Jugger x Pearlheart

"Ona was furious. Semen still oozed from inside her, and even though she was getting her strength back it was hard to move, and she had to keep swatting the blasted Varren away from her. He was keeping the damned thing.....this was such bullshit. And his attitude....damn if he didn't make it easy not caring about the boshtet.

"Fuck you captain." She said as she stood up. Grabbing the sheet off the bed and yanking it over him, making sure that all the 'cummy' parts landed on his head.

"And you can jerk off in the future boshtet. This is now out of your fingers..." She felt as though after that even not much she said had a lot of weight, but she was infuriated, and had to say something. "I'll be lucky if I fucking live through this dammit...." She sealed up her suit and stepped outside, hating that she had to walk around in the sticky mess slowly oozing down her thighs. But luckily her suit sealed everything off, keeping it from going any further. She activated the comm on her Omni-tool.

"Base this is Ona. I need a priority evac and team swap."

"Roger. Evac in forty seconds. Who shall we send?" Ona smiled. Knowing exactly who Nathan wouldn't want.

"Send Lyv." Lyv was hardcore, and tended outclass the rest of the crew, even all the alpha males couldn't keep up with her. So they tended to not care for her company, since she tended to make them all look bad, all the time.

"Roger. En route." It only took a minute for the shuttle to get to the checkpoint. It had to lower a cable since there was nowhere to land. After another minute she hoped aboard with an assist from Lyv.

"Problems?" The Asari asked with a smile.

"Only for me...have fun." With that the Asari dropped down without the cable, using a Biotic field to slow her descent.
Nathan began to freak out and squirm under the blanket as he tried to get the cummy bits off of him. He wiped his hair, gagging and coughing as he rolled around. "Gross! What the fuck Ona!?" He cried out as Fang just sat there and wagged his tail, watching the sight. If he could laugh, he would have. Instead, he just wagged his tail to show he was happy. Once Nathan got the putrid blanket off, it was about the time that she called for Lyv...but Nathan didn't hear her from inside of the cabin that he was in.

Getting up, he grumbled as he walked over to the bathroom and began to shower. "Gross...So...Gross..." He murmured. "I'm not going to say that now I know how she feels...because any cum would freak me out if it landed on me like that. Her, well...she's a freaking female!" He said with a sigh before finishing up the shower just as Lyv would have walked into the cabin. By then, Fang would be on the floor in the corner, laying down but watching the scene. "Oh crap..." He murmured as he saw Lyv. "B-Back from your mission huh...? Crap why'd you have to come here..."
"Hello to you too Captain...nice cock. Is that why Ona was in such a hurry?" Lyv was hopelessly blunt, and she could never resist a chance to belittle someone. She was wearing a light recon suit that conformed to her body quite well, though that was nice, that wasn't why she wore it. It had a very advanced barrier system built in that she could fortify with her biotics. Being a Vanguard, this was very handy, almost as handy as the modified Scimitar Assault shotgun hanging across her lower back. She walked to the bed, seeing that it was somewhat messy she turned to find another seat. Then froze, with a bewildered look on her face.

"Is that a Varren? And why does it have an erection?" It was just laying there, like it was tame or something. To the best of her knowledge, the Captain didn't own a pet Varren. She waited for Nathan's response then sat down on a footlocker, extending and retracting her Omni-tool wrist-blade absent-mindedly. "And to answer your question, yes. Mission is done, consider us fifty thousand credits richer. Plus. I snagged a sweet bounty that just so happened to be in the area. He's on the ship right now, stewing in his own shit after he tried to knock me out. I damn near put a hole in his gut, lucky for him he's just going to have irregular bowel movements from now on."
Nathan shuddered as he listened to Lyv's story...he believed every word of it because every word of it was most likely true rather than exaggerated. Looking over to Fang, he nodded to her. "Yes, it has an erection and yes its a Varren. It just...started to act tame after it was Ona get raped by one of these things." He said as he rubbed the back of his head. "Sigh...Why you...I don't think my weak little mentality will be able to put up with all the crap you're going to put me through...if you weren't so damn good I wouldn't have you on this team...!" He said as he rubbed his head, trying to wake him up from the nightmare that Ona had put him in.
"Wait what?" Lyv leaned forward, a big smile on her face. "You aren't joking? She actually got fucked by that thing?" The Asari rolled onto her back laughing. It was a crass reaction, but an honest one. Long before she had been a commando, she was an Eclipse merc for almost a hundred years. And that was practically right after she was old enough to leave Illium. She had developed a very rough attitude, one that even the military couldn't drill out of her. Really all being a Commando did for her was refine her already considerable natural talent for combat.

"Oh I'm sorry..." She gasped while wiping a tear from her violet cheek. "I'm not ignoring you....that is just so fucking hilarious..." She took a deep breath. "Of course I hope she doesn't bite it, but she wouldn't anyway. Little cunt's to tough for that." She leaned back against the wall. Adjusting her tentacles so they didn't crimp.

"Considering that you are naked, I am assuming you two were going at it? And it just jumped in on you guys? Where the hell were you?" She grinned. "You didn't watch did you? You did didn't you!?" She laughed again, smacking her knee. "That is fucking beautiful. And I'd say you earned every bit of shit I'm gonna shovel onto you for the remainder of this mission! So no bitching!" She got up, stretching out her back. "Well. I suppose I'll do a perimeter check before settling in. Those Varren had to have come in from somewhere. And put some clothes on? Not everyone likes you scrawny types....some of us like real men." That last sentence she said while walking out the door.
He just sat there, not feeling proud nor embarrassed about her laughing about it all. He just had a blank face on that had a tint of annoyance that she was still even on this mission to begin with...she was the hardest one of the crew to control for him. He was lucky if she even followed orders more than likely. Sighing, he shook his head. "We were fucking in the cabin and the beast just came in through the window I assume. They must have got in around this time cause when it came was about the time the guards had to shift." His eyebrow twitched in annoyance as he listened to her ramble on and then insult his body physique. "My body isn't that scrawny." He said as he looked down and frowned. "Damn." He sighed and put some clothes on before going out to join Lyv on her perimeter search. "Alright then Lyv. Since you're here on this mission, just know that you listen to me and me only, got it? I don't want to have to dock your pay again. Even though that DOES mean I get more of a salary." He taunted as he kept his assault rifle holstered. 'Why did it have to be Lyv...'
"Hah!" Lyv laughed. "You dock my pay and I take that bounty elsewhere. Then you're short a pointman and another twenty thousand credits. And I know how much you need to replace the Cyclonic Mass shields on the ship babe." She said with a wicked grin. In truth she had nothing against the Captain, he paid her and gave her a roof. She just didn't respect him. She couldn't respect anyone who was intimidated by her. Which was why Ona, the Krogan and the Vorcha were the only crew-mates she actually respected. They were all capable fighters, and they dished back everything she threw at them, and then some in the Vorcha's case. Even Lyv thought he was twisted. She stopped, not really caring whether she interrupted her Captain or not, in order to point out a hole in the perimeter wall. It looked to be a combination of poor upkeep and animals burrowing through, most likely the Vorcha.

"There. Entry point one. Sealing." She pointed her hand through the hole, gripped a decent sized tree with her biotics and uprooted it with a groan. She then dragged the messy mass of roots into the hole, wedging it in until she could drag it no further. "Clear. Listen Nathan..." She stated as she continued walking. "I want you to know that I don't hate you. Heck you aren't too bad for a human. You just don't have any balls. Unless you are fucking something...which is admirable. But it just isn't enough. Sometime we have to go drinking on Omega. We'll get in some fights, use the Vorcha for target practice, work on putting some hair on that sack of yours. Entry point two. You want this one?" She asked, changing the subject with all the grace of a ballerina, and the tact of a bulldozer.
He listened to her and nodded. "I know, I know. You've already told me you don't hate me already. And the reason I don't do anything about you like the others is because I don't think that violence is strictly necessary when it comes to shutting up someone." He shook his head. "And I doubt drinking in Omega to get drunk and have some bar fights will prove much, and taking shots at Atlin isn't exactly going to be all that amazing. He's going to get revenge on us and you know how he gets when he's angry and sets out to do something." Walking over to the wall, he looked around for something to block it but found one of the nice, metal trash cans. Using his strength to pull the dumpster over, he blocked the hole with ease, aside from a small tiny hole which he kicked dirt into to fill it. "There we go."
"Well it doesn't have to be Atlin....any Vorcha will do." Lyv sighed. She couldn't think of anything else to say, as there was very little she and the captain had in common. Eventually they came around to Cass's cell, and Lyv cocked an eyebrow. The human was stripped down, her clothes mostly in shreds. Lyv had a bit of a fetish for human women. So this was a bit of a treat. "Aw captain! You shouldn't have!" She moved up to the bars, hoisting her shotgun onto her shoulder. "Man...looks like you guys have already been spoiling her...."

Cass just ignored the newcomer and turned her back to the bars. She had experienced enough humiliation for one day, she refused to indulge more. And since her signal had already gone out loud and clear, her salvation would be here by morning. So she hugged the few scraps of clothing she had to her body and blocked everything out. Lyv however was getting ideas.

"Hey captain. I've got a fun idea to kill some time." She turned to Nathan with a big smile on her face. "Wanna prove that you've got some balls? Fuck her...while I watch."
Atlin looked over to see Lyv and Nathan come in. "Whats wrong human commander? Did the quarian get disgusted by your human genitals and leave? Or was she not satisfied enough, and Lyv took her spot?" He said to taunt the captain before looking at the human. "She wanted me to fuck her...so I fucked her mouth like a pussy. Is that not what all human women want when xenotypes appear?" He snickered as he watched Cass. "Tell them how much you loved my jizz human."

"Alright, thats enough Atlin." He said as he walked over to the bars beside Lyv and looked at Cass, eyeing her intently with interest. Looking over to Lyv when she gave the idea, he thought about it for a second and nodded. "I don't need to see human on human interaction...its so boring..." Atlin said as he moved over to the door. "I will stand outside so that no other of these human pawns come in on you." Leaving behind him, Nathan opened the cell door and entered. "Well, as much as it goes against most of my moral code...I think the position to my partners is more important." He moved over and forced her scraps of clothing away from her as he dropped his pants. "Feel free to come in and join us Lyv. I could always enjoy fucking a nice Asari like you...well...nice body anyway."
"Really? Hadn't expected you to actually do it!" Lyv smiled and waved to Atlin as he walked away. At the very least Nathan had something going sexually. While she respected Atlin, she would never in her life fuck a Vorcha. Their dicks were far to creepy, as was the rest of them. As Nathan moved inside and dropped his pants she moved in as well and sat on the little cot. "I just might....but for now I'm just the helping hand...." She said with a grin before she lifted Cass into the air with her biotics. "What position do you want her in Cappy?"

"What? No!" Cass shrieked as the human pulled off her clothes. Moral code her ass! Why? Why did she have to get the worst of people for her transporters? Why wouldn't they leave her alone? Then suddenly she was being lifted in the air, the soft blue glow around the Asari told her it was biotics to blame, but now she couldn't resist. The most she could do was flail around, though that only seemed to make her feel more helpless. In the end her humiliation seemed to know no end, and she gave up. Though she would not help this one like she had the Vorcha. She had nothing to gain but trauma. "Just....get it over with."

"Awwww...I thought you asked Atlin for it?" Lyv grinned. "Let me guess....you thought you could get the drop on him or something right? Did you find out he's more than you could handle?" Lyv was wrong, but she didn't know it. Cass just bowed her head, the last thing she needed was them finding out what her real plan had been. "That is priceless. Nathan you should fuck her just on principle. Anyone that stupid obviously needs some sense railed into her.
"True...true..." He smirked as be watched Cass begin to flail around before submitting to them. "We are horrible...I know that..." He reached over and grabbed her breast, massaging it and playing with her nipples as he continued to get her nice and ready. "Lyv...lets make sure she gets this nice and enjoyable...Heighten her hormones and fill the air with an aphrodisiac." He moved over to her pussy and began to lick it, his tongue lapping over it like a dog before he began to tongue fuck her, his fingers going into her pussy as well. "I want her to cum before I stick my dick into her." He said as he practically forced his mouth against her pussy roughly.
"Well well. Aren't you the considerate one?" Lyv teased as she kept Cass aloft while she pulled out her chemical pack. She used it for special circumstances. It interfaced with her Omni-tool to synthesize small quantities of various chemical substances. It was primarily used for interrogation and making antidotes to toxins. However Lyv had severely abused the creative license behind the pack by creating all manner of aphrodisiacs, hormonal enhancers, and illegal substances. It would take a few minutes to create the necessary chemicals, so she let it work and just watched Nathan's skilled tongue go to work.

"Please...just get it over with!" Cass whined. This was even worse than the Vorcha. They were so cruel that they were going to rape her, but even more so they were determined to make her want it! She tried to squirm as the leader's tongue worked it's way over and through her. She'd never had a man's tongue against her before, and it felt embarrassingly good. She didn't know what she hated more, them for doing this to her, or herself for that small part of her that was enjoying it....

"Done! Now the real fun begins!" Lyv was feeling hot just watching it, but she actually liked the Captains idea. This would be even better if the prisoner got off to it. Nothing like complete violation of someones self-respect. It made her all warm and fuzzy inside. She moved next to the girl as she hovered five feet in the air, the faint blue glow of her biotic field shimmering around her skin. "Don't worry hon. We'll take good fuckin care of you! This might sting now." She smiled as she pressed the pressure injector to Cass's thigh and pulled the trigger, then repeated to get both the hormonal enhancer as well as the aphrodisiac into her system.
Nathan heard Cass and slowed down what he was doing. He didn't want her to get off too quickly now...He wanted her to become embarrassed and tortured through this. It served her right after all...Just for being a criminal...not that they themselves weren't criminals. They were just...Criminals fighting the good fight? Smirking as he pulled his fingers out of her pussy, his fingers moved to her nipples and began to wipe her juices onto her nipples, trying to get them erect as Lyv injected her with the hormone enhancers. "Thats a good girl...Just enjoy what comes to you...and I promise you'll be treated into paradise..." He said before moving his mouth away. He dropped his boxer shorts and let his erect cock press against her pussy and smirked. "Hey prisoner...tell me which hole you want it in. Your mouth...your pussy...or your asshole?" He said as he rubbed his fingers along her pussy as his cock prodded her. "Cmon...tell me...wiggle your ass if you really want it in one of these two holes."
"No!" Cass tried to wiggle away but to no avail. She felt the injector pinch and very quickly heat began working it's way through her nerves. She bit her lip, as it took only just under a minute for the powerful drug to start having an effect. In under a minute even slight breezes against her skin made her gasp, and the actions of the man behind her caused her to twitch and moan. As hard as she tried she could not keep the moans down either, it felt so good, even though she knew it wasn't herself, it still felt good.

"Wow! She took to that like a Krogan to a shiny new Thonka!" Lyv laughed, there was something about human women that just turned her on. Their bodies were pretty much the same, perhaps it was the skin color? Maybe the hair...either way she was getting so turned on by the prisoners moans. She flipped the woman over, belly up. Then she stood at her head, reaching forward to play with her firm tits. "You've got very nice breasts Miss. I just can't help myself!"

"...please..." Cass mewled as the Asari began massaging her breasts, pinching the nipples as her fingers thoroughly worked the mounds. Meanwhile the mans cock pressed against her pussy, and he threatened to put it in her asshole. Even high on aphrodesiac, she could not take the humiliation of being ass-fucked. "put it...put it in my pussy...please..."
Nathan smirked as he felt her body begin to react to the feeling of the injection that Lyv had given the girl. "Damn Lyv! She feels like a completely different person! She's so wet and willing now!" He said tauntingly to her as he continued to tease her body by using his fingers to tease her pussy and prod her as he verbally taunted her. "Eventually you're going to beg for me to fuck you so hard that you'll just bloat with my cum." He said as he spanked her ass once.

Looking to Lyv as she flipped the girl over, he sat back down and watched Lyv play with Cass's breasts, taunting her and just seeing her play with the girl turned him on. He began to stroke his cock gently as he looked to Lyv. "Maybe you should suckle on those nipples and see how she reacts. She seems to enjoy every little thing that happens to her." He snickered before moving over, his mouth licking her pussy and nibbling her clit like a hungry squirrel, using his front teeth to tease her.

Eventually he went back to prodding her with his cock, switching between her pussy and her asshole before he heard her ask for it. Watching Lyv play with her breasts, she looked to the girl who had no choice in the matter of what to do but go with what she was forced to do. "Your pussy huh? Maybe I want your ass." He shrugged...His cock then plunging deep into her pussy until it was at the base, his fingers going down to start rubbing her asshole gently. "Oh god damn she's fucking tight Lyv!"

(I found an easy way to match your post, hopefully. If I read one paragraph at a time and respond to it one at a time, trying to match that, its a bit easier for me :] )
"She should be..." Lyv smiled. "That drug would drive a Krogan nuts..." Lyv leaned down, blowing on the prisoner's pert nipples before placing her lips over one. She loved the salty taste of human skin, it was such a turn on to her, and she knew just the method to enhance the sensation. She slid back and kissed the human deeply, relishing her lips as much as her skin. When she leaned back her eyes became pitch black. "Relax dear. This is going to feel incredible. Trust me....embrace me...." And in a second dragged on for what seemed like hours, their nervous systems bonded. Asari liked to keep a little secret, while the act of bonding was in itself as pleasurable as physical intercourse, when undergone under the effect of an aphrodisiac the effect was enhanced. Actually sensory information was shared as well, so the individuals felt each others pleasures. "Oh fucking...shit!" Lyv laughed and moaned at the same time. Leaning on Cass's floating body for support. "I never get tired of that...oh shit you are so lucky Captain!" She pressed a sensor point on her suit that caused the pelvis section to retract. Then she angled Cass's body so that her face was between her violet thighs. "I think you know what to do..." She retracted the entire torso for good measure, leaving only her arms and legs covered.

"Yes...please.." Cass admitted. She hated the idea of having this man ejaculate inside her, but she wanted him to. She wanted to be fucked, she wanted the Asari to please her. Her body wanted so many things that her mind wanted to just shut down. But she couldn't. The Asari's lips on her breasts was electric, yet another alien sensation to her body, but a pleasurable one. Then they kissed, and she couldn't help but return it, caught in the grips of this drug. Then her world was annihilated by pleasure as she felt her senses transform in ways that defied description. Right as the man thrust inside her she felt the sensation echo a dozen times, causing her to moan loudly. She was barely able to respond to the Asari, but she could smell the scent, and feel her arousal. She only had to lean up an inch to press her lips to Lyv's glistening lips, tasting for the first time an Asari's pussy.
Watching Lyv begin to bond with Cass, he wondered exactly how good it felt...they made it seem awfully enjoyable...and he would want in the the exploding pleasure that Lyv and Cass seemed to explode in when they were finished bonding. Looking to Lyv, he smirked as he heard her remark of how lucky he seemed to be. "Yes...quite lucky indeed to be fucking both an Asari and a human at the same time...Especially when both of you seem to be such amazing fuck buddies." He said smirking as he watched Cass's head go between Lyv's violet thighs. He smirked as he began to pump his cock into her, pushing Cass's face into Lyv's pussy as he thrust his cock into her at a moderate pace at first, but soon it would grow faster...harder...and rougher.

Watching as the scene went on from his point of view, he wondered something...What did an Asari's pussy tasted like? He had already licked human and Ona's pussy...but he never managed to lick Lyv's or Roxara's pussies before, despite the time that they knew his crew. Pushing the thought out of his mind, he continued to thrust into Cass...now fucking her raw, forcing her face into Lyv's pussy and doing things to Cass that would make her head shudder against Lyv's pussy to cause the vibration tinglyness to just make Lyv ooze in pleasure. "God this is so fucking amazing Lyv..."
Both Lyv and Cass could feel Nathan's cock, pounding away as if he was in both of them at once. It felt to Cass like she was somehow servicing her own pussy, and it was incredible. And since they could feel each others pleasure, that compounded on itself, several times over. The captain's thrusting only enhanced it, causing the vibrations of Cass's mouth against Lyv, causing Lyv to swoon with ecstasy. Lyv arched her back, biting her lips while gripping Cass's tits tightly, pinching her nipples while she massaged her breasts. Cass slowly moved her hands up to gripp the Asari's thighs, between the drugs and the bond, she no longer had any form of resistance. Even her mind sank into a sea of depraved pleasure.

"Oh goddess. Fucking spectacular..." Lyv moaned, then eyed the cock thrusting in and out of the prisoner's cunt, the cock she could feel inside of her. "Goddess I have to taste that..." She leaned down, her head lining up perfectly with Cass's cunt. She extended her tongue with a smile and began flicking it over Cass's clitoris, letting it trail over Nathan's pumping shaft as well. A little present for having the balls to do this in the first place she supposed. But it drew a pleasant moan from both she and Cass, as that pleasure mounded onto an already large pile, as well as the taste of her own fluids gracing the girls senses.
'The two of them can feel me fucking both of them at once...Dammit...I wanted to fuck Lyv...Like actually fucking her, not her using this fake mind trick...' He thought in his head as he continued to pound into the girls. He watched eagerly as Lyv punished Cass's breasts, only turning him on more. He could feel his juices begin to broil inside of himself...He would cum so hard...but luckily, the drug that Lyv gave her wouldn't get her pregnant if he came inside...He wondered if Lyv ever felt the seed of a man inside of her before...even if it was just the bond. His cock was coming closer to exploding. It was obvious by the way it was swelling up inside of Cass's pussy.

When Lyv moved down to begin licking Cass's pussy and his cock as it thrust into her, he let out a loud moan. He couldn't take it anymore. He had to let it out. With one large thrust, he came hard inside of Cass...but pulled out as he was cumming. His seed sprayed over Cass, some of it getting onto Lyv's face...Mostly on Lyv's body, painting the purple alien a new shade of striped white streaks along her body. "Oh god!" He cried out in pure pleasure as he could still feel himself cumming hard.
Cass cried out, being pushed through the incredible sensation of orgasm, magnified by that bond. It electrified her body, burned out her senses, and left her panting. This took place moments before the man thrust deep and hard, then came. She could feel his fluid pumping into her, then he was out. The occasional spatter hit her skin, but she had expected more, regardless she didn't care. Her body was almost numb from that climax. She felt like she might never feel anything so incredible again.

Lyv was a little busy, letting the sensation wash over her senses like a tidal wave, so she didn't see the signs her captain was ready to burst. If she had she would have moved but instead, she ended up with gooey ropes of semen splayed over her face, shoulders, and back. She had even felt it through Cass, the heat filling her insides, but she was too into it to take notice. But now she had, the smell, the heat, the texture was all over her. She didn't have a problem with jizz, depending on the species, it tasted good, and felt good. Humans were one of the better qualities, but Nathan hadn't earned nearly enough of her respect to spunk her yet. The connection broke between her and Cass, she dropped the biotic field and let her fall softly to the ground. Her eyes however were burning with an intense irritation, focused on Nathan with all the intensity she could muster. Biotic energy shimmered over her eyes as a vein protruded from her forehead, as she tried to decide what was a suitable punishment. A smile replaced her glare, a very wicked smile.

"I feel the very strong urge to rip you apart for that..." She said, wiping a string of his jizz from her shoulder and putting it to her tongue. "Mmm...that is tasty....and it's going to cost you." She took a stride forward and pushed Nathan against the bars hard, holding him there with an arm. "I really should kill you....but that would be unprofessional. So here is the deal. You got to come. So I am going to come as well. If I don't come....then you die. Deal?"
Nathan never felt such satisfying relief before. When he was finished cumming, he finally noticed who he was cumming on...He thought it was Cass. Instead...it was the Asari that was glaring at him. He could literally feel the anger stab him in the gut because of her. "C-Cmon now Lyv...Don't do anything stu-" Before he could finish, Lyv began to eat his jizz off her face somewhat, after scooping up a small bit. He thought he was in the clear for a split second when he heard her remark...but then he felt himself forced against the bars of the prison cell. Seeing the angry Asari before him, he could literally see his life flashing before his eyes...and he erected to it all.

Suddenly, when he heard the 'deal' she had struck up with him, he knew he had no other choice. It was either obey to her whim, or have fun fucking in hell when you're the bitch to the women. At least here, it would be one time only...hopefully. "G-Gah...fine..." He said in defeat as he looked at her, his eyes still showing reluctant fear. "Alright Lyv...what do you want me to do to you...I thought you would have came when Cass did because you two bonded." He said, trying to change the subject.
"No. Doesn't work like that...not really." Lyv let him off the bars, she was still fuming, but she found angry sex to be much more enjoyable than soft sex. And since she most importantly had to make sure the Captain didn't get any funny ideas about her in the future, she had to squash them now....until she decided to provoke them again of course....at her leisure. "That was more than likely her first time, and she was the one actually under the effects of the aphrodisiac. Plus I've got a lot of experience. Not so easy to break this piece of ass!" With that last phrase she grabbed him and shoved him onto the ground, then with the agility of a commando, she straddled his head before he could respond or move. "Now...Ona says you've got quite the tongue. Fucking use it!"

When Cass finally recovered from her incredible climax she found herself on the ground again, semen seeping from her slit. She was still so hot, her body aching for more now that the numbess had wore off. She found the Asari bond thing had left, but she still wanted more. Her eyes fell upon the Asari again, though she was straddling the head of the man who had fucked her. Oh gods that looked so good. The Asari was so athletic and toned, unlike her who was petite and lithe. That purple skin contrasted the mans fair complexion in so sexy a way, and when her eyes found their way to his still hard cock, her hands were close behind. She didn't ask, she didn't warn, she simply crawled up and laid across his lap, burying his cock down her throat in one swift motion before she started vigorously sucking him off. Her head bobbed rapidly up and down his shaft, not knowing why, but she wanted to taste him so badly. There was so much she wanted to do....
When she straddled his head, he couldn't help but feel surprised. Well...he always wanted to taste Lyv...among other things he wanted to do to the asari's body. As she spoke, he remembered using his tongue on Ona before...maybe if he did something better than that, Lyv would forgive him." He said before his tongue began to move up and down her pussy slowly before suddenly, it thrust hard into her pussy. It got thicker before it began to move around inside of Lyv's pussy like a live eel squirming to get free of something grasping it. He moaned out into her pussy...loving the taste of it against his tongue. He spoke to her, sending vibrations up his tongue and into her pussy. "You taste so good Lyv..." He said before his erect cock began to slowly seep out precum from the one-sided treatment.

Suddenly, Nathan felt something salivated and warm engulf his cock. It made him jump, his precum shooting out slightly into Cass's mouth before he began to moan loudly into Lyv's pussy. The blowjob from her made his eyes roll back as he continued to please Lyv while Cass pleased him. His arms lay at his sides...unable to do anything as he gave and received treatments of pleasure that overwhelmed him to having him only think about one thing...The scene that was going on right now.
"Oh...yeah that is....lovely.." Lyv sighed, running her hands over her tentacles. The captain's tongue was nice and hot. It stirred up her labia before it slipped inside her, immediately rubbing the sensitive spot just inside her body. She cooed warmly as she really started to gear up. The overwhelming ecstasy was great, mind blowing even, but she was insatiable. And as long as her body was in the mood, she could just keep going and going, pace didn't matter, as long as the pleasure flowed.

Cass hungrily devoured Nathan's cock the whole time he worked on Lyv, she escalated to the point where she was deep-throating him over and over. Her lips quivered as they slid up and down his shaft, she was so hungry for him, but she wanted to be pleased herself as well. Still, this felt to good to just let go and go crazy.

"Would you look at that...some quality drugs if I....do say so." Lyv said with a sigh and a smile. That was so hot an image, the prisoner girl resting her torso on his lap, his balls in one hand, and his cock disappearing down her throat over and over. This was turning out pretty well in all, even if she did have to punish her captain for being so absent minded about his spunking targets. And he really was very good with his tongue, it drew growls and groans from her as it swam inside her cunt. And pretty soon, she started leaking fluids over his mouth.
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