the two moga trainers (private)

the wolf finished patching up snows wound so no more blood could escape "there, that should do it" one of the other hunters went to june and waved some smelling salt infront of her nose. as snow slowly started to come to she asked "what happened? " the wolf anthro said "dont push yourself too hard that was a nasty bite" he helped snow sit up, "the names falcor, my team and i were trying to capture that moga, it has killed alot of people, and nearly got you, thankfully your moga here saved you with his fireballs. " black fire smiled and nuzzled against snow. "heh, i knew i could count on you black fire." snow said with a smile. the one holding the smelling sault under junes nose said "shes coming to"
"take it easy... that was a hard fall you took." he helped her up and snow said "im over here june. by the tree." soon, the hunters were leaving. falkor said "be more careful, you never know what is going to happen. oh, and take these" he handed them two star seeds, one for each. these contain a moga known as diggers, they burrow under ground, and then attack from below. use them well." snow nodded and said "thank you, and i also thank you for saving my life..." falkor chuckled and said "its a strange world out there, just be prepared for anything, and you two will do just fine! well, we should get going. make sure to be alert at all times too. good bye you two, may our paths cross again!" the three then left,snow chuckled and blackfire blew out non burning fire, a bit like smoke, to scare snow, but she said "hehe, nice try blackfire"
June ran over and hugged Snow as soon as she could "I'm so glad you are ok" she said then thanked the med before letting Ammy out. She chuckled at black fire's actions before sitting down on the grass, letting out a sigh then Ammy hopped on her lap.
snow smiled and said "ah, dont worry, iv had worse, like that time we went to camp, and i got bee stings all over after climbing that tree and knocking that beehive down, it was funny though! i looks like i had sniper dots all over me!" snow chuckled and said "ah, those were the days huh june?we were young, hadnt a care in the world. just two happy go lucky best friends. and no matter what, we are going to stay together!" dark fire flew and made happy little chirp like noises. "haha! black fire seems to agree, and remember our promise? 'through thick and thin, through good and bad, we will stick together! always and forever!' " snow sighed and smiled... "go get some sleep june, ill take the watch, dont want any more of those moga coming now do we?"
snow smiled and sat by the campfire as darkfire cuddled up to her. "heh, get some sleep darkfire... ill be fine" darkfire shook his head and stood on his hindlegs, looking back and forth like he wanted to stand watch too. snow giggled and said "okay okay, you can stand watch with me." dakrfire smiled and licked her cheek "hehe, your welcome darkfire"
-the next morning, -
snow was on the ground on her back, sprawled out and fast asleep with darkfire on her belly. when she woke up, she sat up and darkfire rolled off her. he yawned cutely and stretched out a bit.
snow snuck into junes tent with a girn on her face. she moved silently and then ambushed her with a tickle attack. "RAWR! i am the tickle hawk!" she said laughing, while blackfire also tickled her in the air with his little hands. but then he flew out of the tent and and started a fire for snow to cook some breakfast when she was done tickling june.
June was asleep until she felt Snow pounce on her and tickle her. She laughed and squirmed around "ahahhahahahahahaha stooooooppp" she said as she tried to get away. Ammy joined Blackfire to help with breakfast.
after a few more seconds of tickling snow laughed and stopped. "thats payback for throwing that plate of spgetty at me and making me have spegetty hair! now come on, i was just about to make breakfast." snow got out of the tent, and saw that the two mogas were already cooking up some meat, bacon to be exact with some hashbrowns.
after the group had breakfast, they trained their mogas, including the one they caught and the one given to them. but when night fell, it would be wild.
-that night-
snow couldnt sleep that night, she was aroused after she saw june changing by accident and couldnt get the picture of her best friend naked out of her mind. snow quietly left her tent and went to junes... before she opened it though she thought 'should i really do this? would she hate me for it? no, i have to take a chance.' she slowly entered the tent and saw june, sleeping. she took a big risk, and began to play with junes breasts through her shirt, making sure to give them a slight squeeze every now and then.
June laid in her sleeping bag as she plays over the incident earlier. Snow seeing June naked made her think about that her friends looks like naked which caused a bulge in her pajama pants. She tried to shake it off as she fell asleep. She was sound asleep when Snow enter and lightly moaned as she was touched, her bulge coming back and growing harder in her pajamas.
snow then slowly took off junes top and saw she wasnt wearing a bra. "perfect" snow said to herself as she began to gently lick and suck on junes nipples and her hands gently squeezing her breasts. she knew that june would probably wake up so she slowly pulled back and took off her top, and her snow white bra that matched her feathers. she then went back to pleasuring june
snow said right when june saw her "shh... june, even before i saw you naked today, iv wanted to be with you, you are perfect... like an angel... i want to be with you so bad... please... dont push me away" she moved down and gave june a deep, passionate kiss on the lips. when it broke snow said three words "i love you"
June was in shock from the kiss and was speechless until she heard Snow confess her love to her. Deep down she always felt the same way but never admitted it to herself. She just wrapped her arms around Snow and held her close. "I love you too"
snow smiled, and hugged june back. snow then ntoiced the buldge, that was now making a tent in the sleeping bag. she gasped but then smirked and said "my oh my, you are carrying something extra i see. maybe i could help with that, if you get out of the sleeping bag and show me what you have been hiding" snow chuckled, and then added "or i could just keep playing with your breasts, they are lovely. " she began to use her hand to gently play with one of junes nipples.
June was alittle shy about her "condition" she thought about it "I-I...." was all she got out before Snow began to fondle her again. She then moved her hands around Snow's back to take of her bra.
snow let june take her bra off and when it came off snow tossed it to the side, "come on june, i wont be scared. i bet i know what you have, and dont be scared yourself, i wont run away, or think any different of you. it will just be a little... or should i say alot more fun" she then licked junes cheek, moving down to the side of her neck where she began to gently nip at her.
snow smiled and slowly undid junes pajama bottoms, and saw her futa cock in its full glory. "oh my! well, arent you the needy one? " snow said chuckling, "we are going to have more than one go with this" she moved so she was looking at june from infront of her and covered most of junes cock with her feathery and soft breasts. she then began to move up and down, using her hands to press her breasts together. "how does it feel june? and dont be afraid to moan, i want to hear how much you enjoy this."
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