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Full Circle (Razgriz x Candira)

(lol, the character's mouth would still be going though.)

The girl obviously wanted to know more, but as Simon stiffened, she felt she should stop asking questions. She tilted her head curiously as his eyes widened in shock. So rather than ask him, she turned around to see an enormous figure there. A face took up most of the body. How strange it was....And then she was being dragged along behind Simon as he ran away from the strange thing. Explosions seemed to rock the ground as they ran, making for a treacherous path.

"Simon, what is that thing?" she asked, her voice still soft. She didn't really understand why they were running, but then, there was so much she didn't understand. It was a credit to her ignorance that she wasn't scared out of her mind.
"It's a Gunman! We're at war with the Gunman!" Simon shouted over the loud blasts that echoed throughout the canyon; he wasn't trying to pull on her so roughly, but his priority at this moment was get her to safety, which was now the tiny Lagann that currently lay deactivated. Thankfully, the larger mech was considerably slower, so they would have a fair-sized window to retaliate; the titanic footsteps could be heard as it stopped firing the cannon and turned itself to face the digger and his new companion. By the time it had fully turned around, Simon had gotten Nia and himself into Lagann's cockpit, the brain-patterned covering closing up around them both and sealing them inside. Simon slipped the Core Drill into the slot, praying that Lagann would actually respond to him this time. Right as he turned the key, the little mech powered right on, like nothing was wrong. "Thank god...." he breathed out happily, the hint of a smile on his face for the first time in a long time; maybe things would work out alright now.

Regardless, his hands gripped the controls and he charged the enemy mech, fully intent on defeating with the power of Lagann's drill attacks. However, as he launched the tiny Gunman into the air, there was a malfunction; green energy seemed to pour from its mouth and Lagann clapped its hands there, making it look it was trying to not throw up. The larger mech simply raised a colossal fist and swatted Lagann hard, forcing Simon and Nia to eject and the Gunman to flop uselessly onto the ground about twenty feet from where they were. "Damn it, not again...Lagann, why won't you help me? Why do you fight me too?" Simon muttered as he laid face-down in the dirt, his spirit now downtrodden once more from Lagann's inability to work properly. But still.....This girl; he couldn't just leave her to die. No, if anything, he'd make sure she at least got out alive, even if it meant sacrificing his own life to do so. Yeah....Then he'd see Bro again. He strode over to Lagann and pulled out a hand-crank drill he'd used in Giha Village to dig tunnels, turning to face his adversary as if to tackle it with this primitive weapon. "Nia.....I want you to run. Run and don't look back. I can at least make sure you get out of here alive...." he then said, his composure faltering slightly as he stared at the huge mech before him, which was making its way ominously towards the two of them, the pilot inside grinning ear to ear at the prospect of butchering these two pathetic apes.
And just as Nia was about to open that pretty little mouth to refuse Simon his request, the sounds of Yoko's rifle filled the air as she rode Kittan's gunman that swung along a cable. Graceful as a surfer, deadly as a harpoon. "I am not letting anyone else die! I refuse to lose anyone else!" She fired off shots with amazing accuracy, the rounds ripping through the enemy gunman as Kittan let go of the cable and prepared to deliver the finishing blow.

((I don't remember whose gunman it really was, but I figured that would work. And if you want Exodus there, be my guest.))
(You were correct, my friend; it was Kittan's Gunman. And I personally think the finishing move he does in the anime is badass, haha)
Simon was just about ready to go head to head with this metallic titan when what appeared to be bolts of lightning struck the surface and left gaping holes in the mech's armor. Simon looked up at the sound of Yoko's voice; again, he'd had to be rescued from what would have been certain death. To him, it was just more proof that he was incapable, inept, nothing like his Bro, like Kamina. Kittan was there as well; his own star-shaped Gunman hurtling towards the enemy before its razor-sharp appendages pierced its armor. "Let's see how you like this, mutant bastard!" Kittan shouted as he yanked the right hand-grip; the appendages blossomed out rapidly, tearing the enemy Gunman into shreds and forcing its structure to fall apart and explode. "Now that's what I'm talking about" Kittan commented coolly, a satisfied grin on his face as the pieces fell down around him; thankfully Simon and the girl were far enough away that there was no danger of them being crushed. Fights like this were always fun, and he'd proven himself to be a capable pilot; and from the way he saw it, it was more brownie points he could use to woo Yoko into becoming his woman. And on top of that, seeing her nail targets like that got his blood going; he always did love a beautiful girl who could handle a weapon like that.

Simon just stared up at Kittan's Gunman, his expression of one of surprise, anxiety and relief all mixed into one; truthfully he didn't know how to feel. An awkward silence persisted, the slight breeze creating small ruffles in the digger's dirtied locks and clothes as the realization that the fight was over sunk in. It was only when Kittan spoke again that Simon snapped out of his stupor, "Hey, Simon! Snap out of it! Take your new girlfriend and put her in the Lagann!" The comment of Nia being his girlfriend made the digger flush furiously and stammer incomprehensibly; he tried to formulate a counter to that remark, but he really didn't know how. So eventually he led Nia into the Lagann and climbed in himself; Kittan then had his Gunman grab the tiny mech before vaulting from canyon wall to canyon wall until they were clear of the valley. The troupe then made their back to the Dai-Gurren; Ron was on the deck, looking through a pair of binoculars and noticed the group coming back. They were all relieved to see Simon alive and well; even if they kind of knew he was alright, seeing it for themselves was the cherry on top.
(lol I was just going with what suited the rp up to this point, so hooray for instincts. BTW, I always sort of thought his gunman kinda looks like a banana.)

Yoko hopped off of Kittan's gunman before the final blow was struck and stood with her rifle at the ready just behind him, between the behemoth's legs. When the enemy was soundly defeated she sighed in relief. "Nice job, Kittan!" She smiled and then turned to check on Simon. She was about to ask if he was okay, when she noticed the girl with him. Strange...who was she? What on earth was she doing here? It was pretty obvious Simon had been trying to protect that girl, what with the way she was behind him and he had a drill in his hands.

Curious, she was about to ask something when Kittan snapped the little digger out of his daze. At the very least, it didn't seem like he'd suffered any real injuries. She'd wait to talk to him once they were out of this creepy valley. Therefore, the redhead waited for Kittan to pick her up and putt her back on his shoulder or to pull her into the cockpit.

Nia who had never seen such things in her life was struck by the violence. But they appeared to be safe now, so that was good, at least. She'd obediently stood behind Simon, but she hadn't moved an inch from that spot. It was good to see that he was unharmed. She smiled softly at him, watching as his comrades prepared to get them home. She tilted her head at the term, "girlfriend" and was going to ask what it was, but she was already being helped into Lagann. Besides, it seemed like there was a better time and place to ask. For now, she decided to stick with a safe, "Who are those people?"
(Lol, a banana. Now I've got "Peanut-Butter-Jelly-Time" stuck in my head XD)
"They're my friends.......The closest thing I have to a family. There's a lot more of us where we're going; I can probably explain better once we're back" Simon replied to Nia's query as Kittan carried Yoko and the Lagann out of the valley and back to the Dai-Gurren; Ron was standing on the bridge along with several others, a pair of binoculars in hand to see if anyone was coming back from the deep rift in the earth. When he saw Kittan's gunman, he said as much and this made the crowd around him breathe a collective sigh of relief. Kittan climbed aboard and set the Lagann down in the Gunman bay before dismounting himself and helping Yoko off the machine.

Simon then clambered out and helped Nia out of the tiny Gunman; they were soon surrounded by a group of people, the other members of Team Dai-Gurren. Many had confused looks on their faces; it was only fair considering that they'd never seen someone like Nia before. Kittan was the first to state what everyone had on their mind, his arms crossed in front of him as he gazed down at her, "So, you're Simon's new girlfriend. If you don't mind my asking, just who are you and why were you in that ravine?" Simon started to speak up in defense of her, but Kittan just replied, "Simon, let me handle this; all I want to know is who she is and where she came from. Pretty odd of someone like her to be in a canyon like that". Simon then just added meekly, "Well, I found her in a box; a Gunman threw the box down there......when I opened it, there she was....." Well, this certainly the eldest Black Sibling off-guard, and he turned his attention back to the girl, seeing if she might be able to clarify anything.
Yoko sighed in relief once everyone was aboard the Dai Gunzen once more. She smiled at Kittan as he helped her down and thanked him before going to store her weapon. When she returned a crowd was gathering around Kittan, Simon, and the strange girl Simon had rescued. She stayed a bit further back, watching cautiously. Nothing about this seemed entirely right. Who was that girl anyway?

The sweet girl looked up at Kittan and smiled brilliantly, greeting him in the same manner of speaking as she did Simon. She had no idea what a girlfriend was, but she knew that Simon and these people had certainly rescued her from harm. They all seemed nice, or at the very least friendly, but Simon seemed to be upset somehow. "Excuse me, good sir, but who are you?"
Simon's head raised up as she addressed him again; she still called him "good sir". Well, truthfully, he never did give her his name. "Simon. My name is Simon" was the young digger's response, his eyes remaining averted from her the whole time. As beautiful as Simon thought she was, this girl was strange; everyone who had gathered around them could see that. Not just her attire, but her demeanor was very different compared to the rest of them. Almost whimsical, one might say. Kittan then added, "You know, it might be better if we knew who you were, little lady. And you still didn't tell us why you were in a box".

At this, a bell was sounded; the old man from the bathhouse encounter - who'd stayed with them up to this point after having helped them bring the nocturnal Gunman to its knees - stood behind them all, a chef's hat on his head. Appropriate considering he was now the Dai-Gurren's resident cook. "On second thought, that little scuffle made me hungry. Why don't you tell us about who are you over some food?" Kittan then said with a rather confident yet humorous air, making most of the other team members chuckle.

(Sorry if I broke character for Kittan; the series only showed them cutting to Nia and Gimmy and Darry eating, with most of the fighters crowded around as they asked questions. Figured an interlude was necessary so I wouldn't godmod your character.)
((Meh, if it's to transition to the next part I don't mind so much, but if you control reactions in a fight or emotional reactions I'd be annoyed. Cuz then, why would you need me, right?))

Yoko watched the three of them curiously. She did want to know who the girl was, but something about her Maybe it was the fact that she seemed so carefree and whimsical after having been in so much danger. Or perhaps it was just the clothes and her strange appearance. She was a beautiful girl, certainly, but she wasn't a normal person. Of that, the redhead was quite certain.

The child in question just smiled brightly at those around her. "Well met. I am Nia." At Kittan's request to change their location she giggled, a spritely, bubbly sound, and agreed. "Certainly. Lead the way, good sir," she said to the eldest Black Sibling. She stood with Simon and waited for him to lead her as well. She was determined to stay by his side. If only for the time being.
(Hehe, true. Not to mention that writing this by myself would reduce the entertainment value considerably. Sorry for the wait, was unsure of how to proceed)
As Kittan and the others left, Simon turned and simply stood there looking at Lagann, wondering why even in a battle to try and save himself the mech still didn't work with him. His empty eyes stared at the human-sized machine, a hand brushing along its scratched and battered red surface. "Why, Lagann......Why do you still fight me?" he then asked the machine, as if expecting to receive an answer. Even if part of knew that the machine couldn't give a verbal answer, it frustrated the young digger that Lagann was still working against him like this. "How can I avenge Bro......When my own Gunman won't even help me?" he thought to himself, the depression creeping up on him again. He didn't even notice that Nia had stayed to wait for him; it would be fairly obvious even to her that he needed to be alone right now. But whether or not she would heed that body signal remained to be seen.

Below deck, a similar situation was developing in the training room; a hulking figure stood in the center, his breaths heavy and primal. Most of the training dummies lay shredded on the ground, claw marks covering a good portion of the room's walls. Gleaming golden hues shined in the dimly lit quarters, lit a familiar fire of sheer rage and animalistic aggression. Exodus had gone berserk in the last battle, and near everyone else had been busy doing their part in the battle, so they didn't really notice until after it was over in a relatively short time frame. When it was done, the veteran had told those who listened he was going back into the ship, and here he was now, working off the excess fury. But it wasn't enough.....He hungered for more, to bathe in the blood of his foes until the surface was stained a permanent red. And try as he might to suppress it and deny it, his animal half was beginning to take him over, little by little.
((That's okay. I understand))

Yoko frowned looking around the group. Someone was conspicuously missing. Again. As curious as she was about the new arrival, given Exodus' history, it seemed more prudent to find him first. Worried, she disappeared silently. The redhead began to search for Exodus instead. She began with the hangar, and when she didn't see him there, she headed to the practice room. After that, she'd try his personal quarters. But she had a feeling, she'd find him there.

In the meantime, Nia held back a bit from the crowd, watching Simon. She smiled softly at him and set a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for protecting me, Simon. I hope we can talk again soon." And with a sunny smile, she left the boy to talk to his mecha. Then she walked away toward the others, happy to oblige her saviors.
While Simon was brooding over why Gurren Lagann for not working, not even hearing Nia thank him as she left with the others. three familiar faces took a chance look behind them and saw the curvy redhead going off in a different direction. To them, it didn't matter what her intention was; the fact was, she'd be alone, and this would present the perfect time to strike. Everyone else was distracted with this new arrival, so they figured with this opportunity, why let it go to waste? Yoko still needed to be taught a lesson for smacking him like she did, and besides......With the way she dressed, she was practically begging for it. "Come on, boys, this way" the ringleader said, leading his little posse to ambush the mouthy sniper. They knew the passages of this ship very well, and had a general idea of where they were going to entrap her.

Before long, all three of the youths were waiting for her to make her appearance; however, two of them hid in adjacent passageways and would make it look like their little leader was nonchalantly walking by. The plan being to stall her with idle conversation before holding her down and dragging her back to an empty room. Everyone of importance would be off somewhere else. If they guessed right - and they were very much certain they did - she'd encounter all three of them at once. And then.......It would be payback time.

Exodus continued to train, the violent scars on his body seeming to possess an incorporeal glow as his bloodlust continued to course through; these dummies weren't enough. His feral mindset cried out for real targets, for Beastmen, for Adiane and her damned Helix King. An iron grip held the "throat" of one practice dummy, while a heavy, sharp-clawed fist pounded its face over and over again. Exodus could only see the demoness that plagued his nightmares and took up most of his free thought. That disgusting smile of hers, that soulless eye, her lithe figure and stinging tail that she'd used to threaten Harbinger all those years ago. Blow after blow struck the already-obliterated face, his knuckles reddening little by little as he pounded the metal floor, denting it that much more with each strike. Ragged grunts of primal savagery left his body as Adiane's sickening smirk taunted him, his punching increasing with both strength and speed as if this inanimate object were actually the target of his aggression.

Before long, he stopped abusing the practice target; his massive chest heaved, perspiration making his scars sting annoyingly. The veteran collapsed to his knees, the death grip on the dummy loosening to let it fall to pieces on the floor. Clawed fingers lightly gripped the floor as he hunched over, his hard breathing resonating throughout the darkened, empty room and his long messy locks obscured the primal features of his face. His eyes turned that characteristic golden shade, his canines elongated into rather prominent fangs; with the trademark increase in body mass, he was obviously getting worse. Suddenly, a shock of pain gripped his chest and made it freeze up, a choking gasp being cut off in mid-utterance as he fell to his side, his teeth clenching hard as he gripped the area above his heart. The sensation lasted for but a few seconds, making Exodus relax yet still breathe as if he just got punched in the stomach.

The evidence of his heightened aggression still had not yet disappeared even as he ceased actively pummeling harmless dolls; truthfully, it wasn't just the Beastmen that was bothering him. Yoko had been on his mind; he still didn't know what to call it, but something about her captivated him. Yes, she reminded him of his lost love, but he also knew she wasn't her. He'd been struggling to figure out how to approach this; when his senses returned to him, he decided to go and talk to her. Yeah, he needed to get this off his chest; he didn't know how she would respond, bu it was better to ask than simply let it torment his mind. He slowly stood back up and made his way slowly out the door towards Yoko's room; if there was any place she would be, it would likely be there.
It had recently become a rare thing for Yoko to associate with people outside of a small group since Kamina's death. Thanks to help from Exodus and Kittan, that group was slowly expanding and things were returning to normal slowly. Still, she kept to herself a great deal more now than she had ever done in the past. As such, other members of the crew had learned that sometimes she just wanted to be alone. Yoko, as such, was not missed as she went looking for the reclusive fighter Litner had saved from imminent death.

The bodacious sniper was headed for the training room alone, thinking nothing of her defenses. She had no idea they were waiting to ambush her. There was one presence on the ship, however, that knew of her imminent peril. Harbringer's spirit, which had been sticking more to Yoko lately, was well aware of the danger that lay ahead. Proof aside, intentions were never to be ignored.

So while Yoko headed for the place a rather animalistic Exodus was leaving, Harbringer's spirit came to her lover. In his altered state, he would be harder to reach but she would try her hardest. She had to for Yoko.

"Exodus," her voice called. Would he still hear her? Would he heed her call?
(Lol, damn it, whenever I see or hear "bodacious", I think back to the kick-ass bull in the rodeo that no one could ride and most everyone got a broken face from)
Exodus would not hear the call of his former lover's spirit; his mind was muddled, caught in a strange limbo between his body and soul. Truly his presence was a fearsome one for any to behold; if he were cognizant of the fact, he would count himself lucky no one was around to see him like this. His fingers ending in sharp nails, his canines elongated, and his body mass and size significantly larger than usual. Outside of Yoko, Ron, Simon, and the three Black Sisters, no one knew of his true nature, what he really was. Kittan had not been there when Exodus attacked his sisters, and out of respect for him when they learned why he did what he did, they kept it secret. The scarred man made his way to Yoko's room, feeling his perception of reality waver with each step. He didn't know what was wrong with him, only that he hated feeling this way.

One of the youths saw the redhead walk right past him down the long hall and informed the decoy, who went to the point where they could trap her; the darkness of the adjacent passage where he stood made it easy to conceal himself from her view, even more so given the dark clothing he wore. His head peeked around the corner to see her perfect swinging back and forth with each step of those perfectly formed, plump-thigh legs of hers, a sick grin coming across his face. A chance at revenge and a way to relieve some stress at the same time? A win-win in his eyes.

The second youth waited for the redhead to get closer, using the echoing clicks of her heeled boots as an indicator of her proximity. When she got close enough, he strolled casually on out so that she could see him. His head turned and a forced-genuine expression of surprise formed on his face as his eyes turned to look at her. "Ah, Yoko.......I've been meaning to talk to you. Got a minute?" he then asked rather politely; he had a feeling after how she reacted to their previous encounter, she might be a little tense. So he would play the part of the good guy to potentially get rid of any suspicion and doubt before the move to abduct her. His two buddies remained out of sight, waiting for the predetermined signal to strike.
(I have no idea what you're talking about.)

Harbringer cursed. Her options were limited here. Only Exodus could really see her. Yoko wasn't ready to meet with Exodus' last lover, and the spirit didn't really blame her. Any warning sent to the redhead would be met with suspicion at best, fright and denial at worst. Exodus was in a state that was between man and beastman, and she couldn't interfere when he wasn't open to her. If only there was a way to get his attention. That girl, Nia, was distracting everyone else, including Yoko's only other strong connections--Kittan and the supers aboard the Dai Gunzen. She had to try to give the redhead a warning.

As it was, Yoko was falling into the trap set up for her as Harbringer rushed back to the woman. Upon seeing the youth from before, she frowned. "Listen...about before? I'm really sorry I hit you. I shouldn't have let things get so heated. We're on the same side after all. But I don't really have time to chat. I'm looking for someone at the moment...Do you mind if we talk a little later?"
(You called her "the bodacious sniper".......Bodacious was a bull in the professional rodeo circuit that couldn't be beat, and he damn near killed several rodeo riders. Just a funny coincidence was all)

"Well, that's what I kind of wanted to talk about for. And trust me, this won't take long" was the youth's reply; whoever it was she was looking for could wait. She was about to get retribution for being a stuck-up bitch; it was time to see just how strong she was without her little gang of freakshows backing her up. But he needed to get her comfortable first, make her lower her guard, "I'm sorry for what I said and you only hit me because I was somewhat insensitive. I know you're close to Simon, but with the shape he's in, Team Dai-Gurren needs a strong leader. And the poor kid's not ready to handle such a responsibility. I admit I was out of line with how I worded it, but really I just don't want the team to lose anyone else".

He then snapped his fingers as if a thought had crossed his mind, signaling his friends to move in, "But you know what else......I don't think anyone's going to notice if you get lost for a short bit" Without warning, a bat would swing hard into the back of Yoko's head, colliding with her skull and most certainly rattling her brains a little.

Elsewhere, Exodus was resting with his shoulder against one of the walls, clutching his chest again as that seizing pain radiated from its center, the nails digging into his flesh hard and drawing blood. "Damn it....." he grumbled before shaking his head, clearing his vision a little as he pressed onward. He didn't really know what was going on with him; still, after the pause to try and collect himself, he stood back up and continued making his way towards Yoko's room. However, his ears would pick up a faint clunk; it was like someone got hit in the head or something. With that thought in mind, he stepped up his pace and approached on the scene even quicker.
(Ah...I don't pay attention to the rodeo circuit much, so I didn't know that.)

Yoko frowned as the young man apologized. This was certainly out of character for him, but she couldn't help but feel as though he deserved a second chance. And it was that compassion that did her in. Harbringer didn't reach the young woman in time, and before she could say a word, Yoko was knocked out in the most brutal of ways with a bat. Since Yoko was unconscious, that left Harbringer with more options. As Yoko crumpled to the ground, Harbringer, possessed the young sniper, controlling the body of the young woman. Though a bit sluggish from the strike, she was able to raise Yoko's head a bit before shooting out her leg to sweep down the two behind her.
('Tis fine; was a favorite sport of mine when I was younger. Nice job with the body switch, btw. I love it)

The youths grinned as the redhead lay unconscious on the floor. "So, what do we do with her" the brown-haired kid asked; the group leader then replied, "Whatever we fucking feel like. But let's get her somewhere she can't call for help. I want to enjoy this". And they were about to move in and take advantage of the situation, but the two behind her body were unprepared for her counter-attack. Little did they realize they were facing a far worse opponent than simply Yoko herself. The two youths let out cries of surprise as Yoko swept her leg, knocking both of them on their asses. "What the hell?" the leader exclaimed, backing up from the shock of it all; she just took a bat to the back of the head and she was already back up?

His two goon buddies slowly struggled to their feet; oh now, she was going to get it. The leader then grabbed the bat and said, "I don't know how you're still up, but I'll knock you down hard, then we'll have some fun with that body of yours!" He figured she already knew about it now that he'd attacked her and all, and so he charged in with the blunt object raised over his head, intent on smashing her hard.
(Thanks! I rather liked it too. I thought it might be a good element to add, but I wasn't sure what you'd think of it. I'm glad I decided to keep it.)

"Oh, you'll regret this little plan of yours," Yoko warned, quickly and gracefully standing on her feet. Of course, Harbringer was in control, and with years of combat experience and the same reflexes as before, Yoko was easily their worst nightmare. A sly smirk crept onto her face and she moved with intense speed, disarming the leader with a simple twist of the wrist. once the bat was in her hands, she used it to fell their leader. An instant later, she had the rest of them on their asses. "You think you can just do as you please and there will be no consequences? Only a coward needs his friends to gang up on a girl, let alone to take advantage of an innocent woman."

With that, each of them got a vicious blow to the arm. One of them had their shoulder dislocated, one of them swore he heard a crack like a bone breaking, and the leader's arm would be in intense pain. None of them would be fully disabled, however. It was just enough punishment. "Know your place, cowards, or next time I won't hold back."

She stood above them the bat in her hand, resting against her shoulder. "Now then, shall I continue our lesson? Or do you think you've learned when to walk away?"
(Perfect my dear; I'll admit it wasn't how I saw this going, but this adds very nicely to the story. Well played)

What the hell was going on? This bitch was psychotic! The leader gave a rather loud exclamation of pain as Yoko/Harbinger wrenched the blunt weapon from his grasp; he then grunted loudly as the bat collided with his face. That would bruise up later, and quite nastily too; it wasn't long before his buddies succumbed to the relatively same fate, being knocked onto their backsides and rubbing the first areas of contact tenderly. Each of them glared at her as much as she glared at them; the leader then managed to utter, "You stupid slu...." before he felt a wave of pain radiate through the injured appendage.

Each of them fell to their sides, clutching their respective limbs in apparent agony. She'd definitely hurt them alright, but it only seemed to be pissing them off more and more than actually dissuading them from continuing. "Cowards you call us, huh? What about when you had your little gang of mutant freakshows backing you up at our first meeting. I'd have gladly come by myself if I knew they wouldn't be here. It's not cowardly, you red-haired bitch, it's smart". The crony on the leader's left stood up and with a loud crack, actually managed to pop the ball joint back into its socket.

As she continued to chastise them, they could feel their frustration grow; suddenly, all three of them got up and charged her at once, using their combined bulk to force her to the ground after crashing into the woman with everything they had. After a brief but intense struggle, each was holding down a leg and an arm; it would seem like they'd managed to pin down this woman that held a place of contempt in their hearts. "Fuck dragging you somewhere safe, I'm just going to wreck you here and now!" the leader growled, driving his good hand into the woman's solar plexus hard.
Harbringer was taken by surprise enough to be tackled. "I didn't ask them to be there. They simply were, and they agreed with my point. This was planned." She was pinned for the moment, but as soon as the fist slammed into her stomach, she gasped and wriggled her arm free, allowing her fight back. She slammed the heel of her hand into the bastard's nose, sending him flying back, his eyes tearing up as she fought the other two off. She could only hope that Exodus would get his shit together quickly enough to give her some backup. Fighting three guys in a borrowed body in tight quarters wasn't exactly her specialty.
The leader fell backwards onto his ass yet again, clutching his nose as his eyes squinted shut from the pain, tears leaking from the corners at the magnitude alone. He could feel trickles of hot, iron-scented liquid leak onto his fingers; now she was going to get it. One would have to give them credit for their persistence, but they were ultimately fighting a losing battle. His friends were thrown off like ragdolls; where the hell was she getting this energy from? Regardless, they were back on top of her in what seemed like the blink of an eye; one of the leader's goons tried to go in for a punch but missed, tearing off Yoko's bra in the process. Little did they realize they were about to get another, far worse enemy to deal with.

Exodus finally managed to momentarily shake loose what was happening to him and arrived to see Yoko getting assaulted; he then felt something snap inside him, instantly undoing his efforts to contain his more bestial instincts. His vision turned blood-red as his rage surged and boiled over; the traits he was trying so hard to suppress soon made themselves known in force. His body bulked up, his hues turned bright gold, his pupils narrowed to slits, his canines and nails elongated and sharpened, and the scars shined bright crimson. His progress from the end of the hall towards the battle scene started as a slow walk, then sped up little by little into a full-fledged sprint.

By this time, the leader was on top of Yoko again, looking down at her exposed melons as his goons pinned her down again; the three youths had impressive bruises and cuts from Yoko's seemingly infinite stamina and fighting ability. But now they had her, and now it was time for payback......Or so they thought. The leader just grinned and said quite maliciously, "Now let's see what these sweater-puppies feel like...." he said, reaching down with his slightly bruised and cut-up hands; however, he finally recognized the monster barreling down on him, but it was too late. A massive fist collided with the youth's jaw, causing a sickening crack to resonate throughout the empty hall and the young man's body to fly an incredible distance, skipping across the metal floor once before slamming into the wall of the juncture, where he laid limply on the floor.

His buddies quickly showed there was no honor among thieves. The adrenaline that suddenly flooded their system gave them the energy they needed to run like the hounds of hell were nipping at their heels. They'd only managed to avoid the otherwise fatal crushing power Exodus' body could deliver by a hair's beadth; the veteran's fists literally punched holes into the hard surface. Exodus couldn't even keep his focus on one thing; his mind was gone, his primal instincts having completely consumed his conscious. His breathing was harsh and heavy, his nails digging into the hardened steel of the floor beneath him. His warped mind considered hunting them down, and he was about to when the leader he'd tossed like a salad gave a weak groan, sounding muddled with the shattered jaw Exodus had given him. Not even giving Yoko a second glance, he stood up and made his way over to the young kid.

The leader of the youth gang looked up and tried to crawl away, a true look of fright and extreme pain in his eyes as Exodus grabbed him and threw him up against the wall, the man's harsh features glaring into his own. Just what the hell was this guy? Exodus felt the adrenaline coursing through him, his heartbeat screaming in his ears, taking over everything he knew, saw and heard. The young man wondered what this monstrosity was going to do to him, though any ambiguity was erased when he saw the closed hand raise up behind the monstrous figure. This was it, he was going to die........The young man's eyes squinted shut as he waited for the inevitable.
Harbringer was actually quite glad that Yoko had been unconscious for the sickening acts that young man had had in store for her. Already disgusted with their acts, Harbringer was reminded of the doctor, and the time he had tried to molest her. She was just about to get serious, the youth reaching for her now exposed chest, when a monstrous Exodus bust onto the scene, nearly denting the wall where the young man was flung. When the others let go of her, she sat up, realizing that they were all in quite a bit of danger now.

Groaning, she covered herself and saw that one of the straps for her bra was torn so she put it on and tied it back together, which put the young man in a bad situation. Served him right if he wet himself. Still, Exodus was out for blood. "Exodus, stop," she said, grabbing his fist. She glanced at the boy and saw that he was in way over his head. She held her ground prepared for him to swing, taking her with it. But at least she would slow him down.

"Snap out of it," she growled, holding his arm back. The instant she made contact with his body, a ripple of recognition flowed through her. This was the man she loved in a complete rage, thirsty for blood because of what that insane doctor had done to all of them. "Don't you see? This is just what Adiane wants!"

Those words shone through in Harbringer's voice, not Yoko's. If her touch weren't enough, the words weren't enough, then her voice should have been. It should have been enough to drag his consciousness back to reality for just a moment. For long enough for him to realize what he was doing, what was happening. Then again, when he was like this, his mind was often closed. Who knew what he would do next?
Exodus was about to follow through when he felt something grab his meaty fist; he hesitated for just a moment, his rage-filled eyes peering back to the woman he could not recognize. Not fully anyway; her voice did seem to make a small breakthrough to him though. Almost instantly, his grip on the young instigator and would-be rapist loosened to let him breathe a little bit easier, before releasing the boy completely and letting him drop hard on his ass. The kid just let out a groan of pain and slowly stood up, limping away for a few brief moments before collapsing again to the ground as Exodus' eyes flickered; the behemoth of a man clutched the sides of his head in apparent agony, his eyes squinting shut as his two halves battled for control of his body and mind. Snarls and grunts left his mouth, his head swinging as he fell to a knee.

For what seemed like an eternity, Exodus struggled with himself, having much difficulty in getting his more human side to surface; not an easy task considering what he was going through. Unbeknownst to either of them - or even to the scientists that had created the Goldeneye super-soldiers, as they had not produced enough Goldeneyes to make sufficient observation - this was an effect of the Blood Rage; extended use resulted in the degradation of the mind's ability to switch between states. The best way to summarize it was with a light bulb: Keeping it on for too long shortened its life considerably and made it burn out far quicker . Still, despite this, it would seem Exodus was slowly but surely winning, however little control he was gaining over time serving to make him return to normal.

However, like many things in life, there would be one circumstance that prevented the desired outcome: A large number of footsteps could be heard approaching, and soon enough, Kittan and about twenty armed men and women - Super and human alike - stood at the ready. "There, there! You see?! He's gone completely insane!" one of the youths from before said, pointing directly at Exodus' hulking figure; the other then shouted, "Holy crap! Mathis!" and ran to his unconscious friend, shaking him. "Come on, man! Stay with us!" he shouted; it would be only known to Harbinger that they were trying to deflect their crime onto Exodus and use his current state as an excuse for running to them. "Yeah, I see that! Get him out of here!" Kittan shouted, shouldering a rifle as the friends that abandoned their leader earlier now hoisted him up and dragged him away. Kittan noticed that the redhead he'd adored was too close to the beast for his own comfort; well this made things more complicated. "Yoko! Get the hell out of the way!" the eldest Black Sibling then shouted; this was all it took for Exodus to appear over at them. The deranged man could smell their aggression, their fear, their group instinct to protect, and all this served to undo the little progress he'd made in regaining control of his body. All at once, his energy surged and his chest was thrown out, a high-volume primal howl escaping his throat.
Instantly, Harbringer knew that things were going to be ugly. The two teens had run off to Kittan and the others for help now that their plan had failed and they'd been shown true consequences. Still, Yoko held her ground. She wouldn't move even as Kittan told her to. She moved with an eery quickness in front of the big man and did her best to stop him.

"Did those two tell you that the three of them tried to rape me? Or did they conveniently forget that? I was looking for Exodus when these three ambushed me. When he finally came around, he went into a frenzy. He was calming down until you showed up like this!" And then the howl came. "Get out of here! He's not in full control anymore."

She turned to Exodus and put her hands on his shoulders, her golden naturally golden eyes flashing, glowing slightly. Harbringer was in there....but it seemed as though she couldn't reach Exodus. And if she left now, poor Yoko would be defenseless and unconscious. She wasn't sure of how else to stop him, so she would have to engage Exodus first if worst came to worst. Yoko would have done so, based on what she'd seen of the sniper. And the promise between the two of them. If only she could knock him out, she could get inside his head and help him...but that was easier said than done.
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