An interesting 3rd year (Stickyfun x alzayin2099)


Mar 9, 2009
Ginny Weasley sighed boredly as she sat on the Hogwarts Express, playing with a few strands of hair that were hanging down infront of her face. Her friends had all decided to up and leave her, having decided that now they were in 3rd year and 13 years old they were old enough to go and share cabins with the boys in order to shamelessly flirt with them. Ginny on the other hand had little interest in such things. Oh she was interested in boys, but she didn't want to go chasing up and down the train for any boy that would look at her. Still, the disadvantage to staying behind meant she was all alone in the cabin near the back of the train. In the distance she could occasionally hear laughter and giggling over the noise of the train from a few carriages up ahead, but all she did was roll her eyes and return to staring out of the window.

"Ugh....immature idiots.....think they're so grown up just because they can run off and flirt with the boys? Ugh..." Ginny slumped her forehead against the cool glass as she stared through it boredly at the passing countryside. "Geez.....this train ride is way more boring than I remember it being the first seemed to be over in a flash then, now it's taking forever....." The red headed girl sighed again and closed her eyes as she attempted to try and take a nap, hoping it might make the trip pass a little faster.
A young man of about 17 sighed as he walked through the corridors of the Hogwarts Express, looking back at Hermione as she walked down the halls with some friends. “Hmm. Needs a little work.” He shook his head and continued to walk forward, dragging a large trunk behind himself as he searched for a compartment to sit inside. The 6’2 male ran a hand through his short brown hair and adjusted his glasses over his one green and one brown eye. The muscular male had just come from America to the great UK less than 3 hours ago and was already dressed to impress, wearing a t-shirt one size too small to show off his muscular chest. The t-shirt had a picture of an outdated blue police box that said, “I travel in style,” referencing the long since canceled British tv show, Doctor Who. He pulled a pocket watch from the pocket of his blue jeans to check the time and then put it back into the tight jeans, which showed off the outline of his thick member. He cracked his neck and then walked into a compartment without knocking. He blinked as he noticed the little girl in the compartment. “Oh wow.”

He took a step inside the compartment and said, “Sorry. Don’t mean to interrupt. I hope you won’t mind if I join you in here.” He didn’t wait for her answer as he pulled his trunk in behind him and set it up on the seat next to him. He opened it up and pulled out a typewriter and set it on his lap as a hedgehog crawled up his back and sat on his shoulder. He looked over at her with a smile and said, “My name is Joe Sims by the way.” This wasn’t entirely the truth. His name was Joseph Simpson and he was one of the wizarding world’s most famous authors, mostly because of the fact that he had never been seen. His books weren’t necessarily critically acclaimed but were popular for their simplistic writing style, evolving storyline and most importantly, the graphic scene, which most older critics claimed were just an excuse to peddle more smut and violence to a younger generation. He had hidden from the likes of the Daily Prophet and Witch Weekly, refusing them with the now famous Simpson quote, “No interviews…unless it’s for the Quibbler.”
Ginny heard the door to the compartment open, first assuming it to be one of her friends returning, but then she saw the hazy reflection of someone far too tall, then heard the voice of a guy, likely one of the older students from the tone of his voice. "Knock yourself out..." The boredom in Ginny's voice was evident, she didn't even bother lifting her head off the glass as the boy entered and pulled his trunk into the compartment, putting it on the seat rather than the rack up above as was usual. She heard him introduce himself....Joe Sims....that sounded vaguely familiar for some reason....though she couldn't quite place where it was from....damn this was going to nag at her until she remembered. "Hm? Oh...Ginny Weasley..." The introduction was mumbled at best, only just loud and coherent enough for him to actually hear over the noise of the train.

"No interviews huh....?" Ginny yawned boredly, closing her eyes as she continued leaning against the window. Interviews? Why was he talking about interviews? Joe Sims....Joe Sims....interviews...the cogs were beginning to turn in Ginny's head, attempting to put the pieces together.
Whilst Ginny was thinking in silence, it would give Joe an ample oppertunity to....'observe' the girl. She hadn't yet changed into her robes, instead still wearing her casual clothes, a little more muggle in style than most wizarding families wore. Her t-shirt was probably a little bit too small for her, clinging to her slim body. Up top her chest was showing clear signs of development, the outline of her curves clearly defined by the t-shirt. Lower down she was wearing a knee length skirt, tough her sitting position had it brought up just above her knees. This allowed the rest of her slim legs to be shown off, a little longer than most girls her age.

"Ah!" Ginny's eyes snapped open as she hit a sudden realisation. "I remember now...Joe Sims..." Finally, Ginny lifted her head off the glass, glancing over towards the boy. "You're-" She cut off and blinked as she saw him clearly for the first time, just blinking at him for a few moments. Clearly she had been caught off guard by his appearance, all those muscles he wa showing off with that shirt? Geez....this guy had a bigger ego than most if he saw fit to show off like that. Ginny couldn't help rolling her eyes a little before she continued. "Isn't that the name of that author...? I think my mom has some books with that name on them..."
Joseph smiled at her and said, "Heh." He hadn't really expected her to piece together who he was that quickly. She must have been rather smart for her age, but that was okay by him. Joseph had a thing for smart girls...and younger girls. He decided to reward her for her intelligence and finally tell a girl the truth. "You mean Joseph Simpson? Normally I would say no. But I can't lie to a ginger as cute as you. Yep. I'm Joseph Simpson. And it's nice to meet you Ginny Weasley." He winked at her and said, "I'm intrigued your mom has some of my books but I'm more interested in knowing if you have ever read any of my books?"

The young man sat his typewriter next to him, taking it away from his lap and then proceeded to remove the hedgehog from his shoulder and put it on his clothes in the trunk so it could curl up and be comfortable for the ride. Joseph licked his lips in a predatory fashion and looked back up at Ginny, looking into her eyes to say, "Because I love to give my fans a little treat if they have."
Can't lie to a ginger as cute as you? Good lord, these kinds of chat up lines were enough to make her blush with embarassment for him rather than because she was embrassed herself. Did anyone actually fall for a line like that? Ginny just nodded slightly when he said it was nice to meet her, turning her attention back towards the window. "Well....nice to meet you too I guess....suppose you're the famous person I get to meet this year..." She'd already met the famous Harry Potter and even a younger incarnation of Voldemort....a famous author was actually somewhat low-key given her history. "I have no idea why my mother has some of your books....and no, I haven't read any of them. I'm too busy studying to read romantic fiction, no matter how famous the author is supposed to be"

Ginny reached up to gently tuck a few loose strands of hair behind her ear, not paying too much attention to Joseph as he moved his typewriter away, though her eyes did linger a little on the hedgehog as it moved from his shoulder...the little thing was rather adorable. Though that look was enough for her to see him lick his lips, bringing her gaze back up towards him as she raised an eyebrow, the boy locking his eyes with her own. "....Is that so? Well...good for your fans I guess. But like I said, I haven't read anything more than the title of a few of your books when I passed by the bookcase"
Joseph chuckled and said, "Oh sorry. Forgive me. I just assumed young girls like yourself are my main demographic. They love reading my books. You should try one sometime. You might even like it." He winked and picked up his hedgehog and reached into the trunk to grab his first book and handed it to her. "There ya go. Try that on for size. You might enjoy it. It might even make you see the world in a whole new way." He said with a grin.
"Well I'm not too much like most girls my age I suppose..." She blinked as he winked at her, then went into his trunk and pulled out a book, handing it over to her. She recognised it from the bookshelf of her mothers books back home, though she'd never had much interest in reading them. "See the world in a whole new way? Oh please, it's just a stupid romance novel that's all, it's hardly gonna make me see the world in another way. Come on, you can't honestly expect me to believe that can you?" She looked at him rather skeptically, then set the book down beside her. "Why don't you just give me the quick version of it or something like that?"
He laughed at her and said, "That's so cute. I appreciate your innocence but I truly mean it when I say that it can make you see the world in an entirely new way. Especially with the little notes I made. I scribbled in the margins to help improve the book after I started writing other things." He then said, "Try it. Read it. If it doesn't change your mind at all, then I will stop bugging you. But I can't just give you any 'quick' version. But if it does change your mind after you are done, then you will have to apologize to me and make it up to me by being my new muse. Deal?"
"Your new muse? What's that supposed to mean?" Ginny blinked with slight confusion, then just sighed and rolled her eyes, realising there probably wasn't any other way to get this guy to stop bothering her. "Fine...whatever, I'll read it" She boredly picked up the book, looking at the cover. "Do I have to read the whole thing? Can I just say....skip to the 'inspirational' part that will make me see the world in a whole new way or something like that? I'd rather not have to sit and read right the way though some sappy romance novel if I can help it"
He smiled at her and said, "Oh it's okay. I just wanted you to read the first 3 chapters. If you don't get into it by the third chapter, then it's just not for you but I guarantee you that you are gonna be entertained with this book." He stood up and said, "I will be right back. Just read that much and then when I get back, lemme know how you feel." He walked out of the compartment and then walked down the corridor, looking for someone to get a drink and a snack from. The young male came back minutes later, giving her enough time to read the first three chapters.
"Fine fine...the first three chapters" Ginny opened up the book and leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs as she sat back to read. For the briefest of instants, Joseph might just have been able to see hints of underwear up the skirt, but Ginny's crossed legs soon obscured any view that might have been there. "Let's see if I can understand why mom likes these books so much..." With a bored sigh, Ginny began to read as Joseph left the carriage. She was a quick reader, so three chapters of a romance novel shouldn't take her much time at all.
Joseph smiled coming back with a bottle of pumpkin juice and a thing of chocolate frogs. He yawned and said, "Sorry. I had a late night last night. Okay. So did you finish reading? What do you think of my writing and be perfectly honest with me, ya little ginger." He winked at her as he sat back and drank from the bottle of pumpkin juice.
Not long after she had started reading, Ginny had started to figet as she had began to feel....warm. Her entire body seemed to be heating up a little more with every line she read, though she couldn't quite be sure why. It almost felt like.....arousal? But this was just some book. Sure it used some...suggestive terms but was just a book right? "I..." Ginny glanced up as Joseph re-entered the room. "I've...finished two chapters..just one more to go..."
He raised an eyebrow and said, "Hmmm that's odd. I would have thought that a sharp little thing like yourself would have sprinted through that and got it over and done with. Oh well. Finish reading and then we can talk about it and what you thought." He continued to drink his pumpkin juice while she read his book. Once she was done reading it, he 'accidentally' spilled the juice on himself and took off his shirt to reveal his muscular chest to her and then looked around for a replacement shirt.
"I've just been....distracted a little, that's all..." Ginny looked back to the book, taking a silent deep breath as she turned the page. Why was this book having such an effect on her? Surely it couldn't be what was written in it. Could there be some kind of enchantment at work? surely not....she wouldn't fall for something like that.
As she continued reading, she occasionally glanced up, just in time to see Joseph taking off his shirt. Her eyes widened as he showed just how muscular he was, until she quickly looked away, though now she was unable to help imagining Joseph as the male character in the book, fidgeting once again, more noticeably this time, as the heat inside of her continued to grow, beginning to focus towards her lower body...
Joseph shrugged and said, "Oh well. It's okay. I guess I can go shirtless for a while." He sat down next to her and said, "So tell me, Ginny Weasley, what did you think of my book? Did it change how you see things?" He said putting a hand on her knee and rubbed her some moving higher up her leg as he leaned in and whispered into her ear in a hot voice. "Be honest."
Ginny tried to focus on reading, but she wasn't sure if that was making things better or worse. When Joseph sat down beside her though, she was all too well aware of the topless boy right there, leaning in close, then suddenly his hand on her exposed knee. Normally she would push the hand away, or stand and slap him, but for some reason she found herself unable to do either right now. "'s.....interesting..." Ginny's voice was trembling as she spoke, the sensation coursing through her body now undeniably the familiar feeling of arousal...though it felt different to how it normally did....this felt much....better.
His large hands grabbed the young girl by the waist and pulled her onto his lap, setting her atop his large bulge and then spread her legs forcibly and whispered into her ear. "What did I tell you? I told you it would change the way you see the world. And are you seeing the world in a way you never have before?" His firm chest pressed against her back as he rubbed her thighs with his warm fingers and said, "Now Ginny, you said you would be my muse remember. So now I am going to start training you okay?"
Ginny gasped as his large, powerful hands grabbed her slim waist, lifting her up and sitting her on his lap, the girl able to feel something hard pressing into her butt through her skirt, swallowing nervously as she immediately realised what it was. "Wh-what...? Your...muse...? T-training me...? What do you me?" Ginny was panting heavily by this point, the heat between her legs so intense that she was sure he would be able to feel it on his hand even though it was still at her thigh.
He smirked and said, "Oh Ginny. I am so glad that you asked that question. I am going to train you to be my little slutmuse." He pulled her hair to give her a thrill and expose her neck more before kissing and nibbling on her neck. Then his other hand at her thigh continued up higher to rub her pussy through her panties, rubbing her little clit. "Mmmm what do you say to that sweetheart?"
"Your...your what?! N-no way...." Ginny squirmed around in an attempt to get off his lap, but all it succeeded in doing was grinding her tight ass against the bulge in his jeans. "NNGH!" Her entire body went rigid the moment his hand found her pussy, her panties already soaking wet with the arousal from reading his book, her juices pouring onto his fingers, before she let out a sharp yelp when he touched her clit through the fabric. "St-stop it....s-someone will hear or....or see through the windows to the carriage..."
He shook his head and held her firmly and rubbed her pussy lips up and down through her soaking wet panties and said, "Don't tell me no. You are already part way a slut. Your panties are sopping wet from a guy you just met barely touching you." He kissed her neck and nibbled on her earlobe and said, "Don't worry about anyone seeing. Just keep reading the book and I will help you feel good." He pushed her panties to the side as he forced a finger inside of her.
Ginny shivered as her head was tilted to the side, his lips on her neck before he spoke again, her body continuing to somehow grow hotter. "" Ginny panted as she felt her nipples starting to harden, beginning to poke up through her bra and the tight t-shirt, pushing the fabric out. Every movement seemed to cause the bra to grind against her nipples uncomfortably, just making her fidget more and grind her butt against his cock.
"NYA!" Ginny's eyes snapped open and she let out a loud squeal as his finger slid inside of her tight, virgin pussy. Only her own fingers had ever ventured there before, but this felt so much better. Her entire body spasmed on his lap from the sensation, a throaty groan coming from her lips.
He smirked and said, "Oh Ginny, that's so rude. I told you to read the book and you told me no. Now keep reading or else I will have to punish you." He pushed another finger inside of her, fingerfucking her vigorously, moreso than she ever treated herself too. He kissed her neck again as his other hand began lifting up her t-shirt to help get her disrobe.
Ginny's eyes widened as he started to push another finger inside of her, the girls mouth opening as if she wanted to scream, though no noise came out. Her pussy was being stretched more than she had ever done herself, her own fingers so much thinner than his own. She shivered as he started to lift up her shirt, the cold air now coming directly into contact with her hot, sweaty skin, beginning to expose the base of her bra.
Ginny attempted to look back to the book, but her entire body was shaking so much from the pleasure that even if she could focus, she couldn't hold the book still enough to read it.
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