Secret Destiny A Harry Potter RP (Ruphhausin and me)


Jul 5, 2009
Name: Ariana Jacobs aka Ari
Age: 18
House: Slytherin
Appearance: brown hair, blue eyes, stands 5'5'', wears glasses, keeps her hair up in a ponytail
Parentage: Raised by muggles after her pureblood parents were killed by death eaters when she was a small child

Ariana was the shy, smart girl in the Slytherin 7th year class. She'd been excited when seventh years from the previous year were called back to get the proper education they should have had. Hogwarts was her home, to her anyway, instead of where she stayed with the muggles who raised her. She had a dark secret as to why she hated going home in the summer, one that no one else knew since she kept to herself so well.

Her one thing she had in common with the other Slytherin girls was the usual fan-girl crush on self proclaimed Prince of Snakes, Draco Malfoy. It wasn't just his looks that attracted her, it was his confidence, his intelligence. But of course, she never tried to approach him, she was just too shy. It was things like that that made her wonder why the sorting hat put her in Slytherin in the first place.
Draco Malfoy had a lot of things on his mind these days, especially in the aftermath of the Second War. Among other things, he had his own affairs to deal with as far as his inheriting Bellatrix Lestrange's estate. His parents, whom he now called by their first names, had changed enough that it mattered. Draco would never go back to how he was after the War, and thought there was initial distrust, he and Potter had found some common ground. He returned to his post as prefect, helping to finish cleansing the Slytherin of the last of those who would have caused another conflict. He knew there would always be those who would try other methods, and that was why he didn't want it to happen again.

The day was warm, and he was very pleased with returning for his Seventh year. There were many he wished to see, but there was one young woman that had caught his eye. He wondered where Ariana Jacobs was, and he was very pleased even though he knew there was something about her. He didn't yet know, but he would learn soon enough. He still had his determination, and that was what was going to help him find out how to win her over.
Ariana was in a cabin on the Hogwarts Express by herself. Most of the other students were paired up in the other cabins and since Ariana usually kept to herself anyway, she was used to sitting alone. With a sigh, she pulled out one of her text books and stretched out before opening it to get an idea of what would be covered in the first lesson. When she was studying, it made being by herself easier on her. It was often her escape, especially at home. Though at home, she preferred being by herself to study anyway. Alone, she didn't have to suffer at home.

Stretched out on one of the seats, she relaxed with her text. Unaware yet aware at the same time of what was going on outside the cabin. She only put down the book once so far and that was when the snack cart came around. Her arms loaded with pumpkin pastries, chocolate frogs, every flavor beans and acid pops. Stuffing all the treats into a bag she had stuffed into her pocket before leaving home, she settled down with her book once more, the bag of treats in easy reach
Draco was steadily becoming bored with his old "crowd", and it was starting to show. He visited other students, and surprisingly was invited to the homes of some and learning. Repeating Seventh year was actually going to be a good thing for him, particularly as he was distancing himself as much as he could from everything to do with his parents' legacy connected to "him". The villain would be a distant memory eventually, and it was something that he would never forget. For all his pranks and tricked, it was witnessing that monster for what he was, and what he did to his aunt, that would remind him to look beyond what he was taught.

He got himself a few things from the snack cart, looking for somewhere to sit that he could be stimulated in ways his old crowd never seemed to anymore. He soon was knocking on the door to a cabin, recognizing Ariana and hoping she would let him sit with her.
When Draco had knocked on the door, the sound had shocked Ariana so much, not only did she drop her text but she almost fell off the seat, catching herself just in time. She stood, hoping whoever knocked hadn't caught her little moment just then, brushed herself off a bit and went over to the door to unlock it and see who was there with intent to tell them to buzz off.

However, when she opened the door and saw Draco, she was in shock. As per her usual reaction when he was around, she started to get fidgety and began wringing her hands behind her so he wouldn't see how nervous she was. "H--Hi Draco." She greeted shyly. "What brings you here?"
Draco smiled, doing so in a honest way so that she could see she didn't have to be too nervous around him. He reached down and picked up her book, handing it back to her as it had fallen, right on the page she had been reading. He didn't want her to be too concerned with anything, as he spoke very softly and directly.

"Ariana, I was wondering if you would mind if I shared your compartment. I really do not want to deal with any of the people I used to spend time with, and I hope that would be alright with you.
She took her book from him with a soft smile. "Thank you." If it had been anyone else, she would have told them to keep it moving but considering it was Draco Malfoy that was asking her, there was no way she would turn him away. After all, who knew if she might get a chance to be in such close proximity to him again.

"Sure Draco." She smiled as she set her book down on her seat. "Come on in." She went and sat back down, not quite returning to reading
Draco shut the door behind him, and he sat down smiling. Ariana made him smile, but he didn't always know why. That was part of her mystique, and he didn't really want to know everything about her just yet. He knew some things already, and he was satisfied with that for the time being. He looked at the book, interested in what she was reading but trying not to pry.

"So, tell me, how do you like school so far? Anything giving you any trouble?"

He let her see in his eyes that he was interested, especially in her.
Her cheeks tinted as she caught on to his interest. She was usually as good at reading people's eyes as she was at reading books. "So far not yet. I've had the summer assignments done since the two weeks after we left for the summer and I've read ahead at least two chapters in every text plus did extra research."

She smiled still shyly. "What about you Draco?"
Draco was impressed, having taken time off during the break to get as ahead as he could.

"I think we are both pretty much on equal footing, Ariana. I like to read ahead and get a better understanding of things. I don't try to cast spells or use potions before classwork though. Not that I doubt my ability, it is just better when you have someone there to help you make certain your ideas and measurements on things are correct."
She smiled, glad to have someone on her equal footing and level within their house.

"I agree. Sure the texts have pictures showing how to hold the wands but it's much better to have the professors actually show you the motions. Just as with the potions, Professor Snape keeps a ready eye as we brew and can pick up on mistakes we made or are about to make, taking action if things are about to get too dangerous."
"Snape is.... well.. Snape."

Draco wasn't being insulting in any way, rather he was explaining that the Professor's dower disposition had purpose. He always wanted people to take things seriously when needed, and with things they way they were still, even a little trouble was more than should be tolerated.

"I am certain that I can help if needed."

He smiled at her, wanting her to feel that she was never alone in anything.
Ariana smiled when Draco offered to be of help. She knew by looking at his eyes that he meant it. "I'd appreciate it Draco and I'll do my best to be of help to you too."

She gently placed her hand over his. "Don't hesitate to come to me if you need to talk about anything, not just school."
Draco smiled, very intrigued at Ariana being so bold. He had been taking his interest slowly, but he could see in her eyes, that there was more than just mild interest in her eyes and look.

"Tell me, Ariana... what else would you like to talk about?"
"If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you about the people you hang around. Like Pansy, how can you stand her? She's always trying to cling to you." He would catch just a hint of jealousy in her voice. "She's not even pretty yet you allow her so close to you."

She pulled her hand back before continuing. "Then there's Crabbe and Goyle. Everyone can see how stupid they are. It's amazing that even Hogwarts accepted them in the first place."
"Well, for starters... I am not hanging around them any longer. Both Crabble and Goyle..... their families' influence got them in. As for Pansy.. well you no longer have to be jealous of her. I have made it very clear that I do not want her around... let alone doing any imitation of ivy on me."

He was honest, as he didn't see any reason to lie. He was growing up, and learning more about the world and what really is going on out in it.
She giggled. "Let's hope she doesn't do a Poison Ivy on you in retaliation." It didn't click with her that Draco might not know who she was talking about as she visualized Pansy coming up with something to control him. "As for Crabbe and Goyle, at least you don't deal with them any longer." Even though she did blush at his comment about her being jealous of Pansy.

"So, is there any girl you're interested in?" She asked casually, even though she did have an idea she was on his list
"Yes as a matter of fact. Although you shan't worry about Pansy, as she will have her hands full with other matters. She is on the disciplinary list these days. And right now, you are the only girl I am interested in."

Draco saw no reason to dilly dally about things, and he ate a bit of one of the things he got to nibble on on the train while he waited for her to process that statement.
She shrugged when Draco told her that Pansy was on the disciplinary list. "It was bound to happen, the way she acts."

When his admission that she was the only girl he was interested in sunk in, she blushed. "Really?"
Draco nodded, smiling softly and wanting to not think about his "old crowd". He wanted to focus on her and just on that. He wanted to get to know her much more, more so that they would be able to enjoy each others' company much more.
"I'm flattered. I honestly never thought you'd be interested in quiet little me." She smiled. She honestly hoped he wouldn't think differently of her if he were to find out she was raised by muggles or what her "father" did to her over the breaks
Draco smiled, her honesty a bit disarming. He reached out and caressed her hair and face, something about her making him very understanding. He didn't touch her in any bad way, wanting her to know that he would respect any boundaries she wanted him to. He was going to find out all he wanted to know about her, eager to help her in any way he could.
Ariana blushed as he caressed her hair and face. She reached out to touch his cheek in return, her fingers shaky get gentle all the same. She wanted to know so much about him. She had heard rumors but wanted to hear the truth from him and get to know the real him. "So does this mean I get to know the real Draco Malfoy?"
"Yes... the new and improved real Draco."

He could not fail to remark on that, as he was much different than before. Things had changed, especially with many people now in Azkaban that he knew and now knew not to be like.
"Well then that's the Draco Malfoy I want to know." She gently cupped his face in her hands. "But if you feel at any time you have to mention things in the past for me to better understand you, feel free to. I promise not to judge." She meant it too, she wasn't the type to judge a person on their past if their actions now were different
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