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Jugger x Candira

She blushed slightly as he told her about how the sound had traveled to the mess hall. Sapphire could only imagine the reactions of the crew...She hit his shoulder lightly as he started to laugh at her. His humor, though, was part of his charm. She smiled softly and shook her head. "You're a good soul, Damian. I'll definitely send a healer to you." She watched him as he closed his eyes, preparing for sleep. "Rest easy and sleep well." She leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I'll stop by to say good bye when we reach our destination." And with a squeeze of his shoulder, she left him to rest.

Now that she was sure he was all right and knew what to do, she supposed she should start looking for Nathan, though he could have been busy with any number of things.
Nathan was below deck, helping out with the repairs of the bow of the ship. The ice was still holding but the hole was still wide open, despite the many planks they had put up...but with the poor worksmanship of it, they'd have to keep careful watch and keep applying pasty sort of liquids to the boards to keep water from coming in from any holes they might have left. "Dammit...I hope we get there by tomorrow...This is too much work." Nathan said as he wiped the sweat from his brow.
Sapphire found Nathan hard at work with the rest of the crew working on blocking up some kind of hole. She frowned. In the time she'd been asleep the squid had done a lot of damage to the ship. They might not make it directly to the original port, but they'd find some place to dock for repairs. At the moment, she was too weak to patch anything up, but by early morning she would be able to help get the ship into the docks at least.

The redhead found him amongst a group of sailors who greeted her with a few pats on the back and thankful words. She smiled and nodded before tapping him on the shoulder.
Nathan looked over when he felt someone tap on his shoulder and chuckled when he saw it was Sapphire. "Hello there witch." He said teasingly to her before standing up to pat her on the back. "Wide awake now are you? How you feeling baby?" He said as he kissed her cheeks before looking over to the hole. "That damn squid ruined the whole bow. If we don't make it to port by tomorrow, we'll have to rely on this block of ice that's replacing the bow for now. Though I'm sure we'll manage."
She smiled as he gave her a pat on the back. "I'm feeling much better than I was. But I'm still pretty out of it. Unfortunately, I'm not quite up to par for casting more spells just yet. This'll have to hold for awhile longer. It looks like the charms I put on the ice are holding up nicely though. It should hold up for at least another day before anything needs to be done to keep it up..." She looked to the hole with him and frowned. "I thought it was pretty rare to have squids attack ships like this...Then again, I don't know much about sailing, so I can't really say much." She shrugged and looked at him. "How are you? Have you been busy? I never even asked if you were okay earlier..."
"Yeah I'm fine." He said smiling. "Don't worry about me. You know me, I'm tough and durable." He laughed for a bit before closing his eyes as he took some deep breaths. "I could use a breather...want to take a walk up top for some fresh sea air?" He said before already climbing up the stairs to the deck, with or without her. It was her choice but he was still going to get some air rather than the stuffy and sweaty stench of below deck...despite it being colder down there.
She laughed with him a bit when he started. Pleased that he would be taking a break, Sapphire followed him back up to the deck where the fresh air was much more appealing. "I hope I didn't miss anything important," she said. "I do that a lot on this boat when I'm asleep. My mother used to tease me about being able to sleep through anything when I was a kid, but maybe she was onto something..." The redhead shrugged and looked into his eyes with a smile, wanting to be updated on how things were with him.
Nathan laughed when she spoke of her past. "Well, there's nothing much to say about whats been going on. You didn't miss anything except for repairs...don't worry about it babe." He smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist. "So...I wonder when exactly we'll hit the new land. I wonder what dangers there are...what adventure...if there's creatures there that are able to fight us and keep me entertained the whole time we're there." He laughed a bit.
"Just as long as they don't attack us on a ship," she said, snuggling into him a bit. "I don't know--I'm not much of a sailor. But we might miss our destination port in order to get repairs made." She shrugged and leaned up to kiss him. "I'm sure you'll have plenty of entertainment, Nathan." She smiled and stayed close to him, watching the horizon.
"Plenty of entertainment...heh...I'm sure we could find plenty of ways to keep ourselves entertained..." He said as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close as he looked to the horizon alongside her, watching as the ocean slowly went by. He yawned as he slowly began to fall asleep, but he forced himself to stay awake. "So whats up with you Sapphire...? You doing alright after what happened?"
"I'm still a little out of it, but I"ll be okay. I'm glad you weren't hurt at all." She smiled and hugged him close. He seemed a bit tired himself. "You should get some rest, Nathan. Have you been working this whole time?"
"Yeah...I've been working for a good while, but I should be fine." He said chuckling a bit. "The sailors did most of the work cause I made them do it. I just did one job and that was making sure the boards were all in place and the paste kept water out of the holes they poorly left behind...but even still, the whole bow of the ship is gone, and thats a hard thing to do."
"You should rest for a little while." She put her arm around him. "Even if you didn't do a lot, what you did has probably tired you out a little. Just rest here for a little bit. Okay?"
"You could probably do something for me to...give me energy again..." He said as he rubbed his hand up and down her arm gently and slowly...before he laid down, placing his head in her lap. "Let me sleep on your lap and I'll probably wake up even more energetic."
She laughed as he laid down, putting his head in her lap. Smiling, she moved a little so it would be comfortable. "Of course. Go ahead and sleep, Nathan." She ran her fingers through his hair. "I'll make sure nothing happens."
"I'm glad to hear that babe." He said gently as he closed his eyes, yawning as he snuggled into her lap some more before falling asleep gently. He hoped they'd reach the new land soon...This boat trip was seriously becoming a hassle for him.
She kept him in her lap, rubbing his head gently. She kept true to her word, letting him sleep there and protecting him. After awhile, a sailor brought her some food--some cooked potatoes and simple cuts of meat. It wasn't much and didn't have Damian's flair, but it was good. She saved some for Nathan and kept him close till evening came around.
When Nathan awoke sometime later, he yawned as he looked up to see Sapphire still there. "Bah...I bet you were bored, just sitting here for hours and watching me." He said as he leaned up. " back..." He looked down and saw that he was laying on a splintery piece of wood. "Damn...was too tired to notice the prickling in my back...though my head feels like wonders." He said before looking to her. "Anything happen while I was asleep? I don't want to be like you and sleep through everything."
"Awww, poor baby," she said as he lay there. She smiled at him. "Nah. I wasn't bored. I had you." She chuckled and stuck her tongue out at him when he made fun of her. "I was gonna give you your meal, but now..." Sapphire was only teasing, but she'd kept the meal warm with some low level magic.
Nathan shook his head. "No...I can smell it from here, and it doesn't smell like the normal chef's cooking. Shame he lost that leg of his...but thems the ropes as they say...I think. You can eat it, I don't want to eat just something that they threw together to call a 'dinner'."
"It's still attached you know," she teased. "He can still be healed once we reach a port with a healer. I think I wanna find one for him when we land. He was really nice to me when you were still being a dick." He pushed the food away and she pouted a little. "You should really keep your strength up, you know? Please? At least eat one of the potatoes..."
"Fine fine. For you." He said as he grabbed one of the potatoes and began to eat it slowly...not enjoying it at all. It tasted like a plain tomato without any seasonings or spices whatsoever to add that extra flavor to it. Eventually he was finished and laying down in her lap again. "Alright I now what? What are you going to do? Keep that chef company or something?"
"Nah, I don't think he wants me hanging around. Besides, I'd much rather keep you company." She smiled, glad that he'd eaten something after all. "Besides, there's a handsome man in my lap. How can I go anywhere?" She teased, playing with his hair a little. "If you're still tired, rest up. If not, then go see if something needs to be done. I think I'm good to cast a few more spells if I need to."
"He doesn't want you around...?" He murmured silently to himself...taking this to note. He shook his head. "No. I'm not doing anything. I'm gonna let the other sailors take care of their damn ship. Its not my problem." He shrugged and continued to snuggle into her lap. "Besides...I like putting my head here...And I'm sure you're used to having my head be between your legs like this, huh?" He said snickering.
"Yeah, I don't think he wants me to see him hurt," She said with a shrug. She smiled as he protested doing anything. She laughed and leaned don to kiss him gently. "I've noticed that you like it there." She stuck out her tongue at him again and watched him.
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