Jugger x Pearlheart


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan Stone (Main Character. My Avatar is my image for him.)

Ichiro Fyen
Atlin Ynosh


The dropship holding Nathan and the other members of his band of mercenary that were to join this mission on the jungle planet Florensia landed near the Landing Zone to where they would meet the prisoner that needed transport. Nathan and Atlin stepped off of the ship and began to walk toward the office in the middle of the jungle that held the prisoner. When the other member of his team that came would get off the ship, it would return back to the ship, Miriad V.

Walking to the offices, Nathan signs the papers saying that the prisoner was now their responsibility. Atlin walked over and grabbed the prisoner by her arms, she was cuffed and held together with the best restraints the planet could give. "Lets get her to town so we can get paid." Nathan said to Atlin before walking out to meet his other partner.
Ona Vas Miriad
Roxara Vos
Mika Zalleen
Lyv Rades
Cassandra Fay

Ona double checked her enviro-suit one last time before she exited the dropship behind Nathan and Atlin. She liked Nathan, but to this day it was very hard getting used to seeing a Vorcha filling an actual useful role on any team besides basic labor. But the mercenary was actually quite skilled, if slightly unsettling as well.

Once the restraints were on their prisoner, a criminal hacker named Cassandra Fay, she grabbed hold of the womans cuffs and nudged her to move forward. She was slight, as all Quarians are, but she used to be a marine, and she knew how to work with what she had.

Meanwhile Cassandra bit her lip and resisted the urge to punch the Quarian, and the human for that matter. She had to wait for an opportunity to arise to make an escape. Unfortunately that wouldn't come until they were almost to the city. Once they were on the outskirts she could make a run for it, maybe hijack a shuttle and head to the nearest raider stronghold. She still had friends and favors she could call on.
"Alright hold her steady Quarian." Atlin said as he looked to Ona. He looked down to the girl and glared at her before going to his captain. "Sir, I'll go and...scout out the road from the gate of the town. Don't keep me waiting too long. You know how angsty I get when I want to kill something." And it was true. Sometimes Atlin went a little too far with his job and killed civilians...but he was so damn good he made it look like an accident or that the civilians were attacking him. Walking out of the door, he headed to the front gate and began to scope with his sniper. The town was on a hill...so the road down would make a great place to watch for anything that might try and kill them along the way.

Walking over to Cassandra, Nathan lifted her chin up gently as he smirked. "Naughty girl. Time for us to put you in your place." Letting her go, he looked to Ona and motioned with his head to walk her out of the door. "Lets not keep Atlin waiting. I would rather want to get this mission over with as well..." He murmured as he walked out, taking Cassandra with him. "Say Ona, are you sure you're alright with being out here? Your enviro-suit is the only thing protecting you from the germs out here and the jungle is said to hold all kinds of diseases."
Even though he was much more competent than most Vorcha, Atlin still had a violent streak. And regardless, he was quite good at what he did, so she couldn't complain. She would rather have a skilled bastard than an incompetent socialite any day.

"No problem Vorcha." She said as he walked off. She didn't like it when he referred to her by her race, rather than her name. But it seemed to be a trait inherent in Vorcha, so she just called him by his race as well. She kept her Kassa Locust in one hand to remind the prisoner not to try anything, while her other hand held her cuffs. When he came back and took the girl his question didn't surprise her.

"Actually no I am quite comfortable." She ran her hand over the front of her suit. "This is military issue. Much more durable than a normal enviro-suit. And regardless, both are made with highest craftsmanship. Even if I get shot, suit will seal off area and flood wound with antibiotics." Her red visor tracked the surrounding forest for movement as she talked, and she was constantly tracking the readout as well. She was a veteran, and she'd survived a dozen suit ruptures. One more wouldn't kill her. "If anyone should be worried it would be you Nathan. At this point, you are more likely to catch something than I."
Nathan chuckled as he heard Osa. "You're probably right. I'm more likely to catch somethin more than you are...though I'm not worried about it. My body might not be as strong as a Vorcha's or a Quarian Enviro-suit, but you know me Osa...hard-headed." He said smiling to her before looking at the prisoner. Taking the cuff, he began to force her down with him to the hillside that Atlin was scoping out.

Atlin didn't see anything the whole time he was scoping the hill. There were some birds...a planetary bear, and maybe some random little critters native to the planet, but nothing that would initially attack them without reason...but that didn't stop him from sniping some bird in the air as he waited for his captain and the others. When they finally arrived, he holstered his sniper and snarled. "About time you showed up. I was getting tired of waiting. After you 'captain'."

Nathan ignored the male and began to walk down the hill, still holding onto Cassandra's cuffs. "She didn't say much the little time we got her, did she Osa? She's been quiet...not bad mouthing us at all." He said as he poked Cassandra's head. "Anyway...The checkpoint for us to rest is supposed to be obvious...it won't be far. We already arrived on this planet too late so its going to get dark soon." And when they'd arrive...Nathan would try and have some 'fun' with Osa...just like the night they first went on a mission together.
No one could see it, but Ona smiled back at Nathan. He tended to be a tad awkward, according to the other human crewmen, but all humans were strange to her. So she didn't mind, he was charming. And more importantly, he was attractive for a human. Unlike most human males who tended to be bulky and large, he was more akin to a Quarian build. His body was slender, but well toned, very athletic. And his features more refined than masculine. It was then that Atlin interrupted her thoughts with his gruff manner. She sighed.

"Keelah. Patience Vorcha. Patience." It was useless, but she never stopped trying. Meanwhile Cassandra put up with Nathans prodding with a twitching lip and clenched fists. She really didn't like people touching her, and she was being yanked around like a dog. She refused to say anything to these mercenary bastards. The checkpoint they talked about would be the perfect place to prepare, there was plenty of scrap laying around that she might be able to use if she could get her hands on it.

"Right. Report said it's some kind of bunker, underground to keep travelers safe from the more dangerous nocturnal wildlife." She held up her Omni-tool to read the briefing again. "Hmm...interesting. It says there is a pretty nasty species of nocturnal Varren on this planet with overly sensitive hormonal sensory organs....they don't hunt by sight...and tend to....whoa. You don't see that every day...." Apparently these Varren would try and mate with anything female, regardless of species. The pictures weren't pleasant, but she was definitely never exploring this planet after dark. Though that did mean plenty of down time in the bunker....

She wondered if Nathan was thinking the same thing....
Atlin snarled at Osa...He never really got along too well with the girl. Looking back to Cassandra, he figured he would move on ahead with her rather than wait for the two slower species. Grabbing her, he hoisted her over his shoulder. "D-Damn human heavy!" He cried out as he managed to get his balance. He began to walk on ahead without waiting for the human commander or the quarian. "So...what exactly did you do human? To get sent to a prison in the middle of...this place."

"Mate with anything female huh? Better put on a chastity belt or something to keep yourself from getting raped then." He said chuckling as he knicked her shoulder gently. "Lets get going then before Atlin gets too far ahead of us." He said as he patted her shoulder gently. He began to walk down the path with his assault rifle in his hands, his smg pistol in its holster at his belt as he continued to walk on. "Lets try and get to that bunker before sun down Ona. Not because of the varren, but because I know its not safe for the team to press on."
Cassandra grunted as she was tossed over the Vorcha's shoulder like a sack of potatoes. And she refrained from kneeing him in the chest at his remark about her weight. She felt so degraded as she hung over his back, her ass resting right next to his face. She could feel his hot breath on her thigh through her skin tight breaches. And as she ignored his question he gave her an idea. Vorcha were quite stupid, at least generally speaking. She wondered exactly how gullible this one was....or how prone to persuasion he was. She didn't know if Vorcha ever mated outside their species, but if it meant she could get her hands on his Omni-tool for just a minute to call for help, it would be worth the price. As repulsive as the veiny creature was, he was a better shot than running for it at the city limits.

"I'll put on a grenade belt before a chastity belt." Ona smiled behind her mask. "Just as effective....and far less restrictive." If Nathan wasn't already working on plans for their overnight stay at the checkpoint, then she would be disappointed. Because she was definitely finding herself in the mood. As he patted her shoulder and started closing the distance between them and Atlin, she hit a few commands on her Omni-tool. With the command came a time delayed, steady dose of advanced immuno-boosters and supplements that would last throughout the night. They were expensive, which was why she saved them for special occasions and emergencies, such emergencies definitely included getting laid. Still. In this environment, she'd have to take a multitude of precautions.
The vorcha only continued to walk on as he continued to breathe hard. He had no sweat glands, so like dogs...he had to pant constantly to keep a colder inner body heat to sustain himself before dying from a heat stroke. Eventually, he easily made it to the gates of the checkpoint and walked through the guarded barriers to the small encampment, walled in with large walls with turret defenses and watch guards. He walked her to a cell in the prisons and dropped her roughly into it before walking out to close it behind him. "You stay there human...I'm going to sit here and wait for the captain to return. Right here." He said as he pulled up a chair and began to watch her more than he should have...it was as if he had nothing else to do but...watch her...staring ominously at her with those big red eyes and the snarling face he constantly had on. Though he looked damned scary, he was considered handsome amongst his people.

Nathan soon entered the gates of the checkpoint with Osa and figured Atlin to be at the prisons like his job as the Guardian of the VIP was. He looked to Osa and smiled gently to her before motioning to the cabins at the end of the checkpoint. Taking one of her hands, he began to lead her slowly...their bodies getting closer as they walked until they were inside one of the cabins...their bodies practically pushing against each other as he looked at her deeply. "Osa...Its going to be a while before full darkness comes around...did you have anything...in mind we could do until then...?" He said smiling to her as his hands trailed from her shoulders down her slim sides until they rested on her waists. "Anything...at all?"
Again Cass grunted as she was roughly tossed onto the ground. What little of the checkpoint encampment she had seen offered little hope of escape. She would definitely need to signal for help. She briefly locked eyes with the Vorcha. His red eyes were very disturbing, naturally menacing. She focused and tried to think of a strategy. She didn't know much about Vorcha, and she wasn't very good with people, which was part of the reason she became a hacker. She only had to deal with people through holograms and monitors. When she looked back at him he was still staring, still watching her like a gargoyle. Over his shoulder she could see the other pair of mercs make their way into a building, not trying very hard to hide their physical proximity to one another. She smiled and settled into a comfortable position, maybe that would buy her some time then. In a flash she thought of what she hoped was a good idea.

"I want you to fuck me Vorcha." Vorcha were supposedly very direct, so she figured she'd use the natural approach, and hoped he would at least take the bait so she could lure him in.

"I don't know....let me see..." Ona pulled him a bit closer, running her fingers up to his collar. She loved his build. It was very sexy, even for a human. "Well there is a couple things...that might do the trick." She moved her hands over his, and moved them around to her ass. "But let's see if I can find a good spot." God she hated this part. By far the worst thing about being stuck in these suits was getting horny and having to wait around as the environment was sanitized. Though she was relieved to find the bathroom had a sealed shower unit. Which meant she could sanitize it pretty quickly. She attached a air cleaner to the wall of the shower room, and a purification filter to the water.

"There we go. Now while we wait....where were we? Oh yes...I believe we were right here..." She could still play around, and she intended to as she pushed Nathan back onto one of the bunks and straddled his hip. "This is becoming a pleasant regularity you know? I thought you'd be done after the first time...but here we are again..."
Atlin looked up to watch Nathan and Osa walk to the cabin that they were entitled to as the mercs for this missions. Shaking his head, he sighed as he spoke silently. "I thought the captain was done with that Quarian after their first round of sex last month when she got onto this board. He didn't show too much interest in her...Ah well. The captain can do as he pleases...Just hope the Quarian doesn't die." Deep down he truly did care for his teammates...even if he was cold hearted to them all. They were kind to him, despite what he was...He would give his very life if it meant to save them. Then all of a sudden, he heard Cassandra tell him bluntly what she wanted. Looking to her, he began to laugh. "You want me to fuck you girl?" He said as he moved over to the bars of the cage but did not open them. She couldn't do anything even if she tried when he fucked her...she was still handcuffed nice and well behind her back. "Give me two reasons why I should fuck you human. And your body isn't one of them, nor is my sex life a matter at all." He smirked...waiting to see what she would come up with.

Nathan felt onto Osa's ass as she placed his hands there. He smirked but let her walk over to the bathroom to begin preparation for her suit to be sanitized. Smirking as he felt her push him onto the bed, he watched her straddle him before he pulled her down and smiled. "God how I wish I could take the helmet off at least baby...Quarians are supposed to be human in figure without the suit...despite your hands and feet. I wonder how beautiful you really are. Sensitive immunity usually means beautiful looks." He said as he pulled her helmet down to place his forehead onto it, watching her glowing white eyes in the silhouette of her helmet before he reached down and began to massage her breasts gently in the palm of his hands as they waited for the suit to finish. "I wanna get you nice and wet down there baby...it'll make everything all that much more fun."
"To put it bluntly..." She couldn't believe he didn't just laugh her off and ignore her. But this was her chance. "...I'm about to go to prison for the rest of my life dickhead." She got onto her knees, looking at him with a sort of irritated lust. She was trying to look like she was desperate, and that he was the last thing she wanted, but she needed it so bad that she didn't care. "Do you think I'm gonna get any on Purgatory? Hell no. I'm gonna be someones bitch for the next couple decades." She managed to stand without using her hands, then she moved over to lean against the bars.

"Come on Vorcha. I'm really soft, and I can do things for you your women can't." She got irritated, feigning impatience. "Come on asshole! It all feels the same right?! Don't make me beg here! One good fuck is all I'm asking!"


"You really know....the right things to say...." Fuck. Still five minutes before the shower was sanitized and her suit was safe to open. She really didn't want to wait, especially once Nathan's skilled fingers began massaging her breasts through her Enviro-Suit. She gasped and mewled as his hands stimulated her sensitive skin. She had to return the favor, so she started grinding against the firm bulge in the crotch of his suit. Then moved her hands to start working off his tactical armor as she moved against him. If she couldn't get naked, then he damn well would. Ona wanted something pretty to look at, and he was it.
Atlin just glared at her as he listened to her. "One good fuck huh? If you're going to be a prison bitch anyway, whats the point if you're going to get fucked anyway? The only different is that its women but hell, they have the kinds that have dicks don't they? Thats how fucked up you humans are." He pushed her away from the bars before opening the gate...closing it behind him as he walked in. "If you're really true to your word...you wouldn't mind my 'ugly face' mashing itself into your breasts and pussy, do you?" He said as he reached over and forcefully tore her clothes off...she would be naked the rest of the trip. He pushed her against the wall and began to motor boat her breasts slowly but roughly as his bony fingers began to trail along the underside of her body before one of them began to slide along her crevice ever so slightly...It was all just to tease her if she was so horny.

He felt her begin to grind against the bulge of his pants and he pushed it into her body, pushing some of her enviro-suit and his cock into her...but it wasn't the same as it was bare, or even with a condom like they used the first time. Though he had one, it would be in the pocket of his suit like last time. Once the five minutes were up, he reached over and began to help her suit off and smirked as he looked at her purple breasts. "Mm...I miss these babies..." He said as he began to pinch and twist her nipples sensually as he looked at her...pulling his pants down to let his bare cock come out to her. "Ready for another round baby?"
Cass hadn't expected her strategy to work so quickly. She wasn't fully prepared when he entered the cell with her. She was about to suggest different quarters when he uncouthly ripped her clothes off. It only took him a few moments to strip her naked. Her pale, smooth skin glistened from the humidity. And then she was against the wall.

"B...by all means. I am....at your disposal." Those words were so hard to say, and they were said with much disdain. But it was too late now. She stifled a gasp as his bony finger began teasing her slit. God she couldn't even remember how long it had been since she'd had legitimate sex. Normally she just used toys, due to her discomfort around people. So even though he was disgusting, she couldn't suppress the sensations his fingers stimulated. She had to keep some kind of dignity in this though, so she bit her lip and wrapped one leg around his hip, and pressed her pelvis firmly against his.

"Come on nasty....I've never seen a Vorcha's dick before....d..don't keep me waiting." She hoped he wasn't paying attention, because her facade was slipping. This was a bad idea. She wasn't ready for this....fuck she wouldn't ever be ready for this. That last remark was spoken with hardly any sincerity and she was already searching for a way out, knowing full well there wasn't one.


Nathan wasted no time in freeing her from her suit. She couldn't take it all the way off, but most of the pelvic region and upper torso came off, which was all they needed. Plus, she added an extra dose of her Immuno-boosters, then disconnected her visor. The helmet had to stay, but her face was exposed.

"So ready....but I want to taste it this time." She would probably be bedridden after this, but she couldn't help it. After looking up some human mating videos she found one thing she wanted to try so badly. Pulling off her gloves she ran her long, purple fingers over his bare torso, sliding them down his toned abdomen until they came to rest on his throbbing member. "Oh fuck I've been needing this...." She spun around on top of him, positioning her dripping slit right over his chin, while she lay on top of him. His body was so hot, and his cock was hotter. She found herself more and more exited with his cock throbbing only inches from her face. Then gingerly she leaned forward, gently kissing the tip of his phallus, and sighing at the alien flavor of his pre-cum. "It's salty....gods I could die with that flavor stuck on my tongue...."
The vorcha only laughed at her as he saw her reactions. He pulled his face away from her...he wanted to scar her with fear from how ugly he looked to the human race. His forehead hit hers as his large, blood shot eyes stared into her own...never blinking once...as if he never had eyelids to begin with. "You're going to regret wanting to fuck a Vorcha of my position girl." He said as his bony finger plunged deep into her pussy, fingering her for a bit as he used his other hand to cause his battle suit to disappear into what seemed to be a small backpack on his back. He reached down and pulled down the only undergarments he had on...showing his big, bony dick. "The thing about Vorchas...we always have boners...we take the word 'boner' literally little girl." He smirked as he pulled on it...it began to get bigger and longer. "Its all one bone in our body that can come out as far as two feet...I hope you're ready for the scariest fuck of your life."


Nathan watched her three fingered hand begin to explore his body until it went to his fat, throbbing cock. He leaned back all the way as she positioned her wet slit just below his face...and he moaned out as he felt her kiss his cock's tip before hearing her speak of his pre cum. "If its so salty...maybe you should get a mouthful of it Osa." He leaned forward and began to lick her pussy ever so gently...the humanly taste of it rattled him because she was an alien with genitalia that was just like a human females'. His fingers began to explore her ass, massaging it as his tongue just barely touching the slit of her pussy to tease her...until finally his lips met her pussy lips, kissing them gently as his tongue began to invade her...tongue fucking her now with a great speed. He wasn't one for...waiting...when it came to foreplay. If they were going to do foreplay, he wouldn't start with slow stuff...he'd give her the full force of what he could do.

(And now I'm heading to bed. Good night! Hope you're enjoying the RP! :] )
"Oh god!" Cass winced as his finger plunged inside of her. His eyes were right there in her face, reminding her of what she was about to get fucked by. Why did she think this was a good plan? His hard digit was rough inside her, and when he removed his armor she could only stare in disbelief at what was going inside her next. She had never seen a Vorcha naked, it didn't look like there was an ounce of fat on his body, just veins and taut muscles. And hanging from his crotch was a bony phallus like she'd never seen. It was ridged and segmented, hard ridges ran the entire length, and only the underside was soft. As his hand stroked it, the cock grew even larger, eventually coming to what had to be one and a half feet long, and as thick as her wrist.

"I..." What the hell? She was not ready for this. Not at all. She didn't know if she'd break from that thing, or be torn up. Her fair skin was now slick with sweat, he was even more terrifying naked than in armor with a gun. She wondered if she could stall for time perhaps, think of a new plan. She dropped to her knees, and with their close proximity that resulted in her being pressed against his cock. "I told you....I can do things for you your women can't...." She said, trying to maintain an air of confidence. She maneuvered him until his cock was resting on her shoulder, and with that she leaned in, running her lips over his shaft down to his balls. Even his balls were veiny, they throbbed against her tongue as she worked them, trying to think of something to do before he got tired of her lips.


Ona groaned as Nathan began tongue fucking her almost right away. He didn't even build up to it, as his tongue and fingers jumped to breakneck pace, so did she. With a deep breath she swallowed his shaft, taking him to the back of her throat. Her purpleish lips glided over his cock rapidly, her head bobbing as she sucked him off. Now she understood this position. And she definitely found fellatio something she could get into. Even more so she loved what his tongue was doing to her body. It lit her insides on fire and drove her wild. She started to compete with him, her fingers moving to massage his balls as her mouth swallowed his dick over and over. She was going to be bedridden because of this for sure, but it was going to be so worth it.
Atlin smirked as he watched the fear in her eyes. When she dropped down to his cock, he laughed as he felt her begin to lick along the ridges of his shaft...it throbbed, despite it being a bone. "Thats a good human..." He said to taunt her. "Though...I believe this long wouldn't fit inside you without killing you..." He began to press his bony cock into his body until it was only seven inches long. "I believe this will do. Human sluts are said to take this much multiple times." He said before taking her head and forcing it onto his cock, using her hair to pull her head back and forth forcefully against his cock as he loved the feel of her wet walls around him. "Thats a good human! Suck it good now!"


He moaned out into her pussy, sending vibrations through his tongue into her pussy as he felt her continue to suck his dick ever so forcefully. "I didn't know you knew how to deep throat baby..." He said as he began to rub his finger along her asshole gently to tease and stimulate it. "If you keep going like that...I might blow up early." He said smirking. "You...don't want to swallow all of my humanly cum do you? Or didn't you say that you love the taste of it?" He laughed as he continued to thrust his tongue into her...but from the window of their cabin, a small four legged creature watched from the shadows...growing ever so much more hornier. This would become the varren of the team that would be known as Fang.
How many times could she screw this up? Cass could only ask herself as the Vorcha grabbed her by the hair and forced his cock into her mouth. She couldn't even gag before he began yanking her head over his shaft far too aggressively. She was just so thankful he had slid most of that dick back into his body. There was no way she could handle so much at once, especially since this was rough as it was. This was it. She had screwed herself, no way back now. All she could do was hang on and endure, try and follow through with the original plan. Maybe if she could handle it long enough, she could wear him out. Though she was very inexperienced, and he was a mercenary. She had no idea if she could pull it off. But she didn't have a choice.

As his bony member rammed the back of her throat again and again her mouth started to go numb, and her gag reflex stopped kicking in. That was a relief at least. She had been coughing and gagging so much that her saliva had drooled all the way to her stomach. She gripped his hard, sinuous thighs for support as he violated her lips over and over. His taste was downright bitter, and even the numbness of her tongue couldn't quell the flavor.


"Of course I do Captain. And I expect sick-pay when I come down with a fever too...." Ona joked as she pulled away from Nathan's cock to reply. Last time he didn't even cum inside her when they fucked, she hadn't been sure if it was safe. After the first time she only got a mild infection, and she only used half the meds she was using now. So she was saying fuck it, she wanted to taste him, feel him explode inside her like all the human women got to feel. There was a lot she wanted to experience, and she was starting with the Captain.

"Keelah! You are so good with your tongue!" She said right before inhaling his shaft again. Her long fingers massaged his balls thoroughly as she swallowed him whole, taking the last few inches into her throat. This was too exhilarating! To think that all Quarians could have done this in the past! She wanted him to burst so badly, wanted to taste the pearly fluid that was stored in those throbbing testicles of his.
The vorcha only laughed as he heard her and felt her gag and cough around his bony cock. "Serves you right human whore." He said to her before he shoved his cock deep into her mouth, blowing hit hot, bitter seed into her mouth to the point it went to three different places, down her throat, in her mouth, and just shooting out of her mouth. He pulled out and laughed as he pressed his cock back into his body. "Serves you right human whore. Take in the scent and taste of a vorcha's sperm." He said, snickering to her before walking out of the cell. He turned to look at her with a sly smile. "Such a good whore though. I haven't ejaculated that much in too long."


"Of course I'm good with my tongue. Its me we're talking about." He said into her pussy with a cocky attitude that was just there to tease with her. His fingers began to brush her asshole, not knowing if she was the type of...Quarian...that would love anything to go into her ass, so he just brushed his fingers along the whole to tease. His tongue continued to go far into her, it was unreal that he was a human of such sexual capabilities. Eventually, he moaned out hard into her pussy, his hot, steamy cum shooting hard into her mouth for her to taste like she always wished.

By now the varren managed to sneak into the room after opening the window. It watched from the corner of the room...waiting for the right opportunity to just rush in and mount the quarian...Oh yeah. Ona would really get sick after this.
Cass grimaced as the Vorcha burst into her mouth with enough jizz to overflow onto her chin and neck. It was so bitter that she wanted to retch. To make it worse it had the consistency of molasses, so even after he pulled out and she started spitting out the creamy spunk it stuck inside her mouth. What he shot down her throat she could feel going down, like she had just swallowed a big gulp of honey. As she coughed and spat she realized he had left the cell. And even as he threw his little barbs at her she smiled on the inside. Even though she was naked, roughed up, and gagging on his semen, hidden in her left hand was the communication module to his Omni-tool. Which he wouldn't even miss unless he tried to send a long distance signal. All she had to do was wait for an opportunity to make a few minor adjustments and send a broad wave signal on her emergency channel. And anyone who owed her favors would come running....with guns.


Ona mewled lightly as Nathan's fingers played around her asshole. It was unexpected, but slightly arousing. She wasn't sure about whether she was comfortable with it, but she didn't get time to think before his cock erupted into her mouth. Thick, salty cream exploded over her tongue, bathing her taste buds with it's incredible flavor. She held his jizz in her mouth for a couple moments as he came, letting him work it all out while she enjoyed the taste. Then she swallowed it all in one gulp, taking a deep breath and sighing it out.

"Oh Keelah.....that was so....intoxicating." She licked his shaft clean, taking any stray semen that might have escaped her lips back into her mouth, feeling particularly dirty in an exciting way. "You are amazing Captain. You taste so good I could drink you for breakfast." With that she sat up, feeling like his tongue was no longer acceptable. But she preferred a specific position, one she'd been craving. She slid off him, dragging her fingers over his still-hard cock as she did so. Then she turned around, getting on her knees and placing her hands on the mattress. "I hope you remember my favorite position Captain. And since you already came, I get to pick first!" She was facing him on all fours, leaning over the bed and wiggling her ass in the air as a tease for his eyes.
Nathan looked at her and chuckled as she began to lick the cum off of his cock. "I can't believe you swallowed all of that in one gulp. I heard you swallow it from here." He taunted as he suddenly saw her get up and move over to the other side of the bed. She was on all fours and her ass was in the air. "Doggy style huh? I guess that IS your favorite position after all...of course...it isn't like last time where we were on the floor and you got all that rug burn from it." He said snickering. He was about to move over to her before suddenly the varren cried out with a lustful roar, rushing over and mounting Ona before it began to hump her, its large varren cock going deep into her pussy. It was shaped like a human's cock, only it had bumps on it that would hit her pussy in just the right ways. "W-What the hell?" He said as he reached for his gun and aimed at the creature. "Say the word Ona and I'll blast this thing to hell!"

"FUCK!" The roar startled Ona, but nowhere near as much as the bumpy cock slamming into her pussy. The beast immediately started pounding away at full speed, not building up to it or gently working towards it. And it was thick, thicker than Nathan was, a little longer, and those bumps ground against her labia and every sensitive spot inside her. Even as she struggled to get away from it, it was blowing her senses out of the water with those damned bumps.

"SHIT! GET..fuck!...it...AUUGH!....OFF OF ME!" Though before her captain could react another Varren dashed into the room, barreling into the Captain and carrying them both through the door to the next room. "FUCK NA....KEELAH! Natha...fuck..." It was so hard to speak, she had been very turned on, and regardless of the owner of the cock railing her, it still felt incredibly good. She didn't know what happened to Nathan, but she could hear a struggle. Fuck..if this fucking thing came inside her she would get so pissed.

"Oh fucking KeeeeeeeeEEELAAAH!" She half groaned-half moaned with a mixture of anger and ecstasy. She couldn't even resist it's thrusting, it was far too strong for her. Not to mention her strength was sapped by how damned good it felt sliding in and out of her. She could even feel it's weighty balls slapping against her thighs rapidly as it plunged into her again and again. "Nathan...hurry..." For no other reason than she was very quickly reaching an orgasm due to her highly aroused state, and Nathan's previous tongue usage. And she would be just plain humiliated if she came because of this thing.
Eventually there were gunshots and a few loud cries from both human and varren before Nathan finally emerged...blood on him, but it was on his leg. He was limping...the varren was walking behind him. "I...Think...This thing just beat me in a game of CQC..." He murmured as he moved over to the bed, looking at his leg. The varren whimpered and began to lick the blood off, trying to clean it as it didn't mean to harm the person "Fang. I'll call you that since you almost tore my leg off with your mouth." He said chuckling before looking over to Ona who was still being ravished by the last varren. "How you liking that over there Ona? Is it rocking your word? You know with you screaming out like you did with all that Keelah, it really made me horny. I hope that Varren finishes up soon cause I want to fuck you too baby."

The varren cried happily before its thick, fat, bumpy cock began to cum into her. It was hitting all the right places inside of her, making so much sloppy sounds as his balls hit her thighs and his cock went deep into her as he came into her, not stopping his thrusts.
"Oh thank fuck..." Ona gasped when she saw Nathan emerge, bloodied but alive. Though she was a bit confused as to why the Varren was alive as well. But she couldn't think. It was hard enough just talking while the one fucking her increased it's thrusting even further. She groaned as he hammered away at her at a breakneck pace, shaking her whole body from the beasts motions.

"Fuck....you....boshtet!" She growled in between gasps. "I can't...fucking....help it!" She didn't know what pissed her off more, the fact that she was dangerously close to climaxing, or that her captain was so cavalier about it. "Hurry up....and...oh...keelah...aaauughh!" She broke down. It was to much, her insides clenched down on the Varren's cock tightly as she came. It was like electricity running up her spine, which was only amplified by the Varren's nonstop thrusting. And as she lubricated it's shaft with her fluids, she heard it's cry and desperately tried to get away before it came inside her. Unfortunately she couldn't manage it between the beasts powerful muscles, and her orgasm-weakened body. Heat pumped inside her, filling her up and spilling out as even during it's own climax, the damned thing didn't stop thrusting.
"Ew..." Nathan said as he pointed to the pool of cum under her. "I don't think I want to fuck you anymore Ona...you look a bit....sticky." He said as he pulled the varren off. Even still, it began to hump the air as if it were humping her until he pushed it out the window and closed it tightly. Returning to her, he laughed as Fang moved over and began to sniff her crotch. "I think he finds it mildly interesting. Don't you think?" He said as he slapped her ass once. "How did you enjoy a nice varren cum sandwich Ona?" He laughed as he looked at her. "You looked like you were enjoying it a lot. It almost makes me jealous that I couldn't make you scream like that the first night when I took your virginity. Oh well." He said before moving over onto the floor. I'm going to sleep down here...its too cummy up there."
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