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Little Things That Bother You

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People who lack both integrity and talent.
Make no mistake, little ones.
If I'm roleplaying with you, it's likely that I've SETTLED for you. If you lose interest, are intimidated, whatever your malfunction is... utilize your balls and tell me instead of disappearing. Trust me, if we stop roleplaying, it's NOT going to break my heart.
People who have to insert subtexts alluding to their fake rape story into every discussion.
Rudolph Quin said:
People who have to insert subtexts alluding to their fake rape story into every discussion.

Getting fucked up texts from a friend and having to call 911 because they're talking about hoping they die after downing a whole bottle of alcohol and then taking pain killers. Especially when he's been my best friend for a long time but do to his self-loathing and self-destructive pattern as of late, I feel like I'm drifting farther and farther from him.
People who are slightly good at, or know a little bit about something, yet act like their absolute experts of the subject.

For example, someone who plays a game and beats a boss that's commonly considered hard and doesn't have too much trouble with it, followed by them puffing out their chest and acting like they're a master at the game. Good lord, have I ever seen that alot. One of my favorite instances was this guy on GFAQs on the Kingdom Hearts 2 board not too long after it was first released. He thought he was mister badass cause he beat Sephiroth in the first game, which somehow made him think he was an expert on all things Kingdom Hearts. Despite being on the KH2 board, all his posts were about off topic crap from the first game, with him trying to show off. Such as someone posting a topic for help with a boss on 2, only for him to come in and post pointless crap about how he easily beat so and so from the first game.

People who get overly pissy if someone questions them in any sort of way.

Another GFAQ's based example was again, on the KH 2 boards. Guy posts a topic about a kind of contest where he'd pick a random person and give them a free copy of the Japanese Final Mix edition. Various people post, entering the little drawing. Well, early on, one guy posts his entry, but also asks if this was for real. Soon after, the contest creator absolutely flips his shit and goes on this big rant about how he's doing something nice and noone appreciates it, ending with him saying the contest was off. This upset a number of people, and when they confronted him about it, he would occasionally respond with his responses more or less just being "wah wah he was mean to me wah wah."
When boys (because I know men know better) approach me, a lesbian, for a M/F game. But not just that. When they approach me for a M/F game after looking at my request thread, which is for F/F games. Interesting. I can't help myself but to scoff at people like that. Oh, and if I could post that message here, I would, but I won't. But I'm sure you know who you are, so Bravo. Take a bow. You've crowned yourself the court jester.
Rogue said:
People who lack both integrity and talent.
Make no mistake, little ones.
If I'm roleplaying with you, it's likely that I've SETTLED for you. If you lose interest, are intimidated, whatever your malfunction is... utilize your balls and tell me instead of disappearing. Trust me, if we stop roleplaying, it's NOT going to break my heart.

Raivh said:
When boys (because I know men know better) approach me, a lesbian, for a M/F game. But not just that. When they approach me for a M/F game after looking at my request thread, which is for F/F games. Interesting. I can't help myself but to scoff at people like that. Oh, and if I could post that message here, I would, but I won't. But I'm sure you know who you are, so Bravo. Take a bow. You've crowned yourself the court jester.

Rogue, Raivh.. I agree, as I have seen the reverse from some females.

Television shows getting cancelled in the modern era for "not having a broad enough audience", while crap like "The Real World" stays on the air. (Leverage - 2008-2012 RIP)
Being sick for about a week. The fuck is this. I haven't been this sick for years but at least I'm almost completely over this flu cold thingy.
When I need my keys for something, only to suddenly forget where they are..........and they happen to just be in my hand at the time........
Things being unnecessarily delayed because of the laziness of people, particularly in a large company's mail room.

When someone who is in a position to fire you tells you to get it out that day... you get it out that day....
People who try too hard as well as people who don't try at all. The two extremes drive me fucking mad.

Ohhh.... and people who think judgment will always be cast over the dumbest shit. I mean seriously. Why? Why would people do that? It irritates me quite a lot. Why would someone bother casting judgment or whatever on something so stupid? It's not worth someone's time. Get over it. It's not that special not to mention they aren't the sort to do such a thing over something like that. Christ.
When people don't READ!!!
Honestly I'm even going to go so far as to saying people who don't read, shouldn't RP.

- If I list clearly that I'm looking for a male character. I don't want people offering "Can I be your lesbian master"
- If I say "PM me, do NOT post in the thread" I expect people not to post in the thread.
- If I just wrote up a post and said, "the afternoon sun shone down on me" I don't want you posting. "Her hair sparkled in the moonlight" one post later with no indications of a timeskip.

I can deal with poor grammar, I can even deal with people who have dodgy English (Non-native speakers). But for godsake, if you're going to ask for an RP. At least make the effort to read what I've written before asking stupid questions.
When fans of a band act like the ban owes them their success. Sure. You bought their albums, you went to their shows. But a band's style is NOT yours to decide. If a band likes to try new shit, that's their prerogative. This doesn't always mean they're fucking selling out. Playing the exact same types of songs over and over, from a musicians standpoint, is like having the same thing for dinner every night for x amount of years. It's boring as shit. If you don't like the new stuff as much as the old stuff, that's okay. The fanbase won't miss you.
When people go into a discussion and preemptively defend/apologize for their position when 1. it's their first post in the thread and 2. they haven't really added anything except the knowledge that they don't know what they're talking about so nobody really cares what they said anyway. Nobody is going to argue against you or attack your shitbrained post, so don't worry, your "just my opinion" is safe to stay that way.

Myn said:
When people don't READ!!!
Honestly I'm even going to go so far as to saying people who don't read, shouldn't RP.

I've been role-playing for about 5 years now and this sort of thing is par for the course. A lot of people, whether they've actually read your thread or not, will test the waters any way they can, particularly if the thing they're asking for is not popular or sought after by a large number of people. You can't know whether someone is a possible RP partner if you don't make some sort of attempt to connect, and oftentimes, that means sending out mass messages to see if you get a hit rather than waiting for your thread to get noticed. It's not that they're dumb or ignoring what you've written but more a hope that you're not very strict on the list of "turnoffs".
Rudolph Quin said:
When people go into a discussion and preemptively defend/apologize for their position when 1. it's their first post in the thread and 2. they haven't really added anything except the knowledge that they don't know what they're talking about so nobody really cares what they said anyway. Nobody is going to argue against you or attack your shitbrained post, so don't worry, your "just my opinion" is safe to stay that way.

Myn said:
When people don't READ!!!
Honestly I'm even going to go so far as to saying people who don't read, shouldn't RP.

I've been role-playing for about 5 years now and this sort of thing is par for the course. A lot of people, whether they've actually read your thread or not, will test the waters any way they can, particularly if the thing they're asking for is not popular or sought after by a large number of people. You can't know whether someone is a possible RP partner if you don't make some sort of attempt to connect, and oftentimes, that means sending out mass messages to see if you get a hit rather than waiting for your thread to get noticed. It's not that they're dumb or ignoring what you've written but more a hope that you're not very strict on the list of "turnoffs".

I am new here and I've only skimmed through this thread, but I have read enough to second this. I have asked about particular kinks before when they are on someone's 'No' list. It wasn't that I was trying to push it on them, but I know that most of my own No list is actually pretty flexible depending on the situation. The reason that I have them on my 'No' list is because, in general, they are not acceptable in an erotic setting but I might still have a specific character in my arsenal or a specific scenario in which I am willing to bend my own list and let something pass because it just fits the scene.

It's one of those situations where the worst that someone can do is say no. If that's the worst that they can do then why not ask? If they say no, then you just apologize for offending them (if they seem offended) and move on. No one was hurt in the exchange so why should anyone stay upset about it?
DeviantFantasia said:
I am new here and I've only skimmed through this thread, but I have read enough to second this. I have asked about particular kinks before when they are on someone's 'No' list. It wasn't that I was trying to push it on them, but I know that most of my own No list is actually pretty flexible depending on the situation. The reason that I have them on my 'No' list is because, in general, they are not acceptable in an erotic setting but I might still have a specific character in my arsenal or a specific scenario in which I am willing to bend my own list and let something pass because it just fits the scene.

It's one of those situations where the worst that someone can do is say no. If that's the worst that they can do then why not ask? If they say no, then you just apologize for offending them (if they seem offended) and move on. No one was hurt in the exchange so why should anyone stay upset about it?

Exactly. RP searching is a repetitive and neverending business for some people. I'm not going to knock people complaining about it here because this thread is specifically for mild irritations that may or may not reflect upon one particular moment of frustration. But still, when this sort of thing happens all of the time, to everybody, and it's an expected outcome of putting yourself out there, it's not something to stay angry about. It will happen again and continue to happen, no matter how many warnings you put in your req thread, simply from the nature of some of the people searching for partners and how they go about doing it.

Something that bothers me: people constantly bumping and begging for commissions on Tumblr when their art sucks. Money is tight for everyone right now, you're not the only one. Don't blame me for constantly passing your commission post when you've done nothing to present your art as something worth buying.
People who don't realize that when some people put it on their 'no' list, that it means 'no'.
There are going to be people who get aggravated about people asking about it the same way there are people who get aggravated about people who don't like the water tested.
And they're both going to get bitched about.

Just saying.
Got some forum based ones.

When someone asks a question on a forum, and 20 different people come in posting the exact same answer. It doesn't bother me when it's people posting at the same time, or seconds after each other. But when you got like 5 people having already posted the answer, and hours later, some random user comes in and post the answer yet gets on my nerves.

Thread hijackers, I think they're called. You know, when someone comes into a topic, and posts about something of theirs that's completely unrelated to the topic being discussed. Such as advertising their own forum or trying to get people to join their clan in a game.

When I make a request thread, and people post needless bumps. I appreciate the sentiment in some cases, and I can understand and don't
mind people doing it when the thread has dropped down a couple pages, but when the thread is still high on the first page, and I get someone who posts saying something like "I don't like any of your ideas, but here, have a bump.", it gets a bit on my nerves.
Rogue said:
People who don't realize that when some people put it on their 'no' list, that it means 'no'.
There are going to be people who get aggravated about people asking about it the same way there are people who get aggravated about people who don't like the water tested.
And they're both going to get bitched about.

Just saying.

You have a right to be frustrated about it, dude, I was just explaining why it happens and will continue to happen no matter what you do(I once made the "DON'T" list the largest thing on the page and in red and all capitals and still had someone suggesting we do something "furry" later on). I just find it kind of pointless; like raging out whenever there's a line at the DMV. The real test would be to make a thread asking who HASN'T had to deal with a person misreading their thread or asking for things they specifically stated they didn't want.

In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy
Rudolph Quin said:
Rogue said:
People who don't realize that when some people put it on their 'no' list, that it means 'no'.
There are going to be people who get aggravated about people asking about it the same way there are people who get aggravated about people who don't like the water tested.
And they're both going to get bitched about.

Just saying.

You have a right to be frustrated about it, dude, I was just explaining why it happens and will continue to happen no matter what you do(I once made the "DON'T" list the largest thing on the page and in red and all capitals and still had someone suggesting we do something "furry" later on). I just find it kind of pointless; like raging out whenever there's a line at the DMV. The real test would be to make a thread asking who HASN'T had to deal with a person misreading their thread or asking for things they specifically stated they didn't want.

In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy

That's why I have the trap (not really a trap, but yeah) on my thread. I think if you are going to ask someone to make a story with you, you at least owe it to them to read their entire thread, and make note of where you 2 are not compatible as roleplayers. I list all of the things I don't do on my thread, and if someone PMs me asking to do something I specifically mentioned I don't do, they don't get a reply from me.
Old partners who get smug and think that if you're not role-playing with anybody it is a reflection of your unhappiness.
When I make the best taco meat I've ever made, and then realize I don't have any kind of Mexican cheese blend.
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