I am Batman! Really? (Candira and Gashnaw)


Jan 9, 2009
Barbara sighed as she looked over the newspaper at her table in the school cafeteria. Crime was on the rise, according to the latest headline, and the public wanted to know where Batman was. Truth be told, so did she. It had been the longest time since she'd seen Bruce anywhere, and she was beginning to lose faith that he was still alive and well. She prayed every night that she was wrong. And sometimes during the day as well. She kept expecting to see him, but she never did.

And now Robbin was gone--her only ally had disappeared as well, and it was proving to be too much for her to handle all alone. Criminals were becoming bolder and getting more dangerous every day. She hoped that her partner was still alive and well out there, but she got the feeling that the more time she spent wondering about him, the more time was wasted on a man that was already dead. The thought pained her too much to continue thinking about it. Biting her lip she stopped herself and made herself think of something else. Like how she was going to take care of the Jokers tonight. She had to stop them from getting their next shipment in any way she could. It wouldn't be easy, though, and she was well aware of that fact.

And then the redhead packed up her things and strolled casually out of the cafeteria, her sandwich in hand as she made her way to her car. She had to get to the manor and the bat cave. Alfred was still there, and she could certainly ask him for help in strategizing. Once she got there, the dazzling young woman was admitted by Wayne's distinguished butler. She smiled and hugged the old man, the two of them sharing their troubles for a moment before they headed down to the cave. It was getting late by the time the two of them were finished working out the plan. She'd have just enough time to get there if she hurried.

And so she suited up, her fantastic body encased in the famous "Batgirl" suit, the light-weight but protective armor making her body look even better. She was thin, but muscled and very toned. If she punched someone, they weren't getting back up. Once she was ready to go, she gave a wave to Alfred and then hopped on her motorcycle tearing off into the streets of Gotham, heading toward the docks and Joker territory to stake out the place.
Dusk. the magic hour. The time when peace at Gotham came to a crawl and the criminals decided to turn Gotham into their play room yet again. It had become routine. Bryan was the one who decided to pick up the slack once Batman and Robin wen missing. Sure Batgirl was still around but that wasn't enough For Bryan to just take lying down. She needed help and he was there to assist, Not to mention that he got a thrill having a reason to kick ass. He had also been told before by the Batchick that what he was doing was not right. Which eh quickly threw back at her that she was doing the same thing, but it had been about since he had last sen her, Obviously different areas of the city, neither one wanting to take on the true criminals and both just sweeping the streets of a few thugs every night.

"You going out again?" Toby asked his roommate. The only person who knew who was behind the mask of the 'New Batman' "How many times do i have to tell you, bring a gun."
"Batman doesn't use a Gun" Bryan laughed pulling his costume on.
"News flash buddy, You're not Batman. He had years of training plus he could take on people like the joker. Face it, you're just another copy cat." Toby sighed tossing Bryan an energy drink. "Just don't get yourself killed. Rent is expensive and you usually pay it off pretty well. Which is another thing, Batman never took money."
"Hey I deserve some condolence for my services." Bryan smirked Pulling on the mask he made. It looked like Batman's mask, except for the fact that it fully covered his head and face. Along with the mask Toby and Bryan had spent a while trying to make a costume. Originally they added a cape, but it just got in the way which made them wonder why Batman wore one. Instead they settled on just letting it be comfortable enough to move in but tight enough to not get in the way, and durable enough to survive a few cuts. It had been stitched back up a few times, but the mask truly showed the damages.

The jokers, they were the target tonight. He had managed to get a warning from the cops, thanks to the radio he had stolen. And apparently the warehouse he had been waiting at for the past half hour was were they would be. He was bout to give up hope when he heard another figure enter nearby. At first he thought it was a joker but quickly learned the truth.

"Well well well, we meet again batchick" he whispered to himself keeping hidden. After all if he was concealed enough that she couldn't see him, that meant the jokers wouldn't either.

((Choppy and unorganized, You can probably tell i hate starting RP's, my first post is often very bad. Yours on the other hand was beautiful.))
Batgirl had arrived after the imposter that called himself batman. Though she was quite cautious, she didn't see him anywhere, so she concealed herself, thinking she was alone. She was hidden well enough that no one would see her, but the street was still in her sights. She knew exactly what she intended to do to break it all up and ran over the plan in her head, making sure she did a check for contingencies. The other rooftops in the area were clear and the clowns were just starting to arrive when the dealer appeared.

From her belt she pulled out special binoculars and zoomed in on the action, making sure to get a clear look at the faces and snap a few pictures at the same time. When she saw them start inspecting the materials, it was time to act. Saying a little prayer, Batgirl stood and shot out her grappling gun so that she'd be on the next roof. It hardly made a sound. Once she was across to the other side, she took off again, this time swinging straight into the thick of things, delivering a kick to both the dealer and the head clown's face. The instant she was down the brawl began, and she was kicking ass, while desperately trying to cover hers.

((Thank you for the compliment, but practice makes perfect. You'll get the hang of it.))
He smiled watching her fight. Sure she wasn't as great as batman, but she could match Bryan, and she was the one with practice. Getting to his feet he jumped down rolling first before delivering a powerful kick to one of the jokers legs cracking the bone. He knew full well that best way to slow an enemy down was to make their way of movement hindered, and busting an opponents leg was something he did easily.
"I shouldn't know where the weakest part of a bone is" he laughed punch the guy out and moving his way into the brawl figuring he could give Batgirl a hand.

"I thought you could use some help" He said bashing his knee against one of the gang member's face and kicking another one. "but really. You should leave the crime fighting to the big boys. You can run along and play dress up with purse snatchers." He added punching another Joker across the face unfortunately letting the rest get away.
"Ah well, at least we got four of them. Of course i probably could have gotten more if you had not jumped in. I had it all figured out. You kinda messed it up."

It was Easy to tell Bryan was full of himself, he knew he was not batman and that he couldn't match the great one, but he still thought he was the best one on the streets. "Seriously Batchick, why do you do this? You just barge in guns blazing. you can't get anything done that way."

((I am aspiring to be a writer. RPing helps me practice))
Batgirl had gotten through most of the gang members on the floor before the Batman imposter showed his ugly mask. She was moving through them pretty easily, actually. By the time he got there, he was picking off the extras. She knocked one down, her boot at his throat as she sent a signal to the police. She used a tool from her belt to net them, blatantly ignoring the bastard who thought he could take her mentor's place because he was good in a fist fight. Ego maniacal son of a bitch wanted to talk, she would let him. It wasn't like he mattered in the long run.

His laugh and that fucking mouth of his were about to get him into some fucking trouble. Without warning, while he was monologuing about how great he was, she slipped to the ground and arced her leg in a clean sweep that took about 3 seconds and then she was back on her feet again. "Learn to shut your mouth, idiot." Then she got out her grappling gun, aimed at the next roof-top and hauled her ass out of there, swinging off into the night...to her motorcycle, which she rode back to Wayne Manor on a secure road.

She was fucking pissed, and he was lucky she hadn't punched him in the face like she'd intended to. As it was, Barbara just wanted to go to bed and forget the bastard existed.
Toby started laughing when Bryan finally returned "Dude you're bleeding."
"What?" Bryan asked bulling off his mask and sure enough he was. He figured out how toby figured it out so quickly as he saw the blood stains on the mask.
"How'de that happen?"
"Not sure. i don;t remember getting hit in the face." Bryan responded scratching his head. "Must have happened during an adreniline rush. No big."
"Go sit down superman, I'll stitch you up." Toby laughed shaking his head.

Toby was studying to become a surgeon, while Bryan was busy getting cuts and bruises every night, thus the two were a really good pair. Bryan would fight crime, something he liked doing, and Toby would fix him up, which helped his studies.
"Batchick interfered again."
"She's back?" Toby asked threading a needle.
"Yea, I mean like what was it, two months of nothing and- FUCK" Bryan yelped as Toby jabbed him with the needle.
"Shut the fuck up, i need to keep quiet as i stitch up your lip."

"So you figure out who she is yet?" Toby asked washing the equipment he just used to sew Bryan up.
"Nah, I saw her bike but wasn't quick enough to get a license plate. Chances are I'll see her again soon. The jokers are at a high crime rate and it seems we're both after them. Next time I'll stop her before she fucks up my plan though."
"What do you mean?" Toby asked tossing the costume in the wash.
Bryan proceeded to explain the events of that night to Toby to which just made him smile.
"If you get a golden opportunity like that again." Toby said calmly going to his room and returning a minute later. "Stick this to the bottom of her bike." and with that he presented a tracking bug. "I have it programmed to my GPS. You can find out where she is hiding and then while she is hiding during the day, you can go in costume, and tell her to stop getting in your way."
Barbara had spent the night in her apartment near school, keeping up appearances that she was a party girl--out all night. She took a nice long bath and soothed herself the best she could, trying not to think of her missing partners or the new wannabe that kept getting in her way. There had been more to her plan than just busting heads, but he'd made her so angry that she hadn't gone through with it just yet. Instead she focused on her reading assignments and managed to finish those up before she went to bed. She woke up at 8:30 for her first class, making it a full 6 hours of sleep.

That night, she was ready to kick ass, and this time she would. Armed with a few tracking devices of her own and a few other surprises, she was going to put her plan into action, whether the poser was there or not. She would handle things her way this time, and she would do it easily. Once she was finished suiting up, she headed back into Joker territory on her bike.
he had kept to the shadow that night expecting her to return. Sure enough she did and he was waiting for her to pass him so he could sneak to her bike and bug it. He knew she was better than what he gave her credit for, but it was obvious they did not work well together, so he figured it would be easier if she would just bugger off. That way he could be Gotham's true hero. One who would not abandon them in time of need.

As soon as she passed him he jumped to her bike. Not only hiding the bug but snapped a few photos on a disposable camera. Tossing it under a nearby dumpster, he would get it after.
Jumping back up he laughed seeing her. "Joker's seem to be running late today."
Batgirl had sensed that someone was there, but she hadn't seen where just yet. She found out when he tossed the camera into the dumpster and started laughing. Son of a bitch. What had he just done? With this sort of duplicity, he couldn't be trusted. "What the hell is your problem?" she snarled, delivering a sharp jab to his chest. "Stay out of my way, poser." She practically growled at him as she stared him down, daring him to piss her off.
"Poser?" He smirked though she couldn't see it. "I would actually thank me. Gotham needed a hero and since batman and robin are gone they have one, Me."
As she jabbed him he gripped her wrist spinning her around basically pinning her against his chest. Sure she would be able to break out but he was hoping it would get her to shut up. "Shut the hell up. Otherwise the jokers will hear you if they show up."
Who did he think he was? Batman would never be so arrogant and cocky. Much less this belittling. Fuck this kid. He needed to be taught some manners. She was surprised when he pinned her against him like that, but stomped on his foot and spun out of it facing him again.

"Fuck you, ass hole. You don't know the first thing about being a hero. And let me just clarify that I never left the picture--Gotham was never without a hero. Now stay out of my way." That said, she shot a grappling hook onto the next roof and practically flew off, situating herself there nicely.
"Whatever Batchick" He sighed leaning against a nearby Column His foot stung but it wasn't a big deal. As if on cue the Jokers finally arrived and without giving Batgirl a chance he jumped down getting into the action right off the bat. He first landed on one of them crushing the guys back and then kicked another guy. Unfortunately he let his guard down which in turn got him hit form the back.

It was times like this he was thankful he did both parkour and was well trained in a street fight. Quickly he ran up a wall grabbing onto a couple ledges and climbed back into the rafters. The entire incident only taking a few seconds.
"Your turn batchick."
"Fast little weasel, aren't you?" she muttered. She threw a few bat-arangs into the fray, cutting a few of them in just the right place to slow them down or knock them on their asses. While that distraction occurred, she dropped down into the fray and planted some trackers on the people that looked most important or at the very least, most likely to survive the joker justice. She slammed into them, taking out as many as she could, but even with her training, she was outnumbered. She threw more bat-arangs and started into the fray again, taking punches here and there but giving back plenty in return.

"If you're going to prove yourself, now would be the chance," she said, flipping out of the way.
"Nah, I think I'll let you handle this one Batchick." He laughed before jumping down. "I mean if they were smart i think they would have gang banged you by now."
One of the jokers tried sneaking up behind Bryan to which he just spun around behind the man breaking his neck and picked up the pipe the joker was going to attack him with.
"Hey Boys let her go. Or I'm gonna have a field day breaking your skulls with this thing."
She was engaged in disarming an individual at the moment he made the comment. The bastard she was fighting with actually laughed. She made sure the tooth fairy would be visiting him tonight. The target neutralized, she flipped over someone's head, landing and round-house kicking them to the ground. She didn't want to leave much permanent damage--just enough to scare them on home. A few were already starting to take off. The rest were either still fighting or unconscious.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" she called from across the alley. Jesus, if this was what he always acted like, she could only pity his family and friends. Insufferable was the word.
"Hey i didn't even cuss that time" He whined though he didn't care. After all they didn't get along.
"Anyway Princess you can go run on home. I'll take care of cleaning these guys." he said grabbing one of the bodies and throwing it into a nearby dumpster. The same one he had tossed his Camera which he quickly retrieved.

"Nice work with the tracker" Toby said booting up the computer. "I managed to get a signal but it is easier to see on the laptop. Our little batgirl is located at..."
"Son of a a bitch. Bruce Wayne" Bryan sighed. "Go Figure"
"No you said she was a girl.Maybe Bruce Wayne's daughter..." Toby corrected him which just got a dirty look from Bryan.
"Bruce Wayne has to have been batman, after all Batman went missing after Bruce did. So It makes sense that they both disappear. It also explains all the gadgets."
"So you going to take a stop down there?"
Bryan just smirked. "Just Call me the Sandman."

So I wonder. Who is this Batchick. I cold probably set up a camera but where is the fun in that? i need to see for myself, just who this girl is. Bruce didn't have any kids so she isn't a daughter, but she must have known him. Oh well No sense in waiting around, mind as well knock.
Princess? Really? He was lucky she didn't turn around and use a batarang on him. Most of the gang cleared off, but she picked off a few more and left them for the police with a little signal. "Learn some manners," she growled. And then, she got onto her bike, not suspecting a thing.

A few moments later, she was back at the manor, deciding to stay for the night, a few hits having landed a bit harder than she would have liked. Alfred ran her a bath and set to work on her bike, not noticing the little tracker as he checked for damage. It wasn't until he was cleaning it that he finally saw it. Without hesitation, he took it off and moved it to the computer, analyzing where the beacon was being sent. With the location recorded, he crushed the device and went back to work.

Barbara sighed, soaking in the bathtub of the guest room. Robin used to use the room when he needed to crash. Memories of him were comforting, but also unsettling. What had happened to him? Frowning, she finished up her bath and dried off, drying the hair she washed before returning to the bedroom to put on her pajamas and get into bed.

Before she could do that, however, Alfred knocked on her door to inform her that she may have company. "Goddamnit," she muttered. When she was dressed, she joined the butler in the sitting room to find out that she'd been tracked from a little apartment. A college student? No way the Jokers had anyone there, much less access to this kind of tech. She would just have to wait for her visitor and then have a little chat.
He had come in costume just in case he knew her personally. A few people Had come to the apartment before to hang with Tony. Bryan had made it a point to avoid most relations. Mainly due to his choice of work and the fact that he was only able to trust Tony with his secret and that was because he was stupid and put the costume in the wash. But after explaining everything Tony decided to not only keep the secret but help him out.

"Come on answer the fucking door already." He knocked again and even buzzed a few times. After all the front gates couldn't stop him.
"Fuck this is taking too long" And with that he quickly climbed one of the walls of the manor finding a different way in and an unlocked window, which he found, was perfect.
Barbara had left her window unlocked on purpose. She kept the room dark and sat in the shadows. The instant he climbed through her window, she saw that it was that fucking imposter. So he'd been the one to track her down, had he? Well, she'd make him regret that decision. And now she knew where he lived. Dumb ass.

Without warning, she threw a batarang at him, catching his costume. "What do you think you're doing? When people don't answer the door, there are a few reasons. Either they aren't home, can't answer the door, or don't want to answer the door. Given our relationship and the fact that you look like a trick-or-treater, what do you think the reason was?"
He winced as the batarang cut is costume and nicked a bit of the skin underneath.
"i have this sneaky feeling you were hoping i would drop by.i guess your wish came true." He sighed looking over her. She was quite an attractive woman if he was to judge, and he was kind f regretting that they didn't mesh well after all he would have loved to find a way to get a go at her.
"So I finally see the little girl behind the mask. I was expecting someone less, attractive."
"Gee, your maturity is astounding." She rolled her eyes and turned on the light. He looked even dumber in the light of this room. "Seems as though you're younger than I am, Bryan. Or is it Tony? Ya know both names that go to that address are hard to put with faces," she said, crossing her arms.

"So since you were planning on someone less attractive, why don't you tell me what else you've put together?" she asked, tilting her head.
He snarled but finally submitted and pulled off his mask. He glared at her angrily with his green eyes staring daggers into her, and his mask giving his brown hair a very messy look "How did you find out our address. I don't even sign the papers. Tony does all that. I'm not suppose to exist there. I mean he has the bedroom and I'm the one sleeping on the mattress in the... Doesn't matter."
He tossed the mask onto the bed in the room.
"I also gathered that you are a college girl. probably one of the few that can keep up with their studies even with a part time job. So tell me. Why did you decided to fight Crime with Bruce?"
"I have many skills," she commented as he went on about how he was supposed to be non-existent. "Many."

She smirked at his estimation of her and actually laughed when he mentioned Bruce. "You little bastard. How dare you say his name like you knew him? It's pretty clear you know nothing about any of us, aside from the fact that I'm not the ugly duckling you thought I was. Why don't you answer your own question. Why are you doing this?"
"I've already said Gotham needed a hero. And quite frankly. even if you could pull it off. Heroine is not the same as a hero."
He combed his hand through his hair and sighed.
"And its not that i thought you were ugly. i just couldn't imagine a girl as annoying as you being hot."
"Oh, I'm annoying? This from the brat that walks around talking like he's fucking king of the streets and then tags out at the first sign of trouble? It's not hard to come in at the end of a fight when you've got a weapon, is it?" She frowned and shook her head.

"Being a hero means thinking of others first. The only person I've seen you thinking about out there is yourself. The only reason you think I'm annoying is because you think you're better. The reason you are annoying is because you're disrespectful and arrogant. You have no right to claim the namesake of Batman."

She ignored the compliment that rested somewhere deep inside that last statement and instead focused on the thinly-veiled insult. They were going to hash things out right now, or they'd never get anything done.
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