I am Batman! Really? (Candira and Gashnaw)

"Really, so when everyone else is crying out for a batman that never shows up, deciding to take matters into my own hands is being selfish? Sure i do things differently than you do but it doesn't mean I'm wrong." He grit his teeth the stitching job Toby did the day before showing quite well as some of the stitches had popped during the fight. "You may have been around, but how long would that have lasted? There has to be someone out there who has either put enough fear to make batman run away or worse, killed him. Robin following. I don't care who you are. But at least get things done. If it means letting someone else distract them for a few seconds, so be it. At least the streets are getting cleaned up."
Now he'd done it. "Do you honestly think a second goes by that I don't think about that?!" The room echoed with her voice. "Do you really think that I don't know that something horrible has happened to them? I've tried everything and I can't find them. And now I'm stuck here by myself with some ass hole who can't get it through his head that he's not king shit."

After a moment, she pulled herself together and spoke with more reason.

"Look, I can't condemn you for being a vigilante. That would make me a hypocrite. I am condemning you for the way you do it. All I'm asking for is cooperation and a little respect, considering I've been doing this much longer than you have."
He was tempted to make a comment when she said she had been doing this much longer but decided against it.
"I would say we could call a truce but i doubt that would last long. And It pretty obvious that no matter who caves, we would go back to our old way eventually. And considering we are both trying to clean out the same group, it seems like we are going to be stuck bumping into each other." He sighed grabbing his mask. "So we're stuck. But I will meet you have way and try to co-operate. After all you know Batman a lot better then I do. I'm pretty sure you know what he would say to me."
"I won't deny you're good in a fight, Bryan, but you've got a lot to learn about keeping your cool and learning to work with others." She sighed and looked at him in that costume. "I'll tell you what. Join up with me. Batman and Robin aren't here, and if they come back I'll deal with them then. Until I can sort it out, I can't handle the whole city by myself. But I do have a plan for the Jokers."

She uncrossed her arms. "I'll get you into a real suit with Alfred's help and hook you up with some equipment if you promise me that you'll work with me--not against me. I won't turn you in, I won't even kick your ass. Do we have a deal?"
He raised a brow and looked at his costume.
"Um Whats wrong with my suit. i think it real and I actually worked on it. I made it comfortable. I mean I have seen batman's and it probably inst as mobile as one would like. I need mobility. And skin tight may work for some, but not for me." He said gesturing toward her costume. "But we have a deal. leave me with my suit and I'll help you with the jokers.

He was about leave through the window again before pausing and turning back to her.
"My name is Bryan Earns. You know that but let me officially introduce myself." He said holding out his hand.
"Your costume looks like I could shred it with a cheap pair of scissors. The armor is questionable at best. Maybe you're not comfortable enough with your body to wear something like mine, but Alfred knows how to do it right. Besides, you want all the toys, don't you?" She strode over to the wall where her batarang had gotten stuck and then pulled it out. She looked at his wound and made sure it was nothing too bad.

He held out his hand to her and she took it as he introduced himself. "Hello Bryan. I'm Barbara." She left it at that and then pulled him with her. "It's not like your suit's gonna be ready tonight anyway," she said. "At least let me give you something to protect yourself with."
"The toys are nice, but I prefer to get in there toe to toe. That is why Parkour pulls it off. I mean i don;t need your grappling hook but the batarangs are nice. Still I have my own way of fighting crime." He shrugged "And for the record. I'm comfortable with my body. i guess I am just attached to my suit.

He raised a brow confused. "Such as. I mean I'm able to handle myself, its not like i just started sweeping the streets. i can protect myself." He said calmly then added "But for the sake of argument, what were you proposing?"
"I have all kinds of goodies," she said. "Smoke bombs for clean get-aways and distractions, batarangs for long distance combat or disarming a foe, the grappling hook for when you need to get away fast or stop yourself from falling. Trackers that are more difficult to trace than the one you used, possibly a mode of transportation, a base of operations here with me, armor that can stop a bullet, material that takes more than a little swipe to cut through...Need I go on? Because I have a much bigger list."

She sighed and let him go. "I can help you, you can help me. We can work together, despite our difference in style, but we need to plan this stuff out. Or at least work out a system."
"Well i appreciate the offer but we have different styles for different reasons. You were in the presence of money so you could get nice toys. i didn't have money so i work with what i have. raw skill." He laughed "But thanks for your concern Maybe we will be able to get along eventually."

He jumped down from the window onto the lawn below. "By the way. The jokers, they have a club. I found out by pulling a pamphlet off of a body tonight. You can think about putting that into your plan if you want."
"Why was it that the men in her life always thought they were right about everything? With Bruce, he was right about criminal minds, but not always his plans. With Dick, he always thought he was right about his decisions regarding their relationship. And now they were both gone and she was all alone. Best not get attached to Bryan, then. Inexperience and an ego would be the undoing of him, and then she'd be alone all over again. It seemed the only man she loved that was still around was Alfred, and even though he was sure of himself, he let her think that she was right.
He waited for a response but got none, so shrugging he headed back home.

"So did you figure out who she is?" Toby asked when Bryan returned.
"Kinda. She isn't related to Bruce wayne, but she acts like she is. Thus she must have been with him for quite a while."
"And?" Toby Asked to which Bryan Just raised an eye then figured out what Toby was getting out.
"She's hot." Bryan responded
Toby just laughed. "Well you need a girl in your life, who knows with both of you trying to achieve the same goal, even if you act like you hate each other, maybe you will get laid."
"And Maybe I can stop bringing home money to pay the rent." Bryan laughed which got Toby to shut up. "Listen it's two AM and I am tired. I'm going to sleep."
Barbara put her things away and had Alfred start thinking up ideas for the suit of this new kid. She talked with him for awhile and then went back to Robin's room, slipping between his sheets and dreaming of better times. Where was he now?

The next morning she woke to the sound of her alarm and remembered where she was with a groan. She got dressed and did her hair, dusting on a thin layer of make up. With a giant muffin and her school bags in hand she waved at Alfred and then headed off to her classes.

At the end of the day, she decided to take a little break and go out. Prepared as always, she had her costume in her car trunk and drove to one of her favorite restaurants, taking a seat and waiting to be served.
"I'm telling you man you have to get out more often, Are you going to say anything?" Toby asked as he had managed to get Bryan out of the apartment.
"Dude, I feel naked outside without that thing on." Bryan sighed hinting at is Batsuit. "I mean come on."
"Well get use to it. If you and Barbara want to get along you're going to have to wear the suit she is determined to build you. Or get Alfred to build you."
"She doesn't get it. I'm not batman, I don't want a bat suit. I built mine because i was determined to keep the legend living on, a dark knight defending the streets. But i don't have the money to build a great quality one. Now all the work i put into my suit will be discarded for a better one?"
Toby sighed "Well it's either that or another-"
"Shut up" Bryan said "Who do you seen in that restaurant?"
Toby shrugged not use to Bryan cutting him off but played along. He looked at the girl getting a few features in and smirked. "A blonde Redhead with a nice rack?"
"Really?" Bryan responded "Because I see batgirl, lets get some dinner."
((I'm pretty sure Batgirl is a redhead--at least according to the old cartoon))

Barbara sat there in a little booth on her own looking over the menu. She was unaware of the fact that anyone was looking at her, or making comments about her awesome breasts. She sat there, serene, glad to be out for a change. She looked different in a nice pair of jeans that fit her just right and a black sweater--a bright blue lacy camisole peaking out from beneath it. It was almost as if she'd looked normal sitting there. Her hair was down, but she could put it up if she wanted.

Just then, the waiter came to her and she ordered a drink, saying she needed more time. It was affordable Mexican food, but who was she to question the quality of the food. She liked to come here, one of the few places that still had a dance floor that you could use on different nights for salsa dancing or watching the dancers/wait staff do it. God, it was nice to get out.
((Fixed it. I was going off of the forth movie (With poison It and Mr. Freeze) in which case she was played by a blonde)))

"You idiot we can;t just go up to her and threaten her. She knows who we are. She knows my secret and she knows yours as well."
"But I'm just a student studying medicine." toby retorted
"Yea i got carried away. but we ca;t threaten her."

Heading up to her table Bryan spoke calmly "Excuse me ma'am would it be alright if we joined you for dinner?"
"So this is batchick?" Toby asked to which bran quickly covered his mouth.
"What part of shut the fuck up do you not understand?"
Barbara was just deciding on what she wanted to eat when two people stopped at her table. She blinked, looking up finding that they looked familiar until she realized who they were. Her expression darkened a bit. "Oh, hello Bryan. This must be Toby then." She nodded and decided she may as well let them sit down.

It was about then that Toby let it slip. Barbara sighed and face-palmed. "Yes, I was the girl dressed as Batgirl at the party. What do you want?" She asked, her eyes betraying a bit more anger than her calm exterior. If the ass was going to be stupid then she'd have to clean up his messes. How new and different, she thought sarcastically.
"Party? I'm talking about-OW" Toby began only to get quickly elbowed by Bryan. "What the hell aren't you wanting to out her out?"
"Yea i would love to do that. i should also buy ponies for he starving children of the world and create world peace." Bryan retorted. "You mind explaining why I can;t out you out? Obviously the medical chemicals have caused massive brain damage." Bryan sighed picking up the menu. ordering two Tacos. One that would set a dragon's mouth on fire, which was meant for Toby, for being an idiot and one that Bryan would enjoy.
"So what do you do during the day?" Toby asked waiting for the meal. "All he does is sleep"
She raised an eyebrow, watching the two of them bicker. "Umm, do you need a moment to yourselves?" she asked, sitting back, taking some of the complimentary chips and dip. Apparently Bryan's friend had issues with not telling the world who she was. She delivered a swift kick to Toby's shin under the table.

When it seemed as though Bryan was defending her, she considered why he might do such a thing. Obviously he got why she was keeping it a secret. "I don't see how that's any of your business," she replied politely to his question, icing him out. When the waiter came back she ordered her food and politely waited for them to do the same. When he left, she watched them both. "I'll ask you again. What do you want?"
"We're on the same team aren't we. I was actually going to ask you out. There is this really big club downtown. Tons of people go. The only thing is, its run by the jokers. I figure since we kicked enough of their asses already. They might not be keen on coming back to the warehouse."
"DAMNIT" Toby cusses soon a she took a bite of the Taco. "You ass , you know I don;t like spicy stuff" and with that started chugging his drink.
"Let it be a lesson to keep your mouth shut." Bryan said angrily "Here" and with that Gave Toby His taco.
"So what do you say. Want to go out tonight?"
She blinked. Well that was out of the blue. He wanted to ask her out? No, not on a date. It was more of a reconnaissance mission. It was intriguing that he would ask her to go in this capacity, though. She seemed to really be considering his offer as Toby burned his mouth on a taco Bryan had ordered for him. It earned him points where she was concerned. She smirked and ate the chips until her food came.

"All right. I'll meet you there. What time?"
"Nine O'clock" Bryan said getting back to his feet letting Toby finish the meal. He want to the waitress having a quick chat and once Toby finished the two left.

Once they got Home Bryan quickly changed. Putting on the bat costume. and a bit more luxurious attire. Stuffing the mask in the pocket and headed Out. The club itself was not that short of a walk which made him wish he had decided to go batman the entire time, then he was hoping that Barbara was smart enough to know that he wasn't wanting to just go bust faces as Batman and Batgirl. Sure that's who they were but he was also interested in having a bit of a date with her.
Amused, Barbara watched them leave, paying for their part of the check. When she got her food, she ate it thoughtfully, taking a box of it back to her apartment later before she got ready. She took another shower and adjusted her make up so that it was still light, but the eyes were smokier now. She did her hair nicely so that it sat in nice curls and put on a dress that was easy to dance in. She kept her costume in her trunk for now driving over and parking in a safe place. Once that was done, she started to look for Bryan, though she was a few minutes early. Her dark green dress hugged her body until about her hips where it fanned out and floated around her nicely. Now where was he?
"Figured you would show, and I'm glad you didn't go batgirl right form the start." He said walking up behind her. "as you probably know by now. I'm not one for public scenes, so I'm not sure exactly how to do this, which in truth is another reason i asked you out. I figured even if i look like a complete twat on the dance floor at least i have a nice looking girl with me for credibility.
The redhead laughed at his last comment and shook her head. "It's not exactly wise to charge in there dressed as someone they hate." She turned to look at him and saw that he was dressed nicely. Actually, when he wasn't insulting her, he was kind of cute. She smiled and held out her hand. "Well then, shall we?"
He nodded at her comment, that was true, that was the reason he didn't. If he had chances are he would be killed. The warehouse was just dropping in uninvited. Now they were trespassing. The Jokers had guns, he was a siting duck in the club, so not wearing a costume was actually hiding better than one would think.

He took her hand leading her inside only to e stopped by a couple of Jokers at the front door.
"Wouldn't we love to have a pretty bird like you up on stage."
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