The Dark Order (HP RP: Retro and Atom)

By the time he had moved towards her to undo her bindings, Roslyn’s blood was coursing so quickly that she could hear it drumming against her eardrums. She needed release. Her whole body was trembling from a sickening desire and want. Her breath came out in hungry puffs and desperate whimpers. It was not fair that he had so much control over her body! He forced her body to become stimulated! As his finger drew across her cheek, she shuddered and a fine trickle of arousal went down her thighs. Repulsion and desire tugged at her insides and the urge to vomit came and went.

To her surprise, however, he did not continue his onslaught of torment. Instead he began to unchain her. First the cuffs on her wrists came off. She could not stop her arms from painfully falling to her sides. Blood rushed into them causing a horrid pins and needles effect until she was actually able to move them again. Next came the ones on her sore legs, stiff from the hours of immobility. She flexed her fingers and wriggled her toes as he took off her blindfold and sound blockers.

She was a mess. Her face was puffy from crying and distorted between hatred and lust. Her eyes, however, were defiant as always. Conflicting emotions pulled her in different directions. She hated him. She hated him for going back on his word and for subjecting Moira to those horrors. She hated him for the horrors he had thrust upon her. She wanted to use his body, though. Maybe she could even rape him to make him realize how it felt; though that likely wouldn’t do a lick of good.

Only a moment had passed, however, before she lunged at him. Her nails attempted to dig into any flesh they could. Legs that still hurt kicked out, hoping to strike something. Yes, she was horny but she could take care of herself once he was gone.

It was a good thing that Moira couldn’t feel the water pressure against her broken body. It would have been completely agony. At least she was clean. It was not long after that, that she was taken to an infirmary to be checked out. Potions were forced fed to the petite, pixie-like girl as she slept. It was with a jarring pain that she awoke, the skele-grow that was given to her mending up a completely shattered pelvic bone quite painfully.

There was a cot beneath her, the canvas-like material pulled hard against the metal frame. It wasn’t luxurious but it was better than what she honestly expected. The cuts on her face caused her a little bit of discomfort but they were mending nicely as well. The room that she was in was dim and she could not see much but she had a feeling that she was behind some sort of bars.
The man saw the lunge coming, yet he still took it anyway. Her nails dug into his skin, even drawing blood, and her legs kicked his shins and legs, yet the man just stood there. He towered over her, and his muscular body stood like a tall sheet of dense steel. Let's be honest, Silvermane had been through worse. There was nothing she could do to him that was worse than a spell he had been hit by. As a high ranking Death Eater, he had trained himself to have a higher pain tolerance. He felt the nails in him sure, but his face wasn't phazed.

What was he going to do with her? He had to put this down before she tried to claw at his neck or his face. Finally, he grasped her wrists very firmly and tried to subdue her in the physical way. He was much stronger than she was, he was in better shape, both mentally and physically than she was, and, his sexual organs weren't throbbing at the moment. Twisting her arm behind her back, and pushing her against the deck, he smiled to himself. With his forearm, he pushed her over the desk and with his legs, he pinned her against the desk.

With the threat subdued, he took a second to breath in the old air. She was struggling still, but he was fully able to handle it. It wasn't as though she wasn't strong, it was just a matter than he was stronger. He had a bigger frame and he had much more rigorous training. He could only imagine how she was feeling. The region between her legs oozing with her sexual juices. How did she really expect to beat the man with no wand? Even if she did have a wand, it would be a stretch.

"Naughty girl." He breathed over her. The cuts on his chest starting to bleed a tiny bit. "Now, beg for me to relieve your tension." He said as he just held her against the desk. Either way, he would get what he wanted, whether it be through Roslyn or Moira.
Roslyn growled viciously as he took the beating. He wasn’t fighting back and that only served to make her angrier. How dare he play with her in such a way! Her nails dug into his flesh. Her feet made connection with many parts of his body and, still, he did nothing! For a moment she had even forgotten about her sexual desires that the potion brought to a simmer.

That all came back, however, as he took control over her body. Suddenly he had pushed her over a desk and pinned her against it with his legs. His body was stronger than hers… especially when she had just been unchained from hours of confinement. He lurched over her. The heat of his breath fell over her bare skin and she shivered from the sensation. Arousal twisted at her dripping pussy even harder as he whispered into her ear; called her a ‘naughty girl’. Her lips dried and she licked them with an equally parched tongue.

She did not want to beg. The redhead was a proud, powerful woman and despite him attempting to break her, she still was stubborn to a fault. A frustrated cry escaped her lips and she thrashed a little more beneath him, tears streaking down her face. He would take it anyway. He showed he wasn’t below such things.

“Fine!” she snapped at him. “Please, oh please, screw my brains out!”
The silver haired man had her right were he wanted her. Sure, he wanted to fuck her and make her scream, but at the same time, he wanted to make her squirm. He was still clothed after all, and even then, he wanted to still play. As he laughed, he leaned down, his hot breath on the back of her neck. His laugh was something of a harsh laugh that cut through the air. "Now, now." He said with a slight smile. "I don't think you really want it." He said as he straightened his own back, standing over her with a snide smile.


Finally, the doctor had finished the check up of her body. Everything was perfectly fine, both literally and figuratively. "Well, we will have to put you into a sort of detainment cell until your wounds heal." He told Moira as he moved back towards the counter. He was a very fine doctor, albeit a muggle, he was a very fine doctor indeed. These were the perks of being assimilated into Death Eaters world. The finest medical attention and the finest medical supplies that could be had.

((Sorry for the short response, I'll be better in upcoming posts.))
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