Jugger x Pearlheart

Nathan could taste Lyv's pussy juices as it began to flow over his mouth. The taste only turned him on even more...the fact she was so wet and juicy made him so much more hornier. He was too engulfed in what was happening to care about what she said about the drugs. So what. That didn't matter...he just wanted to fuck the two of them until they passed out. He could feel Cass's throat as she deep throated him and it only made him go to the point of cumming hard and deep into Cass's mouth, his seed shooting down her throat forcefully as he continued to suck and now nibble on her pussy lips. He couldn't believe that this was happening so well...It made him happy that he let that Vorcha fuck Ona to cause her to bring Lyv. "Lyv...you taste so good...!" He moaned out to her, wanting her to orgasm around his mouth.
"Oh...fuck...I know I do..." Lyv panted. He was really good, his tongue hit all the spots it could reach, and did so well. She moaned out loud, completely fine with letting a little slip so that she could enjoy the licking she was getting. She started grinding against his mouth, sliding her cunt up and down from his chin to his nose as she started to tremble.

Meanwhile Cass swallowed every ounce of cum he shot down her throat, then pulled out and stroked him off. Shooting several thick, stringy ropes of pearly cream onto her face. She couldn't get enough, and as soon as he stopped coming she swallowed him again. She didn't allow him to get soft, she kept stroking and sucking harder and harder until his cock grew firm again. Then she continued her assault, like a creature possessed she couldn't seem to want to stop.

"Oh shit...oohhhh...ffffuuuUUUCK!" Lyv growled as she started to come, her body still excited from the bond with the prisoner that it came easier than it normally would have, but it felt fucking wonderful nonetheless. Her abdomen and thighs clenched and the knot in her belly broke loose, and her whole body trembled as little shocks ran up her spine while she flooded Nathan's face with her light blue fluids.
Nathan continued to moan into Lyv's pussy as she grinding up and down his face with her pussy, his tongue eagerly trying to get back into its 'home' that was moving away from it. He could feel Cass begin to eat and swallow the seed he had shot into her mouth and his cock began to grow soft slowly. Even while she was jerking him, it was still soft but shooting out cum onto her face...but then...she began to suck on him again. His cock was only more sensitive after the orgasm that had just hit him, and it was driving him wild. His face began to tremble into Lyv's pussy as his body seemed to squirm from the pleasurable irritation going throughout his body. Cass was a slut now...And Lyv was slowly showing her true colors in regards to how 'high' she could get in terms of being the one forcing someone to do something. It seemed she could easily let things out if she wanted to...or she was just unable to control it.

Feeling Lyv begin to squirt her juices all over his face, Nathan clenched his mouth shut as the juices fell onto his face. He sputtered a bit, trying to get it off of his lips before he began to take deep gasps of air as he opened his eyes and looked up to Lyv, though her ass was in the way and all he could see were the ends of her tentacle-like 'hair'. "There...I-I got you off now..." He said, still shuddering here and there from Cass's continuing blowjob and handjob mix. "Are you satisfied n-now Lyv...?"
"Oh shit that is fucking divine..." Lyv panted as her climax died down. She scowled though at Nathan's question. "Fuck no I am not satisfied! Did I say I was?" She swore and stood up, was a flick of her omni-tool her armor returned. She adjusted it and stepped over Nathan, giving him the courtesy of 'catching' his side with her foot as she did so. "I am far from done with you. But I think you'd enjoy it too much If we kept going. So enjoy the prisoner. Trust me..." She turned around after leaving the cell, and gave him a look to freeze plasma. "...this is not over. I will be calling on that tongue again. I'm going to bed. Wake me up when it's time to head out."

Cass ignored everything that was going on. She whimpered slightly when the Asari left, then continued sucking. She wanted more, as much as she could get. The fact that she was still a prisoner seemed to have completely escaped her at this point. All she cared about was getting more out of his swollen, sensitive cock.
Nathan was writhing in pain as he felt the kick to his side. He was too into the pain to feel Cass's continuing blowjob. He listened to Lyv with a small smirk on his face appearing later. "Yeah...We'll see exactly how far you get with me with that attitude..." He said snickering a bit before clenching his eyes tight, his side still in pain from the Asari. "Damn that hurt though..." He murmured silently to himself as soon as Lyv had left the room. He wasn't exactly frightened by her...He only played on the act because he wanted to fuck Lyv, plain and simple. He could easily have done something to defend himself with, despite the fact he lacked the biotic powers that she had.

Nathan finally remembered Cass when he noticed her sucking on his cock again. He looked at her with a weary look and frowned. "Jeez...seems the drugs are really turning you into a real slut. I can't even ejaculate anymore." He pressed her head away from his cock forcefully, even if she was putting up a fight. He pressed his omni-tool to put on his battle suit, just so Cass would be unable to tear off his casual clothes to get to his cock. "Now I trust you enough not to run away if I promise to give you more of my cock later, correct? Come with me to my chambers...I think you've actually earned a stay with me in my bed...despite you being a prisoner." He looked around and frowned. "No clothes..."

Closing his battle armor using the omni-tool, Nathan took off his shirt and put it onto Cass. "Atlin tore your clothes up...just wear my shirt. It pretty much covers your body where it needs to..." He looked to the hem of the shirt. "Just barely..." He said before seconds later he turned and opened the door to leave. "Lets go prisoner. We should get some sleep."
At first Cass was saddened by the mans leaving her. She was still so hot. She was still in need. But she was happy enough to be taken to his bed. As they lay to sleep she couldn't help but hug herself as close to him as possible, absent mindedly massaging his cock with her thigh as she drifted off, thankful for the comfort of a bed.

Lyv herself ended up finding a good solid nook in another bunkhouse. There was only one entrance, several places to set up traps, and a easily dependable choke-point. Of course her idea of a choke point meant a small space that would funnel the enemies in close, so they couldn't return fire as she was choking their comrades. She fell asleep with the proximity alert on her Omni-tool active, her shotgun hugged to her chest, and her back to a wall.

It was at this time that Cass's allies, a Batarian slaver group was closing in on the outpost. From the west and from the south, on foot, still a couple clicks out. They moved through the jungle like it was natural, with massive, war-bred Varren leading the way. Each one was the height of a man, and easily as broad as a Krogan. None of the natural predators dared attack them, all gave them a wide berth or suffered multiple gunshots before being torn apart by those pets. It would only be a few hours at most, before they fell upon the outpost.
Atlin didn't require sleep...not like he could do it as easily as most humans could have if he wanted to. He didn't have eyelids, so unlike humans who were unable to sleep with their eyes open, he couldn't sleep. It was a birth defect...but it also heightened his senses to seek out the tiniest of things in his surroundings, or at least whatever was in his eyesight. He sat atop the watchtower of the encampment, watching the other humans and aliens in the camp do as they pleased as he kept watch. He saw varren walking around outside the gates, especially the confused ones where Nathan and Lyv put up the blockade in the hole they made. He just snickered as he aimed and shot at one, going into its body and causing it to fall over about two feet away from where it was standing. This caused the others to disperse instantly, aside from one who was pulling the dead one away. "Aw. How noble." Another shot rang through the air, piercing into that one as well.

He didn't notice the slavers that would be coming to the encampment soon, but he knew one thing...If anything tried to take the base by air, he wouldn't go down without a fight. He didn't care about the people in the encampment, he only cared for his life and the crew. He needed the crew for only one thing...the money he got from money.

Nathan slept soundly next to Cass, unaware of the plan she had put in motion that would put them into one hell of a firefight with a brigade of slavers and varren that would soon reign hell and destruction upon the ill-prepared camp. His cock was still hard as it lay against Cass's thigh, but his body was hugging her tightly, not with his arms. He just laid closely next to her as she held him, his hand on her hip as they slept.
Lyv woke up to the high pitched whine of her proximity detector. Hundreds of years of experience pumped adrenaline and endorphins into her bloodstream, immediately waking her up in peak mental condition. A sharp snap was all the warning she had as one of her traps went off. She rolled away from the door as a brief but intense heat wave rolled inwards. Her biotic barrier shielded her from her incendiary mine, however thanks to a gargled scream and the smell of burning flesh she could tell her attacker had no such defense. Without hesitating she spun into the doorway and planted a shot from her shotgun right into the screaming body between her and the exit. The shot blasted it backwards out the door. A split-second scan of the bunkhouse showed no intruders. She swore. That meant she'd have to get out before they leveled it around her, at least according to her logic, as that is what she would do. She didn't know if Atlin was already fighting, but he would had to have been alerted by the blast, and he knew how to handle himself. It was the prisoner and the Captain she needed to get to.

As soon as she stepped out the door gunfire erupted around her. Too late, better to keep moving. She launched herself forward by directing a biotic push behind her, while taking off some of her own mass with a biotic field. The combination hurtled her ahead of the gunfire, and into the alley behind Nathan's bunkhouse. She swore, if he was still asleep she would kill him right there and then. Just tell everyone that he died being a dumbass. However there really wasn't anyway to get to the door with all that firepower aimed on her. It sounded like two Revenants at least, a couple marksman rifles and at least half a dozen military grade assault rifles. That wasn't counting any heavy shit they hadn't broke out yet.

"Fuck this!" She focused a biotic field around her arm and threw an enhanced haymaker into the wall. It blew a clean, fist sized hole in the wall right where the shower should be. Then she expanded a warp-field in the middle of the hole, the unstable molecules ripping away at the cheap materials like it was paper until she had enough space to step through. "Fucking glad your little bitch called me in now Captain?"
Nathan was already at the window when he first heard the first sounds of gunfire. He had his assault rifle aimed out the window and began to fire, taking cover when needed to. He didn't know if Cass was still there with him, taking cover, or actually fighting with him. He was worried about his own ass rather than the prisoner. He hoped that Atlin and Lyv were safe. He didn't get to contact either of them. The only contact he got from them, was the first four shots of sniper rifle ammo from Atlin's gun into the heads of the ones that began to storm the encampment gate. "Shit! How could they have gotten in so easily!?" He saw little resistance. They were all holed up in one small area, a larger, thicker-walled house, and they were taking heavy fire.

Turning, he saw Lyv when she broke through the door and didn't say anything to her at first. He reloaded and began to rush into the bathroom to meet her. "Don't give me no god damn lip Lyv! We have to find Atlin and the prisoner now and get the hell moving!" He aimed his assault rifle and aimed it out the wall she came in and began to shoot at some soldiers who were about to breach the premises. "Follow me! Atlin's probably still stuck at the sniper tower!"

And he was. Atlin and another sniper, as well as Fang who made his way to follow Atlin around before the attack, were holed up in the sniper tower on the top of the roof of the tower. They had plenty of cover, but they had little ammo and neither were good in terms of biotic attacks. Fang kept the pursuers from climbing to the top of the tower by biting the faces off of them when they got by. "Where the hell is that captain!?" He roared out in anger as he saw the other sniper get shot in the head, bypassing his armor completely.
"Oooh! Pissy are we?" Lyv laughed and grabbed the prisoner by her arm. She was still wearing nothing but one of the Captain's shirts, and they didn't have time to get her something else. "Sorry babe. Just try not to get shot!" Lyv pushed her to the side, between her and the Captain at the hole she made. She could see Atlin out one of the windows. He was still in the sniper tower with his backup. They were holding, but that wall position was putting a lot of fire into the clearing. "Captain. Give me covering fire and watch the prisoner! I'm going to scatter these assholes so Atlin can pick them off!"

Lyv hit the door release and sprinted outside as soon as she had enough space to do so. Mass weaponry immediately unloaded on her position, smacking into her barrier and tracing her footsteps as she ran. There was too much however, and if she kept running she would get torn apart. She waited, holding her barrier for as long as she could before throwing a Shockwave across the ground towards the house, kicking up plenty of smoke and rubble. Then she growled as she readied her signature biotic technique, Warpthrust. Her body shifted forward at nearly supersonic speeds, however unlike a normal Vanguard thrust, she emitted a warp-field in front of her. So when she slammed through the dust into the building, the wall collapsed from the impact. The adrenaline that was forced into her bloodstream due to the intense level of power she emitted caused a dilation effect, allowing her to roll out of the thrust, and level her shotgun point blank into a Batarian's chest.

When she pulled the trigger the Batarian's chest exploded outwards, spraying the room with blood and flesh. She began throwing biotic waves back and forth at unsafe intervals, not allowing her body enough time to recuperate. She didn't care. If she died she died. If not, then she was better than anyone these fuckers had sent to kill them. Regardless, she was going to feel it once the adrenaline wore off. The result was the Batarians had no choice but to abandon their fortification, and flee to the clearing in search of new cover. Of course, the wall mounts as well as the Varren had not even arrived yet....
Fang eventually just used his body to hold the hatch down on the ladder to keep out the people climbing up. He was afraid, cowered as he pushed the plank back down to make sure Atlin and he were safe. He couldn't take it anymore. He leaned up and began to roar out, the roar loud enough to pierce through the barrier of the gunfire to get through to other varren. In a matter of moments, the jungle surrounding them began to scream at different volumes and tones of varren cries as they began to rush to the walls, attacking and getting in through smaller areas and began to attack the people invading the encampment.

Atlin did not fire at the varren as they came. He was too busy reloading, stealing some ammo from his dead comrade that was shot in the crossfire in the sniper tower with him. He was more concerned with keeping his head on rather than letting some asshole raiders kill him. When the ladder below them began to collapse because the varren began to eat at the restraint, he knew he was temporarily stranded. Fang left the plank, knowing none of the raiders could get back up and he began to gather ammo for Atlin to use.

While all this was going on, Nathan was covering Cass, watching and covering Lyv as she began to fire. He couldn't have her die...no...he refused to have one of his team members die! He grabbed Cass and began to run her behind the buildings and fired with his assault rifle with one hand. It wasn't accurate, but with how many raiders were int he open, it was accurate enough to hit people each burst. He rushed Cass into one of the buildings next to where Lyv was holding off and began to fire. Oddly enough, the varren knew exactly who not to kill...but Nathan still kept the things away. Not by shooting them, but shooting around them so that the creatures didn't attack Cass or him. It scared them off when he did so, and he was getting desperate to have some help. He pulled out his pistol and handed it to Cass. "Fire dammit! Your life is on the line here! Shoot the damned invaders!"
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