Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

Well, that little revelation certainly made Kittan ticked; these brats tried to lie to him, did they? "Oh really now? No, they failed to mention that little point" he then said angrily, his brow twitching as the three young boys tried to get out of there, only to be stopped by a few others. "H..Hey, let us go! She doesn't know what she's talking about!" one of them said as he struggled to get free. What a very convenient omission indeed. Kittan knew Yoko too well to know that she would not lie about something as serious as this. "Take the two uninjured ones and throw 'em in the brig. Then put the last brat in the hospital" he then barked out; the youths were immediately hauled off to their respective new locations. "Yoko, just what the hell is goi......" Kittan started to say, but then stopped as someone pushed past him.

The teal-colored hair and the pink vest were a fairly dead giveaway as to who it was: Ron was slowly walking towards Exodus, his face one of relative neutrality with hints of concern and unmistakable sadness. "Oh dear, it's starting to happen.....You poor man" Ron then said, the solemnness of his expression growing little by little; he truly felt sympathy for Exodus' plight. And it wasn't until recently that he'd stumbled across the reason for the man's growing brutality, and just how much this half-breed was truly suffering. Truth be told, he wasn't even sure if Exodus himself knew. The fate Exodus was forced to endure was incomparable; this was sick, even for the Beastmen. "Ron, what the hell are you talking about? Get out of here!" The flamboyant genius simply shook his head and replied, "Sorry, but I can't. Your way will only increase his rage, and then we'll all be six feet under. We need him out cold, and we need it now".

Ron then slipped what appeared to be a replica of Exodus' gauntlet onto his right hand, only this one was thinner and sleeker; seemed Ron had been doing some tinkering in the downtime of trying to get Dai-Gurren to act right. "Whatever happens, don't fire" Ron then said as he closed his now-armored fingers into a tight fist; arcs of electricity sparked over the surface of the glove. Exodus then reacted as Ron would expect; the behemoth grabbed Yoko and threw her into an adjacent wall before charging Ron. "Ron!" Kittan shouted, moving to try and get Ron out of the way. And right as the enraged veteran moved into striking distance, arms raising up over his head to crush the brilliant Littner villager with lethal force, Ron drove the gauntlet into Exodus' chest. Small pricks could be felt before a massive voltage was driven through the warrior's hulking form.

Inhuman howls of sheer agony reverberated throughout the halls of the Dai-Gurren's middle deck; this alone forced many of the resistance fighters to cover their ears. For what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes, electricity rocked Exodus' massive frame and the howls dying down in volume before the titan fell over backwards. A primal grunt was heard as the warrior's bloodlust failed to dissipate. Another strike, more voltage, more howls of extreme pain. Some of the onlookers couldn't bear to see this, and turned away lest they be overcome with despair. But twice seemed to do it; Exodus' body lay spread-eagle and smoking from the sheer current coursing through him, unmoving with his eyes closed. The danger had passed, for now. It wasn't the most humane course of action, but it was the most efficient, this much Ron knew based on what he'd tried to learn about their friend. "Ron......" was all Kittan could say, seeming stunned by this turn of events.
Yoko glanced back at Ron, surprised at the preparedness. But then, she shouldn't have been. Ron was often a step ahead of the rest. Before she could really answer Kittan or process what else was happening, Exodus had pushed her into the wall, and the impact was just enough to knock her out, Harbringer's consciousness leaving Yoko's body and moving into Exodus. This would be the only way to explain to Yoko what had happened when she woke up.

The redhead slumped against the wall, on her knees now, body sagging down as gravity tried to take her. Exodus put up a good fight before he was out like a light. Yoko would probably be out of it awhile longer, so someone would have to carry her to the infirmary. She would be sore when she woke up at the least.

Meanwhile, Harbringer focused on finding Exodus' consciousness. He would need comforting, and to be informed about the things that had happened. She would need to stay with him for a little while longer to make sure that the beast in him stayed locked away.
When everything was said and done, an awkward silence fell on the room; Ron in particular felt guilty about having to use this to incapacitate Exodus. The poor man got more than his fair share of that with what he'd gone through, but it really was the only way. Otherwise Team Dai-Gurren would be forced to take him down; though he feared it was more likely the veteran would wipe out most everyone on board before that happened. And either scenario was unacceptable in Ron's mind; Exodus was a valued team member and good friend to most on board, despite the fierce exterior he fronted to everyone. Kittan then spoke up rather authoritatively, "Alright, you two, get Yoko to the infirmary. Get her checked out; we can't have her sniping abilities compromised. The rest of you......Go back to your duties". Of course, there was more to that order than simply her being the best shot on the team; though the emotional aspect went unspoken, it was fairly well-perceived that Kittan cared more for Yoko than other women. The crowd dispersed for the most part before Kittan walked up to Ron, a stern expression on his face as he gazed down at the warrior's unconscious form.

"Alright, Ron, I think it's about time you told me just what the hell is going on here. I know you're no coward by any stretch of the imagination, but you're often a more "behind-the-scenes" guy. He could have killed you, you know". Ron just sighed, replying blatantly "I'm well aware of that fact, but it was the only way to stop him. As for what exactly happened, there's not a whole lot I can say. But it is suffice to say, in its own right, that Exodus has probably suffered one of the cruelest fates imaginable. If you want more information, you'll have to ask Exodus when he wakes up". Well, that wasn't quite the answer Kittan was expecting; however, he knew better than to question Ron's judgment. He and Ron then hefted the unconscious man onto their shoulders and dragged him to a recovery area as well.

Inside Exodus' mind, the embodiment of his true self lay unconscious in a featureless, abyssal void, devoid of light. Surrounding this representation of his humanity was a violent churning current of bestial aggression, rage, and hunger. He was quite literally encased in everything that defined him as a Beastman, not a human.
Yoko was taken away to the infirmary, unaware of Kittan's care, or much of what had happened. She would be out like a light for awhile, and afterwards, she'd be drowsy enough to sleep for a few hours. Her body simply wasn't used to working the way Harbringer's did, and she'd burned up a fair amount of energy by moving so quickly. The redhead was examined and the bump on her head was treated with a cold compress to get the swelling down. Nothing else could be done for her until she woke up again. The sad part was that she might very well wake up alone and confused, wondering what had happened to her.

In Exodus' mind, Harbringer found his humanity. It was surrounded by the feral, illogical side of him that his comrades feared. And rightly so, considering what he'd done last time this side had been awakened. She stared down the bestial aura and used her own to combat it. She was able to hold it off long enough to get to Exodus, wrapping herself around him, waiting for him to wake up.
The scene seemed to quickly dissipate after everything was said and done; most people still wondered just what exactly was going on. Kittan was the one to answer their questions, and assured them that the situation was under control. The youth that had had his jaw broken by Exodus laid in a separate wing altogether; the three of them were going to be in some serious trouble for what they had tried to do. It would be even worse for them if they had succeeded, but they would be shown no mercy for trying to rape a fellow teammate.

Exodus' human side "felt" the contact of Harbinger's spirit, and it would be this touch that fully roused his humanity from an apparent slumber of sorts. He stirred, the groans echoing in the now-roiling void of his mind. This would also be where he discovered his lover again; was he dead? No, he wouldn't be able to feel anything if he couldn't, but then again, he wasn't even sure if this was real. Much like Yoko might be, he was disoriented and confused. "Nrgh..." he muttered, raising a hand to his head; when he turned his head, there he saw his lover, the woman who held his heart and whose life he saw extinguished. His expression was one of disbelief; he could feel her touching him, but this place......It felt familiar, and yet it didn't match anything that he remembered.
Harbringer stared down at her lover, gently running her fingers through his hair. She held him close to her as he woke up. "Well, it's about time, sleepy head." She smiled softly and slowly let go of him. "Before you ask, you're not dead. You are unconscious, though. I need to tell you some things about what's happened. I'll let you ask me questions first though."

In the real world, Yoko was slowly coming out of her state of unconsciousness. The lump had gone down considerably, but she was still in quite a bit of pain. She recognized that she was in the infirmary, but she had no idea why she was there or what had happened. Frowning, she figured it must have something to do with her head. With a groan and a flutter of her eyes she decided it was best to just let it go for now and rest. She could ask all the questions she wanted when she woke up. So, she dropped off into slumber again.
Exodus continued to remain speechless; here she was, he could feel her. "Har....Harbinger...." he whimpered, before throwing his arms around her body and holding her close even after she broke away from him. He was so elated, and sadly so caught up that he momentarily forgot this wasn't really her. Still, even feeling her spirit near him almost broke him mentally from joy. When he managed to calm down enough, he was finally able to ask something, but again was stopped as she told him he wasn't dead. Though her tone about her needing to tell him some things made his heart sink. "Harbinger.....What happened? I didn't kill anyone, did I? The last thing.....Yoko was......" he then said, starting to feel himself freak out a little; though this whole and for some time after, his body would remain completely still.

Simon meanwhile had come down to investigate everything that was going on; he wasn't so much surprised to see Exodus in the infirmary again. Hell, it was like a second home for him almost with the way he handled everything. But what really made him worry was seeing Yoko out cold in one of the beds; immediately he went to her side, his eyes wide with disbelief and shock. "Yoko...." the digger muttered, taking one of the beautiful sniper's hands in his own. Great, now she'd gotten hurt, and he wasn't there to stop whatever it was that did this to her. "Damn it....I can't do anything right....." he muttered; no tears would leave this time though. He was too tired to cry, too tired from depression, anxiety and self-loathing to shed any tears.
Even in her sleep, Yoko could sense Simon's need for reassurance. Though she wouldn't really know who it was or why she was doing it, in her sleep, she held the hand that was holding hers. She squeezed it ever so slightly, still lost in her dreams. It would take a little more than that to wake her. But if she did, she'd understand Simon's pain, even if she couldn't really do anything to help.

Harbringer, in the meantime smiled softly at Exodus. The man's face when he realized it was her had been enough to make her wish they could really be together. "Exodus, you didn't kill anyone, but there were injuries. Deserved injuries, but injuries none-the-less. Ron, I believe, is the one who saved you." She told him how the genius had used electric gauntlets to knock him out and how Yoko had been in trouble. "You saved her." She smiled and then told him her part in all of this.
Simon felt the pressure increase from Yoko's hands; still, it didn't make him feel any better about any of this. How was he supposed to protect everyone when he couldn't even protect the woman he loved so dearly but couldn't express his feelings towards? Sighing, he let go of her hand, feeling the need to be alone again. He had to get stronger, better, more adept. Not just for Bro, but for Yoko; with people like Kittan and Exodus on board, both of whom were two of the most capable fighters in their own right, how could he compete? Simon briefly looked over to Exodus before leaving; seeing the large man's form so still, almost like he was in a coma, was definitely a bit unnerving. Still, despite all his doubt in his ability, little did the young man realize there was someone else on board who saw more than he did about himself.

As Harbinger told Exodus about what had transpired, his eyes moved away in shame: So he had gone feral. Again. Great. "Even if I did save her.......I could have killed her, Harbinger. I could have killed a lot of people. Hell, I could have killed everyone......I try to control it....." He put his head in his hands, his fingers gripping the flesh of his skull tightly and pulling at bunches of his hair, "But it's just so hard". The poor guy looked like he was on the verge of tears, "I don't know if I can keep going...All I am is a liability...Maybe I'm just better off dead....."
Harbringer watched as the news affected her lover. Instantly she was by his side, her arms wrapping around him. He was ashamed, and afraid of himself. When he got to the last bit of his pity party, she slapped him. "Don't you ever say that to me, Exodus. I love you more than anything. I couldn't bear it if you died, too. Besides, who would be better off? The team? You're easily their best fighter. Simon? The boy so clearly needs your guidance it's frightening. Gimmi and Dari? What if they lost their big brother forever? Not to mention Yoko, who's still not quite alright after losing Kamina. Who's better off?"

She frowned and shook her head. "You're more than a liability. And these people need you." With that, she pulled him close to her again and kissed his head gently. "Please, Exodus. Keep fighting. I'll help you keep your hold on reality as best as I can, my love."
Even if he wasn't in a physical form, Exodus still felt the slap as if she were standing right next to him in the physical plane. Even as she rattled off the reasons why he should stay alive, it would be increasingly evident that he didn't believe a single word she was saying. And who could blame him? Unlike when Harbinger and Sovereign sacrificed themselves to ensure his safety, he would have been directly responsible for the deaths of people he'd, in essence, fought so very hard to protect had Ron not thought ahead and stopped him. And that would make him no different Beastmen....In his eyes at least.

When she finished explaining why he needed to keep fighting the good fight, all that could be heard was a derisive snort, his eyes still peering at the ground with a somewhat focused intensity. "Yeah, right. Their "best fighter" is someone who goes flying off the hinges at even the mention of a Beastman. And how can I help Simon? I can't even help myself! My guidance would only get him killed". He then turned to look at Harbinger directly, adding "And what if I kill Gimmi and Darri? All that talk I gave to the priest about being a danger to them would make me the world's biggest hypocrite and a criminal! And as for Yoko......" Exodus dropped off, his eyes lowering back down again. He couldn't really say anything about her, and he knew Harbinger had him beat on that one.
Harbringer raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" She brought his eyes back to hers, hand under his chin. "I don't think you realize how much Simon looks up to you. Even you having faith in him helps. And what if you save Gimmi and Darri? What if you're the best thing that ever happens to them? What if the group needs you and you're not there?" She sighed softly. "Yoko at the very least, needs you. Isn't she a good reason to stay? Aren't they all? Listen, my dear. You can wait and wait for the worst possible outcome to occur. But there's always a chance that it might not. And if you keep waiting for it to happen, it's more likely to." She kissed him softly and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Life for us was bad for a long time, but we had good times, too. I'll never regret meeting you and loving you. Can you honestly say that you regret meeting any of the people you're with now? Can you deny that there were times when you were happy too? All I'm saying is that you should look at the whole picture, my love. And stop just waiting for bad things to happen to you."
Even with his love's words, it was very clear that Exodus still didn't believe her. And who could blame him? Even he could see that his psyche was starting to slip, becoming more and more feral with each passing day. The violent red turbulence roiling around where he and Harbinger were currently at, itself wrapped around them like a bubble, was evidence enough of that. He was still hung up on the fact that he nearly killed people, even though it wasn't his fault; his rationale being that since it was a part of him, he needed to learn to control it.

"Harbinger, you and I both know the last time I was happy was when you and Sovereign were both alive. But no, I don't regret meeting them; truthfully, they've become a family to me. But....." he then trailed off for a few long seconds before continuing, "As much as I want to protect them......I fear that I will become a threat as well". It would be clear to Harbinger that he purposely avoiding talking about Yoko; though for what reason could only be answered through closer investigation.
While Exodus and Yoko were holed up in the infirmary, Simon had gone back to Lagann; there the little mech still sat, its "face" expressionless and completely unhelpful in helping the digger to solve his own problems. He didn't know why this pint-sized Gunman kept drawing him back; it didn't want to listen to him, to help him protect his friends and keep them safe. Kamina's last words before he passed on rang in his ears, "Believe in you who believes in yourself". "Bro......Just what did you mean by that?" Simon spoke in an almost regretful tone; how could he believe in himself when he couldn't do anything right?

Rossiu meanwhile watched, wanting to comfort Simon and try and make him see that everything that had happened wasn't his fault. He was about go forward when he felt a hand clap his shoulder. It was none other than Ron, who simply said, "I know you want to help, Rossiu, but trust me when I say he won't listen. As cold as it sounds, this is something he needs to work out on his own". Rossiu started to protest, but realized that the eccentric genius was right. "Now come on, we should keep working on this giant scrap pile and see if we can't get all of its systems online again". Rossiu just nodded and left Simon to ponder, himself wondering how this would all turn out.
((Sorry, I don't really know what to do with Simon...were we going to have Adiane attack now or later? Cuz Yoko is pretty much the one who gets the ball rolling when it comes to beating Adiane, and I'm thinking since she looks so similar to Harbringer, the general will have a temporary freak out moment.))

Harbringer sighed and put her hands on Exodus' shoulders. "Exodus, do you not think they hadn't already thought of that? Ron is obviously aware of the danger you could represent, or he wouldn't have known exactly what to do to take you out. And he did it without killing you. Yoko is aware of the danger you bring with you, and yet she seems to only come closer to you. Gimmi and Darri probably couldn't imagine life without you. Knowing what they know, I don't think anyone regrets meeting you, either. Seeing you go would hurt them more." The blonde smiled at him and shook her head. "I know you're afraid, my love. I understand why you're afraid. But you cannot let that fear rule you." She pulled him close to her and hugged him again.

It was clear to her why he wouldn't speak to her about Yoko--the two of them were so similar and he had confusing feelings for the redhead. Of course, having the loss of a loved one in common had brought the two closer. It was probably difficult for him to sort out, and it would probably be awkward to talk to her about it. For now, she'd focus on getting him through the bigger problem. She could poke and prod him about Yoko later.
(Heh, I like that idea. She'd be like "No...I killed you!", haha. As for when she attacks it won't be until later......Need Yoko to be awake and awesome with her rifle after all. And Simon I kind of left open in case you wanted to bring Nia back in)
"Tch. You'll have to forgive me if I don't believe you......" Exodus started to say; however, he soon felt another presence invade his mind. Instantly, the beastly aura flared up to shield Exodus' human psyche, and before the red wall of primal energy stood the soul of his brother Sovereign. "S...Sovereign...? You too?" was all Exodus could say, truly and genuinely surprised to see the hulking titan here of all places. "Yeah, me too, you whiny brat. But I can't talk so well with this pesky crap in front of me" the giant responded; a massive mitt closed on Exodus' animal aura, gripping it like one would a blanket in their hand. He then gave it a sharp twist, the already subdued howling of the aura fading into nothing and leaving them in utter silence as the fire-like wall of energy shattered like glass, temporarily providing absolute freedom from the influence of Exodus' non-human fraction. On the outside, Exodus' body returned to normal: His canines shrank to their original size, as did his nails and mass of muscle. His eyes, though hidden from view, regressed to their natural brown coloration, signaling a complete reversion to his human form.

It didn't surprise Exodus that Sovereign of all people could break through to him; even in death, there was very little that could stand up to his awesome power and force of will. Often times, Exodus would wonder why Sovereign hadn't survived; his nature was one of being virtually invincible "Exodus, I again find you groveling and moping like a puppy lost without its mother. And to think you were our leader.....Disgraceful". "Believe me, Sovereign....I know that all too well" Exodus replied half-heartedly. Sovereign just grimaced and back-handed Exodus, sending the former leader flying, his "body" coming to a skipping halt on the featureless terrain of his mind. "You pathetic, weak-willed coward! Where's your fire? What happened to that indomitable drive of yours?! Where is the brother who led the charge, the three of us against 100,000 Beastmen weakling? The brother who led us to freedom from the research facility? Because you are certainly not him!"

(Hehe, even in death, Sovereign still exhibits the ultimate badassery XD)
Though she wasn't sure how this was helping, Harbringer stepped back and let Sovereign take the reigns. Obviously, her way hadn't been working, so she kept her mouth shut and let the big man take care of his business. Since she couldn't talk the sense into him, perhaps Sovereign could beat it into him. Sighing, she watched as Sovereign handily dispatched the animalistic aura that surrounded them. She cringed a little when Exodus was literally sent flying, but she had to admit, she'd missed the badass who could do it.

"I guess I'll leave him to you. I'll be back. Try not to kill him." And with that, Harbringer faded away, transferring over to Yoko's consciousness.
Exodus watched as Harbinger vanished from his mind; he tried to tell her not to leave, but was blocked by Sovereign's hulking form. "I don't think so, brother; you have to listen to me now". Exodus sighed and replied, "What do you want me to do, Sovereign? I feel like I'm going insane........This other part.......I don't know if I can control it for much longer. I don't want to hurt anyone here......Adiane is the target of my wrath" Sovereign was merely silent, staring down at Exodus with his golden hues peering right through him. "Well, what do you want me to do about it? I'm not here to hold your hand.......I'm here to try and smack some sense into you. You claim to want to destroy Adiane, but clearly nothing you've done has worked. The fact of the matter is, Exodus, you lack the true strength and will to fully embrace your Beastman blood"

"That's a load of bullshit, Sovereign!" Exodus shouted harshly, to which Sovereign replied "Then why are you afraid of it, Exodus!? Why do you hold it back and make no effort to force it to become a part of yourself?!" "Because every time I have, innocent people have gotten hurt! Several of them I almost killed!" "Then take control, Exodus! Force it to follow your will! Make it yours!" Exodus paused, his head peering down and his fists clenching, "I...I can't, Sovereign....." At this Sovereign smacked him again, sending the former Trio leader flying again. The giant was clearly getting fed up with his brother's excuses, even if others might perceive them as valid, "All of this useless whining and complaining will get you nowhere! Stop being a spineless coward and stand up! Be the leader you were meant to be! Adiane has no hold on you, Exodus! Use what she gave you and turn it against her!" Exodus just stood up and replied, his head still bowed, "Don't you get it, Sovereign? If I keep turning into that...thing, that primal savage of a beast......someone here could end up dead....Then I'll be no better than the Beastmen......" At this, Sovereign was silent, seeming unable to think of a response.
As Exodus had his own identity crisis, Harbringer filled in Yoko while she was in her unconscious state. The Sniper was a bit shaken--understandably so, in Harbringer's mind. Still, she was holding up very well. It hadn't taken long for the two of them to come to an understanding--and Yoko was glad that it had happened in the end.

"I'm sorry we had to meet so abruptly under these conditions. I had planned to introduce myself slowly. I have been watching you as you and Exodus work together, and I'm impressed. You and I share quite a bit in common. If you have need of me again, say my name and I will hear you." Harbringer smiled and then slowly faded from the sniper's consciousness, only to hover over Exodus.

Sovereign was in there, doing his damnedest to make Exodus see that dying wasn't the answer. But she doubted the big guy could convince him alone. The two of them had always been needed before when things like this had happened. So she slipped back into his consciousness, easily making it to him this time. Sovereign had just sent him flying. And then came the root of the problem--what if he was just as bad?

"Had we lived, we would probably be asking the same thing," she said softly. "At some point we would have probably lost control. Would you have allowed us to die this way? And what if you die now? What will our sacrifices mean if you give up? Who will be there to warn against folly like this in the future?" she stood with her hands on her hips, looking down at her lover. "It's not that we don't understand, Exodus. Don't you dare think that."
"Tch, speak for yourself. My beast side is MY bitch, not the other way around" Sovereign replied to Harbinger's first remark about losing control rather abruptly, pointing his thumb at his own chest in the process. It was true too; of them all, Sovereign spent so much time in his Beastman mindset that he'd literally conquered without trying. "Harbinger....I know you understand. And so do you, Sovereign; however, I am not wrong this time. You both know this!" Exodus shot back heatedly; ironic considering his persistence was the quality that was letting him hang on to his rationality. "What Harbinger says is true, Exodus; you're the only one alive who REALLY knows what's going on. If you die, what's to stop Adiane from doing something like this again? I personally would hate her for it, because then I wouldn't get to show why I was the superior specimen. Since that bastard Cytomander killed me and all". That last bit was spoke with a bit of pride; seemed the giant hadn't changed at all.

Still, their words made sense; but if he was going to continue this, he needed to find a way to control his Beastman blood. He couldn't afford to keep letting his anger rampage every time; not only did he risk hurting others, but unknown to the three of them, the transformations successively accelerated the rate of cellular necrosis. Regardless, Exodus then asked, "Sovereign...Teach me. Teach me how to control it. The Beastman blood" Exodus requested; Sovereign just snorted and replied "Why should I? What good would that do? You haven't listened to us so far..." "Because, Sovereign, I realize that you and Harbinger are right; however, I'm not going to let this.....other half....be the reason I fail. So please, teach me, brother...Help me embrace that which I shun out of fear..."
Harbringer watched, smiling as Exodus asked Sovereign to teach him. Though the big man was being stubborn right now, she could understand why. Just like she knew he would consent in the end. Relieved that her lover seemed to want to live--seemed determined to control himself--Harbringer came to Sovereign's side and watched Exodus. "If you truly wish to learn, you must make a commitment to living, Exodus. I don't think Sovereign wants to waste his time."
Exodus looked up as Sovereign and Harbinger stared down at him; his hands clenched the empty "ground" of his mind, clearly feeling ashamed that he had to bother them with his own troubles. But he knew of no other way; Sovereign was the only one who could maintain his Beastman state continuously and still be in his right mind. Well, right mind was relative for him, but the point was he could control and direct the destructive urges at anything he chose. "I do want to live, Harbinger.......You know I do........" Exodus said in a low tone; Sovereign just snarled and replied "Well, given that you told the redhead to kill you if you went berserk, it sure doesn't sound like it. For all I know, you're just using this as an excuse to try and get yourself killed".

Exodus then stood up and shouted, "That's not true, Sovereign! I want to live! I want to live, and I want to see Adiane and Genome's heads roll for all the damage they've caused! That's why I'm here! That's why we did what we did!" Sovereign cocked an eyebrow, a bit surprised by Exodus' outburst; slowly a grin crept across his face before he said, "There's that fire I was looking for.....I warn you, Exodus, that the training will not be easy......It's going to hurt for you...A lot, and there's always that chance you'll be so far gone even I can't bring you back. Do you still wish to do this?" Exodus clenched his hands and raised them to chest level, replying "If it means the death of Genome, Adiane and Guame.....Then I don't have much choice....When do we start?" "After you rest......The man in the pink vest shocked the hell out of you; even in your primal form that much electricity has left your body weak, and with my breaking of the Beastman energy, you'll take a longer while to recover than normal"

Exodus' face fell a little, but realized his brother was right; even he wasn't invincible. He could take levels of damage that could kill ordinary men, but he had his limits and he needed to be mindful of them. "Alright.....I'll rest, but when I'm recovered, you and I are going to start right away. Understand?" Sovereign just chuckled, "Whatever you say....Commander. I'll be back later". And with that, the giant of a man vanished from Exodus' mind, leaving him and Harbinger alone for the moment.
Harbinger's eyes widened as Exodus defended himself. His reaffirmed zest for life made her smile as well. She stayed silent while Sovereign and Exodus had their back and forth. When the lovably insane giant disappeared, Harbinger was left with her past lover. "I'm proud of you, Exodus. I'm proud of the choice you made just now and the man you've become. And I will always love you, my dear. You have no idea how good it is to hear you say that you want to live."

Her eyes filled with tears and she smiled. "I was worried about you for awhile. I was worried that you wouldn't want to live without us--without me." She came to him now. "But just because we can't live on with you, doesn't mean that your life is any less important. Live and experience everything we couldn't. Live for us, Exodus." She smiled and tears fell from her eyes as she stared at him.

While all this was happening, Yoko began to regain consciousness again. Her golden eyes came into focus on the infirmary ceiling. Sighing softly, she felt as if someone had placed an anvil on her head. Groaning, she supposed she ought to considering that she'd been cracked in the head with a bat. And then she'd been possessed by the spirit of Exodus' old lover. She was grateful for the help, certainly, but it was difficult to really wrap her head around in her current state. She was exhausted, hungry, and in a hell of a lot of pain. "Someone here?"
"I know......." Exodus started to say, laying one hand on Harbinger's shoulder while the other gently wiped the tears that formed from her eyes, "Believe me, Harbinger, when I say I've always wanted to live. It's just......seeing the two of you die was more than I could handle. And I wanted to be back with you, both of you, so much. You two were both family and friend to me, and the two of us, Harbinger......I think I can safely say we had one of the strongest love bonds on this crazy world". He would then wrap his thickly muscled arms around his lover; even if she wasn't really there, he could feel her, and that was all that mattered.

"Harbinger......My love, my everything......Even though you aren't here physically, my love for you will never die.....There isn't another who can compare to your strength and beauty" he then said; of course, there was one other that heavily reminded him of Harbinger herself. Both were nearly identical in almost every respect: Both had passion and strength of body and will, both were damned deadly with a rifle, and both were incredibly beautiful.
As soon as Yoko awakened from her trauma-induced slumber, Ron made another appearance carrying a small tray of food. "Oh, good you're awake. The doctors said you'd be alright. Relatively speaking of course. But I honestly thought you'd be out for much longer than this. Then again, that's probably why I'm a mechanic, now isn't it?" That last bit was punctuated with a slight chuckle, as if to try and lighten the mood a little. He'd just gotten back after hearing Kittan interrogate those two bastards who tried to rape his friend; the man was still down there too, intent on making sure that they got what they deserved.

Pulling a small table next to Yoko's bed, he placed the tray on it; it wasn't much, just some light stew and a tall glass of water along with two pain pills to help her deal with any potential headaches. "Well, I would ask if you wanted things clarified, but seeing as you were there, I don't really have to explain much other than what happened after you were knocked out". Ron, having no knowledge of her being visited by the phantom of Exodus' past love, filled Yoko in on how the three boys who assaulted her had been apprehended and how he had to deal with Exodus. Ron honestly felt terrible about having to hurt someone he'd long since considered a faithful and powerful ally, but it really was for the best. "Yoko, I have to ask, and I hate to do so because of what happened, but do you know of any reason what could have set Exodus off like that?"
Harbringer smiled softly, relieved that he'd always wanted to live. But his devotion to her, even in death, worried her just a little. He had to let go at some point. She needed him to understand that. His hand was so gentle as he wiped away her tears, and she'd missed that about him dearly. "I will always love you, Exodus. Our bond was undeniably strong, just like the two of us." She smiled and hugged him to her.

"I never worry that you'll forget me or stop loving me. I worry that you'll stop loving yourself. You'll stop loving life. I need you to promise me that you'll keep going. Because even if I can't grow old with you, I'd hate to see you cut your life short."

Yoko didn't attempt to sit up as Ron came in. She was fairly sure she'd regret it if she tried. Still, it was nice to know that the mechanic was around. The scent of the food he brought made her stomach growl and she was pleased to know that someone had thought to bring it to her. "I'm a little surprised I'm not still out," she said, her head pounding. Slowly, they worked together to prop her up on more pillows so she was kind of sitting up. When Ron told her what had happened to the little punks who'd attacked her, she smiled a little. If nothing else, she could always count on Kittan to take care of things for her.

At Ron's query, however, she was at a loss. "I'm sorry. I don't really know. Maybe it's because I look so much like the woman he used to love...you know, the one in the picture Simon found. When he saw me in trouble, he might have snapped. I guess the only thing to do is ask him when he comes to." She glanced over at him and frowned softly. "Still, I owe him a lot for saving me again. I don't like this pattern we seem to be falling into."

She smiled at her friend and then took the medicine, and the bowl of stew. "So, what else has been going on while I've been out? How's Simon? And who is that girl he found?"
Exodus reveled in the embrace of his dearly departed lover. How he wished that she were here, able to stand by his side and lay with him even in the final moments of their mortal life. Her presence was both a blessing and a curse, a reminder of his failure and his success at the same time. Still, he didn't really care about that at the moment and decided to enjoy the now. Her being here made those haunting nightmares vanish. Made the moment where her life was tragically cut short, where Sovereign's was cut short, seemed like nothing more than a bad dream.

Her next comment, however, caught him off-guard; did he not just pledge to keep fighting? To keep going despite the toll it might take? "Harbinger....You know I will....I promise I will not stop....I will not stop until the Beastmen have been cleansed from this world. I will make things right, and give humanity the chance it deserves at peace" he then replied, not knowing just how much he was missing the point of her statement.

Ron seemed a little defeated that Yoko couldn't elaborate more; though given the observations he'd made about their half-beast ally and friend, it seemed a likely reason for him to lose control. He wondered if that meant something more was going on with Exodus and Yoko, but he wasn't one to pry. Besides, she was trying to recover and he didn't want to get her too excited. "I doubt he likes it any more than you, Yoko. I can tell he's not the kind of man who likes debts, either to others or to himself" he then commented rather astutely, looking with a small hint of sadness upon the unconscious warrior.

"Well, that girl that Simon found....Nia Teppelin, that's what she told us her name was.....seems to be settling in quite nicely. Quite the charmer and flatterer she is. Her speech is little odd; she talks so.....formally. As if we're royalty or something. Ironic considering she's dressed far more nicely than any of us. I have Rossiu, the boy from Adai Village, working with some of the crew on getting this junk pile up and running again. This Dai-Gurren is more complicated than any Gunman I've ever come across.." Simon though, Yoko would see was still something of a sore subject for Ron. "As for Simon, the poor boy's still in so much turmoil over Kamina. I know he has to work through this on his own, but I just wish there was something that could make it easier"
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