What's the above user's avatar thinking?

Now, I know what you're thinking. Why isn't this town big enough for the two of us? Surely there's enough room for two gunslingers here, but here's the problem. I don't like you. So now we duel, a game of luck. I say luck because, even though I am one of the fastest hands in the West, you might just be a bit faster and take me down. But of course, the luck resides in our opponents as well, and it's unlucky for you to be facing me. But who knows, luck might just be on your side and you just might kill me, so I ask you this.

Are ya feelin' lucky, punk?

Well? Are ya?
Woman: Why does he look like that guy from that woman alien bug movie?

Guy: Why am I here again? *has a blonde moment*
Her: I hope he knows what he's doing!

Him: Just call me the "postman": Sometimes I deliver in the wrong box!
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