I am Batman! Really? (Candira and Gashnaw)

Barbara smiled and walked with him to the entrance where the two Jokers stopped them. She blinked and looked around innocently. "Who me? I don't know. I'm not sure you'd wanna see me dance," she said with a laugh, putting on the "Susie College" act. She was being modest, but it was also part of an act. The last thing she wanted to do was appear too confident. Always let the enemy underestimate you--rule one.
"These guys are the jokers who run the club, i would suggest we make them happy if you want to have time to bring them down" He whispered next to her ear. "Seriously just dance for them, if you suck they will want you off stage, if you are good, chances are they will be distracted giving me a chance to scope them out."

The club itself was quite deranged. It had music playing non stop and the people there were dressed like other jokers, though it was easy to tell the posers form the real ones. What was the weirdest part was the fact that even this was a night life hot dance club, the interior looked liked a high class restaurant.
"this was not what i was expecting."
At his urgings, she was aware that he wanted one of two things: time to scope out the place or to watch her dance. Either way, she figured not much could go wrong. She shrugged and pretended to think about it, swaying and blushing a little. "Well, okay. If you really want me up there," she said, walking in with him. Just as he was telling her this place wasn't what he'd thought it was, she agreed and then was hauled off by two of the Jokers, who led her up to the stage, helping her up and stealing a quick peek up her skirt.

A song with a beat that her body instinctively moved to came on. It was just enough to get her hips going before her mind could catch up. She went with it. Contrary to the conjecture of some batgirl fans, she was a fantastic dancer, and her body moved beautifully to the music, her sex appeal and some risque moves drawing some attention to her. She wondered briefly what Bryan thought, but then brushed the thought out of her head, just dancing, buying him time to do whatever he wanted to do, since most of the jokers were staring at her now.
Bryan couldn't help watched her dance as well, quite an attractive woman that he was naturally drawn towards. When she was in her Batgirl Costume he had some strange hatred that he couldn't rush away, but her dressed the way she was, He wished he had been one of the jokes at that point who had peeked up her skirt.
Well he managed to rid his mind of the thought for the moment, after all he needed time. Slipping into the washroom he quickly changed out of the nicer clothes shoving them into an air duct and then snuck back out, easily climbing up a wall and heading to ceiling where he was much more comfortable, above the enemies head. He also had to grab another glance at Barbara before he continued his secret agent scoping.
True to the character she'd adopted at the beginning of this venture, the sexy redhead kept dancing, her body moving in just the right ways to keep all eyes on her. She looked like she was having a great time--and she was, though she was going to find those two Jokers and kick them later--but thoughts of Bryan and his recon mission continued to play through her mind. She kept her body moving to the beat, even when songs changed, and no one seemed to mind that she'd stayed.
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