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Blood Lust


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
it was a full moon night, soft silvery clouds trailing along the moon, doing almost nothing to block out the bright silver light. it made the mist covered streets of the silent village appear haunted and dark. this village was small, no more than two hundred people, all tightly connected and living together as they farmed the outlaying fields and lands, four ranches, a dairy farm, a chicken farm, and of course a grocery and a movie theater, with a bowling alley so the kids wouldn't get bored. it was a quaint place, happy, peaceful, and religious...not someplace you would expect to find three of the strongest, oldest vampires in existence.

They where over five centuries year old, the Darkraven Brothers, but even they could no longer remember when they where born. And they had been born, they where, rumor told, the very first pure blood vampires. The result of two vampires breeding together created a class of vampire that far exceeded anything turned from a human. They had amazing powers, and they seamed impervious to sunlight, and healed even when they had been stabbed through the heart with a variety of weapons, a silver steak, a wooden stake, and a blessed cross. Nothing seamed to be able to hurt the three brothers, who often shifted from place to place to avoid detection. Now though, they had been found, and hunters where on their way, trying to kill them, they didn't even seam to care, sitting in an empty alley, hunched over a fourth shape, a human woman it looked like, the three brothers laughing softly as they looked at her, making her scream.

The oldest looked to be no more than late twenties, with dark black hair that hung to his mid back and glowed almost blue in the darkness. He was tall and thin, he looked like someone who would have made a very good Lord back in the day, he was the strongest, he went by Methuselah now, no one knew his, or any of their real names. The second was in his mid twenty's by appearance, lips pulled back into a fanged snarl as the woman screamed again. The middle brother was shorter than both of his siblings, with short hair that was spiked up all over in a soft brown coloration, he looked like someone you might have expected to see on the battle field, loose, but packed with firm muscles, quick, fast, strong, firm, never conceding. He was Terrance. Then there was the youngest, a smirk on his lips as he examined the female, his own hair a light blond, falling at his earlobe, a pair of glasses set on his nose, giving him a bookish appearance, he looked as if he should have been a collage professor, though he also looked like he couldn't have been older than twenty three, Daemon.

All three brothers had the same pale white skin, and blazing purple eyes that where glowing in the darkness, the same otherworldly handsome features that made them so irresistible to the gay, and women humans that they stalked in the darkness of the night, and they where stalking that night, they where eagerly awaiting their chance to strike, their fangs bared as they waited for the hunter that had been stalking them all day to strike, and fall into their waiting arms. Then, there would be no escape for him, there was never any escaping them once someone fell into the trap that they set. That was why most hunters had stopped going after them, they had to applaud the mans bravery...or stupidity
Night wasn't the best time to hunt vampires but that was when the undead creatures happened to get up to mischief. So it wasn't as if he had a choice in the matter. Of course he was almost certain the bloodsuckers he was currently after had set up a number of traps for him. Rory wasn't stupid and he knew enough not to underestimate them. Even though they were monsters, they still had intelligence. Like most hunters, the blond had little to no personal connections. It was highly advised to never have any weaknesses the creatures could exploit. Rory had nothing to fear though since his family was no longer with him. A few years ago they had perished, fighting against a vampire home invasion.

Rory's hair was pulled back away from his face and tied into a very short ponytail at the base of his neck. If he left it free it would usually get into his face and obscure his vision, thus giving his opponent a slight advantage in a fight. Tonight was quiet and had an almost surreal quality to it as the hunter moved forward, his way being lit by the bright silver light. The ancient pure blood vampire had been found in a small village in the middle of nowhere and anyone who called themselves a hunter would be making their way there to strike a deadly blow on them. For if they managed to take out even one of the trio, it would be an accomplishment they could boast about to other hunters afterward.

Taking on all of them at the same time was an almost impossible feat. Rory knew that and yet he couldn't not go, he didn't want the fame that would come from taking out any of the three, he only wanted vengeance for him and his family. Once every vampire had been eliminated he could rest at ease and think about settling down with someone. A female scream split the silence of the night and Rory narrowed his jade eyes as he determined its location. The hunter made his way towards the source quickly but carefully, always on the lookout for any possible traps that might have been laid beforehand. After all, he was in the village where the three ancient pure bloods were rumored to have taken residence in.

Eventually he came across the alley where the three vampires were currently located and paused. There was no way he was venturing into such an enclosed space by himself without any plan in mind. If it had been three normal vampires he would have done so since he had great confidence in his hunting skills but these three were different. Rory thought for a moment, made a face and then pulled out a device from his pocket. He did something out of sight and then showed himself at the far end of the alley. "Hey! You bloodsuckers after me? Come and get me if you think you can handle the heat." The blond taunted and gave the vampires a condescending look, intended to make their blood and temper rise.
the three vampires paused and straightened, turning to stare at the hunter with narrowed purple eyes, every one of the brothers looking the man over. the youngest reached into his pocket and took out a small roll of money, pealing off what looked like three hundreds and handing it over tot he woman who winked at the hunter. "have fun honey." she taunted, turning and scrambling up the side of the wall like a creepy lizard, not a vampire, but certainly not human, Rory had been tricked indeed. "so kind of you to join us." Methuselah purred, smiling a little at Rory. "we've been waiting for you all day." "Don't you know it's RUDE to keep people waiting?" Terrance demanded, his form blurring before he was suddenly behind Rory, fast, far too fast. "mmm he smells delicious." laughing as he smelled along the inside of Rory's neck. "do you really think, that you can take on something like us?"

there was another movement and now Daemon was standing to the left of Rory, a small smirk on his lips, taking a small sniff. "yes, he does smell delicious." he agreed, smirking a little. "and so BRAVE for a human." he teased. "how long has it been since someone was stupid enough to take us on?" "ten years?" Terrance guessed, smirking a little. sure, they had SEEN plenty of hunters, but most of them ran off with their tails tucked between their legs when those six purple eyes fixed on them. Methuselah was suddenly to the right of Rory, his purple eyes narrowed dangerously, leaving the hunter with only the alley to run into, should he even try to run. "it is foolishness, not bravery." he stated simply, the three watching him intently. "we should kill him." Terrance stated, licking his lips. "drain him dry, mm i bet he tastes just as good as he smells." "no.." Methuselah stated, stern, his face emotionless, impossible to read. "we will example of him." That had Terrance laughing, and Daemon licked his lips eagerly, the three vampires closing in on Rory, the hunter could do nothing to them, not a damn thing.

Rory was going to learn first hand why no one took on the Darkraven Brothers, they where impervious to everything. they had been staked, drowned, poisoned, burned alive, had limbs chopped off, had their hearts removed,been bitten by a werewolf, which brother survived which thing the world had forgotten, but they where even impervious to churches and crosses, as some of the vampires where, though only those that had believed in God before they'd been turned...amusingly ironic no? but they doubted this foolish human in front of them knew any of that, they doubted he even cared, he was probably too busy pissing himself. but they where ignoring him for the most part, save for the way he smelled they where all focused on each other, giving him the chance he needed to try and get away.
Of course what he had done was risky but it had been his only option. Rory wasn't a hunter without tricks as well but he already knew usual weapons wouldn't work on these three. Therefore, he had chosen to test out an alternative which had more of a chance of working. He had done some digging and research before coming here and had come up with interesting information. What he had done earlier would probably not kill any of the vampires here but it had a high probability of hurting them temporarily. That was what he was counting on and why he had shown himself in such a foolish way. He suspected the vampires would underestimate him and so far it seemed as if they had. But it was true he hadn't thought the woman might be a part of the trap. Well, in a way that was better.

Since he wouldn't need to save her now. He watched the vampires as they set their sights on him and tensed when Terrance appeared behind him. But he chose not to move since he knew the other two had yet to make their move. It was only after Daemon and Methuselah arrived that Rory acted but not in the way the vampires had thought he might. He didn't try and make a run for it, only a human would be that stupid. The blond would be playing right into their hands if he tried to escape using that method. It was almost obvious that it was the next stage of their trap. Only a desperate human would fall for it. No, he knew the only way out of this situation was to try and hurt them and if that failed, to distract them as best he could.

Once that happened, he might have a good chance of escaping before the vampires descended upon him. Rory dropped into a crouch and used his leg to swing around in a circle, his speed highly toned and skilled in this regard. After all, he had the powers of a hunter which increased his speed until it was almost at the same level as a vampire. Not to mention strength. He was as set as he was going to be, at least right now. Rory didn't try and think about what Methuselah had said about using him to make an example. It didn't matter since he wasn't going to stick around. He was a skilled hunter and wasn't about to give them any reason to get under his skin. Once his concentration was interrupted it would be over. The blond was up against three ancient pure bloods after all.

As soon as his leg sweep was over, Rory shot to the side, using his leg strength to propel him forward at a high speed and pivoted on the balls of his feet to return to a standing position once more. He grasped twin steel knives, one in each hand and both doused in holy water.
they all hissed softly, jerking back as he spun, Daemon hissing furiously as he was kicked, stumbling backwards and falling on his ass clutching his groin, curling up and looking like he was in the greatest agony, Rory had gotten lucky with that and they all knew it...but that didn't make it any less humiliating for Daemon, or any less amusing to Terrance who pointed at his brother and laughed, Methuselah scowling as he hissed furiously, dropping his fangs as he unleashed the inhuman noise at Rory, but they didn't attacked him, they knew better. while crosses and bibles did not work, Holy water did. even vampires did not understand it, though Methuselah had his theories.

"Fucking goddamn bitch." Daemon hissed still clutching himself, Terrance snickering again as he watched his brother getting to all fours, struggling to get back to a standing position, Methuselah unable to help but lift a corner of his lip in a smile. "i have to admit. you have balls for a human." "shut up Meth!" Daemon growled at the pun, Terrance laughing again as the two standing brothers stalked around Rory, watching him closley as Terrance reached down and hauled his brother back to his feet, the youngest wincing, but standing on his own now that he was up. "your going to pay for that you son of a bitch." he hissed, watching the human closley Methuselah clicking his tongue lightly. "language Daemon."

they surrounded him again, eying the blades with wary eyes, clearly hesitant, it wouldn't kill them, but it would hurt like a bitch and the burns would take days to heal even with fresh blood. "Drop the knives human. you might have gotten a lucky shot at my dear brother, but you won't survive a fight." "sure he will." Terrance stated smirking viciously. "but he can't kill us, he doesn't know how." "no one knows how." "and we'll just find you." "again, and again." "we'll kill everyone you talk to." "everyone you look at." "do you want that sort of blood on your hands?" "you should have run when you had the chance." "we gave you the chance." they where all talking now, randomly switching from brother to brother until Rory couldn't be certain who was talking. "we're going to make an example of you." "Hunters won't dare come after us once we've finished with you." "we'll even video tape it, send it to all your little hunter freinds." "and laugh when they try to get revenge." "and simply make examples of them as well."
So Daemon was the one who seemed to be less skilled than the others. He noted that and filed it away in his mind for later use. Rory hadn't seriously thought he could take any of them out easily but his actions had been a test to see how good their reflexes were. If he had to go after one, he decided it would be Daemon. Even if the other two managed to subdue him, if he could just take out one of their numbers, the rest of the hunters would have a better shot. Of course he couldn't let the vampires know his plan or else it would be easier for them to lay a trap of their own. He had to approach this very carefully in order for it to work. It seemed as if Daemon got riled up easily and he could use that to his advantage later on. Now all he had to do was figure out how he wanted to continue.

It appeared as if they had already realized the blades were doused in holy water. A shame, it would have been nice to see their faces when the blade nicked their flesh. Rory ignored their words and darted forward once more, this time slashing out with his knives in a deadly way that only those with skill were able to do. To the casual observer and probably to the vampires themselves, he looked as if he was trying to hurt all three of them which wouldn't be unexpected. But in truth, he only sought to inflict wounds on Daemon and extended more energy to try and nick him than he did on the others. He knew eventually one of them would most likely intercept him in the middle of a move but until that time came he would do his best to fight against them. It was all he could do.

The blond wasn't the sort of man who gave up easily. Not even if he was captured by vampires. Rory wanted revenge on the undead race and nothing would stop him on his path to get there. But in the back of his mind he wondered what would happen if he did manage to take out Daemon. He was fairly certain it would be impossible to also eliminate Terrance and Methuselah and he would be giving up his own life if he managed to kill Daemon. But the elder two vampire were supposedly more powerful than the youngest one, so would taking out Daemon really do the world much good? There would still be the remaining brothers there. Perhaps he should focus his attention on Terrance instead? No, he didn't think he could do it alone and it was too late to call for help from another hunter.
in all honesty the only reason why Daemon had gotten a hit at all, was because Daemon hadn't been paying attention. a lucky blow, but they figured that Rory was assuming that they where just weak, they assumed that he would focus his attentions on the weakest brother, who was Daemon yes, but certainly not week enough to be killed bu holy water. after all, he had gotten his head lopped off once, a bit of holy-water was nothing more than an annoying little singe. they all three hissed at him at once, baring long fangs as they circled him, their eyes narrowed, already planning their next trap. what no one ever realized...was that the three brothers, where often in each others heads.

they snarled when the blades started to strike, hissing in pain and flinching every time the blade struck, letting the holy water singe their skin instead of using their mortal blood to heal it right away, Rory would no doubt notice that Holy water was affecting them just the same as regular vampires. they figured it would lead him into thinking that they where simply strong vampires, lucky perhaps. they pulled away, burns and cuts all over, snarling viciously as they stared at him, the two eldest hissing furiously, Daemon panting softly as he studied the human before him with rage in his eyes. both the vampires and the hunter where setting up their own traps, but who would win, the vampire, or the hunter?

"why do you hunt us so human?" Methuselah suddenly demanded. "why hate us so? we have never killed a human that did not first try to kill us." this was true, all the vampires victims had been left alive, though with a bit of blood missing it wasn't even enough to put the humans at risk. and they where well known for feeding on scumbags, rapists, drug dealers, the likes. unfortunately they where also known for BEING scumbags, rapists, kidnappers, Terrance was often seen by hunters gathering intelligent selling drugs and cigarettes to minors. they where anything but innocent as they seamed to beleive, but then, where they any worse than most humans? "is it our fault how we where born?" Methuselah continued. "should we not also have the right to live, as everything else is?" they where buying for time it almost seamed like. "why cannot we live in peace, when we do not harm?" harm, like rape wasn't harming someone. had Rory not known all of that though, he might have bought into their pitiful story.
Holy water wouldn't kill vampires, it would only harm them. He knew that and wasn't under the impression it would make much of a difference in the long run. But he could use it to distract at times and stealing one second was enough to try and attack. It was better than trying to do so without a distraction and the odds for succeeding weren't as bad too. Rory watched the vampires and narrowed his eyes at them. He couldn't tell if they were actually hurt or if they were just playing around with him. They weren't average after all and he was fairly certain it wasn't just luck either. Why else would they be at the top of the hunter list? A vampire only got there if they were a menace to the population or had done some unspeakable deeds. He had to be careful or everything would fall apart.

The rage in Daemon's eyes didn't seem fake though and Rory decided he could use that against them. "You want to kill me, don't you? Why aren't you then? Am I too much for a little vampire like you to handle?" He taunted, letting his jade eyes fix on Daemon and a smirk came to his lips. "Your brothers could take me out in an instant but you... you're too weak to accomplish such a feat. Yes, you're more powerful than most vampires but compared to your brothers you're nothing." Rory stated as if it was a fact and glanced over at the other two. He frowned when Methuselah spoke and raised a brow at the vampire's words. "Seriously? If you've never killed or harmed humans then there is no reason for you to be at the top of the hunter list. Try a better lie if you want to rope me in."

He didn't care if they killed only the bad eggs in the basket, as far as he was concerned all vampires should die. "I have my reasons." Rory told Methuselah when asked why he hunted and hated them. He wasn't about to tell his enemy what drove him to kill them all. The hunter could have made another attack but he was waiting now to see if Daemon would lose his temper. If the vampire didn't give in to his impulses, Rory would take the next step. After all, he was stronger and faster than a normal human but he wasn't like a vampire. He got tired eventually and if that happened while he was still fighting he would lose more quickly. Not something he wanted to think about. The blond couldn't lose when he was so close to these bloodthirsty beasts. Not now, not ever. He would triumph.
right before his eyes the burns started to vanish, most vampires could not heal holy water burns, they stuck around for days, sometimes weeks, if they where doused vampires could be bedridden and agony filled for months while their skin regrew slowly over their muscles and bones. no they where not average at all, not in the least bit. "we do not like to kill." Methuselah stated simply his eyes narrowed as he set his hands on Daemon, who furiously slid his glasses back up his nose. be bared long fangs at Daemon, letting out a flesh raising hiss, glancing at his brothers, both of them pausing, then Methuselah nodded. "do not kill him Daemon." he warned. "we need him alive."

"yes Brother." Daemon hissed, advancing on Rory with fury filled eyes, stalking around the other slowly, like a cat toying with a mouse. "do you want to know why we are at the top of the hunter list human?" Daemon demanded suddenly, a wicked smirk on his face, eyes blazing with hatred. "it's because when i was ten, hunters came, and slaughtered our entire clan. three hundred and fifty two Vampires, women, children, even babies in the cradle." he spat that last part hatefully. "new born babes, and infants unborn where slaughtered in front of out very eyes, for no reason other than they had been born as vampires." the two brothers watched the third with stony silence, though they where tense. they clearly didn't like the story. "Methuselah was angry, they killed our family, so...we killed them, every last one of the hunters in our home died for what they did to our family!" it seamed that Rory wasn't the only one with a personal vendetta. "for centuries the hunters have tried to kill us, simply because of what we are!" he was still circling the other, hate in his eyes, the same need for revenge shining in those purple orbs that shone in Rory's.

"and now i have a chance to make one pay, SUFFER HUNTER!" he roared, leaping at Rory with the grace of a leaping leopard, flashing from a few feet away to right behind Rory, slamming the heal of his palm into Rory's back, with enough fore to leave a damn good bruise, and a constant ache during the fight. "i should slaughter all of you hunters, like you did to my family!" he was suddenly in front of Rory, tipping the others face up with his fingers. "but i don't.' he hissed, the rage starting to recede. "because i am not a monster like you." "not to say we don't do bad things." Methuselah admitted simply. "but it's no worse than any other cockroach Human who stalks the planet, killing every inch of earth it sets foot on." Terrance stated simply. "you just think were worse because we suck blood to survive." "but isn't that our right?" Methuselah asked. "is it not our right to survive?" whether the story was true or not, no one would know, any records had been lost to time, or burned to hide the truth, but it was clear, that now..they where fucking with Rory's head.

congrats on your first ten posts!^^)
Well that wasn't good. He hadn't thought the vampires would heal quite as fast as that. But at least he knew it worked temporarily on them which was something to remember. Rory made a face when Methuselah managed to calm Daemon down a bit and quickly thought of an alternative plot. Why did these vampires need him alive? It didn't make sense and he frowned thinking about it. For a moment, Rory wavered as he heard the story that fell from Daemon's lips. Yes, he saw the similarity in their stories but he also didn't know if the bloodsucker was telling the truth or not. Even if he was, he seriously couldn't expect him to believe ALL the vampires mentioned had been innocent. If that had been true, there would not have been a need for hunters in the first place.

No, they were simply messing with his head. That was all. Vampires had used tricks like this before and Rory wasn't going to fall for this. "Regardless of what you said, vampires were the ones who started the bloodbath by taking human life. They must be brought to justice and as they are more powerful than humans, locking them up in prison is impossible. The only way to make them pay is by killing them." Rory told Daemon, a glint in his eyes. He almost dared the other male to argue with him. "Sure there might be some good apples in the barrel but in a barrel filled with rotten ones those sort of people get lost. It's the majority that counts." Rory reminded Daemon and blinked when the vampire disappeared. Most likely the bloodsucker would reappear behind him.

Why? It was the best possible spot to fight a hunter since it was in their blind spot. He only barely managed to turn around before Daemon slammed his palm forward. But he wasn't fast enough to avoid a direct hit and the force of the blow sent him flying backward. Instead of being hit in the back, Daemon's palm had connected with his side but it wasn't too bad. No broken bones at any rate which was all that mattered right now. Rory grimaced as the vampire tipped his face up with his fingers and glared at the other male. "You shouldn't have been born at all!" The blond exclaimed, jade eyes on fire as he jerked his head away from Daemon's fingers. He attempted to use his leg sweep technique once more to gain enough room to dash off, hoping it would work to buy him some time.

If it didn't, he would be in a bad situation since he was currently on the ground at their feet.
they all laughed at Rory's backwards reasoning. "in that instance, we should kill all humans." Methuselah stated simply. "by that reasoning, that since most humans cheat, lie, murder, steal, beat each other, hate things that are strange or different, beat their children, rape each other, by truth shouldn't they all die, because, as you claim, there might be a few good apples in the barrel, but in a barrel full of rotten ones, the good ones are lost." Terrance laughed a little looking amused. "by you reasoning, the only way to make Hunters pay, is by killing them. so, tell me Rory, should we simply kill you? after all, it's the majority that counts."

Daemon hissed softly, his eyes glittering with Malice and hate as he jumped over the leg sweep, driving forward, quick as a snake, sinking his fangs into the humans neck, once, twice, thrice, each drive of the fangs releasing a nerve toxin that would cause Rory to go limp. not right away perhaps, but it was clear to all three of them that Rory had lost, Daemon was standing over Rory now, pinning him to the ground. "i should simply kill you." he hissed softly. "what right do you have, to say that i should never have been born. what right do you have to say that twelve children, who knew nothing of the world should have died simply because of what they where." he licked along the others neck, healing the wounds. "but that would be sinking myself to your level."

the three brothers chuckled a little as they circled around Rory their eyes narrowed as they watched him closley, looking puzzled then. "pick him up." Methuselah finally ordered once they where certain the paralyzing venom was working, having cut off any attempts he might have made at escaping by pinning him onto his belly, a foot on his back, holding him down as effortlessly as a baby. two hands grabbed him, lifting him up bridal style, Terrance, not Daemon, lucky break, and the Vampire was even kind enough to support the humans head. though he was wearing a shit eating grin. "this is going to be fun." "you will regret coming after us hunter." Daemon hissed in the others ear, smirking a little. "suffer greatly."

(sorry about the GodModding, XP i don';t normally be all powerful liek that, but their sort of supposed to be XP)
Things were getting a bit confusing for Rory and he blinked, trying to come to terms with what he had just said. No, why was he even thinking about something like that when it was a vampire on the other end? Before he could recover, the hunter felt fangs pierce through his skin and he yelled out in surprise and pain. Earlier, before he had called out into that alleyway, he had drunk an entire bottle of holy water that had been mixed with the herb vervain. The holy water had been to provide a distraction to the vampire biting him so he could get away intact while the vervain had been to ensure he wasn't mind-controlled by the undead creatures. But he hadn't thought it would hurt so much. Rory clamped a hand to his neck as Daemon withdrew and tried to back away from the others.

For some reason, it seemed as if they were waiting for something to happen and he didn't like it. Unfortunately, the toxin started to work a few minutes later and he felt his legs give out from under him. Fuck, he hadn't known vampires could release toxins from their fangs into a human's body, had they not known? Apparently, since Daemon hadn't tried to drink his blood and had only used his fangs, the holy water he had consumed was useless. Not to mention the fact that it would be out of his system the following day if he didn't consume more. Rory tried to resist when Methuselah ordered that he be picked up but was unable to do much to fight back. Well this was certainly turning out to be a complete nightmare. He tried to take back control of his limbs but was unsuccessful.
they laughed at his pathetic attempts to struggle and in an instant darkness swirled around Rory's vision, as if he had fallen unconscious, or maybe been knocked out, and then he could see again. they had 'shadow leaped' a very common Vampiric gift, where a vampire would swaddle themselves in shadows, and travel through them to another location, it was one of the reasons why vampires where such a pain in the ass to track. they had moved into a large room, full of blacks and reds, a huge oak four poster bed lay off to one side, a bathroom through a doorway...but the scariest thing was the line of tools spread across one of the tables, in an instant it was obvious what they intended to do to him. there where knives, dildos, gags, ropes, branders, anal plugs, feathers, needles, everything you could think of in a torture or sexual way. they where going to rape him, and it looked like they where going to do so violently.

"Tie him up." Methuselah ordered as Terrance dumped the limp hunter on the bed. "and hurry up, the Toxin will not work long." Daemon growled, rubbing his fangs. "the fucker has Holy Water in him." so the bites had hurt the Vampire, who's fangs where still smoking. "we should just kill the fucker." Daemon growled, glaring furiously at Rory, Terrance laughing as he flipped the man onto his belly, tying his hands tightly behind his back, grabbing a blindfold and settling it over the others eyes, cutting off his vision, grabbing a ball gag and shoving it into the hunters mouth as well, cutting off his ability to protest anything, his body started to work once more. the holy water fighting off the effects of the toxin in his body. too late now however, as the Vampire above him started ripping his clothes apart, simply tearing it apart, laughing darkly.

"he's pretty cute all naked and helpless." Terrance admitted, snickering darkly once they had Rory completely naked. "do you have the camera Methuselah?" "yes, everything will be recorded." "do you hear that?" Terrance;s lips against Rory's ear. "everyone is going to see us rape you, break you, and finally own you." he hissed softly. "we'll have you screaming, and then you will moan for us, beg us. want us more and more." a hand trailed along the others body, starting at the belly and working it's way up, tweaking the nipple, Rory's body suddenly perfectly capable of movement as the holy water broke free of the Toxin, freeing Rory completely. "you will be ours, and then, when the holy water is out of your system, we will drain, you, dry."
He was probably going to die. Of course he knew the day would come eventually but he hadn't expected it to be today. Hunters rarely lived for long, no matter how skilled or motivated they might be. There was only so much one could do if their body was paralyzed. But what was worse about this particular scenario was that he was still conscious, just unable to move his muscles. Rory could do nothing as he was 'shadow leaped' to what he could only assume was their castle. A bead of sweat appeared on his forehead upon seeing the huge bed and the table full of tools nearby. Were they going to torture him first before they killed him? Rory tried to make his muscles move but was only partially successful. It wasn't enough to fight back against these monsters. Fuck, this wasn't good.

Rory managed to get out an almost inaudible whimper as his mouth was pried open and a ball gag was forced in. He felt Terrance flip him over onto his stomach and then his wrists were tied tightly behind his back. A second later, a blindfold cut off his vision and the world went dark. Shit, what were they doing to him?! He could feel his clothing being torn off and realized rather abruptly that he was probably going to get raped. The hunter's heart skipped a beat at the thought and he started to struggle as control over his muscles returned. He tried to protest but the ball gag effectively muffled any words that tried to get out. Rory stilled upon feeling Terrance's lips against his ear. "Fuck you!" The hunter screamed into the gag, rocking his body back and forth as he tried to escape.

He gasped as Terrance suddenly tweaked one of his nipples and Rory's body betrayed him. Why did it feel so good to have someone do something like that to him? The nipple hardened under Terrance's touch and the hunter cursed the vampires into the gag once more. He tried to kick up at Terrance, hoping to connect with something as he fought against his captors.
they laughed as he whimpered, and laughed more as he struggled, firm hands pinning his legs to the bed as one of the vampires hot tongues traveled up his leg, starting from ankle, trailing slowly to his knee, and up towards his inner thigh. the only time that wickedly hot tongue paused was to nibble the flesh, pinching, sending tiny sparks of pain along the flesh as firm hands stroked along the soft flesh of Rory's ass, tickling the flesh, a soft chuckle falling from the lips that where barley an inch from the Hunters balls. "my god he tastes good." Daemon...Daemon was no less than an inch away from Rory's most sensitive, and probably most prized parts of his body. if that wasn't blood chilling nothing was. "i'm going to enjoy this so much." Daemon hissed softly, his fingers trailing the puckered entrance, tickling, teasing...tormenting the poor, bound, helpless Hunter.

Terrance chuckled in the hunters ear again, tweaking the nipple once more, giving it a firm squeeze to cause a brief flair of pain to mingle with the pleasure. "hush." he ordered, his voice Layered with the skill Hypnosis. it was like a Sirens call, a form of hypnotism, but the Herb Vervain prevented it from working, lucky for Rory. "Just Relax." he whispered, his voice still laced with power, not realizing that it wasn't working, his hand stroking more sensually from belly to nipples, stroking and rubbing, being as pleasurable as possible, both of them where, sensual strokes, and horrifyingly pleasing touches. they where going to make him enjoy getting raped, all the more humiliating. "You'll Like It, Just Let Us Take You, Take You To Pleasures You've Never Known." he whispered, kissing down Rory's neck, laughter in his voice.

"I'm recording now." Methuselah stated calmly. both Vampires chuckling Darkly as the blindfold slid off, letting him see Methuselah in the corner, fully dressed still, holding a video camera over at them, shifting occasionally to make sure he got the best angle. "say hello Rory." Methuselah chirped, wickedness in his voice as a hot, very hot tongue settled onto Rory's entrance, stroking and sucking. "this is what happens to hunters who fuck with us." Daemon hissed, his fangs suddenly sinking into the soft flesh of his left ass cheek, sending fire-bolts of pain through Rory as Terrance held him still, kissing, licking his neck, pinching and stroking his nipples, all three brothers laughing. "we want to hear you scream Rory." Terrance hissed Daemon laughing. "yes Rory, Scream." he ordered, his fangs dropping lower, scraping his balls, adding just that extra flair of terror to the mix.
He struggled upon feeling that hot tongue run up his leg and yelped into the gag as he felt the pinches. Rory tried to kick out again as hands stroked and tickled the flesh of his ass but his legs were firmly pinned down this time around. The hunter let out a muffled groan into the gag as Daemon teased his entrance, making his hole pulse every time it was touched. Another gasp was elicited out of his throat and stifled by the plastic ball as his nipple was tweaked once more. "Fuck you!" He exclaimed upon being told to hush and although no comprehensible words could be heard it was obvious from his tone that it had either been a plea or a curse. Rory tensed even further when he was told to relax, not liking the sound of that. Like hell was he going to make things easy for them!

But despite his intention to not let them get to him, it was incredibly difficult to remain indifferent. Not when Terrance was stroking and rubbing his sensitive nipples. He hadn't expected that part of his body to get him aroused. What straight man would have thought something like that? Yet he couldn't deny that his cock wasn't as limp as he would have liked it to be. Thankfully, it wasn't hard but it was getting to a semi-hard state which was rather embarrassing. Rory tried to crane his neck around and spat directly into the vampire's face. Or rather, he tried to because he had forgotten about the ball gag in his mouth. So his effort at defiance had simply ended with him attempting to purse his lips together. A rush of shame swept through him when Methuselah said he was recording now.

He struggled even harder now. But the vampires managed to subdue his kicks and due to the ball gag he couldn't do much with his mouth. The only other option was his hands but they were tied behind his back so tightly he thought the blood flow might be restricted. He glared at the vampires who stood above him, jade eyes brimming with anger and a bit of fear. "Fuck you!" Rory shouted into the gag, the words still incomprehensible. A muffled gasp could be heard a moment later as Methuselah's tongue started to suck and lick at his entrance and Rory's hands curled into fists behind his back. His breathing started to get heavier and his cock grew a bit harder in the process beneath him. The hunter cried out into the gag as Daemon's fangs suddenly sank into his left ass cheek.

Rory struggled against the hands holding his legs pinned down. More sensations rushed throughout his body as Terrance pinched and stroked his nipples as they told him they wanted him to scream. The blond cried out once more as Terrance's fangs scraped his balls briefly but managed not to scream, he didn't intend on giving them what they wanted.
they where enjoying themselves, laughing as he yelped and squirmed, they laughed again as he attempted to spit, finding that a great deal amusing as firm fingers tangled in his hair, yanking his head back hard as warm fingers stroked his nipples again, Daemon hissing in pain as his fangs burned against the Holy water, licking his lips free of the blood. the little bit of holy water that had touched him hurt sure, but what they where doing to the hunter was more than worth it. "On his back." Daemon ordered, Terrance snickering as they rolled the boy onto his back, so that he was laying on his hands, most uncomfortable, but they didn't care. "god he looks so frail." Terrance hissed, causing all three of them to laugh again.

"he's already half hard!" Daemon hissed, amused as his hot tongue stroked the head of his cock. "if i didn't know any better, i'd swear he was getting off on this." his lips suckled on the tip, his tongue prodding the entrance to the urethra, teasing the sensitive flesh there as Terrance moaned, running his tongue along the others nipple, teasing the flesh with his tongue. "only whores get pleasure from being raped." he teased, smirking at Rory. "are you a whore Rory?" he gripped the others hair again, and forced him to nod. "that's right, you are. we';re going to make you Cum, many, many times." he warned laughing darkly as he got up and moved over to the table, Daemon engulfing Rory's cock in his mouth, sucking hard, stroking everything with his tongue, forcing it to get hard, whether Rory wanted it to or not.

Terrance snickered as he plucked two things off the table, one was a jar of lube, the other was a metal item that looked as if it was supposed to be inserted into the...but they wouldn't do that right!? they laughed as Daemon pulled away, licking his lips as Terrance walked over, cock plug in hand. "this is going in your dick Rory." he teased, smirking. "and it won't come out until you beg." he admitted running his lube coated fingers all over the humans cock head, stroking the sensitive flesh with almost gentle hands as his brother smeared the cock plug with lube, carefully slipping it into the urethra, spreading the others cock slightly, pressing the plug down and down, filling the shaft with an intense sensation that some liked, and others didn't. what Rory liked and didn't like however, they didn't care, so long as he was as humiliated as possible. "this is going to make it impossible for you to Cum." Daemon purred, pulling on the plug, making it slip inside of the others cock. "which will make your long torment.." "even longer." Terrance promised with a dark laugh. "ah, but his ass is sinfully empty, and so is his mouth, we're going to have to fix that."
Rory stifled a yelp as one of the vampires tangled his fingers in his blond hair and yanked his head back. The hair tie he wore, popped off and strands fell into his face and down his neck as he winced from the sudden pain. A muffled gasp could be heard as fingers played with his nipples once again, sending jolts of pleasure rushing throughout his body and the hunter closed his eyes, unable to deal with the humiliation. But when he was forced onto his back, Rory's eyes shot open. A pink flush could be seen on his cheeks when Daemon spoke of how he was half-hard. As much as he wanted to deny it he knew he couldn't, after all the evidence was right in plain sight. Damn his traitorous body! He whimpered into his gag as Daemon teased the most sensitive part of his cock, making his body throb.

He could feel himself getting even more aroused as time passed. Terrance wasn't helping by paying attention to his nipples with that hot tongue of his and Rory groaned into the gag once again. His mind was getting clouded by the unexpected pleasure and that was a dangerous thing. Rory tried to draw himself out of his current state by focusing on the vampire's words. I'm not a whore! He wanted to say but knew even if he tried to get it out, none of them would be able to understand his words. So what was the point? Rory's jade eyes flashed dangerously as he glared at Terrance and winced as the vampire forced him to nod. A muffled cry could be heard as Daemon suddenly went down on him and the hunter's hips raised up off the bed in response to the intense stimulation.

Rory could tell if things continued in this manner he would eventually get a full erection. It didn't help by picturing other people doing this to him and even the ugliest image in his mind couldn't deter his cock from rising in response to the warm mouth. Soon, his cock was rock hard and the blond was panting behind the gag, unable to restrain himself from showing how much he liked it. Through lust-filled eyes, Rory made out two objects that were being brought towards him and his eyes widened when he realized what the vampires were intending on doing to him. Once more he tried to struggle but nothing had changed and Rory was held still as Terrance inserted the rod into his cock. A muffled cry could be heard as it entered his sensitive organ but there was nothing he could do.

It hurt but when he tried to struggle it hurt even more. Not able to deal with the pain, Rory held himself still and waited for the process to be over. Once it was, he instantly raised his head and attempted to head-butt Terrance. Since the vampire was close to his face at the time he had a good chance at connecting and hoped he would.
they moaned softly as he reacted, listening to his moans and groans, enjoying his cries of pleasure and humiliation, smirking darkly as he tried to struggle again, all three vampires panting, rock hard, enjoying their tormenting actions upon his body, holding him down as they slid the rod into him, laughing at his cries of pain, two tongues holding his hips down now as they stroked and licked along his shaft, focusing on the head and the tip, still spread by the cock plug, forcing him to feel pleasure once more as two hands settled onto his balls, stroking and groping and teasing, Terrance lifting his head and smirking at Rory. "god damn, everything about you is so perfect." he hissed licking his lips. "mm i think we should keep him." Daemon hissed nipping at the flesh of the base of his cock, moaning softly. "i'd fuck his mouth, but he might still try to bite." they laughed at the tease.

as they molested his body, a hand stroked and teased a nipple as Terrance's mouth left his cock to stroke the flesh around the others belly button, sucking on the flesh driving his tongue into the tiny little hole as if tongue fucking it, moaning softly. "mmm god he tastes good." Terrance growled Methuselah chuckling a little. "and he enjoys it so much." he commented from behind the camera as Daemon's hand, still slick with lube stroked and rubbed along the others entrance, massaging and teasing the entrance before a long warm finger slid in, deep inside of him. "fuck he's tight, i can't wait to drive my dick inside of him." they laughed again as the finger stroked deep inside, teasing his inner flesh.

"if i remove this gag." Terrance whispered, smirking as he ran his tongue along the others ear teasing the flesh there as he sucked on the earlobe. "are you going to try and bite me?" he asked smirking. "if you are, i'll have to do something very bad to you, and you won't like it at all." he warned, smirking darkly as Daemon snickered, slurping softly on his head as the finger pulled out and thrust back in, the buckle falling off of the Gag, the ball slipping out of Rory's mouth, giving him the freedom to talk and bitch all he wanted. "now how about that scream?"
Fuck, it was getting to be way too much for him to handle. He wasn't quite at the edge but if this continued, the blond knew he was going to be in for a really rough ride. A muffled groan escaped him once more as he was stimulated further by the tongues on his member. He pleaded with them to stop, even though he knew they wouldn't be able to understand his words. But he figured they could figure it out from the way he sounded. Not to mention the fact that his jade eyes were also doing their own sort of begging as he waited for the vampires to respond. He felt a chill run down his spine upon hearing the words 'keep him' but dismissed it. No, they were just teasing him and this horror would soon be over. They were going to torment him and then drain him, they had even told him that.

No need to worry about a lifetime of being their slave. Rory gasped as he felt one of them teased his nipple again and cursed his body for responding so well to them. If it hadn't done that, would they have continued? His eyes widened upon feeling a lubed up finger at his entrance and he struggled desperately to avoid it. But it slipped inside him a moment later, causing him to cry out into the gag, tears springing to his eyes. Not of pain but of humiliation. They were filming this and someone's finger had just entered his most private area. His cheeks burned and his jade eyes closed as his hands clenched into fists behind his back. Rory struggled against the vampire's invading finger and turned his tear-filled eyes to Terrance as the other vampire spoke to him. What could he say?

He really wanted to bite him but at the same time was scared as to what the bloodsucker might do if he did. It wasn't as if he was asking him to submit to them or to perform a sexual act of his own will. Not biting them was something he could handle but at the same time his hunter instinct was rebelling against the thought. Rory gasped as Daemon pulled his finger out and then thrust back in, making his hips arch up into the air in response. Before he could respond, Terrance had removed the gag and at long last his mouth was free. Rory stretched out his jaw, flexing it as he attempted to work the kinks out of it from having had his mouth held open for so long. Rory narrowed his eyes at Terrance when the vampire asked about his scream. "Never." He growled, wishing he had his hands free.
they laughed again at his reactions, the finger stroking and teasing deep inside of the other, looking for the others prostate, panting softly. "smile for the camera Rory." Methuselah ordered, making the three laugh again, Terrance snickering as he watched Rory's hips arch off the bed. "mm fuck he loves it." he hissed with a laugh, running his tongue along the others mouth, not kissing him, but simply tasting his lips. "i could simply MAKE you scream." he teased, his hand wrapping around the others cock, giving it a firm squeeze, the cock plug shifting inside of him as Daemon laughed and started to suck on the left ball, pulling it into his mouth and working it in his mouth.

"submit to us." Terrance hissed softly in Rory's ear. "become ours, and the torment will end so much sooner. break Rory, and your death might not come." he promised smirking a little as Methuselah grabbed something off the table and tossed it to Daemon, it was a dildo, not very big but certainly large enough to cause enough pain when it was forced in."Submit to us." all three of them hissed at the same time, their voices laced with power, trying to force him to submit, the Herb Vervain protecting him from their manipulation, but barley. "damn you." Terrance hissed Furiously, annoyed at the others resistance.

he grabbed Rory by the hair, forcing his head back as the tip of the dildo pressed against Rory's ass, stroking and massaging the mostly unprepared entrance. "we will make you submit to us." Terrance whispered softly, sucking hard on the others neck, pinching and teasing the nipples again. "i WILL break you." he whispered as Daemon suddenly thrust the Dildo deep into Rory's ass, spreading him wide, piercing deep inside of him, and it was smaller than all three of the brother's cocks, so it was going to hurt all over again when they got down to fucking him.
The finger thankfully did not find his prostate or else Rory would have died of shame. But his cheeks turned a darker shade of red when Methuselah mentioned the camera once more. He tried to turn his head to the side and closed his eyes, not wanting to make them happy. Rory cried out as Terrance squeezed his cock, causing the rod to shift inside his sensitive member and his arms strained against the ropes binding his wrists beneath him. "F-fuck you!" The blond managed to get out once more. No one could make him scream, that was one thing they couldn't force him to do. He tried to hold back a moan as Daemon began to suck on his left ball and bit down on his lower lip to keep any sounds from escaping involuntarily. Rory shook his head when he was ordered to submit to them.

"Let me go!" He exclaimed. "Let me go or kill me now." Those were the only two options he would give the vampires. Of course, he was also on the lookout for a miracle to happen, for an opportunity to arise that he could make use of in order to escape these bloodsuckers. Rory struggled against the vampires holding him down and a smirk came to his face when Terrance cursed. Taking advantage of the moment, he gathered some saliva in his mouth and then raised his head to spit into Terrance's face. "Fucking bloodsucker." He growled, feeling a bit happier now. It was then that his hair was grabbed and his head was forced back at a painful angle. The blond felt the tip of the dildo press against his ass and his eyes widened. But he knew protests probably weren't going to make a difference.

So he needed to come up with something else if he wanted to make them stop. His mind whirled and then he came up with a possible plan. "So you're cowards that can only fight if your opponent is tied up and held down? What pussies." Rory taunted and stifled a yelp when Terrance began to toy with his nipples again. Damn it, why wouldn't his body listen to him? Distracted by the sensations in his nipples, he wasn't prepared when Daemon suddenly thrust the dildo into his ass. Rory screamed for the first time as blinding pain shot throughout his body and he found himself unable to move for a moment. The dildo went deeper into him and he felt a wetness on his cheek which after tasting, made him realize they were tears. He whimpered as his body protested against such treatment.

"S-stop!" Rory managed to get out, breathing heavily as he sought to come to terms with the pain he felt. "It...hurts..." He whimpered, unable to move his legs due to the vampires. Shifting himself would be even worse since it would slide the dildo around inside him. His only option left was to plead and beg with his captors to either remove the dildo or at least go easy on him. Damn it, he hadn't expected it to feel this bad...then again, he hadn't expected them to want to rape him either. Most vampires fought and killed or drained hunters. How was he to know any different?
they laughed at the cursing and laughed at his barley restrained noises, openly mocking him, everyone froze when he spit at Terrance, a dark aura blooming in the room as a dark fury bloomed in Terrance's eyes, staring at Rory silently for a long silent moment, keeping his head tipped back a dark snarl falling from his lips as he watched the other taunting him, Daemon snickering a little. "you should really learn when to shut up human." he admitted, pulling the Dildo out and thrusting it back in, sighing softly. "there's that scream i was waiting for." they snickered as Methuselah tossed something else over.

"you spit on me you little shit." he growled softly, four hands forcing Rory's mouth open, settling the ring in place, forcing the boys mouth open so that he couldn't restrain his own noises as they tied it tightly into place, making sure that he couldn't swallow, couldn't bite, couldn't speak, and more importantly, couldn't spit. Terrance smirked as he settled onto the bed, hanging his legs off the edge as Daemon grabbed the boy and tossed him onto the ground before grabbing him by the hair and forcing him onto his knee's, slapping his ass hard, probably bruising the flesh as Terrance gripped Rory's pretty blond hair again, forcing his open mouth down and around the tip of Terrance's cock, making the vampire moan softly.

"if you had just behaved, you wouldn't be going through all of this." Daemon admitted snickering a little. "now your going to have to suck my brother off, while i fuck you from behind." the dildo was suddenly pulled out and tossed away as Daemon moaned softly, rubbing his cock against the others ass, getting himself nice and hard, rubbing his leaking cock against the others ass, panting in his ear. "if you had just submitted, you wouldn't have to go through all this pain." he smirked, biting at the others ear. "you could still give in, we could let you enjoy it again, be gentle, be easy, but you have to give in, do as we say. we'll even let you go after."
He didn't care what they felt like. It wasn't as if things could get any worse than they already were. Not in his mind at least. Rory gasped as Daemon pulled the dildo out and then thrust it back into him. The hunter's breath caught in his throat as a wave of pain and pleasure rushed through him. His hands clenched into fists behind his back and he realized that lying on them had made the nerves in his hands fall asleep. Fuck, now he had pins and needles in his fingers. What a pain. Rory struggled when hands forced his mouth open but couldn't do much with his head held in place by the vampire's grip on his hair. Soon, the ring was settled into his mouth and locked in place. The blond whimpered as he felt the ring stretch his jaw and mouth to its limits but wasn't able to say or do anything.

Rory cried out as Daemon tossed him onto the ground and then grabbed him by the hair to force him onto his knees. He wanted to tell them to stop but wasn't able to form the words due to the ring. Only a sort of guttural sound escaped his throat. A yelp could be heard when Daemon slapped his ass and he could tell there would be a bruise later on from the blow. However, he didn't have time to think about things like that when Terrance forced his mouth down onto his cock. He choked but due to the ring holding his mouth open, he wasn't able to close his mouth and all that happened was that his throat contracted a bit. Rory struggled as best he could but with the other two vampires there as well it was futile. A whimper could be heard as Daemon pulled the dildo out of him.

He tried to fight against the feeling of a cock pressed up against his entrance but there wasn't much he could do. Especially with his attention occupied by Terrance's cock. In order to not end up choking too badly, he had to pay attention to the vampire in front of him. That in turn, left his ass vulnerable. Too many things were happening at once and he couldn't focus on all of them. He wanted to make it hard for Daemon to penetrate him but at the same time his body was screaming at him to concentrate on not choking as Terrance thrust his cock down his throat. More whimpers could be heard from the hunter as he heard Daemon's words and trembled as the vampire bit his ear. He felt a ray of hope blossom within him when Daemon told him if he submitted now, they would let him go.

Rory warred with himself, he had sworn never to let the vampires get the upper hand on him. But if he submitted this once and they let him go afterward, wouldn't it be worth it? Once he was free, he could start planning vengeance again and lay a better trap for them. Yes, it would be hard to submit and obey them but it would only be for a short time. Steeling himself, Rory tried to make eye contact with Daemon and attempted a nod. He couldn't speak but he hoped the message had gotten across to Daemon. The hunter was ready to submit in order to get this all over with so he would be released at the end and could start making plans for revenge.
Terrance moaned as he forced Rory's mouth over his cock, perfectly content with feeling the others throat convulsing around him, thrusting his hips upwards into the others mouth with another moan, a smirk on his lips. "yeah, mm thats it, take my cock you little human bitch." he hissed smirking as Daemon informed Rory of his little ray of hope, holding the hunter down on his cock as Daemon smirked, his eyes fixed on Rory's face, seeing the almost nod he smirked and got off of the hunter, Terrance sliding the human off of his cock, gently, cupping his face instead of pulling his hair. "there now, isn't this better?" Terrance asked, smirking as Daemon gently slipped two fingers inside of Rory, stroking and teasing the flesh there, being gentle once more as a hand reached down and stroked the balls. "don't tense." Daemon ordered. "i'm going to take out the plug."

Terrance gently massaged the others head, easing the sparks of pain as Daemon gripped the Hunter tightly, restraining him so he wouldn't jerk and hurt himself, his fingers slowly, sensually, tortuously pulling the plug from the others cock, making sure that Rory felt as every single centimeter slipped out of his cock. "there now." he purred smirking, the fingers stroking and pressing all parts of the others ass, moaning softly. "look what i found." he purred, a smirk on his lips as he pressed down on Rory's prostate, massaging the bundle of nerves with a small chuckle. "isn't it much better when you behave?"

strong hands removed the Ring gag, gently easing it from his mouth Terrance smirking a little as ge gently stroked the others lips. "go ahead, lick it." he ordered, pressing his cock against the others mouth. "bite me, and the pain you felt earlier, will be nothing in comparison to what we'll do to you then." he promised, smearing Precum, across the others lips. "lets see how good you are at sucking, all you need to take in is the head, i won't choke you again." he promised licking his lips eager to watch the little hunter sucking his cock as Daemon fingers the others prostate. "go on Rory, you do want to go home after all of this don't you?" Methuselah stated calmly, still video taping.
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