the two moga trainers (private)


Jan 14, 2009
snow woke up early in the morning. her blue eyes opening up to the morning sun. she was a snow what hawk, hence the name snow. as she got changed into her moga trainer outfit that she recieved for her 19th birthday yesterday. she walked downstairs and saw her mother, anna. "hey mom!" she said with a smile. "oh hello there dear. todays the day you start on your journey right? its going to be lonely here without you... and your father..." snow and anna were silent. snows father left them 15 years ago to find black gold the dragon. but snow piped up and said "im sure hes out there somewhere mom!" anna smiled and said "just make sure to come and visit from time to time okay?" snow smiled back, and replied "okay i will mom, keep things in order while im gone!" she then rushed out the door, running to her friends house. they had been friends since the day they were born and always did everything together. this journey was no different,
June woke up by the morning light. After a shower she dressed and looked into her own deep green eyes in the mirror. "Today's the day" she said then took a deep breath and stepped out of the bathroom in her moga trainer outfit she got a month ago on her birthday. She would have been able to go then but she wanted to wait for her friend to go along with her. After a good breakfast and saying goodbye to her mother she stepped out just to see her friend Snow running from her house. She smiled and started walking to meet her.
snow smiled and said "hi june! todays the day we start our journey!" she was obviously anxious to get her first moga. snow grabbed junes hand and pulled her to the stand of the moga trainer. "well well, if it isnt the two young ladies. with that gear on i take it you are ready for your first moga?" snow nodded, obviously excited now. "well, i got just the one for you." he said to snow before digging under the stand he was at. "ah here we go," he pulled out a star seed and said "this is a very rare, hard to find smok. it is a black baby dragon with great power and great speed. go ahead, call it out." snow said "come out, smok!" the star seed began to glow, and out came a black dragon with adorable blue tackled her right away and began to lick at her face "haha! stop, heel! your going to lick me to death. hah!" smok puled back and sat on her stomach, "Arent you just adorable! ill call you... black fire!" blackfire smiled and got off of snow. she sat up and began to pet him, which obviously made blackfire happy
June smiled and happily followed Snow to the stand. She watched silently as snow got her Moga "Awwww, it's so cute" she gushed as she pets Black Fire. "Ok June. Your turn." he said then gave June a star seed "Another rare one. A white flame wolf" he said then June nodded then summoned the moga. There sat at her feet was a white wolf cub with red markings all around and a spinning disk on it's back which it used to fight. "Kind of looks like that wolf god" she giggled then picked it up and cuddled it "I'll call it Ammy" she said as she pets Ammy who nuzzled against her hand.

((looks like this hehe^_^))
the trainer smiled and said "glad you like them! now, take good care of them in your travels. also... i knew both of your fathers....good men, the two of them. anyways, they paid me, for when you came of age, to give both of you one of these." he pulled out two golden star seeds, "these ones only work on black gold the dragon. but they will only work if you have a true heart. keep them close." the trainer handed one to both of them and said "thats all i have, for you already have a couple of starseeds, buuut, i guess i can also give you this" he pulled out a pouch full of cups with a liquid in them and a top on "if your mogas get hurt you normaly have to take them to a healer, but these are speical drinks that will fully heal them on the spot." snow smiled and said, "thank you for everything! Lets go June! you too black fire!" black fire happily flew beside snow, happy to be on a journey
the group walked down the path... "its too quiet june... normaly there are boat loads of moga here" soon though there were soft hisses, soft ruslting in the bushes. "june... we got company." two purple snakes with blades on their heads jumped out. "heh, some training, i heard of these. they are known as slades. weak alone, but strong in groups." she looked at black fire and said "ready for a little training black fire?" black fire let out a tiny roar and got infront of snow. "june, get the other one! " she had black fire use its special attack, chain of fire. basicly a continuous wave of fire that burned the skin. but it seemed to have little effect. the slade charged at blackfire, and snow said "blackfire! fly into the air and counter with your claws!" blackfire did so, and came down hard.
Ammy was ready to fight even before the slades. "Ammy, go! Use your flame aura!!" June said then Ammy began to glow then charged at the other slade. It jumped back at the heat. Ammy swiped away at the slade with the disc on her back.
"Darkflame!" snow said "use your special move! zodiac move. dark wings!" blackfire flew into the air, and his wings began to emit large amounts of dark fire, making his wings look much larger than they really were. he then began to spin downwards at the slade crashing right into it, before doing a backflip looking back to normal, while the slade was out cold. but it wasnt completely defeated. snow quickly threw a star seed at the slade, and caught it. "yes!" she said with excitement
"Ammy!!!! Zodiac move, earthquake" June said and Ammy howled and the ground began to shake where the other slade was. Ammy took control of a large rock and flung it to the slade. Dazed and beaten June threw a star seed and caught the other slade. "Got it!!"
"thats the next step on our journey! good job black fire!" black fire jumped up and down happily but then something hit snow " june? there... only one black fire, when it comes to the battle with it, before we go... it will be only one of us to fight and capture it... and who ever it is, the other will have to wish the other the best." suddenly there was a loud roar and they looked to the sky... and saw a magestic sight. a black and gold dragon flew across the sky, large wings flaping in the wind and a aura about it that said it was a legendary moga. "it...that was dark gold!!!!" snow said amazed "it... i cant describe how it looked... it just... hit me like a ton of bricks!" black fire was also amazed, it had flew up onto snows head to get a better look. but suddenly there was something on the ground infront of snow and june. " whats this?" she bent down and picked it up. it was a golden coin with a black engraving. it had words on it " find the true den of dark gold... and present this coin." she saw it could split in half, she gave half of it to june "here, we will both carry a half, so that even if one of us lose in the battle before black gold... the winner will know that their friend is still with them"
June thought to herself then heard the roar then looked up and was in awe at the sight. Ammy looked up too and barked at it. When snow gave her the other half she nodded and smiled at her friend. "Ok let's go"
when june took the coin, snow smiled and said "we better hurry, its almost night. " as they walked, it soon turned night and they were forced to stop. "come on, lets set up our tents, " she started to set up her tent and back fire tried to use a hammer to pound in the steaks. but fell back trying to held the hammer "haha, dont worry blackfire, we will handle this, and then make some dinner!" black fire jumped up and down, happy to hear the word dinner.
snow nodded and said to blackfire "how about we do a bit of flying practice? you wont always be able to fight on the ground." blackfire nodded and jumped up before flying a bit snow did the same and began to instruct him on arial dodging and attacking, and how to use his claws, "yah, just like that black fire! your a quick learner. "black fire got a grin on his face and swooped down, stealing one of the fish that was still raw. "black fire!!" snow said, annoyed. "come back here with that fish!" she tried to chase him, but he was fast. he let out a delighted mini roar and hid inside the tent to eat it.
as soon as snow got to the tent she nearly got hit in the face by a fight bone. "hey!" blackfire simply patted his belly and let out a cute burp, snow stood there for a second then laughed " i cant stay angry at you, your just so cute!" he picked him up and hugged him. blackfire let out a little happy growl and snuggled under snows neck, "but theres one rule now, no eating raw food, its bad for you!" black fire nodded and continued to nuzzle snow.
(uh, they are outside, no tv.)
blackfire walked over and tried to immitate ammys bark but only let out a small whine. snow laughed and said "dont worry blackfire, you dont have to change at all to be my moga, your the best i could ever ask for!" blackfire smiled and jumped at snow, landing on top of her head and curling up into a ball, happy up there. "Aw, are you just so cute!" he let out a small yawn and closed his eyes, "okay black fire, return to your seed. " she called him back, and shrunk it to put it in her bag. "we should also get some sleep."
snow had vanished, one second she was at her tent, when an old nightmare came to haunt her. she knew the truth about her father, and her real mother that went to find him... but never told anyone... she flew up to the top of a tree, hidden by the thick leaves and branches where she started to cry "mom... dad... why did you have to leave me? why?... "her tears pelted the leaves and branches. making soft noises.
snow said, her voice showing sadness "i cant put this burden on you june..." she continued to cry, her father wasnt acttually a moga trainer, he was part of a group that STOLE peoples mogas, and one day, after he quit when he saw a little girl get killed for her moga, the people came after him... to protect his family, he left. and was never seen again. snow was orphaned when her real mother started drinking and drugs, and that is how she wound up with her current mother. little did snow know, she was saying all this out loud.
snow let out black fire and said "hey there... i know its late, but i-" black fire already knew what she was going to say, and snuggled up in her lap, looking up at her with big eyes "heh... thanks black fire..." she then looked down and saw june. but then heard footsteps, and saw a moga that looked like a mix between a lion and a jaguar charging at her. " JUNE LOOK OUT!!!" she cried as she swooped down and pushed her out of the way, but the mixed moga got snow and bit her arm, causing a shriek of pain from snow. black fire dove down and blasted the moga with a rapid fire ball attack, making it release snows arm. it then ran off, knowing the dragon would beat it. "ugh...gah..." snow groaned as she held her wound. "heh... looks like... i wasnt ready...after all, huh june...ugh..." snow then fell to the ground. blood dripping from her bite wound. black fire then flew quickly to snow, nudgeing her while making soft noises. then it said "" soon three men in hunting clothes came out and said "looks like that moga got away" the leader, a tall black wolf anthro said "we got bigger problems, " he rushed over to snow and said ." this girl was bitten by that beast. quickly, bring over that med kit" one of the hunters got out a med kit, and handed it to the wolf.
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