The Dark Order (HP RP: Retro and Atom)

The man laughed to himself. She would only be hurting herself. Sliding off her pants and peeling off her panties, he now soaking wet pussy was exposed to the cool, comfortable air of the outside. He made a move to remove her shirt also, taking great care into not ripping it or tearing it. When he got her fully nude, he walked her clothes over to the desk and set them down. Her pants and panties were soaked in her own juices, which was something he found quite interesting from a girl that was a proud and strong as she was. He half expected her to be a lesbian, and the one that wore the pants in the relationship at that, but it seemed it didn't even matter, now she was in the palm of his hand.

With the noise of heavy footsteps he made his way back to the poor helpless girl. Kneeling down next to her, he placed his cold hand on her now bare inner thigh. Moving it ever so close to her slit, however, never touching it, he leaned in close. His mouth was right next to her ear and his warm breath blowing against that side of her face. "Just give in and tell me where your friends are." He whispered, pecking lightly at her cheek, nibbling at her earlobe and even moving to place tender kisses down her neck. Did he want to do much else? Sure, but he wanted the information that she concealed a whole lot more. He rubbed his hand across her stomach, moving closer to her spewing pussy, but still, never went as far as to touch it.

The man thought, should he end this torture, grant her release? No. He was going to wait for her to break so he could finish this chapter and maybe think about what he was going to do with her. It was unclear in his mind where he wanted to go with this. He could humiliate her, like he had humiliated all the other potential leaders of all the other potential revolutions. He could keep her for himself, perhaps as a little pleasure slave on the side whilst he finished his ever important work for the Dark Lord. There was no way the man would be able to court her, especially after this, but even then, a romantic relationship for Silvermane? And with the fiery redhead? There was no possible way. Silvermane wouldn't even consider it. However, she did remind him of his Sylvia.

Shaking the thoughts out of her head, he got back to his work. Running his finger along the outside of her slit, and giving her neck another tender kiss, he smiled. "It could be so easy. This entire thing could be done with." He said as he traced it some more. Only the tip of his finger bothering to break the seal that her two lips formed. Silvermane was very good at being patient.
She feared him, she realized, as he began to undress her. The act of removing her clothes further showed her how helpless she was. There would be something that he noticed, likely, that made her feel more exposed. Roslyn was picky with her hygiene and there was not a trace of hair beneath her head on her body. The redhead clearly took care of herself physically as well. Lean muscle sculpted her body in delicious, toned curves.

Another cry ripped from her as his hand teased along her inner thighs. More of her juices trickled down her legs. The man had to get some satisfaction out of this sick form of interrogation! Her lips screwed together tightly and she shook her head violently. His hand traced along her taught stomach and he whispered into her ear, the heat from his words made a tremble go down her spine.

What would happen after she broke, for now she was certain that he would not let her ever feel anything but this until she did; death was out of the question? Momentarily an image of Moira flashed in her mind, followed by the image of her dearest Faust. Then their faces were lost in the searing heat of her lust. A tip had entered her! Her toes curled.

“Godric’s Hallow.” She whispered finally. “We’re based in Godric’s Hallow. Protection spells have been splattered all over the area… powerful protection spells.”
The man had gotten what he wanted, but even then, there was still more information to be attained at hand. Smiling as he had gotten the information he had wanted, he gave her what she had been wanted and pushed more than just the tip of her finger into her tight slit. Just a little reward for being a good little torture victim. The man let her have a moment and still teased he a little bit more, feeling around inside with the one finger, before withdrawing it.

"What kind of spells." He said frankly. "Tell me in detail." He said as he leaned in and licked the side of her face. Nothing really, just something to show his dominance. He was taking great pleasure in this. He did know that he was a little bit of a screwball sometimes. She was quite an intricate specimen, a nice little body, well toned and quite the face and set of teeth on her.

At that moment, a thought crossed his head. How hadn't Godric's Hollow been destroyed? He figured that was one of the first things that the Dark Lord would do. Had they rebuilt it? If they had, was there some kind of Underground Railroad there? Silvermane was well versed in the likes of Muggle studies, afterall, if we didn't learn from history, we were doomed to repeat it. He waited for his answer as the thought to himself. Should he overrun the tiny little village with lots of Death Eaters, how would the small group hold up.

Looking back down to the girl, he added to his inquiry. "How many are there." He simply stated again, knowing that he would get the answer out of her one way or another. Sure, he would be able to just use a truth telling serum on her, or some other form of torture where pain to extremities were more the focus, but this was so much more fun. . .
A finger had slipped inside of her! A shudder went through her body and her chains rattled slightly. Just when she thought she was about to cum (as she had thought it did not take long to work her up to that), he took his delightfully wriggling finger out of her now spilling snatch. A look of indignation crossed her features! She had given him what he wanted! Of course she left out certain little bits that were important. The surface of the small alcove had been obliterated by Voldermort himself as a sign of his victory but beneath is where her resistance had found shelter.

Of course. She groaned loudly. He wanted to know more information. He tongue moved across her face. This normally disgusting act took on new meaning in their situation. It made her more acutely aware of the power he wielded over her.

“Spells! Charms! Ah…” Roslyn could barely think. All she knew was that he had stopped giving her that pleasure right when she was about to explode and now she was in more agony than before. Whatever she and her fellows had cast around the husks of homes that served to cover the entries into their underground headquarters slipped out of her sex craved mind. “They’ll be nearly impossible to break through, though!”

By the second she was becoming less and less rational. Until the potion wore off she knew that it was going to be dreadful. Clearly he did not intend to actually fulfill the pleasure that was needed. It was only a ploy to get her to open her mouth. Shame filled her.

“A lot.” She managed out. “Perhaps nearly fifty that live there; more whom come in for missions… so much more.”

The resistance had grown in size over the last year that she had been running the show. Slowly they were getting support and slowly they were building their supplies. Fifty or so had moved to the headquarters simply because their homes and families had been destroyed by Death Eaters. The others came in for planning. Roslyn had seen more than two hundred faces at least.
The man wondered how long it would take to get her to cum and what she would do after the potion wore off. She would probably be ridden with shame and guilt. However, she had given the information he required. She must have underestimated the Death Eaters thinking that they wouldn't be able to get through their barriers and there were at least 50. Thinking to himself for a second, he realized that he could send a task force of Death Eaters that he had personally trained, therefore he knew they were the bes they had, or he could send a wave of Death Eaters, doing what they needed to do to get through the barrier.

Standing up, he had all the information he wanted from her, yet he would not remove her blindfold. Not just yet. Heavy footsteps seemed to walk away from her, and there was silence for a second as Silvermane took his robe off and put it around the chair. Undressing further so he was in the nude also, it was time to have some fun and give the redhead what she had wanted. Stroking himself for a second and getting himself to have a fully erect cock, he moved back over to her.

The footsteps weere actually silent as his heavy shoes were off, and he leaned down to her. She could probably feel his presence near her, but he moved his cock towards the opening of her slit. Deciding to see how far he could take this thing, he pressed his lips against hers without any warning and even moved to push her lips open with his tongue, feeling the outside of her teeth before retracting. If he was going to fuck her senselessly like the little revolutionary she was, he was going to do it right. He was between her legs now, teasing her opening by trailing his cock on the outside, this was going to be fun.

Finally, he lifted her legs up in his hands to give him better access to her, and he pushed into her, planting another passionate kiss on her lips. She seemed pretty tight, and he wondered who had gotten to use her before him. There was no foreplay, there would be none, he would just use her, then move on to the mission of destroying her revolution and running Godric's Hollow into the ground. Slowly, he began to thrust into her. The man wondered if this was considered rape, she did want it didn't she?
Roslyn wondered where he walked off to. She had heard him walk away. The heaviness of his boots even in the soft grass made a thudding sound. A whimper escaped her lips. How could he leave her like that?! He made her give out the information on her resistance and now he was leaving her to stew in her own juices until that terrible potion wore off. God help her when that potion did finally break its hold over her.

He returned. Although she could not see, she could feel him all around her. The heat from his body and the tension between them caused the fair, nearly invisible hairs on her arm to stand on end. Revulsion was overtaken by the need that she had. All she could think about was getting it. Unlike the other revolutionaries under her care, the redhead was nearly celibate. Of course, like any hot blooded woman, she like a good go in the sack but she was selective. Only the bravest men had been allowed inside of her.

Now a man that was domineering, manipulative, and slimy was poised outside of her gushing cunt. His mouth pressed so hard against hers that she thought he was going to crack her teeth. His tongue pressed inside of her mouth in a stark act of dominance. She was sure that was what this was about. He did not very much find her attractive but he got off on the power he held over her. He played with her body some, rubbing his throbbing member up and down her opening until she couldn’t take it any longer.

Before she could plead with him again, however, he had lifted her legs and thrust inside of her. A startled gasp came from her and she tried to inch away. It felt good and she wanted it, yes, but it was intense and she was frightened. The slow thrusting soon quieted that fear and she let out a soft moan. Her muscles tightened. She wanted to thrust back and to dig her nails into his skin. Roslyn had always been a scratcher and was bitey as well.
The man slowly thrust into her, withdrawing and beginning the whole process over again. However, his inner demon wanted to see the girl's eyes. He had never slept with an enemy before and he wanted to see the lust in hey eyes, reaching up and pulling the blindfold off of her face, he watched her reaction as the light blinded her, but kept thrusting into her using his arms to prop her up a bit.

The man had to admit, this was the first intimate interaction Silvermane had had with anyone for quite awhile. It was something that he needed to do more often, as he often found himself tightly wound, about to do something crazy or something that he would regret in the future. There was no worse combination for Silvermane, being out of "action" for several months and returning after doing the Lord's bidding to perfection and getting chewed out for something by the Dark Lord.

Turning back to her, he leaned down and placed a little bite, right on her neck, as his strained face let out a grunt. This was a pretty nice area for a man so cold and dark inside. The waterfall, the grass, the birds, they all added a nice area and a nice vibe, though the two who were actually doing the fucking, clearly had clashing personalities and ideals about the whole wizarding world.

The man continued, he thought it was quite odd that he was fucking a girl who was shackled against the wall, however, he would unlock her if he wasn't as paranoid as he was. If he unlocked her, she would probably make a move to alert her friends of their impending doom, tell them to scatter and scramble their forces, even conscript some more people to die for their cause, and that was something Silvermane just could not stand for.
There was lust in her eyes, that was true, but there was something else burning behind them too. The anger there likely told him that if she got free, ever got free, that she would completely and utterly destroy him. That was for damn sure; she would not just kill him. She would make him pay for this. Though, at that present moment, all she could think about was the pleasure. Sickeningly, being able to see his face as he used her body added more to that excitement.

The more he pushed inside of her, the louder she became. Her curls bounced and moved with his rocking and she bit her lip to stifle her moans. He was relaxing during all of this but she was practically crawling the walls of her own skin. She hated being unable to act to anything. All she could do in that scenario was react, a scream issued from her as he bit down on her neck.

The hours the potion had worked on her body caused her to be ultra sensitive. Every thrust inside of her was wet and noisy. Her pussy began to tighten around him as her eyes rolled back in her head. She was going to explode! She did not hold anything back and instead let herself feel anything. Not that she had much of a choice in the matter. This had been burning for long, long while.

Finally she slumped in her chains, panting from it. Sweat rolled down the side of her face and she felt dazed. She tilted her head down, no longer able to look Silvermane in the face. If she only had her wand! That was something she never, ever should have given up. Although it was a noble thing to do, it had resulted in this. Though she never could have foreseen such a torture routine.
Just like that, she was done, and with one final thrust and one final groan, so was he. Cumming inside of her, he placed another passionate kiss on her lips before pulling out of her and standing up. His slender, pale body was hunched over, and he moved back towards his clothes. He would leave her there, it wasn't as though he could just let her loose, then what would happen. He would deal with her after he was all finished with dealing with her friends. Putting his robes on, he didn't even bother to look at her before Apparating to gather his troops.

There he was, standing before a legion of Death Eaters. His task force standing behind him, they were well disciplined killing machines. They would go in last and help clean up the mess that the other Death Eaters would cause. The new Death Eater order was gaining numbers every day, however, any opposition they faced would be eliminated. They would take no prisoners, nor would they leave any survivors. Silvermane gave his little speech, a pretty basic one, they would not all make it back, and all the fine jazz that came with the duty of being a leader as he was.

With that, they moved out, taking care to ready his own wand. Moving slowly towards Godric's Hollow, he didn't even know where to begin. Looking around at the smoldering buildings that were still up, they must have had an underground area. He had brought along a few of his smarter more intelligent members to help figure out where they were. It wouldn't take long for them to run this order into the ground.

The Death Eater would go about this the way that he would go about any job, with care and precision. As the intellegence operatives figured out where they were hiding, the revolutionaries probably had time to figure out what their plan to counter attack was. There were only three of them investigating Godric's Hollow, the rest of the troops would come afterward when they actually knew where to atack.
Roslyn was left to stew, still chained to the wall and exposed to the elements. Guilt overtook her and she sobbed bitterly, his cum dribbling down her leg. What would happen to her friends? There was no way she could magically get out of that situation; the chains not only kept her physically bound but had also tapped her abilities as well. Warning them was out of the question as well. Hopefully, hopefully Moira had some sense to her and had taken precautions when Roslyn had been captured. Despite her faith, the brown haired girl had to know that everyone (even Roslyn) had limits.

Moira, in fact, had gone through some preparations. There had always been faith in their leader, this was true, but Roslyn had told them all not to have too much confidence. When someone was captured they went through the same routine: magically seal off all but one entrance, get the children and weaker persons into a safe zone to be transported by port key to another place, have sentries set up at various points, and have those at the ready poised at the mouth of the only entrance, ready to bottleneck and intercept those who came in.

During the hours that Roslyn had been gone the children and injured had been evacuated to much safer grounds. A warning had gone out with the injured. Once they got the information out, everyone else peppered around the country was to be on guard. This wasn’t just anyone that had been stolen away. It was Roslyn Defoe, cherished resistance leader. If information had been weaseled out of her, it was likely that everyone was in danger. Mousy Moira was able to rally the remainder left and to get them where they needed to be. Still, she was not nearly as skilled as the redhead was and very few took her bumbling seriously until she informed them that everyone but her and Roslyn died in that routine trip for supplies.

It had been a little over three hours since the horrible events had unfolded that the coin tucked away in her pocket began to hum. The first of the Death Eaters approached. Swallowing harshly she began to throw up more spells around their home. This was not a part of a contingency plan but the freckled girl figured that a little extra protection wouldn’t hurt.
Intellegence had turned to him. "We have probably waited a bit too long." He said with a sigh. "They probably moved their weaker members and left some kind of diversionary force." He said as he moved, standing closer to the outside of the village. "We will need to take a high ranking member of that revolution hostage, that way we can get him or her to tell us what we would have to do in order to find the stragglers." He said as Silvermane thought of that little runt girl that he had let go from the pub earlier that day.

"Also, we will need some runts to absorb the initial wave of skill, that way we can see where they are coming from so we can disenchant them." He said turning to Silvermane who was looking over the entire situation and terrain. Though he had never captured anyone from that particular revolutionary group, he did in fact capture their leader however. They were probably in a state of disarray, scrambling to find supplies and personnel and everything. This would probably be their first and last chest.

Nodding as his intellegence man finished, he looked towards the mob of Death Eaters behind them. Before Silvermane, Death Eaters were known for simply being for just numbers, more quality than quantity. With that said, Silvermane was trying to change that, adding a sort of "Black Ops" group of Death Eaters. Most of them, were in fact the normal scrub Death Eaters. They strived more on the fact that there was alot more of them than anything else. Turning towards them now, he smiled. "We are looking for a mousy brown haired girl." He said as he turned. "Now, TEAR THE PLACE APART." He yelled towards his mob.

With a lot of screaming and alot of pounding footsteps, Death Eaters flooded into the village, launching a variety of spells every which way, destroying and trampling everything in their path, looking for a simple sign of a hideout. It didn't take long for one of the many members to find it. Their plan of having a choke point seemed to be working at first, the Death Eaters were losing alot of men, however, their numbers would overrun them eventually.
Moira was running around the space of the battlefield. Unlike Roslyn, who lead the charge in the midst of the fighting and chaos, the mousy girl much preferred to be on the outskirts and observe. It painted a much more vivid and accurate picture. Although shy, the freckled witch did have some sense about her when it was time to muster it up. She winced at what was happening. They had easily found their way around the smoldering shell that was once the wizarding community of Godric’s Hollow. The mouth of their main hideaway was found without much issue at all, after the protection spells had been broken.

She observed that the bottleneck tactic had been working. Some of the Death Eater numbers were being shorn down, though with the growing numbers of masked men, she knew it would not be long until their small forces would be overpowered. Again she moved around. Early on she had cast a concealment charm around herself to allow herself to move freely and unmolested. Again she pressed her finger to the coin in her pocket to activate the sentries into action.

With cracks, ten appeared behind the Death Eaters at the opening of the renegade lair. They all began to fire off killing curses. This was no game. Voldermort’s dogs had decided to unleash fury on them and the only course of action was to push back. They were a little like vampires and werewolves in that sense; they had to protect what was theirs with all that the resistance could muster.

The wisp of a witch shuddered. This was likely not going to end well. Instead of revealing herself, she crept towards the battle. Many had her pegged completely wrong. Even Roslyn had assumed she was spineless and skittish. But all of those instances were with face to face battle. Perhaps she was really a coward but, concealed as she was, she knew she had the upperhand. Muttering spells beneath her breath so she would not be heard in the clamor of the fighting, she began to pick off Death Eaters with well aimed curses.
The surging ground forces just kept pushing the revolutionaries back. For every Death Eater that fell to one of their curses, another four took his place. An explosion was heard and their stronghold was burst wide open. That didn't take long at all. Sure, the numbers seemed to be thinning just a tad, but the battle still raged on around them. There honestly wasn't much that the revolutionaries could do. Silvermane had brought too many troops, too much magic, and too much skill.

As he looked around the battlefield, it was painfully obvious who the better trained Death Eaters he had brought with him. They were dodging spells, anticipating movements, and keeping the wave upon wave of Death Eater pushing. Sure, some of his better men were being worn down, and most of them had taken a potion so they could see invisible entitis. It wouldn't be long until this base was overtaken and they needed to get out and try and regroup elsewhere.

One of the other revolutionaries, whose name was Johnny Falcon, moved towards Moira, firing off a killing curse and blasting one of the elite members of the Death Eater core. Firing off another spell and blasting back a couple of the regular ones, he moved silently and swiftly. "Moira." He said with a heavy australian accent. "You need to get out of here. You need to rally some troops behind you." He said as he picked a piece of rubble out of his beard. "I will keep a couple of the Falcon Core here to cover your tracks." He said as he peeked around the corner and blasted another Death Eater back.

Looking around, he leaned in and kissed Moira hard. He was unsure if he was going to be able to see her again and after all, she was his fiance and he did love her like one. However, it was more important for Moira to get out, someone with actual intellegence, than it was for someone like him. He was smart, but he didn't know how to mobalize or what actions to take when they needed to make a dire decision. He let out a sigh and mouthed the words "I Love you." To her, before he jumped over the barrier and charged into the fray.
The girl jumped at the sound of her voice, even if she was familiar with the man who it belonged to. She had been so caught up in fighting that any unexpected noise would have spooked the living daylights out of her. Her hand gripped tighter on her wand and she wheeled around. A cry of relief escaped her in that moment. Her beloved Johnny had survived the fray to that point! All the mousy witch wanted to do was dissolve into tears, her bottom lip even quivered but she managed to pull herself together. What they needed was a leader and, unfortunately, that role now rested on her shoulders.

She relished the kiss and savored it. Who knew when or even if they would be able to see each other again? In times like these, death was almost a certainty. All around them people were dying: Death Eaters and revolutionaries alike. But they did not have the personnel that the Dark Lord did. They did not have the resources either.

When he pulled away she felt strangely cold. Her bottom lip trembled again as he professed his love for her in a hurried whisper. This was no time for it, she knew, but she reached out for him in attempts to stop him from going. That was certainly a suicide mission and her heart broke as she watched him dash off.

“Be safe,” she whispered beneath her breath, daring not to go any louder. Werewolves were on the side of the Death Eaters. Even in the din of battle being too loud could catch their attention. Those horrid creatures were known for taking young women as their prizes back to wherever they came from, either as snacks or to change them into ‘mates’. A shudder went through her and she hung her head. “You better come back to me.”

Moira had lost many of her friends that day and was going to lose more. How would she survive if her fiancé died as well? Squaring her shoulders she went back into the chaos of the fight.

Her face contorted as she whispered out her curses. She did not like using ones that would kill her opponents but this was war. There was no quarter or mercy in it and, while it hurt her every time one of her killing curses hit true, she knew it was for the greater good. Now she needed to get who she could around and out of there. An emergency portkey was waiting somewhere the next block over.

As she darted around she noticed that the main opening to their underground lair had been ripped asunder. Their chokehold didn’t last long but had been super effective. Corpses of the less competent Death Eaters littered her way and she fired off shots at the backs of some of them clogging the entrance still.
As Falcon moved through the ranks of revolutionaries that had stayed with him, he shouted out orders and tried to lead by example. "We have to hold them here!" He called out, firing off killing spell after killing spell, taking down Death Eater after Death Eater. His number two, a man named Ronald, stood right by his side. After all, he was his best friend. The two launched spells, and though there were about forty of them to start and try and buy time for Moira abd a few others to get away.

Slowly, their numbers faltered and soon there was only a handful of them left, Ronald, Johnny and a few others. Johnny was even lucky, a misplaced shot barely glanced off of him. It had been a few hours now, and Johnny was sure that Moira and company were able to make it out. Falcon didn't even want to think of Roslyn, their brash and fearless leader. He didn't think Silvermane would kill her, but he shuddered at the thought of what torture had befallen her. After all, she was one of the major reasons he and Moira were even together.

The two men sat behind a barrier, feeling the after effects and hearing spells go shooting over the top of them. Classic Ronald pulled out a flask and the two men took turns taking drinks from it. Laughing, Johnny and Ronald figured this would be one of their last moments together, but alas, they didn't want to think about it that way. Finally, Ronald spoke up. "Listen." He started, and before Johnny could even say anything, Ronald cut him off and continued. "If our movement is going to be successful, you need to stay alive and make it to the end. Not only to train our new men, but also to give Moira some much needed support." It didn't take long for Johnny to realize what Ronald was propositioning.

Taking another drink from the flask, Johnny knew better than to argue against his friend. Putting a hand on his shoulder, his eyes became a little tearful. There was nothing for him to say, but he knew Ronald was right. Only his best friend was about as skilled as Johnny was, and only his best friend would be able to hold off Silvermane and his dogs for long enough to get away. Johnny was about to open his mouth, but Ronald cut him off. "No. Just go." He said with a smile. As Johnny turned to leave, he heard Ronald speak up behind him. "I need two volunteers who are willing to buy some time for our cause." He said as a man and a woman stood up. "The rest of you go." He said, and as the last remaining survivor headed through the portkey, Ronald fired a spell to cave in and destroy said portkey.

Taking another drink of scotch, he heard heavy footsteps approaching, knowing them as the footsteps that would inevitably lead to his death. Silvermane looked over the faces of the dead bodies, before he got to where Ronald was hiding. Peeking his head out, Ronald stood strong with the two volunteers that had stayed with him. There was a brief silence before all three tried firing spells, Silvermane dodged or blocked two of the three but one spell hit him square in the chest and sent him flying against the wall. Silvermane tasted his own blood and stood, clear anger in his eyes and his voice as he fired two quick killing curses, blowing away the two volunteers. His eyes narrowed on Ronald. . .

((Sorry, the post ran a little long. . .))
Moira had gotten into several duels as she attempted to gather more and more people. It seemed as if it would not end. Noticing that she was the one that Silvermane had described, they were not aiming to kill her. That was something she had noticed halfway into the skirmish. No one making killing blows against her. A cold, ice like lump fell to the pit of her stomach. Part of her felt that she would rather die than be captured. Who knew what horrors awaited her if she allowed herself to be taken by them!

So she fought and fought desperately, gathering survivors as she passed them. More and more people meant that she had more firepower behind her. Making their way through Godric Hollow wasn’t easy and by the time the small handful of survivors made it to a place where they sneak towards the next block, Moira was exhausted. Her spells came out half hearted and she panted heavily as she approached the destination.

“Go… wounded first!” she said to her group. She directed them towards an opening in a fence that lead to the portkey; a trashcan lid that rested at the hole. There weren’t many there. Only five or six perhaps but it was a tight fit and Moira was heavily pinched. “Alright! Ouch! Barth, don’t be so pushy! We’ll all get out, I promise I…”

But she was cut off. As everyone else touched the knackered up metal lid, a large hand grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her up. In shock she dropped her wand and, in horror, she watched as the small group disappeared without her. The man who had scooped her up was, in fact, half giant. Or at least that is what she assumed from his size (although he was squatter than the groundskeeper she had known at Hogwarts). Her legs kicked and her hefted her over his shoulder like a sack, ignoring the faint physical attacks from the flailing activist.

“Mr. Silvermane!” he called out as he bounded through the battlefield. “I think I got ‘er. This mousy, sticky thing is the one you were lookin’ for, right?”
Needless to say, the battle with Silvermane had not gone well for Ronald. As he lay on the ground, blood trickling from an open wound, the taste of blood in his mouth. Spitting, he felt the footsteps as the half giant moved with Moira. His eyes widened as he realized what had happened. All of their efforts were for naught. She had still gotten captured and so many people had died for no apparent reason. His body filled with anger, not only for his own death, but for the death of all of the different people that had tried to cover her tracks.

As the giant approached, his eyes lit up with glee at who his half giant friend had found. "Very good, my dear Urg." He said firing a pinkish mist from his wand and putting the girl to sleep. Turning back to Ronald, who lay there like a pathetic dying puppy, his wand broken from the battle, three or four arrows sticking out of the man, and a bloody nose and mouth, Silvermane leaned down and put his hand on Ronald's shoulder. "What a pity." He said in a very calm voice, Silvermane did not get worked up about anything."

To be frank, part of Silvermane pitied the man on the ground. He had actually been a worthy advisory. Standing up, he looked down at the man. Deciding the only action was to put him out of his misery. A quick green flash and he had done his deed. Moving back towards the half giant, he grabbed the limp body of the girl and hung her over his own shoulder. Moving back towards the opening of the hideout, he looked over the crowd of awaiting Death Eaters. "Mission Accomplished." He said as the crowd exploded in laughter. "There will be a big reward!" Another explosion and Silvermane moved to Apparate once more to his special area.

By this time, he had no idea what his other prisoner was doing. He moved quickly. The room Roslyn was in was just one of many different interrogation rooms in one complex, however he had another plan for this mousy, dark haired, quiet girl. Dumping Moira in a dark room, he stayed for a second brewing a potion for the girl. He had to perfect things for the troops after party. Chaining the girl at the neck with a heavy magical and the chain led to a heavy hook at the center of the room, and moving over to the girl, he woke her up. Silvermane then Apparated to check on his other prisoner.

A man came over the microphone. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN." He shouting to the tune of a roaring crowd. "OUR FAITHFUL DEATH EATERS HAVE FOUND THE TRAITORS AND NOW WE WILL SHOW HER THAT BETRAYING OUT GREAT DARK LORD WAS SOMETHING TO NOT BE TRIFLED WITH." The crowd exploded with cheers. "THE POTION SHE HAS DRANK, WILL MAKE HER COMPLY WITH THE NEXT ORDER WHICH IS. . . . PLEASE THE MEN PUT BEFORE YOU!" A few doors opened up, and some of the Death Eaters that had been vital in taking the hideout over, filed into the room, even old Urg the half giant and some of his fellow half giant brothers.

As he walked back into the room with Roslyn in it, he smiled. "How has your time been?" He asked, waiting for the action to get started in the old Muggle stadium before he tried to figure out where the rest of the refugees were.
It was a horrible blur for the mousy young woman. The half giant kept her thoroughly held tight and panic flooded her senses. She did not even realize that she had been taken successfully to Silvermane until she heard him utter the spell and, by then, it was too late to do anything. The mist sent her instantly into a sleeplike state.

When Moira awoke she was laying face down. Cold metal encircled her thin neck and she felt a chain lay heavily across her leg. There was a taste in her mouth that was bitter and she assumed that she had been forced to drink something. Naturally she assumed it was something to force her not to lie. Those were common in interrogation processes… weren’t they? Her head was still hazy and she pulled herself up slowly. She was met with bright, blaring lights that stung her eyes. She reeled back to find that the collar around her neck kept her practically pinned to the floor.

When the loudspeaker system blared the petite woman squeaked. It was confusing for her. At first she thought that she was going to be publically executed and that made her panic more. Then, as the words sunk in she took in a sharp breath. All of her color drained. The jeers rang in the confined space and she hid her eyes from the men that filed in. There weren’t many in comparison to the raid on their hideout but, to please, there were more than plenty.

Since she was chained to the floor Moira could not even crawl over to the men to please them. There was a compulsion to do it. Finally one of the taller men walked up to her, running his fingers through her shoulder length brown mop.

“Revolutionaries never used to be so cute…” He told her as one hand stroked the side of her face. The other reached down and undid his pants. Moira flinched as the cock sprang forth but she did as she was bade to; she couldn’t stop herself. Her mouth wrapped around his member.

Meanwhile Roslyn had fallen asleep. It was difficult to do as she was still chained to the wall, but somehow she managed. When he came and wakened her, a groan escaped her lips. A sharp pain was between her shoulders and her arms throbbed with the extended time up in the air.

Her eyes narrowed on him. “Just wonderful.” She told him flatly. “This place is just ever-so charming.”
The Death Eaters had formed a circle around the girl. The rafters were high enough so that the crowd could see what was going on, and there was even a sort of tiny creature with a sort of device that was able to transmit the carnage over the entire magical network. They would make an example of this one, considering how the same revolutionaries number one was already chained up somewhere. No one even knew where she was, only Silvermane.

The problem with this situation, was that the Death Eaters were all dirty and very different in terms of their mannerisms. Not all of them were as proper and as suave as Silvermane, in fact, most of them weren't. Soon enough, two other men moved closer to her, and their grubby hands worked at ripping and tearing at her battle torn clothes, getting them off in no time. "Look at those cute little panties." They had said as the man who was currently getting his dick sucked was groaning. Smiling, they just ripped her panties off and her bra, and the tiny mousy girl was in the middle of a group of men, all intending of have their way with her in the most uncanny of matters.

The man whom she had her lips around had let out a groan, but it wasn't going fast enough. Gripping the girls head, as she was on her knees and he was standing, he started to thrust into her face as though it was a ripe vagina or another hole for the picking. He was mildly long in length, standing fully erect at 8 inches. Still, his hands were under his hair and pulling her face, holding it for his thrusting hips. He couldn't imagine it felt great for her, but it felt awesome for him.

Behind all this happening, others had moved. All different lengths and girths. One moved under her and just shoved his cock into her warm and waiting pussy, another man moved and thrust into her awaiting asshole. When one man would cum, they had a choice to make. Either cum in whichever hole they had been occupying at the time, or pull out and cum on her. Either way was fine with them, but nonetheless, they were all getting pleased and they were all using the poor girl's body. Coming up quickly for the girl was the half giant that stood patiently in line.

The man sat in the chair. So she didn't like her room? Interesting. She ws still naked and he cold cum was dry on her leg. "I'm sorry." He spoke slowly. "How rude of me not to clean you up after I was done." He said with a smile as he motioned to his dried seed. "I need to know some more information from you." He said bluntly, before moving on. "The portkey in your old hideout. Where does it lead to?" He asked her. Gently, he set a crystal ball on the side of the desk. After saying a spell, he would show her the poor girl who had tried to fill in for her. He didn't even bother to interrogate her. She was a prize for a job well done. Maybe he would even use her as a sex slave for his men. . .
With loud catcalls Moira’s clothes were ripped from her body. Although she was not as well toned and shapely as Roslyn, she did have her charm. Her body was slender and willowy with curves that delicately flared out. Tears formed in her eyes but she could not stop herself. Whatever had been given to her made her comply; she could not fight as she was stripped.

She gagged loudly as the one at her face began thrusting into her mouth with wanton pleasure. His length pushed into her throat over and over and over again. Though the pain that pinched in her esophagus was quickly forgotten when a man slid in beneath her and pushed is hard length inside of her pussy and when another quickly forced his member into the tight bud of her ass. She howled through the meat in her mouth but that did not matter. Whatever she was going through did not matter to those using her body. After one man came, another would come up and fill the very briefly unoccupied hole. Teeth grazed her nipples and breasts. Bruises formed where she was gripped. Cum covered almost every square inch of her body.

The fiery redhead glared openly at him for that slight. The bastard had used her as a cum dump after feeding her a potion that would make her insane until she got some satisfaction. He had the audacity to ‘apologize’ for not cleaning her up.

“Fuck off! You think I would tell you anything more?!” Roslyn snarled at him, spitting in his direction. Her eyes then widened when she saw what was shown to her in the crystal ball. Her guts twisted and anger boiled in her more powerfully than it ever had before. She could feel the blood rushing in her ears. “You said you would let Moira go! Asshole!”

What she was seeing was disgusting. Was every woman taken alive taken as a sexual slave as well?
The announcer spoke up. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, REMEMBER THIS IS BEING BROADCAST OVER THE ENTIRETY OF THE WIZARD WORLD AND MUGGLE NATION." He said as the crowd started to cheer. "ALSO, THE FUN HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET, AS WE HAVE OUR COUPLE OF HALF GIANT GUESTS!" The crowd roared again in applause and cheers as the poor, tiny, mousy girl's body was used and abused by the men.

By this point, her body had a nice little glaze over it, and men who had already fucked her, got into line to fill another hole. There was different mixtures of cum dribbling out of alot of her holes as the relentless Death Eaters continued their assault on the girl. Clearly based on her howling, she was a virgin, especially in that tight little brown eye. Finally, some of the Death Eaters started to file out of the room, looking rather pleased with themselves for a job well down. However, the problem was, the half giants who had almost spear headed the assault and whom were the reason for this type of spectacle had not had their fill yet.

Finally, the half giants pushed through. They bodies reaked of sweat and other bodily fluids. Their cocks had more length, and about three times the girth. The crowd watched in awe as a few of the giants unsheathed their enormous erections and prceeded to get to work, one in her ass and one in her pink little pussy, another one shoved his length right into her face and the half giants let out roars of satisfaction and pleasure. The crowd almost felt sorry for the tiny girl, except for the fact that she was the new face of the revolution.

The man watched her get angry, and it was actually a little satisfying for her. Still, as the half giants took their turns, Silvermane almost felt sorry for the poor girl that had to go through this torture. She was being humiliated on live television to much of Voldemort's conquered realm (which was much of Europe, they were even expanding farther past that.) There was no way that the poor little girl was enjoying this kind of abuse, but even then, she should have gotten out of there when the other cheeky brit had bought her time.

Turning to Rosyln as she made her comment, the man stood up and walked over to her at a rather quick pace, placing his pale, slender, cold fingers around her neck and applying a little pressure. He absolutley hated when people questioned his word. His eyes narrowed and his grip on her increased a little bit. The thought of bashing her head against the back stone seemed a bit appealing, but her refrained. "I did." He said bluntly. "She got herself captured in the battle when we razed Godric's Hollow." He said, feeling the need to defend himself against her.

Letting her go and moving back to the table, straightening himself as he let her catch her breath. "Tell me where the portkey goes, or I will resort to other means to get the information I desire." He said slowly.
The poor girl had no idea how to react to such length and girth. As the large members were shoved inside of her, she let out a garbled howl. Before Moira had thought she had been through Hell with the other men but the half giants were proving that what she had been experiencing before was a delight compared to this. Every thrust of their massive members sent her reeling in pain. It was a shock that she had not been killed by their sheer size all at once but she felt tearing. Her insides were being shredded by them and she knew that there would be medical treatment. She was, in fact, to become a sexual slave for the lot. She felt it deep within her bones.

Roslyn watched with horror the fate of her friend. The crystal ball seemed to amplify the image, making it appear larger than what it was. Her stomach churned in disgust. She hated Silvermane. She hated him for letting this happen. Moira was a good girl and did not deserve such treatment.

Though she only had a moment’s thought on that subject. Her captor had turned around and his hand squeezed against her throat, silencing her effectively. She swallowed hard as he spoke to her. Yes, she was cowed into submission but that anger was boiling hotter and hotter by the second. A strange gurgling hiss escaped her throat as he pressed down harder, a good majority of her air having been cut off. He pulled away, leaving her to gasp for breath.

“You already tortured me for information,” she croaked. “And there are dozens and dozens of portkeys around Godric’s Hollow. I do not even remember where a quarter of them end up. Most weren’t even implemented by myself.”
As the man moved to sit back against the wall, bringing his hans together and intertwining his fingers. He looked her over, sure, she did say something about torturing her already. He moved back towards her, feeling the need to release some of his pent up anger. The man sighed for a second. There had to be some kind of a set escape plan for the revolution. They seemed to be organized enough in order for something like an escape plan. She was the one that probably put the plan into action, and he moved back over to her, blindfolding her again, and even moving to place a sort of sound dampening ear muff over her ears. This was his sort of solitary confinement.

After they were silent for a few minutes, Silvermane brewed another one of those aphrodisiac potions. He knew she had been keeping information from him, and he was planning on getting said information. The smell was probably pungent enough for her to know what was coming, and after another Imperio curse, the potion was sliding down her throat. Now, he was controlling most of her senses. He told her how to feel, he took away her sight, and he took away her free movement. This was the utmost form of domination.

The half giants worked, tearing and prodding at the tiny girl in front of them. They had more stamina than those other men, and they had more force and more of a sexual appetite (if that ws possible) As time went on, the giants thrust harder and harder, using their giant hands to keep her in place and immobalize her even further. She had all of her usable holes plugged and the giants made their grunts and their groans. "Why you no enjoy?" The one in her mouth said into her face. The crowd was trying to cover their eyes, but it was a sort of like a bad car accident. They couldn't turn away.

(Sorry about the very late response. Ill work on my timing.. )
A strange sickness twisted at Roslyn’s gut as the blindfold was returned and, this time, was paired with muffs that stifled all of the sound around her. She felt the strange pressure that silence caused in the ears but was grateful that she did not have to hear his persistent, demanding orders. In that time she relaxed, up until the smell of that particular potion wafted into her nose. Loudly she groaned but she could not hear herself through the blasted things on her ears.

“You can’t be serious!” she bellowed at him through clenched teeth.

She much preferred being tortured through pain than with the horribly shameful arousal that the potion. There was no way to fight swallowing the nasty stuff, either. Again he cast the Imperious curse (though she could not hear the word ‘Imperio’ muttered) and the potion slide easily down her throat.

“Don’t you have any more tricks than this? It’s a little pathetic, you know.”

How was Moira supposed to enjoy this? She had been forced into this position and, while the potion coursing through her veins made her pleasure them with no fight, it did not make it so she liked the treatment. Her body hurt so badly that it was actually start to feel numb to everything. Her eyes closed and she could not stay awake any longer. Her eyelashes fluttered and she passed out.
The man smiled. He had more in store than just this, and in reality he wasn't doing this to try and get information from her. Granted, it would be something that would be beneficial to him, yet he needed to have some release and some sort of a reward for a job well done at Godric's Hollow. Letting the potion stew as he had done before, he moved closer to this time. This time, he wanted a little bit of danger in his pleasure making with her. He knew she loathed him. That wasn't hard to assertain from her reactions and the voices that she had given him in the past

Moving near her now, it had been almost a half an hour and he smiled, grazing her cheek with her finger. Drawing his wand, he pointed it at the cuffs around her wrists, and they clicked open. Then, he pointed his wand at her neck restraint, and it too clicked open. Moving the wrist restraints and the neck restraint off of her, he debated whether or not to unlock her leg restraints. Shit, even if she did manage to get his wand and kill him, there was no way she was going to be able to get out of this location. He also figured he could overpower her anyway. Pointing his wand at the restraints on her legs, they clicked open also. Moving to take off her blindfold and her ear restraints, he smiled as he stepped back. This was going to be fun.


The onslaught was over. The floor slipped out and the girl's tiny passed out body just lay on the metal floor. She was still sticky from the seemingly gallons of cum that had befallen her body, there was no way to clean her. A few wizards who had worked at the arena new they had a new attraction there. The wizards around her started to spray her with water in order to clean her off, and after this, they would take her to the doctor and see what the damage was.
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