Walking Home (Decadence and Candira)

Sophie smiled and immediately put her arms around him, smiling as he hugged her. She kissed his lips softly, briefly and put her arm around his waist as his hand rested on the small of her back. "Sure. Thanks for waiting for me. Tell you what. You can drive today. But if a van starts following us again, I'm taking that as an omen," she teased, giving him the keys from her bag.
Another smoldering smirk. "If that van ever comes back, I'll make sure that it'll be the last time," he said, grasping her keys in his palm. He unlocked the doors, taking a seat in the driver's side, waiting for Sophie to get in. As he backed out, he rested his hand on her leg, giving her a gentle squeeze. It remained there as he drove.

He checked behind the car. There were too many other cars leaving the parking lot for them to be noticeable, so no white vans in sight. They were probably laying low for today. Even sociopaths like Jeff needed days off.

It didn't take long for them to reach the old neighborhood. He checked the rear view mirror every now and then for any cars following and found that they were safe. Keith parked the car beside the curb, underneath a tree. It wasn't raining yet, but the clouds were beginning to get dark and heavy. A strong gust of wind swept against the leaves above them, swaying the tree. He could hear the wind groaning outside from the car.

"Sounds like a storm coming," Keith said, turning his head to look at Sophie. He found it interesting they were both wearing black, as though they were coordinated or that some of his darkness was beginning to rub off on her, perhaps? She had been wearing a lot of bright colors before, but he didn't know; maybe it was a coincidence. He opened the door and took a step outside. The wind caused a bunch of dead leaves to scatter past them in the sidewalk, like they were running away from something. Besides them, it felt pretty deserted out here, with nobody outside and with a scant number of cars parked in the houses. It was as though they were the last people alive on Earth. He glanced at Sophie and shrugged.
Sophie had really just been teasing when she said it, but she couldn't help but check out the rear view mirrors as they drove. It seemed as though they were in the clear however. And it wasn't exactly like Jeff and his crew were masters of subtlety. They would have known if they were being followed. It was nice that they could still get to the neighborhood safely, even on a day like today.

There certainly was a storm forming. If they had something to do, they really ought to get it done soon. The pretty redhead nodded at his statement. "Yeah. So what did you want to do here? Or did you just feel like stopping by?" she asked, tilting her curly head.

She knew they were both wearing black. It had been a conscious decision to wear a black shirt today--not so that she could match him or because of some strange cause, but because she hadn't worn black in a long time. And she really liked this shirt. The fact that he was wearing black was coincidental. But she kind of liked that they matched a little.

She looked out the window and saw that the place was pretty much emptied out. It was a little eerie now.
He turned on the camcorder and pressed the record button once he closed the door. He framed Sophie's face in the viewer, zooming back so he could get a good profile of her. "Do you remember when it first rained when we started walking home together? It was the second week of school, and a storm like this one began to brew." He couldn't believe he could still remember that. Keith then began filming the sky to take in the gray clouds and the rustling leaves. He thought he was doing a good job with the zooming and the keeping things focused part of the recording.

He took a few steps to approach her. "I remember I forgot my rain coat, and you forgot your umbrella. The storm, just like this one, came by without warning, and we weren't prepared, but we just walked home anyway."

Just then, a flash occurred, followed by a loud roar that sounded like a thick sheet of metal being violently shaken. It was several seconds between the lightning and the thunder, so it was at least miles away. There was still no rain, though.

"Hmm. I didn't remember that happening," he added, zooming into Sophie's face, feeling an urge to give her a kiss.
Sophie blinked as he got out of the car. She followed after him chuckling a little as he framed her face. She let him shoot her profile as she looked around the neighborhood a bit. When he spoke, she looked back at him again. He never failed to surprise her, and his memory seemed to pick up on all kinds of things. Even as he started to tell her the story, she remembered herself as a little girl, afraid of the angry clouds. But she'd had Keith with her, and he said they would be safe if they stayed together.

Then the lightning flashed and the thunder cracked ominously, pulling her forcibly out of her reverie. She'd always hated thunder, and today was no exception. She could deal with it, but she preferred not to do it outside. Uncomfortable, she saw him watching her. "I don't remember thunder, but I remember how I was afraid of the clouds. It looked really bad. But I remember you told me it would be okay." She smiled softly. "I'm glad I believed you. I probably would have been stuck at school all by myself till mom or dad could come get me."

She smiled and felt that same urge, enjoying the way the wind played with his hair and the old neighborhood made her feel closer to him.
"It is okay," Keith said, remembering that. The clouds did look pretty scary back then. They were almost black, and it looked like people were burning tires. "But don't you remember the rainbow?" He said. "It came out around the time we made it about halfway home, and the sun began to come out."

Keith stared into the sky ahead of them as they walked. It didn't look like they were going to taste any rainbows today. He kept his camcorder running, nevertheless. He could always edit it down if he liked. The neighborhood, despite looking deserted, was already feeling more familiar. Like home, in some way, but the worst part of it was that it wasn't home at the very same time. He took Sophie's hand, walking along the sidewalk while the wind swept up her hair. After sharing a quiet moment walking with her, it began to sprinkle. Tiny pins of moisture began pricking the back of his neck. Keith wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her in closer.

They neared the corner of Birchwood and Cedar, passing the crack on the sidewalk. They were almost there. The walk didn't seem that far, now that he thought of it, but when they were kids, it did feel like it took forever. They then passed the house that used to be guarded by the Rottweiler. Like a reflex, Keith suddenly walked around Sophie and accompanied her on the opposite side.

Soon, they came to the corner with the large, oak tree. Beside the wide, thick trunk that kids and scurrying cats liked to climb, there was a wall of bushes that bent around the corner of a fence, providing for a good place to hide or hold a secret meeting of some sort. The neighborhood watch wanted to shear half of it away, since they were getting reports of teenagers using it to do drugs or lose their virginity there. Despite their efforts, the bush remained, legendary, and...similarly deserted as the rest of the neighborhood. The branches of the oak tree stretched over the bush, providing some cover from the rain.

He stopped her before the tree. He turned the camcorder on again. "Remember that tree?" He asked. "This was the place where we first kissed...or actually, where I first tried to kiss you. You didn't take it very well."

The rain began to pick up, falling in heavier drops.
She walked with him where he went, responding when she thought he wanted her feedback, just looking around her. When he took her hand, she held it in hers and squeezed a little, smiling a bit. "Oh yeah...there was a rainbow," she said, smiling brighter. "And that's when I knew for sure that I could trust you," she said. "I was convinced it was because we stuck together that the clouds started to go away."

She glanced up at the sky and smelled the rain that was coming for them soon enough. They should probably hurry...but Keith seemed intent on remembering today. So she went along with him. And then, she felt the first hint of rain. He pulled her closer to him and Sophie didn't mind. She kept him close and let him lead her there, much like she used to.

Retracing their steps like this was always pretty nostalgic. But today everything seemed heightened. Especially as they passed the house that used to have the Rottweiler guarding the fence. As though it was just his nature to do so, Keith switched sides, protecting her from something that wasn't there anymore. It touched her heart in a way that made her feel warm, even though she was starting to feel cold in the rain.

And then came the tree. He stopped her and she had a feeling she knew what he was going to say. She was right. Sighing softly, she let go of his hand this time and nodded. "Oh, I remember...but if I recall there was no warning. Just a, 'close your eyes, Sophie.' I didn't react very well. But I can try to make up for that now," she said, taking a small step closer as the rain started to fall a little heavier and faster now. She looked up at him with her grey eyes and waited for him to do something. He could always refuse and she was giving him the opportunity.
He paused, blinking as the rain began to soak his back. He moved the camcorder away from his face, looking at her with nothing in between them. The red light on the camera remained on. Was she being serious? Was this how it felt for her when he tried to kiss her back then? There was no mood set up or anything, just a simple stop and kiss. He couldn't believe it.

"It wasn't like that, was it? Did I just suddenly stop you here and tell you to close your eyes? I remember setting the mood nicely somehow..." He looked down into her eyes, trying to remember. The colorless glow in her eyes made it hard for him to recall anything, bringing him some anxiety to block things out. He really couldn't remember, could he? It seemed so convenient to block that part out and to paint himself as the victim. "You sure about that, Sophie? I remember I was being really sweet, and you just came across as being cold. Tell me, because I need to know."

The rain began to fall, soaking everything around them. Puddles were forming over the sidewalk. Everything on the ground that used to be dry was now wet.
"Oh don't get me wrong, you were being nice to me. But you were always nice to me. I didn't really see it as any different..." She shrugged and looked up at the leaves for a moment, stepping a little more under it so that she wasn't getting quite so wet. "I was confused when you stopped me here. I didn't know what you wanted. You said you wanted to try something and asked me to close my eyes...so that's what I did. Because I trusted you. And I still did after that. But I really had no idea..." she shook her head and shrugged a little.
"I had no idea what you wanted either," he said, following her to the tree for some cover. There were enough leaves on the tree to shield them from the rain, but not for long. "In fact, I still don't know what you want. You've always been such a mystery to me, Sophie. Sometimes, it's so clear why I feel the way I feel for you, but other times..." He thought about the rejection on Valentine's...the blaming of herself in the shower the other day...not helping him at Dillinger's class. Subtle things. He began to grow confused. "I mean, is it really just because of your dad that you haven't been so forthcoming?" His hands went to his temples, and he groaned. Why was this all coming out?

He then sighed. "What if I didn't have to protect you anymore? What if things went well, and all you had to worry about were the normal things, like paying the bills or what was for dinner?"

Then, he suddenly thought of Rachel for some reason. The fucking, leggy blonde. Some random chick he hardly even knew. She just said one thing, and it seemed to click so much with how he was feeling...and all it was, was that it was a phrase uttered at the right time. Something he could relate to, at that moment. "You know, Sophie, when I first ran into you again last week, I felt like I was somehow not good enough for you. You were smart and going places, and I was...running around stealing shit and getting naked for money." He chuckled to himself. "I thought you would be too good to even want to have anything to do with me..."

He scratched the back of his head as the rain continue to pour, splattering around everything surrounding them.
His candid honesty was a little hurtful, but he was being honest with her, and he had some valid concerns in her opinion. "I'm not sure what you want from me either, you know. A week ago, I don't feel like I really knew who you were. And in a lot of ways, I didn't. In high school, every time I used to try to get to know you again, you'd shut me down, so I just gave up and started hating you." She paused and shivered a little as a cold rain drop dripped down her shirt.

"So I still kind of hated you and a lot of things that you did were really...unsavory, is the word. But I feel like you've changed somehow. I don't care if you're a porn star, Keith. I do care if you steal cars, but that's mostly because I came to bail you out and didn't like what I saw." She frowned and shook her head.

"If you didn't have to protect me anymore I would still want to be with you Keith. I know you're not perfect, and I know I'm not either. You're sweet and spontaneous and when we're not being all angsty and stuff, you're fun to be around. And I want so much to get to know you more. I've missed you a lot over the years." She smiled and shook her head. "And any guy that's even willing to consider taking a bat like that for a girl is someone to hang onto." She smiled.

"I know you think I've got it all together, Keith, but I have no fucking idea what I want to do with my life. I fucking hate Dillinger's class, and the only reason I'm taking the other ones is so I can get my generals out of the way. The only reason I'm doing well in history is because my dad uses crazy charts like that all the time and I have a decent memory."

And then she remembered that he didn't seem pleased with her today after that class. "I know I told you I would help you, but I guess I haven't been doing much, huh? But I can't just let you cheat off my tests and stuff." She frowned again, putting her head in her hand. "I don't know. Maybe I'm the one who's not good enough. I feel like I keep disappointing you."
Keith stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight from the rain. "No, you're not disappointing me," he said. It continued to pour, beating down over storm drains and drenching everything around it. "Yeah, I can't expect you to help me cheat, and even though you may really hate Dillinger's class, I don't want you to start hating teachers just to win me over, Sophie."

His hand came up and smoothed her hair, which was becoming moist from the storm around them. She was faring better than him, though, since he was completely drenched. But it didn't matter, since he was realizing he had her in his arms right now. After so many years, she was finally here, and he was almost about to screw it all up because he couldn't believe he was actually worth her salt.

"I'm just afraid, you know. That some things just never do change, and I thought maybe the pain would always be there, the same as it has been in the past. And that I am just too messed up to be with someone like you." He remained silent for a moment after that. "I just don't want to lose you again. It hurts a lot to lose someone more than once, especially if it's someone you've loved since you were little."

He rubbed his forehead against hers, hugging her tightly, without saying a word. Hearing her say all of that made him feel sad. Someone as special as Sophie didn't deserve that from him. She was such a good person, and growing up with her, Keith knew that deep down, he was still that same person he was when they were close friends. A good, kind person like she was. He just happened to roll around in the mud a little while growing up.

He began to shiver in her arms. "That...and I n-needed to hold you close t-to me because I d-don't want to get hyp-pothermia," he said, teeth clattering.
Sophie was a little surprised when she felt his arms around her, but then, he always surprised her with hugs in the best way. She smiled and leaned into him, returning his embrace even though he was wet. "Oh, I don't hate him. I hate the way he teaches," she said, softly, but she let it go when he spoke again.

She let him smooth her dampening hair and enjoyed being as close as she was. "You're not messed up Keith. Not anymore than anyone else. Jeff, is messed up." She smiled and kissed his cheek. "You're not going to lose me, Keith. I'm not going anywhere. And I don't want to leave you alone." She let him hug her and just did her best to reassure him. "You're a good person. Give yourself a little more credit, okay?"

And then he mentioned he was freezing cold. "You poor thing. Let's get back to the car. But first...." She pulled away from him a little and cupped his face before pulling him into a soft kiss, gentle, and sweet.
The kiss took him by surprise, and he savored the touch of her lips in the rain. Keith closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her close. He returned a kiss of his own back to her, pressing his lips against hers, interrupting the needling rain with a light smooch. He nibbled on his lower lip once he opened his eyes again. Feeling rejuvenated, he smiled, turning his head in the direction of where the car was. "I think that would be a good idea to, yeah."

He took her hand and ran through the rain, frolicking his way back to the car, splashing puddles, maneuvering around muddy patches. She had better catch up, since he was hoping to get back to the car soon. It was quite a run back, even though they were adults now.
Sophie kissed him back, smiling as a new memory was made--one she would hold onto and cherish for some time. A kiss in the rain. When they finally parted, she smiled at him, her grey eyes looking up into his green ones. And then he turned his eyes to the car and the spell was broken, though the happy feeling remained.

She laughed as he took her hand, running through the rain and playing about. Well, if she was going to get drenched, why not have a little fun with it? The redhead was quite light on her feet, managing to keep up with him fairly easily and when he let go of her hand she ran a little faster. A few minutes later, she was at her door, panting and grinning, her curls soaking wet, her body drenched from the rain.

As soon as the door was unlocked, she took cover in the car and started moving the nobs to turn the heat on.
Keith shivered while in the car, and the feeling of the warm air blowing from out the vents was a godsend. The camcorder was wet, but it was still working...as well as recording. He quickly turned it off and dried it off with his damp shirt. The windows were all fogged up all around them, so it would be a bitch to drive around without wiping the windows.

He looked over at Sophie, who was sitting on the driver's side. He pulled her close against him so they could exchange their warmth. He smiled, hearing her wet clothes squish around against his. She looked so hot all wet like that. It was like she came back from a water balloon fight. He pressed his forehead against hers. "Let's stay here for a bit while we dry up." With that said, he leaned back, pushing his legs out over to her side of the car so he could lay down, hoisting her atop him.
Sophie grinned as she looked over at him and watched the windows fog up. She hit the defrost button as well and grinned at him as he pulled her against him. She squished a little against him, but she kind of liked it, and she couldn't help but enjoy the sight of Keith when he was wet like this. His forehead against hers made her look into his eyes as he suggested they stay in the car for a bit. She could deal with that. And so he adjusted himself so he was spread across the front seat. And then she lay on top of him with his help.

The redhead snuggled into him, resting her head on his wet shirt. "Okay. This is nice," she said with a little smile. She relaxed against him and kissed his cheek, trying to warm up. "Ok, I could do without the wetness, but otherwise, very nice." She kissed his lips softly and hugged him close.
Her warmth was more than welcoming. Keith was freezing his ass off from being so drenched, so feeling her against him like that warmed up the water soaking their clothes. He rest both his arms around her, feeling the slick back of her wet shirt. Some water sluiced out between his fingers while he pressed his palm against her. He also enjoyed feeling her breasts all smothered against him too. In response to that, Keith couldn't help feeling himself getting hard with her thigh against his crotch.

"You know what else would be nice?" He lifted her chin so he could find her lips. He took in her soft lips, warming them with his own, slipping in his tongue so he could find hers.

The rain continued to drum the roof of her car. Even though the defogger was turned on, the windows became even more translucent from the heated bodies in the car.
The redhead in his arms felt herself warming at his touch, enjoying this little world they'd somehow created with their seclusion. She could feel him starting to get excited by their positioning. She blushed just a little, excited herself as she warmed a little as well.

His lips found hers as he lifted her chin and she kissed him back parting her lips for him as his tongue began to explore her mouth. She let her tongue play with his as she leaned into him, closing her eyes as she relaxed fully against him. And it was nice. Her hand moved to his shoulder and she began to rub his body to warm it up again. After all, she didn't want him to get sick.
He welcomed every movement from her, showing his appreciation by grinding his hips against her, bringing out more of his erection. Even from the thick, damp jeans, his stiffening cock was finding a way to be felt by her. Keith coiled his tongue around hers, moistening her lips with his. He murmured under her lips, sliding his hands in circular motions all around her back, feeling for her bra strap, raking into her damp hair.

He wasn't going to get sick.
She shivered as she felt the little spike he was wearing today brush against her skin, her lips moistened by him. She moved against body, feeling it start to heat up as she pressed against his stiffening cock. She closed her eyes and let him play with her tongue as she retaliated and did the same, his hands rubbing circles on her back, dragging through her hair.

Her hand moved down to his chest for a moment, rubbing him gently before going to his cheek to caress his face, moving just a little of his hair from his eyes.
An outline of his chiseled physique appeared over his shirt. His smaller nipples poked from beneath the thin layer of wet cotton. Keith played with her tongue, giving her turns to do the same, while his hands slid down towards her lower back, settling over her hips. He took a deep breath as he felt her hand skimming over his chest, then up his face, brushing aside his hair.

"We should continue this at your place," he said in between kisses.
She she shivered as she brushed against one of his nipples and felt her own starting to harden beneath her bra. She didn't give it much thought as she continued to make out with him in the front seats of her car. The pretty redhead nodded at the suggestion, her car, much warmer now than it had been. "Okay with me." She pulled away and sat back up, lifting herself so he could move his legs. Once they were settled again, the fog on the windows cleared enough for it to be safe to drive. She could hardly wait to get home.
Keith left his hand on her right leg as she drove out of the old neighborhood. Once they left the street and the windows were completely defogged, his hand crept closer to the juicy center of her crotch, settling over the thick trunk of her thigh. His fingers grew stiff, digging into her soft flesh tightly packed in her jeans.

"Take your time," he said, giving the inside of her thigh a firm squeeze.
Sophie had a little trouble focusing when he put his hand on her thigh and started to rub against her, drifting ever closer to her sex. She was only human after all. She blushed a bit and her heart beat faster as he squeezed her thigh and told her to take her time. Easier said than done. It was, however, still raining pretty steadily, so she did her best to not lose focus.

She let his hand play with her and somehow managed to make it back to her apartment with him in one piece. She reached into the back seat as she stopped in front of the garage, and pulled out an umbrella. "Should have taken this with me last time I got out of the car," she said with a chuckle. She hit the garage opener and drove in, parking in the small dark space. When it was fine, she leaned over and kissed his lips before getting out of the car, locking it and then walking out with him under her umbrella.
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