Walking Home (Decadence and Candira)

"Thanks everybody. It looks so good! I really appreciate it." Sophie chuckled at Keith and Zack and started to give everyone hugs. When Keith asked if she was ready to go, she nodded. "Yup. I'll take my keys back," she said with a chuckle. It was, after all, her car. He could drive it again later, but she wanted to be the first one to handle it after it had been fixed.

She thanked everyone one more time and bid them a fond farewell before she slid into the driver's seat and got ready to go. "So. Where to? My place or yours?" She asked.
"Your place," Keith replied, entering the passenger side. He was done driving for now, so he was all right with letting her take the wheel. As he sat down and relaxed in his seat, he couldn't help but find her car smelling very...good. Good, as in it was good how a new car smelled like. He took a moment to look at Sophie, thinking about what they had been through in the past few days. "You okay with it?" He added. "And don't worry about Jeff. You're safe as long as you're with me." He smiled at her.
"Hm? I'm fine with that. And I'm not worried. I know you'll protect me." She smiled and then pulled out of the garage. The drive back to her place was uneventful. The police were watching her apartment, thanks to her father's connections. So there was less of a chance that something unfavorable would happen.

She parked in her garage and locked it up before getting inside. Everything looked the same as before. "Well, I'm gonna change, so make yourself comfy. Should probably do some homework though." She smiled and then put her keys and purse away before heading into her room to get out of the cute sundress and into something clean.
At first, Keith was wary of seeing so many cops around Sophie's place. He immediately grew tense, eying them carefully as though Big Brother was watching. He eventually relaxed once he realized they were just around to watch over Sophie's place. "Let me guess, courtesy of your dad?" He asked.

Once she parked the car, and they got inside, Keith found the old, brown recliner and fell back against it, snuggling himself into its wide padding. Its thickness was enough to make Keith's eyelids feel heavy, as he felt that taking a nap wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. It was already the late afternoon, and the sun was already setting. He couldn't believe school was already tomorrow. Everything seemed to go by so fast, yet at the same time, he felt like so much has happened since then.
At his question, she nodded and shrugged. "Yeah, dad's got some connections at the precinct. He probably thought it was a good idea to have some extra eyes out for me. I hope he didn't give you too hard of a time, by the way." A few minutes after she'd left him to get comfortable, Sophie returned wearing a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. She smiled when she saw Keith in the old chair and then grabbed her notes and her history book.

"Hey there," she said. "Room for one more?" The redhead still had her hair down and loose, and even in plain clothes like this, she still looked great. "I'll help you study." She wondered if he would say no, or if he would turn her away, but she kind of doubted it at this point. But if he did, she'd let him just rest. After all, he deserved it. They both did. "If you'd rather sleep, you can take a nap in my bed."
"There's always room for one more," he answered, perking a smile at her. She looked so...beautiful, and he wasn't quite used to her being so friendly and forthcoming. He scooted some to allow her some room to sit next to him. "How can I object to that?" He smirked, checking her out with his half-asleep eyes. "Just don't get mad if I happen to fall asleep. The way that guy's been teaching History, it's almost a cure for insomnia."

With that, he spread his arm out to allow her to snuggle up beside him so he could give her a peck on the cheek if she decided to move up there with him.
When he was like this, he was adorable. She smiled and sat next next to him, cuddling up. "I wish I could help you with that. But I don't know how to." She kissed his cheek and leaned into him, opening up her book and her notebook, starting to take down some notes.

After a little time studying, Sophie was finished with her work. She made a little pizza for both of them and after dinner, she headed for her bed. "You want the couch? Or do you want to sleep with me tonight?"
Keith was in heaven, despite having to slog his way through Dillinger's reading assignment with her, he didn't mind it all, just as long as she was there beside him. His arm slithered around the back of her neck, and he rested his hand over her breast, giving her a light squeeze while he read with her. However, that was still not enough to keep him awake, as he let his eyelids fall, dozing off next to her.

He woke up from the smell of pizza and happily joined her, enjoying a peaceful evening before helping her clean up. When confronted with the decision, Keith just smirked at her. "Do you really need to ask?" He said, accompanying her wherever she went.

He changed into a pair of dark gray, gym shorts and black t-shirt before following her, expecting her to go into the bedroom.
His earlier breast squeezing hadn't bothered her much, and she thought it was kind of sweet how he fell asleep. Poor guy. He'd been through so much already...She was glad when he helped her clean up, and enjoyed his company during the meal. When he decided to come with her, she just smiled and slipped into her bedroom.

She walked into her closet and hung up her clothes, changing into her pajamas, a soft green shirt and a short pair of shorts. It was pretty clear that she wasn't wearing a bra either. Sophie turned down the bed and welcomed him to her room before setting the alarm. She shut off the lights, and some glow in the dark stars shone against her wall, creating a nice little scene.

"Ready for bed?" she asked, yawning a little.
"Did you always have those?" Keith answered in the dark as his eyes began to adjust. The stars shone off the wall, and he could vaguely remember them somehow as he slipped into the covers with her, entering the warmth emanating off her, hoping that was enough to address her question.

It was kind of eerie how casual they were together right now. It almost seemed as if he were living in an alternate universe where he hadn't moved away, and they still lived together. He checked his face to make sure. Seemed the same to him.

"Sophie," he said, squirming beside her, "you ever wonder how things would have been like if we hadn't drifted apart?" He looked at the stars on her wall, thinking about the universe and black holes, and things Stephen Hawking would spend all day pondering.
She looked up at her stars. "Not always, but I have had them for awhile now. I think you might have missed them the other day when you were in here," she said, facing him under the covers. She had to admit that this was almost too good to be true, but she wasn't going to complain. They weren't fighting or afraid for their lives and she was happy about that. And this moment wasn't uncomfortable at all. She chuckled as he touched his face and wondered what he was doing.

His question made her smile and she closed her eyes. "Of course. I used to wonder all the time. I still think about it sometimes..."
"I guess I was too busy checking you out to notice," he said.

He yawned, letting his fringe drape over his eyes. He then found her hand and held it, scooting in closer to her until he was right beside her. His bare legs brushed up against hers. He laid on his left side, facing her with her body right up to him. He played with her hand, swirling a thumb across the top of hers, almost about to thumb wrestle if she so desired. His balls still ached from earlier, and he was more in the mood to sleep anyway.

"Me too," he replied, watching her eyes close. "I think we'd still be together like how we are now." He looked at her a moment, seeing her chest rise as she slept, as well as the peaceful, serene expression on her face as she began to sleep, and then fell asleep himself, deep in sleep until the next morning.

The following morning greeted him as he opened his eyes. Keith felt a little disoriented at first, until he realized he was at Sophie's place again, this time, sleeping in her bed. With her.

He stroked her hair with a finger and gave her a kiss on the forehead, looking at the clock. Still early. He rose out of bed, getting ready for school.
She smiled as he took her hand and started to play with it. She squeezed his hand and wrestled with his thumb a little, finding the gesture very sweet. Tired as she was, she was happy to stay awake a little longer to talk to him.

"Me too," she murmured, slipping into a peaceful sleep. When she woke up the next morning, it was to her alarm. Groaning, she rolled over and shut it off, opening her eyes with a sigh. She looked over at where Keith had been and frowned when she saw he was gone.

Still, she figured he probably just got up earlier...right? Way to talk it up, Sophie. Ugh. Worried now, she got out of bed and called out for him, wondering where he'd gotten off to.
Her voice sounded soft, gentle. The call of his name from her voice so, so sweet. Keith emerged in her doorway wearing a tight black shirt and dark jeans. He stretched, raising his arms above his head, revealing a contrasting, studded white belt glowing from the hem of his shirt. "I thought you'd be up before me," he said, smiling at her. He replaced his lip ring with a less noticeable spike this time, and he was already fresh from the shower, green eyes shimmering from behind his dark brown hair. "I'll make you breakfast," he said, giving her a gentle bump on her cheek with his fist.

The smell of bacon and eggs enchanted the kitchen. Keith scrambled the eggs, serving her a plate with some bacon and whatever toast he could find in the fridge. There was still some orange juice from before, so he filled the both of them a glass.
The relief that she felt when he appeared as practically palpable. She didn't let it get to her, and chuckled at his statement. Come to think of it, she thought she might have been up first too, but yesterday and the day before had really worn her out. As she took in Keith she smiled and let him bump her cheek. "Thanks. I'm gonna take a quick shower." She put her hair up and grabbed some clothes, taking them with her into the bathroom. About ten minutes later, she was dressed in a pair of jeans and a black top. It hugged her in just the right places and showed just enough cleavage to be simultaneously sexy and appropriate.

Her crimson locks were expertly and quickly put into curls with the help of an iron and a quick dusting of make up later she was ready. She came back into her apartment, grinning as the aroma of eggs and bacon washed over the kitchen. "Mmm, well, breakfast smells pretty awesome," she said coming into the kitchen.
His eyes widened as he caught sight of her. He was taking a sip of orange juice, and as she came out, he nearly choked on it. "Breakfast is getting cold," he said, gasping for air. His eyes wandered all over her. Not only was she wearing a shirt matching the color of his, but the cleavage drove him nuts. Either way, he began to eat once she was seated. Afterward, he brushed his teeth, grabbed his folder and pen, as well as his video camera for the art project, and slipped on his shoes, waiting for her.

"You look lovely," Keith said, smiling at her. It was a bit understated, since he wanted to tell her that he wanted to fuck her right then and there, but he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.
She smiled. "Sorry about that, but I don't think it'll have much time to cool off now." Grinning, she took a glass of juice and sipped it before slipping into her chair and quickly eating it. "Mmm, good job, Keith. Perfect eggs." Once she was finished, she rinsed her plate and glass, stacking the dishes in the sink for when she got home. She followed after him to the bathroom and brushed her teeth before grabbing her bag and then walking after him.

His compliment made her smile as she grabbed her wallet and her keys. "Aww, points for using the word lovely." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "You look nice too." Also an understatement. Something about him was just always hot, no matter what he wore. So she chuckled and flipped the switch for the last of the lights left on.

"Ready?" That said she locked the door behind them and drove to school with him, enjoying a peaceful morning and a pleasant drive. Things were sooo different now. But in a good way. And it only took about 4 days to accomplish. Amazing...
"Clear out your desks," Mr. Dillinger said. "Except for a pencil and a sheet of paper." Everyone in class groaned in protest. Keith's heart sank as he turned to look at Sophie. Normally, he didn't give a shit about some history class, but he was still on academic probation, and if memory served, Dillinger's diagrams weren't so fresh in his head. His most recent memory relating to the U.S. Constitution had more to do with asking himself why Jeff hadn't remained incarcerated after the cops bagged him on Friday.

His hands went up to his forehead, and he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting out a long sigh. He then took out a sheet of paper and his worn-out mechanical pencil, thumbing some lead out of its chipped tip. Why did classroom History have to suck so much?

Mr. Dillinger then made his rounds across the rows, passing out his pop quiz.
Sophie did as she was told, offering a groan. She had gone over her notes with Keith last night. She could only hope that some of it had sunk in for him. They would have to come up with a better way to study for him. Before the quiz started, she reached over and squeezed his shoulder. With a reassuring smile, she let him go and started on what was possibly the easiest test he'd given so far. After the papers were collected, they went over the answers and started taking more notes.

And then the class was over. Then, they were off to their art class together.
The class took forever for Keith. He remembered sinking his head low as he passed in his empty sheet of paper. He did try gazing over at Sophie's side, and it had very little to do with stealing a glimpse of her cleavage. Her reassuring smile did very little to comfort him, as his mind was as blank as the white sheet of paper he was writing on. Gee, thanks for the help, he sneered at her, turning his head to glare at the quiz. Dillinger's diagrams, daunting and cryptic as they were, eluded him, causing his mind to wander elsewhere. He tried looking around for answers, but the snooty professor trained a steady eye on him. So Keith pretended to focus on his paper, leaving nothing but a blank. Story of his life, he supposed.

When they went over the answers, he just droned, unable to hold in any of the information. Then Dillinger began lecturing, and he just copied whatever was written on the board.

After the class was over, he just kept his gaze forward, keeping to himself as they made their way to their Art Class. Why didn't she help him back there? He didn't want to bring up. He just wanted get through the day.

He took a seat in the middle of the large auditorium. They had at least 15 minutes before Professor Layton would show up in whatever new dress she wanted to make a fashion statement with. Keith was curious about it, so it actually kept him perked up and awake.
"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked, looking over at Keith. "You seem a little more quiet than normal." Sophie frowned and wondered if it had to do with how he'd done on the quiz. Of course, she wasn't aware that he'd turned in a blank sheet when the time came. She had no idea that he was upset because she hadn't helped him, and she couldn't have known how upset he was about it.

Had she known, however, she would have tried to find a way to help him.
He looked at her, bringing a hand up to her shoulder. "I'm all right," he said, keeping his eyes on her. They seemed to look more gray to him today. Colorless.

"Okay, so I'd be lying to you if I were," he added, staring at her. "I was just a little upset that you couldn't notice me being hung out to dry like that back there."

There, he said it. No reason to bottle anything in.
She frowned as he seemed to accuse her of abandoning him. Did he not know that she had to take the exact same test? What had he been expecting? Though she was a little offended that he would blame her for it, she did feel bad. She should have helped him study more. "Well I guess that answers my question about how you think you did...I'm sorry, hun. I was kinda busy taking the test myself...What exactly were you having problems with?" she asked, turning to fully face him. Obviously, she was trying to help him, but she wasn't quite sure how to do that.
"Um, the entire quiz!" His eyes widened. A student sitting by himself turned his head in their direction. "I'm sorry," he sighed, breaking eye contact with her. "It was my fault, and I should have studied with you that night." He sunk his head down in his arms gazing forward at the large projector screen ahead of them, remaining silent.
She frowned at his answer. Hmmm, this would take some work, but she felt like a session of hard studying would really help. "Ummm, please don't feel bad. I did tell you I would help you, and I don't really think my kind of studying helped you that much...Also...do I distract you?"
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