. Jake was sat next to, but a few feet away from Mark's left hand side. Jenna was stood directly in front of Mark between his knees, back to him, bent forward, hands at her ankles. She hadn't forgotten Jake's presence though and it wasn't just because of the noises that were coming from Candy. In some respects, as much as she was trying to please Mark, she was acting as she was to please Jake. She was Jake's slut afterall... it said so across her lower back. Her behaviour therefore reflected on him; she didn't want to make him look bad and ultimately she craved his approval. She remembered back to the previous night - was it only last night? To the conversation she and Jake had had after Jake had ended the telephone 'conference call' with her father... Jake asking her whether she had gotten wet at the thought of her Dad fucking her... fucking her ass... She had told him how she liked hearing what they had done with Kelly and how she liked being fucked by him... Jake. Then Jake had told her that she needed to understand that she was is... it was his will that she would heard first and obey. She liked that. She wanted that. And even now... with Mark... doing what he told her to.... wanting Mark to fuck her... Jake had brought her here. Jake had introduced her to Mark... and present her to Mark and given his consent. In serving Mark, she was serving Jake. And there was something about that interaction which heightened her excitement. Here she was displaying herself wantonly... showing herself as a slut... to a man that she had met perhaps thrity minutes ago. Why? Because this was what Jake had wanted. Now... now it was what she wanted.

She wanted Mark... craved his touch... his cock. And what she was feeling between her legs was better than it had ever been before. The addition of such a small piece of silver was adding to her arousal and her vocal response made that more than clear. She moan and squirmed and gasped as Mark worked his tongue and then groaned when he moved away just as she felt she was about to cum.

"ohhhh please... Mark... please let me cum... please... please fuck me and make me cum."
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

The whimpering and begging was hot, thought Mark, as he feasted on the young woman’s aroused and dripping pussy. That she wanted it as much he did, didn’t mean he was immediately going to give in to her pleading request. So he enjoyed her sweet nectar, and the sounds of her need as his tongue worked it magic upon her vulnerable and wanting flesh. Finally though he withdraws his face, mouth, and skilled tongue from between her legs and grins. One hand still stays on the small of her back, as he tells her what she is to do next.

Oh I’m not going to fuck you; you’re going to fuck me. You’re going to dance on my cock, like a horny slut. I’m not going to allow you to lie in my lap; you’re going to work while standing up and/or bent over.

Mark other hand grabbed his cock and held it sticking up, like a fleshy flag pole, for her to mount. Jenna wasn’t going to up to thrown up against a wall or down on a floor and used, this time she was going to have to fuck a stranger, and do it while others could watch, and do it in a complete exposed fashion. This time she wouldn’t be passively receiving some man’s attention, no she would be actively and opening submitting to his will. Mark spreads his legs and held his cock, making sure she had the perfect target for her carnal dance.

And if you want to cum, well you’re going to cum like a horny slut. Now dance for me!
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Jenna lifted her head up and looked back over her shoulder as Mark told her what he expected. She saw the grin on his face together with the look of expectation; she also saw the grin on Jake's face. She also couldn't help but see Mark's cock... now fully hard. She smiled a little and then began to ease herself back. She moved up onto tip-toe for a moment bringing herself over the top of Mark's dick. And then she lowered herself onto him. As Jenna lowered herself onto his upright shaft, Mark groaned and chuckled. He looked across to Jake for a moment.

"Jeez... where did you get this tight piece of ass Jake. Does her daddy know what you're doing with her?"

Truth was of course that Mike did know... he just didn't know that he knew. As Jenna let her body consume Mark's cock, she couldn't help but imagine Candy doing the same thing with her dad... in this very room and she couldn't help but wonder whether her dad's cock would feel as good as Mark's did at that moment. Her sighs and moans mixed with Candy's as she began to move her hips steadily left and right, back and forth; she squeezed herself around him, released, squeezed; she stood... she leaned forward... she stood again. She lifted her hands, running her fingers through her hair and bringing them down onto her shoulders then leaving them there as she continued to 'dance' with Mark's cock inside her, arching her back a little and pushing her ass back towards Marks's lap - back and down. Performing, she hoped, just as he wanted to for both him and for Jake. She fucked him steadily to the rhythm of the music.

"Man, you gotta bring this one back on amateur night. And I mean it.... hmmmmm.... you ever need her to work for a living, then let me know."
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Mark held his cock upwards, and watched as the young woman impaled herself, knowing it had a far more impact than if he thrown her up against a wall and driven it home. One was taking and at best voluntarily condoning, while this way, she was consciously and willingly submitting. Mark didn’t truly know her, but he had a fairly good idea, just what kind of a woman she was, especially as she continued to dance and perform for his pleasure. The girl takes her own pleasure as she moaned while more of Mark’s length slid into her wetness. Jake leans past Candy and answered back as Mark commented on his slut’s performance, the whole time Candy is burying her daddy’s cock into her wanton hole.

I might bring her back, once I’ve gotten her broken in a bit more. She’s just starting to turn into a real nice obedient slut!

Jake slaps Candy’s ass to let her know that she hadn’t been forgotten by her daddy, and that she needed to continue to bury her daddy’s big cock into her little pussy. The two men seemingly having the most normal of conversations as the two women serviced the guy they were with. Mark smiling and nodding at the additional information, while letting Jenna continue her slut dance, while Jake continues to talk.

Oh I think if her daddy knew he would be proud if he saw her now. Plus, she’s never going to have to work again, well at least not any regular job. So we will see.

A chuckle as the two man discussed her as nothing more than owned property.

Now tell the man slut, what kind of a diet you’re on today.
RE: A Lesson in Babysitting

Bring her back? Amateur night? Jenna's mind jumped a little, remembering back to what she had seen when she first came into the club. The girls outside on the stage, dancing while most of the n in the room stared at them, imaging being with them... In here...just as she was now. Could she do that? Could she dance and tease and excite? Could she do it with strangers. But then... What was she doing now? What was she enjoying now? And make no mistake she was certainly enjoying it. She danced and moved and swayed and enjoyed every minute...every inch of Mark's cock. It felt so good inside her. Hard and tight.

What had she become? What was she becoming? It wasn't that long ago that she was being fucked by Pete. And here she was now with Mark. And Jake still considered her only partially broken in... Broken in as his slut...his! His to do what he wished with, no matter whether it was that she fuck someone of his choosing or whether he subject her to being humiliated by him 'in front' of her father. Fucked her with her father listening and encouraging. Jenna moved a little faster and moaned softly. Jake's instruction broke her out of her musings. She turned her head a litle half looking at Mark.

"Hmmmm..I'm... I'm on a...a cum diet. Jake wants me only to have cum... For food... Will you feed me Mark. Pease Jake. Please can Mark feed me."
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