I feel okayish today. On New Years Eve I downed a bottle and a half of champagne to my dome interspersed with lots of 1554 and Trippel.
My Christmas was pretty much awful, further cementing my intense distaste for the holiday. I have been feeling down, which is why I drank so much, I think. Not necessarily as a way to make myself feel better, but because I wanted to really cut loose inhibition and feel ridiculous and I was just feeling too bad. Way too bad.
Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and go, "You're a really smart guy--what the fuck are you doing to yourself?" Then I reassure myself. I say things like, "You run thirty miles a week. You lift four times a week. You eat well. You help your friends." But I'm working this fucked-up, minimum wage job at a factory that I hate because it's always cold and the owners are constantly screaming at my boss because they don't understand what the fuck is going on so my boss dumps on the rest of us. Yeah, I like most of the people, but sometimes I want to rearrange the orders on the pallets and just redirect ten tons worth of tofu and tempeh. Just to fuck with them.
At the same time, here I am, trying to deal with the fact I feel like a complete failure because I'm not in college. Yeah, I learn on my own, and I know I can do pretty much anything I want, and I know if I work and continue to live like a creative hermit I can just about afford to go to college without any debt, but this is just so irritating. The only times I feel really happy is when I'm kicking someone. Which, honestly, I shouldn't be learning how to do so well. This is just going to end poorly.
Oh, and my taste in women is, as ever, completely atrocious. It's like I've got a little radar for completely incompatible or completely fucked-up and I home in on that. I should make a questionnaire.
1) Do you have a drug problem?
2) Do you feel violence is the solution to your problems?
a. If yes, do you resort to emotional or physical violence most often?
3) Are you going absolutely nowhere except an early grave?
4) Is your sole purpose in life, "Get fucked-up?"
5) Are you politically apathetic unless your conservatism is crossed by a jot of counter argument?
6) Does your religion permit the mistreatment of women and children?
7) Do you regularly commit felonies?
If you've answered yes to four or more questions, feel free to join the ZG Express!